FGHT Dallas: Understanding The Deceiver

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[Music] i love to call you jesus he's the best friend i ever had oh jesus jesus yes it's jesus jesus lift up your heads and worship jesus tonight hallelujah jesus [Music] yes well come on and lift those hands and praise the lord tonight hallelujah oh come on lift your hands and praise him like he's worthy of all of the praise hallelujah hallelujah oh come on raise your praise to the lord hallelujah thank you jesus oh my soul the magnify the name of the lord come on and put those hands together let's thank god for the temple worshipers tonight let's thank god for sister hancock amen hallelujah amen thank god amen for sister robinson with that testimony amen and to all of you tonight my father's children god bless you take your seat in the presence of the lord what a fellowship what a joy divine grateful to be back in the house of the lord one more time i was glad when they said unto me it's time to go to church amen i'm grateful that god has loaned us to life another day amen blessed us and brought us back into his presence one more time you know it didn't have to be this way amen so every time that god gives you opportunity to come back into the sanctuary you ought to come through those gates with thanksgiving amen into his courts with praise and just thank god amen that he loaned you to life another day and not only that but he's been good to you amen oh i know he has i'm looking at you god's been good to you amen and i'm grateful that he's a keeper but he's a keeper to those that have a mind to be kept and i have a mind amen to be kept by by the lord look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the lord and i am a lover of the word of god i got mine tonight you got yours all right come on hold that power up thank god because everything else is going down but what you really believe that i believe it amen that everything else is holy and sufficient on which to build your life but if you can build it on the word of god you'll have what it takes to make it you can weather the storm amen as long as you're anchored amen to that rock and that rock is jesus and that what they used to tell us be be very sure that your your anchor holes amen and grips that solid rock and i thank god for the word tonight we've been he's been our tuesday nights and for the past month or so we've been talking about amen understanding the kingdom amen what the kingdom is all about we talked about the bible we talked about god amen we talked about sin and salvation and tonight i want to call your attention if you would to the book of first peter even first peter the fifth chapter and i want the eighth eighth and the ninth verses amen let me get my pages together here all right amen first peter chapter number five verses eight and nine hallelujah and when you have it say amen read what the bible says be sober be sober be vigilant wait wait because you know you you hear about being sober and the first thing that that hits people's mind is somebody that's drinking liquor you know you you talk about sobriety that means to be without any impairment amen caused by some of these vices that that people engage themselves in we think about people being high you know and you you don't want that stuff you need to be clear-headed and that's what that's what we tell people be clear-headed you know don't don't don't drink that stuff because if if you drink that stuff then you don't think right you start doing things you get yourself involved in some stuff you know and then you'll have regrets later on when you come back to your right mind so so when you're not sober you're really not in your you're not at yourself and so then you think about not only alcohol but you think about this stuff these folks smoking you know them left-handed cigarettes yeah yeah you know the kind you know that have you talking crazy you know and walking real tall you know you you see folk on that stuff look like the ground coming up to get them and they these real high happen there trying to walk yeah that's somebody that's not sober but you know in all honesty there's so many more things than than liquor and and and and and that stuff that you can be hired for or drunk off of you have people that get high for power you you you have people that get drunk off the cares of this world you don't have to drink a a drop of alcohol to be drunk so he says when he says be sober he's not simply talking about alcohol or or other stuff that you that you smoke that gets you high he's talking about anything in this world amen that brings your mind to a place where you cannot see god clearly where you cannot follow his will hey man the way that you desire those things that cause amen that that that confliction if you would he meant between his will and your desires he said you've got to be sober and not only do you have to be sober amen but you have to be of the mindset that anything that would cause me that kind of impairment i can stay away from it i don't care what it is i don't care who it is amen if it's going to cause me not to be able to focus and concentrate and hone in on the will of god i got to stay away from that stuff be sober real be vigilant be vigilant because your adversary because your adversary the devil who is your adversary the devil it's not the preacher it is not the people on your job your adversary is the devil now granted he can use anybody that'll let him he can use the folk on your job he could can i tell you the devil will use your mama if she'll let it but that's not your adversary amen when it all boils down your adversary is still the devil he may manifest amen he may use people he may influence them and their actions and their thoughts and their words amen towards you but at the end of the day your adversary is still the devil read what the bible says as a roaring lawyer walketh about seeking whom he may devour seeking somebody to devour whom resists steadfast in the faith uh-huh knowing he's he's walking about has a roaring life he is not a lion amen he's he's as a roaring liar but what he wants to do is find somebody to devour now obviously since he's not a real lion when it talks about devouring you it doesn't mean consuming you physically he wants to crush you he wants to get your mind amen in a place of disrepair he wants to get you amen to a place where he has destroyed any chance you have of making it to heaven he comes a man seeking somebody that he can devour real whom resists steadfast in the bible says you got to resist him knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world the bible says you've got to resist him knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world and tonight i want to talk to you about understanding the deceiver amen understanding the deceiver there's no way that we can talk about amen the culture of the kingdom or or the things that god amen would have for us to know and the way that we should engage amen the world as the children of god amen without talking about the adversary or the enemy of our souls it is satan's desire it is the desire of his heart and the design of his mind to get you and i all of us in a place where we are separated from god amen in a place where we cannot be used because we don't qualify amen to be used by god he wants to hold us in a place amen where we're comfortable being who we are where we are amen even though that place of comfort might in actuality be the place that places us opposite of the will of god amen the deceiver wants us to think that that's all there is amen to life and to our walk amen that's all there is to us amen he wants us to believe that all we are amen are people who are subject to every kind of temptation every type of pitfall amen that he can lay in our way he does not want us to believe that we're special amen he does not want us to believe that we are actually made in the image and the likeness of our god he wants us to believe amen that there's nothing about us amen that's salvageable as a matter of fact he doesn't want us to think there's anything wrong with us you don't you don't even have to be safe amen your purpose is so low and so based that no matter how you live amen you're not disappointing