February 28, 2022 || Monday Night Evangelistic Service || Rev. Steve Hepburn

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is going to fulfill his promise to you so we sing fill my cup lord i lift it up lord come and quest the thirsting of my soul praise [Music] lead me till i want no more [Music] let's do that again i lift it up quench this thirsting off my soul bread of heaven [Music] lead me till i want no more fill [Applause] [Music] yes lord as we come to you this evening we come into this house this evening to worship you we come into this house to honor you we come into this house seeking your blessings seeking your anointing seeking more of your power seeking deliverance seeking all that you have in store for us tonight lord and we come with our cups turned up we bless you lord as you fill us up we want to bless you lord through what we do in this house tonight so i pray that your presence will come and fill this space come and dwell amongst us lord in jesus name amen in jesus name can i hear you say in jesus name in jesus name yes so we've come together and i know that we've been blessed over the last week and a half weekend last night and a number of us have gotten to that point where we are ready to trade all our sadness our sickness our worries our cares our shame and so i want you to be the musicians this evening so you are going to clap with us so that we can sing unto the lord this evening so i want you to clap doing this yeah i'm trading my sorrows let me hear you clap i'm trading my shame i'm laying them down my shame i'm laying them down for the joy of the lord let's do that again i'm training my sorrows i'm trading my sorrows [Music] i'm training my the joy of the lord so we say yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen we say yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord [Music] come sing i'm training my sorrow i'm training my shame creating my shame i'm laying them down i'm laying them down for the joy [Music] i'm [Music] [Music] [Music] for the joy of the lord so we shout yes lord we say yes lord yes lord yes yes we say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord we say yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen we say yes we say yes lord yes yes yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen let's say yes to the lord tonight yeah yeah yeah yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes yes lord yes lord yes yes lord yes lord yes yes let's yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen yes lord yes lord yes yes lord amen yes yes lord amen [Music] yes yes lord amen yes yes lord amen ah you came to trade all of those things tonight for the joy of the lord i know that's why we're all here tonight to trade them for the joy of the lord and so we're going to we're going to play our instruments tonight use the hands and you're going to glorify the lord tonight because we're not giving up i got my mind made up do you have your mind made up tonight all right so we're going to sing that good old song to the lord tonight and we're going to clap our hands and make some music all right okay yes lord yes yes lord amen amen i've got my mind made up and i won't turn back because i want to see my jesus someday i've got my mind made up and i won't turn back because i want to see my jesus someday let me hear you clap clap clap clap let's let's jump to the left okay so you're clapping and then you're moving to the lord and you're telling him all right oh my god i've got my mind made up and i won't turn back because i want to see my jesus someday i've got my mind made up and i won't turn back because i want to see my jesus and i won't turn back because i want to see my jesus and i won't turn back because i want to see my jesus someday i stay no longer with you goodbye [Applause] i stay no longer with you goodbye let me hear you sing that goodbye words [Music] let me hear you sing it like you believe it [Music] one more time say goodbye [Music] i stay no longer with you i made [Music] i made up my mind i made up my did you did you did you come here with a made-up mind tonight to go god's way the rest of your life are you just singing the song tonight are you really saying for the new converse in the house and the more recent converts in the house this is a song that you can sing as you go along every day goodbye world i have made up my mind to go god's way the rest of my life and so as i walk around today and i walk around during the days as you walk around during the days you want to be remembering what god did for you ah what god did for you so we've seen all the way all the way to calvary he went for me and now what happened i know what happened he said me free what ah god ah god went to calvary for us all the way to calvary he went for me and now he set me free all the way to calvary all the way to town for me all away and foreign [Music] oh me and he cried [Music] [Music] rest alongside is [Music] is is i'm on my way [Music] me [Music] is one more time [Music] if you feel like pressing tonight if you feel like pressing after the week has passed and all of the refreshing that you have received let me hear your shoulder hallelujah let me hear you say yes i feel like pressing yes i feel aggressive oh i don't think i hear you know someone they like you know really feel like person tonight so it's so like we need a revival in our souls eh we still need some more revival in our souls all right so because we want to continue to experience this revival we're going to sing that tonight and we're going to sing that until we get some more revival in our souls right so okay i want a revival in my soul this evening i want a fall revival my soul i want to revive i live my soul i must apply to the blood of jesus together the lord [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is yes [Music] [Music] [Music] movies [Music] is is [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] away oh please [Music] ah thank you jesus for sending down some rain on us tonight we are expectant lord for this rain lord we will sing him number four in your hymnal satan led my soul as straight ah the chorus says praise god i'm free i've been set free how how have we been set free by the grace of god thank you jesus satan let my soul stream [Music] is i'm [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] soon i live eternally i've been set free is by [Music] let's praise his name let's worship his wonderful name let me hear you say jesus jesus praise god i'm free by the grace of god i'm free soon the pearl gets i see and will live eternally praise god one day that's our hope that we're gonna live to see jesus one day at this time we're gonna have prayer by our brother valen wilson and after that we're gonna have the scripture by brother andre mckenzie taken from ephesians 6 12 to 18. we have it in that order hallelujah good evening church good evening church are you ready are you ready hallelujah we're going to hold our hands now as if we're holding the blood of christ we're going to detroit in the atmosphere seven times are you ready one the blood of jesus christ of nazareth two the blood of jesus christ of nazareth three the blood of jesus christ for the blood of jesus christ the blood of jesus [Music] the blood of jesus hallelujah hallelujah we bless your name we honor your name oh god of all fathers the god who was who he is and is to come mighty god you are the creator of heaven and earth mighty god you are the first the last mighty god you are the beginning unto him no one can come unto you dear god unless they come to your son jesus christ and he's whose name we pray tonight mighty god jesus christ of nazareth your son our savior mighty god you have sent him from above and today we can stand here to declare his dear new holy name mighty god the veil has been rented and we are standing here without mighty god without any shame almighty god you have cleared us of all shame mighty god and we give you thanks no hallelujah mighty god tonight we stand here we have seen what has happened in the previous night mighty god we are setting the pace and putting you forward because when you go before us mighty god the enemy cannot defeat us mighty god we go before you go before us in victory mighty god we will always have the victory once we follow you mighty god tonight we are placing this service mighty god in honor of you god let everything that is said and done mighty god is in honor of you we come against every unclean spirit mighty god that may seem to upset what is good and right in this place mighty god may you open up our eyes our spiritual eyes to see beyond sight be seen beyond the natural almighty god and whatever it is that is coming that you are preparing us god we want you to take care of the musician almighty god the choruses mighty god assure them with your blessing cover them under your blood mighty god the one that will come to break your word mighty god we pray that your only anointing will be upon him that when he speaks he will say thus said the lord god almighty because he is coming with your authority that you are given to him mighty god so for the rest of tonight's service god we don't know what the enemy has planned but we are strategic as well mighty god and i pray even now that we will stand as soldiers stand up soldiers of the cross and when the enemy raises head we'll be there to fight to fight alongside you because we fight in victory mighty god will fight in victory and nothing less will you accept but victory because you are ready the victor we bless your name mighty god we give you thanks we give you praise on honor take charge this evening god go before us like no other can in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i lift you up and i give you praise in jesus name hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah let's just continue in that same mood of worship brothers and sisters our scripture comes to us tonight or this evening from ephesians 6 reading from verse 12 to 18. i'm reading from the king james version and it reads for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore take unto you the whole arm of god that he may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins girth about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your faith should showed with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all take in the shield of faith wherewith he shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god 18th and ending praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching director with all perseverance and supplication for all saints here and at a portion of god's holy word we honor it by saying glory be to the father and to the son and to the holy ghost as it was in the beginning no one ever shall be where without end amen [Music] let's