#Castlevania2 #SimonsQuest Castlevania II : Simon's Quest - NES - Ultimate Walkthrough -ALL Endings!

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castlevania ii simon's quest is one of the most influential nes games ever made castlevania may be konami's most popular franchise and konami is a company with a catalog filled with hits including silent hill metal gear and even yu-gi-oh with games spanning across almost every console generation comic books and even a successful animated tv series castlevania is less of a game series and more of an institution it's easy to forget that it all started with a trilogy of games on the nes the first game is a stone cold classic and the third is possibly the most polished side-scrolling action game on the system but castlevania ii simon's quest doesn't always get that same level of praise like many great nintendo sequels simon's quest takes risks and isn't just more of the same castlevania that players expected after the first game instead of the linear experience of the original castlevania 2 features a non-linear open world players are free to explore the transylvanian countryside as they search for the five mansions that house the grim remains of count dracula finding new items opens up new areas of the game like the infamous red crystal that summons a tornado after kneeling at this dead end this open structure is reminiscent of nintendo's metroid and is somewhat responsible for this genre being called metroidvania interestingly when asked if metroid's gameplay had any influence on simon's quest designer hitoshi akamatsu said he was actually inspired by maze of golias an obscure early metroidvania game from konami the early reviews for simon's quest were positive and while ultimately konami would return to the linear structure of the first game for the next several entries in the series many ideas first seen in castlevania 2 would heavily influence 1997's castlevania symphony of the night which is not only one of the top 10 best games on the original playstation but in a time when most franchises were transitioning to 3d it was proof that 2d games were still valid assistant director koji igarashi said that the critical reaction to simon's quest is what allowed them to pitch the idea for symphony of the night to konami so let's be clear if it wasn't for castlevania 2 symphony of the night would not exist modern reception for simon's quest is more mixed most famously it was the subject of james rolfe's very first avgn video and some of his criticisms are valid the translation is sloppy and many of the game's puzzles would be nearly impossible to solve without a guide to make matters worse some of the clues given by the game's non-player characters are not just poorly translated but straight up mislead the player and sure you die when you hit the water but in a game with free exploration like this one it's important to clearly indicate the game's borders despite the game's shortcomings it still has that classic castlevania action you will whip your way through skeletons go toe-to-toe with the grim reaper and return to castlevania for a final confrontation with the count ign listed this game as number 25 on their top 100 nes games of all time and in 2008 nintendo power ranked it as their number 15 best game on the system they also rated their classic castlevania 2 issue cover as their worst ever because parents complained the image of simon holding dracula's decapitated head gave their kids nightmares probably true but that cover is still pretty awesome if you want to play simon's quest today it is available on the castlevania anniversary collection and on the nes classic mini you will have to compete with many of the challenges that the nes is notorious for like invisible pit traps instant death hazards and the relentless enemies that attack during the transylvanian night but what if i told you how to get the very best whip and weapons early so we'll be prepared for the game's most difficult enemies what if i told you how to find all of the game's hidden items so you'll be more than ready for the final battle with dracula and what if i told you how to get all three of the game's different endings so you can see how this chapter of the belmont saga truly concludes well on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we are doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer please make sure to subscribe and click the bell for notifications so you don't miss any new videos let's get started [Music] we start simon's quest in the town of jova and our first mission in the game is to gather up 100 hearts because hearts or money in this game and we need to use them to buy two key items here in joba each of which costs 50 hearts now the fastest way to get those hearts is to come over here to the left of town into the belasco marsh and fight these two-headed creatures they could possibly drop the half big hearts which are worth four each but do you see how much damage they dealt to me that is a very difficult area to handle when you're just starting out here in simon's quest so i think it's probably better for what we're doing here to go to the right of town into the jova woods instead now before i go over there i'm going to grab one of those key items one of the nice things that the developers did for us was they gave us 50 hearts to start with so we actually only need to get 50 more the item i purchased is a weapon and it's the holy water the holy water doesn't deal a lot of damage it deals the same amount as our basic whip that we have but it's actually pretty good right now the more important thing that the holy water does is that it can break false bricks and until we get dracula's nail that's the only way that you can actually destroy such bricks the holy water very useful you can see what it does here and right now i am just trying to build up hearts by fighting the wolfman and the skeleton here these guys only drop the small hearts and they're worth two instead of the four that the two-headed creatures drop on the left side of