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hello everyone and welcome back to chicken a few days ago guys I got an email from the developers and they said hey chickens coming out and steamed pretty soon here's a key for it give it a go we made a lot of improvements things are way different now have fun so we're gonna go ahead and start out with the new game a lot of people are probably watching chicken for the first time so we'll probably kind of start off fresh again I'm assuming there's gonna be a new tutorial oh there's an adventure mode now this is what I wanted apparently there's like a bunch of different emotions for your your creations now and you can ride animals and all kinds of fun stuff so yeah we'll go to adventure much easier to play something with a bit of a story then totally creative I'm really fan when it comes to just total creativity alright look at that look at me we were running around now and you can actually you can actually interact with stuff so you walk over here it says something about a branch but I picked it up oh you can swing it okay that is good you're gonna want to swing Brant said a burger he said a burger good plant what the hell is burger a vegetable now guys oh God press e to harvest use to feed creatures and yourself left-click to throw right click to eat there you go okay it's not a burger it's a melon even better I was just assuming that burgers grew from the ground now guys I thought that'd be pretty cool but I'm totally fine with there being melons everywhere that really tickles my fancy and not only that but there's actually like little chickens running around so there's sodas are other creatures and things in the game that aren't gigantic and things so yeah it's a one-legged chicken with some wings you guys you guys cool creature try feeding this creature by throwing it some food what do you know dude stop don't do that I'm gonna I'm gonna toss you some food oh never mind I'm gonna eat some food that's kind of insulting is it here we go this one's for you mmm I know you like melons now it's interested but still doesn't trust you keep feeding it alright alright here we go there you are eat the food not you I don't want to feed you oh Jesus God you dad you can't just go burping like that man you're so rude keep feeding stay inside of this creature soon it will let you pet it baby there you go again I'm gonna keep on feeding it I only got so many melons but I'm assuming this should work I don't know why you can't go at your own melons they're just growing out of the ground everywhere but okay if this is what it takes to be friends with you I'll do it here take take them whoop careful don't let the other guy get it keep feeding almost there we're doing it guys we're gonna we're gonna have him as a pet soon oh I didn't realize he's got peacock feathers on the back hey turn around turn right no no hey get away from the food don't touch I don't want to be your friend I can't handle everybody being my friend at the same time go eat the melon dude I'm gonna pick it up hang on hang on hang at hand I'm gonna have to throw it at his face guys sometimes it happens okay yeah got it this creature is your friend yeah what are you doing don't touch me there that's inappropriate my bum feels funny um all right well that's happening guys we'll just go ahead and ignore that you can pet it left click with nothing equipped and craft a whistle or a saddle to control directly so those crafting in this game now you can make saddles that's pretty cool I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to pet it who's a good chicken break this egg to click like blocks use a branch or slap it with your hand slap is right clear with nothing equipped so slap slap I'm gonna use a branch slap hey this is really cool so here is crafting guys we can craft a bed if we have eight lives and ate chicken bodies chicken bodies it's kind of creepy at your craft and crafting beds at a chicken and hamburgers so um that one is just one chicken body or cat body or crab okay so I have a chicken body so how do I do this required crafting items stove okay so you need to have a stove for this one and you know workbench for the other one was this you or two things you're gonna show me here come on it's not really a big deal we'll just we'll walk over here to this tree will collect what another regional resources left-clicking with the branch okay so we'll smack down some trees guys and then maybe no don't dig okay so my branch disappeared and now oh trees falling all over me alright so we've collected some trees now guys that's good you can then plant a new tree if you want no it looks like you can but he's not doing it right click no okay whatever it doesn't matter it's fine it's fine can we craft new things in em yes we can yeah we craft a log required crafting item none one palm tree trunk it's blowing fruit so here we go we've craft a log over here and look at all the things we just gained access to we can craft an axe now because we have oh no we can't we don't have iron ore okay how do we get iron ore is that is that a thing I need to need a cracked okay so this game has campfires and chemists your tables and chests and all kinds crazy stuff like that guys but we need to get ourselves a workbench because all these things need work benches but where is the workbench we got a trough we go here we go okay so we need six logs for workbench so we should be able to get that right no because I only have one log okay I get it we just got to click this a bunch of time get all the logs lay them there on top of each other good grab a workbench lay it here and now we can place that workbench ah alright where do I place our workbench to do we do we want to be here on this beach or or not I think we'll just go ahead and make it simple put it on the beach here and then hi I have a workbench can I now craft things here we go okay if you press e on the workbench guys you get the you get the little you know inventory coming up again here so now we can make doors and we can make whistles which is important we need a whistle because that's how we're gonna be able to like control our thingamabobs we can make walls okay so you can actually build structures in this game you can make yourself a little fortress or something nice okay I'm liking I'm liking how much different it is now last time I played it was just build some creatures screw around and you're done but now there's so much more there is so much more I just need to get myself the the iron ore I don't know where you get iron ore we'll find it it's no big deal I think that's it though I think that's all we need we don't need floors and like that now cuz that's too complicated let's go ahead put our