FGHT Dallas: The Snare of the Fowler

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some great things for his people touch the mat until a mate but serve the Lord is paying off right now or folk want you to believe it pays up after a while oh but I believe it's paying off right now it means something to serve the Lord in man it's not all about the fishes under those hey man I'm not serving it just because a man I need him to heal my body but it's good to know if I need a healing he can help though man a man I'm not here all of that but hey man they're benefits to being on the Lord's side and let's thank God for evangelist Jones tonight or didn't she do a phenomenal job a man don't stop praying prayer changes things and prayer changes people maybe it wasn't your night to testified it wasn't your night to speak but there's something you can't do why don't you take a moment go shake somebody's head up that intent of your love over the love of the law [Music] oh that's it Oh [Music] come on say the cheese's at me stop the cheese [Music] Hey Jory's come on say the cheaters hit me that's the cheese the cheese's that's the cheese [Music] Geordi sorry is it yes telling uh clap your hands everybody come over [Music] you're easy [Music] Hey sorry here it is oh what a clap your hands everybody [Music] stay right there come on and clap your hands your mustache yes sure I love you Anna get sure one more time [Music] welcome home captains hands and give him praise and glory in the house of the Lord tonight a man cut bless you take your seat if you can what a fellowship what a joy to buy I'm just glad to be in the house of the Lord one more time glad to be where the Saints are amen thank God that God's been good to us he loaned us to life amen kept us safe from the will of the enemy amen and it's just good to be here still shout in the victory anybody got a testimony tonight or listen everybody didn't get a raise this week everybody Amen didn't get that new house man everybody didn't get a cup but touch the matter tell him I'm just glad I'm still saving them oh I got a testimony ain't that the devil didn't try to turn me around a man I'm still saved after all the things have been through I'm still holding on to God's unchanging the hand hallelujah I thank God I had a mind to hold on to him oh but I'm grateful he had a mind to hold on to me yeah sometimes your strength gets small but I thank God that he's holding on to us he and look at us tonight me man he allowed us to come back together brought us into the Saints where we and caused us to sit in heavenly places I'm just glad tonight to be here look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord or tell somebody else and I am a lover of the word of our our God I love mine Amen I brought mine with me you got yours don't you come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what everything but the word our God listen I don't get how good people preach hang your hat on the world I don't get a tuneup you know you got some folk hey man they they didn't know how to get you going hey man there was one one quartet singer he declared nobody could add hoop him because he practice every day hey man I mean they and he could sing my dad had told us one time he got the singing uh-uh-uh-uh one Songun and a woman sitting in the in the auditorium that night she listened him sing that song but he got the hitting that I've been in a storm can they say he's sending that song so until the woman couldn't take it said she got up screamed and and took off running down the street said her husband had to get up and go chase her catch it well some folk can sing you with your friends and some folk and preach you hate many you feel like standing on top of your your head but when the preaching and the singing is over when you come down off the ceiling everything else is going down but the Word of God that's the reason why I focus is never on that other stuff our focus must always be on the word of our God I think all for shouting thank God a man for music a little on fourth grade a minute some of the great singers nothing when we get through shouting and running and doing how that we can do if we don't have a word to anchor us and all of that shouted wasn't they hallelujah the Book of Psalms some chapter number 124 sums 124 amen and this this is such a such a profound it's title in song of degrees of David I love it a man it's one in a series of the songs of degrees of David but it's such a it starts out with such power it tells us the advantage that we have being the believer amen and although I don't want to take it all amen tonight and treat it all I do want to read it all cuz it sound good in it and it encourages us so I'll take a verse out of it but but but just for encouragement sake I want to read verses 1 through 8 Psalms 120 4 verse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 and when you habits say a man read what the Bible and read it with some strength now may Israel say if it had been the Lord who was on ours if it hadn't have been him on my side when me and Rosa if there was somebody else my story would be a whole lot different but I had him on my side the creator of the universe he was on my side that you want to know want to know how we made it some folks say my soul look back and wonder happy listen my so don't wonder I know how I made it if it had to been hell on my side oh that's why we're here we're not here because we were smart we're not here because we were good-looking we were not here Amen because the enemy didn't try us we're still here because he was on our side and if God be for us who can be against