Italian road trip special; guide to the Mille Miglia in my Alfa Spider

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you but welcome to a new Harry's garage video and we're off on a trip again because we're next week is the meal Amelia and I've been thinking what car could I take down to the Mille Miglia and we've chosen the little Alfa Romeo and we're not actually entered into the millimeter what we're gonna do I'm very lucky to have done the millimeter competitively three times and just observed it a couple of times as well it's a big Italian Street party and as all sorts of other events going on while the millimeter is going on and I've always wanted to see what they are like so we're going down to pressure see the start wave them off and just see just drink in the atmosphere of Italy then what car should we take well Alfa Romeo Giulietta I've had for three years it's a cute little thing I just can see it pictured in Siena and Florence and Banja it's just the perfect or a car to down the you know minor roads in Italy but do I actually want to trip the thousand miles to pressure in it well not really so the big difference with this video is in a few minutes time a truck is arriving and it's going to take this car and a couple of friends car all the way to pressure we're gonna fly into Verona and the cars will be waiting there VM Rogers is who I'm doing it with and it's it's a we struck me this is a really good way of enjoying your cars because it's getting quite expensive to truck across France now in a car I just open my iPad I've just looked at via Mitchell II my app and from here in near Oxford to pressure is 948 miles but the killer is the actual cost in fuel and tolls is 497 pounds it's because the fuel cost has gone up in France so much he's now a significant cost and also the tolls and mont blanc tunnel these 146 pounds tolls so yeah 497 pounds on one way now a truck if you're going to take one car to pressure they would quote you're about sixteen hundred pounds or thereabouts if you get a gang of you together so there's three of us if we had six cars we take the whole truck we're taking three cars so that brings the cost down to like 13 pounds anything well that's still a lot of money that's each way so - Tunip say two and a half thousand return well I've got 497 pounds one way so there's a thousand pounds gone Tunnel 200 pounds 250 returned this time of year you're gonna stay a Knights both ways that's easy two hundred pounds as well says another four five hundred pounds in hotels tunnel 750 I'm at 1750 so it's just under a thousand pounds more expensive I supposed to truck the cars across but it if you've had six cars that would come that'd be about evens and you have the joy of not slogging across France we've done it so many times and we've sort had enough and it means I can use this really cute little car for what it's made for I'm not worried about miles I'm not worried whenever we do a trip it's always the journey back that's the killer it's always the same with Evo it's the same with doing the Arctic rolls tripped coming back from the destination oh it's just a big slug and then you hit you cane and you've got a crawl through m25 and that's sort of what you remember to be able to just go down put it on a truck pick it car up leave it at the airport it gets dropped back a couple of days after you arrive home your car arrives home is 8:00 so anyway I'm gonna do the last bit of packing and just get the two cars ready and a go put it on the truck obviously one of the nice things if you're having your car transported you can sort of pre pack the cars I just flip the boot up and you can take things you props wouldn't normally take on the trip like important hats and things but inside some of the things I take oh this is a sort of pack of tools I take on all sorts of trips I just it's got spare bulbs and gloves and a few spanners cable ties that sort of thing fire extinguisher seems pretty important with these sort of cars a pump if you get puncher whatever you just sort of blow it up and hopefully keep get to be a week and rescue rider that's got a full spare tire on this and then you can just pack some cokes and things like that first aid kit so all very useful nice that you don't have to carry on a plane we'll charge across the order of a pack car right just a little inspection on the Alfa super any scratches of things and it's on the lorry that's it cars are loaded today is Friday we fly out Tuesday morning so the next time we'll see these cars is about 11 o'clock on Tuesday morning outside the airport can't wait today is Wednesday and start day of the millimeter Rhea rived yesterday flew into Verona and met up with the writers who's about 10 minutes taxi drive where the lorry could drop off the cars and interpreter and Disturbia to the cars are just as one just put in a lovely Alfa well it's quite fat wheels on that yeah anyway so the cars are just arriving here i'm at the museo the milla milla which is in just on the outskirts of pressure and it's well worth a visit I'm just looking it's open Monday to Sunday 10 - or 8 and it just gives you a sort of history or of what the Mille Miglia is about yesterday it was all about in the assembly area unfortunate it's not public area of all the cars arrived and they get their normal sort of checks but the small there are yeah bear with us cuz there's two Jets going up and down the big Street in pressure every now and then to prove the alien Air Force's alive and