anybody amen you are not violating god's highest goals and ideals for your life this is the way satan would have us to think amen he would have us to think that we're good enough just like we are amen and that not even god has enough authority and influence over our lives to make us do anything it's your thing to do what you want to do and what we're seeing now amen is that there are people that have fallen for the deception of the deceiver what we're seeing going on in the world around us now this is not the happenings of chance no what we're looking at now this is not just haphazard activity amen but brothers and sisters this is a planned out and a plotted out scheme tomorrow and to overturn the will of god for the world that god has created amen god created us he created us with purpose and what we see going on now this cannot be in accordance with the purpose that god had when god created us when we look at the world around us and we look at all amen of the things that are going on this cannot be what god amen declared and what god designed amen from the very beginning look at all of the unrest in the world look at all of the confusion the fact that people cannot get along the fact amen that people have no respect one for another this cannot be what god envisioned for the world that he created amen but what we're seeing sons and daughters we are seeing the unfolding of a diabolical plan he meant somebody hatched out a scheme amen to destroy the influence of god over humanity amen and now we see it we quoted i believe a week ago amen psalms amen the second chapter says why does the heathen rage amen why do the people imagine the vain thing i'll tell you he said because the kings of the earth had set themselves and the rulers take counsel against the god against god and his anointed and they say let us cast his bands from us in other words amen the influence of the enemy has been so successful that we're not praising or magnifying him amen but now you just got to acknowledge amen that there are a whole lot of people who are trying to cast the bands of god from their life they don't want anybody to tell them what to do amen sin is too fun amen for somebody to step in and try to regulate or govern what it is that we do and you know that's the way satan operates he meant he operates on a level that connects with our flesh because once our flesh gets involved it's hard to see the things of the spirit and what he's out to do now he meant through influencing us against god is that it is his opportunity and his attempt rather he meant to rob god of the praise that comes from those who love and obediently follow his ways and so whenever there's somebody that determines to live in sin rather than to live by the standards and the ways of god amen that lifestyle is not a praise to god are y'all hearing what i'm saying only thing that gives god praise amen and glory and honor and worship is the lifestyle of holy living and so anytime the devil can influence us amen against living according to the standards of god you've got to know that your life and your lifestyle is not a worship to god are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you amen that's what satan is after he has always been out to rob god of the glory that comes through obediently following the ways of god and brothers and sisters that mastermind amen behind this attempted overthrow is the same adversary that we have seen and has tried and failed for millennia and he is what they call the satan amen you've got to know satan is not a proper name amen it is a description are you hearing me amen what it means is that he is a deceiver he is an adversary he is the satan that is out to try he meant to rob god of the glory and the praise and according to the word of god everything that he does he does with deception in mind now i said everything that the devil does everything that he says amen he says it and he does it because he's trying to deceive you and i am never out of kind i i will uh desire for betterment amen it's never out of a kind wheel or a desire for betterment that is not what satan is after he's never going to do anything in your life that's going to bring you to a positive end and that's why we wonder as the people of god as preachers why it is that there are still people who count counted amen a hard thing amen to serve god that's what joshua said he said listen if it seemed evil unto you to serve the lord but yet and still we find that there are those who still think it is evil to serve god but can i tell your brothers and sisters no the way of a transgressor is hard amen it is not an evil thing to serve god that's the most sensible thing that anybody can do when you've got a god like ours he meant a god that's all-powerful and all-knowing he meant a god that is holy it makes no sense to try he meant to kick against the print amen it makes all the sense in the world to serve a god like ours but satan is all about the deception that's going to lead to destruction and you've got to know that he understands that before he can destroy your life he's got to deceive you there can be no destruction unless there is first deception and that's why satan is the deceiver amen he works and he works behind the scenes and amen but we're not ignorant of satan's devices because the bible has exposed that deceiver and look at how it talks about satan amen the many names that we use in scripture to divine to define his nature first of all amen you'll see even jesus calls it bl's above amen that means that that's the name of what they call the lord of the flies amen that was the god of the dung hill and he was believed to be the ruler of evil spirits and that's who satan is amen he is still bl's above he is still the lord of the flies the ruler of evil spirits in other words he is the pinnacle of evil you cannot get more diabolical than satan himself you know why because the bible said he was the one that sinned from the very beginning amen he is the originator of sin not only that but the bible calls him a dragon when you talk about that old dragon you're talking about the vicious nature amen of satan how he's so wrathful amen and how he rages against all penis godly not only is he bills above and the dragon but the bible also calls him the serpent he meant when you think about satan as a serpent it indicates his subtlety and his beguiling of nature you've got to know brothers and sisters that say that in this hour is still a begowar amen he's not coming up to people saying hey i'm the devil amen but he'll slither right up next to you amen and get you to drop your guard and before you know it you have given away and made access and made room for something that is anti-god that's the reason why jesus constantly admonished us amen to don't let people deceive you he kept telling us amen deception was going to come in the last day and i'm telling you now that serpent is still the spirit of deception that is flowing through this land and that's why the bible said amen you've got to be careful because if it were possible he would deceive the very elect or you've got to understand sons and daughters the devil ain't nobody to play with he means you've got folk now that act like they can match witch with the devil because they got degrees and they counsel and they've seen a few things can i tell you you ain't been around as long as he's been around i used to hear amen apostle miles and apostle mary talk about them demons that had mouse on me back i'm trying to tell you there are some things that the devil have seen that you have no reference for that's the reason why the only way amen you could ever defeat the enemy is through the power of god and that's why i tell you amen you ain't got no business trying to challenge the devil oh no no no no that ain't your place come on devil come on you just break come on i know i can do this you can't do nothing outside of the power of god and i haven't seen a whole lot of folks say stuff like that come on devil if you're bad come on now no no no amen you don't challenge the devil because if god don't lead you amen if you don't fight battles that ain't yours or y'all i'm trying to talk to somebody here amen you got to learn how to abide in your calling and stick