Fighter Pilots React to TOP GUN MAVERICK - Maverick's Dogfighting Clinic | Mover Ruins Movies Pt3/8

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Show Me What You're Made Of we're gonna do a bfm rodeo that has nothing to do with this Mission oh dude they're all walking to the jet Bradley yeah all of them Lieutenant Bradshaw where's his helmet bag where's all the other crap you need let's not do it like this you're gonna wash me out you can't wash out from a mission sir you've already graduated and they bring all these Hornets down to North Island just for a movie yeah oh this is accurate yeah no that's right good morning aviators this is your captain speaker dude that's that's quite somewhat real because when I went when I switched the Navy became red air and when you do the check-in thing right welcome to your you know ACM whatever and I'm like we welcome people to the airspace like what this is not an Air Force thing but no welcome I mean this is probably right same thing with the mask down and the I mean baby guys although that's not the rag the reg says you got to do it from like engine start engine shutdown this is this is accurate this is accurate I'm gonna go with that welcome to basic fighter Maneuvers that's brief it's wrong though they're not doing bfm they're doing ACM bfm 1v1 ACM multi-plane engagements yeah today's exercise is dog fighting [Music] get on the ground not in the air but I like where they're going with this his fuel dumps are on yeah well dude you know this is a tactic he's trying to light and load to get light in the weight to get the G limit down or up yeah I have dead serious guys do it yeah we actually lost a horde because of that wait it could be venting too what does a Super Hornet vent like the Legacy yeah just save I mean occasionally it will yeah I mean I've flown I've flown flights where I'm like looking over at lean going dude you're still venting like you've been venting this whole time we do not go below the hard deck of 5 000 feet working as a team you have to shoot me down or else or else what sir or else I shoot back they are in the ready room listening to the fight with their gear why they're like Alert five for the next thing so they all went out pre-flighted their Jets only two of them flew and then came back and sat in the ready room with other euron this is Hardcore now for the kids at home yeah so we wouldn't do this no I was gonna say we wouldn't yeah you're right you wouldn't do it but if you wanted to like a Key West you could go into the uh yeah you could go in ACMI you could you could do this you could sit there bring it up on the screen like put the comms in you you wouldn't wear your gear no you would not this is the ready room radio this is base this is bass you know oh hey he's 10 minutes out I'm gonna go get now now granted you could be no gear on listen to The Bass radio and then hot pit Hot Seat because we've done that when we only had one jet you wait for him to say they're 10 out then you go get dressed so you can meet them outside yeah uh hot pit Hot Seat is where they go through the they don't shut down they go through the pits they refuel and then they leave the thing running and shut down one engine they get out and you get in and it's a handoff so the jet never shuts down for maintenance purposes yeah you both lose this guy needs an ego check they are all in their flight gear in this area which is the weirdest looking ready room what kind of ready room is this for one that ready room is too nice for two their G suits are all zipped up they're probably oh no dude yeah no I mean at the very least I'd have my gear like hanging on the Foosball table or something there they wouldn't be wearing all that crap so let's say we put some skin in the game what do you have in mind we hope you get shut down first has to do 200 push-ups no no no no no no no dude it would be alcohol it would be you know buys lunch buys dinner nobody's doing push-ups on purpose dude that's a quick way to get your med down no nobody nobody is saying let's do it for push-ups sir oh gosh that's a lot of push-ups well uh they don't call it an exercise for nothing sir it's not an exercise all right I thought it was cool go ahead there's a lot of clear advisor use during the day of this movie that's all I'm gonna say well yeah it's just they should have used the gradient tint like I use uh then you could have seen their face and been tenant but dude he's got his advisor there he's still squinting because he put he brought the wrong visor like every time well dude so uh the VFX guy said they CGI this little rainbow color into it I think that looks really cool if that were a real visor and a little bit tinted I think that would be really cool but that's that's fake that's just a clear visor that they cgi'd some colors into so for deal gentlemen lights on let's Turn and Burn well you see him nothing on the radar it's fine it's right here your wizo is like nothing on the radar sir I can't imagine why so GMT means he's a ground radar yeah he's dude he's looking at dirt uh it's like in the middle it's like in some middle position that the Hornet doesn't have I don't think it can be the middle man it's either safe armed and that's an F-16 thing well hold on let's take a look here he's doing 0.5 mock so at four thousand feet at 4 000. he's a 20 mile scale yeah he's got uh yeah so your expert wizo in the back is not even in the right radar mode it's it's good all right he must be somewhere behind us now typically in a 2V1 scenario you'd be doing a tap the cap so you'd actually be doing attack turns trying to find each other but you wouldn't be flying around in fingertip no that's that's not a tactical formation at all so because the women