Who Will Save The Thirteenth? (FFXIV Lore & Theories)

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the 13th reflection is a realm cursed by chaos and it's been that way for many years but before the darkness claimed everyone and everything there were heroes who fought to save it now some died and others were seduced by the dark forces they tried to seal away and a few of them are still around and could play a key part in saving the 13th let's explore everything we know about the heroes of the void and the war that cursed their world plus we'll also speculate about how these characters could have roles to play in future story patches be advised there will be spoilers for patch 6.2 my name is stout and i really hope you enjoy the 13th is one of many reflections of the source most of you already know that the shards were created by heidelen in a battle with zodiac both were primals used by warring factions of ancients at the earliest point of history we know in final fantasy xiv this sundering means that these shards operate in their own dimensions trouble for the 13th began with the aseans dark mages who wanted to rejoin the shards and put zodiac back at the top of the food chain one of the asians emmett selk tells us that the shards can only rejoin when the source and reflection are on the brink of collapse this is known as a calamity ijiyorum is the asean tasked with rejoining the 13th emmett selk says she was working alone but we're told servants plural are to blame for what happened he's likely referencing lesser aseans with black masks who work under the aseans with red masks izurum and her underlings passed a knowledge of the idollons onto the mortal races of the 13th people from the source know them as primals mythical creatures summoned by large concentrations of ether now due to the nature of their existence an eidolon must consume ether from its surroundings thus becoming a threat to the world once summoned eidolons can temper other beings instilling fanatical loyalty and creating a secure wellspring of faith to sustain them it's likely most of the eidolons involved were dark aspected given what happens later secondhand stories from that time tell of how the eidolons threatened the balance of the 13th the world needed someone to take a stand and heroes would answer the call these figures of legend could turn the tide with a special power the ability to bind ether to crystals sealing the idolans away people with this gift are called memoriats the war between eidolon and memoriat is known as the contra memoria we're told that there were a lot of memoriats at this time but most worked independently and didn't establish factions to defend the 13th and so the eidolons were defeated locked away in crystals forever we're told creating these crystals is a permanent process as far as one memorial knows so the world should have been safe from the threat of darkness but we know that's not the end of this story many of the memoriats who fought so hard to protect their world couldn't resist the dark ether imprisoned in the crystals gradually that ether leaked out in small amounts at first but it was enough to tempt the memoriats they became seduced by the forces that they once fought against it was enough to begin corrupting the heroes turning them into savage beasts this tipped the scales resulting in the flood of darkness that blanketed the world all but a few of its inhabitants turned into astral aspected ether starved monstrosities the void scent the strong carved out domains and weaker void scents sought to serve all voidscent want nothing more than to consume ether and become more powerful as for the aseans their plan to rejoin the shard with the source did not work the 13th was too far gone so they abandoned their plans for that reflection and egyorum had much to prove for her failure those are the events that shaped what the 13th is like today the aseans gave up but some are still holding on to hope that the world can be saved perhaps some heroes of the 13th could be redeemed but who are the ones we know about the most significant hero of the void is yuni kalhai a boy blessed with the power of the echo despite his gift he wasn't strong enough to stop the flood of darkness it happened when he was just a child and there were no groups like the scions of the source to stand with him the flood would have corrupted yunukal hai like everyone else if not for the intervention of elitibus one of the aseans he plucked the boy from his crumbling world and taught him about the importance of dualism or the constant balancing of light and darkness yunukauhai became elitibus's disciple vowing to never let another world fall like his did some players may have never heard of yunu kalhai and that's because his moments in the story are optional the warrior first meets him in the rising stones he claims his master sent him to help the scions in the coming threat of the icons primals summoned during the third era you can watch my videos on the elegant empire to learn more about them the links are in the description eunuch kowhai is a boy hero down to the last detail even if he doesn't see himself in that light part of his journey in the warring triad story is doubting his abilities and worthiness every encounter with the triad and regular anhydrous of the garlian empire sees him trying and failing to help the warrior the tipping point is when heidrus makes a heroic sacrifice and the confrontation with the primal zervon that doubt builds up further how can he measure up to the heroes of the source the ones who were actually able to avert their world's destruction but the scions reassure him that it's his actions now that make him a hero not his previous failures yunukalhai is a big believer in the warrior of light and their companions that's why he does everything in his power to help them they give him his greatest second chance another hero of the void is silva also known as cyela and the shadow keeper she's a memoriat that lost her home when the flood of darkness came silva is also one of heideln's chosen and can wield the echo like unukalhai she was saved at the last second by aseans logruff and mitron brought her to the first which resulted in her losing her memoriat abilities the aseans convinced her she could help them saving the remaining worlds through rejoinings but they didn't give her the full story now an unwitting pawn silva establishes herself as the shadow keeper in the first secretly grooming young adventurers into warriors of light they told her that having a calamity on the first would help the 13th a flood of light to counter the flood of darkness the warriors of the first must die to save her home her deception led to ardberg and the other warriors of darkness they became close friends and fought against the world's evils while gaining their crystals of light eventually she reveals her schemes and tries to kill them but silva can't take the warriors on her own arbert knocks her to the ground she tries to accept her fate and demands that artbert strike her down but he remembers their bond well the journey they made together and so he refuses as do the other warriors of darkness after being spared silva returns to the crystarium and abandons her life as an adventurer she takes up the name cyela and tells stories of the sacrifices her former friends made silva is an extremist with good intentions and an amazing piece of shadowbringer's lore you learn her story from completing the roll quests in the crystarium speaking of those quests you should definitely do them because that