#Faxanadu #NES Faxanadu NES - ULTIMATE GUIDE - ALL Secrets, ALL Items, ALL Magic 100%

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I never knew that's how the treasure rooms worked. I always found it a pleasant surprise when an ointment or potion would turn up seemingly at random. I never knew there were so many places where the wing boots would appear. I only ever used it to get to that one floating fountain.

In the video he pronounces it "fah-zan-a-du", which is probably more correct given it's a portmanteau of "Famicom" and "Xanadu". I always pronounced it with a hard X sound, i.e. "fax-ann-a-du" and am too old and stuck in my ways to change now.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Vanguard3000 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] fazzanadoo is one of the most epic early games for the nes it's an action role-playing adventure with light metroidvania elements so if you like games like castlevania 2 simon's quest the battle of olympus or zelda 2 the adventure of link you owe it to yourself to check out this one bazzanido is actually a spin-off of another game that never saw an official release in north america dragon slayer 2 xanadu dragon slayer was a popular computer game series in japan created by nihon falcom the company that brought us the e series the dragon slayer games never made a big splash in the us where we only got two other games from the series the underrated legacy of the wizard which is actually dragon slayer 4 and dragon slayer legend of heroes for the turbo graphics cd unlike most other action rpgs dragon slayer 2 xanadu is mostly played from a side-scrolling platformer perspective although the battles do switch to an overhead view the game was a big hit in japan where it sold over 400 000 copies so of course several sequels were planned the japanese version of the nes the famicom was massively popular at the time so it only made sense to make a dragon slayer game for it surprisingly nihon falcom wouldn't be the company to develop the game and instead hudsonsoft paid them for the licensing rights hudson soft was another japanese video game developer that is well known for making many big hits on the nes including bomberman mylon secret castle and the adventure island series they decided to just focus on the side-scrolling game play for their spin-off and created the title as a portmanteau of famicom and xanadu the story of bazzanido sees the nameless player-controlled hero returning home after a long journey only to find it in shambles the elven fountain has run dry and the remaining water is poisoned the desperate king is willing to give out any amount of money to heroes that are willing to solve the problem but no one that has tried has returned this game was well regarded by critics when it released in north america in 1989 and modern reviewers still have love for this forgotten gem when ign released their list of the top 100 nes games of all time they ranked fazzanido at number 36. modern players that attempt this game will still have to deal with all of the challenges the nes is notorious for the massive world is a confusing maze the enemies are relentless and the bosses can kill you in seconds but what if i told you the secret to starting the game with a full inventory of useful weapons magic and items what if i told you the secret to manipulating random item drops so you'll always find what you need and what if i told you how to defeat all of the game's challenging bosses even the evil one himself well on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we're doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer please make sure to subscribe and click the bell for notifications so you don't miss any new episodes let's get started all right fazzanadu as we begin the game take in the look of this scene the water is run dry everything is brown and desolate the world tree looms in the background as we approach the castle gates this is our home the kingdom of eolis the stronghold of the elven kingdom what happened here the gate is closed the people are gone the walls are crumbling well we should enter this door and we start out with no magic and very little health so the best thing to do is head over to the right and just let this enemy kill you not only does dying here start us out with full health and full magic but it also starts us in the guru room and we need to talk to this guy anyway he gives us a very important item the ring of elf so the best thing to do at the beginning of this game is to die once you have the ring of elf exit the guru's chambers and head to the left on this screen we encounter our first enemy make sure that you're walking a bit before you jump over them your movement speed and momentum is very important in this game over here we'll find the castle since we have the ring of elf we can enter this door if you don't have it you won't be able to get in and you want to head up here and talk to the king he tells us what the deal is the elf fountain water has run dry so many people went out to try to figure out what was going on and none of them came back the king will give us 1500 gold which he only does if we have exactly zero gold whenever we meet him it's kind of hard to have any money at the beginning of the game we can actually exploit this if we can spend all of the money we can go back to the king and he'll give us more it's a little bit like that movie brewster's millions with richard pryor as long as we can spend all of the cash that we were given we'll be able to get more money so over here in the store we want to buy this exact set of items first buy the elixir the elixir is an amazing item that will bring us back to life with full health and full magic if we die we can only carry one of those but once we buy it we should also pick up six red potions now i'm gonna speed this up takes a second to buy six red potions the red potions are pretty good we can use those as a consumable item to refill our health if we ever get low once you have six red potions here's the trick we need to sell one of them back to this guy we can only hold eight consumable items and we're going to need all eight before we leave here but selling him one back will give us an even 300 gold so that when we come over here into the key store we can buy three j keys or key of jack there are some doors that have a jack symbol on them and whenever we see those we need to use a j key there the key will be consumed so that's why we need to buy multiples once you've purchased all of those items the elixir the six red potions sell one back and the three j keys will have exactly zero gold we can go talk to the king and well it's like we've never met before well glad you could come strange person and i think there might be something wrong with the king like like maybe he has some kind of mental problem i mean look at his eyes what's going on with his eyes does he have like dirt in them or yeah i don't know but uh we're kind of taking advantage of this guy we came in penniless once again but now we have another 1500 gold and this time we're gonna get some weapons we're gonna get magic don't forget to jump over that enemy who hides behind that foreground element [Music] so we're gonna go back to our store and we're like hey what's up man we got all this money again and he's like hey whatever works for you man i got stuff if you want to buy it and so we'll buy the hand dagger and that's going to be our primary weapon for a moment and we're also going to buy deluge which is a magic spell so that's what that green magic meter at the top of the screen is for that is going to be for our deluge and we should equip those so we equip the hand dagger and the magic now the hand dagger is short so it can't actually hit enemies that are low to the ground but that's why we have the deluge magic if you press up and b you'll be able to shoot that magic now this guy sells dried meat and dried meat is not an item you can take home with you he just charges you 50 gold pieces to restore some of your health now dried meat is actually a good deal and because it only costs 50 gold it's a good way to waste a hundred gold pieces now we have 600 and if we come all the way over here to the left we're going to jump over these two enemies once again i'm going to get hit intentionally here so you can see what these next two vendors do you'll notice that these enemies won't drop any gold they're called zozuras but they drop loaves of bread which can restore your health now this guy says that he can give us some magic well for 200 gold he will restore our magic points the next guy in the other room here who looks like he's i don't know what he's doing with his arms there but he wants to give us a martial arts lesson don't get excited about that it doesn't make you stronger in the game in any way shape or form it just restores your health and it's a good way to waste 200 gold you can even do it if you already have full health the magic guy will also accept your money as well and so we've wasted all of our money again we'll come over here to the king and wow it's like a disaster has befallen the elf kingdom who are you young man would you like some money i mean i guess money is not going to be very useful if everyone's dead so this guy might as well give