can't help you no you can't see you can't you so check lead check near Rock's fireworks check lead check six so you can't check lead check six if you're like right next to each other here's what I'll say with this we've beaten this horse to death number one it's CGI because it's not a camera trick or anything like that we confirmed it with the VFX guys this is CGI that's it's not real they didn't do this with real Jets however this is a real tactic if they're in a line of breast formation right so we have training rules we have a bubble so people have asked this question before a bubble applies to when you're in training dog fighting training bfm training ACM training and stuff you're supposed to stay outside of a 500 feet or a thousand feet to prosecute a gun attack you wouldn't fly between them because you couldn't you'd be inside of 500 feet in fact if you try to fly between two Jets and fingertip you would blow up everybody would die like the Angles and stuff it just isn't going to work however I have done this and I'm sure you have too is red air if they're in a line of breast formation you absolutely can go low to high split the formation because they're not doing a good visual Lookout right have you done that before yeah yeah so I will say it's wrong but correct in the sense that this is something that would happen and they just put them together because they needed to do the movie because you wouldn't you know you'd see two dots and nobody would know what's going on uh the reaction though is pretty stupid to aileron roll away like I don't I don't know what's going on there yeah I don't I don't know what's happening here but the fact that they're doing it is actually correct and that's actually a real thing that you would do [Applause] [Music] let's try not to get fired and that over the top I mean you've dude I've been there where you come over the top and you're like oh I'm gonna saddle in for guns so absolutely that's good that's good and I've also told myself don't get fired on the first day yeah left break left good calm you know that's good all about it hey man where's your wing man would never be talking trash like that and I mean maybe he's trying to instruct but dude they should be so realistically speaking they should be in ACM com air combat maneuvering calm so they should be and get well I don't know is the Navy do engage supporting and all that stuff that they should be talking each other on the on the bad guy so the way the Navy works is obviously in this case the Maverick would have own the training rules right so he's allegedly the one with the highest essay because deconfliction deconfliction but yeah dude so the Navy is it's generally calmed by exception and we would always say Obviously the airplane is the worst classroom so you're never trying to teach when you're in the air right so maybe between sets yeah maybe yeah a little bit just a little but uh you don't want to try to teach in the air because a lot of it's not going to stick you probably got money to water but yeah there's no because of this I mean I've done this is the most dangerous uh one of the most dangerous trading Evolutions we would do and it's because you got three airplanes all maneuvering in a tight space so calm discipline is important so there'd be no trash talking yeah well and also you know one and two the the blue guys are trying to because Maverick is the adder he's the Bandit one and two are trying to talk to each other and coordinate their attack you can't be jamming up their comms during that as well so where are you I got you back I'm coming so to speak um but this goes back to the whole these guys are Top Gun graduates Top Gun Fleet guys they're acting like it's their like this movie is taking Top Gun dudes who should know better and making them look like they're in the rag and that's where I'm surprised dude I mean this is pretty bad this is pretty awful yeah hang in there hurry up man hurry up that's a training rule violation everybody broke the bubble there broke right and then one guy breaks left one guy's breaking right am I right but it's gonna cost him look this time old man I mean that's not too bad you know he's ditching he's redefining that's real that was a real that's really what you do with the stick so good for him uh dude if you're that close as we see on screen you should have a solid guns track this should be over oh yeah dude I mean you're sound you're saddled at this point [Music] and they're acting like a gun is a lock dude all you gotta do is scrape it across yep you know as like as he's Crossing you could easily sorry wrong way as he's Crossing you can scrape it across you can get 15 frames done you know trigger down snap tracking okay dude that's a touch of training stop 5 000 feet is a floor Mort you're dead Mikey they would not keep going at this point yeah this this symbology here is they added this there's nothing like that yeah yeah well they I I don't have a problem with that but if you're over 40 degrees nose low probably this is close to 50 or 60 at 3 500 feet dude you are saving it and somebody's probably saying you know knock it off cover recover eject dude you're about to dude I mean I don't know what the speed is mach 0.55 he's at 1.5 G so he's on the pole barely he's like oh [ __ ] probably over G the jet I mean yeah that's a in fact I think wombat talked about that's how he overgued the jet was he paddled off you know trying to oh you don't even have to paddle off dude if you go more like this uh he was only a 0.55 mock though so that's three 350 300 knots if you snatch it on so the the shoulder harnesses here uh are realistic people will say that oh they're not fitted right that is not the harness your harness is underneath