with your own anointing because i've seen people challenge the devil amen and they thought they were bigger and better than they were and when you looked at their life the devil had come in and ravaged them lord knows listen you don't challenge him now that don't mean he ain't coming whooping when he get there amen but now you ain't just got to go looking for no fight amen no no even he is still a deceiver and the devil has you thinking you're going right and you're going left that's the reason why the only time you move is in the will of god oh god you always say nothing here i'm trying to tell you you can learn three or four scriptures and then go out there looking for trouble you better make sure that what you do you're doing because you're led by god because if you're not led by god satan will get you in a place amen where he exposes you and he'll play like he injured amen just to get you to come outside of the safety zone and when he gets you out there he'll beat you to a bloody pulp i'm trying to tell you i've seen a lot of folk that felt like because they were in church for a while they could go out that devil chasing that he man go out there trying to bastard now amen you know what i've also seen i've seen that if god don't send you the devil will send you back i wish i could get somebody to look at your neighbor and tell a neighbor we got power but we ain't looking for trouble no if trouble come to us we got enough power to deal with that amen but don't think you can match minds with the devil he's still a deceiver and i haven't seen too many people get deceived that way i hadn't seen it happen time and time again and i'm trying to tell you now amen you've got to make sure that you are in the will of god and that your mind is focused and he say i'll keep you in perfect peace but there's a stipulation you got to keep your mind stayed on me you got to keep the communication between you and god amen on an open channel because if god is not activating your life then you can be running out there and you're just headed for destruction he is a deceiver he's the serpent i tell them i i can't stand snakes i don't like nothing about them i don't think they pets i think they little shiny demons i tell them i know you got tree huggers and all them for he's so beautiful you shouldn't kill any of god's creation well no sin marred him he if he was walking upright maybe not but sin got him slithering like that i crossed the road to run a snake over look at y'all i'm sorry i can't believe he's killing god's creation with that one sure i will hey man i tell you if i got a gun in my hand ain't no snake safe are y'all hearing what i'm trying i don't like the way they lick they tongue out i don't like the way it look like they're grinning when they look at you i don't like the shiny look on them i don't like nothing about a snake hey man a snake you can be walking amen and not even though he's sitting right next to y'all don't get cry that's how he deceives people i looked at a video the other day and they were talking about snakes and a man said look at this picture he said there is one of those east texas copperheads he said he's right there in the picture can you see him and i'm sitting there looking trying to figure out where in the world here's this snake and if i had a been there in person probably would have got me because i couldn't see it because you know snakes have this uncanny ability to camouflage themselves and to blend in lord y'all ain't saying that and i'm trying that's why you got to be careful hey oh god that's a whole nother sermon because you got some folk they blending in and hey man you don't you don't know they deaf and and you're going to get bit before you know are y'all hearing you just minding you you better be looking somebody tell them look around your leg look look at the tree look y'all always standing look at the grass be careful no there's a snake on the loose [Applause] let me hasten and get out of here not only that but the bible calls satan a murderer he calls him a thief the bible calls him the fowler it calls him the tempter the prince and the power of the air and then the bible also calls him the god of this world the ruling influence in this world is [Music] signifying that the systems of this world are controlled by him he is the mind behind the worldless systems get me first john 2 15-17 you didn't close your bible did you first john first john 2 and 15 through 17. love not the world remember there's a mind behind the system if he is the god of this world then the bible is right to tell us not to love this world we can't love it because he's the influence behind what we're seeing going on well y'all getting quiet over here to my left let me come back over here he says don't love the world real neither the things that are in the world don't love the things that are in the and some of us are claiming honey i'm so glad god pulled me out of the world i don't love the world but you're still in love with the things of the world how do you know that brother herman because you're trying to drag some of those things over here when god brings you out of the world you've got to lead the world of things alone he said love not the world neither the things that are in the world there are some things amen that you just can't do you can merge and integrate that stuff when you come over on the lord's side you got to leave that stuff alone amen if you're going to be holy just go ahead and be holy if you're going to live right just go ahead and live right if you're going to be righteous just go ahead and be righteous but don't try to make a frankenstein out of holiness trying to put stuff together that don't even go together come on out from among them and be separate saith the lord he said don't you love the world re if any man love the world if you do love the world heal this now if you do love the world the love of the father is not in him so you mean to tell me you can't love the world and love the father at the same time i'm not telling you that the bible is telling you that you cannot love the world and love the father at the same time that means that what we're hearing now this sounds like snake talk that you can be saved and worldly too so you can love god and love the world at the same time you can you think you can love him and pick up worldly ways the bible said if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him did you did you hear the word you can't love god and the world you can't live in two different situations boy y'all getting quiet and you can't be indoors and outdoors at the same time you you can't be a saved sinner you can't lord y'all don't get quiet he said if you love the world you can't love the father because what for all that is in the world all that is in the world the lust of the wait a minute and then he tells us what's in the world what did he say what the world got to offer you the lust of the flesh lust of the flesh wait a minute that stuff that appeals to your fleshly man and you know that that's what's going on now that that's the appeal that's why a lot of church folk can't walk up right before god because they have all of these fleshly appeals now and you've got to notice look at somebody tell them same old devil same old tricks just same old devil same old tricks when you look at the genesis account you'll see that the same thing that john is talking about here we see that amen when satan deceived adam and eve the bible said she looked at the fruit good to look upon make one wise it's a beautiful fruit the bible talks about the lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and the and the pride of life that's the same three things that satan used to deceive eve and adam in the garden and here john is talking thousands of years later and he's saying that's all the devil got all that's in the world the only only things he can use against you are the things he used against adam and eve the lust well y'all looking and saying that what did he say the what lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes the lust of the eyes it was it was good to look upon and the pride of life and it was it was one desire to make men wise and the pride of life saying look at somebody tell them same old