Here's what it cost to run my car collection in 2020, plus new plans for Harry's Garage in 2021

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[Music] well welcome to a new harry's garage video and this one is going to be one of the annual roundups of what happened in the garage what costs were incurred running this fleet of around 35 cars and bikes and various toys we have in here what a year 2020 turned out to be as well best laid plans at 2019 didn't quite happen we got some trips in we did some of the planned things with the cars but like everyone else and the world was turned upside down as covid's went global and we all had to adapt to a new way of living well that happened here in the garage obviously as well one thing i have to say i thank you so much for all the support in 2020 and the comments and we've been putting more videos out this year and it seems to have gone down very well and i'm hugely grateful for the support and gave us i think we're on for about 27 million views in 2020 which is way up i think we had 12 million in 2019. anyway going back to the garage what happened to the guys what were the costs incurred well what left the garage one car left the garage in 2020 and that was my little alfa duetto we'd enjoyed that trip on to the mille emilia in 2019 done that engine rebuild but i found it battling with the alan and the new lancia that are rocked up and the spree the duetto was just like one too many convertibles we got the project seven here as well and i had someone who really wanted it and it it sold like immediately i think it was forty something thousand pounds um so sorry to see it go because it was such a good example that one i haven't seen a better one better prepped than that one in the silver and we had that engine rebuilding as well three bikes joined us no other cars joined us in 2020 but three quite unusual bikes a honda cbx 6 cylinder i bought that kawasaki z1300 last year want to get that a motor good see an africa twin marathon we'll have a look at those in a moment just want to get back to the garage right the other big cost this year of obviously is insurance i sort of mentioned this i'm with footman james again this year they are i know a channel sponsor but it is completely separate and this year's insurance it was 7 714 pounds i don't know why it was 400 pounds cheaper than last year maybe it was a little bit of no claims after the mercedes that went through last year the repair of the fire damage to the mercedes sl 350. but um it covers a lot of it's 35 vehicles i think it might be 36 now because um that africa twin is a new one since i did the policy and it's four people on it and i can drive all the cars it's the newer cars that actually cost the most to ensure on the group policy for whatever reason all the same with all insurance policy you have a modern performance car they're the ones you pay ten times more than perhaps you would pay for a cuntash being a classic because you just don't do the miles in it so that's insurance but what did we do to each individual car service-wise or repairs or rebuilds let's go and have a closer look at each one right the jaguar my xj coupe i didn't do a lot of miles in this one my son actually did quite a few trips in this one this year it is matt this thing with its sort of hot rod suspension in 2018 xj restorations put the trick suspension on it fully adjustable lower um diff on it this is a manual xj coupe if you've seen it makes the most glorious sound didn't spend the bean on it in 2020 it's just typical of the year but i think it's done about 400 miles or something like that rolls-royce sort of pretty similar story 2020 meant we didn't do very many miles in this either but they're all very memorable miles it's it's the going to pub car type of thing triple you can all par in it no seat belts in the back so you can get quite a few people in it for very local journeys but um yeah no adventures this year the one that had the big spend on it was of course the lamborghini espada and i'd started this in august last year and it finally just came back in time to go to the london concord which was in august and it was literally picked it up on the truck next day down into london the royal artillery club in city of london crazy venue and put it on the field i was so chuffed it looked so i mean the engine and the d10 on it it looked ate and then came judging day chucked it down with rain it was absolute monsoon of the day but then it won a gong it won its class um and i was just overjoyed complete surprise i just wanted to get it there as sort of it's always good to have a deadline to work to and that was the deadline and then the um the visitors to the show um gave it best car as well so it won two gongs on its first outing and since then i've been running around in it it's a bit grubby actually i was in it yesterday doing some late christmas shopping buying some picture frames and things like that the spend i actually mentioned it last year was um 30 000 or they're about to do the engine rebuild there are a few more jobs doing now it's come back and i have a really noisy fan inside ventilation fan which is driving me nuts and also the ride handling the dampers had like completely shot i brought it back when and it just wasn't right and when we actually parked it next to our other espadas in tyrol's workshop this sat lower than the others so what's happened they've gone off for full rebuild and new springs being made actually i think they're re-tempering the the old