2016 Southwest Believers’ Convention: The Empowerment of the Blessing (3 p.m.)

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all right let's pray father we thank you so much for the word again thank you for the anointing on me and they slipped of clay but I do speak this word with excellence accuracy and boldness asking you to think to my mind and speak to my lips that the Word of God shall come forth unhindered unchecked by any outside force and that signs wonders and miracles shall accompany and follow the word preached now we thank you for it Lord we give you praise for it all in Jesus name can you agree by saying Amen all right let's again start reading here down here in Isaiah chapter 51 in verse one hearken to me ye that follow after righteousness either to seek the Lord look at the rock which your hewed and to the hole in a pit which you were digged looking to Abraham your father and to Sarah that bear you for I called him alone and blessed him say and blessed him and increased him for the Lord shall comfort Zion he will comfort all her waste places and he will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the Garden of the Lord join gladness she'll be found therein Thanksgiving in the voice of melody come on down to verse 16 I have put my words in thy mouth and I have covered thee in the shadow of my hand that I may plant the heavens and lay the foundations of the earth and say to Zion thou art my people very very powerful scripture before I start let me just say a few words because I came out with a new book new and said a few just say a few words about it but one of the things I'm talking about in there's a concept called for kings and priests came out of Revelation chapter 1 and I'm I'm seeing where how the the the two offices the two anointings operated in the days of old and it was in the New Testament it's a New Testament and the Old Testament is New Testament concept but it's where you had both the pulpit and the pew working together and it's going to have to be that way coming in these last days the enemy has worked to try to divide the house this to separate the pew from the pulpit and make it so that they won't believe the Word of God or won't believe the man of God and try to discredit the preacher and inhabit so that the marketplace folks won't attend services but they go to the ballgame and whatever have you but this book gives you a revelation of why it's so important and if you go into scriptures and just look at the scriptures you'll see that for example when I Hezekiah was up against the Syrians and he didn't see any way out the thing that he did was to send a message a note to Isaiah and he sent a note to him and and said you know what should I do well he came back and say hey you'll not need to fight this whatever have you and he came back and took that note this is found in 2nd Kings chapter 19 took that note and he opened it and went into the house of God went into Temple and he began to read it he began to pray that prayer the Bible says then he went to sleep that night while he went to sleep that night woke up the next morning and all the enemy had been killed the angel came down and destroyed 185,000 men this is in one night now notice how those two worked together the prophet and the marketplace in the kings and how they work together for the highest level of productivity of results that we could see in this earth we were not are not here to compete with the world we're here to dominate and and we've kind of settle for competing and that's not our portion and so when you go back in those scriptures and you see again for example when in Deuteronomy chapter 20 the priests would speak over the kings and the armies before they went out to battle he would bless them well they believed so much in the words that the priests or the prophets spoke until they would give them the faith that they needed to lock out fear see once the fear comes it connects you with death I mean by the Copeland's of precepts and what happened is you can't get God's ability with fear because faith is the only thing that connects you with God's ability and so the enemy wants to put fear in them so forth and so on so I'm just saying that as they would speak here's what one of the kings said over in 2nd Kings at the 2nd chronicles chapter 20 he said believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established I think there was Jehoshaphat and believe his prophets and you'll prosper one of the people in our ministry I was preaching and he said has to thank God you spoke what you spoke last Sunday I said what do you mean he said you told me to sell my stock I said what hey until you sell any stock well what I preach what the Holy Ghost had him to hear see because he believed in his man of God and so as a result of that he went out and sold I don't know couple three four hundred thousand dollars worth of stock and he said I would have lost everything I said well what happened to the company he said the company folded went down to zero I said could I ask you what that company was he said the name of it is Enron now some of you remember in Ron no true now what does the prophet do the Bible says in Amos that God will do nothing in the earth except he first reveals it to his servants the prophets not the marketplace and what happens to the heathen they run to astrologers and so forth and so on why cuz everybody's trying to know the future I remember brother Copeland said one time he said all you got to do get riches find out where everybody's going and get there first now that might be an oversimplification but there's something to that and I'm just saying to you that that's what one of the reasons for the pulpit is that the pulpit would not only teach you the word so faith will come so you can be able to fight those battles but that prophetic word will be able to show you and speak things to come because God shows them the timing and the direction of the move of God and let me tell you when you find out where everything is going and get there first you be in good shape so that's the kind of revelation that's in it that I've wanted to put together only because I think it's time now we're in a this this season like brother Copeland just said that hey this church is gonna have to rise because there