Learn How To Play Wartales: The ULTIMATE Beginner's Guide

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what's going on everybody this is Clydian Fayre  let's talk about Wartales starting tips and tricks   Edition so the biggest thing here that I want  to go over is what my standard start would be in   Tiltren at this point in time going into 2023 for  all of you out there who are new to war tales and   just want to have a push in the right direction  this isn't necessarily the best start but it does   teach you most of the fundamentals on how to play  the game as well as getting you off on the right   foot and teaching you other mechanics that you  may or may not want to utilize throughout the   rest of the game so first things first after you  fight this beginning tutorial fight I like to head   a little bit to the southeast and navigate to the  Tiltren jail and pick up at least two if not three   sets of chains now this is very important when you  are in a co-op game you may want to grab four that   way you and whoever else can split up the amount  of chains like realistically because in Co-op you   have to have chains and in each player's inventory  in order for you to actually capture people but   this leads us into the capturing prisoner's  mechanic in Tiltren and other various starting   regions there are jails where you can capture or  rather turn in Outlaws and bandits for a profit   and this profit margin scales based off of what  level that the bandits and outlaws are starting   off you will really want to make use of the  capture mechanic because you will be able to net   an extra 60 plus crowns per capture and it will  really help you be able to afford not only food   but your wages as well as Recruit new units and  expand upon your armor from the wandering Traders   now once I've got these chains here I'm actually  going to continue to the Southwest navigate past   these people who are drunk and whatnot and not  even fight them I typically don't fight these   uh this group until later on in the game when I'm  finally tired of running past them and I like to   go to the salt mine now the salt mine there's  multiple different ways that you can actually   access the salt mine and be able to mine the  iron here but I typically spend my influence   because it's a net wash on influence spent so you  can talk to this man spend 15 influence and gain   access to mine all of the iron here forever so  this unlocks the mining profession for you which   is very useful especially early game because it  gives you a nice steady source of iron and in   later levels it also lets you mine at gems that  appear while you're mining iron once I mine all   of the iron out of here you simply talk to the man  again and he will give you your 15 influence back   and they'll go back to mining salt you can unlock  the thief profession here simply by clicking on   the salt container here and hitting steel and  it unlocks the profession if you want to steal   the salt go for it if you don't then don't but  anyway that's enough for this little salt mine   the mine will replenish on iron once a week so  seven in-game days and this is just the start of   my normal pathway here now that I've got at least  my set here I like to travel a little bit more to   the west and then cut through the woods going to  the north hopefully I can run into some wolves   or boars or maybe even Outlaws and depending  on what I run into it leads into what my next   focus is if I run into Outlaws I'm going to  prioritize it heading back to the jail just   so I can collect the bounties on them and get  a little bit of extra crowns before I head to   strong cap if I run into boars or Wolves I like  to stockpile up on the food and then prioritize   investing in getting a cooking pot set up so I can  unlock the cook profession and then start making   a cooked pork and wool sausage later on once  I reach Stromkapp depending on what resources   I have available after Mining and picking up  objects along the way I like to go ahead and   then grab a couple of bounties from The Tavern and  then unlock the blacksmithing and The Alchemist   to professions by going to the blacksmith  clicking on the Anvil that will unlock the   blacksmithing profession I highly recommend  giving a blacksmithing profession to anyone   that is a melee DPS that is not a ranger and that  will increase their strength score uh from a raw   stat point perspective and then I highly recommend  using and be using the blacksmith profession and   leveling it up it gives you better access to  later on weapons gear and everything like that   that albeit will eventually get out scaled but it  will let you make better armor layers and the late   game that is very useful not to mention you are  also able to craft armor and weapons that you can   then sell instead of just utilizing raw iron and  selling that from an alchemist perspective you're   going to be able to create Medicine by combining  two comfrey two snow irises and a empty vial it   is much better for you to do it this way than it  is for you to just straight up buy medicine and   there is a little bit of an in-between area where  you can actually just pay an alchemist to heal   you I generally pay The Alchemist to heal me and  then I stockpile up on about 10 to 20 medicine   so I can continuously just use them while I am  out and about and then whenever I start getting   low I can just go and refill the vials with more  medicine and not have to pay the Alchemist anymore   finally I like to primarily create a couple  of Rags on this first stop here and then we   are going to head north to the Tiltren lumber  mill there is going to be a hidden key in the   Raptors up here that's going to be a hidden ornate  key I'm going to use this to unlock the trapdoor   here and then talk to the prisoners they're