and those are the risers for the inertial reel for the parachute which will retract into the seat so everybody that keeps complaining about this this is right don't worry about that that's a kill dude it's always a good gunshot going over the top when you're doing that because you've got all the out you you know you've got a stable track there is obviously no tone there's I mean there's nothing you've got a Winder looks like maybe a night Bike yeah but this is making it it doesn't turn red none of that stuff happens you just assess in the Jet and then you come back and debrief it later on and if I'm doing push-ups uh I'm not doing it on the flight line where's his gear oh no I'm doing a ready room maybe in the air conditioning we're going to count on your neck pretty much man she's the only one with her ear oh she's flying next that's why that's about we tell everybody pops okay dude Jets do not behave like that that's how you know it's CGI right so oh yeah when a jet goes this way it looks Belly Up This was like a belly up rejoin to put itself in position this is yeah they probably just they probably just reverse it yeah yeah I think that uh what has not said that this was a CGI aircraft you can kind of tell look it doesn't look that right yeah you know if you look at it you're like that looks a little a little off stands for something other than Robert I mean don't take the bait Bob want to know why we call him hangman all right I got it baby on board why are they talking shut the [ __ ] just shut up uh but I will say You must not want to be team leader very badly yeah he's his first day on planet Earth I will say same thing as the split the formation the other way realistic in the sense that you would I mean I have split a formation that's a mile a mile and a half two miles wide you're supposed to fingertip no chance oh yeah yeah this is in at the proximity they were at no chance and second dude imagine how bad your wizo is that they didn't pick this guy up because you got visual Lookout you've got your short short range search and your radar you know they're probably in some ACM modes and your rwr would be yeah the rbr would be going you'd be like where oh my God where you would not be talking about call signs all you literally have to do is turn it to the on position well and not not be not being an air to ground mode apparently I mean yeah well Bob can be an air to ground you could be an air-to-air and it's like dude it's yeah yeah they screwed up greetings aviators Mike's on okay usually the fight's on is way before that um a little late to be calling fights on we're gonna take that to the debrief let's take this guy out and we don't fight on the base radio so here we go again with them fighting in the base radio watch your back is that a rhino back there yeah nice that's good that's good I like it right uh do you guys is that a Navy thing to do the fat lady's ass break different directions in the Air Force yeah we broke the same direction same way same day it depends so you always say fight your best 1v1 but given uh 2V1 scenario right if he makes you pick uh we always try to make the Bandit look two different ways to make it as hard as possible so if we're on the same side of the canopy it makes it easy for them we like to be on opposite sides of the canopy to make it as hard as possible that might be why they're doing the yeah here but but I mean as you remember you know in the Air Force land if he's on your number two you break into the direction so that he has to go with him and you just roll in behind him and shoot him yeah if you go separate directions he this guy's defensive and this guy is it's taken him more time to come around and shoot yeah I know in that case in that case he would do like I said it's it's dependent but what we used to teach at can scenarios it was we would set it up so it would make sense but so I I don't know where that other guy is they don't even do that here one guy goes up and the other guy goes off that's this is from the first Top Gun that's what they did where's he going that's why we call him hangman he'll always hang you out to drive they're not even doing section engage maneuvering they're doing Singleton raging Singletons by themselves just doing their own thing and they just all happen to be in the same piece of Sky leaving your wing man there's a strategy I haven't seen in a while um foreign I mean if you're within about I mean if you're within miles like you're you're supporting your women how is he flying left-handed no he's in the back seat no no no everybody told me Thomas Cruz personally piloted the jet um I've been in the back seat many times we were here's the thing when you're in the back seat there's a lot more distance between you and the canopy as you can see right here Darien I mean there's there's they're vaping so they're in a turn and he's I mean he could be flying left I've flown left-handed before it's not as easy because the stick is not really made for that but I've never flown left left-handed for pulling geez I've only flown left-handed like straight and level like you got to do something and you switch but that's just skill Maverick I'm just I'm proud of you dude I'm proud of you for your left-handed flying ability your wingman he's totally in the back seat dude oh my God I'm gonna get a personal hate letter from everybody in the time down there by his right hip there's no buttons or anything or uh uh down there I mean that's well we know he's in the back seat like there's no question there's never been any questions in the background he called you a man Phoenix you're gonna take that so long as he doesn't call you a man now hold on now this is 2022. I think that we shouldn't no no this is 