worship the lord one more time let's praise him one more time let's worship the lord one more time it is said it is good to give thanks unto the lord because the lord is good praise god is psalm 100 said make a joyful nice unto the lord come into his presence with singing know he that the lord that he's god we have to worship him and when we are given this opportunity the people in ukraine have been running from their home but we have an opportunity to settle down with god when we see those young children in the cold out there it is heartless but god we are here in jamaica we can pray for them and give thanks to the lord because we have this grand opportunity we want to welcome tonight the father the son and the holy spirit could stand and put our hands above our heads and welcome the father the son and the holy spirit praise god praise god hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god hallelujah without this present we are we can't move we are we are we are we are immobile we can't move along without the holy spirit so we can't do that we depend upon his welcoming first we want to welcome anyone in all means this evening who is visit with us for the very first time or if you're visiting from another church could i see by the shone of your hands please any first time visitor no one all right those who have been always coming or someone okay welcome let us give a much keep our chair and we want to welcome one of us those who always been coming and he's not a member what i don't feel welcome so let's give him a hand also coming over there in our midst praise god praise god thank god to be free to be free from sin it's so good to be to feel the presence of god within in our lives to be free from sin praise god i'm free i've been set free by the grace of god you know when you're born again how will it feel good to be born again a second time right you feel the burden of sin lift from your from from your from you at this time we should have brother albert garden but we're going to ask him to hold a little bit first we're going to have some two testimony from this side if somebody wanted to jump i want to come right out here and let us have some testimony we're going to explore the garden just a whole while and we're going to have the testimonies first before we take a special item anybody want to testify from this side anybody want to testify about the love of god what god has done for you all right questions can you help me with some songs again let until we get some testimonies anybody from the other side anybody want to testify about what the goodness of the lord has done for you you'd have to come around this hallelujah hallelujah this season no evangelism season is very close and dear to me got four years ago after i gave my heart in september of 2017 you know come january february there was a cruciate and i'll never forget how my soul was blessed i was a bit timid i was very timid not knowing what to expect people knew all over the place but thanks be to god i went to some serious struggle one of them i will still say it is financial struggle i struggle hard because when i came to god my money was running out and i thought when i came to god he would have just stopped me up and i would have gone back on my merry way but that was not to be when i came to christ everything went every single thing went i lost my light for six weeks no water connected the fridge was empty and i was at my last thing i know what's that opinion on me pride pride stand up like a big man not going anywhere so when i would get the call oh are you doing oh i'm good i'm lovely i'm wonderful that was a big lie i've learned to step on pride's neck it will come and haunt you when you least expect so that was my biggest struggle and pride when my cupboard was empty i told the sister who called me that i was okay and she said no man something wrong because the holy spirit can't upon my kids we just hit my dinner and belly full and and intolerant to me about you something almost wrong i may say you know what's a covered empty number yes done and she emptied her cupboard and came to me with it everything she gave me three thousand dollars to buy yes i could be able to cook food for me i'm a daughter now you see the struggle is i have a very what do you call a very good job but because of how i used to spend money the lord has to teach me how to spend money and he's still doing that now he's teaching me how to give or to bless others out of the little that i have right so it is not easy every day the struggle is there but when you call jesus when you say jesus when you say jesus and he shows up he shows up in no uncertain terms and you see somebody knocking at your gear to the hana banana with a piece of yam and you can just put on your dinner right he sends some money you can pay the light bill restored i hold my rent for 13 months straight 30 thousand a month the landlord didn't keep me out every six month he called me saying where's my pension that but he beard with me only the goodness of god i bless him i prayed for him i asked god to bless him he's not a christian but i got to bless him and i was able i got a breakthrough when when my credit was crashing i crashed i got a call from our bank you see him that will be done five times we have a loan what do you want the money to do let's say yes we have some loans to pay off one of the check was 385 thousand dollars to the landlord and that day i felt so good that is one of the goodness of god my testimonies will not be able to last this few little times i have but in another forum i'll be able to elaborate because some of you i know is going through the same thing that i have been through some of it are still dealing with but the goodness of god is still upon my life it is not easy but i give god thanks because the struggle is real it's a street slang but it is here too as well but god is able to take care of you hallelujah praise the lord praise god at this time we're going to ask sister beryl to come and testify special testimony praise the lord praise god i am so blessed today i was even in the kitchen and you know i remember when i just got saved in many years i'm at eastwood park and i remember when i just got saved and i have only one shoes and you know i said god you are so good because you know how to turn one into one hundred because you know sometimes when i look now and i see you know oh oh blessed i am and i used to walk from eastwood park road walk sometimes go home where i used to live at ugly park road and you know i used to pay rent and all of that and you know today i was just looking i said god is so good god knows how to turn things around because he said first in matthew 6 33 seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things will add and you know today i was just i was in the house and i said god this is my home i'm not paying any rain you know when you know when it gets when you when you when god of your back you see you you get seven you decide that you're gonna walk with christ are you not gonna let christ go you know what i was just saying god i am still here and i'm still on the train and i'm still giving god thanks i can remember some of the people in here then they know that you know i rent this place where i used to do business you know and you know and i was advised said you know what i'm what happened and they will take um and all of that and i can tell you breton the other day i i sat and i i wrote on about six six testimony you know when when you had a business place and the government then come and then come for the money you know and sometimes workers then come and say somebody come to you and say give me two minutes and i'm running and i die eleven you know what i said jesus this is not going to happen and you know when i come out to them and i said my money not going to gunman and you're going to church played bread dream when you're doing business or working pay your tithes because when you pay your tithes that i look out for you and god have you back so you know when you know when you have money and are working also don't just say well i'm going to penetrate because me perimeters i'm a pyramid so my business and i can tell you i can report tonight not one person never you know have me down i always be victorious when i come and it's like when them look at me then say jesus so they're not bother with me everybody i know and from my god here and do business it's like the era just get calm and everybody just cool and the last gunman that i testified to i'm assigned about two years ago anim said ah mumma you know me get saved and my daughter gets here because i witness to them you know and in the community i make a difference you know because when you are in god block it god will keep you so um unsafe when you come to christ just stay with christ i remember stay with christ you know understand the train stay on the the the victory chain trying because god have your back let me see what god do for me and take me from one boat so till sometime i never know we should swear and one frog so sometimes i even know what to do so you know it's a blessing so we have to stay on the train god bless your brethren all it's good to me how can i let him down how could i let him down how could i let him down he's so good to [Music] me i let him down how can i let him down how can i let him down [Music] how can i let it down [Music] how can i let it down [Music] praise god let's praise him one more time praise god one more time let me hear you praise god one more time praise god wonderful thank god for those testimony and indeed the testimony bible said we overcome by our testimony and by the blood of the lamb praise god in testimony are meant to encourage others and to show what god has done for us at this time we're going to make welcome brother albert garden with a special item make him welcome while he comes can we bless the lord just this song will be a blessing i don't know what the future holds don't trouble my mind this whole world is on a dawn road i think he can all see the signs here is one thought that blesses my heart the thought that i'm thinking today that he who brought me safe the spark will lead me all the way over the mountains or deep in the valley whatever storm me rise i'm healed by his hands i'm a part of his plans i'm safe in his watchful eyes [Music] my insurance [Music] [Music] all [Music] saved by his grace i look [Music] all i can say jesus who saved me cleansed me forgave me and led me all the way over the mountains deep in the valley i'm [Music] [Music] safe by his grace i look on his face [Music] it was jesus who saved me bless me forgive me [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] who brought me [Music] lead me all the way [Music] let's praise him one more time let's praise him one more