us his money we're going to try to solve this problem and spoiler alert we're going to do it so this is actually money well spent he may have given us 4 500 gold pieces a lot more than he's given other people but we're going to save this 1500 gold we have all the items weapons magic that we need from this town so it's time to move on head all the way to the right to where that enemy was that we let kill us before and this time we're going to attack him he has exactly 11 hit points so one hit of the deluge and one attack from our hand dagger will kill him and it's actually possible to do both at the same time the speed runners call that a shiner strike so you can try to go for that if you want to but just keep making your way to the right and you have to use your deluge on the zozora's or just jump over them you can actually do 40 shots of deluge though so don't worry too much about running out of magic you would really rather just kill those enemies so you can get the breads that they drop this part of the game is fairly straightforward make your way to the right these one eye guys are called monodrones and you'll notice that they drop gold pieces whenever they die you want to pick those up we're going to need money to buy more stuff at the next town which is called appaloon or we might want to spend our money at this little store in here this guy only sells two items and they are both very expensive the magic shield is actually very good and that's a good price for it you might actually want to save up for it and buy it right now but that would take a long time so we're just going to move on at this point death magic can be bought later in the game for less gold and we probably don't need it this early although it is very good if you didn't get the magic shield we will want to come to this tool store and spend 800 gold pieces to buy the small shield it's not even close to as good as the magic shield but it will protect us from some magic damage and there are going to be enemies that will be shooting at us very soon if we enter this cathedral we can talk to the guru who will give us our password and also if we were to die we would now respawn at this cathedral instead of the one back in eolis this town also has a hospital where you can spend some money and it will refill your health and magic entirely it sounds like a good deal but most of the time the hospital is way overpriced compared to going to the meat shop in the town of appaloon there is no meat shop so the hospital is our only option he tells you not to try too hard what a nice guy yeah the healthcare situation in this world is not good we're gonna make our way to the right and we're going to come to our first dungeon this is called the tower of trunk we need to use one of our j keys to get in that's why we bought three of them at the beginning of the game once we get inside here we're going to be introduced to a concept called item rooms that's an item room so watch what happens we entered it once twice three times and now on the fourth time we're going to clear out all the enemies and we're going to find an item thematic getting the matic here is extra awesome because normally you would have to fight the first boss to get it now you can actually skip the first boss entirely this concept of item rooms is very important whenever you enter one of these item rooms the game increases an invisible counter whenever we first entered that room the counter went from zero to one and then we entered it four times whenever we have the counter increase to four the next time we would enter the room it would wrap back around to one but as long as we have it on four and we clear all of the enemies that's when we'll get the item it seems like the items spawn randomly but it's not actually random at all as long as you know which room the treasure rooms are and i'm going to reveal those to you there's another one right here so one two three and four and if you did it correctly when we clear all of the enemies we should find the hourglass item which i definitely recommend that you get now if you mess it up and you didn't get the hourglass just leave the room come back and clear all of the enemies again and just keep doing it until you actually get the hourglass then you'll be back on track and you can start keeping track of how many item rooms you've entered we will use that hourglass on a late game boss although if you want to use it earlier than that you can but be cautioned it will take away half of your health this is that first boss the wyvern also known as a ripa shiku and if you stand right here he can't actually damage you it takes a lot of damage to kill him so i'm going to speed this up this guy has 75 health and your dagger only deals 5 damage but be patient if you want to fight this guy he does drop a lot of money but if you got the matic earlier you don't have to waste your time fighting this guy and you may just want to avoid this battle whenever you think you got it you can just go down there and don't get a second matic if you're already holding one but i'm actually already holding eight items so it didn't pick that second one up for me it's very difficult to get rid of a second matic you can only sell items at a store that sells that item so be careful you don't want to actually be holding on to an extra matic that would be pretty annoying when you come down here we're going to exit the tower of trunk these enemies are called snowmen and you'll notice if you just walk right towards them with full movement speed they'll just jump right over you and movement speed is important in this game whenever you're trying to make jumps always make sure you have some momentum behind you you don't want to take a jump from a standing start unless it's a very small jump that you need to make always at least take a few steps take out this monodrone and exit the tower of trunk and then we can move on to the right now this is another item room and so we actually crossed two item rooms leaving that tower of trunk so it's only going to take us two entries to set up a four for this room the speed runners call this room fight club and whenever we take out these two monodrones if we were correct about our item count a red potion will appear now if you want to get that red potion and it didn't appear for you you can just re-enter the room and clear the enemies again it might have actually been a good idea to use one of the red potions that i do have before picking that one up fortunately we're going to make it to another town shortly here so i think we're going to be okay but don't be afraid to use some of your red potions we actually have too many items right now so we may need to sell a few of them off it's almost always better to use a red potion than to use our elixir certainly the elixir was very cheap back in the town of eolis but if we go back to the room where we use thematic that wall will have respawned and we won't be able to go through there easily in fact we would have to bring another matic and go through the wall and then we would need a second one to get back through whenever we came back the other way so it would be a huge pain we've made it to the next town this is the town of fourpaw here in fourpaw they have a dried meat dealer that sells meat for only 150 gold while the hospital treatments cost 500 the meat is a way better deal over here at the tool store there are a lot of items that we need in order of priority we need the long sword the studded male and a winged boots the long sword is the most important it not only deals twice as much damage as our hand dagger but it also has more reach we need to make some room in our inventory so that we can hold that winged boots so that's why i'm going to sell a couple red potions you may have more space in your inventory if you needed to use a few of those when you were out on the road if you have the money to buy the armor and the winged boots well then you're in good shape but if not let's stop over at the guru first don't forget to equip the long sword he will give us our password but also since we have more than a thousand experience points he'll give us a new title aspirant leveling up isn't that important in this game but you will not get credit for leveling unless you visit a guru over here on the left side of 4paw we can fight this enemy called acharon over and over again to collect the gold that we need to buy the studded mail and also the winged boots so i'm gonna speed this up some people call this guy a panda or even ryu because he shoots a hadouken like the character from street fighter whenever you have at least 2500 gold head back into town and get that studded mail the studded mail will reduce any damage that we take by 10 percent so that's going to help us a good bit moving forward we need the wing boots to complete a story objective and also to be able to move forward in the game at this point in the game what we need to do is revive the three fountains and then that will open up the main fountain which will take us on to the next part of the game one of the three fountains that we need to revive is way up in the sky and we'll need wing boots which allow us to fly to get up there once you have more than 2 200 experience points you can talk to the guru and get another title