devil same old tricks he's still using the lust of the flesh the lust of the and the pride of life to deceive the masses and sadly it's still working after all of these years still working if he come for you he's coming through the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life and people are still he don't need nothing new because of all tricks still working is not of the father these things are not of god but is of the world that's of the world and the world pass it the way and the lust thereof uh-huh but he that doeth the will of god but he that doing the will of god abideth forever about it forever those things are in the world but they are not of the father they are of that mindset that's behind that's controlling the system and that's why you've got to be careful that's why amen he says to us we cannot love this world and brothers and sisters this is why god demands that his people live differently oh y'all are y'all hearing me this is why he demands that we live differently because the world is not conducive amen to those that want to walk up right before god it is not something that's in accord or in alignment with god's will for you the way the world tells you to act is not the way god would have you to act so that means you've got to live different you got to separate yourself and let me tell yourself brothers and sisters it's all right to be different from the world we got too many folks trying to fit in when god called you to stand up you're supposed to stick out like a sore thumb he means you're not supposed to go along the cantaloupe you're supposed to be peculiar you're supposed to be holy why y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you there's got to be a difference between those that are in the world and those that belong to god he said don't love that stuff that has nothing to do with me but if you come back from among them he said you can walk different you can talk different you can be that's what god is calling us to be look at somebody tell them i'm celebrating the difference i'm not trying to be like nobody amen i'm trying to be like god every day that god give me i'm bailey conforming to the image of his son i'm not trying to be like mike i'm not trying to be like these rappers i'm not trying to do business like they do it i have been called out god said be different he said be holy he said be sober love not the world and i'm telling you now if i'm gonna do life successfully i've got to do it the way god said it and the world is not the way god is going to bless us you know why because if you get it that way of the world then the world can take it back from you ah but if you're welcome right before god the world ain't got to give you nothing they may not like you they may hate you but they can't do nothing about it because you walk in the favor of god [Music] [Applause] don't lock the world the world will tell you the way up is to be a canava and a liar to dig dirt out from under people amen and that's how you get up but god said the way up is down but y'all ain't saying nothing here the world will tell you it takes an education god will tell you it takes humility don't love the world there's a mind set behind the system and in order for you to succeed in the world you got to play by the rules of the system for yoga and quiet now and that system is connected to your flesh oh god it's connected to everything that god is calling you away from calling you to subdue this is how satan is deceiving so many people i come to tell you tonight the system has been compromised the system has been hijacked you can't live according to this system that's why the bible says you in this world but you ain't of this world boy y'all don't got quiet you you got to remember who you belong to i told you last hey sunday night we are now ambassadors you know when an ambassador goes to another country he doesn't represent himself he represents his home country are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you and god said you are my ambassadors you may be in this world but you're not here to represent you you're here to represent god dress like he wants you to dress talk like he wants you to talk go where he wants you to go are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you it means something to represent god in this world they need to see people that believe in a higher system than the one the world is living by i'm talking about tonight understanding the deceiver you know what satan is doing now he's using all that the world offers to keep your mind from seeking after god get missed second corinthians 4 and 4. i'll prove it i hope you write me he will use everything that the system offers to keep your mind from seeking after god you're so busy trying to live and play by the rules of the system that you don't have time now to seek out the god just seek it after more and i was listening hey man to elder lewis he preached once and he said this system is not designed to satisfy you i have to think about that the system is not designed to satisfy you the bible said a man that had silver is not satisfied with silva you know what he want more this system is not designed to bring any type of satisfaction that's the reason why and he said it then when they come out with an iphone 11 just a few months later they're already talking about the iphone 12. and people who haven't even learned how to use that phone yet already going and selling blood and plasma and everything else trying to get your little duckets together so when that phone come out you can go and buy the upgrade this world is not designed to satisfy you so satan will use everything that the world offers to keep your mind from seeking after god you're seeking more and you're seeking greater and you're sick and newer and you're sick and younger but you're not seeking after god hitting that what he said what is that psalms the 12th chapter he said the lord looked down among men to see if there was any that fear god if there was any that did seek the lord the lord is looking for somebody that's willing to look past what the system has to offer and say ah you almost got me you deceiving you but i can see through that now and i want only what god wants from me read what the bible says in whom the god of this world god of this one i told you the bible calls him the god of this world that's why you can't trust this worldly system because he is the mind behind the system the god of this world has what blinded the them and he blind your mind by using everything the world offers he blinds the mind why does he do it why does the devil want us so wrapped up in this world down here and you know what church folk that's the reason why we keep preaching sanctification set apartness see folk wonder i wonder why the holiness church preached that kind of stuff why why do they preach about this and why did the church pray because he says you can't get entangled up in this world because satan is using the things of the world to keep people from seeking out to god and when you talk about holy lord can i talk about holiness when you talk about holiness you talk about sanctification and set apartness why do we preach that because you've got to be unhooked from this world you've got some folk now they are so bound by the things of this world they can't go out of their house unless they look a certain way unless they've done this to their face and did that to them but y'all ain't saying nothing and when you talk about living holy and you talk about walking up right before god pope got a problem with that but i'm trying to tell you amen you can't be so caught up in that system that you can't even move when god say move because you're too important to yourself yeah but see that's why them holding this folk looks so dry [Applause] don't nobody look dry y'all ain't saying that i i i think that's ain't nothing as beautiful as natural beauty lord woman can i tell you you don't even need all that stuff you're beautiful just like you are you don't need to do all that extra stuff come on you've got to see the beauty in yourself you've got to see that you are who god created you who god made you to be and when god looks at you he sees the apple of his eye stop feeling like you ain't nobody in this