us we when man rose up against uh-huh then they had swallowed us they would have swallowed us up when their wrath was kindled against us huh then the waters had overwhelmed us it would have been overwhelmed the stream had gone over our soul uh-huh then the crowd waters had gone over our soul weeds blessed be the Lord be the Lord who had not given us a prey to their teeth who has not given us as prey to their teeth our enemy wanted to do wouldn't a kiss that was a baby he wanted to destroy you but he didn't give us over as prey to that we our soul our so if this case is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the world look at somebody and tell them I made it out all right [Applause] [Music] my soul is escape like a out of the snare of the founders and since my soul escaped I realized this was no natural enemy this was a spiritual enemy because because of my soul was older he delivered my soul like you would deliver a bird from the snare of the sorry the snare is broken look at it look at he broke the snare and that's what the Bible means when he says and no weapon formed against you shall prosper he didn't just deliver me out of the snare he broke it that's what the Bible means when he says if the son that would make you free sometime that never didn't want to let you go but pop set you free then he broke the snap y'all hearing me amen that means that God don't intend for you to be bound to alpha again they used to sing a song is it God delivered me one day why so does escape like a parrot out of the sniff of the Fowler's the snap is broken read and we are escaped and we get away our help is in the name of the Lord is in the name of the law who made heaven and earth who made heaven we that seventh verse again our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare escapes hold up this of the phallus I want to talk tonight about the snare of the Fowler look at some managers say the snare of the Fowler I think about the command of Scripture it commands us to be ever watchful and aware what's happening around us not just in the natural but in the spirit something Aversa up on current events you know I'm one of those one of those people I like to know what's going on in the world I don't I don't like to be in nobody else's mercy I don't like to just be a part of the group you know you got some people they're just a part of a mob whatever everybody else is doing that's what they do but I personally it like to be informed I want to know I want to be informed as to what's happening because these things deal with me and what the Lord says to us now is that we've got to be ever watchful and aware of what's happening around us not just in the natural it's one thing to know what's going on in the world but it's another thing to know what's going on in the spirit you've got to know where the enemy is you've got to know a man that where you stand there is solid ground you've got to know that you are without a doubt in the will of God and you've got to know that God there is absolutely please with your life the word of the Lord that monitors us as believers but our job is to watch and pray you've got a lot of folk praying and everybody talk about praying a I pray amen three times a day I pray amen I had a great prat time this morning but he didn't just say pray he said watch the prey so that means that why we're praying our eyes as must be open and aware of what's going on around us not just in the natural but we've got to be very sensitive in the spirit are you hearing what I'm trying to tell you we've got to watch and pray and believe God and be on our guard so that the enemy of our souls does not succeed in his trying you know the Bible describes Satan amen as our adversary he describes him in various terms we hear terms like he walketh about as a roaring that Jesus comes back and he tells us in Saint John the tenth chapter and the tenth verse he says he is a thief and the feed comes before to steal to kill and to destroy we see even as far back as the book of Genesis he is described as a serpent of sorts profession today known as a bird that catch up he is skilled which he seeks after goes with the express intention of bringing about the demise of a bird a man through traps or snares on y'all but y'all here and what I'm trying to tell you you've got to beware of the Shaolin and we look around and we don't realize amen but there are so many things amen in the world today that can qualify as the smell of the power we've always only has because it was always when he was he was because he was going to be careful he knows he knows quiet here he knows what to do and catch you in a place where you cannot escape what it was always the reason why he is so successful is because of the secrecy of the secrecy on the secrecy to be a trap it's always clear you've got to know sons and daughters now when people are going off of their own understanding that's just running after things because it looks okay because they don't think anything is wrong with it but that don't mean you move in that direction the people said that if you acknowledge the Lord all your ways he will direct y'all get quite here read the steps that should pay you always Namaskar because let's be real we don't know hey bet we're say that see this we're going to deal with that you own it but you're wanted at all depends on the secrecy of the trap we have been cleared the Spirit of God tells us you've got to because of the secrecy of the into a bad situation because it looks harmless because of the nature of it what did I do what's the because people didn't realize that when they came in contact with it