and these titles don't actually make you more powerful in the game they don't make you deal more damage they don't give you more health or more magic points all they actually do is they work as sort of an insurance if you die you'll return to that guru with a certain amount of experience points the lowest amount for that level and an amount of gold which is kind of useful you can actually die and come back with more gold that you had when you left you also keep all of your items when you die so there are certainly ways to abuse the ranks the problem with the ranking though is if you rank up too high it will reduce the amount of time that you can use the wing boots so you don't want to rank up too much early in the game because we are going to need to use the wing boots a good bit early on here the other thing that raising your rank does is it makes you accelerate from walking to running a bit faster it's not that noticeable at first but it will be noticeable later on whenever you have a lot of ranks so that is a good reason to rank up but i definitely don't recommend that you rank up too much early on because we are going to need to max out our wing boots flying time once we have that 2800 gold we can buy the first pair of wing boots over here at the item store make sure you have a slot for it in your inventory it's one of those consumable items and i'm just going to kill some enemies so i can spend some money on dried meat and fill up our health i think only two treatments will do it oh easily the dried meat is great value and once we have the long sword the studded male and one pair of wing boots it's time to revive those springs once we exit town here this is actually an item room so if you've been keeping track of your account there we are we've entered it now for the fourth time so we're going to take out these unarus and we're going to get an item called the ointment if you don't get the ointment just fight the unarrows again and again until it appears this will prevent us from taking any damage get a big running start before you jump off to the right there and then we can just walk through these enemies and when we get to the next screen this is where we want to use our wing boots press down and b to use them and then press up and a to fly there's a little counter next to the letter t in the upper right hand corner of the screen that's how much time you have left on your wing boots and at this rank we get a full 40 seconds we need to talk to this old man and he will revive the first spring if we talk to him again he'll also tell us about another guru and that guru will give us a key if we've talked to this guy already so that's why we want to go to this one first so that whenever we go to the next tower we can get the key from the guri in the tower of fortress [Music] we still have a lot of time on our wing boots so it's going to save us a lot of hassle if we can just hurry over here to the left and fly back up the way that we came otherwise you have to go all the way around to the left and that's more annoying so it's better if you can just fly up here this will make your life a lot easier the power of the ointment has worn off but that's okay just make your way over here to the left we are about to enter that tower of fortress which we can fly up to and that's the fountain that we're ultimately trying to fix whenever we revive the three springs that's how we'll be able to get through to the next area we use the j key to get in here and once you get inside make your way to the right we could fly up there if we had more power on our wing boots but there's a good chance that they're going to have expired at this point we have two main objectives here in the tower of fortress the first is we have to revive another one of those springs and we must have an elixir to do it so if you used up your elixir i'm going to show you how you can get one in this fortress but i'm going to do that after i revive the spring since i already have my elixir if you don't have an elixir you'll want to stay tuned for that part so that you'll know where to get one because you're going to have to go there first make your way over to the right that snowman will just jump right over you if you walk right at him just keep making your way to the right over here take out this char on and climb the ladder this snowman is pretty annoying i'll take him out with some deluges we have plenty of magic no reason not to use it climb up here use your magic on these snowmans [Music] make sure to get some momentum before you make that jump or you'll fall down to the area below and there's that spring right above we do need to have an elixir though climb up this ladder and head over to the right he's going to take our elixir so we're going to be without it but we're going to go get another one anyway we would ideally like to be carrying an elixir at all times so that we're always safe just in case we were to die only one more spring is needed to be revived before we can move on here so we're actually doing really well take out that charon and we're going to get this ointment the ointments are going to be critical to our strategies in this game so once you have it you want to hurry down climb this ladder and make your way to the left remember these enemies will only be able to damage you with their magic you can just kind of hurry past them and climb this ladder [Music] make your way up the ladder and then go over to the left stay on the top here don't get that potion that's actually poison and will damage you avoid that climb this ladder it's kind of hard to see and make your way over to the right it looks like our appointment wore off now this boss is called the rock vaulter but we're just going to walk past him right now and we can pick up an elixir in this room so we lost the elixir before but now we got it back and if we just walk right into the rock falter here we can use our elixir and fill ourselves up to full health and then you'll see that the elixir here just keeps on respawning so we can get it as many times as we want the first time we defeat the rock vaulter he'll drop a set of wing boots and a bunch of money then we can actually just use our elixir so that we'll go back to full health and we can just keep fighting him over and over again you won't get any more of the wing boots but you will keep getting the gold so this is not a bad place to gain a bunch of money and we will need money later in the game so if you want to farm a bit there it's not a terrible idea it's hard to jump over this guy unless you have some momentum from the previous screen but just keep making your way over to the left the other thing that we needed to do in the tower of fortress here is visit a guru who will give us a special key the joker key which we need to use to open up the area where the third spring is climb up this ladder but before that there's actually an item room right below us where we can actually get more wing boots one great thing about wing boots is we can sell them at the store in four paw for a whole bunch of money since they sell them for 2 800 gold we can actually sell them back for 1400 so make sure that you enter this room on the right number if you didn't get the wing boots just leave and then fight the bees again make sure to stay up on this ledge so that you can collect the wing boots if your energy is low use a red potion you can replace it then with a wing boots which we're just going to sell for a bunch of money anyway [Music] and keep fighting the bees when you've entered the room on the 4th so 1 2 3 and four now the boots will spawn again and they'll just keep spawning here as long as you have the right item room number and once you're maxed out on wing boots which we are very nice we can use one more red potion to open up a space for the key that we need enter this cathedral and speak to the guru and he'll give you that joker key it's probably a good idea to make sure you have an open item slot for it because it will overwrite whatever the last item is in your inventory remember that entering this room again will increase our item room number and then head out the door below we're going to make our way back over near to where four paw is and we're going to get that ointment again so remember whenever we left the gurus room we increased our item room number to one so three and four this should make the ointment appear and if we're wrong just leave this room and keep fighting the enemies over and over again until the ointment does appear it can't possibly take you more than four times to get it and there it is once you have it make sure to get a running start and jump over to the right and this is where we're going to use that joker key inside there's another one of those wyvern enemies and as long as we don't get hit by his magic blasts the ointment will keep you safe [Music] talk to this guy and he will revive the spring and make sure to talk to him a second time this is super critical he'll give you the ruby ring if you don't have the ruby ring you will not be able to move on and you'd have to go back and get like another jokert now we still have the effects of the ointment so we might as well fight this wyvern a couple more times and collect the money [Music] just keep jumping at his head that