whistle here now let's just go ahead and put all the the chicken parts in our inventory here so we don't have them on our hotbar I don't need chicken parts okay get the hell out here chicken parts are you the guy that I'm friends with or keep feeding no that's not the one this is the one this creature is your friend hey friend do you like whistles nobody's doing anything come on I left clicked and I right clicked on the whistle and I didn't do anything what is what does the whistle even say whistle yeah it doesn't say anything guys it's just it's just called the whistle but when you blow on the whistle nobody really cares oh my god look a big creature over here okay these ones are probably like extra bastardy they're probably gonna hurt me if I go near it but I'm gonna go near it anyway okay cuz it's beautiful I need I need to admire this creation of nature damn nature you you you scary that it that is that is just that's really something okay well don't do that I don't want that I'm gonna run up here now okay we got to start collecting some more stuff let me just grab my branch and beat the crap out of this tree maybe know what some cactus is okay cactuses are great hey ya go okay got some cactuses so this game does have first-person mode as well as third-person mode guys I'm not really sure which one I like more I probably like running around third-person more cuz you get a little bit more of a view of what's going on okay so look look at this what is that thing supposed to be over there is that is that a rock can I do something rock what was eat a harvest okay that's just for the melon cool thanks for a melon bye okay I want to know what the hell this thing is over here guys look at that alright so this is a creature I could try feeding him and then I could make a saddle and I could like ride him around he doesn't seem very fast though anybody else a bit faster giant chickens with lizard legs you guys you guys fast no can I break down these rocks with a branch it looks like a can okay I ran out of branches I guess slap the rock if you slap a rock enough it will break guys everyone knows that there ya go and I have what is that little pebbles or something limestone okay you can use limestone to make no no no no no cactus seed comes from the cactus and melon seed comes from the melon you can bake melon you can make baked melon in this game guys oh this is great this is so great I still need a stove though where is the stove how do I make a snow okay so I just broke another rock and this time I got stone okay this is the stuff that I need guys it's just called stone so I'm gonna run around I think I need to find like one more piece and then we can use that stone in order to make a campfire now I don't know if I'm making a campfire makes it possible to make you know a stove maybe that's what you need to do we need a campfire first I'm not sure that's what we're gonna try ooh what is this furnace okay so if you have stone you can make a furnace I guess you need to collect certain parts in order for the recipes to show for the first time so that's cool it's shown that we can make a furnace now I just want to make a stove that that's all I want to do okay let's make a campfire first campfire boom it's getting late anyway look it's sun's starting to go down that ain't good you got to put camp fire somewhere I like I was just holding onto it like this walking around with an entire campfire there ya go I made the campfire and I immediately stood on top of it press a to use camp fire here we go what what did I just do anything there we are alright so now we can make yeah nothing different by the look of it yes yes we can we can bake things now okay required crafting items stove so this is a stove a campfire is a stove that makes sense sort of in a way I still need to find iron ore I don't know how to find iron ore what the hell was it okay yeah apparently my stomach is growling guys that's fantastic oh look all these apples I got it's gonna eat some apples okay it brought up a little bit of health how much health does baked melon bring up I mean it sounds delicious let's give it a try baked melon mmm not bad if you were those and you got full health alright let's bake some more melon man do I have any more melon if I had more melon I'm gonna bake it so it just took a chicken body you guys and I cooked it and I made a hamburger and now I'm gonna do the most disturbing thing I can think of and I'm gonna feed that hamburger to a chicken okay it's the circle of life I just got to find out which chicken is my friend are you my friend chicken are you the good chicken this creature is said try feeding the chair - how sad is that it's sad you guys are sad why you sick cuz it's dark out oh look at him he's so depressed you can't really see it now but I'll show you later okay cuz I'll leave one of them still sad I'm gonna feed you some chicken you like chicken bro he doesn't even wanna eat the chicken house sad is he he's said he won't eat chicken maybe they won't eat their own kind I don't know that might be a thing you like apples mister you don't like apples either huh but seriously no one can resist a big juicy melon right there you go now it's good now it's good and he's running over and he's eating all the apples now as well okay but he still looks like he's pretty sad alright well I got a whistle so you wanna go there you go now it's working I guess I had to feed him again first guys he wasn't really up for following me but now he is what happens he right-click what does that mean nothing oh you fell asleep on me what a guy okay I'm gonna make a bed guys I gotta make a bed but I need to eat chicken bodies for head so I'm gonna head to go out there where those giant chickens are gonna need to kill some of them I gotta become like a giant chicken slayer but I can't I got nothing to actually kill them with come on I guess I'm gonna have to use branches guys that that's the best I can do okay the branch says axe on it so I guess it's a good branch let's just go see if we can kill some giant chickens and then use their body to make a bed makes sense to me giant chicken how many body parts do you have one two three four at least half of what we need I think he's got about six we need eight so let's just give him a slap slap slap come on you can do it you don't need to die do you don't even die you can you can do it you can't do it okay run away run away run away you are so dead right now dude yeah that was a bad idea I'm gonna try not doing that next time I'm gonna eat some cooked melon before I die oh I threw it Oh God I'm gonna slap all my and then I'm gonna move it to the place up there with all the rocks and the animals and stuff because it's a high-traffic area