that it was what it was it was a people are getting tired of now because stubble is harmless and they don't realize it's a trap nobody saw the trap and got trapped in it because the success of the depends on the secrecy of the truth sage Spurgeon says that sinners sin with their eyes wide open hmm but it's not so with the Christian Christians are taken Krissy Oh No Oh No amen okay the world bacon no it's wrong and don't care paint no running from the law is wrong but they still run with their eyes wide open but you know what it takes that's the reason why is always in the trap well y'all don't get quiet now in the cryin never been married in the pregnant because he told me that I made him want to study more and I just felt like you know because he said I will give you your nose [Music] put your heart back together don't get some things are not even worth going after some of y'all sitting there you want to run and shout but you don't want nobody to know that your testimony honey if I had all this information I wish I could go back in time and know what I know now Lord you'd be the wisest somebody God ever did sitting through this world lord have mercy Lord if you knew then what you know now you wouldn't even try to highlight that one you left your window and hit the gas instead of the brake now look at you got tangle up tangle up now you're mad cuz you got caught up in the snare but a posse you don't understand I know God calling me their ministry but I just don't think it's right then my wife feel like I got to be at home all the time and I see the reason why I can't engage in ministry like I feel the spirit leaving me - do you feel for the trap before get mad at the preacher get mad at God because God didn't throw you down off the altar today you got mad now you fell for that I remember years ago years and years and years and years and years ago one of the first weddings that I can remember I didn't perform it but I remember being there as an evangelist and I remember the guy came back to me about a year later he's a man I came over there I married a woman from y'all Church she ain't did this and she did that and she I feel like y'all y'all deceive me I said you know why you married her cuz nobody else did tell you you came mine these cute ones cuz cuz somebody cute ones got some issues I ain't talking about you let me get back to these notes I get in trouble when I start the prompter see some things you don't get caught up in some things you don't get involved in some things you gotta walk on by because your involvement means consequences later see see I'll stop if you can show me where it's wrong that's what people say now you know show me what's wrong if you can show me what's wrong I'll stop how do you subtitle people saying stuff like that that's some of the dumbest does dumbest stuff anybody can say so you'll stop if I show you that it's wrong so until I show you is wrong you gonna keep doing it even though it might be wrong boy why not stop doing it until you figure out for sure that it's okay to do because if it's wrong and you keep doing it until I show you it's wrong you're not done enough room that you gotta suffer some consequences but all the wrong you did while you were waiting on me to show you that is wrong it's not my job to show you that it's wrong it's your job to refrain from it until you got a unction in your spirit that it's okay to do oh y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you because once you do it you just got yourself look you just got it was wrong there never consequences that you're gonna have to pays because you kept doing it Oh y'all given what I'm trying to tell you if we got this thing out twisted show me where it's wrong show me where's rope and so you gonna keep doing it just because they know that it shows you when it's wrong what if it is wrong it means you're saying shoot you so you're gonna keep doing it wrong somebody put a finger on it no you don't have to do it just sit down wait for God okay don't wait for wait for the brain until you know for sure wait for God to give you direction wait for God to drop spiritual insight on you the truth about the trap it doesn't have to be elaborate it can be simple yet effective sometimes we're looking for this complex plan has devised against us and we're looking for stuff or and we're overcompensating because we're expecting it to be something just I mean so so diabolical and magnificent we're looking for the bad stuff and don't even realize it don't have to be an elaborate trap it can be a very simple trap and still be effective as a matter of fact anything can be a trap so you can never let your God boy Yaron get quiet now see see I don't mean them but just just look at the person next to you don't say that just look mm-hmm moving right along first Peter 5 and he tells us to be sober he tells us to be vigilant because we always have an adversary the reason why we've got to be sober is because if we're not clear headed will miss something if we're not sensitive to the voice of God if we're not tuned into the frequency of the Spirit we'll miss some things because the Bible tells us even Satan himself is transformed success depends on the secrecy of the truth that's why Jesus and the Apostles warned us over and over let no man deceive you by great swelling words vain words let no man deceive you be not deceived we hear this all throughout the New Testament because he understood what some of us are still ignorant to and it's really secrecy that takes the child of God it's deception that people fall into because they were not watchful they were not aware they were not in