You’ve Got Your Hands Full! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] this is so funny because this is relevant you said we don't know but you are where our little kids you're around 2 1 24 hours and in this a new period of time you can either go crazy or it can really bring you all together that you don't marriage doesn't work it's about willing to be vulnerable when you're blending a family come into this pre-existing dynamic the married couple is really going to be the foundation of the family even if the children were there before the spouse I think once you get a rhythm in what you can expect from each other did you adjust yeah yeah it does but we do get updates yeah because situations dictate a different reaction they're all [Music] [Laughter] [Music] are you ready for the Word of God I want you to get your Bibles and go to first Kings chapter number 17 first Kings chapter number 17 verse number 8 through 16 now I want to dedicate this message to all the mothers all over the world I just want to dedicate this word to you first Kings chapter 17 verse 8 through 16 when you have it say Amen and the Bible says and the word of the Lord came unto him saying arise and get thee to Zarephath which belongeth desired and dwell there behold I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee so he arose and went to Zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold the widow woman was there gathering of sticks and he called to her and said that's me I pray thee a little water in a vessel then I may drink and as she was going to fetch it he called to her and said bring me I pray thee a morsel of bread in thine hand in mine hand and she said as the Lord thy God liveth I have not a cake but a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruise and behold I am gathering two sticks that I may go in and dress it for me and my son that we may eat it and I just said fear not go and do as thou has said but make me there of a little cake first and bring it unto me and after make for the end for thy son for thus saith the Lord God of Israel the barrel of meal this is prophetic the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruse of oil fail until the that the Lord said that the rain upon the earth and she went and peered according to the saying of Elijah and she and he and her house did eat many days my god and the barrel of meal wasted not neither did the cruse of oil fail according to the word of the Lord which he spake by Elijah somebody shout Amen now my subject today I'm gonna pray with you but my subject today is you've got your hands full somebody say you got your hands full uh-huh yeah you got your hands full spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us as we share the Word of God today let it be made flesh while it's being preached turn the water into wine turn these lips of clay into the Oracle of God then I may speak to your people revelation knowledge I thank you for what you're going to do have your way great car that you are in the name of Jesus we pray somebody who loves him shout amen on your way to UCC you got your hands full now like never before I think all of us men and women mothers and daughters fathers and sons single and married people black white brown Democrat Republican all of us are feeling the strain of having our hands full Millennials boomers doesn't matter what age you are what color you are what type of politics you have you've got that sense of having your hands full particularly if your mother you got your hands full you but some of you are working from home and the kids are at home and you got your hands full you're trying to zoom and and you're trying to make oatmeal uuuuu you got your hands full somebody know what I'm talking about you got your hands full you're trying to home-school and keep it look for a job you got your hands full glory to God you're trying to do the laundry and trying to answer the door and trying to take care of yourself and find your mask and get your gloves you got your hands full you going out to work for the first time in six seven weeks and you're going out to the restaurant and you're trying to have faith but you're a little bit nervous and you're moving and you're trying to shop but you're trying to be distant and you're trying to be connected and you're on the beach and you're trying to have fun but am i far enough away you got your hands full a lot of stuff going on all at the same time and whenever we get a whole lot of things going on at the same time we start to feel overwhelmed that we start to feel stressed out and we start to wonder if everything is going to be all right anxiety bounce when you have your hands full stress increases when you got your hands full pressure or a bounce when you got your hands full all of a sudden you find yourself in the situation when you start to wonder am i enough am i enough can I handle this can I get through this people who are confident are wondering am i enough do I we don't wonder is God enough but we want to am i enough can I can I get through this can I handle this because I had all kind of pressure before this and now you got Co viet 19 on top of that i had struggles before this i had anxiety before this i had past pain before then and now you got this and you got that and you got the other and you wonder where is it all going to end and if you are a believer if you are a believer you look to the word of god for answers it comes a time you have to cut off the news and cut off the TV set and cut off the foolish and i said look to the word of god and see if you can find yourself in the Word of God while I was stumbling through the Word of God I stumbled up on this this is this little woman from Zarephath let me let me set her situation in context so that you can understand what this girl is going through this woman this woman this woman has been through a lot and you have to understand what we're looking at is the cataclysmic explosion between two people in crisis