will help you avoid his fireballs if you do get hit by a fireball you will take damage so watch out for that and once the ointment has worn off you can exit that room watch out for the charon on the other side and we're going to have to take the long way back to four paw this time climb up the ladder here on the left this guy seems to always hit me take him out and move over to the right climb up the ladder and we're back to four paw it's probably a good time to visit the guru we have a lot more experience points so we will rank up we're a chevalier now nice we are a little bit faster it's starting to get noticeable the dried meat vendor can fill up our health and magic and before we leave here we definitely need to pick up three queen keys well you don't actually need three you need at least one the other two are for optional side quests and to be completely honest with you i recommend that you don't do those side quests before we go over and buy the keys we'll make the space in our inventory by selling these wing boots we're going to be able to find the wing boots right when we enter the next area but it's kind of annoying to get so you may want to save one wing boots in your inventory if you don't that's okay though you'll be able to grab one not very far from here wing boots are going to be key to our strategy moving forward so if you want to keep one around it's not a bad idea this is where we can get those queen keys make sure to get at least one but if you want to try some of these side quests you may want to grab a second or a third one and we're going to get that ointment again we might as well it'll make moving forward a bit easier here so take out those enemies grab the ointment and head on up the ladder we're going to head over to where that dry fountain was now that we've revived all three springs that fountain will be flowing and we just need to press against the rock so just press to the left and eventually it will open up and release a ladder at this door up here we'll need to use that queen key so if you didn't buy it you're going to have to go back to four bar and grab one and we've made it we're into a whole nother area [Music] the very first room that you enter in this misty area is an item room so if we re-enter it three more times from the top and then clear all of the enemies we can get a wing boots now we do need a wing boots to move forward here but this is kind of an annoying way to get one so if you don't want to get the wing boots in this way it's a good idea to keep one instead of selling them all before the previous time this is why it's annoying we have to wait for this hornet to come up here and it's like come on hornet we got things to do man just come up here and get killed but once it gets up there we also have to do some tricky platforming to get the wing boots so get a running start and then jump jump jump don't stop moving and that's it now if you fall down to the bottom you won't get the boots and you do need a pair to move forward here so reset the item room if you have to and try it again the next town is called maskin and we want to head all the way over to the right here and we'll be able to get into it easily whenever you see that dwarf enemy which is called a sir gawain you just want to stand in one spot and hit him at far range with your weapon if you try to jump over him he'll go berserk and just start chasing you so you need to attack him in one spot for a moment and here it is we made it to maskin over here in the tool shop we can see what this guy has for sale [Music] the large shield costs 3500 gold and we should also buy the thunder magic if you're interested in it for 1200 it's not very much money so that's definitely worth picking up [Music] you'll notice that this guy sells maddox which we don't need for the rest of the game but if you're carrying an extra one for some reason this is a place where you could sell it off [Music] the town of maskin has a meat store so it only costs 180 gold to restore our health and magic as usual the meat is a good value don't forget to equip the large shield after you buy it it will prevent more damage that is dealt to us from projectiles this next part is going to be optional we're going to go into a tower where we can find unlimited red potions and you can see there what the thunder magic looks like if you want to do it come up here and we're going to head over to the left but remember this is completely optional and we can actually buy red potions at a shop that we're going to visit soon where they only cost 300 gold so ask yourself how worth it is it to do this it requires one of those queen keys so you'll need to have an extra one of those and this is it the tower of infinite potions totally optional and i kind of recommend that you don't go in here in this tower we first encounter a very annoying enemy that blue guy with a hat is called a sugata and he will damage you automatically and there's nothing you can do about it except for hurry off the screen as fast as possible keep a red potion ready so that you can heal yourself whenever you've taken too much damage once you get up next to him you can try to kill it quickly but remember these enemies respawn every time you enter the next screen try to get a little bit of a running start from the previous screen to jump over here and then climb these ladders to the top over here on the left that's the red potion try to get a little bit of a running start from the platform on the far right and then quickly make your way across if you drop down to the bottom you'll annoyingly have to clear out these enemies again but fill up your inventory with red potions and you may even want to use one to fill up your health before you leave [Music] like i said though i don't really recommend that you come up here 300 gold to buy a red potion at the next shop is like nothing you just don't have to do this challenging platforming deal with the sugata enemies but if you want to that's what's in this tower do your best to not take too much damage as you leave you'll probably end up having to use one of those red potions that you picked up right away so yeah it's just not great value to go in here i've used red potion and then run for the door there's just nothing you can do about those zugata guys they're kind of unfair and not a very good design [Music] then enemy is called a naga and this guy always drops very good bread we can just head back to the town of maskin there is nothing else here on the left side of masking so if you wanted to skip that potion tower which you should instead of coming over here to the left you're going to want to cross the town and exit on the right side i'm going to hit up the dried meat guy and man he's he's always blinking because it's like this guy is flirting with me i mean maybe he's just really happy that we're buying a lot of meat but i don't know i mean he can't compete if the hospital would lower their prices we would probably just go there instead it's more convenient you only have to do it one time but they're just way too expensive [Music] these enemies kind of look like metroids they're actually called by harudas but feel free to call them metroids they'll never know you can try to take that ladder over on the right if you don't have a pair of wing boots to use but it's a lot easier to just fly up here and make sure to pick up all the gold because this is a very important shop this is where we can buy the death magic for 9 800 gold instead of the 12 500 that that shop at the beginning of the game tried to charge we can also get 256 gold by killing all three enemies out here and i'm gonna speed this up but if you just keep farming these enemies we can easily get the money we need to buy that death magic very quickly this guy will also sell elixirs so if you had to use your elixir at some point you can get another one here and believe me it is not easy to find a place to buy an elixir so you should certainly take this opportunity to get another one he also sells those red potions for 300 gold so if you do get low on health while you're grinding money here feel free to just buy a red potion from this guy and use it immediately i'm going to get that death magic death is a very powerful magic spell while the deluge spell only deals 6 damage and the thunder magic deals 9 death deals 34. yeah this is going to be very powerful magic especially against some of the bosses in the game the only problem with death is it does consume a lot of magic we'll only be able to use it about eight times on a full bar we can use a red potion to fill up here and then just buy another one from the vendor to replace it and definitely consider grabbing an elixir if you don't have one this is a pretty important store [Music] so we're gonna grab that red potion you can also buy an hourglass here there will be a place you can pick one up if you don't have one but you will want an hourglass for one of the late game bosses [Music] make your way down the ladder through this misty area [Music] i really enjoy the atmosphere in this part of the game you just don't see layered graphics like this very often on the nes and this is actually a very early title for the system the music is also very good in this game and really adds to the experience [Music] once you