tuned to the spirit you gotta keep your eyes open your ears to the ground because the enemy is waiting and anything that you take for granted can be used as a oh you gotta watch the conversations you have with people to get you in a conversation and get you to start laughing at stuff that you should even entertain that's a trap watch them phone calls that people make after service what do you think about what do you see it's more than just a preacher that's annoying it and do my prophets no respect all of that Christian ethic that they used to have years ago people would dare put a mouth on a preacher now now focus that kind of stuff on Facebook that post and shoot our kind of shots all right the problem is God fight for preachers preachers ain't got to fight for themselves Oh y'all given what I'm trying to tell you you know what I read I read that right after he lied to whip up my world within the heaven Elisha goes to the river he smokes the waters the Bible said the waters back up out of his way he goes across and when he gets across children of they're gone up your bow headed preacher the preacher bow headed and the Bible said some she-bears hate those kids but I'm trying to tell you bears say to them don't put your mouth on a man you keep letting folk call you on the phone trying to talk about you know what David said David said I didn't involve myself in matters that were too hot for me if you don't understand why the preacher do it then keep your mouth closed and ask God to help you to understand it by and by but if you don't understand it shut up because you might be speaking against the work of God and God's got away of standing up and speaking for himself that's a trap that's a trap watch it don't fall for that it's a trap we watched last night me and pastor Dimas said at the church and watch the little boys on YouTube make a bird trap making bird traps and you know what they use to make that trap a coke can a rubber band a piece of string and a stick that's it what no more elaborate today a coke can a rubber band a piece of string and a stick well y'all hearing I'm gonna say it again a coke can a rubber band a piece of string and a stick and we watched those boys put a trap together to catch birds using nothing more than a cocaine oh man a piece of string and a stick and when they devised the trap using nothing more than a cocaine a rubberband and a stick next thing you see a bird coming by the trap and within 15 seconds of him landing he was caught in the snare of the rubberband a piece of string Fowler is skilled in the TaylorMade designed to catch whatever don't you focus on other people that got away because this trap might have been made just for you you better watch it because the Fowler knows how to trap the bird he's looking for you don't use the same kind of trap duck as you do an eagle you don't trap the way you know y'all getting quiet here you've got to know how to use the trap skillfully and Shana is a skillful powder he wants you he wants you you can watch other people do it and get away that don't mean you don't get away you might be what he's hunting today don't you think you don't know how to get you oh I saw him ty he was catching ducks ain't got him in the worry about okay he knows what to you in order to catch what he's looking for listen the devil has to use something to lure you in we call that they the nature of faith is that it can only entice you because ultimately it's fear your choice to either take it or walk away falling for the bait you know sometimes they'll put food that that's what they use last night seeds but now if you're a bird let me give you a hint if you see a pile of worms in the middle of nowhere where worms ain't supposed to be ain't nothing free you know you know sometimes we need we need a sharp discernment but then sometimes common sense nothing told you don't look right oh really nobody told me it was wrong now you go get use food but it's always about some sort of profit or some sort of pleasure it's always something to lure you it's always something lust of the flesh the lust of mass it's always something to lure you he always have some kind of bait want me to be quiet I'm trying to keep you at the snap he has to use something to bring you in but you know what I found out what I was studying this that a Fowler is so cunning that he has been known to use birds to catch birds no I was I was I was looking and and and and the Fowler has been known to go and take baby birds out of the nest boy y'all gainsaid he takes baby birds out of nests and he raised them by his own head while he's raising them some have been known to so the birds I live Brian they don't know what they have no sense of that rich and you know what he'll do he'll raise him and he'll cage him and he'll put them in a place and cover up the cage because the success of the Fowler depends on the secrecy of the trail and while they are concealed they start singing and calling out and then you see birds starting to sucker because they're curious and after a while you'll see them come down and once they come down they're caught in the snare of the Fowler and can I tell you what the devil to do the devil will use bound birds to attract free birds boy ain't nobody send nothing on Tuesday night I said the devil he'll use pound birds you're free but that's when folk leave God and they don't want to live holy udinese me talk give me you know you will use pound birds to track free birds oh that's the reason why I walked away from God what he said he said I don't mean the sinners of this world because if you don't get away from the sitter's of the world all