number one you have Elijah who has got his hands full he's been through a whole lot and then another he's been fighting against running from Ahab Jezebel is trying to destroy him God is judging his people because they have gone into idolatry and whenever God gets ready to judge people he does it by causing things to dry up when God gets ready to judge stays he makes things dry out and the riverbed had dried up and there was no more water in the riverbed and God spoke to Elijah and said don't worry about it there's a famine in the land there's distress in the land but I have commanded a widow woman at Zarephath to take care of you so Elijah is coming out of something dry and desolate oh nothing but faith to go to find a woman at Zarephath that God has commanded to bless him I know if I was in large I'd have been looking for a nice house I would have been looking for plenty of food and water and everything set up real nice because this is where this is the promise of God the promise is supposed to look good the promise is supposed to be look good the problem might look bad but the promise is supposed to look good so he left the problem headed for the promise and then when he gets to the promise the promise don't look no better than the problem he left before I don't know if anybody knows what I'm talking about but have you ever gone through a time that the promise didn't look any better than the problem you survived the problem only to get to what you thought was the promise and the promise didn't always feel like a promise the blessing that always feel like a blessing the provision doesn't always feel like a provision so that's that's he largest expectation on the other hand I want to talk about this woman because we spent so much time talking about Elijah we don't talk about this woman from Zarafa this woman is living in in the midst of a famine a famine the lack of food the lack of sustenance she's living in the middle of a famine which was caused by a drought see if there were no droughts there would have been a famine but the drought creates the famine and so you got two different problems coexisting at the same time it's kind of like what we're going through right now you see if there were no Cova at 19 there wouldn't be any struggle with the economy so one problem creates another problem and so it's not enough to pray about the money if you don't deal with the things that costs the other problem you know he won't say it's a domino effect okay you can't fix the famine if you don't fix the drought this woman has survived the drought this woman has watched everything dry up around her her world as she known it and she had known it all of her life since she been a little girl had been disrupted she had watched the cows get weak she had watched the Sheep lose their wool she had watched the riverbeds drought she had watched the vegetation turn brown she had watched the bad news as they wrapped her neighbors in bags and carried them out of the house see when you read it you read it in a flash but it happens over time she had watched the gradual erosion of life as she knew it she had watched her husband death her husband the love of her life the one she was going to do it with for better for worse for richer for poorer she had watched him wither up and die and now it's personal it's gotten close to home she wasn't always a widowed woman now death has ceased to be with her neighbors it has come in her house it has invaded her parameters and any woman will tell you don't mess with my parameters the West miss my house don't mess don't mess with my stuff don't mess with my kitchen don't with my husband don't mess with my children don't mess with my car don't mess with my makeup don't mess with my clothes or miss with my hair don't mess with my stuff yeah that's come in the house good god of mercy it has come right up in her house and there's something that makes you feel vulnerable when when when when death gets in your house it's one thing when it's them and they it's one thing when you reading about another country having trouble you're praying for them and let's remember that country and oh my god they're going through so much and we ought to raise enough ring about it do something else when it's them is one thing to be charitable when it's them it's another thing when it's you that's why the Bible said it is more blessed to give than it is to receive I'd rather help you out of your trouble they'd be in trouble myself come in my neighborhood it's after my friends it's hitting my relatives it's coming down my street it's in my zip code now devil is personal one by one the neighbors gave way the markets emptied out the places where she used to go to shop closed one by one the crops grew dry the cabbage stopped growing the carrots stopped growing the fruit withered on the vine she tried to hoard and put back and save and be wise but she watched the slow erosion of what she had in mind the slow erosion of what you had in mind is a scary situation since that understand she's a strong woman to still be alive to be here she's beating the hearts already this time is so tough that even the prophets are running Elijah is hiding this time is so tough that people are dying everywhere the marketplace is empty there's no more traveling in the streets there's no more gathering of wheat everything is shut down and it's not just that the stuff is withering up her her hope this withering up her confidence is withering up the gleam has gone out of her the step has gone out of her walk it's been a long time as she laughed she's lost her husband the grass is not growing in the yard anymore the trees have lost their apples the figs have withered on the vine and as the figs with it so did her smile and as she lost the figs and lost the peaches and lost the apples had lost the fruit and lost her husband she's even lost her name she's lost her name we don't even have her name the only thing left of her is her condition she is the widow woman