world unless you give them what they want come on now their opinion is not the one that matters what i want to know is what does god think about me and if god loves me i don't care who don't like me if he think i look good i don't care who think i look ugly i ain't trying to get your attention no way you wouldn't recognize beauty if it bit you and you always say i wish i could talk to somebody here we listen to folks opinion about beauty and they don't even know what beauty is are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you the bible said he'll beautify you with salvation look at somebody and tell them don't hate me because i'm beautiful lord y'all ain't saying that i wish i could preach to somebody on a tuesday night my time is running out the god of this world blinds the mind that deceiver uses this stuff to keep us from seeking the validation of god look like they look and when you turn around and catch them peeking now you're validated oh you know you i ain't all you know you know i was talking to somebody you sitting up there walking and they turn around you know what they want to know oh yeah they they want to know did you recognize what they got going on and when they turn around and see you're looking now they validate it that that that's where they feel verified and validate when people well y'all don't got quiet here y'all y'all don't got see you got church folk now they want to know if they still got that pool they're saying what i'm talking about well i might as well still they want to know if they still got it y'all ain't saying a guy what that that whip appeal you you remember that from the 90s that the whip appeared you want to know if you still got it hey man so clothes are getting shorter clothes are getting tighter hey man you just want to walk through the mouth to see how many folks ask you for a number i don't do that i'm saved i'm saved you know i go to church how about no no amen that's the worldly way look at y'all ain't standing up in here you wanted to do that you wanted some attention because god's eyes been on you wasn't enough you wanted to know if people still like the way you look you wanted to know even though you're 50 can you still pull some of them 20 year olds oh god you always saying that and so now you're trying to validate yourself through how you're looking and what you're doing and the stuff you got going on but come on now amen that ain't nobody but the devil on you got you looking like pat amen and still amen not appreciating the fact that god brought you out of darkness into that marvelous light you want to thank god as much as you abused your body and your youth honor that you still got some kind of shape and now that you realize that god's savior give everything you got left to god are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you give the rest of your life to god and let god have his way it's not about what they think about you it's what god knows about you you're not beautiful because they said you're beautiful you're beautiful because you're what god created you to be [Applause] the god of this world blinds the minds that's how how he's deceiving receiving even church folk they're not satisfied with holiness and and right living that they're not i don't know why i feel like y'all don't want me to preach to them that they're not satisfied with right living satan is pulling at the saints down and saying what you got going on ain't enough you used to be coming to church and and testifying and witnessing that was enough for church people but not church folk why we don't go here why we don't go there why we don't i mean come on now the bible said the harvest is it's it's white the fields are white with the harvest you know the only thing missing is the fact that there are not enough people to go out and reap this harvest and instead of us wanting to be laborized we want to be everything else we want to go everywhere else and and and and live by every other agenda other than winning souls and building the kingdom we want to do all of that and we argue up the last time somebody argued about going out witnessing what the last time people argued over passing our tracks and coming to church and we don't argue about that stuff but the deceiver got us thinking that stuff is important and folk dining going to hell all around us and we argued about why we can't go here why are we coming we don't have enough recreation can i tell you what recreation is all about when you got saved he should have changed your desire he should have recreated something new on the inside of you that didn't have a tendency toward all that other stuff now your main focus ought to be not only living holy but using every opportunity to help bring somebody else into this new and this living way satan that deceiver got us concerned about everything else and the question is tonight where are the laborers where where all the laborers go we're arguing and fighting getting mad because the preacher said this and the preacher said that and i'm telling you you can get as mad as you want because when i leave here i go home and i go to bed and i'm not worried about who liked what i said because as long as i know it's in the scripture you chew that all night long it went down fine with me y'all ain't saying that lord look at y'all getting quiet hey man i ain't got word indigestion because that word ain't sitting right on me oh no no no that word is digested hey man i cleaned my system out and i ain't got those problems and if you come and you can't eat the word of god without having digestive issues amen you can be up all night arguing over what i said last tuesday night i done slept so much i told you i don't have a problem sleeping i have problems stand up where the labor rights well i guess i've been he wasn't always this way though cedar wasn't always this person that he is now this this wasn't always getting ezekiel 28 and what is that 11 yeah ezekiel 28 and 11. moreover and here you see the bible is not only talking about the natural king but the spiritual king that's behind him the description that we see in ezekiel 28 and isaiah 14 we'll get in a second it's too big to be descriptive of a simple man the bible not only talks about the man but it talks about the spirit behind the man so when you see scriptures like this all oh that's just it's talking about no no you read what it's talking about this description cannot be just confined to the life of an ordinary man read what he says more with the word of the lord the word of the lord came unto me saying read son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tyrus and say unto him thus said the lord said the lord god thou sealest of the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty thou has been in eden the garden of god i couldn't have been talking about a natural man there you have been in eden the garden of god every precious stone was the by covering every precious stone was that covering can you can you imagine lucifer before he fell how beautiful he was see see we we we've been we've been trained to see the devil as something other than what the bible betrays him to be the only thing ugly about the devil is the sin that has marred his existence the bible says he was beautiful every precious stone was his covering read the sardis topaz and the diamond the barrel the onyx and the jasper the sapphire the emerald and the carbuncle and gold and gold the workmanship of thy taverns and of thy this pisces pipes musical instrumentation built inside of him you talk about not only beauty but functional pipes built inside of him he was the essence the epitome of beauty he not only had great function but but he had great beauty look at this this creature that has pipes built into him and theologians have theorized and and it's just good to to to theorize i guess sometimes that he was so so so functional as as a worship leader that he could sing the lead and the background and play the organ from his pipes at the same time oh he didn't need nobody the choir acting up y'all sit down i got this read thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and i've said the soul thou was upon the holy mountain of god you were upon the holy mountain of god thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire thou was perfect in thy ways you were perfect in thy ways from the day that thou was created wait a minute stop you were perfect from the very day you were what created you were what created that means that satan is a creature he is not god's equal he is a creation boy y'all don't get quiet here you got something well god and the devil is wrestling how god gonna wrestle his own creation god god does god have to wrestle with you when why would he have to wrestle with satan satan is a creature and although he would love to present himself as an equal and an alternative to god at the end of the day he is still a creature he is a creation he's not a god read till iniquity was found indeed you were beautiful until iniquity was found in you read quickly by the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and thou has sinned and you sinned because of all that you had going on read therefore i will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of god i'll cast you as profane something to get out of the house and something toss that away from me something disgusting that you just you wanted to get as far away from your presence god said that's how i'm gonna cast you i'm gonna cast you out of the mountain as something profane something disgusting my god read and i will destroy thee o covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire god said the devil got a day coming read thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty you were lifted up because you were beautiful thou has corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness i will cast thee to the ground i will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee thou has defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities by the iniquity of thy traffic therefore will i bring forth a fire from the midst of thee it shall devour thee and i will bring thee to ashes upon the earth and the sight of all them that behold thee all they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee thou shalt be a terror and never shall thy be anymore give me isaiah the 14th chapter i'm trying to hurry isaiah 14 beginning at verse 12. you want to know how he got like this he wasn't always what we what we see now he wasn't always what we there was a time when he was perfect in beauty and in wisdom but sin marred him and i'm telling you sons and daughters sin will mar you too i don't care how beautiful your save walk with god is if you continue and go back in sin it's going to mourn you the bible said of a righteous man live righteousness all of his days and then go back to sin all of that righteousness is not remembered because of the sin i'm telling you sin ain't no good sin will marry you sin will destroy you read how art thou fallen from heaven look at look at god how are thou fallen from heaven oh lucifer lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground did it weaken the nations for thou has said in thine heart you said in your heart i will ascend into heaven i will exalt my throne above the stars of god i will sit also upon the mountain look at all this he was self-exalting i will do this i will sit in the side of the door i will exalt he was self-exalting self-promoting and everything that he did he wanted to get it done not through the will of god he wanted force read in the sides of the north breathe i will ascend above i i will ascend above the heights of the clouds of the clouds i will be like the most high i will look at him now he's even deifying his himself i'll be like the most high not like him in holiness he didn't want to be holy he's not saying i'll be like the most high i'll be righteous he wanted to be praised he wanted the glory and be adoration that belongs only to god i will be like the most high lord read yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit lord he going to hell and listen folk think satan is down in hell with his pitchfork sitting on the throne not so can i tell you sons and daughters satan is going to hell as a victim like everybody else he can't stand the flames you think satan is down there just just just sitting on the throne in the middle of the flames controlling it he's going to hell as a victim like everybody else he's not going to be ruling in hell he's going to be tormented in hell i'd say every time the devil tried to remind you of your past i heard somebody say remind him of his future you're going to hell as a victim yahweh ain't centered god said i'll bring you down to the side of the pit you want it to be exalted but god said you're going to be a base y'all ain't saying nothing here i'm trying to tell you satan's got a day coming read they that see they shall narrowly look upon look at what god says out of all the trouble that you've caused in this world when pete let me tell you something brothers and sisters when the world is judged and people stand there and god calls satan to the judgment bar when he steps up to the judgment bar the whole world the bible said is going to look at him and squint their eyes and try to figure out is this the one that caused all that trouble oh look at satan as a roaring lion he ain't no lion we think he's o oh he's so big and bad and tough the bible said they that cd will narrowly look at you they're going to try to fig and say is this the man that caused nations to tremble this is what caused all of that trouble this is this is what people are going the hell behind he's not as big and bad and tough as he wants you to believe he is he's going to hell as a victim and the bible said when the world sees it they're going to wonder is this what i let cause me to turn my back god let that yes that's why i'm going to hell behind this the bible said they shall narrowly look upon him and say is this the man that shook kingdom made the world a wilderness and destroyed the cities thereof is this command that's him oh he's not that hot sauce devil that i think that was wasn't that the screw tape letters uh when when satan was talking and they were saying well well how would we get the people to to to move past you being so evil he said well we'll just every time they think of the devil we'll just paint that picture of the of this red man in this red suit with two horns on his head and a pitchfork and a long tail behind him that's how we'll cause them to see the devil and you know good and well that's so cartoonish in your mind you can't even take that seriously but when you say the devil that's the picture most people have in their mind you don't even take it seriously because you how can you take that's a pitchfork really with a tail and two horns and he's all red and you see him on the front of a hot sauce bottle and that's the devil that's bothering you you can't take that seriously and that's what satan loves he loves the fact that people cannot take him seriously but he's a deceiver so much so in fact that the bible says one-third of the heavenly host fell with him now listen to this and you got people trying to match wits with the devil oh the devil can't do this the devil ain't smart enough he you ain't never been to heaven you never and i questioned a whole lot of this stuff going on i i ain't saying it don't happen but paul said i was caught up in the third heaven i and paul said the stuff i saw i can't talk about it he went all the way up there and said i i ain't going to talk about it and then you got folk that pass out back there by the waterfowl and they come back telling you i saw everybody up there i saw this and i was um no no no paul they wrote no book about what he saw or nothing and you have folks hey back there they hit the ground before they could we slapped them and brought them back honey i saw everybody i had a conversation and they told me to no somebody lying i guess i better shut up but but you ain't never been to heaven and you talking about what he can't do he convinced one third of the people who were already in heaven to rebel with him you better be careful fooling with this kind of deceiver because if he can convince people who are already about to leave and i wonder and i said so i wonder if there's a few angels in heaven that almost sided with him and change their mind at the last second we gonna count to three