time praise god give thanks to the lord one more time praise god my assurance is blessed sure runs and it will lead me all the way brother garden please keep singing for the lord you have been a blessing each time you sing god bless you as you continue to win soul and to minister to people for the lord at this time we're gonna have the ushers we're gonna have we're gonna have the offering collected by the ushers we're gonna actually take out your offering to help the different expense of this crusade because it carry expense to turn on the light to do everything it just costs money so we ask you to take what a good offering tonight as the ushers are gonna stand up and then you're gonna come to them right we're gonna pray just before we collect we're just gonna pray let us all stand up and engage in prayer oh great god let us pray heavenly father we give you thanks we give you glory we give your hand our lord we come to you in the name of jesus christ and we thank you for your children for your faithful people who stand night by night worshiping before you lord god we thank you lord for the offering that they bring to you tonight we pray god that you will sanctify we pray that him a blessed lord for the fullness of your work here on earth we pray that he may bless every giver we pray that he may bless them lord god good measure press down shaken together god and i pray god that he may touch every hand that give bless them lord god overflowing we could measure in jesus name we pray we say amen praise god we actually go resort to give us a song please praise god crazy [Music] let's go forward for god find that soldier man [Music] don't give up fighting against the church [Music] don't keep up [Music] [Music] i am right [Music] i am i am [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] let's go forward don't keep up [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord be the name of the lord [Music] let's just be the name of the lord [Music] [Music] the name of the lord [Music] tower [Music] jesus jesus is the name of the lord jesus is the name of the lord [Music] and they are safe [Music] let's clap our heads to the lord [Music] yes lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] what a wonder you are you are writers [Music] you are precious [Music] [Music] [Music] everywhere jesus i the world to know jesus jesus christ [Music] tell me is is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] of the lord [Music] tell me who is together [Music] [Music] [Music] tell my [Music] thank you is [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] is [Music] if jesus is [Music] jesus name she's [Music] he's [Applause] worship god praise him praise god praise his wonderful name glory to god praise god every rotten rock upon jesus jesus name so sweet praise god for those those who participate in the worship at this time we're going to welcome our pastor to this podium and he will take the service from here until the end god bless you make him welcome while he comes reverend clark praise the lord greetings my brothers and sisters what a delight it is i don't know greetings my brothers and sisters it's great to be in service one more time we want to give god the glory for his goodness and what a rosing round of praise and worship we have experienced hallelujah praise god we want to give glory and honor to god and we bless god for the praise and worship team as they have led us into some rosing praise and worship my brothers and sisters i want to just pause to greet you all and to say thanks to all in addition to praise the praise and worship team to all those who have been so instrumental in guiding the service to this point we want to say thanks to you god bless you richly as you continue to do ministry for the lord i want to recognize our associate pastor reverend jennifer brown and brother brown who is at the controls as usual i want to recognize reverend garfield blair who i am sure have seen around and sister blair i want to recognize reverend lauretta drummond who i know is also around and i want to greet all the members of the church and pastors counsel and their spouses i greet all my brothers and sisters in the name of jesus christ god bless you so good to see you here once again and of course we can't forget those who are in the virtual space and we want to let them know how much we appreciate their um being without sharing in our worship experience every time we are on youtube or facebook we want to thank god um them god bless you and we ask you tonight just to invite somebody to join with you and to share in the blessings of almighty god god has been good to us in this crusade and and i want to ask all those who [Music] yes i want to ask all those who have gotten saved during the crusade you have decided to accept christ during this crusade you are vips and so i want to ask you to stand wherever you are in the building could you stand at this time [Applause] praise god my sister could i just ask you to join you see we we leave this place specially for the ants of save the church full until we yes until we can't find any space guess who always have place you because nobody can sit in that and and you don't have a um a seat you will have always have that secured for you so put your hands together for them god bless you richly what a decision you have made this is indeed a watershed decision that you have made because it entails your eternal destiny god bless you you may be seated and i know that some of these persons who have gotten saved okay thank you i know my my brothers and sisters that some of those persons who have gotten saved some are not here tonight i know that they have been invited by different persons in the congregation and so for tonight we have we have several different persons who have brought so we have um sister mercier blair who was bought one blair could you stand with praise god [Applause] miguel williams has bought one could they stand where where are they okay you're the person that okay god bless you come on put your hands together for him we're delighted to have you god bless you then we have minister brown who is that who who is minister brown well sister patty gave it to me so she should know who knew him so [Laughter] well i'm told here that minister brown has brought in one but we can't find minister brown where's the one person who minister brown has brought in all right and then we have phyllis palmer who was but could you stand with your one sister oh praise god [Applause] god bless you god bless you thank you and then sharika livingston has brought two [Applause] praise god god bless you sister sharika if i'm if i call her name in the night no feeling away god she just you know she just way ahead of everybody and so god bless you girl you continue to do very very well and we appreciate it my brothers and sisters i must say to you that i am still asking you for your help to allow me to clear all the expenses of the crusade you promised that you would help me right okay i can't talk it load but i'm told last night we collected ten thousand dollars we can't talk that over the year no no that don't sound like you're helping me don't it dark truth talk truth and somebody said talk truth and shame the devil [Laughter] all right so so you're gonna help me my brothers and sisters you're gonna help me right but please really help me so um i still ask that all the ushers you must have especially when the offering is being collected all ushers must always have envelopes in their hands all right and so if you i'm going to ask you to take a very special love gift so you help me and fred that we could clear off last week but this week is another week all right so you need to take an envelope do your best with it my brothers and sisters and let us make sure that as we rejoice we allow all the expenses to be cleared and the preachers to rejoice as well all right all right praise god i know you're going to help me out of that situation can i just remind you that baptism baptism will be on sunday morning the 13th of march and we are looking forward to that there are several persons who have already indicated and we really believe that there might be several others by the time we are through this week so we look forward to baptism on the 13th and then on wednesday we will be having quart what unity fasting and where will that be duhani park god bless you and so the strong response that i hear suggests a strong response um in those who will be going all right so i i hope i will see that in the persons who have made their decision that they're going to be going to do in the park we will be serving communion there and so we look forward to that my brothers and sisters we are going to be having the sons of sons of praise and some all right they will be i think they're lined up somewhere there and so it's i like when you go and take your position that i don't have to be wondering where you are so they are going to be singing shortly but my brothers and sisters a gentleman walked in just before i was after i came to the podium and so we want to tell you who he is no some people came in after a beautiful young lady and and a son and a daughter and they are a part of the family of this one my brothers and sisters what a delight it is to have with us this evening a young man that god is using to do tremendous exploits in the ministry in the new testament church of god but also across denominational lines he has really preached throughout the length and breadth of jamaica and he has also gone overseas into the americas and in the caribbean we really thank god for him he is the district overseer for the indian town district of churches and what a fantastic work he is doing there he is married to the lovely um i'm trying to remember the name and they together they produce son and daughter remind me of her name now sister kedian is my daughter you know about me forgot her name no seriously when we went to cobbler um kedian and a few well several other young people they they were in a group that i think is the best young people group that was that has ever been formed in jamaica i'm not kidding they were so united stand-up children oh you look like you know understand you look good you can't stand up all right so let i just give you this quick history um and so it's one of the best young people group we have ever seen and sister clark took them on and you see when they have practice not one of them is missing any night no that is serious you know every night all of them some might not come early but they're going to somehow show up before and they they were all over the place singing you know and and just worshiping god and living for god it it really was a group that was left on record and kadian was a part of that group put your hands together god bless you my girl um