get up here make sure to stand still as you take out that circle wayne and make your way over to the right this room has a bit of a platforming challenge you're going to want to get some momentum whenever you make that first jump but you want to take the second jump from standing still then get some momentum to make the third jump it's a little bit tricky but it's not that hard to do once you know what to do make your way over to the right and this structure is affectionately known as the bird hospital there's a cathedral in the middle and it's time to get a new title warrior which will get us a little bit more money if we die and does make us accelerate to run a little bit faster this door over here on the right is an item room and it's kind of a weird one you can't actually use your weapon in there you can only use magic so hopefully you know what item count you're up to but if you don't just fight the enemy in there four times until the item appears you'll want to use your death magic you can take him out in one shot with it and here is a very easy place to get wing boots once you find the wing boots you'll know that you only need to enter there four more times to get another set of wing boots i'm speeding this up and this is a great place to build up experience levels or money there's a guru right here which can level you up whenever you reach enough experience points to gain a new rank and it's very easy to fight the enemies from that lower platform they really can't get you down there so if you want to build up some money or some experience points that's a good place to do it we're going to come back here later to build up more levels but before we do that we're going to do another optional tower and this is one that i absolutely recommend that you don't do but if you want to see it this is it this is the tower of suffer if you simply must attempt this optional side quest the item that you're looking for is up the ladder on the right side head over into this room and then take the ladder on the far right climb up and take the ladder in the left [Music] up here there's a sir gawain which always seems to hit me when i get to the top of the ladder and we can take a shortcut here by using one of the wing boots that we got from the bird hospital so fly on up here and take this ladder to the top you want to avoid this first wyvern it's the next one that's the actual boss and you're going to see the power of the death magic easily takes out that guy and that item is called the pendant i do not recommend that you get the pendant because of a programming error the pendant actually makes you deal less damage [Music] it seems as though they programmed it backwards somehow so you absolutely don't want to get dependent unless you insist on challenging yourself maybe if you're trying to complete the game with a full inventory or something like that so that's where the pendant is but it's not a good idea to pick it up avoid the pendant avoid the tower of suffer you don't have to do this side quest at all just don't even buy the clean key that you need to get in here it's not worth it and now that we're out of there let's get back to business we used up a wing boots in the tower of supper so we're going to go back to the bird hospital and replace those and this is another time where we can do an optional level grind the next thing that we actually need to do is go to the town of victims and in that town they sell full plate armor it only costs 5200 gold it's not actually that much but if we take the time to level ourselves up to the soldier rank which takes 18 000 experience we can actually get the full plate armor for free now i want to be able to show you that and there are some benefits to being at the soldier rank right now we're going to get swordsmen so we need to gain two more ranks after that and i'm going to speed this up because it will take a few minutes but it's very easy to level up here we will move a lot faster once we reach the soldier rank as well so we will accelerate from our walking speed to our running speed much more quickly that is relevant however at the swordsman rank we've decreased our wing boost time down to 20 seconds at soldier we'll still be at 20 seconds we won't actually reduce it to 10 seconds unless we gain two more ranks on top of that it may actually be a good idea to stay at the lower rank and just spend the money to get the full plate armor but i do want to be able to show you getting it for free so i'm going to rank up to soldier if you don't want to do it feel free to skip this over remember building up ranks does not increase the amount of damage that you do it doesn't raise your hit points it doesn't raise your magic points all it does is give you a little bit more money whenever you die or if you just use the password to start the game over again and that's actually a good strategy that you can use if you don't have a lot of money you can talk to a guru get a password then just reset the game put your password in and you'll return to the game with a whole bunch of money in fact you can just spend all the money you have on items and get a password and then just reset and immediately put the password in that's a good thing that you can do if you're at one of the higher ranks so that's how you take advantage of the higher ranks in this game by abusing the password system and that's something that we might do later on in the game if we have an even higher rank but for now the only rank that you need is soldier if you want to get that free armor and when you get over to this room you need to use a wing boots and that will take you up here and that's how we're going to get to the town of victim so just make your way over to the right we have a few more seconds grab this ladder if you don't have any more time left on your wing boots you can use the ladder to get up here and watch out for these hornets just climb down this ladder and here it is we've made it to the town of victim it's a good idea to visit the guru just in case we were to die then we'll return to this town after visiting the guru we can skip right by the hospital which costs 2500 gold for a treatment and get some meat for 10 times less that's right for only 250 gold we can get a serving of meat and we're going to buy two more just to fill all the way up so i'm going to speed that up and we can go over here to the key store and this is extremely important we need to buy three key k's they are also called king keys so these will open king doors and it is extremely important that we get three of them here so make sure you have space in your inventory use potions if you have to whatever you need to do make sure that you can get three k keys if we talk to this guy here in the bar this is where we can get that full plate armor you won't get it unless you are soldier rank or higher make sure to equip it the full plate armor reduces the damage we take by 25 which is a pretty big boost from the studded mail so if you're not at soldier rank make sure to buy it from the tool store for 5200 gold outside on the right side of victim we need to use one of our wing boots and it's kind of tricky to fly up through that crack but you can make it up here and you want to head over to the left where we can find the tower of mist the tower of mist is the key to this area inside we can find an item called the black onyx and the black onyx is what we need to get the ace key and the ace key will open up the next area of the game so that's our mission we need to get into that tower of mist and to enter it we're going to need to use one of those king keys so that's why it was so important that we had to buy those so get down in front of the door equip your key k and press up to enter the tower of mist we'll see a new enemy here called a mask man they're not that difficult to defeat just kind of swing your sword wildly and they will just jump right into it if you don't move be patient with these guys take out this one on the bottom and then hurry to the right this is an item room now i know from leveling up at the bird hospital that i'm already at count four so the ointment will appear here but if you don't get the ointment just keep entering and exiting this room killing the enemies until it does appear we want that ointment so that we can get through these boss level enemies on the bottom here there's a wyvern down here and then there's a rocco suton in the next room which looks like a weird walker thing and it's just much easier to get past all this stuff if we have the ointment climb up the ladder and head over to the right jump over this gap make sure you have some momentum before you jump over it and here's that zora dona this guy will probably damage you when you climb down the ladder so i'm going to use a red potion before i head down there but if you have more health available or more time left on the ointment you can hurry down there as fast as possible if you have magic available the death spell is the easiest way to deal with this guy but you can also try to trap him in a corner and as soon as he turns around jump and attack him in the face it'll cause him to turn back around and he'll get stuck in that corner don't forget to pick up the black onyx it does not take up one of your item slots so you don't have