Druid Nourish Rune Guide & Questline Tips for Season of Discovery Phase 2 !

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what is up my fellow Druids and jid alts in season of Discovery Phase 2 this is a guide on helping you get your nourish Rune with some tips and I'm also going to share some of the mistakes that I made so you hopefully don't make the same and also at the end I want to talk a little bit about Resto Druid Mana but for now let's dive in so there are two main parts to the nourish Rune quest line for Druids um the first part starts in D Marsh then you go to moonglade and then the second part is a timed portion of the quest and you have 1 hour to get to arra Highlands then alter mountains swamp of Sorrows and stranglethorn Veil and in each of those locations you have to water an ancient sapling and then once you water your last little sapling dude uh you're good on your 1H hour timer and then you go back to moonglade and you loot your Rune this quest line has some nuances in it that I was not not expecting um and it was a little bit more hard than I thought it would be so it took me two times in order to get this run and after the first attempt that's when I was inspired to make this video so uh yeah again I hope you learn from my mistakes and uh let's talk about dust swow Marsh first in order to start the quest line you must start at dust swow Marsh you do not have to go to moonglade first like I did um just go to dust the marsh and then you're good to go uh so yeah if your alliance you get there by going to theore and if you're hoarde you go there from the Barons once you're in Desa Marsh you go to the Waypoint 4551 and you find the rotting ancient there he is a tall elder tree he is slightly transparent and he is slightly brownish in color um once you kill him you loot the rotting seed and that is the breadcrumb that starts the rest of the quest line the first Quest that you get from the rotting seed is called The Lost ancient once you accept that Quest then you can teleport yourself to moonglade and continue on with the rest of the quest line now there were some things that we had not considered before we went out to go do this uh Quest or to start this quest uh I did this with a bear tank friend of mine and so I'm going to impart our wisdom and knowledge now onto you so my first tip is don't swim across the swallow Bay if if you are Level 35 just take the long way around it's not worth it if you take the long way you'll probably actually save yourself some time some durability and some money so yeah just those cads will hurt you at level 35 they're a lot scarier so just take the long way my second tip is bring friends especially if you're doing this at a lower level I did this with a be tank friend of mine at level 35 and we weren't expecting how hard the rotting ancient would hit the dude hits hard um he also has an ability called wild regeneration so you're going to want to DPS him down faster than he can heal himself uh so yeah bring friends especially if you are lower level another tip too is clear around the area there's a lot of wildlife in this uh particular part of D swow Marsh there are stealth spiders there's crocodiles there's ooes and what else ever else is out there so yeah just clear before you engage if you can it'll make your life easier and also if you're having a tough time finding him you can make a Target macro and the way you do that is/ t you type in rotting ancient and you smash that button until you hard target him and then you're good to go all right off to moonglade once you're in moonglade run to the flight path and then jump down and that's where you'll find Oro Kai he is the tree ancient that you hand in the Lost ancient Quest into once you hand that quest in he'll have another Quest available for you that Quest is called The Lost saplings now guys do not accept this Quest unless you know exactly where you're going because once you hit accept your 1 hour timer starts also if you did so happen to fail the Lost saplings Quest either the timer ran out or you died or something weird happened it's cool the rotting seed will stay in your bags just abandon the quest and then you can just pick it back up all right once your hit accepted and you have that 1hour timer let's talk about the Lost saplings and that is the bread and butter of this video and the reason why I'm making it in the first place so you have an hour to go to the Eastern kingdoms and water for saplings when you accept the Lost saplings quest You'll also get a quest item called the water of lunara and that's what you will use each of the saplings represents one of each of the four seasons so there is a fall sapling at 4772 in the arrai highlands there is a winter sapling at 5844 in the alter mountains a spring sapling at 10:39 in the swamp of Sorrows and a summer sapling at 3365 in stranglethorn Veil and yes guys I said stranglethorn Veil so that means do not do this Quest during the blood moon event I did I was flying to booty Bay and the sky turned red and I was like I'm so effed right now please don't kill me guys please don't please don't hurt me I yellowed it but uh yeah my biggest tip to you is just watch your level and watch the time that you do this quest in all right let's move on and let's talk about the route that you can take to get this done efficiently as with most things in life there's more than one way of getting all four saplings watered I'm going to share what worked for me from an alliance point of view I had 11 minutes left in my timer so it worked um and then after that just so I can help everyone who's watching the video I'll go through the two suggested routes that I saw on Wowhead for horde all right Alliance what I did was from moonglade I flew to ran Village and then I flew to Aberdine and caught the boat to menthal Harbor from menthal I flew to Refuge point in rathy Highlands ran South and watered the fall sapling then after that I ran into hillsbrad Foothills in Hills sprad I ran up north and headed into the alter mountains there is the village of stad and the winter sapling is in there water him after that I ran to the Southshore flight path from Southshore I flew into darkshire and duskwood in duskwood I ran East out of there across dewin pass into the swamp of Sorrows and that's where the spring sapling is I watered the spring sapling he is in Misty Valley by the way just in case after that I ran back to duskwood from duskwood I flew to booty Bay and stranglethorn Veil headed outside I ran up north on the main road and on the east side of stranglethorn veil you'll see a little cave if you hover over it it will say mist Veil Valley that is where the summer sapling is once you water the summer sapling the timer stops and you are good to go back to moonglade horde the first suggestion that I had read was from moonglade fly to ormore as long as you have the food flight path take the Zeppelin to unders City fly to Taran Mill go to alra Mountains for the winter sapling first then from there go to run to arrai for the fall sapling from arrai fly from hammerfall to stonard then you get your swamp of Sorrow sapling and then from stonard go to booty Bay and get the summer sapling watered the other way you can do it is from moonglade fly to orrore then take this Zeppelin to Grom go fly to booty Bay from Grom go get the summer sapling then from booty Bay fly to stonard get the spring sapling and swamp of Sorrows and then from stonard fly to arathy Highlands get the fall sapling and then from arrai fly to I'm sorry run to alter mountains to get the water sapling so those are the possibilities and the ways that you can go about it what I'm going to include next are clips of each of the saplings so you can see what the surroundings looks like and you can see little bits and pieces of the route to get to each one I hope this video helped you I'm going to leave it there I know I said I was going to speak about Resto Druid Mana but this video took a lot longer than I had expected so I'll just leave that to a new video and yeah with all of that being said thank you so much for watching I bookmarked the whole entire thing so you can just thumb through it as you are on your own Journey on getting the nourish Rune please hit the like button please let me know what you think in the comments below and if you are so inclined come say hi to me on my twitch Channel when I'm streaming it is Spirit chill with two teas you can also lurk too lurkers are welcome um but yeah anyways enjoy the nourish Rune enjoy nourish it is a great ability to have as a restur Druid um just remember don't die do not Hearth do it in an hour okay happy gaming guys keep enjoying season of Discovery and peace out [Music] [Music] they had issues he things so or flying to cuz the event I'm so screwed I'm never going to get this done at 12:00 in STV I'm going to die what was I thinking oh my God this is so bad this is so bad I'll never going to get this R oh no tears from the words we said yeah [Music] [Music] ofam knowed [Music] you come on
Channel: Spirit.Classic
Views: 2,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: season of discovery, world of warcraft, druid, druid rune, nourish, nourish rune, girl gamer, pc gaming, video game, guide, tips, how to
Id: BAHQSwv9M1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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