it's great to see you one more time so she's married to this gentleman went to kablan take her away but is still a part of the kabbalah new testament church of god even though he is that alien town and so my brothers and sisters as i i think you might have seen our video kind of go viral [Laughter] where he started a song and my god it just turned out to be almost all that happened that night in the crusade awesome this is the gentleman reverend steve hepburn it is such a pleasure to have him in the family as well and for him to come and speak for us tonight is that jonathan i see upstairs god bless you jonathan put your hands together for jonathan dr jonathan my brothers and sisters at this time we will be having the sons of praise and sound they are going to be ministering to us and as soon as they're through my brothers and sisters we are going to be having the man of god who will come and break the bread of life as god would have him do i ask you at that time to stand and give him a vociferous round of applause as he ministers god's word god bless you put your hands together and welcome hallelujah hallelujah lord i give you praise because you are worthy of all praises praise your name jesus am redeemed with the price jesus [Music] whole life [Music] if anybody asks you just who [Music] i am [Music] tell them i am [Music] where there was confusion peace no ways now i'm walking with jesus [Music] [Music] singing [Music] the price jesus has changed if anybody [Music] i am ready [Music] i tell him his love [Music] i repurchase my redemption with his home is on christmas player [Music] infancy from sinhal it set free yeah [Applause] look at me now jesus [Music] i am [Music] is love think of his goodness to me [Music] i repurchase my redemption with his home his whole business plan influencing transcendence yes you go [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] on the other side [Music] is [Music] i am [Music] jesus [Music] wherever i'm special i am [Music] what am i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes put your hands together for them praise god put your hands together for the man of god hallelujah reverend steve hepburn god [Music] you may be seated if you can if anybody asks me just who i am tell them i am redeemed i have been bought with a price jesus has changed my whole life my brothers and sisters delighted i am to be with you one more time on eastwood park road in saint angel my brothers and sisters god has been good to me and i am still keeping safe by the grace of god i mean to continue sometimes the goings get rough sometimes it gets challenging but then when i think of the goodness of jesus and all that he has done for me my soul cries out hallelujah thank god for saving me and so for that reason having known having the full knowledge of where god has brought me from and where i am i can't let him down i can't come down no amen and so my highest aim and ambition is to continue to live a christian life pray for me in jesus name i can't see i didn't testify because there are some preachers who can't testify i testified to you tonight let me greet bishop clark and sister clark in her absence and the children she's listening right and the others reverend brown and elder brown all the other ministers brothers and sisters one on our council men and women and your spouses heads of department musicians praise team tech team those online our new converts children wherever you are listening i greet you well in jesus name greetings happy i am as i said before to be on eastwood park road and thank god i have my life long partner with me amen sister kedian hepburn bishop know her as nikki right that's what he was trying to remember right but she's here with me and i'm happy that she's here with me mikhail and mikida all right mikhail and mikita right i i remembered i think it's about the second or the first time i came to eastwood park road mikhail was just a baby boy in like about two months and he is now 13 years old so that simply means i'm coming to east park well over 14 15 years now consecutively to god be the glory it's not because of who i am what i am but is because of the christ that is in me i am humbled at your invitation each time and i thank god that you have placed that confidence in me to come and share the word of god with you each time you invite me somebody praise god turn your bibles with me to the book of saint matthew chapter 11. could you find it from mr madame or mr tech team saint matthew chapter 11 28 through to 30. saint matthew 11 28 through to 30 praise god amen amen come unto me all he that have laid that labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart and he shall find rest unto your souls verse 30 for my yoke is easy and my burden is light the word of the lord we say amen my brothers and sisters i want to speak to our hearts from the topic jesus christ help for the burdened jesus christ help for the burden somebody praise god my brothers and sisters having listened to my one of my lecturers pastor brad who teaches introduction to missions he pulled up a document on the ministry or missions in ethiopia and in that document it had famous utterances it had some utterances or statements made by the famous hail selassie this is what hail selassie says on the day of time when the there was the commissioning of the newly translated ethiopian bible anybody ever hear about that yet the newly translated ethiopian bible this is what else elasti says he says we in ethiopia have one of the oldest virgins of the bible but however all the virgin may be in whatever language it might be written the word remains one and the same it transcends says hill selassie all boundaries of empires and all conceptions of race he says it is eternal he also says no doubt you all remember reading the acts of the apostles of how philip baptized the ethiopian official he is the first ethiopian on record to have followed christ and from that day onwards hail selassie says the word of god has continued to grow in the hearts of ethiopians el silassi says and i might say for myself that from early childhood i was taught to appreciate the bible and my love for it increases with the passage of time all through my troubles says hail selassie i have found it a cause of infinite comfort el selassi says when you look at the verse matthew 11 28 hail selassie repeated it and it says it says come unto me all he that labor and are heavy laden he says with such verse how can one resist an invitation of full compassion because of this personal experience hence he says in the goodness of the bible he said he was resolved that all his countrymen should also share in its great blessing and that by reading the bible they should find truth for themselves oh somebody praise god somebody praise god could you imagine and can one imagine how hell selassie how many persons especially the rastafarian community how they embrace and how they speak of hail selassie one would have never thought that hail selassie had so much appreciation for the christian faith and for the bible hello somebody one of the challenges that hail selassie faced as i did my studies is that he faced opposition from the islamic community come on somebody am i talking to you so therefore what i am getting at is that el silasi quoted from matthew 11 28 and he says how can one resist such invitation that is so compassionate come unto me early that have labored and are heavy laden and i will give you rest somebody praise god my brothers and sisters matthew the tax collector the apostle recounts jesus's actions and teachings to show us how god intends us to intend for us to live and work in his new kingdom as followers of jesus christ we live in two worlds we stand with one foot in the human world where our work may be subject to unspoken expectations that may or may not be in accordance to the god's way at the same time as christians we are subjects of god's kingdom committed to his values and expectations in telling the story of god's kingdom committed to his violence in telling the story sorry of jesus matthew shows us how to navigate the human world using god's compass oh hallelujah in matthew 11 john the baptist sends his disciples to ask if jesus is really the messiah oh hallelujah jesus gives them a specific answer to use for to use to reassure john and this is found in verses four to six uh somebody praise god and then he holds are commenced john to the quotes at the same time john fulfills the prophecy about the one who would prepare the people for the messiah in verses 10 to 15. this generation though refused to hear john are jesus deciding that john had been a demon and jesus was a glutton and a drunk god according to verses 18 to 19. jesus condemns the cities that refuse to repent and thanks the father for revealing the truth to little children in verses 20 to 27 and he then offers rest for those who are weary and burdened in verses 28 to 30. that sounds like i've made a good division of the chapter thank you bishop in the last six verses of saint matthew 11 it begins with jesus's prayer of thanks to his father for hiding the truth from those who thought to be wise by the world's standards oh hallelujah instead the gospel has been revealed to those the unbelieving world oh hallelujah the unbelieving world dismisses as virtual children jesus declares that he and the father know each other completely and that he can reveal the father to anyone he chooses he offers rest for the souls of all who are burned down and weary if they will take on his yoke saying that his burden is easy and light somebody praise god church the question are there times when you can't see how you're able to cope with everything that is happening in your life the question are there times when you can't see how you are going to cope or you are coping with everything that is happening in your life also burdened somebody praise god the next question have you ever felt concerned about a chain or series of events that appeared to back you deep oh hallelujah and deep into a situation from which you could see no escape oh god that says more burden have you ever felt have you felt depressed and despondent because of the turn of events in your life oh yes burdened are there times when you are literally driven crazy with feelings of guilt shame or helplessness and confusion oh yes what about times when you have been thoroughly puzzled by the events in your life and have been wondering what on earth god has in store for you oh god i feel something coming on here i believe my brothers and sisters that at this point when there are many people burdened with one thing or another it is good to sit at jesus's feet once again and to hear his invitation which says come to me i am your help i see your burden somebody oh hallelujah oh somebody give me a song