to worry about that and then we just have to get out of here make your way back to the left watch out for these enemies they're pretty dangerous so take your opportunities and just make your way through [Music] yeah definitely might need a red potion here we're actually getting low on those so it's a good thing that we brought a bunch of them attack this wyvern in the face grab that money and make your way to the left climb up the ladder and head over it's probably a good idea to stay on top up here but then drop down in this room if you don't drop down you'll get hit by a mask man as soon as you walk onto this screen don't forget that we pass through an item room and enter this door we're out of the tower of mist nice work now that we have the black onyx we can get the ace key that we need to get out of this misty zone the black onyx is a piece of a meteorite the meteorite struck the world tree in the story of this game and that's what's causing all the problems a evil presence came out of that meteorite and that evil presence is essentially a space alien so yeah i mean that's where this story is going aliens just like that fourth indiana jones movie well i guess they were interdimensional travelers we're going to fill up here at the dried meat shop and victim before we leave also if you don't have at least 2k keys in your inventory make sure to buy those from the key shop before you leave and this is another good time to buy some red potions we actually used a lot of them over in the tower of mist so we can buy more here for 800 gold that sounds pretty expensive but it's a steal compared to what they charge later in the game we're probably never going to come back to the town of victim so make sure that you have everything you need before you leave [Music] head on down we're going to go to the right here [Music] this enemy always drops bread so if you need a little bit of health that's a good way to fill up they always reminded me of the tentacles in maniac mansion they're called a lamprey in this game climb up that ladder and make your way over to the right take out the lamprey if you want to refill your health a bit there's two lampreys in this room [Music] take them out and eat their delicious breads and just continue to make your way over to the right we are going to be able to get an optional magic here it costs 3 000 gold this is the magic of fire fire is not as powerful as death magic but it doesn't cost as much magic points to use death magic costs 10 fire only costs 6 so it costs two more magic points than thunder but fire does 24 damage so as far as the ratio of magic points to damage fire is very good so i do recommend that you pick up the fire magic for only 3 000 gold before you leave the mist zone once you have it climb up this ladder and we're going to climb up this other ladder in the upper left corner and i'm just wanting to show you this door it requires a k key to enter and they call this the useless tower so that's just a dead end you don't want to go in there avoid it once you've avoided the useless tower we're going to go the proper way so climb up this ladder of course you can farm those lamprey enemies for health if you need it watch out for this guy [Music] he also drops some bread for you most people just call them squids because i mean that's what they look like but technically it's called a eureka over here we can see the useless tower below us and in this room there's one of those sugata enemies so kill it quickly and enter this door and this guy will give us that a ski so as long as we have the black onyx this guy will give us the key we need and we'll now be able to go inside the branches of the world tree watch out for that zugata enemy equip your ace key and enter the door as soon as we enter the branches area we will be assaulted by one of those bird enemies which are actually called giant striders you probably remember it from the bird hospital area but now you can actually use your sword to fight them instead of just magic there's a few mask man enemies in this room they're in the way so take them out and in this room we'll encounter a new enemy called a tamazutsu so don't be surprised when he pops up on that ledge this is an item room and it's kind of an annoying one there's only one enemy to fight in here but you can easily miss the item that appears because it is behind a foreground element so it's an ointment you'll need to check and see if the ointment is there and if it's not just keep redoing this room until it does appear up here there's a lamprey which we can attack to get a little bit of health back or we can just walk on through since we have the ointment the ointment will make it a lot easier to get up this ladder so just climb on up through and make your way over to the right that is a vial of poison but unfortunately it is extremely difficult to avoid so just make sure you have a decent amount of health use a red potion if you have to before you cross over that poison and we did it we made it to the town of conflate we can buy dried meat here for 350 gold and as usual that's a good deal but the big draw here in the town of conflate is a much needed upgrade to our weapon we can buy the giant blade in this town for 8 500 gold pieces and if you don't have enough money right now i recommend going to the left of town and just farming those charon enemies there until you have enough we can also visit the guru to get our password and i recommend that you take a picture of your password with your phone it's very difficult to write the passwords down the font is not very good and they use like capital o and zero so it's much better to just take a picture [Music] here at the tool store we can buy that giant blade and you'll notice that they also sell the magic shield here so if you didn't buy that all the way back at the beginning now is the time to get it we don't have enough money right now so we're going to have to farm some with the charron enemies out to the left of town luckily for us they will stand no chance against the giant blade it deals 25 damage and we were only dealing 10 before so let's see if we can just take these guys out in two hits now very nice collect whatever money they drop and i'm going to speed this part up obviously we're trying to get up to that 9800 gold so that we can get the magic shield so just keep fighting these guys the big thing that we need to do in this part of the game is find the battle suit and the battle helmet we won't be able to equip them yet so we can find either of them in whichever order we choose although which order you choose will certainly matter [Music] if you collect the battle helmet first and then you get the battle suit and die like immediately afterwards you could be stuck without a k key that you need to use and you would have to walk all the way back to the town of victim however if you just make sure to keep track of your password you won't have to worry about that you can always go back to your password if you die getting the battle helmet first will allow you to have an extra slot in your inventory available because we won't need to carry as many keys so that's the advantage to doing that first and that's why we're going to go for the battle helmet first so we definitely should have two k keys in our inventory and once we've bought the magic shield we'll be able to move on and go after that battle helm wow it takes a long time for the money to drain when you buy something that costs 9 800 gold but the magic shield is quite awesome it will prevent 90 percent of damage from magic attacks so we shouldn't have to worry about these charon enemies out here on the left of town anymore their magic attacks will barely deal us any damage at all we can go back to the dried meat guy and fill up our health and then it's going to be time to go after the battle helm both pieces the battle helm and the battle suit are each guarded by a zorodona boss we're gonna make our way back through the charons at the front of town go through this squid and then we'll be back at that room with the poison unfortunately you'll probably hit the poison again so make sure that you have a decent amount of health before you touch it you can fight these lamb prey enemies to get some of your health back in the next room on the left will be a single char on enemy guarding a door and we will need to use one of our two key caves to get inside here inside there are only a few rooms you can fight these enemies for bread or just jump over them and these two zombies we want to coax them down to the lower platform so that we can attack them here so right there is where you want to stand and then you can just skip over that other one just jump up there and head over to the left [Music] and here is that first zorodona boss you can use your death magic to fight this guy or you can try to trap him in a corner once he turns around when he's trapped on the left or right side that's when you want to attack and it will cause him to turn back around the other way and if you keep doing that it will only take a few hits to finish him off remember we can't equip the battle helm yet we need to have the full set to be able to equip it so we need the battle suit the battle helm and we also need the dragon slayer sword so we won't be able