we gonna jump in and they acted like they were on board until about two and a half and then man this fool's gonna get all of us kicked up out of here it's not me you got to understand let me hurry up you got to understand this deceiver now all of those spirits that were kicked out as a result of their rebellion they'll turn now into the evil influences that are trying to influence us away from the things of god don't worry because you see me turn the page they're trying to influence us away from the things of god demon spirits evil angels and they are at work in the world today they are ruling in the air they are influencing the minds of wicked people uh influencing murderers and rapists and social influences that are leading our children astray you saw these people hey man they've never been they just they just just uh instagram famous and they got your kids acting up they ain't on tv they're not millionaires they own they wait a bit but they got a million views and now everybody want to be like them don't you know all of these influencers are not just doing what they do some of these people are being influenced by satan to influence the minds of the masses lawmakers lord anytime you see these laws that they're passing now this stuff that's right and y'all need to wake up hey man and start looking at this stuff we're just voting indiscriminately because people sound good and they look like us and we thought they were with us and when you look at the stuff they're endorsing and the stuff that they're passing or y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you you need to go back and look at this this equality act hey man that they trying to push through congress now and if they push it through congress all of us in trouble if we stand up for what the bible says and i'm trying to tell you it's time that now for church putting folk in congress in the senate and in the white house amen without karen how are they going to advance the agenda of the church you know what we looking at how they gonna make me better as a black man but i'm trying to tell you you can get to heaven if you ain't a black man but you can't get to heaven if you ain't saved and whenever they pass legislation that tries to keep us from preaching the truth of the word of god i already told you if this gospel is heard it is heard from them that allows and satan wants to keep them blinded he's influencing lawmakers seducing spirits and the spread of doctrines of devils and they hate everything that pertains to god satan wants to stop you he hates everything and some of us don't realize it because he loves hiding in anonymity that's the reason why every time something bad happen people holler where was god where was god when the plane went out where was god when all of those where was god when all of those lies where was god and nobody ever said have anybody seen the devil i know he was around here somewhere that they just see which way he went you never hear anybody questioning where was the devil when those kids got killed we don't hear that but he was there somewhere he's always trying to hide but he hates everything that belongs to god he hates everything and he's in this world and people now i was reading a barna research group a statistic that said 60 of professed born-again christians said they do not believe the devil is a real person or they agree somewhat with that statement 60 percent of born-again believers the majority of people that claim to be saved don't even believe that the devil is real they think he's just he's just an expression of the evil in the world that that's all he's not real and these are christians that don't even believe that the devil is real he hides himself in anonymity now people aren't guarding against him because they don't think there's anything to guard against he's made up but brothers and sisters he is forever the enemy he cares nothing about how long you've been saved or whether or not you can quote scripture he hates you that every breath he hates you so every time you breathe your breath is an offense to him because he wants you dead you offending him by still being alive because as long as you're alive you can carry the agenda of the kingdom and that's what satan hates about you he hates you he'll try his best to stop you and that's why the church has to wise up let me hurry and get out of here tonight i was reading the other day a missionary was in a foreign land he said he was there he started a revival that night and he went there he was laying in his room and he was sleeping he said all of a sudden while he was asleep he started to smell this fragrance in his room he said it was a it was it was a a a a a different different kind of smell he really couldn't couldn't put his his his words together to describe it but it was just it was a smell and it wasn't a sickening smell it was just it was a smell that that was so powerful that it woke him up and he says when he sat up in the bed he looked over in the corner and there was a man sitting in a chair he says this was the most beautiful man he had ever seen in his life and he wasn't gay he said but there was no denying that this man was beautiful everything put together he said he had on a suit and he sat there and he set up in the bed he said who are you and the man said i'm the spirit that controls this city he said what are you doing here and he said then he understood what was going on he said he started to look and the man's eyes were completely black no white at all just just black eyes and he said the man said i'm the spirit that controls this city and what are you doing here he said i come to preach deliverance to the captives i came to preach the gospel of jesus christ he said the man told him not in this city and he said he started rebuking the man in the name of jesus he said when the man stood up and walked toward the bed he looked down and the man's feet were like bird claws and he said he kept rebuking and kept pleading the blood of jesus christ and the man got angry and turned around and walked out of the door satan hates everything that pertains to the kingdom and if god were to open our eyes now all around us we would see satanic influences there is a whole spiritual world that occupies the same space that you you can't see them but all around us now are creatures in the spirit world and satan is trying to keep us from advancing the kingdom he's all around us that's why the church better wise up who's his enemy it's the church it's the people of god and how does he spend his time now he spends his time trying to bring about the deception that leads to bondage all of this why is it so hard to have a revival why is it so hard to get people i'll tell you why it's because there's satanic influences and some cities you go in and those that travel can tell you sometimes you're on an airplane and when you land in a city you can feel it you can feel some may write in this city some some is weird you all got to pray because that there's a spirit controlling this this atmosphere spiritual wickedness in high places these ruling spirits these these principalities and sometimes you land and while you're walking through a city you can feel just just evil influences everywhere satan is out to destroy every one of us and his enemy his greatest enemy his arch enemy public enemy number one is the church but how can we fight successfully if 60 of us don't even believe he's real he is real job 1 6 and 7 god asks satan where you're coming from satan says i've been walking to and from the earth up and down in it we see first peter five and eight he says he walks about as a lion seeking somebody he can devour who's he looking for he's looking for those weak ones he's looking for those that are easy pickings those that don't have a good prayer life with god those people that are not serious in their walk with that's who satan is looking for he's looking to make a victim out of you but you got to remember saint john 8 32 says that ye shall know the truth and the truth makes you free that's how we're going to win that's how the church is going to win this war preach the truth speak the truth he hates it you are an offense to him he don't want you to reach nobody but you can reach him how are we