All Things Are Yours - Fulfilling Your Dominion Mandate

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers up next on a believers walk of faith now say some say something about your marriage oh say some about you I mean just when your son is acting too crazy I tell him you won't be a preacher you gonna be on fire God hello bill Winston here and welcome to the believers walk of faith why we walk by faith and not by sight well did you know everything that it takes fulfill you earthly assignment in this earth God has already provided and you have a right to it you remember the example where Jesus was calling for this donkey he said go in town he said you'll find a donkey tied up on time and bring him to me and if anybody asks you why are you untying my donkey telling the Lord has need of it and do you know they did just that the man said why are you on time not Duncan said the Lord has need of it and he let him go now what we sang we're saying that anything in this earth that you need fulfill your earthly assignment you have a right to it praise God now let's go into the day's teaching it's called fulfilling your Dominion mandate anything that it takes for you to finish your earthly assignment you have a right to it praise God that came out spirit bet he had right to it woo that's why he said in first Corinthians chapter 3 verse 21 he said all things are yours praise God did he begin to name them whether it's Paul of pollicis seif of the world and life-and-death things present things come all of yours and you belong to Christ and Christ belong to God so I'm just saying if you need it he'll get healed transferred over to you and why because you're finishing your earthly assignment and this Dominion mandate that is fulfilling that you're to fulfill in this earth say amen to that he gave Adam Dominion say Dominion and like I said Dominion and I'll give you the third definition power to the direct control or dispose of at your your discretion see you can decrease something and it shall be established put job chapter 22 and verse 28 up there look what it said thou shalt also do what decree a thing and what will happen shall be stopped see what I'm sayin you can decree what a miracle is not declared its presence in this natural realm is illegal put it up there and Jove chapter 22 and verse 28 now I want you to read this I'm teaching on this because you need this he said thou shalt also what decree a thing and what will happen what shall be established what you decree because if he establishes something you didn't decree he is illegal well because he gave Dominion to you in that powerful now you got to get that down in your North now the reason why most Saints don't have it and don't operate there is because they can't see themselves in as God sees them as ones who decree things you Jesus saw himself that way David saw himself that way I'm telling anybody that that's operating this way sees themselves as a de creer now who is a de creer see see we are see this is what God said he saw darkness and said what he said life be he decree now he made you to operate like him am i right about it so you gotta say some let the redeem of the Lord come on come ahead say so God is going to meet me at the point of my decree here is Jesus and this is the woman that came to touch His garment she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall be home oh now did she touch his clothes yeah what she made hope then Jesus left her and went on to jrz's house where he was headed before this this Baptist woman stop daddy you with me all right now and he's going to the Jowers his house and he gets there and J Iris's daughter is graveyard dead and watch what Jesus decree I'm trying to help somebody now he said in verse 30 39 when he was come he said unto them why make ye this ado they were weeping and wailing he said the damsel is not dead she just sleep and what was their reaction hello now what was their reality because when you did crea thing you got what I'm saying it is so outrageous it is so impossible that it will make folk laugh [Applause] can you stand to decree a thing you hear what I'm saying now we go get you there because we working on you now cuz yeah I have to back into it I have to get the image right first because only a king decrees that keeps his mouth shut is not a king at all he's a slave you are royalty put it up there at the Romans chapter 5 and verse 17 for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus the Messiah The Anointed One the Christ look at that same scripture in the amplified translation now watch what it says for because of one man's trespass lapse offence death reigned through that one much more surely will those who receive God's overflowing grace unmerited favor and the free gift of righteousness putting themselves in right-standing with himself reign as kings in life through one man Jesus Christ the Messiah The Anointed One in that powerful so I'm saying to you right now that you're royalty and as royalty you need to open your mouth now here's the deal let's go to Mark's Gospel in Chapter 1 and verse 40 and there came a leper to him beseeching him and kneeling down to him and saying unto him if you will you can make me clean he said to him if you're willing I know you got the power but are you willing to help me in that powerful I know you got stuff you got to juice but will you look what jesus answered and Jesus moved with compassion put forth his hand and touched him and said to him come on I will oh wait a minute moves with what what is another word for compassion love who is love God is love so God moved him watch this sympathy didn't I'm