The SU-57 Felon - Russia's Answer to the F-22

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hello everybody welcome back to the channel hope you guys are having a great week uh today we're going to talk about the su-57 by popular demand a lot of people ask for a review of a couple videos on the felon and i figured we would take a look now uh realize that this aircraft is it's really tough to analyze because i think there's only one operational c-57 out there the other one crashed before being delivered and now there's one so you know it's it's really not something that's a current threat because it just doesn't you know exist in mass but we'll take a look at some of the videos and some of the capabilities and just some of the things i've noticed you know looking at this stuff this first one's like a russian hype video uh for the su-57 so i'll leave the link in the description i will stop as we go so don't expect me to play it straight through and then read it or talk about it because that's what we do and space bar for the kids at home play so right off the bat you've got the big ears there infrared search and track which is common with flankers uh and migs it's a very common uh feature there you've got kind of a nice canopy a lot of rivets there that are visible which is not gonna help its stealth characteristics three pitot tubes there you go interesting from the top view flanker's got the wanker very common flankers usually have this uh for electronic countermeasures or ea electronic attack got the split tails and what i thought was cool is so the hornet you know we've got leading edge extensions leading edge root extensions uh on the f5 these are actually programmable so these move based on the angle of attack so you get more bite into the air which will help with the [Music] high aoa maneuverability so in a dogfight up chock's removed so a lot of i think people have discussed this from the rear um 360 degree thrust vectoring but it doesn't have the smaller square nozzles like the f-22 has so uh kind of not much of a stealth signature from the rear so to speak but i think that's because they're figuring you know your ir signature's so big you know why waste uh the design and the brain bites on that and lose a little bit of thrust so i think that's a design trade-off they had i don't know whether it's it's better or worse this is not as stealthy as you know other uh western designs all right so uh we've talked about this before standard russian design horrible rear visibility and i know people were like well the f-35 is two and i don't disagree the f-35 made a lot of compromises for the bee model but this is just the rear visibility in this jet is bad and that is a very standard thing for mig-29 257 stuff like that i mean theoretically with a good radar do you need it but my argument is yeah two stealth aircraft with ea you might end up at the merge and you don't want to have uh you know when you look over your shoulder doing a high aspect merge you don't want to be like well where'd he go where'd he go because lose sight lose the fight so you got your um this dude's mask is not fitting at all i don't know what's going on with that doesn't look like he's he's got looks like the uh uh like a helmet mounted cueing system right there maybe a monocle that flips down but it's not like a jammix or anything like that and uh maybe an nvg bracket uh but it's not like the f-35 helmet that's gucci and full up there and standard russian green i guess they said that the greenish blue makes it makes them calm down i don't know not a lot of room in that cockpit just in general and looking forward you got the big canopy bow so forward visibility is also going to be affected canopy bows in the way uh i don't know why they couldn't just get rid of the canopy bow and have a single piece canopy that probably would have been a little bit better but it's in the way but um yeah so visibility in this cockpit is going to be pretty bad in general so it looks like it doesn't have flapper ons the flaps are not down so i wonder how that affects approach and takeoff speeds obviously they're going to be a little bit higher maybe the thrust vectoring and the big wing reduce the need for that but it does not have appear to have any kind of flapper on or flap system on the trailing edge trailing edge flaps does have leading edge flaps though you can see him scheduling there yeah you can see him there um let's back up for a second so if it would just be this part it would be a sexy airplane the added part i mean it's kind of like a little bit of false advertising because it looks really sexy if it were a little bit thinner she's a big girl she's not a skinny chick at all yep so you got your leading edge flaps there i believe these things scheduled as well so you got a lot of high alpha capability the square uh ish intakes for stealth character which is real big intakes kind of like a su-35 it's supposed to be a lot lighter too as much like a su-35 with you know like carbon composites and stuff like that all right there's the visibility looks like he's got some condensation on the canopy from the air conditioner um what is that mask is that you know what that's a ppg so that appears to be connected to his helmet like the f-16 had where he had an inflatable bladder in the helmet so it would inflate to push the mass closer to you and then you'd get pressure breathing under g maybe my guess i don't know not familiar with russian life support equipment well the russians love the air show oh that does have that was wrong yeah does have trailing edge flaps so they do they just not put them down for takeoff because i i didn't see that down on the takeoff we'll