Feral Druid PvP Guide | Season of Discovery | World of Warcraft

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what's up everyone welcome back to Another World of Warcraft season of Discovery PVP guide I'm Singo and this week we will be talking specifically about feral Druids feral Druids unfortunately seem to be looked at as the redheaded stepchild of the current PVP druid community in the sense that most Druids who PVP in season of Discovery are running some sort of balanced star surge build or a flag hearing build and fully spec ferals are only getting brought to pre-mades with a very melee heavy comp or Wild P specifically with that being said I wanted to create a video showcasing the capabilities of a druid that goes full one trick pony and utilizes things like mangle power shifting and Omen of clarity procs to pump out some serious damage that Rivals the biggest and baddest damage dealers of this phase I'll be organizing this video in a similar style as my previous flag carrying guide but first up we'll start by talking about Talent choices after that we can get into gear and Rune options then we can discuss some consumables and Buffs that I would recommend to put you ahead of your competition and finally I'll jump into a game and we can talk about strategy and show you the capabilities of what this spec has to offer let's jump right into it first let's talk about talents the thing about talents at this level are all classes and all specs have some major tradeoffs because we just don't have enough Talent points to play around with I'm going to be talking about two specs specifically but I will show you that both of them do have some major drawbacks especially in the feral tree the first set of talents that we'll discuss today will be your run-ofthe-mill PVE feral Druid spec which is the king of burst damage but it loses a lot of utility funny thing about the spec is it doesn't have a single Talent point in the feral combat tree that's because you get things like natural weapons increasing the damage you deal with all physical attacks by 10% and omen of clarity which allows you to have a chance on melee hit to proc a buff onto yourself that reduces the cost of the next healing or damaging ability that you'd like to use so this allows you to use your abilities like mangle or shred free of charge and then follow it up immediately with another mangle or Shred the beauty of this is that as a feral Druid you also have five out of five points in furor allowing you to power shift and replenish your energy or rage bar immediately with 40 energy or 10 rage respectively as long as you have Mana to do so so you don't have to wait for the replenishing like a rogue wood you can immediately recast your form and have enough energy to then cast yet another mangle or shred this is why when you're a feral Druid you can burst things down incredibly quickly the second spec that I will recommend will be that of the Jack of all trades master of none flag carrying build that I recommended in my previous video that is one point in the balance Tree in Nature's grasp 13 in the feral tree and then two in the Resto tree with fur this one allows you to utilizing something like item rack very quickly swap out gear and Rune sets allowing you to do a heck of a lot more than the previous Talent Choice which you'd be losing out on a good amount of burst with Omen of clarity and natural weapons and also you're gambling in the sense that you can't always get the energy or rage when power shifting but it does allow you to do things like flag carry and not just be a pure physical damage wrecking ball that requires a Healer and if you die and you're not going 30% faster without your buff you're not going to be having as much fun one other spec that I can discuss right now is a bit of an odd one but I would go 12 into feral combat and then four into the Resto tree with fur this allows you an 80% chance to power shift with that additional 40 energy or 10 Rage which is most of the time four out of five and then you still get feline swiftness peral Instinct brutal impact and verocity you're going to be going faster but you also can power shift what you are giving up is feral charge and Nature's grasp and you're obviously not getting getting things like natural weapons ority so your damage is going to be less but it also works if you want to just be a fast damage dealer in terms of gear you're going to want a mix of stamina strength agility and intellect for the most part stamina just makes you tank Gear with more health strength adds to your attack power making your melee hits hit or more consistent higher damage agility is very good for Druids in the sense that it gives you armor crit chance Dodge chance as well as attack power so it's a four for the price of one um it unfortunately isn't quite as good yet because we don't have access to things like 2 out of two blood frenzy which gives you 100% chance Upon A Critical Strike in C form to add a combo point to your target um but that's something that we'll discuss at Phase 2 when we have a lot more Talent points to allocate other pieces that I think are very important are things like the tier set from BFD they are just incredibly well sted they upon getting three will