going to reach our kids with the truth he is still the deceiver but nothing can rebuke deception like the truth give it to him and you don't think satan is such a destroyer yes he is i look at some of the people that have that that have walked away from god and it didn't take him long and now and you know what i'm finding out a person can backslide and be gone for three months and act like they never knew nothing about god i'm looking at people who used to testify and used to preach and used to love god used to shout and used to do all of this stuff and they can leave and only be gone just a little while and they already act like they know nothing about and no matter what they do they'll still tell you they say that's deception that's deception to live opposite of what you used to live but still say i'm saved i'm all right all right two months of backsliding and you're already in a far country can't come back coming to church but can't come back in a far country because that deceiver it's blind in the minds and that's where we are now but the church is already victorious i'll tell you how we're going to get the victory ephesians 6 and 10. he tells us put on the whole arm of god that we may stand against what the wilds you know what that word wild means that word wow means a cunning device or a crafty method he's a deceiver that's why the church in this hour has to be discerning because he is so crafty and some of the stuff we've seen infiltrating us cannot be of god because it goes against the teaching of god and the church has not been discerning enough to keep it out so now we're wrestling with stuff that shouldn't have never been in the first place i tell them it's easier to keep it out than it is to get it out some stuff don't have no business but satan dresses it up and makes it look so good and got all of the church running behind this stuff who's he using he's using those that influence in the body of christ the musicians the artists the preachers and because we endorse stuff now look at the whole church we're running behind some of this stuff and don't realize that's the deceiver like the pipe i keep telling you the pipe was playing that flute and he was playing that music and everybody was just dancing and having such a great time and they didn't even know he had ulterior motives and so all the little kids were just skipping out of the city and they didn't realize that they'll never see you again that's the deceiver but the bible says resist him did you hear what i said resist him in the faith you can win he don't have to deceive you i don't care if he deceived many he don't have to deceive you you can make it you can go all the way with god stand to your feet as i as i finish saying this why does he hate you so i'll tell you why it's because he messed up one time and he can never go back one act of rebellion and it's over for him that's it he'll never walk streets of gold ever again behind one act of rebellion but how many sins did you commit before you came to the lord and god would forgive you but he can never ever walk those streets again he hates you he hates you somebody said why didn't god just just just end it all when satan rebelled you know what god god and i was reading the book today and it talked about how wise god is god is so wise that he allowed sin to run its course and to play out before the eyes of the whole universe we have seen sin in its implementation it's introduction it's implementation and we will see sin and reach its very end and the entire universe of created things will know that you can never force god to do anything if you want something from god the only thing you can depend on is his grace to get it satan tried to force it god is showing the entire universe that everything that you get from god you get it by grace and grace alone that's why the bible said when we get there we will be lavished with the unsearchable riches of his grace we shall judge angels you know what paul said we're going to judge him we will judge their unfaithfulness by our faithfulness the bible said we were created lower than the angels we're not as good-looking as they are not as strong the bible said angels fly at the speed of light light travels at 186 000 miles a second they can be there and back before you know it and look at us got to walk to the kitchen and forgot where we were going in their foot turn around come back and sit there and lean your head against the wall and try to figure out what did i go in there for wouldn't it be nice to be there and back before you even had a chance to forget some of you the further your kitchen is the guarantee you coming back to that bedroom to try to figure out what you went for they're so much stronger better than we are but god is using us to judge them they didn't have a reason to leave because they were already there but then god takes people like you and me who have never seen god we never been to heaven never walked on streets of god we ain't never even seen none of that stuff the bible tells us our eyes haven't seen our ears haven't even heard we don't have no point of reference they saw all of that they saw god in his beauty and they left him we ain't seen none of that but we're holding on to god with everything we got and in our faithfulness we shall judge angels let's just y'all come on satan's judgment has has been progressive and it comes in seven seven different steps he was judged when he rebelled against god he got kicked out of paradise the third heaven secondly when he enticed eve and adam to sin he was judged and is now under uh irrevocable curse of god third jesus conquered him at calvary's these are all phases of his judgment bruised his head the church is conquering him right now by tearing into his kingdom every time we snatch a soul out of the fire every time we witness we are tearing into his kingdom [Applause] not only that but in revelation 12 it talks about an angelic war when he'll be cast down to the earth then the bible talks about how an angel came down with a key to the bottomless pit and with a chain in his hand and chained him up and threw him in the bottomless pit for a thousand years jesus rules and reigns and at the end of the thousand years satan is loosed out of the pit and you talk about a deceiver listen to their sons and daughters jesus would have been in this world for a thousand years reigning sitting on the throne satan will come up out of the pit and you know what the bible says about him he'll deceive the nations again even after jesus reigning a thousand years on this earth when satan comes out of that pit the bible said he'll deceive the nations again he's going to convince some more people to turn on christ after christ has been here a thousand years brother herman how is it all going to end it's going to end when satan is judged and he's thrown forever into the lake of fire he'll never be a problem sin would have run its course from its introduction to its consummation in the lake of fire and the universe will forever value the grace of god and we'll know that sin leads to nothing but death every head bound every eye closed somebody here tonight you need the lord if there's one that's not saved you don't know him in the part of you saying this is your time to come this is your opportunity you can come tonight if you're here you need the holy ghost you can come his presence is here his power is here to transform your life amen is everybody well tonight hallelujah then lift your hands and give him praise and glory hallelujah come on lift your hands you got to give him praise and glory thank you lord [Music] hallelujah oh come on come on take some time to praise him [Music] do you remember the day you came out of deception do you remember the day he shined his light on you then come on and praise him and give him the glory if you say that you know it hallelujah in the name of jesus while you're standing let's receive this announcement as we prepare to dismiss [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 23,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: _on4rAJYrQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 50sec (5690 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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