kicking and they like to show off on days like this yeah then today they're in the square up in Brescia they're all having the seals put on that signify your car is in the Mille Miglia it's a sort of traditional process in right in town and it all starts to kick off now they have a great website at Mille Miglia the website is 1,000 Miglia IT is what you have to do god now I drove this car back in 2012 13 is a Veyron Super Sport just coming in Oh a sheriff no sorry it's a Chiron here we go that's quite a chase car to have on it he's going to have fun going around a thousand miles in that I really enjoyed my time with it anyway digress it all starts to kick off here 12 o'clock this place opens for the competitors and this is like a big holding pain for all the guys too then they get released and got this road onto the start ramp and that's where we're actually going to be we stay just for detail we stayed in Simoni last night its Lake Garda I find Brescia is it's a bit of an industrial town it's it's a nice place but it's not cracking there's Lake Garda very close to here and some only is just this funny little Peninsula you can stay on hotels and much cheaper was about 140 euros last night where we stayed and it's a 35 40 minute run into Brescia anyway we're gonna crack on I'll quit look around the corner see you always turning up I know we're head into town right we're inside a courtyard now of the museum everybody's just coming in have a look at the Astor Martin de to come in lovely example of Mg about to do the rally and very early Lancia I mean it's all sorts of cars it takes place I'm just looking at this this is part of the regularity just head back and I'll just show you this there's a yellow line they come see this yellow sort of sticker here that is critical because when you're doing the Mille Miglia and you were serious about it you're actually trying to line up where this front tires to go over a timing line why are in the road and it's how close you can hit it to the euro time they've given you don't know the time you look at the time Andy you're in thousandths of a second hundredths of a second and that's how you sort of line up you know when the front wheels go over it it's all a bit pedantic and having done the mini there a few times you just forget about it and leave it to these guys basically it needs an open-wheel car to do to sort of sport it well that's how you win the Melia media and it tends to be an open car that I'm sorry open-wheel car that wins but anyway go round this is super early never seen this one officio mushy only meow no this must be an early example was when there was a car makers that have no longer with us UK registered as well which is nice to see lots of three five six in this event it's sort of a bulletproof sort of car you don't it's not all about speed on this thing I think that's a really good car to do it in and then these smaller Italian cars I'm sorry I don't know that the make of this car but you see a lot of these and Oscar in like one next door because there was the smaller CC there seem to be quite a popular class doing Mille Miglia or these sort of cars great Lotus down here this just gives you the contrast because Lotus 11 doing this event see a start number of four four six means it's right close to end I was told it's 430 cars in the event so he must be one of the very large to set off and then right at the under in number 22 you've got a Bugatti of this there is a huge number of Mercedes I think Mercedes has done a bit of a takeover this year lows are 300 s l's I think there's about 30 or 40 taking part a lot of the organizers cars are those obviously plenty of Janka xk120 s 150 etc nice to see but then you just strip over this beautiful Ferrari open body what what's just great about this is all these cars are being used this is a thousand mile event so the owners of this car have no interest in keeping the Mario's down or they just want to do Mille Miglia I just seen it this yeah he's got I'm looking under here and I can see several seals so this car has done it lots of times this is very typical of the period as well although is slightly modern if you could always have all the electronics on so in the cockpit for a quick fuse change or a relay burning out that's why they're all there is you go around accept it and you can see it's just full of stuff here so this is your first chance if you come to do really a mirror or to observe it this is your first chance to see all the cars laid out I think these guys got here because the weather has been a bit British with us it's been a bit cold and raining everything on then and they get to hide under there anyway as I say I'm gonna we're gonna disappear from here and run into town now but you just get the first flavour what Mille Miglia is about it's really what quite like about the millimetre is just the diversity of the cars here who would expect to see a rover 75 but apparently one did racing period again and the organizer millimeter light the diversity they want to show the different cars that made up Mille Miglia back in period but yeah we're back in regular forum what a lovely at XK 140 that is Alfa Romeo Bentley plenty of Bentley's here opened jagger doner is an alloy body or whatever but real diverse group of cars that do the Mille Miglia lovely early Alfa Romeo think back in period this could well have been organised Enzo Ferrari I'm reading a book on Enzo Ferrari the moment he used to organise a lot of cars for Alfa factory