#KidIcarus #NES #KidIcarusNES Kid Icarus - Ultimate Guide - 100% ALL Levels, ALL Rooms, ALL Endings

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[Music] kid icarus is one of the most famous nintendo franchises and it all started on the nes while it doesn't have even close to as many games as nintendo's other big franchises like mario zelda or metroid it still has a significant place in the hearts of nintendo fans kid icarus stars a bow yielding angel named pitt that must search the greek mythology inspired world of angel land for the three sacred treasures he will need to defeat medusa and free palutena the goddess of light one of the only angels left that wasn't turned into stone pit will free other warriors from medusa's curse as he progresses through the game kid icarus was developed by nintendo's r d one division the famous group led by the late gampe yokoi r d one was one of nintendo's greatest teams and they would release some of the biggest hits on the nes like mike tyson's punch out and metroid kid icarus was originally designed by toru osawa who wanted to create an action game with rpg elements nintendo had recently released the famicom disk system in japan and that add-on to the japanese version of the nes allowed osawa to create a much bigger game than was possible on a cartridge at the time once development on metroid was completed in august of 1986 more team members were able to work on icarus many elements from the two games look and feel similar leading many to call kid icarus a sister game to metroid there are even late game enemies that look like metroids while kid icarus was released several months after metroid and japan it would actually be released before metroid in north america while it sold 1.76 million copies enough to be the 34th best-selling nes game of all time kid icarus was never as popular as its sister game metroid which was the 18th best-selling game unlike metroid kid icarus is mostly linear instead of freely exploring a large world pitt moves through the levels in a sad order he can purchase items and increase his strength by fighting enemies but he can't typically do any backtracking kid icarus does change up the gameplay occasionally to keep it feeling fresh while the first world features vertically scrolling levels world 2 has more standard side-scrolling ones at the end of each world is a fortress which does allow for exploration and plays like a simpler version of zelda 2's palaces the final level changes up the gameplay yet again by being a side-scrolling shooter sort of like gradius this stage is not particularly difficult and it feels like a nice reward for making it that far the biggest problem with the game is that the difficulty is extremely top-heavy the first level is much more challenging than the last pitt starts out very weak at the beginning of the game and it is critical to take the time early on to level him up unfortunately the game doesn't make it very clear how you'd do that and even the instruction manual only gives vague clues kid icarus did have a spin-off on the game boy but the franchise was dormant for over 20 years until kid icarus uprising was released on the 3ds in 2012. in more recent times both pitt and palutena have appeared in the super smash brothers franchise kid icarus is still popular with many fans today when ign released their list of the top 100 nes games of all time they ranked kid icarus at number 20. if you want to play kid icarus today it's available on the nes classic mini and also the switch's online service modern gamers will still have to deal with the challenges the nes is notorious for like instant death from falling off the screen enemies that permanently steal your items and being transformed into a walking eggplant but what if i told you the secret to powering up early so that the later levels will feel easy what if i told you secret shortcuts to quickly pass through the difficult fortress levels and even a trick to skip the third boss and what if i told you strategies for defeating all of the game's bosses even medusa herself well on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we're doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer please make sure to subscribe and click the bell for notifications so you don't miss any new episodes let's get started all right kid icarus the most important thing about kid icarus is getting powered up early in the game how do we do that you might ask well there's different things that you need to do to increase different attributes but the one that we want to focus on first is going to be our health whenever we start the game we only have a single bar of health that's that red square in the upper left corner of the screen we can increase our health by increasing our score and whenever we kill these sheamums which look like snakes they're worth 100 points each now i'm going to enter all of the rooms on this run so this very first room you can ignore that's an upgrade chamber but we can only use that one if we beat the game and start over from the beginning you'll notice right away that the screen allows you to wrap around from the left to the right but you can't go backwards if you drop off the bottom of the screen that is instant death it's especially dangerous when you're on these yellow platforms above here because if you press down while you're standing on those you'll drop through the platform and there's a good chance you'll drop off the bottom of the screen and die now when you grab this harp item it will turn the enemies into mallets for about the next 10 seconds you will want to grab those so we can use them in the fortress level wrap around from the right side to the left to climb up this narrow shaft and inside we'll find our first enemy layer my strategy for the enemy layer is to kind of hang out in the lower left corner the enemies don't seem to go down there very often and then pick off the enemies on the bottom first and then kind of work my way up these enemies are called spec nose and they drop a lot of hearts now the hearts are money in this game but they aren't worth any score points and we need to raise our score so that we can get more health we need 20 000 points to get our second bar of health and we need 50 000 points to get the third bar up here we'll encounter our first reaper enemy he has 10 health and you want to be very careful to only shoot him in the back right now we only do one damage so he'll take 10 hits and so you want to wait for him to turn to the right and you may want to wait for him to turn to the right twice before you shoot him because if he sees you this is what happens he'll charge at you and release four rebets you need to take this guy out or just try to avoid him before you go into the room over here but make sure to grab that chalice to get more health before you enter this treasure room because it won't be there when you come back you want to open the top two treasures on the left side and also the one on the bottom right but don't collect anything then count up the number of hearts you have and look at the chart i put on the side that will tell you which treasure to open last each one of these costs five to open and as long as you do it in the right order by only opening the specific one last you'll actually be able to collect all of the treasures as well as a special one this time i got a bottle the bottle was nice because if you run out of health it will refill a whole bar of health for you you can only hold one bottle at a time right now but if you get the barrel you'll be able to hold eight since we only have one health right now it's really nice that i was able to get a bottle but it could be a lot of different things there's random treasures that the treasure room can supply one of which is that barrel and another is the credit card which can only be found there there's some more reapers here and i'm going to be very cautious this time wait for them to turn right twice before jumping up and shooting them a couple times in the back so you just wait for him to turn right once twice jump and shoot twice and you'll need to hit him 10 times to proceed on but it's good to just not get caught here there's another reaper up above you'll take him out in the same fashion there is no time limit in this game so just take care of the reapers they're actually worth a good bit of points they're worth 500 points and remember we want to get to 50 000 before we finish this level you may be wondering how we're going to do that there are some enemies right at the end that will continuously spawn that we can just farm