The Stars of Endwalker - FFXIV Lore Explored

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this video contains main story spoilers for the ff14 and Walker expansion about a year ago as of this video I created another one called the world event Walker I lore dive into everything we knew about the stars meteon and our sisters the mateya encountered on their journey across the Great expanse now thanks to the Tribal Quest of the omicrons in Ultimate tool we have learned so much more about these stars and the races that called them home salvation came for these races thanks to Elysian a new star that was born above ultimatul which turned out to be a path forward for all the races there let's go over each of them in chronological order from when they were first introduced to nand Walker [Applause] the dragons of ultimate tool are the shades of life that once lived upon their long gone star known as the Dragon Star for years we have known the faith that befell the Dragon Star a war between the dragons and the machine-like race of the omicrons the result of which was the Dragon Star being ravaged Beyond hope of restoration midgard Somer seeing the end was Nai escaped the Dragon Star and traveled to a theorist so Dragon kind would endure he was followed across the Great expanse by Omega the last original remnant of the yomicon race not long after he left the Dragon Star the Mateo arrived there seeking an answer to their question Dragon kind was all but gone by this stage but what remained was cataloged by the Mateo to be later recreated on Ultimate tool they are creatures full of Sorrow anguish existing only to await the ant plagued by memories of war and conflict [Applause] the eggs they lay never hatch and those that do birth empty creatures who never knew what their race had lost the mountains Peaks and skies which would Escape dragons hope are long gone and no wind exists to carry them in flight the dragons in particular look nothing like they once did with a ghostly appearance like that of fourlorn spirits the other Dragon King we see have also a much darker Hue than the ones we see on hey Terrace but Salvation would come in the form of the staff of the last Drake's learning that their race endured in midgard Stormer and his Broods brought them great relief and indeed it was thanks to their cane on a theorists that we learned the best way of lifting their spirits it was these acts that triggered dynamus and New Creations were brought forth on Elysian the formation of tall mountains and Peaks as well as wind that would allow dragons to fly once more a new home for Dragon kind where the eggs they lay birth knew life the shades of dragon kind seeing this new Act of Creation now refer to themselves as dragons once more they spend their time now interacting with the other races of ultimate duel as well as partaking of new foods created by the last Drakes they also enjoy reminiscing about the good memories of their past such as the ancient songs of dragon kind that once flew the Skies of the Dragon Star [Music] intellect was once our pride overnight it became our shame our works monuments difficulty the air are an interesting race enlightened logical and knowledgeable but these admirable traits couldn't help them escape the sorrow that plagued them even if they chose to deny it or find a logical excuse for it immortality your greatest invention became a source of suffering once a highly Advanced civilization the Aya chose to discard their mortal forms and become the beings we know today free of mortal bonds they unlock the secrets of the universe but quickly they learned such knowledge only held pain and freeze many stars would be born and the universe will enter into an eternal Ice Age beneath the weight of this knowledge our society segmented now we have time still it was a closed comfort the result of this stagnation was the demise of their world known as the neb3 and all life that called it home by the time the Mateo came to the net three the air were already far gone in mind wandering aimlessly and would not give an answer to her question what remains of their race was recreated on Ultimate tool exactly as they were found spiritual manifestations of immortal intelligence with no will to continue on nice life everything my destination is assured when all worlds of Reason accumulated since the morning of our kind will be forever lost at first they took no interest in the goings-on of the last rakes however they grew more interested as others came to take interest in them and Aid in Acts of stimulation even if the attempts proved out to be fruitless over time they came to accept the interest order showed in them going as far as to share the mental sensation of us eating a meal they were possibly familiar with to spark memories long since forgotten this caused a moment of new Enlightenment for the air which resulted in new dynamatic changes to a lesbian a new slice of the long gone Star as it used to be was created and with it new life unknown yet familiar to the air were created called the Mio misu these new beings bear many similarities to the Aya two such individuals had their own ideas as to why this may be like onto newborn babes or so I assume eons have passed since we Aya have held a child yet is it not conceivable that some part of us remembers if these creatures arose from our fondness of the past they may indeed be the nascent forms mentioned in our ancient records despite not remembering them it's very likely that the MU misu are the juvenile form of what the area originally were before discarding their mortal forms it's thanks to the Mew Mizu that the Aya have found new purpose they Network to care for this new life created from their memories in return the miyumisu share positive Sensations with the Aya as they still don't have bodies of their own their home and ultimate tool acts as a sort of nursery for the Miu misu and the air are still in the process of learning to be parents and Guardians while also learning to trust the future seems bright for the Aya and the Mew misu who together walk apart into the future regardless of what fate May hold hexed upon these stones are the Testaments of such Souls the omicrons are machine entities which hail from a long-lost star called alphatron once they were humanoids and lived on their star with other races at first they co-existed until the point that the omicrons were greatly threatened they do not repossessed failure and female battles [Music] races our ancestors this process continued on replacing one body part after another until they passed the point of no return absolutely [Music] they just adopted a new name Omicron and proceeded to subjugate and reign supreme on their star it was at this point that the process had started that would see them Branch out across the Stars on an endless