springs but they have come back and they look like new i'm waiting for that to be done um ian to very kindly just put a spare set he had on this car and it is way better than it was i've in 2021 i think i might change the tyres on it i'm still not quite happy with the steering on it but boy have we got a healthy engine and we were meant to be going on a trip in november this year and then that lockdown came and we couldn't go let's hope 2021 is a bit kinder so they sparring and doing some trips now project 8 this mad jaguar that i am now two and a bit years into owning it just gets me this car it's it's silly no one actually needs a 600 and something horsepower four-door jaguar and then you go drive it and you think oh my lord that is quite an amazing thing in 2020 it got had a service and it was 424 pounds it then also went back for a brake fluid change because i do quite a lot of track stuff and things and i like to change the brake fluid and it uses some peculiar brake fluid uh jagras specify and we had to wait for that to come in and that was 207 pounds to change the brake fluid while it was in though it turned out there was a recall notice on the first ten project eights that left the factory and this being number one was part of that recall and they replaced the spring damper units on the front and the dampers at the rear just the damper units are 2 000 and something pounds each so it was over i think it was 12 000 pounds worth of parts to replace the dampers on this and different bump stops on the front and i went down to have a look at them i've never seen dampers that cost this much money and they and they look they're motor sport they're just beautiful and they're aluminium and you pick up this great big rear shocker and it's like light as a feather they are awesome things and the other surprise is they're solidly mounted as a sort of rose joint thing at the bottom of them there was a slight rattle coming from the far corner on this one and i maybe that was why they were changed there wasn't pacific there was no direction why they were being changed but yeah it's got a set of brand new spring dampers on it it hasn't done a huge amount of miles we had some fun at prescott hill climb i actually drove it down to goodwood this week because i was driving the uh ferrari roamer you'll see that video out in a moment but one thing i have done and that is swap the tyres on it i'm lucky that i've got two sets of wheels and i was worried running through the winter with those cup two tires the michelin cup two tires absolutely brilliant track day type tire and what the car's developed for but during the winter they just worry me whether they clear water as well as a normal tire you know they don't so i to make sure i can continue using it i've put in a put a set of michelin pilot sport for essezon it's their new generation tile which is just one down from the cup two to see how i go for the winter so far i've been hugely impressed they just give that extra bit of confidence in grotty conditions poor old project 7 it had not a very good 2020 again we had a trip planned in this off to portugal this year and that just disappeared because of the lockdown and then obviously travel in europe being a bit tricky i had this service as well 441 pounds to service this car i can't get over how cheap it is to service these jaguar performance cards if you're used to aston martin and ferrari and other you know maserati was another one just 400 pounds for a two-year service on this it's i mean porsha are very good at this as well with the 911. it makes such a difference to the ownership experience so this car unfortunately i i looked at its mot's and just checked its marriage now it is done 144 miles in 2020 so it's really suffered with the covid lock down that one right the ferrari tester oscar and the lamborghini contest i just love owning the pair of these and having them sat here and sort of i'm better than new york no i'm more excited than you are and having the two completely different experience of these 80s supercars from the two big rivals ferrari and lamborghini again no costs at all on these two in 2020 but then they didn't really do many miles we've used this one a little bit around trips i i sort of use the testa rossa if if we're going out for a meal or something we all going to friends quite often take the test rossa because it's a bit silly and it makes the most glorious noise there is you just want to bottle that flat 12 sound it's not harsh it's distinctive and it's just ace it's why we love engines and it's i was just discussing this with chris harris he's got 512 tr512 the later one of these and it was saying it's everything you want a ferrari to be it's the sound the distinctive styling that beautiful steering wheel no airbag on it beautiful symbol ferrari in the middle of the wheel gated gear change and yet it's you know i don't know what that's worth now eighty hundred thousand pounds something like that so it's a real favorite well the contact is nuts and i have to say i don't think it's done very many miles i don't think it's done 200 kilometers this year but i had such a memorable trip in this i was helping someone i had to give a lift back to someone who's just delivering a car and i went in this and then went down one of my favorite bits of road i can remember almost every gear change every corner because this bellowing car this crazy car just serves up drives that you can't believe it's not very good i wanted in 2020 just to sort a few things