and this is them these enemies are called mcgoose this is my spot up here the enemy rarely spawns right here where the tree is and you want to just duck down so that you avoid the shot and then pop up and shoot the magoo if it appears right next to you you wait for it to shoot and then pop up and shoot it and if it's a little bit farther away you can shoot first and then duck back down but you mostly just want to stay ducked because you can't die here i'm speeding this up because this takes a long time and you can pause to check and see how much score you have we need to get over 50 000 and you won't actually get the increase to your health until we reach the end of the level so you need to make it to the end of the level with 50 000 points to get ourselves to three health bars if one's going to spawn right underneath you you can drop off over to the left but just hang out near the tree duck down and take your time with these mcgu's i've noticed that whenever i have around 900 hearts that's when i probably have the score that i need so that's the indicator that i'm looking for and i do have that bottle which is a nice extra safety hopefully i won't need to use it but if i do that's okay because if you die here in level one you lose everything the game only saves your progress at the end of each level so it doesn't matter what your password says or anything like that you're going to start over with nothing so just be very cautious and conservative and just keep going until you have 50 000 points i think i'm actually pretty close at this point but this is one of the most important things in the game so take the time to do it you need those extra health bars in fact if you die after you have a second health bar you'll come back with two full health bars and you'll need the third health bar to be able to use some of the special weapons all right once you have at least 50 000 points come up here and enter the door and we will reach the first checkpoint now if you die after this point it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if you lose all of your bottles in the next area if you have feathers any consumables because you'll get all that stuff back so if you don't want to do that level up loop i'm going to die here so that you can see my password that's the only way to get the password but it's also this is a good time for me to die because i'll come back with two full bars of health so if you don't want to do the level up feel free to use my password and start here on level 1-2 in level 1-2 we'll have the opportunity to increase our attack strength the way that we do that is by building up skill points skill points are a very strange metric you gain skill points by killing enemies you gain skill points by entering rooms you'll gain skill points by collecting hearts but you only gain skill points for collecting hearts if you're not already maxed out so you need to be careful to actually spend some money here if you're at 999 hearts because that's the maximum entering this room for instance just gave us a bunch of points for entering the room and killing all those spec noses and collecting the hearts got us a lot of skill points as well getting hit by enemies will reduce our skill points and shooting our arrows also reduces it but it reduces it by a small amount we also lose skill points for opening those treasure containers but for collecting all of the treasures in a room will actually gain a bunch of points now i bought the barrel here the barrel will allow us to hold eight bottles and it also spent a lot of my money so i can make sure that i don't max out my hearts right now because then i won't get any skill points for collecting the hearts over here is another reaper and right above it is in one of those chalices make sure to collect the chalice before entering the room because it won't be there when you come back now you can see why i spent all that money defeating the spec noses inside this enemy nest will get us a lot of those skill points we need to get at least 10 000 skill points before we reach the upgrade room so that's what we're trying to do in level 1-2 don't shoot your arrows too many times try to be careful about getting hit and we want to kill a lot of enemies and pick up the hearts that they drop we also want to enter a lot of rooms that's all that you need to do you want to try to over achieve the 10 000 skill points that you need to make sure that you compensate for any hits that you might take along the way which reduce your skill by 300 points here's another reaper we can just try to run up to the room whenever the reaper's all the way over there to the left on the door and right now i'm going to buy this feather the feather will rescue us if we drop off the screen and die instead of dying when you drop off the screen you'll actually fly for a few moments which is nice so it's a good safety item and you can hold up to 99 feathers make your way up here and cross over to the right carefully you can shoot these mono eye enemies so that they're not in your way and whenever you kill a set of enemies in this game if you don't collect all of the hearts that they drop more enemies of the same type won't start spawning until you collect those hearts or they disappear you may have noticed that i spent 390 hearts on that feather later on in the game once we have that strength upgrade we'll be able to intimidate those store owners and we'll actually be able to get a discount but for now they may actually raise the price if we try to intimidate them so we need to wait until we get that first strength upgrade before we try to do anything like that take your time on these platforms i like to get up to this solid block and then quickly jump to the left this platform is ice so don't press down while you're on top of it you'll actually go through and i think it's better to just trigger that reaper get up onto this platform and shoot the repats quickly then we can climb up on this platform wait here for a moment jump up to the top of this purple platform and then just patiently wait here we'll bounce back to the left in a minute once we get over to the left we're going to wrap around to the right side and continue to make your way up here there's mcgoos so we want to move quickly or they'll start popping up and shooting at us and these octopus guys are called comey loses and you may have noticed that i shot one and it didn't die well here is that upgrade chamber and if you come in here and it's empty that means you didn't get enough skill points and you'll need to die and start this level over so now that i have the strength upgrade i deal two damage and these comey loose enemies are taken out in one shot and i'm just gonna skip right by this reaper because that's the end of level 1 2 and we've reached another checkpoint there's no strength upgrade chambers here in level 1-3 so you don't need to worry about your skill rating there is going to be a store coming up though so you may want to shoot these enemies and collect the hearts so you'll have a little bit of spending money the shameums are only worth one heart but these frog-like nettlers are worth five you ideally want to shoot those nettlers from the platform below because whenever you're directly across from them they can actually dock your arrows so i like to wait here for the netlers to come over to the edge and then shoot shoot and grab those hearts in this room there's an enemy lair so this is another good spot where we can get more money the first store that we come to here is going to be the standard kind and not the black market in the regular type of store if you have a second controller attached you can press a and b at the same time and that will cause pit to intimidate the store owner we didn't do it before because we were weak with only level one attack but now that we have level two the store owners in stage one are going to be a lot more submissive make your way up here and be careful on these platforms because pressing down could drop you through them up here we'll encounter some lava take out these mono eye enemies and you'll see that if you don't hang out in the lava for very long you might not take damage at all but you don't want to sit in there for an extended amount of time because you will take a lot of damage then and you'll see what happens when we press a and b it doesn't work every single time but it seems to work almost all the time and now we get the better prices so i'm going to grab a second bottle since i have the barrel now and he even thanks us for our business yeah thanks man thanks for the discount