give me a sound somebody shout hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah oh yes oh god almighty somebody leave your hand and praise god my brothers and sisters with that lengthy introduction perhaps longer than the one you were taught my brothers and sisters i believe i have made a strong point uh through my introduction so permit me then to look at three points uh during this discourse one the invitation from jesus to the instruction given by jesus and three the incentive from jesus to all who come somebody praise god somebody praise god our god jesus christ help for the burden let's look at the invitation to help the burden am i talking to the church of the living god i said firstly let's look at the invitation to help the burden jesus said in matthew 11 28 8 come to me all who are weary and are heavy laden somebody praise god the word come is doing oh god help me greet teacher bishop come stewart it's an imperative particle of exaltation and incitement with the force of an imperative it is a strong appeal on the will of another it expresses the desire and compassionate heart of the savior and is his and it is his appeal for people to come to him as a relief from their oppression oh somebody praise god it is a call from god to turn from whatever our god we are going presently depending on and come to him somebody praise god for those without the savior it is equivalent to a call to believe in him somebody praise god for those who are already believers it is a call to follow him as a committed disciple it is a call to completely turn our lives over to him oh god god almighty by the very word come it suggests it's an invitation for you to go somewhere somebody have to say come that means you're already invited so we can see an invitation our god almighty being brought out in the text from the very first word of verse 28 for jesus said come oh god god oh man but he did not stop there he said come to o god almighty the word to is a preposition expressing close proximity and intimate fellowship it is used of the fellowship of the son with the father we have here a call to an intimacy of fellowship or somebody praise god so we can hear jesus say come come let's have fellowship come let have a close relationship am i talking to the church that's why we can repeat the words of the song that he said draw me close to you or somebody help me here never let me go and then my good old grandmother used to sing draw me nearer nearer blessed lord to thy precious bleed inside or somebody shout something in holy christian them hallelujah [Music] so the word come is already an invitation but come weird hallelujah come to fellowship come to a relationship i'm inviting you to a relationship i'm inviting you to come and have fellowship come and have an intimate command of somebody fellowship with their close relationship oh god god somebody help me here but i would want to look at the word me oh hallelujah so i said come to me me is a personal pronoun know that the pharisees basically said do as we say obey our system but the lord jesus christ said oh hallelujah come to me what's this point our god this seeks to further bring home one of the great concepts of christianity that must be taught and grasped christianity is a relationship oh hallelujah with the person of jesus christ or somebody help me here i said christianity is a relationship with our god with the person of jesus christ this is not a call to program it is not a call to a system of religion it's not a call to denomination our church group and certainly not to pastor but to some human leader jesus said come unto me oh god god he said come to me hallelujah to off my brothers and sisters we see where mentors end up mentors end up cloning their mentee am i talking to eastwood park road i said too often we see where mentors end up cloning their mentee our subordinates rather than developing christ like people somebody help me here they draw people to themselves and reproduce grave images in essence they say agree with me think like me dress like me teach like i do act like me and you will have success or have a successful ministry oh god almighty somebody help me here whilst god uses churches people and theological systems christianity is an intimate personal relationship with the lord jesus our jesus christ desires us to come and be like him in that we be holy we walk worthy of the vocation we be an ambassador we impact others to come to the faith and we live circumspect lives somebody praise god in here my brothers and sisters let's for a moment look at the one word oh god almighty one word very important also he said come to me all oh god almighty can i break down the verse and the text for you somebody help me here he said come unto me come to me all let the church say all all points to the universal significance of this offer all this greek word generally means all with no exception some god almighty i said the greek word used for all carries the idea of all without exception none are bad or blocked and yet in the present context the all is in a sense restricted restricted by jesus statement to those humble souls who acknowledge their weariness of struggling with sin this all is god's all-merciful antidote for the horrible all am i talking to the church in romans 3 23 where paul says all have sinned and all fall short of the glory of god jesus is speaking to a jewish audience by what with all with the all he points or somebody praise god he flings open the gates of salvation to sinners our god from every tribe every tongue every people every nation as once a sinner saved by grace am i talking to the church i praise god tonight for this all from the lips of the redeemer of mankind if all weren't included one like me would not be here tonight preaching the gospel somebody help me here if all were mentioned like god i don't know where i would have been for i don't have money i may not have looks i'm in a half sheep oh god i mean i have fine clothes come out of somebody i am not from a particular category our group but jesus said oh oh god almighty somebody help me please jesus said all i don't know if anybody inside here seated around the virtual space who are quite appreciative and you are happy that jesus did say oh oh god almighty somebody shouted hallelujah [Music] he did say all and that's why we can come inside holy cathedral we can come inside the church of god and sit and worship take microphone our sin lord god play a keyboard lord god somebody help me here because we were one nobody if jesus had said all then you and i would not be here only the rich and the famous only the popular and the wealthy oh god almighty somebody help me here in all of this we can see grace hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah my brothers and sisters i believe that when jesus saw what was happening oh god who is people could not afford turtle dogs pigeons and all of that our god for to offer when they sin or when they heard our god almighty ask the question who in heaven will go and die for adam's fallen race somebody help me please somebody help me please oh god almighty right there and then the middle wall of partition was broken down and the feel of the temple was renting to it and that's why you and i can't come here no matter pap style god no matter what i commented on nobody a grace make within a god make me there if god never said all then would have to stay outside looking in but thank you lord that you included me thank you that you included us and that's why i can say your grace and mercy our goddess disease would background your grace and mercy i brought me through [Music] somebody showed hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah oh god almighty thank you jesus our god it's not unique to any single nation if it was unique to any to a single nation then the china would have gone russia would have gone through oh god america would have gone through the first world countries would have gone through poor very little island jamaica not god almighty but jesus said i command somebody not just america not just europe not just china not just russia come on somebody say oh somebody say ah if it was unique to only person or groups like got certain groups lord god how influential they are lord god almighty their status lord god they would have gone through but thank god he crosses all racial barriers he crosses out boundaries he crosses moral lord god barriers somebody praise god and he said oh he said somebody returned to praise god somebody showed hallelujah it's a jew greek gentile somebody held me here he said oh whether you're a rascal you're valid you say all somebody say all jesus said all we are never to be partial to one group or class or nationality somebody said don't be partial my god somebody help me here tonight in christ bishop god reaches out to the whole world somebody said oh world oh god he says rich and poor come oh somebody help me here he's a rich and poor coma come on somebody he said parliamentarian cop i'll if you sleep in her arms or scum somebody help me if your mother might like shot coma lord god somebody better talk back to me here hallelujah is everybody come come unto me all he that have labored oh somebody said jesus christ help for the burden on somebody showed hallelujah those from different racial backgrounds he said come cast out come rejected by men come somebody praise god some of us sitting here agua like when nice are men have rejected us you know if god never accept us some men wouldn't even call you and talk to you oh sorry don't use to this let me go back to clarendon with this kind of preaching somebody help me here oh god somebody oh god this is a fresh revelation bishop if it was a degree yourself god that saved you and you go to bible college like god and finish your various studies like gather your soul in ministry and you're pastoring some people pass you and i remember when i was growing up in the country there was a lady who lived close by when she used to pass a particularly at this gate she would have passed on the other side instead of walking on the side where they laid his gate yes she took to the other side and i should have departed she caught a meteor oh god somebody help me here you see if it wasn't for christ some people would have passed you'll be a superior look and i said she caught a meteor because you're not smell good you don't look good you don't have like what they have jesus christ i'm kind of preaching they're coming and preaching and they can't preach i'm kind of preaching let me preach a kingston preaching somebody praise god in this house i'll say if it had not been for god i've got some of us who looks on life and so are fancifully dressed if there's such a terminology some of us will look so sophisticated and proper in the house of the lord