there's there are things going on here let me show you this we're in our opening trip to look at 2nd Thessalonians and I think it's verse 2 let's just look at that second Thessalonians first two and he says here second Thessalonians I'll get there yeah chapter chapter 1 chapter 2 chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and he says this verse 6 and now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time for the mystery of iniquity does already work only he who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way and then that wickedness or wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming now what is he saying here he that let will let so he's saying that there'll be the church holding back evil this is our job now our job is and I'm going to show you some more as we go along here but our job is is to hold back the evil that's taking place here now that's a whole lot different from hiding in the church we're talking about out in the marketplace holding back evil and if you don't hold it back that Satan closes in you follow what I'm saying and I'm saying when the church is well taken up out of here whew all double 80 double hockey sticks will take place how you follow what I'm saying I'm saying we gotta hold it back now to do that I gotta be fortified I gotta know who I am who's I am I'm a sheep among wolves but the wolves can't touch me how you gonna sing all this we got a note and these conferences is designed to build your faith so that you can fight the battle that's in the industry or wherever you come from whether you're in school whether you're in Hollywood doesn't make any difference you're going to have the greater one in you greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world praise God so alright let's just look at this let's see what I've got here for you because so that's kind of the book and it's got a lot of the stuff in it but that's the kind of thing it's to build your faith now oh this is going to be interesting today so you just hold on praise God and we'll tell it the best I can all right we're talking about the blessing all right we use this scripture of Isaiah chapter 51 is our foundation and we wanted to go back to let's go back to Genesis and see where this thing started Genesis chapter 1 and in Genesis chapter 1 he said in verse 27 and God created man in his own image after the in the image of God is that scripture okay I like that what Keith had the scriptures behind him well I liked it and I was kind of slick okay okay it says here and image of God and likeness and let them have dominion over the fishes see over the fowl of the air of the Catalan of all the earth and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth so as Charles Capps used to say you have dominion over creeps and then we went on down the verse 28 and God blessed them say bless them and God said it to be they said them be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth just reminded myself I didn't introduce my wife Veronica why'd you stand up 33 years praise God isn't a woman hey that that's a praying woman right there okay no this blessing um I looked it up in Webster Webster 1828 dictionary whoa whoa okay and it talked about who to make what if what what would have happened if I said I looked it up in in the American Standard dictionary whew okay okay all right okay so it means he said to me it means to make successful to make successful to in do with power for success to ndu with power for success so what is he saying he's saying okay Adam I'm putting an empowerment on you it's called the blessing the name the scriptural name is the blessing and it's the same power that was used to create all matter so I'm going to take this power and I'm going to put it on you so that you can continue creation wherever you go now the idea about it is that God created Adam and then he put him in the garden so it's obviously that he wasn't in the garden yet he put him in the garden to dress it and to keep it and then he this mandate is here to be fruitful to multiply to replenish the earth and subdue it now what is he going to do a with the only thing that he gave Adam to work with was the blessing so now Adam has this blessing this empowerment now on his life this empowerment is going to cause things to happen for him now when this empowerment fast forwarding is on your life because the model says Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith so the blessing that is on our lives is the same blessing that was on Abraham and it's the same blessing that was on Adam he was Eden blessing at that time and then it's the same blessing that he talks about in proverbs 10:22 that we talked about the blessing of the Lord it make it rich any addeth no sorrow with it now the blessings come out of the blessing and the blessings are supernatural supernatural increased supernatural prosperity supernatural promotion supernatural protection supernatural longevity supernatural business strategies all these things come out of that when you're talking about supernatural prosperity many times we can't even imagine what that is only because we hadn't taken time to meditate the scriptures when you meditate descriptions the Holy Ghost will show you that supernatural prosperity is explosive growth it's not this kind of growth that takes place over 50 years it's explosive growth it's it's God's supernatural growth coming in your life supernatural deliverance I remember when I was again starting our ministry at Chicago in lakid Pulaski is where we first started and lake in Pulaski was that was in the 11th precinct of of Chicago though the worst crime area in Chico he started us right in the middle of it and so when we started there I remember lady coming in she came in the door and kind of broke in says who's the pastor in here I'm the pastor she said I need to see you now understand the place wasn't big enough to hold but about 20 people 25 people at the most and and I said what do you want to see me about she said the drug dealers have taken over my my block my my Street she said what are you gonna do about it now you got to understand that one of the reasons why we are sent where we're sent is to turn it from what it is into the Garden of Eden that that's why you're sent where your scent