town but we're not taking any damage by fighting these guys one thing that happens here in simon's quest if we were to lose all of our lives well then we would lose any hearts that we have so that's not going to be very helpful now you can see here that we have transitioned from day to night and now instead of fighting those monsters there on the right side of town we can come back into town and there's going to be zombies now the zombies are a very good source of hearts so we just kind of wanted to kill time until night came on the first day and you see they dropped those half big hearts and they only take two whips to defeat just hit these guys two times i'm gonna speed it up here and just hang out here in front of the church you can't go into the church during the night phase but as soon as day breaks if we're low on health we can go into the church and if we talk to the priest there we'll be able to refill all of our health so just keep going even if you already have the money that you need we're going to need more so just fight as many enemies as possible here while we're in joba we need to get 50 more so we can buy the white crystal and it looks like morning is about to arrive each day night phase lasts about three minutes of real time you can actually check the clock on the pause screen if you want to see what time it is so see it's six o'clock in the morning now and i actually have well over a hundred hearts so we're doing good right now resting here at the church doesn't actually use up any of your game time so once you've refilled your health we're going to head down and i'm going to show you where the whip upgrade is in this town right now we have the leather whip but if we wanted to spend 100 hearts we could get the thorn whip the thorn whip deals two damage instead of the one that our leather whip does now and it has a little bit more range i don't have enough money to buy that and the white crystal that i need so i would rather just save my money so that we can buy the chain whip in the next town the chain whip deals 4 damage and you don't have to have purchased the thorn whip to be able to upgrade to the chain whip so we can just skip over the thorn whip for now now the white crystal on the other hand is absolutely mandatory we need to buy that because it will reveal a hidden platform in the first mansion you can get through the first mansion without doing that it's possible to hit that invisible platform without being able to see it but we definitely need the white crystal to be able to upgrade it to the blue crystal which is critical for opening up a path later in this area be very careful of the fish man enemies you can see how effective the holy water is at hitting enemies that are a lower position from you now as you go through you just want to be careful that nothing bumps you off the platform there is knockback in this game and if you land in the water that's an instant death hazard and you will lose a life we need to be very careful that we don't fall into the water and it looks like i just leveled up this game has an interesting experience system to it it's not necessary that you gain all of the experience levels there are actually six to gain but each time that you do it will reduce the amount of damage that the enemies deal to you you only gain experience points when you collect hearts as you gain more levels certain enemies and areas will no longer add to your experience total so you won't be able to gain levels in the easier parts of the game right now we are very close to the town of veros so i'm just hanging out here trying to collect as many hearts as i can but we need to make sure that we get into the town of varros before it turns to night so that we can buy another item the dagger before the shops close for nightfall now when the time says 1800 hours it will turn to nightfall so if you pause the game and you see that you're around 16 30 or 17 you need to head down the stairs and get to the town of varros because we do want to head to this seemingly empty store break this invisible wall and buy the dagger weapon from this merchant for 50 hearts now the thorn whip that i was describing before deals 2 damage and this dagger actually is free to use we don't have to spend hearts and also deals 2 damage it also has enhanced range compared to our leather whip which is really nice this weapon is effectively just as good as the thorn whip and that's one of the reasons why i don't like to buy that upgrade at all now if i had 150 hearts i would try to buy the chain whip upgrade before nightfalls also but you can see how much more effective the dagger is against these zombies they normally would take four hits from the leather whip but instead they only take two from the dagger and if you group them together you can even hit two at a time we're just gonna stay here in veros tonight and fight the zombies with our dagger and try to collect as many hearts as we can we need to get at least 150 so that we can buy that chain whip upgrade and just stay here and fight the zombies there is kind of a time limit on this game we need to finish within eight days if we want to get the best ending so we are going to try to make that pace that's why we're not gonna mess around and talk to a lot of the villagers you don't use up time whenever you're inside buildings or mansions it really only matters that we save time when we're out here in the overworld so we can't waste a lot of days just hanging out in towns fighting zombies and building up hearts i got 214 hearts which is awesome the most hearts that you can actually hold is 256. it was good that we bought the dagger before if we didn't we would actually have maxed out our hearts so come into here destroy the false floor and we're gonna buy this chain whip from the merchant for 150 hearts the chain whip is a significant upgrade over our leather whip dealing four times as much damage and having a decent amount of range as well you can certainly see how effective it is against these skeletons in this area which is called dobby's