look at the next video there's an airshow video but yeah so it does have those trading edge flaps it's just maybe they just don't use them for takeoff i don't know and it's a high alpha missile shot [Music] that is two is blind [Music] a lot of air show stuff high alpha maneuvering [Music] more aileron rolls nope not not a full aileron roll get the heat signature on that thing man yeah so i guess they are it does have flaps they just don't take off with them or maybe i just missed it but uh big beefy gear so this is again russians like to have souped up gear for austere environments and a drag chute nice with the spoilers there cool all right so this was uh some air show flaps are up canopy's open i wonder if that's because of the air show or because the cockpit cooling doesn't work that great on the ground you know as a pilot that's one of the things i wonder about because like t38 is the same way you got to run around with the canopy open because the air conditioner sucks on the ground works fine in the air you saw the last one had the condensation probably from the ac that had dripped under the canopy because he'd done some inverted stuff or whatever but uh interesting as to you know whether he's doing this for the air show or if it's just hot you know maybe because of all the avionics cooling on the ground is a problem but um i mean it's a good looking airplane i like it oh god all these people coveted super spreader event he's waving yeah maybe it's just for the air show that is a tiny cockpit man oh boy there's not a lot of room for that guy he's doing donuts yeah front rear visibility from the cockpit's not great all right here we go yeah i see the flaps are up i guess you don't need them we've seen it hasn't so move your umbrella lady bring an umbrella to an air show yep doesn't need much takeoff roll at all that's clean too i mean let's see what the does combat loaded nice vertical performance i mean the thrust away it's probably pretty good [Music] nice little pedal turn there [Music] yeah so very similar to you know su-3235 very maneuverable at high alpha i don't know why you would do that maneuver seems i mean because your air out of energy and air speed good for air shows there's the trailing edge flap scheduling so i guess they just don't use them on takeoff that's a cobra yeah hit the brakes he'll fly right by once again good for air shows [Music] he's light enough he can get his energy back and it's a pretty good for a dog fight too that's pretty cool i mean to be able to turn and get your nose around like that because now you can cue weapons uh high off foresight capability now that's useful that's a really impressive maneuver there and it's a real thin profile other than the big honking intakes there's not much forward profile to it so be hard to spot as well you know nose on [Music] both engines just compressor stall what's going on there [Music] hanging it on the blades no masks everybody in russia has rhona oh that dude had a hat that said boy i guess he's finally determined his pronouns yeah that is impressive to me being able to do that j-turn turn back around i mean that's actually really maneuverable so because that's good for you know cueing weapons and stuff like that getting turned back around i mean it's almost like a helicopter return to target may be good for strafe too i mean if you had to get right back on target very quickly so an air-to-ground wouldn't be too bad either very maneuverable [Music] huge platform though i wonder how wide the wingspan is i mean that would be an easy target to gun you got them in a lot of platform much like an f-15 i think it'd be fun to fly but this is all air show stuff i mean really what matters is you know sensors weapons integration how does it perform tactically you know being able to do the air show stuff's cool but how does it work at 10 000 feet you know how's this going to work at 15 000 feet how's it gonna work fully loaded i mean you can tell a lot of things one it's very maneuverable too it's got a lot of thrust um it's got a lot of cool capabilities uh that would help you know like this for example and really the other thing is you know can't get its energy back when it does something like that like this i mean i don't know why you'd want to be in a falling leaf like this this is i mean completely useless but being able to get out of it it's a good thing and now he's landing [Music] flaps are down for landing nice stops really well too even without a shoot good brakes well that's it that's cool it's a good looking airplane i mean it's you know people ask are you worried about it well no i mean there's one so no um it's had its share of problems but you know if it can deliver everything it advertises yeah it's a formidable aircraft um you know it's got some design limitations and stuff but you know it's a real leap ahead as far as you know 5th gen technology for sukhoi so you know i mean i'd love to fly one be cool i think you'd have some limitations though with your radar cross section and visibility i think those are the two things i don't know much about the avionics you know they didn't get much into that so what other sensors does it have how does it put those sensors together and employ weapons and all that stuff i mean that that is really what matters more than airshow maneuvers because airshow maneuvers you know i mean how often are we even in dogfights so anyway hope you guys enjoyed this episode thank you for watching we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 2,215,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ubKB5d3fkfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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