to equip any of that stuff until we have all of it although the battle helm is pretty awesome it prevents 99 of magic damage and will replace your shield once you have those items equipped you won't be able to unequip them but we won't be able to put them on until we're almost at the end of the game we can go back to town here if you need a refill but we're actually doing quite well so we're just going to proceed on to the next part getting the battle suit we will use our second key k here and that's going to leave us with no pks so if we die at this point we'll return to the town of conflate and we won't have any keys to move on and you'd have to go back to victim to get some this is an item room where we can find some ointment so definitely take advantage of this this is going to make the next part a whole lot easier make your way to the right once you have the ointment and we're going to drop down between these two platforms now that's actually an item room but you need to approach it from below don't touch the poison that item room actually has an hourglass in it so if you need an hourglass that's a good place to go for it and there was actually a second item room right before we went inside the door but that one only has a matic and we definitely don't need a matic for anything in this area we want to head down to the lower right corner that's where we're going to find the battle suit down here is another item room and we actually pass through two item rooms on the way here so we should enter this one twice and there's some zombie enemies hidden behind the foreground if we fight those zombie enemies we'll be able to get a set of wing boots and we're definitely going to need wing boots to get out of this area so make sure you have an open item slot available for them wait for that zombie to jump down and the wing boots will be right there in the middle on the lower tier once you have them you'll want to exit to the left and get up onto that middle tier so that we can climb up to the top of this room if you climb up that ladder in the top we will be able to get another excellent item the magical rod [Music] unlike that pendant in the tower of suffer the magical rod actually works and increases our magic attack power so that's pretty awesome we can try out our death magic now on this zorodona boss and it should only take a few shots to take him out yeah pretty awesome the magical rod certainly increases our magic power it's kind of what the pendant wanted to be for attack power but for whatever reason that didn't work once you have the battle suit make your way back out to the left we don't have any more k keys so we need to pick some up there's another town that sells them up above us the town of daybreak now this is a difficult jump to get to the ladder if you're having trouble with it you can just use your wing boots right now i try to save them to the very last second but you just aren't making that ladder jump it's okay you don't need them too much fly up here watch out for that zombie and take this ladder up head over to the right if we stay on the top here we'll be able to pick up a glove power up we didn't get the one at the very beginning of the game because it was pointless but this one is somewhat useful it's actually hidden behind that pillar in the foreground the glove increases our attack power by 25 but it only lasts temporarily sort of like the ointment or many of the other buffs that we can find be careful of this guy you want to attack him from a lower tier when possible and then climb up this ladder now this is an item room i think that we're actually on the right count for this item so whenever we clear all the enemies yes there are the wing boots we are going to need two pairs of wing boots to finish the game so this is the room where we are going to get them we do have to come back through here later though so it's not super critical that we pick up both pairs right now [Music] take care of these enemies watch out for the giant strider down below and this is the town of daybreak the first thing we want to do here in the town of daybreak is purchase 2k keys if you got the battle suit but died on the way to daybreak and don't have any k keys in your inventory you're going to be in big trouble you probably should just reset the game and input your last password because you'll go back to the town of conflate and the only way you'll be able to move forward in the game is to walk all the way back to the town of victim to buy k keys so that's why it's very important to keep track of your passwords at this point in the game just in case a disaster happens if you did have an extra k key on you though you could theoretically just die on purpose and be warped back to conflate because that's actually where we need to go right now once you've obtained the battle suit you can go to see the guru in conflate and he's going to give you the ring of dwarf which will allow us to move forward in the game the only things that we really need in the town of daybreak are those k keys and they also sell the most powerful magic spell in the game tilte but we won't be able to buy it unless we have 15 000 gold pieces so we'll need to think about how we're going to get that much money if we're interested in buying that spell make your way over here to the left and this is where we're going to use our first key k we will use another one to get back to daybreak but we need to get all the way back to the town of conflate we need to get that ring of dwarf you don't actually have to get the battle helm you just need to get the battle suit so that you can get this ring but if you don't pick up the battle helm you'll never be able to equip all of the best equipment so it is pretty important make your way down to the bottom here head over to the right and we are back to the town of conflate see it wasn't very difficult to get back here once we make it back into town we can stop at the dried meat dealer to get ourselves some more meat fill up that health and magic power it's always a good deal what's up dried meat guy looks like he shaved his head recently he probably knew we were coming and wanted to look nice [Music] once we meet with the guru he gives us some pretty obvious advice we should equip the very best weapon armor and helmet for the final battle yeah no way we would have never figured that out i am so happy this guy told us how to do that we should use the best equipment hmm man i would have never figured that out well we got the ring of dwarf and now that we have it we can actually go to the right of that daybreak city that we were in before the way would be blocked if we don't have the ring but now that we have it we can finally move on to the final chapter of the game climb up this ladder take out the lamprey eat the bread and we're going to use our second key k we'll go through the door here and back to the green zone watch out for that zombie we could get the ointment in this room that will make the next bit of the journey a lot easier so let's take advantage of that we passed through an item room a couple times right outside of daybreak and also when we passed through this room before now our item room counter has been reset and we'll go across the gap this time head over to the right and we don't need a key k to get through the door on this side [Music] head up the ladder we are making our way back to the town of daybreak just hurry over to the right we can walk right through all of the enemies because we have the power of the ointment on our side so just climb up and we do want to collect another pair of wing boots here so we need to reset the item room so two three and four times if we got the ointment in the previous item room we should have to enter this room four times and then clear out the enemies so that we can get a wing boots if you don't have any wing boots right now you want to have at least two pairs before you move forward here so just enter and exit this room another four times and clear the enemies again to get a second pair of wing boots you ideally also would like to have an hourglass at this point there is an item room back in that green area where you can find one head over here we need to get a bunch of money so we're going to talk to the guru and this is a good time to actually just get the password and reset the game we only have 2700 money and with the rank of champion we'll be able to return with 9 000. so i'm going to speed this up and you'll notice that my password actually has a zero and a capital letter o in it you can also see that the capital letter h looks a lot like an n so this is why i recommend taking a picture of their password with your phone and we now have nine thousand gold pieces unfortunately we need 15 000 gold pieces to be able to get the tiltae magic so if we want it we're going to have to farm some gold i recommend just fighting this giant strider right over to the left of town that way if you do take some damage you could always just pop back into town and use the dried meat vendor to get back up to health so just keep fighting this giant strider until we have 15 000 gold this is completely optional though if you have the hourglass item the boss that you would use the tilte magic on won't be very difficult so you should be able to