and they didn't really have something as a period in the 2030s way and they didn't really have a work team enzo ferrari scuderia ferrari ran the alfa romeo team any milla milla was a really important event back in period it actually ran in at April it's always been a thousand miles they liked them the mile connection because apparently Romans used to use miles as well so it's a very Italian thing to have Mille Miglia so this was probably managed by Enzo Ferrari back in period can't confirm this actual car but this period of car Enzo Ferrari was heavily involved without for mayor well the first competitor goes over this line at half past two it's ten to one yeah the Italians like leaving things to the last minute you can see the red carpet is just going down they just closed the road we're going to have some pilot restaurant have a bit of not and come back here for about two o'clock hopefully they've finished it now we get 120 seconds has to leave the stage these guys were all in the queue waited to go through this theater time in line which is there this is where they have to go off in 20 seconds intervals and he has to look when his time shows up on that clock and any leave he'll leave on guessing at top of the minute I can just zoom in various he'll go exactly when it clock so to 0-0 14:39 our suspect okay and there he goes and he's off so he gets this card it gets that stamp to the next time check all these cars have radio features in them and you can actually go on a website read a website and follow their progress just see the sort of speeds they're doing often you see nuns at a motoring event but at meet Amelia yep the nuns come out and walks to that's quite fundamental take yeah all source of millimeter dude until I was in pink for buddy duvets what does he got that on for doing the Bugatti what they want a car to do they leave me there in mining gear me and he's on all the races back then were a long length long trees were 400 miles of there abouts they didn't look about what the 200 miles that we do these days why but the huge distances are covering the blower Bentley's just wrapped up as well clover leaf used on that elf remote the very first costs Alfa's to use our magic then let's call these bangs with him off street there's a proper beating up blower basically just as they should look supercharger all the vents out added cooling body wonderful another 8c oh the big boys now oh there's my go now SATs Bentley's actual car lucky enough to do a few things for that car in London middle of the night for a night shoot several bourbon so this is a now for ammo but it has Enzo Ferraris shield on the side so this is when he was running the Alpha Team Scuderia Ferrari steel rice a very valuable car great scene looks as though he's done several millimeter very beaten up just what a machine is sounds beautiful sorry Hey ladies team in on the map on top of the helmet I won't do you any good love I think they might have a separate map very good franceska and Silvia Italia there's some Italian style for he making a blow to push it along very good one day designer at all BMW coupe or the funny thing of that part top I don't think it's actually a part the body isn't it you can see that yeah the front a post actually comes up as Paul's part the body I'll take it all back this is a bit of a surprise we've got the it's Zed but coming in I think this is the Garter team they won't be actually going over their podiums start but just to set up because of a 100-year celebration of the cigar so this year 2019 they've let these cars take part as well I said this before but the cigar toe body we used to have it on your race car because they came from a aeronautical background as the original business of cigar toe in aeronautics and therefore they created the slipperiest body so you'd be one of the race car to go faster one of the ways of doing it was to have as a garter what he made for your car and that's sort of where they got the name obviously they branched out from pure race cars into design that's what's giving us these cars you see here it's quite interesting this alpha you see here this developed a body because it's actually under the skin that was created out of Viper v10 I suppose it's FCA group they own cries that they own alpha and put the two together and they came up with that must be quiet machine with the v10 pipe and power though and you're not gonna see another one very often delete built in the UK as well was it also is a bit late work well Punic boy I don't know that it's at five one two I'm not sure - solo tell me I'm sure in the comments for but I think that's four five one two looks rear-engine can't believe it never seen it before technology further there is no sorry cigar say another car look Strunk in there wash hardly call that what he were any of cool toys to that chat in that car there is no party where woody a Lakers and exposed as well you've all covered up in an area Latin and then we have a little fiat topolino lady crew smothered in numbers it obviously raises every weekend thirty was that all about summary though too busy doing selfies and noise and that one I don't think so okay what car we on to now 181 mad to think there's another well 250 cars to come through we're actually going to move out now and disappear this is well would even have come out here to watch the Mille Miglia this starts just a lovely things you see all the cars we are in Brescia and you can see here the start time is 1430 to 230 it's