28 1817 back when things were a little more you know Jesus his nose is already coming around get off me hangman for all you folks at home this this you bury a fossil all right hangman all right dude that was already a track probably a snapshot like his his pepper went right through him if you're not shooting dude you have to shoot early you gotta shoot early and bring the pepper across it because it takes time for the bullets to get out there they're not even in a ACM mode like they just put this is just the normal HUD mode yeah it's not faster mode he's nav Master mode at .73 Mach look dude I'd make fun of them but I may or may not have tried to do air-to-ground employment in that Mastermind but it says gun so I mean yes a gun down there it says gun yeah you're right you're out of Phoenix son of a [ __ ] [Music] so to speak all right dude you're inside of 1500 feet you should have this by now yeah you're good I'll give you that dude if somebody gives you that much plan for them and just is not maneuvering going up [Music] [ __ ] Phoenix I can't see him how close am I that's because you got a clear visor clear visor this is the stupidest part of this whole thing so he goes into the Sun and he's asking his wingman where he is when he's offensive inside of 1500 or 2 000 feet or what he's really close like he should be lagging the last known position trying not to hit the dude if you're a 50-hour feed just put the hornet in front of you in between the Sun and squeeze the trigger yes God these people are terrible dead [ __ ] I do like that part though that is funny I like that I mean like The after-life Bag Man even though [Music] now how Maverick got you know from Pure defensive to Pure off he must have just like graped all the way through the Sun and given up before Maverick to allow Maverick to get back behind him 79 lights out coyote copy kill can I be killed that's that's the only accurate good comments there's the helos at North Island hey did you notice they were over the desert the whole time yeah dude so they were flying out a little more and that's I mean I've I dude it's so weird but like these Hills and like this I recognize it it's like Owens Valley Panda Valley saline Valley how far is that from North Island it's a haul probably is that realistic to be launching out of North Island just to go do bfm with one a single bag for it and then dumping fuel [Laughter] although they could be going so they could be hopping over the mountain uh I can't remember the name of the ranges out there near El Centro you could do that but that that doesn't look like El Centro area if I did so what's the story with you and Maverick it seems like he's got you a little rattled it's none of your business now where the hell is he two Joker Bingo lead you're on fire I'll take the fat one that's all he needs to be saying right now been here the whole time that makes sense if you're in a jibber jabber like that on the radio you deserve to have the dude rejoin with you [ __ ] okay I know we said we were going to talk about CGI but that is one thousand percent CGI and of course she's in the back seat uh and you sit and actually what uh what's his nuts told me was they filmed this anything looking up they just filmed it on the ground because they didn't have a camera between their legs because you would it would get in the way so Kate up your role is real yeah um probably not this close I've done that with you I mean you do that sometimes when you're messing with somebody but you don't stop you don't stop and it takes a lot it takes a lot to actually get I mean talk to them yeah we talked with organ it's not that easy no You See Me Now come that's I mean so they could end up in this position though again they didn't this is all right let's get it over with place on never fights on from that position yeah is the tightest roller it recorded bfm history yeah you'd I mean dude no way no no chance this is a mirror jet that they repainted but however with these two again CGI too close oh yeah dude but realistic in the sense that a roller would develop like this so rolling scissors going downhill and start to look like this because you'll get in a position where you think you're just flipping the guy off you know because you're just sitting there and you're you know basically both going to high six trying to make it work so again they had to do that for movie purposes oh yeah so uh it's just you know when everybody's like oh it's all real watch the behind the scenes that is not real sorry that's real that's a real yeah dude you can tell because the Leading Edge uh slats are all the way down and I can like I've I've seen this a thousand times one thousand percent he's looking in the right direction and everything that's yep although he's acting like he's pulling nine G's it's like a three or four G like you're not pulling a whole lot of G's when you're very gentlemanly very nice yeah I that's why I love flying The Hornet because you'd start doing stuff like that you're like ah this is comfortable versus the s16 where you're like so I like that he was looking up and then back in and up and then back in if they had been wearing jehemics it might not have been as necessary so this sea like he's it kind of started a roller but like where they're at right now um it's if this is actually pretty cool that they put this part in because Hornets will inevitably get into I used to call it the death spiral like we're both basically high alpha low air speed low G in a close spiral and like the first guy to roll out is is probably going to get get smoked but the issue is the ground is coming right yeah and so the dude who wins is always the guy that does the better deck transition yeah and when you're new