so you can see that you can drop through these platforms by pressing down so be careful not to press down and i like to take the right path over here there are some dangerous spikes that stick out of the walls on the left side [Music] also on the right side here is a treasure chamber so remember shoot the pot in the lower right and then the two in the top left count up the number of hearts and based on this we see one heart so i'm going to shoot the treasure pot right above the door last and make sure not to collect any of the treasures in the meantime either or it'll end the room and i got a feather this time i've been hoping to get the credit card it's the only place we can get the credit card but we'll hopefully get it eventually just grab all the treasures and we can continue moving upward stay here on the right side be careful of these mono eyes as you move up and you'll need to move over to the other side to be able to get onto this platform wait until it's moving over to the right and jump on it and up here we can wait until this one's in the middle and moving to the right and we want to jump over onto the other side be careful of these shame rooms you don't want to get knocked off and watch out for these call me loose enemies as well they're actually fairly relentless so make your way up carefully avoiding the enemies and whenever you see the commie loose enemies if you can move up quickly two of them will often drop out of the pack and you won't have to deal with all four i'm gonna grab this harp so that i can avoid the enemies for a moment and here we have more of those spikes the spikes won't kill you but they do deal damage stay here take out these sheamums and then you want to jump straight up and once you're above the spike you want to press right so straight up and then right here you can just take a nice tap jump over and then we're going to go straight up and press oh man i almost messed that up all right didn't die we also do have feather or two so we don't have to worry about falling off the screen but you'd hate to use it now and we can go over into this room [Music] this is the black market so you can't use the intimidation on this guy this guy will never drop his prices and i don't really have enough money to buy anything that he has so i'm just going to exit you can see how i quickly moved up there so that all four call me loose enemies wouldn't follow me we want to just avoid this reaper so whenever we're sure he's moving to the left just quickly jump up to the upper part of the platform on the right and then you can move back to the center without being seen wrap around from right to left and we want to jump up onto this first platform there's no spikes that are going to damage us while we're riding this one so we can wait for a good time to get onto the second one which we should only jump on when it's moving from right to left and on the right half of the screen quickly make your way up to this one jump onto this platform when it's moving left to right and then jump over the spike on the right side and wrap around there's some more kami loses so try to move up quickly and you'll notice that the reaper is easier to take out now we can actually stay on the right side of the screen and hit him a couple times and then quickly run over there and shoot him some more this is a very important room this is the sacred training chamber if we can survive these monoliths for about 30 seconds we'll be able to grab ourselves an upgrade and we'll be able to choose from three different ones the best way to survive this is to stand on top of the door but be very careful not to exit the door because this guy will actually call you a weakling and you won't get anything if you exit through the door so just stay up here shoot the occasional monolith that does come your way but not too many of them should hit you and now you can choose your upgrade we're going to get all three of these weapons over the course of the game but the order we get them in definitely matters because of the weird way these weapons work i picked the sacred bow but i think the protective crystal is also good for newer players you'll notice i don't have the enhanced range yet that's because the sacred bow isn't activated yet we'll need to get two full bars of health before it will turn on we'll need three bars for our second weapon and four bars for our third weapon once we get enough health it will stay activated until we reach a fortress speaking of the next level is our first fortress and it changes up the gameplay a good bit i'm actually going to show you two ways to beat this fortress the first way takes advantage of a glitch which will give us a serious shortcut these skull things are called ganomedes and these guys are called cobills if you press the select button you can turn on your mallet which you can use to free these centurions that have been turned to stone and they'll help you fight the boss whenever you get that far if you come over here across on the right you can take out some more cobills and free another centurion watch out for the sheamus the drop out of those sheamum jars and on the right side we'll find a store interesting thing about stores and fortresses though is that you can leave the store and come back and you'll see that he now has different items for sale so you can actually go to these stores as many times as you want and you can actually press a and b on controller 2 to intimidate these store owners as well and you can get better prices so i bought the chalice here so i can refill one bar of my health in this room on the shortcut route we're going to go down through the platform and then we'll take the ladder to the next room below the next room below is where we need to take advantage of the glitch so that we can make a shortcut this glitch is hard to perform but if we set it up correctly we can try it as many times as we need to the first thing we need to do is head over here to the left so that that shamum jar activates on the left side and drops four shamums that way none will drop out of the right shamum jar and get in our way then we're just going to take a running start jump and we want to try to clip through the middle of that top brick i like to let go of the d-pad after i jump and whenever i notice that i'm clipping you just want to tap to the right and you'll kind of slide through it's difficult to do but like i said if you set it up properly you can try it as many times as you need to and you won't have to fight any eggplant wizards in this fortress you'll just be right here on the boss who's named twin bellows and if you can catch him right here in this spot he'll get hung up and you can just start shooting him rapidly by shooting and alternating by pressing b to fire and then pressing down so shoot down shoot down shoot down and he'll be defeated very quickly but what if you don't want to take advantage of glitches i'm going to show you the proper way to finish this fortress now in this room we can get the check sheet which is sort of like the map from the legend of zelda except it's not as good in this game it doesn't actually do anything until you have the pencil or the flaming torch which are items you have to buy from the fortress store this room is a hospital and you want to make a note of where the hospital is whenever we encounter the eggplant wizards if we get turned into an eggplant the only way to get turned back is to come back to the hospital so make sure you know where that is just in case that unfortunate event happens now we're gonna make our way up in this room there's some sheamum jars so watch out for those and let them drop the sheamums before you move up take out these cobils as well and remember if you leave a shame or two on the screen then more won't drop out until all four are removed and all the hearts they dropped have been either picked up or disappeared make your way over to the left and here are those eggplant wizards when you're up on the top there you're actually not safe from the eggplant wizards so don't feel safe up there here is another store i will grab the pencil here so i can show you what that does it's one of those items that interacts with the check sheet that we found and make sure you hold down whenever you drop through there so that you don't get hit by the eggplant wizards remember if you get turned into an eggplant you have to go all the way back to the hospital in this room i like to move forward and drop down and take out the eggplant wizards they are unlikely to be able to hit you if you're right in front of them i'm going to use