now it's getting on for 22 for they are gonna head down here and they will finish tonight at 21:55 and the first car will leave in the morning at 6:15 I should say that 21:55 is the expected arrival of the first car if will you're one of the last car that train the circus takes about three hours to go through so he's going to be arrived in the last car leave here we'll get there about midnight one o'clock in the morning that's the thing about that anyway it's quite hard work once you're out on the road but what we're gonna do i we're all going to let them - down to rome down to here tonight we're gonna head off go to modern ER I know a lovely agriturismo they've gotta know we leave and leave them to - up the road down to Rome I don't catch them on the way back because my favourite bit the Mille Miglia he's around Siena get into the bout daughter with Radek often II an area I know really well just stunningly beautiful but we're gonna catch up with them I think around Siena just south of Siena and that will be on Thursday sorry Friday I don't we'll go up to pull on here that way so you're just we're now going to enjoy a bit of Italy and tomorrow is the start of a big automotive estimate view like around moderner belong near area and it's there they've got together as a motor festival we are leading the Pagani guys there there's Ferrari down there laughing all the big names irony motive s always starts tomorrow runs all the way through the weekend so we're going to see well that's all about so next time you join us we'll be at this agriturismo tomorrow morning and were set off down for moderner see what this festival is all about see you there okay works day two of the Mille Miglia yesterday we left of all the race cars we up in the wrestler and they were coming down they they went a completely different route so they set off from Serbia this morning but we came down just north and moderner so what a grocery smo stayed in before there are great concept these actor is most basically it's a farm you can stay on and then they only serve you this local produce and here at guru T Agri tourism a they do their own Lambrusco s-- white rose a in a red and i don't know it's just great I'm a farmer myself and I just love seeing how it's done in Italy and meeting the family three four generations here started in nineteen twenty and you get to park in the tractor shed if you have and this be a fancy car the other thing about this it's quite well known within the locality so you're quite often bump into Lamborghini test drivers here or Russia Pagani or it's just a well-known little mecca to somewhere to stay in to eat if you're visiting Lamborghini or Ferrari coming down so anyway we just had a tour the vineyard here as well and they makes a wonderful for some a clinic or up here we've just seen how they're doing that they've got some barrels of this and 1920 anyway so that's today we're gonna drop down to modern earth I'm loving this little Alfa Duetto just like seems to be perfect I think if you're gonna follow the millimeter you ought to be in a sort of classic car anyway so you've got the challenges that the competitors have got to keep them going for the thousand miles but it's a we're will show you on a map we're just a modern er here and then we're gonna drop down to Siena tonight but the rallies at the moment making its way down to the Rome and I just think this is a different way of following the millimeter is to let them disappear go down the road all that distance and then you just enjoy what's going on in a modern Herbal Anya region and then you catch them on their way up so anyway next thing I'm going to pack the car up and head into modernist see what this festival is all about slightly bags I'll move the director out and I see it's a little puddle of oil I think it's from the gearbox actually I've just got some dust from outside to remove evidence fortunately in a machine shop so they won't really notice a while stain on the floor but I have a little look at that when we get home they're just leaving these and all the vines here that was really fun staying there and the bill you know it's 70 euros for a woman dinner last night 30 euros which is a different sort of rate when he stay at an agriturismo and the Weber's improves but it's just been a bit cloudy in odd spots of rain but now the weather is sun's come out 20 degrees warmer cast more to it new thing is this little Alfa left a puddle in the workshop I know it's gearbox oil this is something I'm gonna have to watch the engine is bone-dry I should explain Betsy rebuilt the edge and I went out in this car he waits for me it was going on the truck I didn't like the noise I could hear I hear there this alpha he's near Brighton and dropped it down here he could also hear the noise that I could hear there's nothing for it but to do an engine rebuild so yeah engine out three three ground crank bearings Pistons new liners oil pump cetera order then put into back in and then I had to run it in so as a quick 1,100 kilometers in about ten days down back down to in Ellis wary of did oil floss oil change filters etc I'd have rethought the head and only went on the truck so all a bit of a rush for coming here so I have a brand new engine now not brand new but fully rebuilt engine this alpha and I'm quite looking forward to exercising it I'm the only using up to 5,000 rpm at the moment about a day or so I should be alright and we'll be able to use all reps anyway we're heading into monitor