doesn't make any difference where your scent or the condition of the place or the color of the people now I'm going to talk about that in just a minute now so what happened we go in there mmm cheap prick we said lady get in a circle let's pray now why do I want to pray because I got to hear from headquarters because the blessing takes me being obedient to the voice of God let's look at that please over in Deuteronomy chapter 28 come on just go along with me now praise God you don't have anything else to do right now just go along with me nobody said in verse 1 and it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently to the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his commandments which I command thee this day that the Lord thy God will set the high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on you and what overtake you alright now I need the blessing of deliverance I need deliverance in that neighborhood deliverance from the crime deliverance from the drug dealers so forth and so I need it now what could I do I can consult natural sources I could go down to the police department I can go over to and make a block club and form a block club and let's get together and so forth all those things maybe are good but this is what the book brings out to the room that huh Hercules was coming now he was kind of qualifying himself as who he supposed to be and now here's Hercules as you know he's a mythical character I think it's one of Aesop's fables but here's Hercules and now he's got to fight this dragon this dragon is called a Hydra I think it's nine heads so he takes to fight this dragon but there's a problem as quickly as he cuts a head off of the dragon and one of the heads two more grow back can't you see what I'm saying I'm saying the natural solutions of man trying to solve the problems of al-qaeda the next thing you know you got Isis you got you got all kinds you got about four or five spawn terrorist groups and I'm saying why cuz nobody ever got to the rut and see you people are trying to take God out of it see the world is the devil is trying to secularize the world meaning he's trying to take God out of Education God out of the government god I did but you're here to put God back in education I'm putting back in Hollywood hey all the mountains supposed to be ruled by God and so I'm saying that no no we don't want the problems to get worse we want these problems to get better and so in in this he is this solution that God came up with was a spiritual solution now or was rooted in the spirit now let me say what I'm talking about that what you see in the physical has a spiritual component God that things cannot that whatever exists naturally has a root spiritually in other words what you see is either controlled or is managed by something you cannot see so you and I are the only ones that can get to the root that we can get to the root of whatever problem there is doesn't make any difference you and I are designed to get to it how do we get to it by faith and we can cut into this thing and get to the rut notice what happened when Jesus curse the fig tree it dried up from the roots hey once the roots were dried then the tree could no longer have life and I'm saying that what you do see is controlled by something you can't see and the world is trying to solve the problem on the level of the leaves and that's not good enough so you and I are coming in and now we're going to deal with the root cause so God gave me a rich solution here's what he said bless this oil give it to it tell it to go pour it down the middle of the street does that sound logical no it doesn't so get ready for foolish thoughts and if you're going to listen now if you're going to obey the voice of God listen this is why a lot of people don't go anywhere they know too much see I'm telling you that's why a kid can almost handle this oh Jesus I got so much I want to say to you today all right now what does this let's keep going with it praise God so what did I do I gave it to us and lady God said take this oil and pour down the middle Street she said we'll give it here now that lady was desperate and I think sometimes church folk are not quite desperate enough to allow God to work in our lives in other words we could take it or leave it when he told the man go dip seven times in the River Jordan yes he at first rode away why are you right away because first of all that's foolish next thing I'm a man of stature you mean in front of all my men oh that's absurd see that pride thing but this lady didn't have any pride it's lady that came to me she said well give it here I gave it to her she went pouring it down the middle of the street and what happened came back in four days pastor guess what I said what they came out for one hour the next day now they were coming out at 12 noon and leaving at 12 midnight every day Monday through Sunday and she said they came out for one hour the next day and never came back now think about it the Bible says that God had laid up sound wisdom for the righteous proverbs chapter 2 for the righteous not from the righteous for you what because he knew you're going to have a problem but he already had a solution and when you have a problem the solution has already been delivered by God so now we've got to use our faith to pull down a solution closer to God and solve that problem so the world is waiting on you you got the answers you have to answer the problems in your company you know you were designed like God you were you were made in His image God is a creator am i right about that and and do you know you were designed to create that God God will continue to stimulate your imagination with something new then you're going to do it for as long as you're here I think that's why retirement is not in the Bible well cuz if you can breathe you can create are y'all with me here now that that is just an example of supernatural deliverance supernatural a favor well you know what that is that was when G when the children of Israel coming out of Egypt and they are coming out of there well while they're coming out notice what Moses said to him well let's go up there let's go to Exodus chapter 3 and verse 19 please now it's gonna get good here cuz you look like a kind of sleepy I'm gonna have to do something