FFXIV Lore- History of the Esteemed Elezen

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[Music] how long has it been memory can be such a Fickle thing the exact time and place steadily becoming Irrelevant in the face of what was truly worth remembering a kinship a comrade a friend remembering them becomes much easier when a millennia of hate and violence is pushed away and there there he is as clear as day standing by my side a warm smile upon his face and staph in hand his silver robes shined in the sunlight as the Fabrics adorning his suit would flow upon the wind my friend was aged carrying the weight of an entire Century with Grace if I knew he would live longer I'd have called him brother but while the elizin were not Eternal They Carried themselves with the pride of something very very old something larger than themselves and I could not help but be moved by it I can hear him still my friend reciting philosophy and Arcane Theory as easily as he would inquire about the weather hoping for my enlightening response how painful this memory has become of a friend I will never see again and yet if there are still L's in that possess his Noble heart then maybe just maybe I'll be able to find such kinship once again in my friend's place I shall become the teacher and speak with words I wish I had in days long past indeed I shall carry the best of him of his people and hope to see them rise to meet my expectations once more I shall never forget him [Music] good day everyone aorzia is a land that many people and species call home from the great migrations of Hira and makote to the displacement of the lalafel and Rogan many diverse cultures have settled here for thousands of years yet none of them are able to call yorzia their Homeland quite like the people of our topic today gather around my friends for we shall be discussing a people that have called ayorzi a home for as long as history can remember today we'll be discussing what it means to be an Allison historically the Ellison are considered to be the first race in aorzia to actually settle tame and coexist amongst the land's ether Rich territory and creatures this is a fact that the Elison themselves Proclaim as the tales of their Heritage if true date back as far as the first astral era with no records actually contradicting this they are considered to be one of the few races that are the original aortzians having called this land their ancestral home for as long as we can remember they Pride themselves on this fact some going as far as saying that the gods themselves chose the Ellison to settle aorzia in those age-old times they did just that they settled built and established a culture for themselves time and again seeing aorzia as their Birthright but as we know peace is ever fickle and the arrival of here in any given age always saw both races pulled into bloody conflict for example in the early years of the six astral era the year arrived in such vast numbers that the elizam were driven out of their original provinces and forced to resettle outside of central aortzia having been pushed around by the large influx of here the elizin would eventually create what would be known as ishgard to the north and gelmora to the Northeast and this is said to be living proof that the elizin have ever fought to keep their place within their Homeland physically the LSN are very tall with Slender to athletic builds lending to a naturally High metabolic rate this also may have something to do with them being known as a long living race as a healthy Allison can live for more than a century with a few decades to spare that being said their longevity has had an effect on their development with most elizin not reaching physical maturity until their early to mid-20s though as you may know their most distinguishing physical trait are their pointed ears which gives them a finer sense of hearing than most races these ears are known to be either long and sharp short and rounded or some other combination of the two but the end result always betrays their heritage because of their tall and lean physique the Allison aren't well known for their brute strength or physical endurance however what they lack in raw physical power and physical hardiness they greatly make up for with dexterous talent and the Arcane Arts the yellows in by and large have the greatest Advantage when it comes to agility flexibility and precision when compared to most other races with only some clans of makote being known to keep up with them on a similar note many Ellison are naturally gifted Mages as well boasting Arcane talents that are only outshined by some historic lalafel moving on we start to observe their cultural choices the elsin have shown to have great levels of Pride for their history and talents they have firm beliefs in things like discipline and honor which usually can be seen in their methods of governance you need not look much further than the successful city-states of grudanya ishgard and even old Charlie and to see how Ella's involvement can shape and strengthen a country's Foundation however it is this rigid mentality and love for past Glory that makes many elsin unwilling to change quickly or acknowledge the accomplishments of others an example of this is in their dialect while many races over the course of their time in aorzia have lost the use of their native tongue for that of the year's common the old elves in tongue is used just as much now as it has been in the past in fact many words used in the aortzian common tongue actually has roots in Old Ellison it's so commonplace now that some people will find themselves speaking part of their sentences in Old Ellison without even knowing it [Music] however within the past Thousand Years the Allison have split into two distinct Clans that distinguish them on both a cultural and biological level these two clans are known as the Wildwood and dusk White while many clans of different races are content to at best cooperate and at worst ignore the other Clan the blood feud between the Wildwood and dusk white can be dated all the way back to gradania's founding it's no mistake to say that there is a clear racial tension between the two on a fundamental level both Clans see the other as traitors to their species and development as to why well we'll discuss that soon enough we'll start by covering the culture of the Wildwood the Wildwood are the most common form of L's in by and large and are often what people think of when discussing the species Wildwood has become a sort of catch-all