now see what this is all about we drop by moderner and we're in now the piazza grande because I thought Horacio is going to be down here with Pagani they've got an exhibition on for this motor Valley festival starts today today's Wednesday goes right through to Sunday and I was gonna pop down here and see him and just go through some of the cars he's got some of the Zonda it's got ears we all know it's 20 years of Zonda slightly Italian timing issues turns out there in sit up day to day rather than fully operational so there's three Saunders in place the shops open and that's about it so yes the motor valley vesta was this new idea this year to replace the belong year Motor Show and it's happening all around modern a disease sort of pop up sort of shows in the Piazza's and as a main exhibition hall with the main Motor Show happening just by modern and nor just on the autostrada close by to that so yeah I'm gonna give you a quick tour this and then we're gonna disappear because we're staying in the hotel down south and Siena tonight and I can't really hang around waiting for every one of the rock up so time is tight awry but doesn't matter we're sitting in the square having a little split certain things so it life could be a lot worse a warning state a lovely night at the bogus and for each a hotel middle of nowhere amazing views over their vineyards down here but today is the big day today is Friday and it's when the me the media comes up from Rome and ends up in Bologna and to me it's the the day on the millimeter it's the best rows the SS to brings you up through the vulture south of Siena and as far as I'm concerned it is the best air in Tuscany we actually had a house down there so um we're setting up a bit earlier than everybody else so it's just just after 8 o'clock this morning and we're going to just see some my favourite roads down there and then actually hit the mid Emilio and then come up with them and see them go through some of the medieval towns around II yeah coming down here in the morning I'm a bit will you anybody of a sort of classic car sector this is the pristine gravel that's actually painted I can't help see if I've left any marks on see a little little patch here that's me or not I also love the key on this cars well we've had a little Mille Miglia little thing but just the wear marks on that original alpha key with the cloverleaf is really rather nice anyway we are yeah the water level hasn't dropped at all yeah it's just in there no problem at all which is nice oil is actually your site I'll come round that's right up the top as well so that's it's quite nice and I sort of got this old car that's got a brand new engine it sort of works so the only thing we noticed was that little puddle of gearbox or which I can check when it or when I get home because seen to be any right let's head into the back door Saxon we also take the roof off as well actually that's that's really easy on this car I really like the way there's no Papa stuff has got a dive inside you can't actually do it when you when you're in the car buy this just the easiest of roofs really we've got this cover for it as well just makes it look a bit neater anyway I'll put this on iron will go out head out and you'll see later winner in the rows of the bow daughter my wife doesn't like this bit it's it's just mechanical fuel pump and hot engine when you park UPS means of fuel evaporates out the carburetors and you have to wait for the pump to pump fuel up into the carburetors but if you don't know you can hold on my engine doesn't work it's not going to start that's all what's going on there we go we're sort of heading towards radically that's where we're gonna meet up with a bit Amelia guys they're coming up for Rome and it's very easy to spot Granite Company he's got a great big tower on in 14th century I think it's a literary tower at the top of it so it's a good landmark oh it goes the road again great thing is they're just empty down here but you want a car with plenty of suspension to take the bumbles and it's alpha is proven a bit of a hit he's been made for this road is a bit of a Mike all right we're back with the millimeter casts this is the little back row from radical for me that comes down onto the SS to main Rome to see any road I don't think this is a Mille Miglia car but lots of spotters here I'm gonna put the other side of the road park up here and see what goes past yeah well we've joined up with the cars that you can see I sort of point out where we are see on the side Radek off me five kilometers that way so RTR no if you used to read Evo we had a house down here and we did quite a lot of features around the house which was based just outside Sarty on it so nari already know really well it's a lovely bit of Road I hope there's a bit ly gonna go for it and there we go that's the birkin Bentley quite a famous car to say least a long winning car that Bentley only prints this event every year so if there's a bit windy I think we that might we'll be able to do this but yeah swing round you can see they're heading down to Siena this little road comes from radically hits the SS to the main or on Siena Road no Rijn all this this is another trip I did but there's there's Siena this is the SS to that all the way go down the road but this for me is the epicenter of mini media so right at coffin is here they do a little hill climb into right a coffin II we're on this little yellow road here and they're gonna head up to Siena and stay