the world people who used to walk don't you will use birds to attract birds that are free and you watch this because the devil is calling out to somebody you don't even realize [Music] you will mess around and get caught up in you let a blind person lure lure you in you know I love I love hunting I love to hunt I love to watch it sometimes they you know we used to even have a video game when I was coming up I guess the children now wouldn't even bother with that it was called duck hunt it was the greatest game in the history and you know a duck hunter is nothing more than a modern-day Fowler you know how to succeed what they do in many cases you'll see them putting out what we call decoy ducks and they're set decoy ducks out in the water so that when ducks flying overhead look down they see ducks in the water and if he's in the water and he's peaceful that must mean there's no danger around and so they are enticed to come down under under under the desire I'll sit like that for peace and safety and it's got to be there because if he's there nothing has bothered him then nothing is gonna bother me and I think about a duck kind of he is he's hidden up under what is called a duck blind and he's got to be under the duck blind because the success of the Fowler depends upon the secrecy of the trap and what I what I've noticed about duck hunters they don't they don't have to wait for the duck to land in the water you know what they wait for for him to come within range and see that's why you got to be careful because the devil may not be waiting on you to do he just might be waiting on you to come within range and once you come within a range he can shoot you he can pick y'all got quieted let me hurry up and get out of here he'll put you put buck shots in your side here he'll shoot you out of the sky and he can't do it as long as you're flying up way.you below but the you come down and you get within range that's why you gotta you gotta stay a far away from it as you possibly can come in come from our appearance of evil stay away from it you know evil wanna give in and out but you don't have to come down and get tied up in it if you if you get within range that might be enough to do it oh you always saying watch out for the snare of the Fowler right like those little boys did set the trap using nothing more than a coke can a rubberband a piece of string and a stick they set the trap and they walked off they came back later and guess what they found a bird caught in the snare of the fact that the devil may just set the trap for you he got to stay there and watch you because he can't make you do nothing no way the only thing he can do is make you comfortable around the trap back in shelling its deadly nature you've got to get too comfortable around danger and it's possible to do because the success of the Fowler depends upon the secrecy of the trap he can leave you to your own devices he'll just set the stage there's something in you that ain't right some kind of lust that wants something that you're not supposed to have he don't have to make you do whatever made me he didn't make you do anything sometimes he wasn't even around he just set the scene for you to cry yourself up he'll come back later and get you because you're already taken boy y'all done got crap and once you tangled up you won't be there until somebody comes and releases you from the of the flower you gotta watch it cause this thing is real and you know what else I was reading I think of aspersion talked about this he he preached a sermon and he talked about how that some fowler's employ extreme measures and one of the measures that they employ and i didn't know this until until yesterday he said a lot of them were training a Hulk and if that bird gets away he'll take his Hulk and send that Hulk up in the air once that Hulk is in the air he's all but guaranteed to bring it down we were looking at a video not long ago of a duck that was sitting on the ground sitting on the ground and suddenly just kills over and starts kicking somebody's wrong we don't even see what it was until they slow the video down and in the background a few seconds later a hog landed and when they slow the video down they slowed it down enough to see that while that duck was sitting on the ground minding his own business that Hulk swooped down and hit him hard enough to break his neck and it happens so fast it was like somebody shot a bullet oh and what they're trying to tell you is that if you won't come down the devil to try to force you down you got to be careful because if you don't stoop he'll try to force you to come down y'all gettin cried but when I heard suppression said he said there's only one way to make sure that the hog don't get you he said you gotta make sure that you stay above it lord have mercy as long as you beneath the Hulk you are gonna but if you can stay above it ain't not listen I don't care if you ain't never been that happy for in your life if you want to survive you gotta make sure you stay above that I hope for the Sun but don't you ever come down into the feed store today and I bought me some now I could have just got something else but you all are quality people and so I wanted to be authentic with you so I went and spent nine dollars and ninety cent on a five-pound bag of chicken feed that's your neighbor and tell'em be real I was in East Texas a few months ago we were sitting there talking to Pastor McKee pastor McKee telling us how he was you know raised I think in Carthage and how he said he would buy chickens and the mailman would deliver his chickens to the house and he said they had a lot of chickens