my mallet to free a few more centurions honestly i don't feel like the centurions make a big difference when you're fighting the boss the boss isn't even that difficult in this one feel free to skip as many of those as you want make your way down and you want to make sure that you hold left when you drop off the ladder there so that you can fall over to the left you won't be able to jump back up there we're going to drop down here and we need to go down again it's really the only way that we can go up ahead if we take a detour to the left we'll be able to reach a hot spring room and in that hot spring room it looks like lava but it actually heals you and i'm gonna speed this up but wait in the hot spring until you have full health and then move on take out these cobils and make your way to the right now all we need to do is just make our way all the way to the right so the path in this fortress is we go up to the top we go across the top to the left and then we go down the left side and once we get to the bottom left corner we make our way across to the right that will get you to the boss these guys actually drop a lot of money so feel free to clear that room it's a good one and you want to just hurry through to the right in this eggplant wizard room that's a good way to do it and then just shoot that first wizard and quickly make your way across you do not want to get turned into an eggplant and you may remember this room that's the one where we performed the glitch in the other route and here we are at the boss i'm going to show you a slightly different boss strategy whenever you shoot twin bellows he kind of pops up into the air we are going to try to use that rapid fire trick but another good way to fight him is to just get him popped way up in the air the centurions will hit him there and his shots will go over your head and if you ever can get behind him you can get a lot of free hits in that way as well whenever he's defeated he'll drop a treasure chest that contains the sacred treasure but you don't have to actually collect it the game will just collect it for you automatically in a few moments so it takes the same amount of time no matter what so just wait there for a second and we will be on to stage 2-1 level 2-1 is a much more traditional side-scrolling level that would have felt very familiar to anyone that had played super mario brothers i think i understand why the developers wanted to show that their game was different by putting vertically scrolling levels at the beginning but if stage 1-1 would have been horizontally scrolling i think that may have been a lot better to help people get acclimated to the controls in world 2 you'll notice that the store owners are no longer intimidated by us so if you press a and b on controller 2 they'll actually raise the prices instead of lower them make sure to spend some money here though if you have a lot of hearts because this is another one of those skill stages remember that the primary ways to get skill are by killing enemies and by entering every chamber that you see these rock man enemies are great for gaining skill whenever you kill them you'll get 500 skill and collecting the big heart that they drop will give you another 500 for a total of 1 000 so make sure to take your time and hit as many of these as you can and make sure that you don't have 999 hearts when you're here or you won't get any skill points for collecting the hearts so it took some time there waited until they stopped raining down and this room is another one of those hot springs so stand in the hot spring until you're full of health and then we can continue to try to get more skill just entering that hot spring room gets us skill points though so that's very important and there's more rock band enemies here so be ready to take those on the goal of course is to try to get to 10 000 skill or more before we reach the strength upgrade chamber and we need to counteract the fact that any time we get hit we lose 300 skill here's an enemy nest so by getting these hearts we can actually get a whole bunch of skill but be careful that you don't take too many hits in here so be conservative while fighting the spec noses even if you don't want to fight the spec noses you do get 300 skill just for entering the room so at minimum you should enter and quickly exit make your way to the right these enemies that pop up are called minos and the ones that appear out of the ground are called girons the gehrens are very similar to the mcgoos that we fought in the beginning to gain some levels so there's a gear in right there it looks like a weird insect with big mandibles on top of it take out these sheamums and any enemies that you want to but it's not very hard to get the skill that you need in stage 2-1 these flying guys are called mix i can't make that up take them out and enter this room this is the black market so you can't intimidate this guy and i don't really need anything from him so i'm just going to keep continuing to the right if you have too many hearts though that's a good place to spend hearts because remember you won't collect any skill if you pick up hearts when you're maxed out this is a good spot to farm rock bands and get a whole bunch of extra hearts and skill before we reach the upgrade chamber keep making your way to the right and at this point you want to get up on the top so that you can go into this door so just hop on in there and this is the treasure chamber now you actually lose 500 skill for each treasure pot that you hit but if you complete the chamber that you'll actually gain points you need to shoot different pots in this one so it's the two on the right and that one in the mid left count up the hearts and that will tell you where the god of poverty is hiding and this time i got the elusive credit card the credit card will allow me to buy things at the black market if i want to even when i don't have enough money although any hearts that i collect after that will be used to repay my debt so you won't be able to get away without paying back you'll notice that i miss a chalice by being up here on the top but it's not that big of a deal i definitely wanted to get that credit card so i'm very happy that i went to the treasure chamber instead these green frog things are called kirons watch out for them as you make your way to the right and this is it this is the strength upgrade chamber if this room is empty it's not that big of a deal you'll have a second opportunity to get the strength upgrade in this level but for now i'll just assume that we got it now we deal three damage per shot now that we have the strength upgrade we don't have to worry about skill points anymore but there is another upgrade that we can acquire in level 2-1 it's going to be another one of those endurance rooms but before we get there there's a store that we can stop at remember before when we tried to intimidate the store owner by pressing a and b on controller 2 he doubled the prices well now that we have the strength upgrade he doesn't double the prices anymore and i'm going to buy a bottle for 270 hearts no no thank you make your way to the right take out these chirons as they jump through the air and we can get some of our hearts back that we just spent we're almost to the end here but we want to hit that endurance chamber so keep making your way to the right those green cactus things in the background won't damage you they look like they might be something that could and there's some red rock man's here that we can fight if we want to build up some hearts remember before when we were in the endurance challenge we stood on top of the door well it's almost like the programmers knew that that was a way to beat it easily so they put some rocks on top of the door this time now we have to hang out in the bottom and try to actively dodge the monoliths by moving left and right a bit and shooting some whenever they get close it's still not that hard to finish the challenge and when we do we can choose from either the fire arrows or the protective crystal i still think if you're new to the game and you don't have the protective crystal yet you should get it but the fire arrows are pretty fun these upgrade chambers often feel anticlimactic because we don't get to use the fire arrows we need to get to three full bars of health before they're activated so we're just gonna make our way over here and this is that second strength upgrade chamber so if you missed it the first time that's where you'll go to get it and we're going to need to do that whole skill thing again in the next level but there