if it had not been for god who reached down his hand and rescue us and put us a part of eastwood park road some people pass you to half a tree and turn up their nose and say hold up come commander somebody but that god's grace and mercy where i can be a part of the royal family of god it's not of any good [Music] me run on somebody showed hallelujah he said all should come who are invited who are invited those who are weary and heavy laden it points us to the objects of the appeal come on somebody these participles are grammatically closely connected together one article with both participles connected by kai he's a greek teacher he will tell you about it in bible studies i have to quote and go through as cause and effect let the church cause an effect the first word weary is the effect and the other word heavy learning gives us the cause somebody praise god look at the cause first heavy learning is is a use it's a greek word the greek word for heavy leader carries the idea as to place a burden upon to load us when placing a load upon the back of an ox jackass as you know it including oh sorry donkeys the tense is perfect which draws our attention to the abiding results the overbearing burden on the backs of men somebody praise god the savior obviously has in mind the pharisees but it would include the burden of sin as demonstrated so clearly by the old testament law which shows us all on the sin its guilt and its death and thus also the burden and frustration of any solution by which men seek to deal with their sin and emptiness without jesus christ so my brothers and sisters that's about heavy heavy burden am i talking to the church those who are heavy laden and then you look at those who are weary the greek for that brings the idea to labor those who have labor toil expend great effort in heart and oh god almighty disagreeable work to grow we retired liver to the point of exhaustion it is in the present continuous tense and undoubtedly describes man's fruitfulness efforts to deal with sin its guilt and personal misery whether by some form of religious legalism or by whatever method or human strategy he seeks to deal with the emptiness and the frustration of his soul my brothers and sisters we are sin the living for satan has caused weariness in us utilizing great effort to work for him without any eternal reward of happiness or satisfaction jesus is saying to us come it is a verbal request to do something to oh god almighty our god something far more worthwhile and gives us hope for a bright and eternal rest on the burden every pressure seemed too much to bear drop it and come somebody praise god oh am i talking to somebody i said if you're under burden every pressure somebody lose victoria because i somebody shouted hallelujah under burn heavy pressure seemed too much to bear drop it and come jesus said i am the way the truth and the life somebody praise god our god jesus christ help for the burden our god is saying to the burden he's giving an invitation to the burden he said come to me come and have fellowship come and have relationship come and have in our god almighty somebody praise god so he gives the invitation to the bird cop but as he gives the invitation to the burden to come secondly he gives the instruction to the burden come on somebody instruction means it is a direct instruction is a directional order told to do it is a command somebody praise god my brothers and sister watch the instructions verse 29a he said take my yoke upon you and learn from me come on somebody oh god am i talking to the church a york is a farming implement that joins two animals such as ox together so that the animals can share the work lord evenly and become more productive god almighty why you'll never set up one tent but too much people are gonna come sometimes an older more experienced animal is yoked with a younger less experienced animal so that the older can train the younger animal whilst they work together by using the illustration of a yoke jesus is asking us to share and be partners with him in his work in his ministry and in his service he's also telling us that he will train us he says for i am gentle you know and i am humbly humbling heart and you will find a rest for your souls oh god am i making any sense in this house tonight jesus wants us to come to him and learn from him in a continuing relationship somebody is a continuing relationship he will equip us somebody praise god as he invites us to come he will equip us he will teach us he will guide us to be effective in life and in the services only if we allow him to equip us and teach us if we come to jesus and do things his way in partnership and communion with him he promises that we will find rest and refreshment for our souls in the process we will become more like our teacher jesus gentle army and humbling heart when the burden is so heavy that prayers cannot even be formed lean on him oh god somebody help me here you're happy if you see me but you're no one preach with me somebody praise god when the burden is so heavy that prayers cannot even be formed i didn't say you can't pray you know prayers can't even be formed or are you having any noise up here you're having it sweet up here you don't have birth you don't have struggles you don't have difficulties come out of somebody you find it easy to pray but there are some of us from clarendon there are some of us from alien town there are some of us from kabla there are some of us from manchester we have some condition you see we have some burden you see lord god sometimes we go down to prayer hurry up you get your back and go lay it down and get up again and go down again and sometime when you can't get up you lay down and you say oh jesus are you fall asleep and sometimes you say master god or you start cry for your words cannot be formed because you're under pressure you're on the burden am i talking to the ransom church of god i said there are burdens that some of us are carrying lord god is not every time a person comes to church he or she doesn't want to worship i just want to respond to the preacher but sometimes they're on the bird jesus christ if i could leave this platform and go down and talk to somebody personally [Music] but if you are burdened tonight jesus offers help are you weary [Music] oh somebody praise god are you here are you heavy-hearted somebody said tell it to jesus for he is a friend that is well known or somebody praise god you see there are some people who are burdened and the only thing that they're thinking of is get a piece of rope slit not it on a tree put it around the neck and take a big jump and that end the problem oh god almighty permission to don't this house am i talking to the church here somebody shout hallelujah there are some people who are so burdened the only thing that you're thinking of is to just walk out on your 22-23-year marriage somebody help me here there are some people who are so burdened by the stress of work that the only thing you can do is think of a paper on the right i quit and sign it so you don't have to write anything long enough just i quit and that symbolize your resignation because you're so burdened there are some people who are so burdened that the only thing they are thinking of backslide look [Music] are there any person inside here lord god is there one tonight who have been burdened before or you're presently being burned or if it's not you but you know of somebody who has been burdened you know of some persons who have been burdened i come to tell you that jesus christ offers help for the burden while it's a calm somebody said jesus said come are you weary come are you stressed come are you burnt calm are you frustrated come you feel like quitting calm you feel like this sickness have you locked in a corner and you don't know the next way to turn to get any help from any medical practitioner i introduce you to jehovah rapha a god almighty i hear the question was asked is there any bomb in gilead and then in jeremiah answers yes they are still bombing killian or somebody help me here tonight somebody shouted hallelujah he said lean on me when you're not strong and i'll be your friend and i'll help you carry on somebody shout hallelujah when you are too weary to lift your head rest it on jesus shoulder oh god bishop can you help me a little bit here is just somebody who have been so burned and you can't lift your head and square it with your shoulders i give you a jesus shoulder rest your head on jesus shoulder our god sometimes you seek for love got a pastor's shoulder but pastor have burned until sometime you seek for a prayer mother lord god but prayer mama had brother but can i tell somebody here tonight that there's somebody who can bear your heavy burden there's somebody who can help you carry your heavy lord or somebody praise almighty god tonight [Music] god oh man somebody showed hallelujah somebody praised god knowing that somehow your burden will be shared lifted and eventually eased he said he has said so and he's faithful to his promises somebody praise god the son says take your burdens take it to the lord and leave it there am i talking to somebody here lord god almighty can i tell you that bird will cause you to quit is it quarter squat whatever it is quarter squatting consciousness a quarter but in kingston they properly spoke people say squat come on somebody burned with cars you took what all when you have one cutter you have a squat somebody praise god somebody help me here am i talking to the church inside here there are some people who are burned i remember my grandfather had a donkey lord god almighty we call him recalling mistress it was a genie because you can't call jack mistress it was a genie donkey and my grandmother was digging ginger and we went to the hillside leading mistress to pick up the ginger when they lured on lord god and put on the bags of ginger and load the hampers you know what you know donkey hump oh can you take a trip to the country let me take you on a real country ride come on now somebody you see the donkey with hump or we don't load the hampers and then after loading the hampers they placed about three or four more bags of ginger on top of mysteries lord god mysteries breathe come on somebody but anywhere mistress trying not to feel the master mystery is trying not to feel the one who is leading him he leading her am i talking to the church some mischievous head down the hill because we're going home but mistress was underweight mistress on the bird and some mysteries got on lord god missed his try but then there was a slope that mysteries had to go up for to reach our house somebody praised god as mystery start to go up the slope lord god pressure burn the three bags of ginger lord got plus the two hampers loaded lord god became so heavy for mistress mistress