you don't quite realize that because to do the deck transition you have to give up some angles initially uh not enough because you're too close to shoot one another right there's no there's no weapons available but um it looks like they're in the days I've been in the dead I called the Desperado or whatever um many times we're like no kidding you're looking across I mean not like into the guy's eyes but you're looking across the circle like oh boy see how this pans out but yeah the deck transition is where it's out but it looks like nobody wants to uh to honor the deck here he doesn't look like his mask is fitted all that great either true look how much space he's got right here dude there's so much air blowing right here I bet you yeah it's burning his eyes our decks five thousand feet fellas you're running out it's a good call like if you're I mean now granted hangman should be trying to kill Maverick yeah as his wingman like he shouldn't be just arcing the fight but if you're not gonna do anything and just be a high-speed cheerleader up there at least tell him when the floor is coming up yep that's Betty that's real all right so whoever this is is now a kill four more it's over uh deck save at this point that's the end of the engagement you guys about to run us into the ground what's your move altitude altitude altitude that didn't even look right like the that didn't look like how the Jets out even now that was fake yeah altitude altitude altitude altitude that looks right that for sure looks right oh that's real in the desert I don't know if you get that much that's more of an over water look with all the humidity you get that much in the desert different depends on the time of year but yeah you'll get it yeah okay it's real hey you're dead dude if you got if you got a thousand feet and you're that nose low there's not a single thing you can do to recover at that point except jump out and you might not even be in the window there's his harness again yep um okay at this point if we're talking realistic both dudes are doing this oh geez my wings are gone it's over yeah it's over you're not going to tell anybody right because I'm not going to tell anybody oh Jesus oh my God oh God this is how hangman becomes the mission leader at this point because he threatens Maverick he's like I'm gonna tell if you guys do them but you got him drop down take the shot have you ever transitioned from bfm to low-level Canyon flying not on purpose too late to catch a chance yes I'm pretty sure that's the starburst Canyon okay so this is not I mean he's not paying attention as many times as I have tried to hit the brakes to get the dude fly right past me it has never worked no oh boy just sits back there and goes oh thank you and now you've got a big planned form of jet you know I mean but you can tell this is back seat look at the wizoh handles yeah in the back I've never seen handles uh in the front um but also too I talked about this in the breakdown trailer hold on where are my hands here um it wouldn't look like this it would look like this right it would have an upward Vector because you can't just flat plate you can't just stop and have it maintain it's not thrust vectoring it's not a real Cobra the jet won't do this you know if you were going slow enough I think you could you could do it a little bit yeah but dude I mean he's this is super close I mean this is okay you wouldn't just and this dude is not maneuvering so they always say maneuver in relation to the Bandit he's not moving in relation to anything he's just like okay sure I'll just drive right underneath it yeah it's not a problem with that a good audit right now he's thinking the training rules like don't hit the guy dude they have they are no they've trainer rule has gone out the window a long long time ago uh now we're just talking about survival that's true but I do like this part where he butts because once you get because usually you'll see that in the flats where you'll get and you'll push the guy out front and then you'll have to to redefine so I like that part and I like this what is the red light I don't know dude that the spin recovery switch what is the red light over there I don't know but I like that I've I've done this to people I've had this done to me yeah so one thousand percent this is the right you know jet maneuver there but dude that this is probably 300 feet 400 feet oh yeah yeah yeah you're you're what's in real life would be awesome if you're filling up the HUD uh yeah you know Mill sizing this is a close this is another training rule and again you know training rules are for survival they're not you don't do them in combat you don't care what the Blue Angels will do this is to keep be able to train more than one time and that's why we have training rules right so if we're in training and we're violating training rules probably not going to keep being able to train somebody's going to probably say something that's enough I like it knock it off I mean better late than never nobody Echoes to knock it off but at least we gotta knock it off out of this another debrief item yeah same old rooster again same old rooster show me show me don't show me Dark Star show me what rooster did that made him same old rooster hangman what were you doing just just idling around up there above dude he was a high-speed cheerleader he was watching the whole thing going well that sucks uh he was just a witness for the fee nap [Laughter] go see Hondo about your push-ups [Music] all right
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 2,927,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4L7ioIZNH5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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