won't be a second opportunity this time and we'll need to do it much more quickly so it's a good thing that we're not in maxed out hearts right now because it's very difficult to do with maxed out hearts even better we got over a hundred thousand total points so now we got our fourth bar of health and right here at the beginning of stage two two there's one of those treasure chambers so make sure to shoot the two on the upper right and that one treasure pot on the left count up the number of hearts and then we know this time that the one in the bottom right is the last one we need to shoot and it is critical to do this treasure chamber properly because this is another skill stage and you actually can't have negative skill points so the minus 500 you get for breaking those pots actually doesn't count against you here and the upgrade chamber is right at the very beginning so we need to be very careful and make sure we get as many skill points as possible here it's actually important that we don't end level 2-1 with a lot of money because if we have 999 it might actually be hard to get enough skill to get the upgrade here and we certainly want that upgrade make your way to the right there's going to be another enemy layer here most of the enemy layers are pretty optional in this game but these ones in level 2-2 are very important to clear to make sure that you collect all the hearts to get the skill points for collecting those so make sure that you're able to get the hearts because that's how you're going to get the skill points and don't randomly just shoot your bow a lot that will waste skill points over here there's going to be some red rock man enemies so don't go in that door yet that's the strength upgrade chamber we need to kill as many of these as we can before you go in there and make sure not to walk too far to the right so that it moves the door off the screen that would be a disaster and you would just want to die and move on once those guys stop spawning you want to jump in there and see if you did it and we did we now have our third strength upgrade and can deal 4 damage per shot the strength upgrade is important so if you didn't get it you can just drop into the water it's instant death if you don't have a feather and even if you do have a feather just use them up until you die you'll get all your feathers back when you continue up on the top here there's a hot spring so make sure to refill your health entirely at the hot spring if you did get the strength upgrade and now we could take advantage of those weapons that we got from the endurance chambers you'll notice that i have the fire arrows and i have the sacred bow which allows me to shoot farther but i need to be careful the enemy that was moving towards me outside of this enemy nest is called a pluton and if you get hit by the pluton he'll steal your most recent endurance chamber upgrade so that is super annoying to get it back you have to either complete another endurance chamber or you can buy it for an exorbitant price at the black market or you can die and start this level over and you need to be careful and just like let them jump over you and walk under as they jump over you can't kill them with your bow very annoying you can see how effective i am against these mick enemies now you can only ever have two arrows on the screen so the enhanced range of the sacred bow can be a liability if you're just shooting arrows off randomly so take your time and be careful and watch out because if you press down on top of this ice you'll go through it and you don't want to drop into the water below that will kill you or you'll have to use up one of your feathers make sure to take out this snowman enemy before you move on to the platform towards him and don't duck when you're on these ice platforms to avoid the snowman shots you just want to jump over them keep making your way to the right you can stay here on the edge and shoot at the snowman upwards to take him out just go under this one and shoot upwards you can grab that heart it will be worth 10 hearts you can just slide off the edge there there's some chirons in this chamber we'll find a black market so if you did lose an item from one of those plutons you could buy it back here at the black market carefully make your way across these platforms these are the kind that if you press down on you'll drop them so don't press down on them [Music] and then we just want to take our time on these moving platforms only jump to the one across to the right whenever you're at its level or higher [Music] jump over to that small platform if you have feathers feathers can save you here if you miss you want to take out this snowman before you jump onto the platform he's on just take your time there's no time limit in this game just wait until the platforms are at a good height to jump to take out the snowmen and carefully make your way to the right you don't want to mess it up now we're almost at the end there is one more enemy nest before the end i'm very close to max down on heart so i'm not gonna bother fighting the spec noses in that enemy nest and i'm just gonna make my way across to the right there's only one more chamber in 2-2 and it's going to be a black market now level 2-3 is not one where you need to worry about skill points so it's not critical that we spend all of our money before we finish this level i always consider having 999 hearts to be first world problems but having first world problems is a problem in this game if you're trying to collect skill points to get one of the strength upgrades and that's it after the black market there's just a few more of these carron enemies and that's the end of 2-2 and we're on to 2-3 which is another horizontally scrolling level but this one is at night time fun unfortunately for fans of this style this is the last of the normal horizontally scrolling levels there's more of those red rock mans here and those are good to fight if you need to get more hearts so you can spend them at the stores but we're maxed out on hearts right now so hearts are not super interesting at this point just keep making your way to the right the first room that we're going to encounter here in level 2-3 is going to be one of those treasure chambers it's unfortunate that we already have maxed out hearts before we hit the treasure chamber but we still want to get the free item for clearing it entirely this one has a black background instead of a blue background but we still need to use the pattern from world 2 so that's clearing the two in the upper right and the one in the mid top left count up the number of hearts we only have one heart this time so that means it's right in the middle that's the last one we want to get and we got a bottle which that's a nice bonus grab the hearts to make up for the ones we had to spend for breaking those treasure pots remember that each treasure pot costs five hearts to break and we're back to maxed out 999 hearts watch out for these minos as you make your way to the right you'll start to notice how very powerful we are with all the different upgrades we have we still need to get 200 000 total points to get our last health upgrade so we are working at that at all times keep making your way to the right we don't really need any hearts it will be nice when we can finally hit a store and we can spend them take out these mix and this is not a store at all nope this is an endurance challenge room once again they've blocked the space above the door on the right so we can't do that trick anymore but we're a lot more powerful now so the monoliths shouldn't be too big of a problem and this will give us our third and final endurance upgrade and i'll be able to grab the protective crystals and you can grab whatever one you don't have the fire arrows are probably the last one to get if you're a new player so just wait and grab your last upgrade the protective crystals are pretty awesome though we won't be able to see what they do until we can refill our health a bit continue to make your way across to the right watch out for the rock man enemies the drop down and be careful as you cross under those sheamum jars they will very quickly start dropping shameums [Music] you can avoid having the sheamum jars be active by leaving a sheamum from a previous jar on the screen and in here we'll reach a store a standard store with a shop owner we can intimidate so now is a great time to grab some health or a bottle or even a feather whatever you want and start making your way to the right again just make your way to the right here remember if you don't get all of