she used to have a name she used to be some Maddy she used to sashay she used to have the luxury of having hate us see haters are luxury for those that are blessed enough to be resented if you got hate us you gotta be blessed she has even lost her haters nobody wanted to be her nobody was talking about her nobody was gossiping about her nobody was calling her name she was down to almost nothing she had a heart to deal with because she couldn't even grieve over what she lost because she was trying to hold on to what she had left I wanna I want to talk to some people they haven't even gotten to grieve over what you're lost because you're trying to hold on to what you got left I lost my job but but I don't have time to worry about that kind of trying to hold on I'm calling the bank and we're gonna be late with the mortgage I'm calling the utility company please don't cut off my phone cuz I'm trying to get a job I don't have time to worry about what a lost cause I'm trying to try to hold on and what I got I got left don't take the car cuz I gotta have the card and I'm gonna need some gas and I'm trying to hold on when I got left I need a little bit left I got a hold on to what I got left here she is she had a lot of enhance their CEOs right now got a lot on their hands building my career I spent my life getting here and now I've had to cut back people and lay off people that shut down people and shut down branches and close down stores and and I'm trying to hold on I'm trying to hold on I'm trying to hold on to what I got left she she had a lot on her hands she she had a lot she hit her she had her hands full she had her hands before if you're a mother you're your hands are full if your father right now real father not just somebody made a baby but you feel real father you've got you got you got you your hands full if you pass them right now you got your hands full you're trying to comfort people and you need to be confident yourself you're trying to encourage people and you need to be encouraged it's you're trying to get people to relax but you nervous yourself you're trying to figure out how to make things go how to keep things together how to keep everything going you you got your hands full right now if that phone rings another time if another person calls me and distress if somebody else needs advice if somebody else wants to borrow money don't you understand I got my hands full don't nobody bring me no bad news right now got my hands for this I want you to understand this woman you can't just meet her as a character in a Bible story you have to understand this is a woman this is a woman who liked to look nice this is a woman who liked to dress up and parade around for her husband this is a woman who liked to fix dinner for her family this is a woman who liked to fix her son's favorite meal all of that it's gone now it's no longer what do you want to eat it's no longer I don't like that and I don't like this and I don't eat this about oh no no baby you got to eat whatever mamma can find right now come on I got her hands full mama got her hands full we're just trying to survive forget success success we just trying to survive survivalist success don't you see what happened to the Joneses next god this is the widow at Zarephath when an idea comes walking down the road and comes up over the heel and turns around the corner and sees her when he first lays eyes on her she got a hands full he walks up to the edge of her property and she's got her hands full sticks in her hands she's gathering sticks in the head he has never seen her without her hands being full when you read the text throughout the whole tax this woman are always gonna her hands full I want to talk to some women I want to talk to some mothers I want to talk to some sisters who don't even know what it's like not to have not to have your hands full not to be filled up to the brim with I need you for this and I need you for that and I need to do this and I need to do that this woman when we meet her we meet her with her hands full wonder who she would have been if her hands were not for wonder how she would have cooked if her hands were not full wonder what kind of spread she had the capabilities of preparing and she been in a better situation but sometimes you can't do what you want you got to do what you can cuz you got your hands the logic comes up to the edge of her property and he looks over at the woman and she's bent over she's not even looking at him she's bent over like my grandmother used to be bent over in the field picking greens in the field or picking peas in the field y'all don't know what I'm talking about big ole hat on the head bent over her dress flailing in the wind picking peas in the field he had never seen her not busy it's not like she's lounging trying to get a tan or nothing like that now who knows what she would have been in another season if it weren't for the famine but don't let me blame the fam and because if it weren't for the drought I don't know which one to pray about the drought or the famine because what good is it for me to pray about the famine if I don't fix the drought so I don't will our countries in the place right now we don't know what to fix fuss we don't know whether to fix the economy or find a cure for the virus because if we fix one and we don't fix the other I don't know which one is more dangerous the drought or the famine it's taking a toll because when you got both of them it's affecting everything physically financially emotionally and acutally it's a disservice to reduce this down to money this is not about money this is better than money this is bigger this stuff this woman has lost joy and peace and hope and the sense of normalcy whenever you lose normalcy whenever you lose normalcy even though you try to keep acting like everything's alright your spirit is disrupted your spirit is disrupted your mind is plagued you're dealing with it in your sleep you're waking up with it in the morning as soon