just take our time a mystery swing down on our knees a mistress would like want to talk i can't go no further oh god almighty somebody would help me in this holy ghost cathedral there comes a time i'm not calling anybody donkey or lightning onto a donkey but there comes a time when we bear some burn lord god almighty you're trying to reach church you're trying to reach somebody for help come out of somebody but you can't get that help because the burden somebody take a praise break and shout hallelujah oh god almighty somebody shouted hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah he said take my yoke our god almighty and our god almighty i feel the holy ghost oh god almighty near in your sending hope but i'm touching peace with somebody lord god you're burning heavy our god but must jesus be the cross our lord and all the world go free no every man will have to carry their cross somebody shout hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah when i used to pastor in contrivance this is my final illustration i said when i used to pastor in contrivance he was a leading named sister morgan when i got transferred i let my uh send in our service she came up as a prayer mother and she said pastor me glad for you i am praying for you but guess what every man will have to be at your cross if you go to indian tone and your cross are crosses and they become so heavy are you followed are your cross drop don't remember don't leave it if you can't lift it up tight string plenty and dry it for everybody of you carry the across somebody help me here tonight she said draw your cross somebody help me here am i talking to the church inside here whatever she meant by that lord god though it's not a literal cross but i could pick sense out of what that prayer mother was saying that everybody has some cross to bear your cross is not like my cross your burden is not like my brother but i introduce you to somebody who can deal with any kind of burden i see you preaching with me you know woman i got somebody help me here today somebody help me here everybody will have to carry their burden somebody praise god oh god we are distant from our neighbors and we are on the mask but just point don't touch her just point at your neighbor and i believe your neighbor will know what you're saying based upon what i tell you to say point out your neighbor say neighbor bear it bear it soon get ease your soul get released touch me no man somebody praise god [Music] i feel the holy ghost can [Music] somebody praise god somebody take this word of prophecy tell your neighbor neighbor thought said god through the preacher to tell you you'll soon be eased off that bird just hold on somebody shout hallelujah oh god is this eastwood park road somebody help me here oh god almighty somebody help me here i got somebody help [Music] [Music] somebody showed hallelujah somebody showed hallelujah point at your neighbor one more time say neighbor soon be all right oh god somebody didn't get that somebody didn't get that i said look at your neighbor say neighbor you'll soon be all right what you're going through is just a step in the process it's just a fears it's just a series somebody look at your neighbor one more time you're from a distance you're at a distance but i must tell you soon be all right because jesus christ comes to help the burden and i believe there are some burdened people here tonight cast your care says peter cast your king [Applause] somebody shot it again [Music] god almighty oh god so we get the invitation we'll get the instructions finally we get the incentive jesus offers an incentive for the burdened ah [Music] oh god an incentive this is a thing which motivates or encourages someone to do something it is a payment god almighty quite cognizant my work my watch work a little bit far better than yours my one says two minutes after your one says three minutes after come on somebody if you give me a few more seconds i'll send you home don't walk out on me please i was at work this morning and leave straight from work to here and i'm going back by 7 30 in the morning to come back here again don't work out on me i commit a word for somebody i know you're passionate into going home but it's not please tolerate me i reach 50 minutes in economics it involves either cultural norms or financial rewards of punishment i'm talking about incentives in economics those who study economics i didn't study based upon my preparation of this message and when i check more than one sites and more than one sources i realize it is factual that in economics when it comes down to incentives it involves either cultural norms or financial rewards and punishment don't kill me those who do p orb and accounts i do just a little bit and get one small one and a half uh but they call it two so i don't know much i didn't do the advanced stage but i can help myself somebody praise god tonight church with a yoke on our necks we are heart driven we are weary we are giving no rest lamentations 5 5. israel's return from the egyptian captivity is described as released from the heavy yoke of servitude he says i am the lord your god who brought you out of egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the egyptians hear what the writer says i broke the bars of your yoke and enable you to walk with heads held high somebody help me preach them and you didn't know that that verse leviticus 26 13 and exodus 6 6-8 and the prophets promised come on somebody a time when god would break off the yoke of foreign oppression somebody help me preach and close oh god i said the prophets promised oh hallelujah a time when god would break off the yoke of foreign oppression and give rest to the people of israel when they repented and were restored to the land isaiah 14 25 jeremiah 2 20 ezekiel 34 27 his yoke is a metaphor for discipleship to him promises rest from the weariness and burden of religious regulation and human oppression because it is none other than commitment to him we must understand in church that in order to partake of the lord's invitation involves action on our part he said come unto me and take my yoke peter tells us that we must repent we must change 2nd peter 2 second peter 3 9 then we are advised that we must come to god through jesus christ hebrews 7 25 matthew informs us that we must do the will of god matthew 7 21. finally john clearly tells us that we must do his commandments in order to have right to life eternal and to be able to sit down with jesus and rest a little while revelation 22 14. isn't this pointing towards an incentive isn't this pointing towards a payment or labor god this fact motivates us to do something that has an eternal reward for rest with jesus christ it is beneficial for the salvation of our soul to recognize that life is real and earnest and the grave is not its goal how we live low will determine where we live in eternity then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return to god who gave it says solomon to a solomon in ecclesiastes 12 7. there is an incentive for those who accept the invitation and obeys the instructions take note there are incentives for work done whether good or bad help for the continuous doers of the bad and no repentance was heaven oh somebody help me here heaven is the home for the righteous it is a reward it is an incentive i wouldn't want to miss out on somebody praise god what is god's rest the rest god is talking about is not rest from our daily work or physically exhausted when we would have worked hard it is that profound peace that god gives to those who love him regardless of our circumstances there's a just rewarded payment for every man somebody praise god in my closing the rest that christ gives is an eternal rest beyond our understanding that can never be earned or purchased i call it an incentive it's a payment for living right and serving the lord with gladness the rest he of us is freely available as god's gift of grace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whosoever will come he said come to me thank you pastor all who have labored and are heavy laden and i will give you rest rest is the incentive come and lay down the burdens you have carried for in the sanctuary god is here paul says in first corinthians 15 58 therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as he know that your labor is not in vain in the lord there is rest there is an incentive for those who accept the invitation for those who obey the instructions he said come and take my yoke and i will give you an incentive and the incentive i give you is rest eternal rest somebody praise god you are here tonight you have heard the message you have heard the call come to me all he that have labored and i have elated and i will give you rest take my yoke tonight somebody here tonight somebody within the reach of my voice doesn't matter how burdened you are come praise team would you tell me come and lay down the burdens you've carried for in the sanctuary god is here [Music] oh somebody praise god for this message tonight is there somebody within the reach of my voice is yours there are nonsense is your backslider that is a pastor i've wandered far away from god now i'm coming home no more the parts of sinitrad now i'm coming home it's going unsafe will you come and say pastor i want to be prayed for i want to enjoy that rest i want to benefit i want to benefit from that incentive i want to be a part of that rest you're here tonight i traveled from manchester with this message for you tonight [Music] come the on come and lay down the bird and you have death is there somebody come on somebody [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] somebody tonight you may be burned by the weight of sin this is your invitation come here he said come to me not to be hyper not to bishop not to the church but he said come to me jesus christ come and let jesus fix it for you oh [Music] is there somebody else in this meeting tonight whether in the face to face or in the online setting in the virtual space or in the face to face it you don't know jesus christ come he says come and lay down the burdens for he's a bird bearer jesus christ and for the burden help for the weary have for distress [Music] burn with sin burn with [Music] of ungodliness and unrighteousness jesus if you stay with the devil you're looking straight down into hell and there is no repentance in the grave to roam before you pick your choice there's hell and there's heaven i believe in hell there are no refrigerators there are no cooling down systems there are no streams there are no rivers in hell you don't have any bottled water where the bullheads catch its peaks with water or water water no rainfall in hell it's just the unquenchable fire it's just coming it's just a state of uneasiness it's just the devil