I don't think they're gonna attack me I should really have to worry about that I guess but um what I do have to worry about is just you know walking back and forth of wasting time so I'll move everything up there and then I'll have better access to resources is this bench going anywhere or not okay super dark guys but at least I'm you know in a different place now it's nice and flat here nothing is getting lost in the sand good put the chest next to it good so we should be able to use the chest now right or is it too close is the chest too close to the workbench to be functional don't dig holes damn you don't dig holes in your hand this man just come to your house eventually oh look what I just collected guys I just started smacking something that was in the ground and it turned out to be iron ore so that's good apparently these little things in the ground are iron ore that means we can finally make ourselves an X and it's probably gonna open up some other things we can do as well let's see what it says in the workbench now go okay so just an X that's the only thing that's popping up here no we can also make them that says small rock on it it does not look like a small rock it looks more like one of those anglerfish thingamabobs okay that's fine I just want to make an axe thank you very much now we got an axe dunt dunt dunt done and it's light up now too so let me try and chop down this tree let's see how long it takes the top chop down a tree when you use an axe instead of your hand three four come on there we go okay it's a little bit faster that's good I think we should probably make friends this giant giraffe looking thin guys he looks like a pretty cool dude all right I'm gonna give you a hamburger okay hamburgers are good hey idiot turn around the apples are over here there let me throw them closer to your face all right you got it and now he's my friend good okay crafts the whistle or a saddle to control directly I got the whistle so I'm gonna blow my whistle mmm I love blow my own whistle oh Jesus careful okay no need to go making out with me we just met I can make a furnace now guys I feel like furnaces may help me do a lot more things so I'm gonna go for it okay we got ourselves a furnace let's just go ahead and put it over here okay good now what can you do with a furnace yeah what can you craft anything new I don't see anything that's different I'm gonna assume that furnaces don't really have much of a purpose right now so I'm gonna go back over here to the workbench which I think acts the same way as a furnace does and I can make myself a fence if I want I just need to get some logs let's go ahead and craft the rest of the logs okay there's a whole bunch of those things for some reason it moves in position depending on like how many logs you have it's weird okay twenty-one logs we could make floor we could make a roof we could make walls I'm thinking wooden walls is what I want here so we'll grab a few of those and we'll lay them here ooh look at that beautiful okay so let's make a shack okay let's start a Shack we won't finish your Shack today but we will start it there okay now I'm gonna need a door as well so I don't know if I need to have like room for a door I'm gonna assume I do but I'm gonna go ahead and just build it without a door for now okay there you go that's gonna be the size of our Shack we'll go in through the middle we'll love just hang out you know have a good time having a house and all that good stuff that's a good little start for it so what should we do we should see if it's possible to make a saddle is it listed somewhere in these things here cuz I really want to get on it I really want to ride myself a giant giraffe looking thingamabob can't do that alright so there's one more thing that I want to do guys I want to make myself a bed and it's getting really hard to do if I try to attack these giant chickens so what I'm gonna do instead is I'm gonna run around and find eight mini chicken 's I'm gonna murder them and I'm gonna turn them into a bed look at this weird ass looking creature I'm gonna kill it this is hilarious guys cuz they run so freakin fast you see this guy over here he's not gonna know what hit him then at that time I feel like I'm a slasher in some sort of horror movie just killing poor innocent creatures with my axe when you kill them all their body parts just fall off they did they just become a bunch of body parts it is amazing how many do I got I got them a total of six bodies right now so we just need two more bodies I think that might be a body over here yep that's a chicken I'm gonna get your chicken I'm gonna get you oh look at me scared of me oh no you poor thing oh I forgot you can actually get life blocks out of these things guys there's a couple of them so that means I don't need to kill any more chickens I could just run around collecting these eggs instead is that each one have like two in it or no this time I got a bunch of these things okay well either way I got 9 now I can make myself a bed I think as long as I also have logs I have three that's fine well cut down a tree before we go back this one looks like a nice tree let's got it down there we are oh it only took me it only took me two swipes that time to get that tree down so I guess the ex is pretty good okay so now guys we are ready to craft our first bed there we go boom we've crafted a bed it is in our inventory are we gonna pick it up yeah we're gonna actually be picking out the bed now okay it works differently that's cool we're don't want to put this spin how do I rotate things I don't really know oh what did I do don't do that I'm not ready yeah I'm not really there we go irritates things good so we're gonna go ahead and put our bed in here how do I want it to be I think I do want it to be this way actually let's say it's gonna be here for now I can always move it whatever I want but look at it we got ourselves a bed if you press E nothing happens if you press that button you pet the bed you like petting beds I like paying beds I think it's a great time well either way guys whether or not you can sleep in a bed we have a bed now and if you can't sleep in it we'll find out in a later episode if you guys want to see some more of this leave it like down below and I'm gonna end this video here so thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like and I will see you next time goodbye you
Channel: MattShea
Views: 143,530
Rating: 4.9371824 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, chkn game, chkn gameplay, let's play chkn, chkn monsters, chkn creations, chkn adventure mode, chkn survival
Id: MXk2hH4yfCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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