out and i'm aiming to do it in 21 it's got a really sticky throttle action that i find annoying and it's got a noisy gearbox so maybe in 21 we'll do some work on that but it's still mad as they come but that's why it stays even though we don't drive it much you just look at it and you have a drive like i had a couple of months ago yeah that stays and then we get to the lotus esprit wow did that have an exciting 2020 i think the last round-up video i hinted that we're going to do that a trip in it we went out to austria and went to see where that specter defender sat on top of the hill and then relived the bond movie for your eyes only and went into cortina with this car and did some of those things mega trip timing was perfect because it was all just before lockdown poor old italy and the resort we were in was closed down not many weeks after we were there we didn't know this coveted storm that was about to hit us at that point but it didn't put a foot wrong we didn't spend the bean on it didn't even need any oil or water we got home two and a half thousand miles i've done in this car in 2020 and then i entered it in the salon private event they wanted some 80s supercars there spree got there it looked unbelievable on the field richard tipper of perfection he gave it the once over before he went there and then it picked up a gong i couldn't get over i didn't expect anything really it was just a great day out good fun to enter an event uh especially all the lockdowns etc but the duke of marlborough found out about the story in octa what he knew about it and then saw the carnifield he says i'm going to give that car my car the year award and that's what this great big cup is that i got awarded at salon privy so the spree has had a mega year in 2020. we get to the little lancia fullvier 1600 the zagato sport edition um this arrived in 2019 it wasn't running that well and i took it to somewhere in the beginning of the year bradley and sunday on they've got a rolling road they're quite local to us and they just work magic on this car i i got some air socks on it i wanted to put it on trumpets because the um air clean on this sort of kills the sound on it such a funny little car this thing and they tuned it put a carb kit on it then put it on the rolling road and the little thing was producing within one horsepower of its declared horsepower i drove it out of there and it was mega it was the best 228 pounds i've ever spent on a car and it sings now revs around um through the through the gears and i've had a ball and i've actually surprised myself how many miles i've done in this car this has done about 1400 miles this year which for 2020 and lockdowns all the rest of it is quite a lot it's sort of just a joyous fun little thing it only cost 20 something thousand pounds and um yeah it's just one of those fun cars that has exceeded all expectations and particularly after its little engine tune up and just the sound of it it's a bit like my land here that again always surprised me this is a car i've owned since 93 no cost at all with this car again i sprayed all that that special spray i use underneath to protect it from rust run around it all the time i don't deserve this car it just works and dries superbly and i actually drove a couple of lotus lands that the hairpin company had and i realized just how special this one was it's got a few tweaks on it it's got slightly stiffer springs and i've got slightly bigger brakes on it which i put in 1993. it's just a joyous driving machine and it tells you all about lotus and lightweight and this is 600 and something kilos makes all the difference when you drive so that is a quick round up of everything we did the 500 hasn't had anything spent i will come to that in a moment and in total 1800 pounds for all the servicing and stuff on the cars paid about a thousand pounds on the bikes i was meant to be doing sand raiders in may 2020 that got cancelled obviously as well i prepped the bikes for that that was around a thousand pounds prepping those so 2 800 pounds plus the insurance is 7 714 grand total of 10 and a half thousand pounds costs in 2020 i'm not including this spada which is around 30 000 because i mentioned that in 2019 as around 30 000. and it was about then the only thing i've got to have is the shockers and the springs being done but i haven't had the bill for that yet that will go into 21. so that's what happened in 2020 with these cars so what we're going to do in 21 well i've already started to make some bookings and one of the things i've always wanted to try i know john bespoke around is well i've always quite fancied one of those sort of navigational type rallies a bit like the millimeter is now with the two bit of books and you need to have the distance etc and i've entered their event in may 21 and it's the pyrenees rally and it's which car to take well i've plunked my the little ants here so this year the next few weeks this car is going to have an engine rebuild down at day and white so you're going to join us on as well hopefully we'll just have to see how this covered in tier fours and what happens but i really enjoyed doing the espada doing that rebuild seeing how you know transforming the car and you seem to like it on the videos as well so i thought you know what i'm going to do the little answer because although it you know i've just said the engine is fantastic on at the moment it does leave a little smoke trail everywhere it goes and you'll see little drops of oil underneath it and if i'm