to wake you up Deuteronomy chapter 3 and verse 19 Exodus Exodus chapter 3 and verse 19 perk me yeah nobody says and I'm sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go no not by a mighty hand there in there in bondage now watch this and I'll stretch forth my hand and I'll smite Egypt with all my wonders which I do in the midst thereof and after that he will let you go next verse and I will strut and I will give this people favor say this like this favor now this is supernatural favor the supernatural favor one day of supernatural favor is worth a lifetime of labor [Applause] and it shall come to pass that when you go you will not go empty notice God never play alone have mercy let me I want to see how I want to say this Redemption is not complete without divine provision is not complete God does not want you to be saved and broke God does not want you to be saved and sick God does not want you to be saved and depressed same into this God does not want you to be saved and full of fear you've been redeemed from fear just like you've been redeemed from sickness you have no right to fear and the devil has no legal right to put fear on you say amen to that so say this from this day I will not fear I sought the Lord and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears so I receive it by faith today in Jesus name Amen praise God so that was Psalm chapter 34 and 4 he delivered me from all my fears so I'm saying now I want to go in and I want to get my inheritance but I'm going to have to follow the voice of God God is going to speak to me about every matter everything that he wants me to everything I want to receive God said just follow my voice now somebody said well I heard I'm not under the law you're not under the law you're under grace that's why you can follow this all you got to do is do what he says and I showed you yesterday or day before that his his commandments are not Grievous they're not hard to do so he's going to tell you to do something for the oil down the street get up there was another guy he was in our ministry and he his credit his credit was so bad till it was so bad and and what happened he started hearing these scriptures about ownership and what God had given him so he went here his wife went down to buy a car so they go around there he goes out sits out he sees a car two showroom oh man he likes this car he hit his wife so he sat down with a salesman to say okay which one and wrote up the paperwork he said okay give me your social security number he looked at it he said sir uh I don't think we can do anything for you he says why he says sir your credit your you're not he said sit back in the chair said Lord what shall I do God said get up March around it on the car you and your wife seven times just march around so he got up he and his wife mice around the car now some of y'all won't do this come on now cuz you got too much sense to do this he marched around that car for seven times went back and sat down and got to tell him to key it in there again so he keyed it in again he said wait a minute I must have something wrong what was your social security number again he gave it to him again God had wiped out come on this is the right crowd I know I'm come up I'm talking about super natural deliverance yes see if God help me we have enough time I'm talking about debt cancellation big because because I'm not talking about natural I'm talking about super and God is a debt canceling god I don't know what they have up there do they have the message translation on that somebody give me a thumbs up if you have the message you do is that a thumb up okay all right give me Deuteronomy chapter 15 and verse 1 please Deuteronomy chapter 15 and verse 1 and a message translation at the end of every seven years cancel all debt don't keep going keep going to put it up next verse please this is a procedure everyone who has lent money to his neighbor writes it off you must not press your neighbor or his brother payment for payment all debts are canceled God said so Oh I said all debts are canceled I love Jesus Oh dance I came to announce all debts are canceled God sets up now Bree with God sit down [Applause] now I'm going to tell you what somebody says this is what the logical minds going to say well now pastor you you got understand that he said at the end of every seven years now huh we just can't cancel debt when we want to we got to wait to seven years all right with your smart self go to mark chapter 7 we got the devil where we wanted now boy [Applause] see it's in the book and this book is God speaking to you now look what it says here verse 26 verse 25 25 and there was a certain woman who's a certain woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit you heard of him and came and fell at his feet what's this in Jesus's feet and the woman was a Greek a sour Phoenician by nation and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter next verse hallelujah now I something happened to part of that so other but jesus said unto her let the children first be filled what is not meet to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs now somebody being called a dog up in here somewhere would you see this and she answered and said unto him yes Lord yet the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs next verse and to God and he said unto her for this saying go thy way that devil the devil is going out of your daughter next verse and when she was come to her house she found the daughter the devil going out and her daughter lay upon the bed check it out notice who the woman was she was a Greek sorrow Phoenician by nation why is that so important because the Holy Spirit wants to let you know that it wasn't her time because the Bible says Romans chapter 1 verse 16 I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth to the Jew first and then to the Greek the one her time I said it wasn't her time she pressed in by faith and faith moves high so I don't care if he says seven years or 70 years today is your time now take your faith and move it I came to announce to you all debts are canceled dog sensor then you can't beat that baby you can't beat that well [Applause] see they tried to work that same thing at the graveside of Lazarus you remember here come they come Jesus