beat him without it so if you don't want to take the time to grind up to 15 000 gold you don't have to the tiltae magic does the most damage of all the magic spells in the game but it does consume a ton of magic points so you won't be able to use it very much the best thing about it though is that it arcs upwards into the air and i'll show you how that works once we wait for us to count out all the money to give to the tool store guy i imagine that we may have actually had 15 000 separate gold pieces so we had to you know put them all on the counter and he had tried to count them a couple times to make sure that we had the right amount [Music] so yeah you know wait here [Music] and finally we were able to purchase the magic and let's take a look at what it does so it shoots up into the air and explodes but look how much magic power it used yeah that's a lot so it's very useful for attacking enemies that are above you [Music] but it is very magic point heavy we'll visit the dried meat guy he'll get us filled up and now that we have the final magic spell it's time to move on to the final part of the game over to the right of daybreak we'll find a door that we won't be able to enter unless we have the ring of dwarf but we have it now so just make your way over to the right the death magic is very good to take out that enemy you can shoot it through the wall there take out this guy from below watch out for those hornets and just keep making your way over to the right this section of the game is not too difficult take out the lamprey and there's the door that's the door that's going to take us to the final area and here it is if you climb up this ladder and head over to the left we can find a hidden item room which will contain infinite red potions so if we need some red potions we want to enter the second door from the right and we will have to use magic to defeat this zombie enemy here but if we did it correctly we'll find a red potion now if you didn't find a red potion you can just exit the room and enter it again kill the enemy and keep doing it until you find the red potion and then you'll be on the right item room count so you should just exit and enter the room four more times and then you'll find the red potion again so that's how you get infinite red potions here and you may want to fill up your inventory with them and also fill up your health [Music] once you have enough red potions make your way back to where the door was and we're going to climb down the ladder and drop down into this hole this is the final town in the game this is the town of dartmoor dartmoor feels like a very typical final town in an rpg there's nothing special here although we can visit our dried meat friend for one last time we can also talk to the guru and get our password it's probably a good idea just in case we make a mistake and once we're done in here exit the town and it's time to go find the dragon slayer sword after defeating that lamprey you want to climb up the ladder and then drop down on the left side and take the ladder downwards [Music] once you get down here we'll go down to the bottom and head over to the left and then drop down this pit we're kind of making our way to the lower right corner so head over to the right and we're going to climb this ladder we want to be on the top here watch out for these hornets they are fairly annoying we can use our fire magic to take them out fire is a very efficient magic so it's a good taking care of everyday kind of problems magic [Music] that door right there will take us into the evil fortress which is the final level of the game but we can't get in there just yet first we have to enter the fraternal castle so climb up this ladder and then head up the ladder on the right we need to get up on the top platform here and then jump all the way over to the right but you may want to lure that enemy over to the right first there we go now that he is gone jump over here and we're going to head to that ladder in the lower right corner and from there we're going to be able to jump to a door which will take us inside the fraternal castle so be careful make sure you have a bit of momentum to make that jump and once you get inside take care of that hornet and move over to the right watch out for the giant strider and climb down this ladder climb down the second ladder as well and you want to head down to the right and you can just run underneath that guy just as we always do [Music] take him out and in this room this is an item room but it's a strange kind of item room you'll be able to actually see the item when it appears [Music] so you saw that the appointment is there now so take out that bora bora and then grab the ointment [Music] once we have the ointment we're going to be able to run to the boss so head over here and we're going to use one of our two wing boots we only have 10 seconds to use it so fly up and head over to the right [Music] climb up this ladder and then fly over and enter this door this is king grieve king grieve is the most difficult boss in the game and unfortunately our ointment is going to run out very shortly you could attack him with the tilte magic which does a ton of damage and can angle up into the air which is very effective for hitting king grief but the real trick to beating him is to use the hourglass you probably will need to use a red potion immediately after using the hourglass because it takes away half of your life but it makes it so that king greaves can't spit fireballs at you anymore and so you just want to wait for him to swoop down and then hit him multiple times with your giant blade it's that simple once he's defeated grab the dragon slayer we need to do one more thing here in the fraternal castle do not leave the fraternal castle without visiting the guru down the ladder below so enter this room and for a demonstration i'm going to attack this monster you'll see that it takes five hits to defeat him now i'm going to enter here and talk to the guru and he's going to give us the demon ring which is what we need to get into the final fortress once we leave here i will equip the dragon slayer sword and you can see how much more powerful it is it's not a lot more powerful than the giant blade but it is the best weapon in the game so let's take a look at that and it will automatically equip the battle helm in the battle suit and you'll suddenly have this slick suit of armor on pretty cool you can see that now it only takes four hits to defeat that enemy once you have the demon ring climb up the ladder [Music] we just need to make our way back the way we came so run underneath that snowman [Music] we can climb up this ladder but watch out for the giant strider and we need to climb up that other ladder once we get out of the fraternal castle we will be already very close to the evil fortress and i have good news for you the final level of the game is actually very easy as long as you have those wing boots i sure hope you remember to bring those i was pretty serious about it when i said we needed two pair climb up this ladder you can take out this enemy with some magic thunder works good or death we'll just take him out in one shot if you can't afford to do death then thunder will just knock him off the ladder which could at least be helpful come down here and we will be able to enter this door assuming you got that demon ring here is where we will use the wing boots so fly up here and we don't have a lot of time so don't mess around with these enemies just fly through them come over here and grab the ointment that is extremely important this is how we're going to beat the final boss and then just fly up to the ladder once you get to the ladder you don't need the wing boots anymore so it's okay if they wear off and then enter the door and it's time to fight the final battle with the power of the ointment the evil one actually can't damage us so just keep jumping and stabbing it in the face and he will go down very quickly we've done it we've completed fazzanadu all we can do now is sit back relax and enjoy the cheesy [Music] ending i hope this video was able to help you finally defeat the evil one and restore peace to the land of the world tree if it did make sure to give it a like and make sure to subscribe for more videos because there will always be more fantasy worlds to save and that's why we'll be back again next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching you
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 83,899
Rating: 4.932003 out of 5
Keywords: NES, Beginner, Nintendo, retro, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, gaming history, 1980s, guide, playthrough, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, difficult, walk through, ucanbeatvideogames, beatgames, completion, strategy, gaming101, nerd, facts, glitch, speedrun, neshard, arcade, classicgaming, retrospective, review, top100, 8bit, golden retriever, golden, dog, faxanadu, FaxanaduNES, DragonSlayer, Xanadu, DragonSlayer2Xanadu, LegacyoftheWizard, HudsonSoft, Hudson, Ys, Ys3, AdventureIsland2, Bomberman, DragonSlayerTheLegendofHeroes
Id: 8vEyiAs-fbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 11sec (5771 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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