going to be charging off to the pyrenees and doing you know crazy things with it you know what i'm going to rebuild its engine so it's going down in a few weeks time and they're going to do some other little bits of work on it i'm going to have two working wipers instead of one working wiper that sort of thing rear springs they think they're going to replace we'll go around it we'll have a look at it put it on the lift and see what it so you're going to follow us while we do the engine rebuilding 21 on that car which i'm really excited about the little fiat 500 we might well do the engine on that it suddenly decided not to start they're simple things i cannot work it out i've got spark i've got fuel it won't go i suspect there's something wrong with a piston actually i think i've got a whole piston in it i haven't done a compression test but we'll do that but it's not just the lancia that's going to get some work in 21 because i've booked another car in for a bit of work as well and that car's over here but on the way i just wanted to show you this this is latest purchase this is a honda africa twin marathon edition because when the dakar was pink these competed in 89 and 90 these bikes they are so rare it was the french honda division who created 50 bikes that privateers could buy and then do the parry dakar on and this is this isn't one of them this is a replica of one of them with the right bits on because this is unattainable stuff quite a few of the bikes didn't actually come back from dakar but they were very competitive this is peculiar this little sump guard here that has tool box on it and then the mandatory drinking water extension here because if you if you're doing the dakar and you suddenly break for whatever reason you're lost you've got to have drinking water on it as part of the regulations and that's what that tank is there other peculiar bits you see a sort of single seat on it rather than a big seat and here you've got to remember this is before we had proper gps's on you had to carry a radio beacon and that went in there so if you if you triggered that that you are out of the rally but a helicopter will try and find where you were so that was the rescue beacon where that goes this is a giant fuel tank all here that's the filler up here it also has a giant filler here i believe the total capacity of all these tanks is 60 liters of fuel unheard of in a bike but anyway so that's that's going to just get needs a little bit of work um i need to redo the tank the liner in it and that sort of thing motorguzzi tt65 quite a a mad rare bike fun to ride never seen one before caught my eye really quite like it and then the honda cbx 6 cylinder iconic bike i just love the engineering on this and the six cylinders it's got a non-standard exhaust on it is six into six exhaust i've got a standard exhaust for it as well and i might well put that on but wow what a machine this is 105 horsepower from its thousand cc screams there is no other sound like the honda cbx but the car who's going to get the most work in 2021 is the jaguar xj coupe my v12 manual finally is going to have the makeover it's deserved ever since i've owned it it's going to change the color on it i've never liked the squadron blue other people like it i don't i think it dates it but i love everything else about this car and it deserves the work and i was so impressed with xj restorations who did the chasse work on it keith parrington they know xj's inside out i they also paint cars and do all bodywork they actually have a separate company now they call themselves painting classic cars and they're actually going to do the work and this is going down in february and like with the espada you're going to follow the whole thing as we completely strip this down redo the body and then paint it the colour which is undecided at the moment we haven't chosen the colour i sort of know where i'm going to go with it i think but i don't know how much more to do with it do i change the wheels i looked at doing a steed replica but i didn't like the actual kit the body kit that you put on it looked a bit clumsy i like the pure william lines look of the car so we're going to preserve that and i can't wait to get going on that and just see what it looks like at the finish the rolls-royce might is also having a bit of work much as we love it it's tis a bit tatty under the water line it's it's sort of under here as bits missing there's bits of tape and this i could go out and go and buy a much better example of rolls-royce but it won't be the arctic rolls the roles that took me to the arctic circle and into those normal lights it's the most memorable trip i've ever done and i sort of want it in the garage every time i come through the door and you see that yes smile don't you really so there you go that is a roundup of what we spent in 2020 and what we're planning in 2021 i'm going to do another video also just a review of what happened in 2020 and actually go into some of the numbers on youtube because analytics on youtube are off the scale but hope you enjoyed this roundup of the running of harry's garage and all the cars involved with it if you have well please keep watching keep subscribing more videos coming along very soon
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 364,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KeVS49Fsyfc
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Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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