and Martha Mary met him and said you know if you'd only been here earlier my cert monk my brother would not have died he said your brother shall rise again and live again she said I know he will in the resurrection and the last day he said no no you don't know who I am I am the resurrection this is your day I said this is your day I said this is your day you need healing this is your day you need deliverance this is your day now sit up [Applause] do I have any believers in this house this is your well lord have mercy I'm trying to get through this get up our son doll about - stop something is happening in this house I said something is happening in this house can't you feel it can't you sense something yes broke I said something just broke Wow oh yeah alright y'all gotta sit down now I got finished don't take it up my time [Applause] whoo [Applause] and this is Dobies this I'm telling you say see if you'll just receive it don't try to take it and understand it like keep brother key set yesterday just receipt you don't know how girls go do it but you do know what he's gonna do [Applause] he is canceling gas at this meeting [Applause] My Love My Lord my lord well your days of hauling over no danger struggling run to pay bills over you are now the head you are now the Linda every see receive it sit down I gotta finish sit down praise God I got to finish this we got a ways to go here well Oh red God [Applause] hi all right now lemme yeah we jumped off there too quick we well I couldn't hold it back huh I've tried to hold it back I couldn't hold whoa My Love My Lord Malo well No huh Oh okay Oh something broke I said something broke Oh I said something broke so this role [Applause] whoa [Music] my lord my lord my lord my lord can you stand to be blessed way-hey [Music] Paul Riddick God in him hallelujah hallelu [Applause] all right okay let's still walking but what we gonna do is we're gonna continue I got to continue teaching you here you take them a time alright so for those who can sit down sit down that's my job I'm just doing my job I came to announce something oh that's yes job says so well all right sit down let me put it read it keep going with this so you can have supernatural prosperity you can have supernatural deliverance you have supernatural favor they favor you can have supernatural business strategies supernatural I'm not talking about natural you can't you can't think this hot this is where we go in folks there's about to be a clear distinction between the believer and the rest of the world you are about to go beyond what is ordinary starting in this meeting when they google your name they will find you at the top [Applause] Wow [Applause] so we're moving past anything that the natural mind can produce believe me all right yeah no the windows of heaven open you are being showered with blessing right now as I speak you go get ideas concepts insights money in the bank [Applause] that'll be by might nor by power which is gonna be by that blessing all right so let's get this while they're doing that let's just keep going with a little bit of this all right so let's go to Genesis Genesis chapter 12 and we got to remember we kind of left off there last time and in verse 1 Genesis chapter 12 verse 1 through 4 now the Lord had said unto Abram get thee out of that country from thy kindred from that father's house into a land that I will show you notice he didn't give him a map didn't give him a brochure he said just go follow me verse 2 and he said and I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless you and I'll make your name great and you will be a blessing I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed now I'd like to read that first two first out of the amplified translation where they got kids walking up here and everything boy everybody everybody blessed he said that I will make of you a great nation and I will bless you with abundant increase of favors say favor and make your name famous and distinguished say I'm famous and distinguished and you will be a blessing dispensing goods to others now what does that mean that means if you just try to get it now you're going that way you going you're going that way you got a homeboy that way it that means if you just try to get it and don't and you forget to bless others the stream could stop because your covenant responsibility is to be a blessing you don't want it to stop with you we got to get all families of the earth blessed say Amen to this now look what he says here in verse 3 now no mercy [Music] this is just a reminder that all debts are canceled [Applause] all right let's keep going here now I want you to see this [Applause] the he said all families blessed then what you hear this sound but I want to dip down into something for just a second here in Acts chapter 10 and verse 34 God speaks a word and he's talking about being a respecter this is in the King James translation if you have that please I guess there having promised with that let me go in Bible okay then Peter opened his mouth and he said of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons next verse but in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness it's accepted with him let me give you the Winston translation has the same access to his blessing the same access to his blessing now what am I saying here that all families would be blessed no matter what your culture your country or your color all can be billionaires oh I know I know I took it too far too quick there other gods people are to be envied not pitied now let's go to Genesis chapter 26 you see there is something here that we've got to get right in our thinking about the blessing of Abraham or the blessing of the Lord and look what he says here he said in Jenna in Genesis after 26 starting at verse 2 let's just start there and the Lord appeared unto him and said go not down to Egypt well in the land that I which I will tell you of said soldierin in this land and I'll be with you and I'll bless you foreign to the end to thy seed will I give all these countries and I'll perform the oath which I swear to Abraham thy father next verse and I will make thy seed to multiply the stars of heaven and I will give into thy seed all these countries and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed come on down to verse 12 please and Isaac sowed in that land and receive in the same year a hundredfold and who blessed it see a lot of times people don't have problems with wealth as long as they did it a person can even win the lottery and do you know what they do I don't know what they do here in this state but in Chicago they put you on TV they get a big mock you know check and have it with you know fifty million dollars or something you everybody's out there smile you know that everybody's in watching that's my wish how to hit that number don't have any problems with the wealth but get up there and say God did this [Applause] and watch the persecution start cuz hundredfold comes with persecution that enemy does not want people to know that God will make you rich he does not want people to know that God will heal you God will make your marriage old come on he does not want people to know that so what has happened his people have to realize that wait a second he had God to bless him and look at verse 13 and the man wax great went forth and grew until it became very great for he had possessions of flocks possessions of herds great stove servants and the Philistine what ended him you are to be ended and not pitied people ought to see you and say my god and it doesn't make any difference what that category is but they should see you and want to know what do you have and that's why I said Christianity was never meant to be dictated it was meant to be demonstrated people should see it on your life that the God that you serve will take care of you in style in that a wonderful thing so as I looked at that look at verse 16 and Abimelech said unto Isaac go from us for you a much mightier than we are so if they have that in the Living Bible translation and just put it up there if you have that translation I'm not sure whether you have it or not praise God he said finally Abimelech ordered Isaac to leave the country go somewhere else he said for you have become too powerful for us how would you like your neighbors to circulate a petition and say listen you've got to move out of this neighborhood well that's where you're going so when I look at this I want to say that this is for all people and what we have to do is we have to trust God when it comes to a blessing manifested in our lives now let me show you where I'm going with this here is a man named Joseph now Joseph's brothers envied him matter of fact they were to kill him and they sold him and some traveling ban of issue alights bought him as a slave and took him on down to eat him sold him again now understand what he had on his life he had the blessing now this blessing is so powerful to the guarantees lord have mercy a life of prosperity and it also makes provision for generational prosperity open Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 14 would you look at that please in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 14 he says I know that whatsoever god doeth it shall be forever he is not blessing you so that it just ends with your generation are you with me now you remember Jacob and uh pardon me Joseph and you remember about Shonda you remember Joe I'll get it right at all them J's you remember Joe and look what it says in job they'll just flip the new script is very quickly or if you don't need to flip to him just take my word for it praise God job chapter 1 and in job chapter 1 he gave you a financial statement of job and look what he says here in verse 4 and the sons went a pardon me verse 3 and his substance was also seven thousand sheep three thousand camels five hundred yoke of oxen five hundred she asses and a very great household so that this man was the greatest of all the men in the East say amen to that alright so now job starts getting in trouble because he starts getting into unbelief and he begins to start praying the same prayer over and over again for these kids obviously they were probably living in a way that wasn't pleasing unto God but now the Bible says that I sought for a man among them who could make up the hedge and stand in a gap before me for the land that I would not destroy but I didn't find any that was uneasy kiyul I think chapter 22 and verse 30 my point to you is is that you can stand in the gap for kids who are not acting quite right say amen to that and you can keep the hedge up around them now look what he said in verse 9 then Satan answered the Lord and said do you does job fear God for not have not you made a hedge about him not about his house then about all that he had on every side thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land so notice what that blessing did that blessing covered joel it covered his house it covered his businesses it covered all that he had but what happened no here comes Satan and Satan is now finding an opening to get into job's life because the wall of the blessing had gone down and so now Satan attacks him he attacks his businesses he attacks his his family he attacks his health he I mean everything No and you look for in this here his job now and he's in kind of a bad situation and look what it says here he said in verse 21 and said naked I came from out of my mother's womb and naked I shall return the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord now this is a very interesting thing that job said he said the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away now the Bible talks about for us that we should understand that in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 in verse 16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works now if I look at that same 16 and 17 to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and I'll look at it let's look at it another translation let's look at it in the Living Translation let's just try that and see what it says if you have the Living Translation would you please put it up there now in the Living Translation give you just a little bit more clarity of that verse all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives it corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right now this is why the Scriptures coming to you because we all come in the kingdom with ungodly thought patterns so the scripture is going to teach us what's right 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work