give you a 1% extra chance to hit you will be missing a lot at this level because of the lack of hit chance so that's always something nice to have plus the craftable leather gloves I would recommend making for me I went tailoring because I liked having the 30% damage reduction for flag carrying but if I were to do it for a strictly feral ruid I would have gone three set Twilight Slayer footpads cowl and tunic and then gone for the leather working craftable epic gloves in terms of things like bracers and cloak I went for of the eagle level 20 boes because I just wanted a little bit extra intellect I threw some extra intellect wherever I could for enchants so on my two-handed weapon on my bracers um and then the Sergeant's cloak which you get from being ranked three allows you to have four to all of your stats which is just another incredible stated piece and then I just bought very cheap on the auction house of the eagle leather shoulder so going down the list you're just trying to have a majority of strength and Agility a bit of stamina and a bit of intellect I swap out my pieces dependent upon the situation so if I want a little bit more damage reduction I'll throw on the thing with some more armor and some strength on it I want to do some more damage I'll throw on agility and you know just kind of play around with the different options for me I like swapping out having all the different runes on all the different sets that I have and then I just swap those out as I play for a very fluid seamless play stuff in terms of Rune Choice you're going to want to run wild strikes mangle and Savage Roar if you want to go full damage just like you would in PVE what I will recommend is having at least two or three pieces of chest gloves and legs that you can swap interchangeably depending upon the situation if you're fighting something like a warrior you're not going to need to use something like skull bash but if you're fighting a priest or you're fighting anything that is going to get a cast off it would probably be better to run something like skull bash because that allows you to interrupt their cast while still pumping out damage with mangle and wild strikes if you are trying to survive a little bit more you don't have a Healer that is pocket healing you or whatever it may be maybe you swap out for survival of the fetish on the chest so that you can jump in a beair form if you are getting wed and low and behold you have a 48.4% damage reduction plus the extra 20% from survival fittest and if you're in war song Gold you also toss the resilient leather mask on and that's an additional 5% we won't go into the fact that you also take 20% less damage in war song anyway which was just found out on the morms but there's a lot more survivability if you do run survival of P it so it's a matter of just utilizing an add-on known as item rack to just have all of your slots here and as you need them for different scenarios you swap them out and so I want to utilize feline swiftness and spam Sunfire while I kite somebody to Oblivion I'm going to use Sunfire and maybe I'll use skull bash just in case I need to Gap close or interrupt the spell there's just a lot you can do in terms of gear but this is a barrel only video so I am just going to discuss what you would use if you wanted to go fully feral some additional pieces you can get for preis would be things like the deviate scale belt the leggings of the Fang which you can solo as a Droid as well Fe of the links and then the warong honored neck and ring in terms of weapons if you haven't gotten the BFD Fist of the wild yet you can solo Smite for his hammer which has a good amount of strength and Agy on it and then you can solo van CLE for either his chest that he drops or the tunic of West Fall if your alliance as a night elf you can skip literally every single boss up to Smite and Van Cleave which makes it incredibly quick and easy if you prefer to do things alone as opposed to in a group all you have to do is sh Shadow meld the second that you click the door open and then you wait for prow to come off cool down you can click this macro that immediately shifts unic cat and casts prowl and then won't un stealth you if you click it multiple times and that allows you to skip every boss super easily there's a bunch of guides showing how to skip dead mines or solo deadmines but nothing ever mentioned that they always had you kill one of the bosses or do a death run which wastes a lot of time so I thought I'd throw this in there [Music] I hope that wasn't too haphazard there are plenty of v lists and preis lists out there I just wanted to give you a general outline or idea what you should be looking for and what the stats meant and then allow you to take from there I want to focus more on the strategy of what you should be doing as a feral player with all that being said let's have a quick conversation about consumables and Buffs if you're running the the feral PVE espec Boon of the black fathom is unfortunately 100% non-negotiable you need to have as much uptime of this buff as you can because you're going to be losing out on the 30% increased movement speed that you would have gotten from fine swiftness so the 20% increase from Boon of the black fathom