trying to get you that now close God's gonna drop you off in some hotspots and don't be moved by sympathy you've got to be moved by something on a high around PO you gonna be controlled from the inside and compassion and he put forth his hand and touched it well what was the condition of this man he did not a little contagious I mean I remember in Africa we were in South Africa we were riding going into in that home Transvaal district in it between Praetorian somewhere else and and I remember we were going in idiots you know is about three cars in his Caravan and I remember seeing lepers come on the side of the highway now they were in wood there was nothing that had come out of the woods and say help help us help us they and you you know they would look for you to throw food out or or some money out of something but they couldn't go into the camps they couldn't go into the city because what they had was highly contagious but Jesus went right on up in there watch this and touch Wow this is powerful in it yeah now wasn't he scared that he's gonna catch something now what people try to do is say well he had a powerful immune system well okay okay that's halfway there this is found over in Proverbs please proverbs 18 and verse 14 the spirit of man will sustain his infirmity but the wounded spirit who can bear here's an NIV translation a human spirit can endure in sickness but a crushed spirit who can bear give me another translation how about the message a healthy spirit conquers adversity but what can you do when the spirit is crushed said one way God the one way that the enemy has of crushing a spirit is through disappointment are you following what I'm saying it's it's through condemnation see you had a background that wasn't too Pleasant and the enemy tried to remind you of that background and watch this cripples your spirit see make iniquity come on you make you make you feel bent over like you came lift up anything well listen therefore if any man be in Christ who is Christ who is Christ the Anointed One in his anointing he's a new white creature old things are one that's the way behold come on how many things in this sea his biggest testimony is when you can come out after 10 years and believe him for a big house get three I mean now I'm not saying you have to be in jail I'm just saying but you come out of a low life and come on up and realize who you are and receive it and let God do what he wants to do see the enemy tried to remind us of our past but you got to remind him of his future say me so what am I saying that's one way you get your spirit built up because the proverb 4:23 says out of the heart are the issues of life see that strength is gonna come out of your spirit same answer then see somebody who ain't safe can build up their immune system but God's gonna drop a little super on your neck is it so right but I'm all right let's look at what else God can do for you this is you now let's go to Psalm chapter 91 this is for you because you gonna be dropped off in some places that is gonna be kind of hostile thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness nor of the destruction of waste that new day for a thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it shall not come nigh you only with your eyes shall you be hold to see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord which is our refuge even the most high the habitation and there shall no evil befall you neither shall any plague come nigh your dwelling keep going for he shall give is josè charge over you see Satan is using spiritual forces to win I'll say that again Satan is using spiritual forces to win look at Psalm 73 and verse three through five for hours envious at the foolish when I saw the prosperity of the wicked for there are no bands in their death but their strength is firm keep going they are not trouble as other me neither are they playing like other men see the devil can direct our sickness he can cook direct play he'll try to try to get somebody that's moving up to try to cause something to come on them say me but no evil [Applause] Oh see but he will raise up his people and redirect them demon spirits another way because he won't to get the wicked in charge but he has run up against the church are you following what up saying and I'm telling you right now that the charge is the most powerful institution in the world ever are y'all with me here am I getting too deep for you yeah see see cuz you gonna live from the inside and I'm gonna live from the outside in how did anemia try to attack you right you got money coming you'll try to hold that up come on down I heard people before passed I tried tithing but as soon as I did my check that short I'd say well who do you think that was now don't call on God to do something bout the devil you resistor you tell the devil to let your money go and and and every time he try to steal it got God's gonna Adsense seven more come on now so pretty soon you will be too expensive Dave Neal with [Music] now what am I saying I'm saying you gotta come in here and hear this you just can't hear at one time you got to hear it over and over and over again cuz you got power in you that you have never manifested let's go back to Matthew Mark's Gospel chapter one then and as soon as he had spoken immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was what friends now notice what Jesus had to do speak and that's what I'm coming after today if I can just come here speak you got to say something I know some of y'all went where the noid knows what I need you you better say something you gonna get to hear me then he has given Dominion to you