so in it just like the enemy to try to deceive you or deceive me and make us think something that is not true and really what is true make us up somehow Shawn that and stay away from it job said the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord well if you look at the Scriptures and look at the background God didn't take it away he's not giving to something to you to take it away he's giving something you to increase you so what had happened Joe what he said was truly stated because the Holy Spirit inspired the writer to write it but it was not a statement of truth because it didn't line up with the will and the plan of God for your life same into that but he wanted you to see it so that you won't be a victim of the same thing you see the Bible says submit yourself to God this is found in James chapter 4 and verse 7 resist the devil and he will flee from you what does that say that's saying whatever you don't resist is allowed to remain and the reason why is because you have the authority in the earth God can't come down and do something on your behalf without your giving him authority to do it same into that alright so what happened don't gloss that and look what it said next look at job chapter 2 if you will and verse 7 so when Satan went forth from the presence of the Lord and smoke job with sores sore boils from the sole of his foot to his crown verse 9 then said his wife and to him do you still retain your integrity why don't you do what curse God and die now integrity is an interesting thing this integrity gets you through the things that are you I've come up against to get you to your portion in other words don't accept your condition for your portion because God has a portion for you the condition for you is something usually this hard me the condition that you have can I just talk here praise God the condition that you have is something that usually the evil one has set up that's your present condition but that's not your portion your portion is found in Scripture that we need to open this book and see what God really gave us so notice job had sores on his body from the VIS crown or from the foot to the crown now if I look at job and look at job chapter 33 I think it is I'm gonna look at that now follow me now I'm almost done but just follow me he says in 33 and verse 25 his flesh is fresher than a child he shall return to the days of his youth now what is happening here he is saying his flesh is fresher than a child he shall return to the days of his youth coming over to job now chapter 42 this is the last chapter job and look what he did in job 42 verse 10 and the Lord returned the captivity of Job when he prayed for his friends also the Lord gave the job job how much twice as much as he had before verse 12 and so the Lord bless the latter end of job more than his beginning for he had 14,000 sheet this is a new financial statement and six thousand camels come on in a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand she asses and he had seven sons and three daughters verse 15 and in all the land where no women found so fair as the daughters of joke my lord they were looking good and verse 16 after this lib joke how many years a hundred and come on forty years saw his sons and his sons Sons and even for generations and joke died being what oh and fully years no want you to see that bigger than no more mentions the boils and sores and pus that was all over his body why cause his flesh was fresher than a child's he had returned to the days of his youth I'm always saying to you that you may get in trouble something may happen to a part of your body but God has a supply that supply is laid up for you in the invisible realm and by faith you can get that part replaced in this meeting doesn't make any difference what it is I just want to show you this is happening with Joel all right let me finish up here so next next now I'm running all this by you but you got to meditate some of this yourself all right next I want to just say that now Joseph was raised up I'm gonna talk to him now and he's raised up now I understand he's working as a slave in the house of Potiphar the Bible says in Genesis chapter 39 that because of the blessing on Joseph's Potiphar's house was blessed now notice also that God gave Joseph an ability that Joseph didn't have before to manage the ranch's of Potiphar notice know everything's growing to the point that Joseph now Potiphar's not even looking at what's under his hand he's trusting Joseph with everything now why does Joseph have to stay full of integrity because the blessing won't function with a person that lacks integrity say Amen to this I'm saying that integrity was a key for Joe to get out of what he had and it was the key for you to make it to the end of the assignment that God has for you Lord Jesus last part so now here is Joseph this is powerful makes eyes at him Joseph's den turns her down she keeps his coat tell the lie on him now they send Joseph to jail but notice he wasn't down there in jail talking about this Potiphar you know that helpful got me down here I'm trying to kiss so forth he didn't do that he didn't do that cuz you can't do that you got to pray for those who despitefully see see here's the deal maintain integrity and they can't stop you this main tank just just do what's right and the blessing knows what to do it's going to take you to the top now watch this threw him in jail what happened he took over the jail am i right about it next thing you know Potiphar a king of Pharaoh has a dream pharaoh calls him he goes tells Pharaoh what the dream is pharaoh hires MCG you know man put him second in charge now he's handling everything let me just say this Joseph was a Jew they didn't have no equal opportunity program back there he was a Jew but because of the blessing he was going to become the head no matter what culture he was in what's this no matter what color you are I'm dipping into something out oh yeah I'm gonna dip into this and we'll play with it before we get out of here see because what we say ah that supervisor doesn't like me he's prejudiced so what I'm not talking about people who don't have the blessing I'm talking about people who do if God can't promote you with that supervisor he will remove him because