as you open your eyes your eyes open up to abnormal turn on the TV said and he said normal pick up the paper and they said no I'm talking to somebody today we have never seen this woman's normal so we can't even mourn what she lost because we met her with her hands full she was gathering sticks when he lied you laid eyes on her and he asked her for some water and what is amazing to me about this text he said this woman who had her hands full when the Prophet came on the scene she steps out of her own suffering to get him some water I'm not sure I would have done that I'm not sure with with her hands at my hands before like that and now you ask me first don't ask me fun nothing but in order to step out of your suffering your miracles began when you step out of your own suffering well y'all don't hear what I'm saying your miracle begins it's in its embryonic stages whenever you step out of your own suffering if you if you stop feeling sorry for yourself and go help somebody else it changes everything but you gotta be willing to step of your own suffering you can't be selfish and get this miracle you gotta be willing to step out of your suffering she never turned him a backward he asked her for some water and she never tended him a backward with her sticks in her hand she time to go get him some water and while she was gone after the water he said oh like he was at McDonald's or something he's can I have a you know a two piece of surprise give me give me give me a little cake something to go along with it and and that's when she spills the beans that's when she tells it I was gonna get you some water I was gonna get you some water but now you to mess around and ask for certain let me tell you something man I got my hands full you coming up here I will go get you a glass of water but do you know what I was doing when you came up to the gate I was gathering up sticks to build a fire to bake a cake only got a handful of meal and a little cruise all that's all I got when you down the way you know exactly what you got you broke when you're down to where you know down to the penny I got 30 dollars and 28 cents that's that's that careful calculation of the mama who's trying to make it work and you ain't wondering what you got you don't go in the store and just go to grab and stuff cuz you know exactly you ain't one of them people got 40 rolls of toilet paper you you can't hoard nothing cuz you you countin down to the penny I got 20 people left on staff I got three people left on stair I'm dad I know exactly what I got left I know exactly what I got left I got one place left over the other two places they've shut down I know exactly what I got left she turned and told him what she had left and God will never need what you lost your miracle will never happen anything that you lost God will always use what you got left if the house with somebody tells like what you got never what you got left what you got left what you got enough what you got in there if they're gonna be a miracle in this house it's gonna come from what I got left is there gonna be any change it's gonna come through what I got in there if there's gonna be a breakthrough it's gonna come from what I got left it's not gonna come from what I lost to be better [Music] because God doesn't need what I lost he's only asking me for what I got left but it's hard to give him what you got left when it's all you got I don't mind giving you something but when when you ask me for what I got laughing that's all I got oh my god she knew exactly what she got I got a handful of meal and I got a cruise oh and I already measured it out and I did not measure it with you in mind okay now that's that's her condition I got enough cuz I was getting ready to bake a cake for me here come the boy into the story and my son to die what kind of mood would a mother be in there has to come to the point that she's making a last meal for her and her child today how low would you have to go to be working on death see most of us are working on life we're working on getting up we're working on going forward we're working on moving our way through life we're working on what's gonna be next we're working on recreating ourselves we're working on getting up out of that see wasn't working on nothing futuristic she was working on dying oh hope is gone at least she had a handful of meal and a cruse of oil cuz she was out of hope fresh out no hair no more fresh out of faith no Hannah more and then I talk to myself this must be a real woman of God until she's there ask the Lord thy God God liveth my god the Lord God liveth so so so this wasn't about Elijah and his God so God is now sustaining Elijah in the house of a woman who is in idolatry because she does not claim Elijah's God sometimes God will put your provision in the house of an unbeliever y'all can handle it sometimes the wealth of the unjustice later for the judge sometimes God will use somebody who don't believe what you believe like you believe I know all of you church people you don't fellowship you don't fool if you don't talk to you don't interact with anybody else but if enlarger had not been able to talk to her he would have died and she would have too because God hid his miracle in the house of a woman who was not a Hebrew who was not a believer of Jehovah and if she wanna and idolaters she still was not a believer of Jehovah and by the way the reason the drought and the famine existed is because the king had introduced Idol gods and they were worshiping veil so we are not just seeing can I appreciate that the Electra - we're not just seeing that the decadence of the economy we are not just seeing the erosion of the family we are not just seeing the corrosion of her femininity we are not just seeing the degradation of the family oh no it's deeper than that we are seeing at the core that all spiritual poverty spiritual poverty will always lead to financial bankruptcy hear me hear me good spiritual poverty will always lead to financial