FFXIV Lore- Dungeon Delving into Haukke Manor

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good day my friends have you ever wondered why some people place excessive amounts of merit into certain things have you found it odd that despite these interests only having personal value they continue to put enormous amounts of worth into these things ultimately reality has proven time and again that it cares little for our feelings or what we care about it will continue to move on with or without us but what about those people who can't let things go who can't move on who can only ever think about themselves unfortunately this type of story is all too common so join me today as we explore a very recent example of this madness as we delve into hawk manor [Music] the story of hawk manor is much older than one would expect long before it became a dwelling for unholy abominations it was a refuge for the seed seers of gridania previously this building was used by the seed seers as a place to meditate reflect and even commune with the elementals of the twelves wood after all the word hawk is an old bajali term that means to speak without words the manor's location outside of the bustling streets of gridania proper made it a good location for these activities as it meant that the individuals within would rarely be interrupted for a while the manner was more like a temple a temple dedicated to self-reflection a place where someone might humble themselves before the elementals and understand the world on a scale beyond oneself and yet despite the manor's purpose at the time there was a group of gradonians that were growing more and more displeased with the seed seers for using hawk manor in the first place these men and women believed that the seed seers were indulging themselves that for their leaders to live or meditate within such a luxurious place was excessive and a sign of corruption at first many seed seers were confused by these allegations and ignored them for the most part after all hulk manor was no place for personal pleasures or self-indulgence it was a place of calm that allowed some the peace of mind needed to become attuned to the movements of our world however things only got worse as these radicals steadily gained a bigger following and began to pressure the seed seers even more they began shouting that they were becoming fat and lazy within the manor even though one look at any pajal would tell you otherwise eventually the stress of listening to these dissenters wasn't worth the peace hawkman or brought anymore so the seed seers gave in and sold the manor to a prominent family of dusk white ellison house dart encore or more specifically to lady amundine as a woman of the respected and wealthy darting core household lady amundine had all the means with which to not only purchase hulk manor but specialize it to her needs for you see she was quite the opposite of a seed seer whilst they wanted to use the manor to remove themselves and reflect almondine wanted to use the manner to show off her wealth and her beauty lady amundine was many things but above all she was considered to be very vain and yet she was indeed beautiful as many of her servants would say she was easily one of the most elegant and gorgeous allison in the entire world because of this she'd never missed an opportunity to express or show off just how beautiful she was compared to her guests or the rest of gridania as a whole the only saving grace the city-state had was that hawkmanner was out of the way so they didn't need to deal with almandine's posturing every day but after one catastrophic event lady almandine wouldn't have anything to gloat about anymore because the day of bahamut's rampage marked the beginning of the end for hawk manor the dawn of the 7th umbra calamity was visited upon this woman she became a victim of the elder primal's wrath leaving her scarred and disfigured afterwards lady amundine hid herself within hawk manor refusing to leave her room or allow anyone to see her in such a hideous state the many servants of huck manor were at a loss they did not wish to abandon their lady to her misery but she refused to let them help it's rumored that almandine would resort to all sorts of strange and untested methods of restoring one's complexion from ointments to creams and all sorts of miracle cures she tried everything but the scars from bahamut's power ran too deep there was no helping her not through material means it's unknown when exactly lady almandine would receive a pair of strange guests but she would receive them without warning the aseans had taken notice of her agony and in her desperation they saw a willing puppet for their goals they came to her in her darkest hour with offers of a miracle that would grant the lady her deepest wish to regain the beauty she had lost lady amundine ceased her rational thought long ago and quickly agreed to their terms [Music] the next part of this story becomes difficult to tell for multiple reasons one is that the rituals lady amending would resort to were utterly barbaric she attempted something called the rites of rejuvenation a ritual given to her by the aseans however these rites involved the spilling of maiden's blood and unfortunately lady almandine would sacrifice the innocent women of gridania for this very purpose the victims of her rituals would all suffer a similar fate as their bodies would be found brutally beaten in their faces horribly disfigured the second reason this story gets turbulent is that almondine began to carefully cover her tracks i can't tell when or where certain things began to happen with absolute certainty but what i can give you is the end result eventually almondine's dark rituals drew the attention of the void scent and she summoned forth a powerful fiend named halicarnassus halicarnassus looked upon this pitiful woman and smiled offering her a deal give unto me thine spirit thine essence