Master Wartales Professions: Expert Tips & Strategies!

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what's going on everybody this is Clydian Fayre  let's talk about war Tails reworked slash updated   profession video Edition so obviously I've had a  previously made professions video that went over   all the professions and the stats but things have  been tweaked and changed since 1.0 and I finally   got around to being able to remake this video  so here it is let's go ahead and dig on into it   first things first I'm going to explain what each  profession does how you unlock it and the stats   that you get upon leveling up the profession  a little bit of background information you can   easily swap between professions and have one unit  have every single profession in the game leveling   up these professions are going to be a little bit  difficult simply because you're going to want to   have your Gathering professions leveled up all  at once and then you're going to stockpile up   resources and swap over to a crafting profession  and just max out those levels real quick and then   swap off and when I to say swapping basically if  you are a novice at something and you rotate off   well you'll always be a novice however if you're  experienced at thee for example and you rotate   off a thief to be a novice cook you can always  swap back off of cook and go back to thief and   you will retain your experience status this will  work for journeyman Master Apprentice any of these   levels once you unlock that title you will always  have that title that you can go back to however   if you're halfway through a specific level so  for example if I'm halfway through Thief here   on the experience level and I rotate off a thief  and then come back to it I will lose all of the   experience that I had gained towards the next  level and I will be back at zero experience on   this level of profession without further Ado let's  go ahead and dig on into it first up we're going   to cover Woodcutter now Woodcutter is obviously  a profession that lets you chop wood as you level   it up you gain more strength and critical  hit chance as well as being able to get more   resources for chopping wood in the game so what  exactly would be a good fit overall build wise   for this it would be basically any strength based  DPS build as it will not only increase your bass   strength which is your main damage outputting  stat but it'll also increase your critical hit   chance which will also give you the ability  to critical hit a little bit more often that   being said though they have recently reworked The  Experience amounts that you get so it's no longer   as big of a slog to level up in order for you to  level up this class and unlock it you simply go to   a nearby camp that happens to have a wood cutting  area in it so for example there are a few of them   in Tiltren one is right outside of the Sinister  cave there is that guard Outpost which is where   I'm at currently in this little example here and  as you chop would the yellow slash gold rings will   pop up you essentially will play this little mini  game where you want to stop your white ring inside   the yellow ring and it will progressively get  smaller it is okay for you to let the ring go   through multiple times you don't have to get it on  the first try so if you're not exactly ready for   the timing of it go ahead and let it Loop through  and then complete it the more times you're able to   click on the gold ring with the white ring inside  then you will get more experience as well as more   resources moving on from Woodcutter we're going  to get into Bard so Bard there's a couple of   different ways to unlock it the first time you  would get The Bard is actually by doing the Tomb   of the Ancients until train you can get the recipe  for the loot by simply traveling to Marheim which   is in The Virtuous Province and buying the loot  recipe from the Marheim inn and the loot recipe   will not be too expensive and it will actually  allow you to utilize The Bard in multiple ends   to generate a little bit extra income as well as  influence and this essentially brings up a mini   game that is pretty close to a Guitar Hero now  as Bard levels up you increase your Constitution   as well as your willpower so this is going to be  really well suited for a tank or any unit that you   don't necessarily want to have to pump too many  levels into willpower or Constitution it does   give you a nice bonus whenever you have someone  working as a Bard in the middle of your camp and   it will essentially help boost up your willpower  on everyone as well as on the unit that's assigned   as a Bard upon higher levels you'll get more  Constitution and willpower as well as getting   better rewards from every time you perform you  can also unlock better songs by doing specific   challenges for you to unlock those songs for  example you need to have a boar named hammy and   get five kills with the boar in a single battle  and you will unlock a new song There's multiple   different ways for you to do this it adds an extra  layer of flavor to The Bard mechanics moving on   from Bard we're going to get into scholar now  scholar you will most likely get whenever you   first enter a tomb of the Ancients and start doing  puzzles scholar will level up by doing puzzles as   well as researching items that you obtain in Tomb  of the Ancients that being said though scholar is   also one of those things that you won't be able  to actually research with until you get to level   four in the wisdom and Mysteries path and once  you hit Level 4 you will unlock the lectern and   be able to actually research these items that you  get from Tomb of the Ancients and it will really   help you out by leveling up scholar that being  said though scholar really doesn't give you any   super amazing stats it simply gives you a ton of  willpower so put this on a more utility or support   unit you don't necessarily need scholar on your  units at all times simply swap it over before a   rest so you're able to utilize it for researching  purposes but you can easily rotate in and out of   professions moving on from scholar we have angler  now angler starts off by increasing your willpower   but as you level it up you will gain not only  willpower but more more critical hit chance   an