War of the Magi - Final Fantasy XIV Lore DOCUMENTARY

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The world of FFXIV is one filled with just as  much progress as it is setbacks, with every grand   discovery usually having a dark reflection  later down the line. Is this by chance? Or   are malicious entities eager to see someone rise  up, just to knock them back down all over again?   Welcome back, to the Wizards and Warriors  series on the history of Final Fantasy XIV.   Today we'll be continuing from our previous  episode where we discussed the rise and fall   of Allagan Empire and discussing the  war of the Magi: exploring the great   cities that would rise in the Fifth Astral  Era, the terrible magics they would wield,   be it black, white, or beyond, and the  biblical ruin they would bring to Eorzea. When we last discussed the bountiful world  of Hydaelyn, we revealed how the majesty of   the Allagan Empire had come at a tremendous  price. Ease of living and global conquest had   come at the cost of empathy and reason, with most  people realizing all too late how their choices   had doomed the entire world. The 4th Umbral  Calamity, the Calamity of Earth, was upon them.   This worldwide catastrophe saw the land shake and  split apart in ways unimaginable. Entire cities,   towns, and industries were either sunk beneath  the earth's crust, or had their foundations so   thoroughly ruptured, that even the grandest  of monuments would be made to collapse.   The regality of the Allagan Empire was  made to pay for its arrogance. The only   places spared this global destruction were  flying structures like that of Azys Lla.   But even so, their ruin was only delayed, as all  the supplies, energy, and reinforcements they once   received from the land were now completely gone.  Most people on these floating structures steadily   began to die of starvation as they became trapped  and isolated, or were eventually killed by their   own monstrous creations as they no longer had  the means of keeping them contained indefinitely.  But not all was lost. As stated previously, there  were indeed groups that had gone out of their way   to try and protect the people from the cruelty  of Allag’s first and last Emperor Xande. Princess   Salina, one of the descendants of the original  Xande, had survived the quakes with a small group   of people at her side. She wept at the countless  lives that were lost to the calamity, but upon   realizing what had happened to the crystal tower,  she knew that the Xande and Amon were likely still   alive, and their madness wasn't over. Lacking  the means to destroy the tower, she knew it   was only a matter of time until it would surface  again, releasing Xande upon an unsuspecting world.   In her wisdom, Princess Salina knew that the  emperor's deal with the Cloud of Darkness was one   of blood. So as long as someone with her heritage  survived into the future, there would always be   someone capable of commanding the crystal tower,  and banishing the malicious voidsent that would   devour the world. As such, she used what little  Allagan technology that survived the quakes to   her advantage, passing on the blessings and  burdens of the Allagan Royal bloodline to   one of her dearest friends. A commoner in whom  this power would be passed down from generation   to generation without notice until the day it was  needed to counter the newly emerged Crystal Tower.   Eventually, this royal blood did survive into the  modern age, becoming the responsibility of the   Miqo'te belonging to the G tribe. Any miqo'te in  this tribe born with red eyes were marked as the   ones who had inherited Princess Salina's legacy. But for all the preparations made, there was no   going back. The earthquakes had claimed untold  lives, and those that survived had next to   nothing. The grief caused by such a tragedy  eventually created hysteria as the victims   hopelessly looked for someone or something to  blame for all this destruction. Eventually,   the blame was laid at the feet of their  technology, progress, and even education itself.   Many survivors regressed into an exceedingly  primitive mindset, seeing any kind of   technological development or higher learning  as sinful and ruinous. This caused them to burn   books, destroy what little allagan technology  survived the quakes and willfully demolish   buildings. This marked the beginning of the 4th  Astral Era, otherwise known as the Forgotten Age.   The 4th Astral Era created no end of  crazed individuals and religious zealots   who did everything in their power to crush higher  learning. Even philosophers and scientists would   be killed simply for knowing more than others.  This war against knowledge would persist for an   unknown amount of time, as no records detailing  the 4th Astral Era were ever created. In fact,   this age and those people living within it, are  the sole reason almost all knowledge about the   1st, 2nd, and 3rd Eras have vanished from history. We don't know what groups may or may not have   existed during this time. The only thing we  know for certain is that their hatred for   reason and learning wouldn't save them from the  elemental tragedy that was about to befall them.   For about fifteen hundred years, the 4th Astral  Era would persist. But at the end of that time,   another Calamity would visit the ignorant  masses of the world. No one knows how,   when, or why this Calamity began, only that it  spelled doom for many more people and cultures.   The 5th Umbral Calamity, the Calamity of  Ice had begun to freeze the entire world.  