crusade to lay low Ani that were stronger than them [Music] not long after they defeated the Dragon Star the omicrons quickly fell into decline for they had accomplished their goal of being the strongest with no stronger races existing in their scope of you activated [Laughter] to become stronger and was essential to our existence every action has given itself institution subjective that is can it be truly sad that it was essential this was how the Omicron civilization met its end falling silent on their star until all power faded and their end came at some point prior to this they encountered the Matea but it's not known what the result of this meeting was nonetheless the omicrons were recreated an ultimate tool in an endless state of inactivity which was likely how they were found in the beginning [Music] [Music] for her it was thanks to jammingway the staff of the last drags and indeed all the inhabitants of ultimate tool that the omicrons discovered new purpose outside the set goals of helping the other races find their own they wrestled with the thought that once their new goal was completed they would end up inactive once again but with all the changes they witnessed and helped bring forth they found the wheel bury deep down to break free past the programming no longer the omicrons are moving forward together thanks to a lesbian and the other races that dwell there pure machines they may be but a spark of Life they held there still lingers on impossible as it may have seemed when we first met them they have been able to overcome the hurdle that saw their civilization perish while also relearning the meaning of emotions both theirs and others this is what triggered the changes to a lesbian with the creation of trees akin to the one that first set them on their New Path so we knew that the Universe was formed to civilizations aside from their own civilizations that may be stronger standard for Mass once upon a time there was a beautiful blue star the grebelov are an aquatic race not unlike the namazu of ederis they once lived happy productive lives beneath the waves and blue Seas of their star however as their civilization advanced so did their technology which came at Great cost of the environment it was this polluting of the Seas that spurred the grebelovs to invade the land and take it for themselves this however only served to make the damage worse with the technology of War they created destroying their beloved seas and turning the blue Waves to dark and breeding disease the more its people clung to life the more they suffered of it disinfected the land as well as the sea and touched all life under a star in their last days one of the mateya came to their world but the graveloff had no positive answers to her question why do you ask such a question do you not see the plague and pestilence that consumes us this is a world of rancid blood and Rotting Flesh where death is the only remedy to suffering there is no meaning to be found in such misery and so the grebelov civilization rotted and succumbed to pestilence and fear and the very last of them wish they had never been born at all [Music] their memory would live on in the very depths of the despair of their final days it wasn't until after the last drags was established an aid given to the carillians that the grebelov discovered they had been given a second chance at first they despair that the loss of their world and Friends even more thanks to the salad menu of the last drags bringing back these painful memories they wandered ultimate duel in sadness seeking pools of water to dip in and fish but they would not find it indeed it was the introduction of fish to the menu of the last drags that lightened their saddened Hearts once more The Taste and Aroma of fish brought back the good memories of their star which triggered the second dynamatic creations of a lesbian this time it was the creation of bodies of water for them to dip and enjoyed to their heart content while also being stocked with fish for them to catch they found purpose once more now that their home had returned to them where the waters are clear and blue they share the Bounty of these Waters with their neighbors and have these gifts returned in kind in the form of other Foods or of meals at the last Drakes thank you in a far away place a brilliant star eradicated diseases before destroying the self-same lives it had saved the corellians are a hero-like race and one of the first amateur encountered that gave them an answer to their question their tale is one of Perpetual conflicts its people fought amongst themselves for the longest time until after one such War their star was United under one government known as the global community through this the corellians found peace and prosperity however the rule was not a just one as such resistance began to form and they were split once again the global community on one side and the freedom fighters on the other this war would be their last and overtook their entire star it was during this conflict that the Mateo arrived seeking an answer the global Community took her arrival as a sign of their wisdom and compassion and thus Assurance in their mind that their way was the right one spurred on by false righteousness they created ten thousand war machines known as the peacekeepers to wipe out the Freedom Fighters and bring peace once more using artificial intelligence they instructed it to rid the star of any potential threats to peace not knowing that the AI would also include its own creators of such a threat in the end the carillians were United once again in a fight for survival by the end of the conflict the last survivors deployed weapons of mass destruction to wipe out the peacekeepers but this also led to the extermination of their own race and when one asked what is the point there were none left up the memories of this long gone world were recreated by meteon within her Cocoon of dead ends thanks to the staff at the last wrecks however the corellians would be recreated a new one ultimate tool but the animosity of the global community and the Freedom Fighters remained right away the defined Fighters and proud citizens were at odds with each other fully prepared to renew their conflict happily enough both of them would finally agree on something when it came to the ingredients of the food they were served as well as the taste it was thanks to the staff at the last drags that both parties found their Common Grounds that both of their factions once stood upon and desperate the first dynamatic creations of a lesbian an agricultural environment was created for the corellians Global community and freedom fighter alike where both could express themselves as One race and move forward together they made massive strides in such a short time with each side caring for the well-being of the