there is no weapon I better come over here you see we've tried to trust in a government that don't have no power and it's corrupt anyway and we've tried to trust in that to try to do something folks let me tell you you've got a different government you've got the government of the kingdom of God and let me tell you if you have a situation you run to God and as you go to God God that blessing will be release on your behalf and it will work things out now let me tell you it look like you're in trouble right now but hold on to the blessing because the more confidence you have in it the more power is released on your behalf and it'll turn your situation right on round for you to succeed [Applause] now I'm gonna tell you something when I found that out you can rest because nobody can stop BW from the white house to the outhouse nobody and nobody can stop you because if God be for you come on help me now come on help me no this is the answer see you and I need to adopt the blessing we need to embrace the blessing let me tell you what God has for you is not only is he's going make sure you get promoted but if you keep hanging in there you go own it boy y'all got to y'all got to see what I'm saying nobody says Matthew chapter 5 in verse 10 now on that Matthew he talked about the blessing he said blessed are those that mourn blessed oh those that so-and-so look at this one now blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven next verse please and then he says this blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you come on and say all manner of evil against you falsely watch what it says for my name's sake look what it says rejoice Thank You Manuel rejoiced cuz they keyhole you they can't stop you but the enemy wants you to start talking about people running them down so forth it's on now I know there's a justice system of God and I'm coming out with that book next vengeance and recompense but I'm telling you now there is a way that you release the blessing and one of the ways you release it is when the devil thinks he got you down and get you crying and belly aching and so forth fool him rejoice and when you do the blessing is released and it's gonna do the work for you last place sit down last place first Kings chapter Kate first Kings chapter scheme first Kings chapter 17 please this is your meeting right here this is your meeting this this is the one God called you to this is this is the one that's going to turn around situations in your life that you've been dealing with for years but this is the one say this is the one now I don't care who you are where you are I'm telling you God can take you from on welfare to faring well God can take you alright look last place in Deuteronomy chapter 30 Oh junior on me chapter 28 and verse 8 just put it up on the screen real quick Lee please Deuteronomy 28 and verse 8 here's what it says and once you get this the Lord shall command the blessing upon you and your storehouses and all that you set your hands to that's enough let's go now the first kings and look at first Kings and chapter 8 out 17 please first Kings 17 and verse 2 now this is when God told the Prophet to announce that the rain is going to stop and there'll be no more rain until I say so and so what happens here in verse 2 and the word of the Lord came unto him saying Kluwer to God get the hints and turn the eastward and hide thyself in the brook Cherith that is belonging to Jordan before Jordan and it shall be that thou shalt drink of the brook and I have commanded the Ravens to feed you there say command so he went and did according to the word of the Lord for he went and dwelt by the brook cherith that is beside Jordan check it out and the Ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning and bread and flesh in the evening and he drank of the book Brooke knows what happened go down here by this River down here and I got some birds that's gonna feed you can I get an amen out of this crowd now they're going to feed you twice a day they'll bring you some some some barbecue a man a man some Texas barbecue praise God well I got that it with my mind I you Fidel you that's a power suggestion and uh hey look they gonna bring you big mac and cheese and evening and some some turkey bacon and some say no no my point too is God can command blessings on you he can command a bird to bring you provision is this exciting or is this exciting twice a day guaranteed this was not some throw away food this was probably off the king's table God gives you the biggest and the best so what happened next he did that but give me the next first please cuz soon the brook dried up and it came to pass while the brook dried the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land praise God and the word of the Lord came and him saying to God arise now and get thee to zero faith which belongeth decided and dwell there behold I've commanded a widow woman to take care of you well I'm gonna close out on that note because what I want to let you know is God can't command animals can command people your problem is not money the problem is faith in God that blessing that is on you guarantees you success now why says I living testimony lady said that her rent was due and they were going to put her out that next day if she didn't have two thousand dollars she said she reminded God of her covenant and I'm not came at the door she said it was late about 11:30 almost 12 o'clock at night and a knock came at the door she said who is it he said it's your neighbor from upstairs she said she cracked the door she said yell what is it he went in his vest-pocket he said I have here an envelope with two thousand dollars and it tell your God to leave me alone come on give God praise because he's about to command the blessing on your life if you ready receive it shout about it get up and shovel [Applause] I came to you to announce all debts are canceled God sets up in Jesus name [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 139,071
Rating: 4.7692761 out of 5
Keywords: 5027197127001, bill winston, confidence, courage, faith, victory, word of god
Id: iT1VoJ1701M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 49sec (5089 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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