The only reason we know that it was indeed a  calamity that had frozen the entire planet,   is because all tribes and cultures in the world  began creating folk tales of endless blizzards and   frozen rivers all at the same time. This calamity  saw most crops fail as they couldn't survive the   harsh cold, leaving many to die of starvation if  the freezing winds didn't claim their lives first.   No amount of book burning or  divine worship could save them,   as this calamity had claimed just as many  innocent people as the ones preceding it.   Some tribes took advantage of the ice, migrating  over places where even the ocean had frozen over,   attempting to find a location where they  could thrive despite the constant cold.   These individuals would have seen massive  mountains made entirely of ice floating across   the ocean's surface as they traveled, with some  of those gigantic glaciers even existing to this   very day. Meanwhile, within Eorzea, it was around  this time that a resplendent cathedral was built,   the location of which would eventually become  a massive forest that is now known as the Black   Shroud. This church was built as a refuge, a  place where people might gather to escape the   harsh cold of the world and pray to deities  known as the Twelve Gods for protection.   It was in this church that magical spells and  rituals would be created in an attempt to please   the gods, and beg for their aid. But eventually,  whether by divine intervention or natural causes,   the snow, and the cold did relent. Allowing  the warmer locals of temperate and tropical   regions to steadily return to normal over time.  This breath of heat and relief, would mark the   beginning of the 5th Astral Era, which would  later be known as the Age of Enlightenment.  As the entire world once again became warmer  and more vibrant, the people would become   more eager to leave whatever locations  they had used to hide from the cold.   The people that hid themselves in or around the  cathedral in Eorzea, began to spread out across   the continent of Aldenard once more, taking  with them the teaching of their favored god,   as well as the spells and rituals used to appease  them. As they spread, these small groups of people   would grow into various settlements, towns, and  then cities as their cultures became more diverse.   There would eventually be twelve city-states  in total across Eorzea, each devoted to a   different god of the Twelve's pantheon. However,  as these city-states grew in size and strength,   the differences with their neighbors became more  apparent. This would create friction between the   various countries, as things like territorial  disputes became all too common. Small skirmishes   would become localized wars as they began to  fight for their gods and their claim to the land.   Though as time progressed, these wars would die  out and peace would finally reign over Eorzea.   After the dust settled, there stood twelve  proud nations, each with their own patron god.   But among these twelve, only three would rise  to prominence. These were Amdapor located near   central Aldenard, Nym which occupied the entire  island of Vylbrand as well as most of Eorzea's   western Coast, and finally, Mhach which  found itself in the western basin of Yafaem.   With the borders of these countries now well  defined, each city-state began to prosper in   their own way, with many of them creating  and developing their own forms of magic   thanks to the rituals they inherited from  the worship of each of their Twelve gods.  The one country considered to be the greatest  of all city-states during this Era was that   of Amdapor. The leaders of this country were  considered as generous and understanding as an   older sibling, since Amdapor repeatedly  did everything in its power to keep the   peace and encourage the development of  the smaller city-states surrounding it.   Eventually, this civilization would  become known as Ancient Amdapor,   as it was believed that this country acted  with wisdom and maturity well beyond its years.   This focus on inward improvement made  the Amdapori excel at spellcraft,   developing many magical means to not only improve  their lives, but defend themselves as well.  Instead of magical development, the country  of Nym became more well-known for its navy and   commerce as they became a center of trade within  Eorzea. This earned it a good deal of geopolitical   security, for to harm Nym would be to disturb  supply chains that everyone benefited from.   Moreover, Nym would eventually create the finest  Marines within Eorzea, making engaging with them   in naval warfare a death sentence. Between their  command of the ocean and eagerness for trade, Nym   more than earned its place as one of Aldenard's  three superpowers during the 5th Astral Era.  However, in the northwestern reaches of Eorzea,  the smaller city-state of Mhach would eventually   develop something that fundamentally shifted  the balance of power within the continent.   Halfway through the 5th Astral Era, a powerful  mage would be born and raised in the country   of Mhach. Her name was Shatotto, a lalafellin  woman of great renown and prestige who only ever   had one goal in life, to test the boundaries of  magic itself. To that end, she would inevitably   weave the first ever incantations of a ruinous  magic school, Shatotto had created Black Magic.   The people of Mhach immediately saw Black Magic  for what it truly was, the most powerful school of   magic ever developed in terms of raw destructive  potential. It was so strong that almost no barrier   could defend against it, and almost no healing  spell could fully mend what damage was done.   