and his angels hell wasn't made for you so why why pursue hell [Music] you have an option you have a choice choose jesus choose him tonight i made this final appeal choose jesus in heaven heaven is called home jesus god to prepare a place for us and he will come again and receive us unto himself let not your heart be troubled he believe in god believe also with me he loves you that's right john 3 16 he says he said his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have eternal life the righteous said take the name of jesus with you child of sorrow end of all i give you jesus i give you jesus tonight i give you jesus he's the answer he's the way i know a god who can god can i say god can whatever she made impossible to man is possible with god for with god all things are possible i give you a god who can a god who is able i give you jesus the devil can't do some stuff he's but limited [Music] somebody praise god you ask me how do i know that the devil is limited go read the book of job every time the devil desired to touch anything concerning job he had to ask god permission and god says to the devil guess what touch all that you want but remember don't touch job in my own words don't touch the man's life the devil has to get permission the devil doesn't matter how much powers he and his agents and angels has oh god almighty it is about limited come on somebody compared to the all-knowing god that has superior power i give you jesus tonight how much of a appeal more can i make he says come come and lay down bow your heads with me [Music] father we thank you for tonight thank you for your leading thank you for your direction thank you for your inspiration thank you for your anointing thank you that you have carried me safely to this place to share your word that you've laid upon my heart with your people i pray for the father that does the word have gone forth it is not resting on the table the hearts somebody's heart right now lord god your work is not your word is not doing oh god that which is this meant to do oh hallelujah in the name of jesus christ let your word bring forth conversion and conviction let your word oh god cause lives to be transformed and renewed oh hallelujah lord hallelujah your word and listening to the words and oh god have brought people out of volunteerism oh god to come to this altar not out of compulsion or force but they need to walk up to this altar o god with a freewill mine i pray god that in the name of jesus christ that you now speak to their hearts worry their conscience let somebody come alive unto righteousness let somebody hear your voice oh god answer your call i know god submit to your call lord god samuel oh god after two times or three times going to eli oh god he returned and he says speak lord i serve the tears oh god the woman when he met jesus when he met you she wrongly for waterpot say come see a man which tell me all things i pray heavenly father that somebody at this altar will have a similar encounter tonight hallelujah zacchaeus had an encounter back gave me a second encounter oh god so many scriptures had an encounter there was a difference in their lives we too here in this era have had encounters with you and oh god we were transformed renewed and we are living for you oh god let somebody at the answer oh god have an encounter with your lord that will leave a lasting impact and change in their lives oh save to the almost rescue the perishing care for the dying let somebody surrender tonight let somebody walk out of sin oh god and say father i surrender all let somebody take your name tonight god and oh god almighty a different person in the name of jesus we preach we encourage we make the appeal but god this is your duty saved to the um oh hallelujah save to the utmost tonight oh god reach down and touch a place on the inside oh god that somebody will cry out tonight i'm healed of heal the cow holy no longer if you're divine oh god almighty stop by this altar tonight let somebody have an encounter oh hallelujah touch touch deliverance god in the name of jesus christ deliverance [Music] salvation holy ghost holy ghost in the name of jesus christ touch tonight god we believe you for salvation we believe you for deliverance and we believe you for what you'll be doing in these lives in jesus christ's name we pray somebody say amen somebody say amen you have heard this message i have encouraged i've made that appeal i have prayed for you what will you do with jesus tonight he has issued an invitation and he's saying come will you come will you accept the invitation if you accept the invitation follow the instructions and i'm sure you will get the incentive rest eternal eternal rest the devil promises only about sin shame and disgrace for jesus promise you rest eternal rest [Music] will you accept jesus christ tonight he says come he says come you're here at this altar standing through you will you accept jesus christ as your personal savior i give you jesus if you'll accept him as your personal savior would you raise that hand [Music] yes there's a hand going on put it up and put it up put it up brother put it up put it obviously god is speaking to your heart why struggle between two opinions why one don't contemplate what people are gonna say it's better to go home with jesus than to go home with the devil you don't know where will you spend your loving eternity i give you jesus i give you jesus here james 4 14 tells us that life is like a vapor tomorrow is not certain but today is sure once you're in today make a conscious decision to serve christ don't wait until tomorrow i give you jesus i know i pass the closing time but brother i know a god who can says sister judith gayle he can do it for you what the world and the systems of the world can't do jesus can paul is saying come and he will do the rest come take my yoke and i will give you a rest he said just cast down your burden put on your birth and leave it to him and he will take care of you he's a friend to those who have no friend he's a brother to those who have no family he said when your mother and your father forsake you then he will take you up tonight my spirit connects me to you and i say to you you have a hell to show and the heaven to [Music] glorify try jesus when you have tried everything and everything has failed try jesus [Music] 1997 i tried jesus and some 25 years later here am i saying jesus is the answer he has never abandoned me he's never failed me i messed up i aired but guess what he held me close so i couldn't let go i'll give you jesus friend try jesus [Music] try jesus you'll never be sorry you'll never be disappointed [Music] i give you [Music] jesus [Music] will you take him home tonight [Music] [Music] oh god father i pray that you'll touch him again lord we can see the sense of conviction upon him lord can see the sense of we can see humility we can see god that is struggling to make a decision speak to his mind tonight speak to him speak lord speak lord holy ghost free him lord every shackle everything that hold him that presents itself to him as more enticing than jesus we ask you god that will block the motive now hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus christ touch this young man touch my friend my brother let him find your lord let him loose himself and find it lord indeed it may cause him grief and pain but you'll surely find his life again in the name of jesus christ touch touch touch your hand is far bigger your fans are far more effective than my hands touched tonight in jesus name [Music] think about it brother think about it think about it [Music] if you should die tonight or after this crusade without jesus christ where will you spend you allow eternity i give you jesus i give you jesus [Music] oh god [Music] will you accept him tonight [Music] oh god [Music] yeah my time is up my time is [Music] god's question [Laughter] for your final destiny have you made your reservations for eternity it matters you're gonna need [Music] matters not if you're rich or you're born [Music] [Music] oh that's why jesus returns [Music] he has raised his hand come on put your hands together [Music] jesus jesus why won't you let it why won't you [Music] [Music] will you take jesus [Music] she said yes come on put your hands together for the three of them [Music] you're gonna need someone to help you oh all you're gonna need [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] why won't you bye [Music] [Music] thank you jesus oh somebody worship god in the house somebody worshipped god in the house somebody praise god in the house hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah i'm gonna ask those at the altar just to follow there just let's go with our phone let's go with our plates let's praise we give god the glory my brothers and sisters we give god the glory hallelujah thank you let me say thanks to those who have waited until this time there are some times when we set the time but god is doing a work and we work with and cooperate with god to get the job done we can afford to stay an extra half an hour if we're gonna win us all to the kingdom of almighty god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so we give god the glory and i say thanks to you my brothers and sisters thanks brother mars god bless you for leading out so very well for us and to all the others you have played your part so well musicians we don't really often tell you god bless you and yes put your hands together the musicians have done a fantastic job and we thank their multimedia team god bless you god bless you all what a pleasure it was to have reverend evangelist hepburn and his family to come to minister to us tonight he'll be back tomorrow night he'll be back tomorrow night and you cannot afford to miss what god will be doing god bless you richly could you just stand with me as we do the benediction please remember we have fasting tomorrow at 10 o'clock right here and we invite all of you to let us come and pray and pray especially [Music] in view with the crusade with our meeting in view god bless you my brothers and sisters continue to pray because god is not through doing as yet god bless you richly and now brethren i commend you to god and to the word of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified and the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you his peace both now and forevermore and all of god's precious people say good night to you all and god richly bless you please go safely home the blessings of god be upon you all you
Channel: Eastwood Park New Testament Church of God
Views: 4,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ab_KhltAxTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 45sec (11145 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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