angler you can unlock by simply going up to a  fishing hole and selecting it it will give you the   prompt to select an angler it will give you the  new profession for it however you cannot level up   angler without having fishing hooks so you'll  have to utilize the tinkerer to craft fishing   hooks by using one iron for one fishing cup you  can essentially play this little mini game here to   gather some experience as well as more food every  time you come by a fishing hole and it essentially   trades one iron for up to three fish at early  levels and even more at later levels angler   will give willpower a critical hit chance at max  levels so because of this you may be interested   in putting angler on a DPS unit that will be able  to utilize the critical hit chance and be able to   utilize willpower to the point where they don't  need to level it up they'll be able to invest   those points into other stats such as critical  hits and or their main damage stat moving on from   angler we have tinkerer tinkerer is arguably one  of the best professions to have because so many   other professions utilize it as well as it giving  you nothing but critical hit Chance tinkerer is   going to be great on basically any major DPS unit  as it gives them a lot of critical hit chance so   tinkerer is how you are going to upgrade your Camp  items as well as create lock picks, Fish Hooks,   torches, multiple other things that are going to  be slot items such as belts and backpack items it   is a very very useful profession and I highly  recommend always having at least one tinkerer   especially on rests that can be assigned to the  tinkerer bench so they are able to generate raw   materials for you which will help you repair your  armor in a pinch not to mention tinkerers can also   dismantle items there are no mini games for Tinker  so there isn't really anything to go through there   it's just a simple crafting interface the best  way to level up tanker is honestly to upgrade   your Camp items a lot of people may advocate for  creating lock picks or fishing hooks but honestly   it's not really that big of a return on investment  it's much much better for you to Simply create   Camp items and level those up and by increasing  the level of your Camp items you will be gaining a   lot of Tinker experience moving on from Tinker we  have cook you will unlock once you craft a cooking   pot from the tinkerer and cook will only give you  Constitution however it gives you the ability to   craft and cook better meals which will give you  more food as well as a bonuses depending on what   type of meal you create cook will be very useful  on a tank or anything like that that could utilize   Constitution that being said though Constitution  is once again kind of a dump stat so basically   don't put this on an actual DPS unit and you'll be  fine also as you level it up we'll give you more   Constitution as well as better bonuses for not  only the dishes that you craft but also reducing   the amount of food that you will need in order for  you to keep your troops fed on every rest not to   mention leaving a cook a sign into the cooking  pot whenever you are in Camp will also reduce   the amount of food that you need to eat for every  rest the easiest way to level up cook is simply to   cook it's going to be a simple crafting interface  that there isn't really anything else that you can   do to do a mini game with cook or anything like  that it's just going to be craft more items and   eventually invest in getting something like a salt  scoop or anything like that next up we're going   to be talking about Thief now Thief is something  that you can easily unlock it simply by walking   up to a merchant or walking up and investigating  a chest that requires you to use a lock pick now   lock picks can be crafted by your tinkerer for one  iron and anytime you unlock a chest there is going   to be a lock picking mini game and it is very  imperative for you to listen or pay attention to   how the lock pick Wiggles if it Wiggles it means  that there is resistance and you will not be able   to pick it you will break your lock pick if you  try to force it however if there's no resistance   you'll be able to pick that Peg of the lock and  there are up to three pegs on these locks however   if you wanted to do it through the listening  route you can tell because there is a very   distinct sound that occurs right before a lock  pick begins to wiggle so if you simply go around   the lock until you do not hear that distinct noise  you'll be able to pick the lock very quickly and   without breaking any lock picks on top of that  thieves are able to steal from basically any   place and the easiest way for you to level up a  thief is to go to a Brotherhood Outpost and steal   all of the books there since the books are worth  so much money you get a lot of experience for a   thief and you can simply steal four or five books  and level up your Thief to experience however they   have reworked stealing so now whenever you use a  book or an item and dispose of the items that were   stolen you will have to pay those back an easy  way to get around this is to Simply either wait   out the guards or you would have to essentially  draw straws and send one of your units back to   jail and then go buy the unit back buying the  unit back will not cost very much money it will   actually be just about as much as what it used to  be in early access to pay off your fines however   whenever a unit gets picked to be sent to jail  they will have the Betrayed trait and this will   cause them to generate less happiness in Camp  and I highly recommend at that point making   it to where they are assigned to a campfire or  something that will help generate more happiness   it's really easy to manage happiness for the most  part let me know in the comments if I'm wrong but   for my testing I was not able to determine whether  or not betrayed traits stack and honestly it does   not seem to be that much of a detrimental trait  to have so happy stealing just betray everybody   and go buy them back moving on from Thief we're  going to get an alchemist so Alchemist is a very   important crafting class that will essentially let  you create not only medicines and throwing bombs   but it will also allow you to create oils which  essentially work as