bankruptcy it may take a long time the wish it may prosper a long time but sooner or later gradually something that will come along and it eat up your barns and your storehouse and everything you were counting on because God will bring you down to your knees where you got to discover him or you won't survive this is a discovery moment it is a revelatory moment if this woman does not pass this test everything she's got gonna go down and alive just gonna go down with it everything all the chips are on the table and she's standing there with her hands full look at something I said got my hands full it's a critical moment but I got my hands full it got a whole lot going on and I need to make some decisions but I got my hands full I need to discover God in the middle of a crisis but this ain't a good time I can't go to church the church is empty the market is closed the job is shut down the family is scattered my life isn't almond and I gotta get a revelation and I gotta get it quick cuz I'm running out of time and I got a handful of meal backup in the house and a little Cruiser all and I got sticks in my hand and I had enough enough hand left to get you some water and now you want some bread what do you do when God won't too much what do you do when the demand seems greater than the supply what do you do with your actual wits in and you said lord if one barfi habits I got my hands full and God is saying don't you know I know don't you know I know you got your hands full I knew you would have your hands full when I sent Elijah to your house I already knew that you were a victim of the same situation that he was in but I told him I had commanded a widow woman y'all of UFC and then the snaps of a good man are ordered by the Lord God said I commanded this opportunity to come to you not because of what was in your hands but because of what was in your heart I discovered her heart when she went for the water I knew she was an exceptional woman when she went for the water cuz a normal woman would have told him so don't be distracted by what's in her hands because the real power is what's in her heart you have to be an exceptional woman to be fixin to fix a cake for your son for you to die and stop and get a stranger a cup of water it wasn't just her hands that was full how hard was full this woman might be in a famine and a drought but she has a generous spirit see when you have a generous spirit the Bible says you will either the fat of the land she has lost everything except her generous spirit she is a gracious woman anytime you stop buying to bring a stranger a cup of water when you better say go get your old one your legs broke you can go down to the river just like me but she did not rationalize it she did not reason it out she did not debated she did not argue she acted out of her heart and stopped her death march and turned around you're shunned oboe hoshide and went to get him some water I don't know who I'm preaching to but God said turn around yes what you thought was gonna happen that I would go behind go hear your story he's not going in the way the enemy been keeping you up at night worrying you about telling you giving you nightmares can you this might be disruption but it is not destruction somebody ought to shout right there I said it might be disruption but it is not destruction God said turn around you're shunned Oh bullseye yeah yeah turn around God said turn around God said turn around God said turn around God said turn around I'm glad you're watching this morning cuz the Holy Ghost told me to tell you I know you got your hands full but God said turn around hallelujah I arrest your death march I arrest your depression I arrest your anxiety I arrest your perplexity I arrest your fear I arrest your turmoil turn around these are about to change turn around a breakthrough is on its way turn around God is about to open up a door turn around you're on the verge of a miracle you're on the precipice of deliverance you're on the edge of a breakthrough somebody turn around turn around businessman turn around but I will not destroy I may say cure but I won't and the man of God spoke to him and he said I tell you what if you bake a little cake for me first hallelujah to God if you'll just put me first if you just put me first if you start planning on dying and put me first if you start planning on giving up and put me first God said I'm about to open up a channel of blessings that you never saw it coming I don't know who I'm preaching to but this is gonna be unexpected this is gonna be an exceptional blessing yeah look at somebody holla exceptional blessing except except except everybody's dead except you everybody except you she will get ready to die God said I'm gonna give you an exceptional blessing and all you gotta do to unlock it it's baked a cake a little cake for me first and you know what she did she did it it's one thing to hear it it's another thing to do it see you can't just be a hearer of the word you gotta be a do other way if hearing the word would set you free you'd have been free long time ago you don't miss a sermon you don't miss a message you catch everything on YouTube you can preach all my messages better than I can you heard it but it don't work till you do it if she just hide it to change their life but God would I bless you for hearing it if you're not going to do it and she said I'm gonna go do it she went in the house and she reached it in the barrel and she got a handful of meal now look at this she had a handful of sticks she had a handful of water now she's got a handful of eel she had a handful of sticks she had a handful of water now she's got a handful of eel look at somebody I got my hands full I got my hands full of sticks I got my hands full of water I got my hands full of me I'll tell him I got my hands full I got my hands full of sticks I got my hands full of water I got my hands full of meal she went from having a handful of to a handful of bring you out of this I feel like shut