Season of Discovery: Druid Solo Deadmines (Mr. Smite AND VanCleef) in UNDER 30 MINUTES!

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here's how you can easily Farm Mr Smite and Van CLE in under 30 minutes as a feral Druid once you hit Level 25 in season of Discovery I have some decent feral gear already but I'll be doing this run in my mediocre healing set to show how easy this can be stamina strength and Agility are ideal but the gear I'll be wearing is mainly inted spirit so it can be done in Auction House greens if you want to for ruins you'll need Sunfire and gloves the only necessary t is own of clarity make your way to the first boss with prowl you can walk very close to the mobs just don't run right on top of them and you'll be fine click on the lever through the door and make your way towards the reset spot ideally don't do what I did and wait until rocksor is gone as there's a small chance you can die in the stun RNG go into cat form to lowerer your line of sight so you can't be shot at make your way to sneed's room with prowl before open in this door make sure the patrols aren't nearby wait for prow to be off CD and make your way to the next door you'll have to wait for this Goblin to roam away from the door before opening it keep enemy name plates on to see if a Patrol's coming thankfully if you're a night elf you can Shadow meld when stuck in a situation like this wait for prow cool down and head to the forge there will be one Goblin on a set path patrolling the area Mark him and jump down one safe getting past gilid can be tricky you have to wait for him and the Goblin Craftsman to be facing away and as far as possible before opening the door if you accidentally Agro the boss quickly RR go into bare form and climb up the ramp strafe cutting where you can make sure you jump onto the side ledge of the ramp at the bottom it'll slow down the pathing of the mobs chasing you and it can be tricky trying to jump on the ledge while facing uphill on the ramp stealth when the mobs reset to prevent them from reag gring you will then need to wait for an opportune time to jump down in between mobs wait until you land and take damage before stealthing or it will break immediately head towards the gunpowder kick kill the def miners while keeping an eye on Elite Patrols prowl immediately after looting The Keg as the spawns an elite towards the area fire the cannon when no patrols are nearby make sure prow is off cool down when doing this to avoid the incoming Pirates you there check out that noise stealth towards Mr Smite or swim at the bottom to avoid agoing there will be one pirate patrolling up and down the dock you will need to kill this Patrol as well as the three closest mobs on the dock pull them back one at a time with Sunfire to avoid a chain pole if you're not well geared bare form is a safe way to kill these Elites however I start in cat form to get a Max rank rip before swapping once the dock is cleared get ready for the pole regrowth then drink pre pull kite skull back to the edge of the dock the strategy for Mr Smite is straightforward do as much damage as he can until you need to heal when low jump off and use regrowth into reu before cutting back to the dock in bare form a few tips for the fight keep demo show up the entire time try to keep Sunfire up on skull and ax let them run the full duration to preserve rage make use of omen procs for a free regrowth which will significantly increase the amount of time you can survive make your way to the second level of the ship you have to kill all the mobs here so that you can kite vanle safely later on try to pull rage to finish off the Squall Shapers and goblins as they will flee at low HP if you find yourself in trouble or make an accidental pull just run to the classic reset spot make your way to Van CLE and prepare for the pull the idea here is to jump on a Ledge on the outside of the ship which forces vanle to path around the entire boat in order to reach you well you'll want to get in as much damage as you can before starting the long kite it's not worth risking death and a long walk back just for some more damage when ready jump down to the ledge try to get off the cannon here as soon as you can as it is a reset spot and can heal up Van CLE after a second or two throw a mark on vanle and wait for him to run around the boat agoing all the mobs along the way then follow the ledge towards the area we just cleared the rest of the kill is done by applying Sunfire and moon fire jumping off this ledge and then running back to it an efficient rotation is to apply Sunfire apply Moonfire while walking off the ledge and then applying Sunfire Again by jump turning to get into line of site rinse and repeat this and you're done for
Channel: Stephé
Views: 32,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f8rysHoChJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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