enchantments for your weapons   so it's very very important to have an alchemist  at least leveled and some shape or form and then   utilize them for crafting your oils later on at  higher levels Alchemists will gain more dexterity   to their stats as well as the ability to have  leftovers from every time they craft that can   then be used to create better items later on in  the game Alchemists are very useful for being   able to create a rhyme steel as well as Aetherite  as this is the only way you're able to generate   these types of ores that will be utilized by  the blacksmith since Alchemists give nothing but   dexterity that will be very useful on archers or  Rangers of some way shape or form you can always   increase your critical chance through level ups  and this will still give you a nice base damage   increase however this can also be utilized very  well on a non-dps unit such as a strategist or a   Archer that doesn't necessarily have to deal a lot  of damage that being said though that's basically   all that there is to The Alchemist that there is  no mini game for this all you have to do to unlock   this profession is simply walk up to an Apothecary  and click on the table it will unlock The   Alchemist profession and it's a simple crafting  UI you will not have any mini games that you have   to deal with that are skill based and you'll be  able to Simply pump up your levels in alchemy by   crafting moving on from Alchemist we'll be getting  into blacksmith blacksmith is kind of the bread   and butter for crafting in war Tales this is going  to help you utilize not only new weapons but new   armor as well as armor layers later on in the game  and crafted armor is arguably the best armor that   you can get in the game in order for you to fully  utilize blacksmith I highly recommend leveling up   the power and Glory tree and grabbing Champion  Craftsmen which essentially give you the ability   to have an additional armor layer on your forged  armor which will help overall increase the stats   of your crafted items not to mention you'll be  able to pick up trade of forged Goods which will   increase the sale price of weapons and armor that  you craft as a blacksmith blacksmith can be the   main source of income for a party depending on  how much iron and wood and other material that   you're able to acquire throughout the game and  you will be able to Simply craft better gear and   keep your units equipped with at least base level  entry gear for each new region in order for you to   unlock the blacksmith simply go to the nearest  town upon spawning in selecting the forge icon   and then clicking on the Anvil it will unlock the  blacksmithing profession and once you level up to   novice you'll be able to unlock new blacksmithing  recipes in the compendium once you unlock new   recipes you will be able to craft bigger and  better items which will give you better stats as   well as more armor and guard which will help out  in the long run blacksmiths do have a mini game   whenever you are crafting most items offhand items  such as throwing axes and throwing daggers do not   require the mini game however making a shield a  weapon or a main set of armor will require the   mini game in this mini game there will be four  pieces of metal on the Anvil that will heat up   in a random order and you are essentially meant  to click on the piece that is heating up at the   moment that there is a golden ring around it do  not worry if you miss the golden ring you do not   have to click on the piece of metal it will loop  around indefinitely and you will be able to try   again later so it's best for you to actually be  patient and wait for the blacksmith to loop around   versus you rushing and just clicking like I do  because I am impatient blacksmith since it gives   nothing but strength I highly recommend putting  that on a brute and not necessarily A swordsman,   Spearman, or Warrior simply because there are  items that will give you guaranteed critical   hit chance on the brute as well as some skills  that will help out quite a bit later on spoilers   off to the side you'll be able to check those  out in my brute videos dumping all the points   into strength will help out quite a bit with  increasing your damage output as well moving   on from blacksmith we'll be getting into  our last profession which is called minor   and minor is going to be your main source of  generating iron as well as gray clusters and a   to write now these raw materials will be generated  every time you go into an iron mine and play the   mining mini game so the mini game is essentially  going to be very very similar to the woodcutting   mini game there will be a gold-ish ring that will  be appearing on your screen and essentially every   time the white ring gets inside the golden ring  and turns green you want to click you can click   with it outside of the Ring however you will get  less experience and less materials from every   missed click essentially this ring will continue  to repeat going in and out of the golden ring and   you can easily wait multiple iterations until you  get the timing right do not feel rushed by doing   this mini game minor is one of the Gathering  classes and gives you Constitution as well as   strength so this will be very useful on a bulkier  tank however it is not a recommended option for   most melee DPS builds at higher levels Miner will  give more Constitution and strength as well as   better rewards for every time you were able to  mine such as gray clusters as well as Aetherite   and even gemstones anyway guys that is all I've  got for this video I hope you enjoyed this content   if you'd like to see more videos such as this  like the video drop your favorite profession in   the comment section below and don't forget to make  that number go up until next time have a good one
Channel: Clydian Fayre
Views: 3,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wartales, Wartales Professions, Wartales Guide, Wartales Review, Wartales Tips, Wartales Gameplay, wartales beginners guide, wartales guide, wartales, wartales tips, wartales tips and tricks, wartales gameplay, wartales beginners guide to stealing, wartales beginners guide for thieves
Id: S_WxMyV2Y30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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