FFXIV Lore- Dungeon Delving into the Lost City of Amdapor

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[Music] foreign is known for many things its vibrant lands Bountiful reserves of ether and its history alone could fill an entire library but despite aorzia being so well known and loved by many cultures over the Millennium it still carries many Mysteries there are some things that the common man never truly understand and one of those things are the Elementals of grudanya from the outside looking in they seem like little more than vengeful spiteful spirits but anyone who knows their history sees that they are much much more gather around my friends for today we will discuss a side to the Elementals many don't see as well as delve into the dungeon known as the lost city of amdapour our story actually begins more than a thousand years ago during the height of the fifth astral ERA this was a time when magic was King and spellcraft was his Queen the greatest civilizations within aorzia were filled with Wizards witches and magical creatures on a regular basis one of if not the greatest city-state to rule at this time was amdapore from what little we've learned about them the culture of amdapur was considered to be the framework of what a society should be it was a place that rewarded and recognized hard work while also offering to Aid nearby allies whenever they truly needed it in fact their civilization was considered so wise that the neighboring Nations began calling them the ancient amdapore because their wisdom seemed to be something beyond their natural years this is where our story truly begins as Mages belonging to the ancient damnedapur would go out and attempt to commune with the spirits of a small nearby Forest these entities were what we know as the Elementals the amdipori made offerings and would weave spells to try and appease them but the Elementals weren't won over so easily instead they preferred to maintain a safe distance between themselves and the world of men however true to their name the ancient amdapore respected the elemental's desire for privacy and left them alone they even went so far as declaring that None Shall invade this Enchanted Forest the only surviving records of the am Deport entering the small forest was to pursue game that had fled between the trees apparently the Elementals weren't too incredibly bothered by this allowing the hunter to chase their prey before leaving by all accounts the Elementals and the Mages of amdipor peacefully co-existed with neither seeking to harm the other but of course all of this came to an end when the Black Mages of mock began to spread across ayorzia like a ruinous cancer where amdapur preferred peaceful cooperation the Mages of mock preferred subjugation and in time war was all that mock desired amdapore's Advanced magical society would create white magic to counter the maki's black magic and this brutal conflict would become known as The War of the Magi a battle that raged on and off for literal centuries eventually the war would drain aorzia of tremendous amounts of Aether resulting in what would be known as the sixth umbral Calamity flooding the world in aetheric water not even the Great and Powerful aimedepor were spared from the flooding as they were forced to abandon their homes and Retreat to Higher Ground the force that the Elementals lived within was also drowned in the waters as well and they had been watching The War of the Magi unfold this entire time essentially the concerns the Elementals had were proven correct and they were not at all pleased having seen the chaos that the war of the Magi had created the Elementals were fearful of what people would do if they discovered amdapore's great wealth of power so as the flooding of the umbral Calamity faded away the black shroud would grow encouraged by the powers of the Elementals to cover more of Northeast aortzia eventually the force became so large that it covered the entire abandoned city-state and with their magic they glamored everything with the secrets of the mdapori Mages sealed away and the White Mage Soul crystals collected the Elementals let out a sigh of relief but as we know this wouldn't be the case forever the Elementals eventually found it within their hearts to start trusting people again leading to the creation of gridania and its leaders the pajal they would eventually bestow the White Mage Soul crystals to the bajal allowing some of them deport's power and culture to Blossom in the sixth astral era but after 1500 years the Elementals bore witness to another Calamity as Bahamut would usher in the seventh umbral age twice now the Elementals have seen what Mortal hubris will do in the pursuit of power but instead of throwing out the gradanians the Elementals used their considerable might to prevent the black shroud from being completely engulfed in Bahama's flames this act combined with the corrupted Aether that Bahamut had created weakened the Elementals by a significant margin as a result many of the glamors and seals that they had placed within the Shroud began to fail old forgotten temples and ruins became visible again as the ruins of amdapur could now be observed however this also meant that all the dangers that had been sealed Within the Ruins could now Escape void scent that had been sealed away since the war of the Magi were breaking free and the Elementals were too weak to stop them and to make matters worse the imbalance brought on by bahamut's wrath had tainted the black shroud as well much like how the element of aetheric ice was thrown off balance in kerthis rendering ishgard's Lanes Frozen the element of atheric Earth was drained from the black shroud or more specifically the city-state of amdapore the sudden