event and elitibus elitibus's eventual death brings yunu kalhai to the first with silva that's because like ardbert's travels to the source unukalhai's unique situation puts him somewhere between life and death you can talk to them to learn more about their research into restoring the 13th similar to how the first is now on a road to recovery it could take years to find a solution but they are making progress and both of them have additional dialogue in 6.2 and are actually shocked when you tell them you went to the 13th they mentioned that they are going to be meeting soon with the people that managed to revive the empty we can assume that's reen and gaia unfortunately yunukalhai declines to join you on your ventures there once you mention who you met on the other side of the void he says his presence would be extraneous though the boy does tell us he will hone his skills for when the time comes that he's needed even though he's on the sidelines now i believe that he and silva will come into play in the 13th story down the road at least i hope they do now the guide that unukalhai mentions is zero the enigmatic woman that zenos enslaved as his void sent reaper avatar she was released back to the 13th when zenos died at the edge of the universe in end walker the warrior finds her in the dungeons of troya that's when the crystal of light that yoshtola gave the warrior reacts revealing zero's true form at least it's implied that that's her true form the avatar has no name so yustola dubs her zero not to show she's empty but to signify a new beginning for her zero serves as our window into the world of the 13th now she's only half void scent her mother was one of the heroes of the 13th who fought against the flood of darkness she was infected while pregnant and so zero was cast into the rift between worlds when the flood came that's how she avoided becoming a full void scent zero is unique for several reasons she's a memoriat like her mother she's also similar to val3 from the first both are beings born in a world overwhelmed by a specific aspect making them human hybrids they each have two forms an attractive one and a hideous one and like how vauthory commands the sin eaters zero can condemn the void scent by sealing them in crystals zero educates us on how void scent consume ether and what it does to the soul essences become blended beings become deluded and will change depending on the ether soul they eat consuming too much will twist the original soul into something different this could tie into how much of zero's memory is fuzzy we'll come back to this in a bit zero is stoic distant and fully buys into the culture of void cent working as transactional beings if you want her help you pay up but if you do her a favor she's in your debt but she's not without emotion we see how she allows weaker outcast void scent to stay in her domain she even cares about some of their well-being though she pretends not to zero isn't like other strong void scent she doesn't care about having power or minions to do her bidding on the flip side she also tells us she doesn't care about the 13th and has no desire to save it but no matter what she says zero's fate is tied to the warrior of light naoki yoshida the game's director has said that zenos chose her as his avatar for a good reason perhaps she's a shard of asm like the player but we are led to believe she's the last of her kind the last memoriat well maybe let's irresponsibly speculate for a moment on the knight in black goldbez is another character from the 13th shrouded in mystery it's implied he's the most powerful force in the 13th and commands the largest faction unlike everyone else the warrior encounters in the 13th golbez may not be a void sin at all no one refers to him by that term instead using man or knight but only a few instances of dialogue have void scent use that word so maybe this is a reach we also haven't seen him consume ether of other beings like void sent though some dialogue in xero's domain suggests that he does it's also likely that gulbez is one of heideln's chosen there's a line in the english script that says what irony that the blessed damned should set us free but if you consult with the japanese script he says something a little bit different quote away with you cursing the fate of being struck down by one who received the blessing shout outs to anonymous for sharing this with me but regardless of what golbez truly is the weaker void scent tell us he's amassing great amounts of ether for something big rubiconte of the four arch fiends says he's willing to die to pave a path for all goldbes speaks of his dream ambition the looming war were also shown a flashback of goldbes swinging his sword at a robed figure i speculate on this and much more in my golbez video you should go check that out but why am i talking about golbez here there's clues that he has connections with zero every void scent the warrior talks to in the 13th knows of gulbes but not zero she says she's never heard the name has she really been in the source long enough for goldbez to rise to power in my opinion that's very unlikely i believe there's more to their relationship that could tie into the theme of buried memory the name of the 6.2 story chapter golbez also doesn't seem shaken by the revelation that a memoriat has emerged in fact this seems to bolster his resolve perhaps golvez is a memoriat too we don't know enough to make a specific prediction about his connection with zero but i'm confident we'll get something in a future story patch the side quest shadowed past becomes available after you finish the main story quest for 6.2 you can pick it up in raj han and i highly recommend you do it's here we learn about how two of the four archfiends became who they are today one of these stories gives us a glimpse of someone labelled the madden memoriat he was on his way to a garrison needing help against the eidolons but the memorial arrived too late they had almost given up hope when they heard groaning beneath the rubble a man survived but not by a stroke of luck he hid like a coward the man tried to justify his actions by saying his death would not serve his nation but the madden memoriat is furious he quickly attacks knocking the man out and buries him alive that's the last we've seen of the madden memoriat for now and in my opinion it's probably going to stay that way if he was significant i feel like they would have actually given us a name for this character but i've been wrong before these are the heroes and survivors of the void i think it's clear the 13th can and will be redeemed so which of these characters do you hope will play a big part in that talk to me in the comments i love discussing the lore with you guys also we are so close to 10 000 subscribers so if you like final fantasy 14 lore consider subscribing so you know when new videos come out take care warriors and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Stout Helm
Views: 14,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv lore, final fantasy xiv lore, ff14 lore, ffxiv golbez, ff14 golbez, ffxiv 6.2 trailer, endwalker lore, ffxiv voidsent lore, ffxiv fell court of troia, ffxiv barbarricia theme, ffxiv scarmiglione theme, ffxiv zero, golbez theme, ffxiv unukalhai, ffxiv cylva, ffxiv cyella, ffxiv thirteenth reflection, ffxiv memoriate, ffxiv contramemoria, ffxiv void, voidsent, unukalhai, ffxiv buried memory, ffxiv abyssos eighth circle, ffxiv p5s
Id: qpjp9A4n8AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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