Fighter Pilots React to F-14 vs SU-57 Dogfight Scene TOP GUN MAVERICK | Mover Ruins Movies Pt 7/8

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then it's a dog fight yeah against fifth gen Fighters yeah yes that's the pilot that's right they're very true you go after him if I wasn't here but you are here come on guys do some of that pilot check I don't think just do oh boy oh the sounds are bad oh no tell me when you see smoke in the air that was a thrustmaster dude using another jet as a flare is the most epic thing possible yeah dude and you mentioned it the top cat had an m61 just like the F-16 just like the m88 and it shoots a hundred rounds a second it doesn't this sounds like World War II yeah World War II B17 guns dude well that and the wings um are not well he I mean maybe he's manually operating him but you'd think you'd want the wings out for more lift at slower speeds and dog fighting all that stuff I don't know just me I don't know last one [Music] here comes another one why did he have to bank up to like just uh how does rooster know how to put flares out well yeah good guess rooster yeah okay dude if you're if you're splitting the throttles the wings need to be out like if you're doing this high alpha hayaka stuff the wings need to be out you need the lift this is Wings back is for going fast not to say that split the throttles is a bad technique Eagle guys do it I know Tomcat guys probably did it I used to do it in the morning when we fly yeah when we fly double bubble one on each uh oh yeah well when we go out and fight dude they're kind of like two Rudders it's really hard to get it to like pirouette at low speed so the trick was and when I first started doing it I would no kidding pull one all the way to idle and that was too much you gotta go yeah I'd pull it back to Mill and that was enough because he got to lead it but dude all the way to idle the split was too big for for my one hand and I would always geared it up I basically depart [Music] Ure [Music] that's that's from the first Top Gun movie that is literally a shot from the first Top Gun movie the jet can do that that's all cool but that missile is going to go thank you very much Kaboom prox fuse that guy's dead yeah yeah I mean that's not how to use uh super maneuverability I know oh you fought it right you fought the the flanker doing stuff like that yeah and I don't yeah they don't oh it doesn't look like that now a good follow-up thing old Maverick when he's giving you that much face full of jet shoot it yeah dude I was gonna say shoot it yes shoot it don't just don't just look at it as you go by going oh God yeah I will say I will say this the first time you you see a uh some some hayaka maneuvering out of them that's true when you're fighting you're like and then like you know the opportunity is gone yeah people are Raptor same way I mean yeah you don't have a good shot there whoa I'm just saying this is probably not the right answer here what the [ __ ] was that oh my God the crane will confuse his targeting system maybe not not in bfm maybe if you were ingressing from 50 miles but in bfm everything that happens here is dumb yeah here he goes it's an Isa jet dude it sees all a nose all like this like that's true this is jamming this is EA it must have the alq on he's got a 50 cal too sure but it doesn't confuse the gun the gun is just point and shoot like dude that's a big Hawk and Tom Cat that he's missing he's not very good with a gun [Music] and you're dead [Music] come on after some of that pilot [ __ ] face yourself yeah all right brace yourself here we go the wings should have bitten out [Music] oh I hate to tell you this but if you do that against us su-57 it's just gonna stay parked behind you okay yes you go dude go up blow up man yeah the 257 guy is gonna be like yeah thanks dude thank you I appreciate you I got drone taking a shot the F-16 stick again thrustmaster warthog missiles you know why if he I bet you if you count it up how many minutes or seconds Maverick has wasted like all of them have wasted saying I'm shooting instead of just shooting I bet you it adds up you know what impresses me most the eso and that's just 57 was having a hard time getting the missile lockdown low but not the ognine not the top cat with no wizzo he's using the what is it tlm or whatever Teo teal whatever the little pilot mode PLM PLM I don't know dude Maverick has so many air-to-air kills and he gunned a fifth gen fighter like this this guy is he doing two of them yeah well this one was actually a 1v1 the other one he kind of sucker punched this dude he fought yeah Savage [Music]
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 2,977,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PjjxsIDSsTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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