and i shall bestow upon you beauty everlasting lady amundine agreed to these terms and condemned her soul to the void forevermore the corrupting nature of void scent and the void itself would twist the dusk white ellison into something equally beautiful and hideous she had become a void scent herself whose beauty would never fade but her hunger for the lives and aether of our world would also never cease at some point one of almandine's servants an elderly ellison named ersondell ran from the manor he had become terrified of what his lady was doing and couldn't bear the thought of her noble house falling to such ruin for not being able to stop her descendant to madness ersandel blamed himself and was resigned to eventually turn himself in to the wood whalers for his failure but not before begging members of the adventurous guild to storm hawk manor and put an end to the blight created by his mistress as the adventurers invaded the manor they would discover evidence of void magics as well as the bodies of servants and guests that were unable to escape flies drawn to rotting corpses the empty husks of victims raised into undeath as well as the many void scent that had been summoned into the manor now plagued its halls the adventurers would cut down these demons and monsters one after the other as they steadily unlocked the hidden chambers of the manor only to discover more and more evidence of amundine's crazed mind but after finding a way to counter the dark rituals of her home they finally discovered lady amundine herself resting in her bed chambers a fully corrupted void scent lady amandine would be slain condemning her essence to return to the void with which it was now tied but unfortunately that wouldn't be the last we heard from hawk manor the manor's surviving servant ersondell would keep his word and was prepared to turn himself into the wood whalers of gridania however while they didn't dismiss his story they wanted to perform a thorough investigation into the manor first but as wood whalers started disappearing into the manor they were never seen again upon hearing this urson dell knew that the manor must still be cursed and beseeched the same adventurers that aided in the previous raid to do so a second time surely their experience with the manor and the void scent would give them an edge that the wood whalers didn't indeed the worries of this old man were entirely true as despite the death of almandine and the cleansing of its halls the root of hulk manor's darkness had yet to be pulled the source of the manor's malice was none other than halicarnassus herself lady amundine might have been the one to start the manner's decline into a living hell but it was her new master halicarnassus that would ensure the mana remained a tether for which the void scent might invade our world inside the manor our adventurers would find that the void scent had become much more aggressive no longer content to linger in the shadows they would attack and kidnap people indiscriminately those unlucky enough to be caught by the void scent would be used as a vessel with which to fill the halls of the manor with even more of their fiendish kin the wood whalers were not spared this treatment as the monsters would attempt to demonize their victims and add more malicious creatures to their ranks however the adventurers would not be deterred as they cut down anything that stood in their way even though the manor was now filled with even more powerful monsters than before eventually they would come face to face with the source of all this death and destruction helicarnassus doing battle with this void scent was no easy feat as she possessed dangerous magics that would slay most mortals in a single blow not only that she summoned many void scent to her side in an attempt to overrun her foes she even summoned her newest slave the lady amundine but despite their combined power amundine and her master would fall in battle purging the world of their existence once more after the battle was won and remaining monsters slain the manor was once again brought to a dormant state however a grim omen in dark presence yet lingers here like a deep stain on a silk sheet leaving many to wonder what shall be done with this place especially since void sent are still drawn to it because of all the dark rituals that were performed here ultimately this will be up to the leadership of gridania to decide and all that will be left of those harrowing days will be ursondel himself and that my friends is the story of hulk manor isn't it strange the people of gridania accused the seed seers of excess and want when they used the manner to meditate and reflect but upon giving into the people's demands and selling the manor it became exactly what those fools thought it was as its halls are now soaked in sin as for the story of lady amundine the line between passion and obsession can become very thin from time to time this tale is a grim warning there's nothing wrong with feeling strongly about something but if you allow that thing to be all that defines you and it's all you can ever think about you've crossed that line and are becoming dangerously similar to the dark mistress of hawk manor so until next we meet be humble and stay safe my friends [Music] if you like this video don't forget to like and subscribe big shout out to my patrons rovakis potato runatier the yellow couch papaya cyan sage mouse and valvalasoma if you want to see more lore content in the future share this with your friends my dream is to share as much as i find with as many people as possible and if you do end up helping me thank you so much in advance and have a wonderful day [Music] you
Channel: Synodic Scribe
Views: 8,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, mmorpg, mmo, lore, gaming, educational
Id: B6Ls-sn-JFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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