now say something say something about your marriage go say something about your kid call things that be not I mean just when your son is acting the craziest tell him you gonna be a preacher you gonna be on fire for God now where is he taking that from mark 11:23 look at that well verily I say unto you whosoever shall say to this mountain be thou removed either I'll catch him to see and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things he says she'll come to pass what is equal half all right now this is the key this is the key speak the results look at Daniel chapter 3 verse 17 speak the results the devil is in the details Oh key issues nothing but a decree here's the king Nebuchadnezzar said I will throw you three boys into fire because you didn't bow down here's the way they answered it if it be so our God who we serve is able to do what deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and what will he do he will deliver us out of thy hand okay question did he but did they know which way he was gonna do it you don't know if he's coming now Roosevelt row if he's coming by helicopter if he gonna parachute his way in you don't know anything but you do know that God's Word will not return boy come on now I'm giving you the key to never be broke another day in your life I'm giving you what you gotta say something [Applause] and you will have to say it in the face of an impossible situation and don't care what they think about your state of mind for that preacher there better place [Applause] now you two can't care what they say about you so no be concerned about them I don't know what you do it your daughter is not dead she sleep Jesus was not trying to impress them he was trying to start spiritual law in the motion and when he started it into motion let me tell you he believed what he said was gonna what come to pass didn't come to pass then next thing you know he went in the room told all them to put him out the house and went in the room is that telling Takumi he's got a ride boom she got up I'm saying listen stuff that's been dead in your life about to get up things that have been stolen in your life of coming back home huh you bought the same money comment to me crazy car you come to me right now I'll see sell to me right business you come here right in Jesus name now if you are not listening used to this you have been trained in unbelief you have been trained in the same system I was trained in don't get down on the people just add some super to your natural these three evils the Bible talked about him over in Daniel chapter 1 and the verse 17 was for these four children God gave them what knowledge and what else skill come on in all learning see they went to school but God added some super to that natural so what am I saying to you or a miracle in this earth to be manifested you will have to say it first and if you don't it is illegal the God that you serve yes cannot do it yes not unless somebody prays now there are some things that are prophetic agendas and a prophetic agenda is going to happen whether you say something but not because it's already been decreed but on a daily basis you not waiting on God God is waiting on [Applause] now what are we doing we're going back to words because that's what God asked me he says which is more powerful son a word or a billion dollars you know right then you want to say billion man crazy no no no words made billions you know how to use them and know the value of them so one of the best things you can do right now and your redemptive work is to learn the value how to speak God's Word wash system and every impossible situation it doesn't matter what walk of life you're from or what your economic situation is this very minute you can grab hold of the promises of God and take true and lasting dominion over your God given inheritance for years dr. Winston has preached on God's greater plan for our lives you have a right to everything that is required for you to finish your earthly assignment in this continuation of the anointing series dr. bill Winston Diggs even deeper on the power of the anointing and your purpose for Dominion on this earth your Dominion starts with living from the inside out understanding who you are in Christ valuing your words and decree in the Word of God over every aspect of your life let the Spirit of the Lord did take your potential raise you up in your royalty and bring you to an entirely new level of faith in the anointing call one eight hundred seven eleven ninety three twenty seven right now or go online to bill Winston or to receive dr. Winston's four-part series fulfilling your Dominion mandate available now on your choice of DVD mp4 CD or mp3 each teaching divinely equips you to resume your ordained position with dominion over financial resources Dominion over sickness and disease and dominion over your relationships lessons designed to bring you closer to God in the way you were meant to be the time to fulfill your god-given destiny is now don't miss this masterful teaching and at last fulfill your Dominion mandate call or go online to one eight hundred seven eleven ninety three twenty seven or pill Winston org doctors Bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online and /prayer follow us on periscope and Facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us and partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you [Music] you
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 202,922
Rating: 4.8550887 out of 5
Keywords: BW, 1553, Bill Winston Faith
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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