going  to escape and there's also a knowledge book down   here so grab that it's going to be on this left  side and then head back upstairs grab all the   wood here and then as you leave you're going  to want to spin some crowns and some influence   to not fight these Bandits because they have  a really fun mechanic they will essentially   tell you that you have two days to capture some  refugees and then return them to them which we   we will do so now my next goal is to actually go  capture some refugees they appear in Mass on this   western side of Stromkapp going along the road to  Stromkapp just go ahead and grab a band of them   try to capture one two as many as you can really  but the important thing is to not capture the   one that is named in the fight because the leader  of the refugees you can't really turn in so it's   better for you to capture all the other civilians  and then take them back to the lumber mill and you   can actually sell them to the bandits that way and  the bandits will use them to create wood at the   lumber mill and not only that but they will give  you influence wood and crowns for each Refugee   that you sell to the bandits so not only Can you  capture Outlaws Bandits and whatnot and sell them   to the jail for a bounty but you can also capture  refugees and sell them to the lumber mill for   a press gang and now you have a steady stream  or options for study streams of not only crown   pounds but Lumber and influence and that is really  the all-encompassing thing that we need to focus   on now that we know the location of the jail the  place to sell refugees and one of the iron mines   let's go ahead and unlock the second iron mine so  we're gonna Head West from Stromkapp head south   just past the Fisher Hut and then it's going to be  just the West here there's going to be a band of   deserters in there once you go ahead and defeat  them there should be anywhere from two to three   iron nodes in this mine they will refresh once  a week as well and you'll be able to between the   salt mine and this iron mine you should be able  to create quite a bit of iron every week and that   should keep you supplied in your blacksmithing  Adventures finally at this point we should have   enough iron as well as other materials to actually  create a cooking pot I highly recommend creating a   cooking pot that way you're able to start cooking  food and getting that extra bit of protein and   whatnot or that extra bit of food generation so  so one cooked unit of food is six instead of a raw   of four it's going to be better off in the long  run that way eventually you'll be able to expand   upon this and get better recipes and whatnot but  primarily these are the main things that you want   to do now that you have some knowledge points  and most likely have leveled up once or twice   at this point here are my recommended knowledge  Point selections first knowledge Point selection   that I would ever grab is going to be career  plans it helps you not only with your level   UPS by rounding everything out to a two point  and it also spins 10 influence for every time   you have to utilize it but now that you're able  to turn in refugees to gain influence it's kind   of a wash there and you'll be okay the second up  that I would grab would be run just to help you   outrun any Bandits that you're just not ready  to fight and it essentially gives you a Sprint   feature and then finally I would start building up  your repertoire of recipes for the blacksmithing   profession it will allow you to create better  weapons and armor along the lines and give you a   steady stream of of new gear that you'll be able  to utilize going into new regions higher level   fights anything of the sort that way you don't  have to rely completely on wandering Caravans and   or enemy loot drops finally when it comes down to  the Cook profession I recommend grabbing at least   cooked pork cooked mutton and the Wolf sausage  learning points I almost always grab mutton just   so I can buy mutton at most of the markets in the  different towns throughout the game of war tails   and then turn it into cooked mutton for a quick  and easy set of food in case I don't have enough   and then the pork and sausage links that I grab  are so I'm able to actually cook on the go and   not have to worry too much about food I always  grab all the salt that I possibly can depending   on how much carrying capacity I have and then  that's basically my entire first setup so now we   have learned especially in the region of Tiltren  but now we have learned how to not only utilize   a capture mechanic and turn in prisoners but we  have also learned that there is a way to capture   refugees and turn them in for not only influence  but Lumber and gold and I have also shown where   the two major iron mines are in the region of  Tiltren so when you're first starting out this   should be your general guide on how you should  move throughout the region at Tiltren and it will   help you unlock more things quicker as well as  introduce you into most of the Baseline mechanics   if you guys liked or enjoyed this content in any  way shape or form and like to see more videos such   as this like the video leave a comment make that  number go up and until next time have a good one
Channel: Clydian Fayre
Views: 28,532
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Keywords: wartales guide, wartales gameplay, wartales, wartales walkthrough, wartales tips, wartales game, wartales tutorial, wartales beginners guide, shiro games, guide, wartales how to, how to play wartales, wartales best start, wartales gameplay pc, wartales starting tips, wartales money guide, wartales money making, wartales tips and tricks
Id: kUWeKwGZbYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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