so if you're gonna do the millimeter this is the one to do this they're just the best Road the most scenic and today we often after Siena we over to Florence and then we're going to do the foo to pass up interval Anja but it's a sort of circus that it takes a long time for the cars to go through because they actually set the Ferrari tribute cars off first so the crazy f12 and things they all disappeared further up the road then the most historic cars and then they're really quick the D type C types and Sterling losses waste not sturdy most of the Mercedes 7:02 they're 300 SLR comes through right near the end although they do if it's hand stuck driving he's about near the front line at the end of the day so yeah we're gonna watch a few cars go past then we're gonna join this circus and head up into Siena when you sort of want to look out for just to check your own route as those Mille Miglia signs and obviously people standing around with cameras is a good giveaway it's because the great thing about the millimeter you can it's just a street party for the whole of Italy that this this circus goes through takes what three hours to go past or something like that and it's free it's free to view you can sort of join in because it's all on public roads know that they closed a few of the rows for the the actual reliability trials and this thing will have to do certain speeds but genuinely it's a circus full of just enthusiasts right they are just going out in they want a full spider just joining this year it was a few asin's the Gatos in the mix as well because they're celebrating after the Garter selling celebrating their 100 years their centenary get a lot of this on the Billy meter as well these are obviously too to see and do this all the time I think they've been immediate stickers all over it currently will they're confident off the $600 for season one nobody's gonna shout at me we hit the main road again almost in a row they go there you go that's caught few of them out this guy's doing a u-turn right we're off the sale now we got something what's nice about this better oh yes it's to expose Jenna it was very definitely part of the original bin Amelia what's happened today is the route doesn't always stick to the original route of millimeter it's where towns want a little bit of publicity and pay a bit extra to get available to go through their route that's not the case on this bit of trick I always have this vision of sterling boss charted down here in well there is Jack yours and also the Mercedes dude that crazy time it just brings him home how did the average nearly hundred miles out throws like this every now and then the route takes you through little town fight this is just for Newark event oh and all the cafe is open etc just say it's just one big street party for Italy we ate some of the cars our ends of it almost looks like a Cadillac upfront to put adhesive but you expect always see on the mini million there we go back on her from the main room again else being a little alpha mayor the Italians just love Alfre mayor it's like the people's Ferrari so little director like this is just perfect this is one of the slightly mad a bit familiar when they come in to see NRI actually to the square it's just quite funny you have no idea where you're heading whether you are doing this event and then suddenly you end up coming now a trail of oil specs all the way down this page but not far to go now usual traffic jam so there you go if you want to see more action and have lunch come into the center of Siena and all the cars are parked up and you can try and get something to drink with me or something here okay for free to view not a bad sitting where we're on the future pass we need a bit of a snag we've got behind a neat car I can't believe he's out on Mille Miglia day when there's lots of crazy stuff around it's gonna be metal at man what report earth's going on today see just somehow got the food to pass to us well state policy so that a 12 Sigma bust bull Grundy no I think so I can use the brakes - straight that's right noise and it's suspension just to resolve everything they surprised this car there's no not so free so anything I think you can hear that yeah one thing that's wrong with it clutch pedal comes too far up and underneath that means it touches the exhaust those of money rattle and is this a dead easy fix it's just annoying I didn't spot it at all even the UK now we got some crazy bird behind why nobody here space think the saying this doesn't say a bit of a sponsorship deal to get the these cars included in the tribute I've not seen them out before just a bit of a worry because they are so so much quicker than the you know historic caster Mille Miglia was all about that's why the ex let them off coke it's just the reputation got stuck behind his little beer 500 specials around his little bit of frustration got a race class birds behind now another one just getting to the top of the food to pass and it's got a bit chilly to say the least I've had to put my coat on a scarf you can see the cloud or actually just entering the cloud now why my window winders come off but this is the very top of the food bar so these are the hardy ones who are the top there is a great little cafe here that we all stop at and have lunch at and then you go to the can pass it to the right here but we are on going to stay on the food to pass feel they are we're gonna descend that mist and there somewhere is going to be Borneo in the hotel for