path now that red liquid in the bottom of the screen is not water that's a poison swamp so if you jump into that you won't instantaneously die you'll just take a slow amount of damage as long as you hang out in the swamp unlike clean water the swamps are a little bit safer take out these ghostly eyeballs as you head up the stairs [Music] if you head over to the left here we'll reach berkeley mansion but we want to go to the right on this side there are some bats here we know that bats are an obligatory enemy in every nes game and if we use our holy water we're going to be able to come over here to the left and find a hidden weapon the sacred flame unlike the other weapons that we found so far the holy water and the dagger the sacred flame is not free to use it requires us to spend a heart each time we use it but for that one heart it deals 7 damage also wherever it lands it creates a fire and enemies caught in that fire will take additional damage and also be stunned the sacred flame is easily one of the game's most powerful weapons it even works on bosses and i'm not even just talking about the damage part i'm talking about the stun part too for now i'm going to just use my dagger because i need to save as much money as possible to buy some upgrades that we need but the sacred flame is awesome now we're going to skip that stairway and head here to the right through the algebra woods now if we would have gone down those stairs we would hit a dead end because we need a blue crystal to enter rover mansion and we won't be able to do that yet [Music] once we get into the town of algebra here use our holy water to break open the floor and we will find another hidden vendor in a basement and this one will sell us garlic i don't know if it's a great business practice to hide your store in the bottom of a hidden basement but i mean i guess we're buying the garlic so whatever works guy now we are only going to need two garlic in the entire game so you don't need to buy any more according to the instruction manual the garlic can be used to weaken enemies but i have never used it for that instead we're going to use our two cloves of garlic to exchange for two very nice optional items but before we do that i want to make sure that we grab the blue crystal in this town before it turns to night we are quickly running out of daylight over here we're going to find the man who doesn't understand how diamonds work he wants to exchange his blue one for our white crystal whatever works for you man but the blue crystal is absolutely an upgrade it does everything that the white crystal does and more like i said we are going to need to use it to open up rover mansion but we're not going to do that just yet instead we would really like to tackle berkeley mansion first but i wanted to make sure we got all these upgrades including one right over here to the right of town in the nearby graveyard if we drop a clove of garlic right here at the beginning of the graveyard suddenly a man will appear that will give us the silver knife the silver knife is actually a pretty nice optional sub weapon it deals seven points of damage and it actually passes through enemies when it hits them so that it can hit more enemies behind them each time you throw the silver knife though it does cost a heart so i'm going to stick to my standard dagger for now to save up money we will need 200 hearts to be able to buy the next whip upgrade we want to make sure we have that and we're also going to need to make sure we have 50 hearts to buy an oak steak in the next mansion now that we have all those upgrades we're going to start heading back to the left that graveyard where we got the silver knife is about as far right as we can go right now so we need to make our way all the way back to the left and the way that the map of the game is laid out if you would get all the way to the farthest right point in the map that is castlevania which is dracula's castle and the final stage of the game but to get there we actually have to go all the way to the left side of the map where we'll hit a dead end called deborah's cliff if we kneel at deborah's cliff and we have the red crystal equipped we will catch a tornado and that tornado will take us farther to the right than we've already been then we will be able to proceed farther into the game now it looks like i just got another level up which is very nice the second level up in the game also will give you more health oh and all the other level ups after that will also give you an increased level of hit points now we are in the varros woods here the town of varros is directly below us so once we get across this screen we are going to arrive at berkeley mansion which is the first mansion in the game the first thing that you'll notice when you enter berkeley mansion is this blue moving platform but if you don't have your crystal equipped that platform will be invisible so if you're not seeing a platform make sure that you have that crystal equipped head on over to the right across this and up the stairs watch out for the slime enemies and attack the gargoyle as you come across to the left while we're in the mansions the time does not advance so you can take as much time as you need in the mansions you don't have to worry about the days and nights going on while you're in here also if you're interested in leveling up your experience this is a good place where you can just sit around and kill enemies without wasting time in the game now as we come across here to the right there's going to be some invisible blocks so we're going to need to be aware of them as we make this next jump it's the first two on the edge there you see how i jumped through those do not try to jump onto those blocks you'll have to kind of head back around and get back on top now below us here there is a merchant that sells a steak there's going to be a steak merchant in all five of the mansions and we need to get that steak so that we can open the crystal ball at the end which will contain one of dracula's body parts so we're