the hearts the sheamum jars won't activate after four shaymums have dropped out you want to wait for this platform to get up above those spikes the spikes won't instantly kill you but they will do you damage we can actually take a lot of damage now we have a bunch of bottles but we don't want to have to use those if we don't need them make your way over to the right there's yet another enemy nest here and we have a lot of hearts so the enemy nest seems very unnecessary and just keep making your way to the right and we're almost there we're almost to the world to fortress but before we get there they put more of those pluton enemies so be very careful of those try to use the platforms to your advantage if it's crossing at the bottom get on one of the upper ones in here there's another black market so if one of your items gets stolen you could buy it back in here i'll grab an extra bottle since i have so much money might be useful in the fortress make your way across there's some more platforms over lava the lava won't instantly kill you so if you do drop into the lava it's not actually that big of a deal it's not like the water that the platforms were crossing over before over here you do need to be careful of the charons as you're crossing those small platforms lots of enemies attack you here the sheamum jars may not activate when there's like me knows and other enemies on the screen and these rock mans can be very dangerous as you're crossing these small platforms over the water here be very cautious and take them out before you keep moving to the right and that's the end that's the final horizontally scrolling level we'll add some points to our total score and it's time for the world 2 fortress the world 2 fortress is much bigger than the one we did in world one there is a shortcut to complete this one as well so i'm going to show you both ways come over here to the right there's a store you could intimidate this shop owner and i'm going to grab the chalice so that i can get some more health just keep making your way to the right this is the most difficult of the fortress glitches to perform and it's the most dangerous one to do this glitch you have to deal with some lava so this is the room you want to jump and then quickly jump from the lava to clip into that brick on the right and then you'll tap right to turn to the right and slide through the wall and make sure not to press jump while you're going through the wall or you could soft lock the game that was the one that took me the most practice to perfect it's very difficult one thing that it does help is after you make the jump to try to clip into the wall you want to take your thumb off of the d-pad for a moment and only touch it again when you're going to tap right to turn to the right but i don't super recommend using that strategy i'm going to show the normal way to get through but make sure in this room that you quickly walk through to the left to take out that first eggplant wizard if you get turned into an eggplant it was all for nothing you'll have to go way back to get to a hospital and doing that wall clip will have been pointless but that's the only eggplant wizard room you have to do if you use that trick so that's the boss but i'll show you the normal way to get through we're going to drop down just like we did before and in here we can grab the check sheet and then we'll want to go back the way that we came but before we do we can free some centurions with our mallet i still don't think these guys are very important for fighting the boss but you know grab as many as you want they're a little bit more useful in this one try to remember where that room where you found the check sheet is because if you need a hospital because you were turned into an eggplant it's actually one room below that and then three to the left i'm going to buy the torch this time because i bought the pencil and the previous fortress but i didn't really show you what those items did last time so i'll try to make up for that this time you can see when i pause that now there's a blinking spot on the map although we can't really make out any features of the map you may remember that we went through the right door when we went through this room originally but this time we're going to climb up through the top we're not going to do that wall clip this time these enemies are called shulems and i always thought they looked like the goombas from super mario brothers at least a little bit i'm going to free this centurion and then we'll make our way to the left in this room we can free another centurion but first we'll let that sheamum jar drop a bunch of snakes now they're not a problem so we can free him and we want to exit through the door on the left these enemies are called to mombos to mombos at least the red ones here drop full hearts so this is a good place to gain some hearts we're actually very close to a store right now so if you need to pick up some hearts before you make it to the store there are several rooms of these red tambos to fight take them out and head through the door on the left we can free two centurions fairly easily here so we'll take advantage of that opportunity we want to exit this room through the top the next room that we enter is going to be a store these blue tombows only drop the half hearts but if you need more money before hitting the store this could be a good place to do it you don't want to go through the door on the right we need to go out through the top here so that'll take us to the store and the store is like actually on the way for where we need to go i'm going to buy the pencil this time so that you can see how the pencil and the flaming torch work we actually need to go right from the store but if you go to the left there's a hot spring over here and i'm going to speed this up we definitely want to take advantage of this hot spring to fill up our health entirely and you'll notice that we don't get to use our sacred bow and protective crystals and fire arrows whenever we're in the fortress levels which is unfortunate the next room has eggplant wizards in it but it's actually okay to be turned into an eggplant here it's not that big of a deal we're going to be heading through a hospital to get to the end so i'm going to allow myself to be turned into an eggplant so you can see what that looks like wait for the spears and then head down and you want to hold to the right as you drop off this ladder you can't shoot your bow while you're in eggplant but this is that hospital where the eggplant curse will be removed from you for free and you can see where that is on the map so remember where it is in case you get turned into an eggplant in one of these next rooms you may remember this room from the shortcut route this is the one where we would pass through the wall so you know we're very close to the end now wait for these spears and then quickly drop down we want to head to the left through this room and the next room is going to be a store but the room after it has eggplant wizards so that is very dangerous you want to just quickly move to the left when you enter this room to get under those eggplants and then get right under this one and shoot him as he moves to the edge of that platform that's the safest way to deal with those if you mess it up you gotta walk all the way back to where that hospital room was we need to take this room carefully because the next room is where the boss is his name is hughdraw i'll pause very quickly so you can see what our route looked like on the map and get an idea of what the pencil and the flaming torch actually do hue draw isn't that difficult of a boss whenever you get into the room start shooting fairly rapidly so that your centurions can get some damage in and i like to get onto this right platform and take shots at hughdraw when he's coming across from the left and as he turns around on the right side make some slight moves so that he'll bounce over you and you can also shoot him upwards as he passes over you want to try to do that rapid fire shot by shooting and then pressing down between shots so it's like shoot down shoot down shoot down you want to have a good rhythm with it if you don't have a good rhythm you'll just start ducking like that and no shots will come out don't drop into the lava you'll take damage so just hang out here on this right platform wait for the boss to get close try to do the rapid fire if you can it's not necessary though just do little jumps or make slight adjustments to move out of his way and if you can let him go over you then you want to shoot upwards