tonight forward to our were just leaving Bologna and today is the last day of the Mille Miglia and we got up saw the forecast we thought was going to be wet and it was proper wet and that see the route from Vilonia back to pressure isn't the most exciting rue de sigh I bowed to management pressure and guest pressure to stay in Bologna which I don't mind it till we're he's a fantastic City so we did the food market and a few of the shops etc it's a great place to stay so yeah we're heading back now to the Simoni because up I got there see Rufus our Paul Keating's on so we don't mister Salome's this roof is actually waterproof pretty good but first we have to extract ourselves from Borneo Gus's to my right stars we haven't in a car the roof you think of the guys in a minute being there and there was crazy open cars I heading to the finish and you tryna McCrea etc and a car shopping rayline bases is quite open wetter the Mille Miglia but if it is on the last day it starts to feel like a bit of an indoor get into the finish we have a heater got good wipers and a roof that doesn't leak the sick well we're in Simoni that seats the end of the meal Amelia tool and it's funny not going to the finish and pressure but having done mill Amelia a number of ties it's a bit odd the finish because it's not the great spectacle you expect because cars come in dribs and drabs and instantly go off an end cream put on trucks like we're about to do or inter trailers and things so it's there's not like a big hurrah moments as the winner comes across the line or anything but it's funny than also if I look at the route this is the last day's route they set off from Bologna can I don't even see this set off from Polonia they go along modern and that would have been fun because it's got that festival going on motor Valley fest all happening today and tomorrow Wrigley Amelia Palmer's really nice and then it just seems to take forever to find the wreaths Brescia so by stopping it belong yeah we're just doing it fun I've done the Mille Miglia before and it's a wonderful city but on you spend time there and then just do the juicy bits of the tour is what I tried to do on this video just show you the best bits a millimeter how you can enjoy it without actually having to do the whole lot if you've never done the Mille Miglia well once you ought to follow it all the way around and just see how far a thousand miles is on the type of roads you're on so my top tips for doing this one you have to book well in advance hotels fill up very quickly in the core areas of brescia area that's why we come down to Simoni hotels are more fun ears beautiful next to Lake Garda and things but you can remember the circus is at least three four thousand people and they all need hotel rooms so that swallows up mostly accommodation in the area if you want to come down as well where you find in hotels close to the event is really hard so we booked it you'll need it booked in by February to you ought to do it in a classic car I system er it's passed in the spin the event the Italians love it as well here in a classic car and you want one that's capable he's a decent boot but it also needs suspension don't bring the gt3 RS or something like that down here because you'll be banging your splitter because you're upping the mountains and it's pretty rough some of the roads so the little how awful was just perfect because it's got lots of suspension and it doesn't actually have a big you know it can go over bumps and things the other two that 96 Paul and the Audi they work really well as well three being prepared for wet weather I haven't done a meal Amelia well it hasn't rained at some point and you want to do it in the open car well bring some waterproof with you we're trying to think you know we've done it five six times now always been one wet day remember it's over four days it was also pretty chilly this year there was one point where at six degrees because when you're going over the future parcel like we did down across from modern and drop down to Siena there's a lumpy bit in the middle of Italy and you can see snow we parked up next to snow and you've got to think we're in eighth 19th of May at the moment finally just enjoy it is a magic event it could only happen in Italy these classic cars and everybody celebrating it all through the route just enjoy it while we can still do it I worried that the super quick stuff we saw on the Ferrari tribute might ruin it for everyone I hope not fingers crossed it doesn't it's the classic car scene those early big Gatti's and then the later C type D type roaring through Italian countryside up in Tuscany etc it's just eggs so anyway I've really enjoyed doing this trip just bolted together the very best bits of Mille Miglia hope to do it again next year all for now is just a pot the lorry popular cars on the lorry she's a very lovely way of doing it just to take the super classic and then put on the truck and fly easyJet home and two days later the cars Rocco hope you've enjoyed the video if you have keep watching keep subscribing for more videos coming along very soon you
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 1,041,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evo, magazine, diary, diaries, harry, metcalfe, spider, spyder, 1750, 2000, 2019
Id: nlFjqBmRBhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 21sec (3441 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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