must I feel like shutting myself somebody how I got my hands floor I started out with sticks and then I got the water and now I got a handful of meal and so the Bible says that she reached her hand in the barrel and she got a handful of meal and she baked a cake for the man of God first and the Bible said the meal barrel never ran out neither did the crews run out or I know what the books say but you gotta hear this correctly it did not say that the barrel ran over it just said that it didn't run out you've been upset cuz it didn't run over but you oughta start shouting cuz you didn't run out that it never ran out look at your neighbors head never ran out I cried but I never ran out I was worried but it never ran out I walked the floor at night but I never ran out I was upset but I never ran out I've been tested and tried but I never ran out for 43 years in the storefront I got my hands full I got my hands full I got my hands full Janice somebody's em still yeah yeah I never ran out I never ran I've been in the valley but I never had out I've been on the mountain but I never ran out I've been without a job but it never ran out I had good time that I never ran out I had bad time that I never ran out this is a sign that God is coming to your house not that you ran over but that you never ran out the famine lasted I don't know how long the drought was there I don't know how long Elijah stayed with her but I know she'd never ran out she had enough for herself she had enough for her son she had enough for her company she had enough for herself she had enough for her son she had enough for her company she had a handful of sticks she had a handful of water she had a handful of heal she had enough for herself enough for her son and enough for her company but when the famine was over she was still standing because at every state she was in throughout the entire story the only thing that's consistent through the whole story he said she had hands full even had sticks in it it had water in it or what had meal in it she always had a hands full do not get in this season and let your hands get empty keep your hands full keep something going on keep some stern up keep something cooking it might not be much but keep something in the pot keep something going on keep something in your head something in your mind something in your spirit don't give up don't give in don't give out don't you be walking around the house looking any card away get up put some clothes on pull your hair back put your dress on keep your hands full good God Almighty work what you got left if you can't go in work from home if you lose your job start baking cookies keep your hands full keep something going on it's not through with you keep your hands full as I bring this message to a close you see the empty the hands see they emptied her blessing you see the empty in her hands see the lost her son and see they emptied her hands the Prophet would have died they see they emptied her hands see the lost her mind and see they emptied our hands see the lost her property and see the empty in her hands see the lost everything keep your hands full keep your hands full keep your hands full why are you waiting on the water grab the sticks why are you waiting on the meal grab the water but keep your hands full because a miracle is headed for your house as I close this as I close this Sunday morning I want to tell every mother in here when the story starts it's about Elijah God said to Elijah I'm going to send you to the widow woman to sustain you I want you to understand this is not about the Prophet this is about the woman and I want you to know a prophet is on his way to your house and this is not about the Prophet this is about a mama who was about to bury her son and God stopped the funeral he ended the death march he turned the situation around because somebody's mama kept their hands full I want to thank every mother that's watching me right now for never throwing up your hands never throwing in the towel never giving up on your child he might be in jail but you called him if you couldn't call him and you wrote to him he was strung out on crack but you gave him some needs everybody rejected him but mama kept calling him back in the house we wouldn't be here today mama if you had me kept your hands full I just want to take you mama everybody else gave up but not a good mother a good keeper hands full Mama's hands ain't nobody's hands like Mama's hands thank you mama thank you for keeping your hands full thank you for never letting go thank you for never giving up you might have ran your mouth but you never let go you might have fussed at me but you never let go you might have chewed me out but you never let go thank you for every mother that's watching me right now that keeps your hands full because the miracle is coming out of your hands you must understand the Prophet cannot get credit for the miracle the Prophet did not give her anything he showed her what she already had he didn't bring not one grain of meal to her house he didn't bring a canteen of water he didn't add nothing to her that wasn't already there the job of a prophet is not to add to what you have but to show you how to use what you got get a gun I don't have anything to give you cuz what you got is enough if I show you how to use what you got you'll never run out for 43 years I've been trying to show you you got something don't die you got something go throw in the towel you got something the job of the Prophet is to reveal to you what you already got almost every miracle in the Bible occurred through something that you already had a pot of oil a handful a meal to fish and five loaves of bread a jawbone of an ass and old rugged cross it always occurred to something that you already got why every devil they told you you ain't got nothing he's a liar for every devil that says you're bankrupt he's a liar too for every devil that says you're stupid he's a liar for every devil that says you have no