that's another good way to hit him but the time i get the most hits in as as he turns around on the wall on the right or as he comes across from the left so those are good opportunities to shoot him he does have 200 health so this boss takes a little while to kill and once he's defeated we'll grab the treasure and we'll be on to stage three don't miss an opportunity to fill up your health here at the beginning of stage 3-1 world 3 is known as sky world and it features more vertically scrolling levels although i think these ones are a bit easier than those that we faced in world 1 the underworld although be careful because those cloud platforms if you press down on them you'll drop through the same rules from world one apply you can drop off the bottom of the screen and die so be very careful about that but the levels here in world 3 are shorter and because we're more powered up the enemies are easier to deal with as well these floating knights are called collins and you want to make sure to shoot every call in that you see and collect the hearts that they drop because level 3-1 is home to the final strength upgrade chamber so that's right we need to build up our skill points once again this is a short level so we need to take every opportunity that we can to build up the skill this is one of the ones where sometimes you enter the chamber and it's just not there so be very careful as you climb up here you don't want to take any damage because you lose skill points for that and you certainly don't want to just randomly shoot off a bunch of arrows that would be a mistake up here we'll see the power of the protective crystal enhancement if you just stand here the reaper will run into your protective crystals and you can shoot upwards take out the re-bats and that's just a very easy way to remove that reaper jump onto this platform when it's in that position and make your way over to the right to wrap around to the left watch out for these holler enemies they're like the mcguz from level one one and this enemy is a pluton fly this guy can't be killed and he'll steal the enhancements that you got from the endurance chambers so you want to kind of bait the bluton fly like get into his line of sight and let him fly over and then move upwards so right here he's going to fly over jump over you definitely don't want to get hit by those guys they permanently steal your upgrades and you'll have to do another endurance chamber or you'll have to buy it back at the black market make sure to take these opportunities here to gain some more points we're almost at the chamber here where the upgrade is this is it right below us so any enemies that you see here you can take out for a few more points but we got it and now we are powered up to full strength now we can deal five damage if you didn't do it you do want to die and not proceed on here that's the last opportunity to power up your strength so you definitely want to be strength 5 before moving on to stage 3-2 stage 3-2 of course is another vertically scrolling level this one has a bunch of moving platforms you can let that one push you through to the right and then you can get up on the left side take this platform as it moves right and get up onto that platform be careful on the clouds remember if you press down on a cloud you'll drop through it we'll wait for this platform take it as it's moving to the left yes of course that thing can damage you now we don't have to worry too much about the reaper anymore we're very powerful with our level 5 strength and the protective crystal will actually protect us from the sheamums now in here if you need to you can actually do another endurance room like for instance if you lost one of your upgrades but if you didn't well you can see what he says now if you leave the room early these enemies are called comedoes but they sure look like metroids to me with our level 5 strength upgrade we can certainly intimidate this store it's possible that it won't work randomly but it seems to almost always work for me whenever you're at strength five make your way up through the not metroids totally not metroids never seen a metroid before in my life don't know what a metroid even is you don't want to die here but if you have some feathers they can help you out in this part so if the platforms line up in the middle you just want to quickly jump up through otherwise take your time and pick your spots falling off the bottom of the screen is not good wait for this platform to go all the way over to the right and then jump up to the left make your way up and just wrap around you don't have to worry about falling off the edge you can just wrap around to the left here we do want to start thinking about collecting enough hearts to get the game's best ending so this game will give you a different ending depending on how many of your stats you actually maxed out so if you have five bars of health that's one of the stats you need to max out if you have the five strength upgrades that's one of them if you have all three upgrades from the endurance chamber that's another one and the last one is having 999 hearts so whenever we get to the final level we want to be fairly close to the 999 hearts to ensure that we'll be able to get enough to get the game's best ending i am going to show all the endings though so you can see all of them at the end of this video just keep making your way upwards here wrap around the screen when you need to over here we're going to jump up to the left and then head over to the right this is a very oddly placed hot spring it feels very generous of the game to give us a hot spring up here but take advantage of it that's very helpful and up here is the goal and that's it stage 3-3 is the last of the normal levels after that there's just a fortress and then the final side-scrolling shooter level 3-3 is a bit longer than the previous two and it doesn't have a lot of chambers just like all the levels here in sky world take your time as you move up here through the tomatoes which definitely aren't metroid's that harp will buy you a few minutes to get up these platforms without being attacked by enemies you want to kind of go up through the platforms when you can stay in the middle of those spikes [Music] head up to that cloud in the middle if you have any feathers here and you make a mistake the feathers can bail you out and you can actually go up through the clouds so don't worry about going around them and when you jump upwards just keep moving up here's a black market but if you're trying to get 999 hearts at the end of the game it may not be a great idea to buy stuff at the black market right now jump up through the clouds there's going to be some of those holer enemies so you want to move quickly upwards here so you don't get attacked by them but remember not to duck under their shots when you're on the clouds we all know what'll happen you'll drop through and die or at least use up a feather make your way up here we're fairly close to the end now the fortress in world three is a difficult one there's a lot of rooms that takes up almost the entire check sheet but there is a shortcut that we're able to use we can take advantage of another one of those wall clip glitches and this time it allows us to skip most of the fortress and the boss it's also another one of the easy ones that you can do in a room where there aren't any enemies attacking you so you can just keep trying it until you make it happen of course i'm going to show you how to beat it the normal way as well but this is probably one of the most interesting tricks in kid icarus coming up here so get ready for that and then once we finish the world three fortress it's just the final level and medusa left so make your way up here there's a store on the left if you want to grab a last minute item might not be a bad time to pick up a bottle you won't really need feathers from this point on and over there on the right is the goal we have the 999 hearts now and we're also past the 200 000 points we need to get the fifth and final health upgrade i'm going to show you the shortcut path first whenever you drop down into this room you want to hold to the left so that you get underneath the eggplants and then you can go down to the bottom when you get to this room you want to head over to the right and we're trying to get to the lower right corner but to do that we need to come up through this room make your way across there's a hospital here you may want to note where this hospital is in case you get assaulted by eggplant wizards when you're not trying to do the shortcut route