going to come across here come up the stairs and over to the left the oak steak always costs 50 hearts and you can only hold one at a time and as soon as you use it it's gone so be careful to not have it equipped i'm gonna put the holy water on for now so that we can reveal some invisible platforms down here but make sure that you don't put on that oak steak if you use it accidentally you'll be very upset about that so we're going to come over here to the right and right in front of this pillar there are some invisible platforms so jump over where you see that pillar and come up the stairs here and we're going to find the first piece of dracula the rib so use your oak steak by pressing up and b and there it is you now process dracula's rib you think they could have proof read this game a little bit before they released it to the public i think almost anyone would have noticed that we can drop down through the floor near that pillar and that's actually going to be a shortcut that will help us get out of the mansion quickly instead of having to go all the way back the same way that we came this is just going to take us straight across to the entrance very very convenient these mansions are a lot like the palaces in zelda 2 so we need to complete them this is the goal to completing the game and they actually can be completed in any order so while this is the easiest of the mansions we could actually have come to this one much later i certainly like dracula's rib as a power up that we can use so whenever we equip dracula's rib it actually creates a shield for us the shield can protect you from enemy projectiles it doesn't protect you from running into the enemies so the rib is something i like to keep equipped for most of the game it's an item that we'll just have on a lot you don't know when enemies are going to be shooting fireballs at you so it's nice to have the rib on just for those kind of occasions uh these fish man enemies that come out of the water here they can shoot at you so nope looks like we got to the morning that's good a lot of people including the angry video game nerd complain how long the transition takes from night to day and it's about like 10 seconds i do agree that that takes a long time but i kind of wonder is it because this game was originally on the famicom disk system and the famicom disk system is notorious for having long load times so maybe they made that transition animation take some time to kind of cover up the fact that the disk system was loading and they didn't change it whenever they made it for the us version with the much faster cartridges now we've actually made it all the way back to the town of jova and i'm gonna stop up here at the church to refill our health because we're going to be heading to the left of town and into the very dangerous balasco marsh we know from the beginning of the game that there's going to be the two-headed creatures there and we will see how effective that dracula's rib is once we get over here on to the left the monsters shoot fire from their mouths and you can just block it i always thought those guys were werewolves and not two-headed monsters i didn't notice the other head it's not very prominent [Music] now coming over here we have to cross this poisonous swamp and watch out for the mud man as well you can use your shield to deflect their shots but you just want to kind of keep jumping into the air so you don't spend a lot of time down in the swamp and end up taking more damage than you need to this is the dead river where we will meet the fairy man it says in the nintendo power guide that you need to equip the crystal for him to take you over to the town of alba and i find myself just doing it out of habit because i've been playing this game for years and i always equipped the crystal to take you to alba but i did test it and it doesn't matter you don't actually need to equip the crystal as long as you have any other item other than dracula's heart equipped you'll be totally fine here in the town of alba we'll meet a man who will exchange a red crystal for a blue one which is very useful you don't necessarily need the red crystal to beat the game there are ways to use damage boosts to get to other parts of the game without it but it's a very easy item to obtain so just get the red crystal and we are certainly going to use it in this run up here we can stay at the church to get our health back and in this town you also can buy laurels for 50 hearts but i need to save all of my money because in the next town we're going to buy the best whip that we can buy with hearts the morning star and it costs a lot of hearts it costs 200 to buy it before we can get that morning star we need to cross the sodom woods and it's a horrible night to have a curse it's interesting that this game is called simon's quest and castlevania 3 is actually called dracula's curse when this is the game that really deals with the curse i mean we're trying to find dracula's body parts so that we can rid ourselves of the curse well in any case the path forks here and if we were to head over to the left on the top we would get to the town of ondul but i'm going to take a detour here now watch out there's an invisible platform for over there so make sure to jump over that and we'll head here into the storagoy graveyard now here at the end of the story graveyard we will be able to find an optional upgrade that will allow us to hold eight laurels and eight garlics instead of the normal four it doesn't sound like a very important upgrade but it actually is worth getting be careful of the slimes here they jump very erratically and actually can really mess you up be cautious of them and try to kill them if you can the zombie hands are easy to deal with now here we're going to use a garlic again and this guy will give you a silk bag and that's that upgrade that we were talking about before we move on watch what happens if you get a damage boost off this slime and get up onto this inaccessible cliff normally you wouldn't be able to jump up here and suddenly