Shatotto had not a care in the world for what her  country did with the spell school she crafted,   as she was already researching new forms of magic.   But the leadership of Mhach took her research to  heart, and through the teachings of Black Magic,   the city-state of Mhach had gained the most  powerful standing military in all of Eorzea.   However, as the old saying goes, absolute power  corrupts absolutely, and the leadership of Mhach   steadily became all too eager to test  their strength against their neighbors.  With these new Black Mages at their disposal,  the city-state of Mhach began to launch campaigns   against their neighboring countries, and such  overwhelming force was there for all to witness.   Many smaller civilizations had no means  of countering these new potent forms of   offensive spells, and became deeply fearful  of being conquered. These aggressive actions   did not go unnoticed by the people of Amdapor,  who immediately knew that Mhach and its Black   Mages must be made to yield. The many years that  Amdapor spent weaving spells for the betterment of   all were not in vain, as the greatest mages among  them would create the antithesis of Black Magic.   Where the people of Mhach would destroy, corrupt  and reduce, this new spell school would protect,   purify and mend. With great success, the archmages  of Amdapor became the first ever White Mages, and   with this new spell school they had the strength  to stop the relentless assault of the Black Mages.   This became the first magical war between  these two countries within the 5th Astral Era.   Mhach was shocked to see that the White Mages  of Amdapor had become their perfect counter,   stopping their country's expansion in its tracks.   Mhach's leadership hesitated, ending their  campaign against Eorzea. However, the end of   this war had shifted the power on the continent.  Where once there were twelve proud countries,   only six remained. Having either been conquered  by Mhach, or joined other city-states out of fear.  But this fragile peace would only last a handful  of centuries. The mages of Mhach had found and   created another spell school in the form of Void  Magic, allowing them to channel the corrupting   powers of the Void and command legions of Voidsent  much like the Allagan Empire did before them.   Meanwhile, the country of Nym, in its  desperate attempt to avoid conquest,   created the magic school used by Scholars  in order to shield themselves from Black   Magic. Amdapor on the other hand attempted to  counter the use of Voidsent, by weaving their   White Magic into creating armies of living stone  in the form of golems that would do their bidding.   Tension was now at an all time high, as such, no  one knows what the actual catalyst for the coming   conflict was, only that it sparked what would  forever be known as the War of the Magi. This war   lasted for many years across multiple generations,  and during this time, magic was at its peak.   Many sorcerers and witches would engage in the  greatest arcane duels in Hydaelyn's history, as   demons from the void would collide with animated  golems mid-air. Mhach and Amdapor both would gain   and lose ground for decades, with the people  of Nym being forced to abandon their country   due to a plague placed on them by the voidsent  of Mhach. However, over the course of the war,   the near-constant use of magic by many thousands  of mages had drained the ambient aether of Eorzea.   Much like the excessive violence of Xande  before them, the War of the Magi had caused   the world to be thrown off balance, and as  such, another calamity was soon to come.  Just as it seemed that the capital of Amdapor  might finally fall to the might of Mhach,   the world broke once again. It all began with  a ceaseless cloud cover, and mild rain. But   eventually, the seas began to rise, and the rain  began a torrential downpour that refused to end.   The world was now drowning in the waves of the  6th Umbral Calamity, the Calamity of Water. The   flooding of the world would ensure that neither  the generous Amdapor, or the violent Mhachi,   would ever rise again. But how the world survived  such turbulent waters is a story for another day.   Join us next time as we discuss the 6th Astral  Era and how it eventually became the modern day   for players within FFXIV. We plan to cover the  battles of many other fantasy, sci-fi, and space   opera universes, so make sure you subscribe and  press the bell button! Please, consider liking and   sharing, as it helps immensely, and don’t forget  to comment - we will try to read and respond to   every comment as we want to know what you think  about this video and which videos you hope to see   in the future! This is the Wizards and Warriors  channel, and we’ll catch you on the next one!
Channel: Wizards and Warriors
Views: 19,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: allagan, final fantasy, ffXIV, Eorzea, rise, fall, and, morgoth, feanor, noldor, elves, middle-earth, silmarillion, first age, tolkien, gandalf, gondor, saruman, battles, of, rohan, Kings and Generals, Lord of the Rings, Elrond, Elendil, Isildur, Sauron, elf, dwarves, humans, men, battle, documentary, middle earth, animated, fantasy, sci-fi, wizards, warriors, hobbits, decisive battles, history, lore, sauron, orks, rings, pelennor fields, mongols, conan, game of thrones, warhammer, end times, althistory, alternative, magi, war
Id: uAkImvX7yzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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