plus the array of other benefits that it brings is something that is going to make this spec work or not you can also be a scuffed flag carrier if you absolutely have to if you want to run this spec as well speaking of speed swiftness potions are incredibly helpful with both of these specs because they allow you to go 50% faster for a 15sec duration this is super powerful right now and the fastest thing someone can go is about 40% increased movement speed so you're going to beat anybody and everybody for that 15 seconds so utilizing that to either catch up or get away from somebody is uh is going to be really really helpful for you something that you can be using as a druid to maximize your efficiency are macros that use the item and then shift you into whatever form you'd like so instead of having to click like you saw me do in the overlaid video all you have to do is hit the macro once you pick up the flag or whenever you want to use something you should be using this for Mana Pots if you want to Powers shift and you don't have enough Mana to do so that's in PVE and PVP and I'll discuss that shortly but let's say I'm in bare form to not get sapped and I'm trying to grab a flag if I want to utilize a swiftness pot to get out of there I'm just going to hit that and all of a sudden I'm right back in bare form but I'm moving at 50% increased movement speed so definitely something that you guys should utilize in order to really maximize your gameplay speaking of Mana pots this will become a little bit more relevant next phase when Mana potions aren't so exorbitantly expensive and we have access to the higher level more effective ones but this macro allows you to utilize the Mana potion and then immediately shift back into cat form or bear form depending on your scenario what's nice nice about this is if you are guns blazing and you just need a little bit more damage to kill an enemy then you pop this when you're completely out of gas and it'll essentially act as a rogue's thistle te giving you that extra energy back when you originally wouldn't have it you can also use it to get out of a immobilize or slow effect if you're rooted and you completely out of Mana at that point as well instead of having to wait for the Regeneration but is extremely slow you pop the macro the Mana poot hft right back into it and you're out on your marry okay to show you this in action I'll just deplete my Mana bar and then as you see there when I clicked on the Lesser Mana potion macro it reshift me while giving me the Mana as well something I will point out is if you don't have enough Mana to reshift into something when you use this macro you will have to doubleclick the macro you can do this very quickly but it is kind of a unfortunate weird side effect to not having enough originally when you clicked but last but not least let's head out into the world and see what this class can do I'm in no way shape or form claiming that this is the best spec nor am I claiming that feral is better than any of the other specs but I've had requests on how to play feral in PvP so I wanted to just make a video showcasing its capabilities when you maximize it to its fullest potential so here we are at the zoram Strand I've gone ahead and popped a few things like some ogre strength Elixir lesser agility Elixir and some rumy rum black label for 15 more stamina this is going to allow us to be a little bit more tanky and have a little bit more damage but I just don't want to have to go back to darn asses to get another buff so for the sake of this video I just want to show everything off for you guys here we have squo going to open with mangle swap out Savage Roar not looking do good if this guy comes in didn't unfortunately we don't have dash [Music] yet didn't even need kick there what we can do now is get rid of that use Shadow melt to go quicker and get back in prow this guy's going faster than us so that's annoying we're going to save kick for [Music] here if you're going to use Tiger's Fury just like PVE try to make it so that you have 100 energy by the time that you're [Music] opening got 100 energy or opening when you get clear casting procs that's when you want to try to go for shreds obviously sometimes getting to the back of somebody is not possible so you may have to just use a mangle but in this case I was able to get one and I almost got solar vised bet and there you have it it might not be the prettiest of specs but it's very fun to Powers shift and you can absolutely be effective if you do want to be a feral Druid hopefully you came out of here Having learned something today if you did it would mean a lot to me if you threw a like on this video or even subscribe to the channel it really makes me more motivated to continue making videos when I have positive reinforcement or good feedback if you have any requests or constructive criticism feel free to put that in the comments as well I'm just looking to keep improving and have fun with it thanks again for hanging out I'm Singo and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Severingo
Views: 20,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZGBZqdItcn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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