other in this new chance they had been gifted they now find joy and progress in the growth and cultivation of their land strangers some of this vegetation and fruit may be and sharing its Bounty with the last drags and the other races of ultimate duel [Music] thank you father still existed a star without strife [Music] foreign remembered life's trials or its joys the nibiron were an advanced and wise race of people that reached Great Heights more than most races would achieve seeking to maintain this happiness they had worked so hard for the nabiron would unlock the secrets of immortality and were able to eliminate strife and pain from their civilization but this act to create Eternal happiness only doomed them without pain and strife they lost the meaning of joy happiness and Hope the nibiron spiraled into endless despair made worse by the fact that they were now Immortal and could not die in the deepest depths of this sorrow was the point that the Mateo arrived seeking an answer to their question a curious traveler visited our star a bird which puffered these questions what meaning does life hold for what do you strive I could find no satisfactory answers only Bittersweet Memories of an age-long past there was a time when we were lesser and in our Nations sought purpose struggled to justify life's words that was of course before we achieved perfection now condemned to our Paradise we understand the fertility of existence like the fledglings we once were the poor bird could not accept the truth it asks us again and again hoping perhaps our answer might change there was a time when we yearned to explore the heavens found purpose in the hope of unveiling life's mysteries a dream shattered when we reached Enlightenment and found it empty so they created the kindest most gentle of beasts seeking an end to a Timeless life of suffering the nibiron created the means of their own destruction they called it ra la A Beautiful Beast that had the ability to destroy the nibiron and end their suffering and so it was with light steps and a Golden Glow the nibiron were ushered to sleep happily ever after their memory would live on in the Matea and would be recreated in Ultimate tool at first then the beeron could not comprehend why they'd been born anew and seek to Enlighten the others of the fertility of life and impart the will to end the staff of the last drags took offense of this of course and challenged them to be run to explore and learn about the racism worlds that exist on Ultimate duel in order to change their point of view while being careful not to let them corrupt the work they had put in to create a lesbian they appear to enjoy the sorrow and strife that they witnessed but somewhere down the line their Viewpoint changed it was the efforts of all the races that existed in Ultimate duel that in the end brought the nibiron around while they indeed saw sorrow and tragedy they also saw that life was beginning and change was happening something they long lost sight of it was further thanks to the wise races that inhabit a lesbian that the nibiron found a purpose and will to continue onward seeing that they had recaptured the negative and positive feelings they long ago discarded now they share their viewpoints in a more friendly forum and all over a nice cup of tea they seem to have struck a particular friendship with the Aya who are of an intellectual level comparable with them and thus makes for the sharing of ideas and the disproving of theories the court Hall Knights are the last race we encountered on ultimatul in chronological order existing in the memory banks of the omicrons this race and their star were one of the first of the omicron's encountered and conquered when they first left the confines of alphatron at first they thought the machines of this star were the dominant life form but later discovered that there was instead silicon-based life forms that inhabited and ruled this planet and built the machines this race and their machines were wiped out by the omicrons merely for being a possible threat [Music] most of the information we have on them is lost but we do know that the Omicron stripped their star bear for resources to fuel their conquests a process they would repeat many times over gortona was long gone by the time that mateya found their world though it's not confirmed that they recorded any information from it it's possible one of the entries they recorded was their home world but we can't be certain the machine life forms more likely than not with silicon life within exists now at the last drags keeping watch over the premises and its patrons according to the records of n7000 the nibiram were the last race they could successfully recreate on Ultimate duel with the rest being far too degraded to recover it's possible that these races had been created and faded away on Ultimate duel in the Millennia between the Mateo forming it and starting the song of Oblivion all the way to the present while many long-lost races have been created as they were on Ultimate Thule and the new star of Elysian one more civilization was given form for the first time that Civilization is the races of ultimate duel combined we have seen how each race has learned to care for the others sharing their habitats resources and knowledge with each other and helping one another find their new purpose I like to call this new civilization the elizonians who inhabit the start of a lesson it seems the future is bright for ultimate duel and a lesbian and with the power of dynamis who knows what the future may hold thanks for watching everyone ultimate duel and the quest revolving around the lesbian have been some of my favorite content to date I'd love to get your take on this content as well so let me and everybody know your opinion in the comments lastly hit that like button to support this video If you enjoyed it and consider subscribing if you haven't yet and if you are already thank you so much as end Walker passes the halfway point I look forward to the introduction of new races or old ones from Lord that have yet to be seen thanks all and now as always have a good one [Music]
Channel: Wyrm Limion
Views: 3,657
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Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, gameplay, final fantasy xiv gameplay, final fantasy 14 online, final fantasy xiv online, final fantasy 14 gameplay, wyrm limion, wyrmlimion, lore, history, endwalker, ffxiv endwalker, ff14 endwalker, story, main scenario, patch 6.3, theory, msq, dragonkind, the dragonstar, nibirun, omicron, alphatron, the ea, grebuloff, elysion, ultima thule, jammingway, tribal quests, the stars of endwalker, ffxiv lore, ff14 lore, miw miisv, ffxiv 7.0
Id: acx7ObZYX_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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