Fight For Your Family | Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection [Music] [Music] look with me in Nehemiah chapter 4 and I'll begin reading with the 13th verse therefore I positioned men behind the lower parts of the wall at the openings I set the people according to their families with their swords and their spears and their bows and I looked in a rose and said to the nobles and the leaders and the rest of the people do not be afraid of them remember the Lord is great and awesome fight for your brothers fight for your sons fight for your daughters fight for your wives and for your houses verse 20 whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet rally to us there our God will fight for us what he's saying is if you'll fight for your family God will fight for you I want to talk to you about fight for your family fight for your family the attack in the 21st century is upon the home we have got to understand that the values that we cherish and the ideas that we hold dear are worth fighting for the family as we know it between a man and woman and children is worth fighting for marriage is worth fighting for our homes are worth fighting for we have to take a stand for our kids for our marriages for our homes for our values Nehemiah encountered opposition in rebuilding the walls and he said to his enemies in verses in the same chapter he said you'll have no portion here he said we're rebuilding the walls of our cities because we're going to rebuild our families and our homes and he said to the enemies you have no portion here he went on to say the city does not belong to you our homes do not belong to you the God of heaven he will help us he will prosper us and we are come mitad to our families young couples better settle two things in this day and time number one you better be committed to God and you better be committed to your marriage and to your family because if you have any looseness in your commitment to God or to your family the enemy will move in and divide and conquer God said if you will fight for your family to Nehemiah and that people he said if you will fight for your brothers and fight look at verse 14 again he said fight for your brothers fight for your sons fight for your daughters fight for your wife I'm gonna say the singular life because back then it was plural but his wife come on say man fight for your houses and he said if you'll fight for your house fight for your family then God will fight for you I'm not afraid to raise kids in this day and time because the Bible has promised us you know it's almost like a spirit of fear if that can come on you that that the times are so perilous but I'm not afraid to raise kids and raise grandkids in this time because we have the promise that no weapon formed against the home that is built upon the rock will prosper Nehemiah rebuilt the walls no matter what the enemy has done to your family and done to your home he rebuilt the walls and those walls are still standing today if you go to Jerusalem the walls around Jerusalem that he rebuilt are still standing today they pray about that wall that he helped rebuild because there there was a man who took a stand and he said I'm gonna fight for my family there's a cause worth fighting for our families are worth fighting for it's not easy it's not easy to hold your family together it's not easy to raise children in the times in which we live everything seems to be against the family and against the home but when we decide that families are calls worth fighting for God said then I will fight for you fight for your family fight for your marriage don't give up on it fight for it fight for your wife fight for your husband fight for your sons and your daughters because Satan is on a rampage and he wants to destroy the church but he can't destroy the church without destroying the home the first institution before the nation was the church and before the church there were races of people and before the races of people the only thing to precede the home was God himself if the home is the number one priority of the devil then we better make sure it's the number prot 1 priority of our lives I thank God for my home I'm glad and thankful that God gave me Charice I'm glad that God gave me Courtney and charissa and Caroline and Connor and Drake and my son in laws I'm thankful for them I'm thankful that God has blessed me the happiest times of our life are with our family enjoy your family love your family because the enemy wants to do everything he can to divide and conquer and destroy he wants to make your family miserable he wants to make your marriage miserable he wants to make your relationship with your children miserable and we are not ignorant of his devices the Bible said that we're to fight with love that's why the scripture said husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church the husband is the house band he's the band around the house that holds it together and you fight with love we fight because the Bible said when we fight that God will come alone beside us and fight for our families it's costly commitment it costs you something to hold your family together to hold your marriage together to hold your children together the famous story is told of a man who was in his 60s at the peak of his career as a college professor and he told of how that his wife had Alzheimer's and he resigned from the board of unknown University and at his peak and his board of directors begged him to stay and they said we don't understand she doesn't even know what your name is and he looked back in response and said she needs me and she may not know what my name is but I know what her name is she may not know who I am but I know who she is it's costly commitment it's still death do we part the Bible said of Noah when he built the ark for the saving of his family in the book of Peter it gives us a little bit more insight when it said he was in he was the eighth one to go on the ark now he had eight children and our he had six children and a wife so here's the point when he built the ark before the gangplank could close and before he could get on that Ark he went out and the Bible said he was the eighth to enter in that simply means that he made sure my children are on the ark he looked around and he counted one two three four five six seven and the scripture specific that he was the eighth one on the ark why because he was making sure that his family was on the ark so that when judgment came down on the earth and the church began to rise a picture of the rapture I say to fathers and I say to mothers make sure your family is on the ark make sure your sons and your daughters he was that last one and when the when the door closed he knew my family are here and that's what we're called to do to fight for our families he wanted to make sure that they were on that Ark don't leave it up to the preacher to save your family don't leave it up to the youth director of the youth program of the church or somebody else don't even leave it to the mother day to do your praying but get your family make sure your family is in the Ark I love the words of Joshua when he said as for me in my house we will serve the Lord job had a job the word job is spelled just like job and he had a job in job chapter one he said that he