and sometimes sometimes he said his his mother would would come to cook bring man I notice neither didn't get up she want me to have her chair that's alright neither I see you ain't volunteer for nothing so pastor Mackey told us that his mother but that when it was time to cook dinner you know back then you raised your food we almost got gone get back to that now pho clicking hi screaming listen we need a chicken coop right behind the church cuz I'm scared of the stuff I'm bad that's still not but but pasta McKee said his mother would go out when she was ready to kill chickens and he said that his mother would take a chance sit down she would take a canister with the chicken feed in it and she's shaking she shaked that canister the chickens knew some minute now they come around and she would shake something right close to her and win that chicken hochi when that chicken came close enough with his head down that's why Jesus said watch and pray his head is down he's eating that feed he said that while his head is down his mother would grab that chicken pop that chicken's neck and let it go and that chicken would be on that that you're their feathers flopping dust going up everywhere and all the other chickens take out running I'm trying to be serious they take off running because they just saw what happening and when he get through flopping and carried on just as calm as she could be and in spite of the fact that Jamal is over there dead with his neck broke here they come again and when they get close enough she'll grab another one and while he's over there Cara Nome everybody take off running again but she'll sit there just as calm having everything settle down y'all know I bought this for the sound effect though I really and you know what the sad reality is it don't matter how many broke neck Joker's is land on the yard all is something to lure the rest of your back in the devil is a foul he's a very successful fowl and in spite of the fact that you've seen some people get caught up in the same stuff you read didn't last long if he can he'll do are you I feel so bad for them look at what happened at in and you run away for a little while but then when the sting of conscience is gone if you're not careful he'll lure you right back in think about the snare of the Fowler is that once you're caught up in it it's not his intention to let you go the psalm is saying my soul escaped wish I could find about 58 in 3/4 of you look at some bat and tell him I made it out I've mail for some stuff lower jaw in about it honest enough to say I failed for some stuff I got caught up but my soul escaped like a bird out of the snare of the Fowler he broke the snap somebody I'll never be found again out of the reach all night the success of the foul depends on the secrecy of the trap it ain't gonna look like a trap they don't mean it ain't a trap oh it looks harmless that don't mean it's homeless it only takes one interaction that's all oh he's know how to get you we so boys build a trap using nothing more if I never knew you paid attention I know it tonight you don't have to look like a trap to be a trap you don't have to be expensive don't have to be elaborate it can be simple but it don't mean it won't work don't get caught up in the snap but tonight maybe that's somebody right now your feet you're flopping around but you can't get it loose trying to fly I believe it sounds the 90th chapter said surely he shall deliver us from the snare of the Fowler from the noise and pestilence rabbit talks about under his wings he'll Highness heard one man say last night a lot of birds when they get caught in the snare of the Fowler one of the consequences is because of their attempt to get free they lose their feathers they try so hard bumping up against this doing that they lose their feathers but what the psalmist told us is that if you lose your feathers when he set you free it gives you some here's the Lord wants to deliver somebody if tonight somebody says for the Herman I'm counted up he can deliver you out of the snare and some of us hadn't been caught yet that's what the psalmist means in sons 90 when he says he'll deliver you from the snare some of us don't need to be delivered from it cuz we already got caught up in it he has to deliver us out of it but either way he's able if there's somebody here tonight and you'll see I'm tied up you can come if you leave to be safe you need to be delivered you can come come on be honest he got me [Music] somebody tinnitus and I didn't see that coming I want you to come come on come on they're coming I didn't see that coming it took me by surprise I didn't want to be here I didn't want to get addicted to this I didn't want to get caught up in this I didn't even see it coming that's how the fowler works the success of the power depends on the secrecy of the trap but tonight he can set you free those prison doors is never another that's coming come on if you need to be saved I want you to come come on if you need prayer I want you to come I want you to come hi little Lou they're coming I wish I could get somebody to clap your hands [Music] finally finally [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] both lemons eating up your heads [Music] [Music] [Music] right get Jegs [Music] [Music] Bank hilt seeds to Chile's make a Jesus [Applause] I'm never you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 16,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: fVtAhefat50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 11sec (5051 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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