we're teleported way to the right of the map to laruba mansion now we can't actually get back to the graveyard from here we've been warped to the other side of the map but it's kind of a neat trick nothing that we have to do to be able to win the game but something that i did want to show you before we move on so we're just going to head back the same way we came to the right across the graveyard and i am getting very low on health so i'm going to take a death here this area is pretty challenging especially with the experience level that we have here i don't think the experience levels are super important but if you're struggling with the game you may want to spend time in some of the mansions trying to build up a level each time you go through one of them now down here we have to walk through a poison swamp and we're going to head up these stairs and across the top of the sodom woods and into the town of andol these enemies are called freddies and they'll actually drop big hearts worth eight hearts so those are very convenient we need to make sure we have 200 hearts to buy the morning star as you travel across this area make sure to kill any enemies if you don't have enough hearts yet we will need that 200 as we get into the next town and here we are now it's still night so i'm going to need to just kind of hang out here until the night wears off and in the meantime i can fight some more zombies and just build up myself until i have maximum hearts just gonna fight over here and i'm going to head right to the area where the morning star is sold which is here and coincidentally we made it just in time for morning to hit i have 256 hearts which is the maximum i can hold so we're going to head down the stairs here no secret hiding spot for this vendor just head down into his shop and we're going to spend 200 hearts to buy the morning star the morning star is very powerful it deals a whopping eight damage making it more powerful than our sacred flame and the silver knife it also has very nice range the morning star is the second most powerful whip and if we want to obtain the most powerful whip the flame whip we must have it head here to the left of town fighting off these pirate ghost and mummy enemies when you get to these platforms make sure to jump when they're at their highest point and whip in mid air as you jump whipping when you jump makes you jump a little bit higher and is very important equip the red crystal here at deborah's cliff and just kneel down wait for a while and this tornado will appear and it's going to transport us way to the right across the map although it looks like it's moving us left to bodley mansion but we're not going to go in there just yet head over to the left for now be careful as you enter this screen did not walk into the water you need to have your crystal equipped just kneel down for a while and a path will appear you need to have at least the blue crystal for that but we have the red crystal which is the most powerful so we'll be totally fine now in this area this is where we can find the flame whip so head across here make sure to use whip jumps and we will use our holy water to break the wall right here in here this guy will power up our morning star and now we have the flame whip if you thought the 8 damage that the morning star did was good the flame whip does 15. we are now ready to take on whatever challenge this game can throw at us head back across the platforms and this time we're gonna go up above them and use our holy water to break this wall and proceed to the left watch out for these flying skulls carefully whip jumping across the platforms and heading to the left keep proceeding on now there's a lot of area here that you can explore but there doesn't seem to be anything good hidden in it just keep moving on and take the road over here to the left you'll need dracula's rib to shield you from the flame throwers as we travel left across the devious woods now your flame whip is actually very effective against the flamethrower enemies which seems maybe a little bit counter intuitive just whip your way through all the enemies and you can just see the power of this weapon over here we will enter a new area called the joma marsh [Music] this area is filled with poisonous swamps so it would be nice to have some laurels here and if you do have them make sure to use them that enemy is called a ghastly leech and i just don't have enough health to cross this swamp so i took a death here and i'm going to use my full health to proceed to the left it's actually not that big of a deal to die anymore because we've bought the most expensive item in the game so losing our hearts at this point is not quite the crisis that it would have been before just keep trying to jump up and down as i cross this poisonous swamp watching out for these ghastly leeches and the other enemy the one that shoots at you is called a slimy bar sinister i can't make this stuff up that's exactly what it's called and in the middle of the joma marsh is the laruba mansion you'll remember laruga mansion this is that area that we could have teleported to from the graveyard before and it's actually one of the more difficult of the mansions so we're doing them a little bit out of order here but we have the most powerful whip now so we can certainly take on anything these enemies are tough but we're still defeating them in two swings of the flame whip we don't have a stake at this point so we need to make sure that we have 50 hearts so that we can buy one from this mansion steak vendor don't go up that ladder there's nothing good hidden up there we're just going to head over to the right whip your way through these skeleton knights and watch out for the ones that throw the bones at you they're pretty dangerous and the bones can do some decent damage head over here and it's you can just kind of jump over this guy we need to go up to the top here because that's where we're going to be able to buy a stake head on up to the right just come across and watch out for those spikes they can deal