would build an altar and put a sacrifice according to the number of his household every day and it said this Joe did continually I want you to see job every day of his life he had ten children and he had his wife and every day he said I'm job and I have a job my job is to for every one of my children and he would name that first child that firstborn child and he would slay an animal and build an altar and put that blood on that altar and call that child's name out before God and he would go to child number two and put blood on that altar and build a second altar and he did this continually day after day after day he was fighting for his family he was saying to demons he was saying two to two wrong relationships he was saying to drugs and alcoholism get away from my family I plead the blood of Jesus over my children one after another after another and people say that's old-fashioned that's old-school you call it what you trust in psychology and you trust in and in a child book that you read that somebody who didn't have children wrote but and weren't trying to live for Jesus but as for me and my house we're gonna serve the Lord and I've learned that that old stuff works that they may drink from the rivers of rebellion and they may go down the wrong path but if you put enough blood on them in enough prayer on them in enough intercession on them there's no hell hole that can hold them God will bring them out if you'll fight for your family God will fight for you give him a great praise if you believe I'm preaching the true we're not gonna let hell raise our children we're not gonna let gangs raise our children we're not gonna let Hollywood raise our children we need to raise our children and we need to put them on the altar he put his wife on the altar he put his children on the altar and this job did continually that's your job your job is to cover your family keep close watch on your children often people fail to fight but if ever there was a cause to fight for it is our families they have been Jezebel were reckless in their lifestyle they were godless in their ways and listen to this they had they had 70 children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren 70 and the Bible said that when judgment came that an army invaded and cut off the heads of all of their children and their grandchildren and their great-grandchildren and killed 70 the whole family was blotted out there's another man in the Bible and the only other man in the Bible that I could find that has 70 children grandchildren and great-grandchildren and his name was obed-edom we're not told his wife's name and they had 70 children just like Ahab and Jezebel had 70 children in great-grandchildren who was obed-edom he was the man who moved the Ark of the Covenant into his home David danced behind that art but it was obed-edom that brought it into his home and for three months it stayed in his home and all 70 of those children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren that were exposed to the Ark of the Covenant in their home in the presence of God were so touched by that not one of them failed to work in the temple the Bible said all 70 worked in the temple from bloodline to bloodline the blessing flowed from generation to generation the blessing flowed I want to say to parents and people who are here fight for your family stay in their business and stay in their lives and when you have to stand up and correct them correct them if it hinders and hurts and you have all kinds of stuff going on stand for what's right fight for what's right stand on the truth and you know what they may go WOW they may get crazy and they may get mad they may go off but if you have raised them right if you have raised them in the house you don't have to be a perfect family but if you've done your best to bring them to the house of God and to serve the Lord before them and you've done your best to have God's presence in your home and in your life there's something that gets on your family that they will never be ever ever ever be able to get away from as a matter of fact I just want to tell you there's nothing more important than what you're doing right now it's more important than a ballgame it's more important we've lost that scene we don't believe this old stuff anymore but I'm gonna tell you beware of dangerous distractions that take you and your family away at critical times with the children need to be in the house of God we're fighting for our families every time we get up and bring them to church every time we open the Bible and pray we're fighting for our families Philemon 1 and verse 2 to the church that is in your house Paul wrote a letter and he said most of the time I'm writing my letters to churches but he said the church that I'm writing this letter to is in somebody's house do you have any church in your house it's God present in your house the Bible said that when we honor God when we provide a place for him when we fight for our families and I'm just here today to encourage dads and moms to not give up that if the enemy has come in like a flood we know what it is Cherise and I know what it is and usually he'll come out of nowhere and it's not one battle but it's multiple battles and his strategy is to divide and conquer divide and conquer and when you're fighting for your family when you're fighting for those teenagers or those college students when addiction is trying to get them or the wrong people and the wrong crowd that's when you go to your prayer place that's when you open this book and you declare the promises of God and I'm giving you a great one this morning that if you will fight for your family God will fight for you don't give up someone said up to 15 years old they do what you tell them to do but after 15 they do what you showed them to do to the church that is in your house and I want to say in closing that it's important that we understand the impact that we have on our children and our children's children the story is told in the northeast of a famous attorney who had an alcohol problem and he's very successful on the way every day to his to his law practice he would walk on the streets of Chicago past a bar and he would slip in for morning drink and then go on to his office and he did it every day one day as he was walking the snow was lightly falling he heard a noise and turned around and he saw his little six-year-old boy somehow he had slipped away from his mother and slipped out of the house and and when he looked the little boy was putting his little foot in the big footprint of his dad the dad had left that footprint in the freshly fallen snow and the little boy would put his little foot in the footprint of the big steps that his dad was taking and suddenly as he was standing outside the door of that bar and he looked back and saw that that boy was stepping in every one of his footsteps and he was smitten with conviction and he ran and scooped the boy up and took him home and put him in the arms of his mother and ran downstairs and he says he fell to his knees and he began to weep and cry and he said o God helped me to never ever again allow my footsteps to leave my children to a bar but let my footsteps leave my children to you from this day forward I want to ask you a question where are your footprints leading all