self-worth he's a liar he does not want you to see what is in your house it might look insufficient but it's enough it might look limited but it's enough it might not be what the neighbors got but it's enough you ain't got to look like the neighbors all you gotta do is appreciate what you got left you got something left now close this message today I want to say happy Mother's Day to every mother happy Mother's Day to every spiritual mother happy Mother's Day to every adoptive mother happy Mother's Day to every church mother happy Mother's Day to every surrogate mother happy Mother's Day to every potential mother you don't become a mother when you have the baby you as a mother before you had them any woman can have a baby but you have to be a mother to raise one happy Mother's Day to you from The Potter's House and I pray that the Lord would bless you real good now understand these fellows mothers sisters brothers take another look at what's in your house you may have underestimated you didn't miss count but you underestimated the count was right but their summation was wrong the problem was this woman is that she did not think highly enough of what she had left don't lose confidence I don't care what age you at don't lose confidence and what you got left on let the devil tell you that it is not enough as your prophet I come to your house to tell you that God is going to use something in your house to every one of you who sold to every one of you who believe to every one of you who prayed God is going to take what you got left and he is going to multiply when the little boy brought the fish to Jesus we had a good count we know what we had we had two fish and five loaves of bread we know exactly what it was it was enough to feed one little boy to fish and five loaves Bria DeGeneres nice little lunch for the boy to fish and five loaves of bread that's a good little meal we know what the count was when it was in the boys hand he Xiaoyu Thomas ah but we lost town of it when he got in God's hands because when he got in God's hands as he took it and blessed it and broke it every time he took it and blessed it and broke it we lost count of it he took it he blessed it he broke it he took it he blessed it he broke it he took it he blessed him he broke it he took it he blessed it he broke it he took it he blessed it he broke it and I was trying to keep count I'm trying to keep count I was trying to keep count I was trying to keep count but when you get it out of your hands and you give it to God he will multiply and you will lose count they fed 5000 men not to mention women and children and had twelve baskets full left they couldn't even count the leftovers you will lose count of what God will do if you will put him first seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all look at look at what we can't count all these things that's immeasurable that's intolerable all these things they're counting can't even keep track of it shall be added unto you the principle is putting God first so he didn't say make a little cake and y'all give me what you got left he said no make a little cake and give me a little piece first because the blessing is always in putting God first it's not about sharing with God it's not about giving up what you got left the blessing is in prioritizing him and putting God first and he's gonna use something you're all ready God catch your hands for less free spirit of the Living God I thank you for this moment I thank you for somebody this listen at me right now and they think they're bankrupt they've been in the streets or they been on a pole or they been in an alley or they've done things they were ashamed of because they didn't think they had any value but they miss counted they underestimated what they had left because of the trauma of their childhood in the pains of the past they did things that they're ashamed of and it did happen to him but you underestimated what you got left and God says he's gonna do something in your life that's absolutely amazing he's gonna take what you got left and sustain you through the famine of this time I pray for you right now that my god would become your God that you would no longer say as the LORD thy God liveth but somewhere in the process of the miracle that my God would become your God and that you would come to know him and to know that he's got the power to make you truly and completely exceptional receive him until your heart right now just ask him just say Lord Jesus come into my heart I need you right now I'm in a famine come into my heart and stay with me and show me how to use what I have left thank you for dying for me I believe you got up for me too now come into my heart wash away my sins and make me know if you prayed that prayer with me I want to hear from you pick up the phone call one of our prayer warriors and let us pray with you place you accept Christ into your heart you have led the prophet into your house and things are about to change you're gonna be exceptional [Music] this is so funny because this is rollin you said we don't know but you are where our little kids you're around 2 1 24 hours and in this a new period of time you can either go crazy or it can really bring you all together that you don't marriage doesn't work if you're not willing to be vulnerable when you're blending a family come into this pre-existing dynamic the married couple is really going to be the foundation what you can expect from each other did you adjust yeah yeah it does but we do get updates yeah because situations dictate a different reaction [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 435,105
Rating: 4.846684 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes sunday, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, You've got your hands full, mother's day
Id: 6ewyuaQgpNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 32sec (3812 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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