for any Allison that isn't a dusk white even if they weren't born in the black shroud that being said most modern Ellison are descendants of those displaced by the huge migrations of here in the early sixth astral era they left Central aortzia and eventually found themselves traveling north the first group marched into Northern kerthis and later on another group would settle within the black shroud despite their cultural differences the Ellison that eventually created gridanya and ishgard would almost always be on good terms with one another the typical naming conventions of the Wildwood are mostly rooted in their original tongue male names are typically more lengthy with syllables at the end allowing it to roll off the tongue like poetry likewise female names are shorter but end with diminutives that make more of a pure and recognizable tone this makes some female names sound like the note of a song these naming traits were likely created very early in their development and another thing they created during those early days was their own form of archery this was likely due in large part to the fact that Wildwood Ellison had and still have very keen eyes and are able to make pinpoint shots at a long distance with ease however it was their Mastery of the bow which inevitably led to the development and use of many stringed instruments with music came song and poetry and from the Arts came cultural refinement this is the root of Allison culture that still persists to this day it's a love of form matching function that can be observed in both LS and attire as well as architecture this means that art and style have been part of their culture since the early days which is why El is in fashion is usually quite popular with the other races moving on we have the dusk white who are quite notorious when the Allison eventually settled in the forests known as the black shroud they didn't form gradania at first instead they created a Subterranean city known as the great civilization of gelmora for a Time the Ellison of gelmora lived rather comfortably in their underground caves but eventually a pact was made with the Elementals and as a result grudanya was founded for the Elison of gilmora there were debates on whether they should continue improving their underground city or move on to the surface no matter how many times it was argued not all the Ellison agreed with the idea of gridanya not only did some of the elizant outright resent the Elementals but they also felt that abandoning galmora was tantamount to treason this caused the Allison to effectively break into two factions with one moving to the surface forming rodania and the other remaining down below Within gilmora centuries would pass and eventually the Subterranean Ellison that stayed behind would eventually become the dusk white we know today with many of them still having a stigma against the surface said stigma has gotten so bad that some dusk white have taken to banditry using secret underground tunnels to Ambush and even murder trade Caravans on their way to gridania this has caused many gradanians to look at the dusk white with suspicion as many have done more harm than good over time some dusk whites have willingly broke away from their underground Heritage joining their cousins with ingridania but with so much bad blood a close eye is usually kept on them regardless visually the dust quite are easily identifiable as their skin has changed to a darker and almost otherworldly Hue due to the lack of direct sunlight because of this they also lost the refined eyesight of their Wildwood cousins but gained a sense of auditory control Superior to any race in the world the dusk white can hear and understand the location type and source of almost any sound with uncanny clarity this auditory Talent is even more remarkable when one discovers that things like Echoes and reverberations don't fool a dusk white in the slightest the naming conventions of the dusk white are effectively the same as the Wildwood since their shared cultural history is much older than the creation of the dusk white themselves though out of Pride they will say that their names are completely different however a part of their culture that does separate them from their surface dwelling cousins is their Mastery of stone shaping and spell craft artistic columns elegant walls and refined Pottery decorate their caves not only that but said caves are carved with runes and magical symbols that keep monsters and Elementals from daring to intrude The Dusk White's extensive use and creation of magic over physical training has made them into extremely potent Mages because of this their Mastery of Earth and stone shaping has made dusk white urns pots and palmanders into Priceless pieces of art to other cultures however most dusk white living within galmora never know just how popular their Works have become now that you have a basic understanding of the Ellison and their history you can tell that despite their cultural differences the Wildwood and dusk white have ever been a part of the same proud race they value their deeds and accomplishments and cast down those who would slander them they may go about it differently but all elizins celebrate their defining features and revel in their Rich heritage this sense of superiority can make them blunt and unbearable at times but you can often trust them to be honest with you because of it and let's be frank in a world as turbulent as this a wisened and truthful companion is often just what you need so until we meet again be mindful around the canines and ears of the Ellison and stay safe my friends thank you all for watching to the end if you enjoyed this video why not subscribe and share this with your fellow adventurers with your help I'll try to reach out even further and bring even greater stories to you although I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge my biggest contributors a grand thank you to Amina valtaria Travon Shay potato Sage Mouse bagel and cesani with an additional nod to the scholarships on screen links to things like my Twitter and that of my channel artist caddy can be found in the description thank you all for your viewership as well as your support and I hope all of you have a wonderful day class dismissed
Channel: Synodic Scribe
Views: 5,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, Final Fantasy 14, FFXIV, lore, mmorpg, mmo, gaming, educational
Id: lSvsPWa0CGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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