loss of pure Earth and energy caused a plague of corrupted mold and fungus to bloom all over amdapore's ruins this toxic chaos likely would have spread across the entirety of the black shroud if not all of aortzia however in her wisdom seed Seer Raya osena worked alongside the Elementals to create a massive Ward that would contain this perverted version of nature they succeeded having saved countless lives from the toxic spores but just because the aetheric corruption within amdapore had been contained didn't mean that the darkness within the city's walls had stopped stirring if anything they were getting worse the vajal and Elementals knew that they didn't have the strength to contain the corruption and monsters now festering within forever so the pajal would beseech some trusted adventurers to go into the lost city of amdapur and slay the threats Within the adventurers agreed to this task and would enter the Lost City inside they found just how horrible the Earthen corruption had gotten and how twisted Aether had resulted in the spawning of horrible monsters not only that but many void scent that had been sealed away were finally Breaking Free the white Mages that originally captured them were long dead and their spells hadn't been maintained for more than a thousand years between the toxic spores and the void scent our adventurers had their work cut out for them but eventually they did reach the inner sanctum where one of Mock's most deadly void scent had been contained in ages long past the void Mages of mock attempted to use diabolos as a sudden Deathstroke to aim to Poor's heart he flew through the city with abandon poised to kill the greatest of their city-state without warning but even with his sudden appearance the white Mages captured and contained Diablos with a powerful spell it was so strong that only now was he finally able to break free however his overconfidence and long Slumber had left him vulnerable and our adventurers were able to defeat him all the same but just because he was beaten didn't mean he was gone his Essence as a void scent allowed him to leave and gather power elsewhere nevertheless the bajal were pleased and grateful that the threats inside amdapor had been purged now the rituals of healing could begin eventually the bajal in their assistance the hearers would go into the lost city to cleanse the corrupted plant life but unfortunately something was wrong no sooner had they begun the Elementals that were helping them began to panic they listened and could hear the Elementals warning them that old unforeseen Powers had started to stir Within the Ruins by listening to the Elementals and their warnings nothing was truly lost to this new threat it turns out the void sent roaming freely and the corruption of Aether around the forest had finally roused amdapore's oldest Warriors Arcane Golems created during the war of the Magi had started to awaken apparently the Golems could not tell the difference between a void scent and an elemental driving them to attack with Reckless abandon and in this strange New Age just about everyone and everything was an unwelcome Intruder once more gradania would ask the same adventurers for help the pajal needed to maintain their Awards and the hearers weren't made for combat so trusting the adventurers once again they were sent into the Lost City inside they had discovered many of amdapore's old Golems have started to reactivate forcing them to be destroyed thankfully that was the worst of it so with the void sent cold and the Golems destroyed the last remaining spite from the war of the Magi was laid to rest the adventurers were praised for their work once more and thanks to them the hearers could continue their rituals and steadily bring stability back to the lost city of amdipor eventually the city will be purified and unlike ishgard balance will be restored to the etheric elements but what then the Elementals can't simply hide aim to poor and its knowledge anymore people can see the city buildings and ruins of a once Mighty Arcane civilization naturally the pajal would consign these runes to the forest allowing it to be devoured by the Shroud completely letting the past and all it had simply die but maybe gradanians will claim what knowledge is Left Behind and with the guidance of the Elementals becoming newer and more harmonious version of amdipor the magical city-state of Gordana does have a certain ring to it but regardless this will take time time in which they may or may not change their minds as to what should be done with amdapore's ruins but I am curious what would you do with these ruins in the knowledge of the ancient amdipor I hope you Ponder this question after seeing a more benevolent side to the Elementals today and until we speak about such things again stay safe my friends thank you all for watching to the end if you enjoyed this video why not subscribe and share this with your fellow adventurers with your help I'll try to reach out even further and bring even greater stories to you although I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge my biggest contributors a grand thank you to Anthony airless potato Sage Mouse synov bagel sizani and teradox with an additional nod to the scholarships on screen links to things like my Twitter and that of my channel artist caddy can be found in the description thank you all for your viewership as well as your support and I hope all of you have a wonderful day class dismissed foreign [Music]
Channel: Synodic Scribe
Views: 4,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, Final Fantasy 14, FFXIV, lore, mmorpg, mmo, gaming, educational
Id: 3EuOnDo5CYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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