that's going to matter when you are our own your deathbed is its where did my footprints lead them if you're leading your children to Jesus if you're leading them to serve Him above all prioritizing him above all then you're leaving the greatest legacy any parent can ever leave their children I remember when my father died and I decided to help Mom because I we stayed Cherise and I stayed a few days at the house where she had to move out out pretty quick and one day we went up into the bedroom and it was my job to take my dad's shoes and he used to wear these wing tip shoes anybody know what I'm talking about the the wing tips they're bad amen dad liked to dress good and I had cried and I had broken you know through the funeral and through the loss and all of that it was very unexpected he was an amazing preacher powerful preacher one of his favorite sermons is when the Holy Ghost comes to town he could preach it too but I'll never forget that Charisse was helping me and we were cleaning the closet and helping mom and getting some of his suits and some of his clothes and I reached down and took that big old foot I forget what size it was it must have been 11 and a half or something like that it was huge and there's something about those shoes that it all came crashing in and I heard the Lord speak to me and say you've got big shoes to fill and so often we sing and I had this thought hit me so often we seen are the little children singing in children's church be careful little feet where you go be careful little eyes but really we ought to turn it around and sing it as an adult song be careful big feet where you go be careful big eyes what you see because we're the big feet go the little feet are gonna follow where the big eyes go the little eyes are gonna follow where the big heart is devoted the big the little hearts are gonna follow and we need to understand and ask the question where are my footprints where are they leading my children and my children's children fight for your marriage fight for your family fight for the children that are addicted that God used you to give birth to don't give up on them because if you raised them in church and even if you didn't God said where sin abounds grace does much more abound but I cannot underscore how critical it is that the footprints that you're leaving if a child gets up and asks you are we going to church today mommy and daddy it's a sign you're not being the parent you're supposed to be if they dare have to ask it's a sign your footprints are not moving in the right direction that's hard isn't it but this stuff will save your family this I'd rather have my family serving God that have anything the world can give them I feel a burden for families today I feel a burden for homes that are under attack the enemy may have devastated you and your family but you've got to learn how to fight for what's left rebuild the walls rebuild off of what is left the miracle is not in what you lost it's in what you've got left and if you're listening to me and you would say pastor Franklin while you were preaching I realize that there are those that I influence that my footprints are taking in the wrong direction I know that I am NOT living like I should and I want to surrender my life to Jesus Christ today I want you to pray with me say these words out loud right where you're watching me right now say Lord Jesus I give you my life I surrender everything that I am and all that I have I give to you today I'll give you what's left of my family of my dreams of my of my life take me God and cleanse me by your blood wash me and set me free and heal my family in Jesus precious name Amen any man if you just prayed that prayer you just made the greatest decision of your life and if you just accept that Jesus Christ as your Savior I want to hear from you call the number that's on the screen go online and tell us what God is doing in your life and in your family in our closing moments I want to share with you something extraordinarily close to my heart listen to my announcer and I'll be right back in just a moment to tell you how you can join with us in taking a stand to fight for families in our nation and around the world marriage and Families don't look the way they used to our families are under attack as families everywhere are struggling to keep from falling apart now like never before we must stand up and fight for our families our prayers our the bow that sends our children and they cannot soar without our prayers for over three decades Jensen Franklin has been taking a stand to fight for families this month when you partner with him and sharing God's love and compassion with hurting families with your gift of any amount we'll send you the message God's hand on our house or with your gift of $75 or more we'll send you this powerful message by Jensen Franklin along with a custom promise box full of God's truths to declare over your family you don't have to do this alone together we can fight for our families don't wait go online to Jensen Franklin TV and take a stand to fight for your family here at our ministry our heart is to see families healed restored and brought back to Jesus Christ in this month as our children are returning to school we have a plan to encourage you really to equip you for victory in your family I want you to continue to say to your children and your loved ones I love you continue to remind one another that you care speak life keep speaking love to your family say it verbalize it and keep praying for your children every day dad mom grandmother grandfather call your children's name out in prayer your grandchildren your spouse your family this is the strongest weapon that we have as you pray and don't forget to send us the names of your loved ones you see this month we have a special prayer emphasis for families and I'm asking you to partner with us and let's pray together I believe that your prayers are powerful but I'm promising you that there's a special emphasis this month that I'm going to place upon every person who sends in maybe a pitcher or even the name of your family and say yes I want someone to agree with me for the hand of God to be upon my children as they go back to school many of them going back to college and the universities oh how we need to undergird our families in this critical hour in prayer thank you so much for joining us today on the program and listen I'm praying for you and your family I've seen God do miracles in my family and I know he can do it for you we'll see you next time this program has been sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom Connection we hope you've enjoyed this teaching by Jensen Franklin and thank you for your continued support of this ministry your prayers and financial support make these programs possible for more information about this message and other ministry resources visit us online at jetson Franklin TV
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 62,845
Rating: 4.8961039 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince, Free Chapel, Temple, Saved, Save, Christianity, Faith, Depression, Healing, Radical, Devotion, Devotional, Islam, Mosque, Suicide, Struggle
Id: RoLsppWloXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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