but we can avoid all of the eggplant wizards if we take this shortcut this is actually the last room we can intimidate this guy if we want to buy any items but our health will be completely refilled when we get to world four and that's the trick that's what it looks like this is the cut scene at the end of the third fortress and you'll see that we proceed right on to the final level so how do we do it we want to jump into this wall and right as we pass through the edge you need to jump we weren't supposed to jump when we did the previous trick in the world 2 fortress but we do want to jump here because that's what triggers the trick and if you do it perfectly you'll skip through but what if you don't want to use glitches let's take a look at the normal route i'm going to go and get the check sheet first so you can see where that is but that's completely optional so you'll come up here and there it is the check sheet or the map if you will and once you have it you want to come back the way that we came [Music] so just head through here and go down so now we're back to the starting room but we have the map when we drop down this ladder we want to hold left and down just like we did for the shortcut route cut through this room these enemies are called tross and this room with the red crosses we want to go left this time instead of right remember that over to the right there is a hospital if you need it and in this room if you need to refill your health you can come down here but you do risk going through those eggplant wizards if you don't need to refill your health and use the hot spring which is located down here which this is the lower left room of the fortress but if you don't need to come down here don't come down here don't risk getting turned into an eggplant so once you've refilled your health make your way back to the right [Music] be very careful to avoid those spear traps i was a little bit reckless with them heading through but i knew i was heading to a hot spring and this is the room where we could have gone over here and climbed up before but instead we went down because we wanted to go to that hot spring this room's tricky you need to start jumping right after the spear fires at the bottom and when you jump up to the top level make sure you jump outwards to the right that's the only way to get through it without taking any damage there's some red troughs in this room make your way up through the top these enemies are called urinos and there are red and blue varieties in here we're going to climb up yet again [Music] and once we get up to the top we're going to go left here we can't go through the top that ladder is too high for us to jump to be careful of these eggplant wizards wait for them to fire before you go through and then drop down there's some more troughs in this room and we're going to climb up we're making our way to the very top of the fortress and once we get to the top we're going to cut clear across to the right this room is very dangerous let that shame them damage you so that you get some invincibility frames to pass that eggplant wizard that is a great way to do it it's worth taking the damage so let a shame hit you and then walk by that eggplant wizard which hides out in the bottom of the screen he can very easily shoot up an eggplant that'll get you but if you're invincible because you just took damage that eggplant won't be able to transform you if you do get turned into an eggplant in the previous room on the left there you need to go down and then one screen to the left to find the hospital but it'll be a big back track to get back here this is the last room before the boss so you can buy some extra health here and then we're in this is pandora now i'm not a greek mythology scholar but i don't remember pandora being a weird floating bubble in any case you want to avoid those two bubbles that are bouncing around the room you can't remove those and just shoot at pandora whenever you can if she disappears you can look for her outline which can be hard to see in certain areas of the screen and when you shoot her with an arrow she'll be revealed again whenever you have a good opportunity to do so you can try to use the rapid fire shot as well pandora is not that difficult of a boss but it can take a while to beat her so just take your time focus on avoiding those bubbles that are bouncing around the room and take your shots whenever you can and in a few more shots pandora will be defeated and we will have all three sacred treasures it's time to take on medusa and now we will equip ourselves with the three sacred treasures the mirror shield which can block enemy projectiles even medusa's the light arrows which shoot beams across the screen and of course the wings of pegasus which allow pit to fly but don't worry we won't get too close to the sun we're not going anywhere near it it may seem like all fun and games here in the palace in the sky but it most certainly is not you need to try to kill 50 enemies before a certain point in the stage or it'll loop over and you'll have to repeat it so try to kill as many enemies as possible and you're also trying to get to 999 hearts so that we can get the game's best ending this guy that falls apart is called an aaronis and these sirens that fly at you are a very good way to kill a bunch of enemies make sure to pick up the hearts that they drop quickly so that more of them can spawn so quickly pick up the hearts these enemies are called daphnes and same thing with them you want to shoot them quickly and pick up the heart so that more can spawn and the walls in this stage are more of a suggestion than anything don't be too worried about them you can just fly right through these guys are called zuri's and they're some of the last enemies that you're going to be able to fight before the stage loops so take out all of them if possible right over here there's going to be a few more zuri's and then you'll notice the stage turned to red if it turns red right there that means you killed enough enemies but if it didn't turn red that means it's going to loop over and if you did it this is it this is the final boss medusa medusa is a super easy final boss if you just position yourself slightly below the pupil in her eye and just keep shooting she won't be able to hit you and you'll just be able to do as much damage as you need the snakes that come out are called tanatos and if you need to avoid one of those as long as you're not shooting medusa's shots will be blocked by your mirror shield so you can just move out of the way and then move back into position and after a few shots medusa will be defeated now it's time to sit back relax and enjoy the cheesy ending and there's a lot of flashing patterns here so if you're sensitive to that i wanted to warn you about it this is the game's best ending palatina turns pit from kid icarus into man icarus and then she gives him a kiss which makes the background appear it's a pretty nice ending that's the best ending but if you only maxed out three of the four categories then lady palutena will turn pitt into the man but there's no kiss and no change to the background this time if you were only able to max out two of the four categories pitt will get this plumed helmet and if you only max out one of the categories we'll see pit with this plane helmet and spear if you were unable to max out any of the four categories then pitt gets this farmer hat inside that's actually tricky to do and that's it we've beaten kid icarus well i hope this video was able to help you defeat medusa and finally free palutena from her evil clutches if it did make sure to give it a like and be sure to subscribe for more videos because there will always be more mythological monsters for us to slay and that's why we'll be back again next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching you
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 116,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NES, Beginner, Nintendo, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, 1980s, guide, playthrough, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, ucanbeatvideogames, strategy, gaming101, glitch, speedrun, classicgaming, retrospective, golden, dog, secrets, nintendoswitch, switchonline, switch, nesclassic, NESClassicMini, goldenretriever, YouCanBeatVideoGames, 100%, SwitchLite, KidIcarus, KidIcarusNES, Pit, Palutena, Medusa, Metroid
Id: CCbqjSFg3xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 32sec (5072 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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