you damage and here is the stake vendor so we're going to spend 50 hearts and get an oak steak thank you very much in pretty much all of the mansions the dracula body part that we're looking for is in the lower right corner and this one's no different it's just how you get to the lower right corner that's the trick so we're gonna head over this spiky pit it's not an instant death hazard but it can damage you and you want to kind of head to the right corner when you drop down here there's a bunch of enemies on this floor head down and make sure to take a good jump to the right here you don't want to end up on the left side of that barrier you won't be able to jump up over it and this guy takes just a ton of hits to kill with the holy water but i don't want to take damage by just dropping on top of him so i'm just going to stand here and spam the holy water until he dies there's no time limit when we're inside the mansions here there's no reason to not do that really and we're going to come down here to the right well we've hit our first boss this boss is known as vampira and you want to kind of stand here right you can see where i'm at in relationship to the lattice and the background and when it starts shooting these fireballs just stand here with your rib equipped and you'll be able to block them and try to get one or two hits each time as it floats around in your direction this boss is pretty easy but we definitely need to defeat her to be able to get the cross if we don't have the cross we won't be able to get into castlevania and finish the game so it is a mandatory item and we now process dracula's ring dracula's ring unfortunately is the most useless of dracula's body parts now you'll see that vampira has respawned just ignore her and walk under to the left before we leave laruba mansion we're going to come over here and we can get eight free laurels laurels normally cost 50 hearts for two so because we have a silk bag this woman will give us maximum laurels which is eight and what do you see what these do so i'm gonna turn one on here it's a good spot to use one there at the bottom you see where it says eight when activated they make you temporarily invincible which is just awesome now these come really in handy when we have to go through those poisonous swamps but if you just want to avoid some enemies i mean the laurels are amazing they even work on bosses eight free laurels very good deal and that's the reason why we wanted to get that silk bag before so that we could take advantage of this offer if we didn't have it we'd only get four laurels here now don't worry about ever equipping dracula's ring it doesn't do anything yeah cool item thanks i don't even know why dracula's ring it's not even a body part why not dracula's fangs the dracula's lake i don't know that they run out of parts over here we'll hit the east side of the joma marsh we're going to want to use our laurels so we don't take any more damage here in the poison swamp very nice head over here to the left and this is the carmilla cemetery now we saw this from the other side before whenever we got that silver knife oh and it looks like i leveled up again nice all right keep heading over to the left and this is the jump we wouldn't have been able to make from the left side so now we're going to be all the way back to the town of algeba and we're going to keep working our way back to the left and pick up any of the mansions that we haven't gone to along the way the next thing that we need to do is go to rover mansion where we will be able to get dracula's heart unlike the ring which does nothing i don't know what is it like a horcrux i don't i don't know why we have dracula's ring but we're going to get dracula's heart which now that's a body part right and dracula's heart serves a very important purpose we need to equip it when we meet the fairy man at the dead river again and if we have the heart equipped he'll actually take us to a different location now the last time we came through here we skipped this part because we didn't have the blue crystal yet and the blue crystal is needed whenever you get to those lake areas and if you kneel down in front of any of the lakes in this game it opens up a path below the lake we're going to head over to the right don't go running off to the right edge though you don't want to walk into the water equip your crystal and just kneel down and wait and the path to rover mansion will appear head on over to the right and there it is rover mansion has a very sneaky beginning to it as you head across to the right it looks like you need to go up these stairs and work your way across the top of the mansion but no you need to do a whip jump here and then jump through the wall on the right that wall was actually an illusion now this is the actual part of the mansion that you need to go into the enemies here are certainly a bit easier than the ones we faced in the ruba mansion watch out for this moving platform you don't want it to knock you off into the water take out the skeleton knight and down here on the bottom you'll be able to buy an oak stake for the 50 hearts as usual we will need that steak to be able to get the heart at the end of the mansion we'll want to come back here to the left and take the stairway up rover mansion does have one kind of tricky platforming sequence in it and you'll be seeing that shortly keep taking the stairways up once you get up to the top we're going to head over to the right just whip through these guys it seems like you get a free hit after you level up so i think that's why i didn't take damage there kind of strange though i'm not gonna lie and here it is this part's tricky you need to walk to the edge of the platform and jump across if you bump your head you'll fall down and you'll need to repeat it again just keep trying that part until you get it it is a little bit tricky but you just want to keep your momentum as you move left right left right and weave between the platforms come down here we will equip our oak steak and we now process dracula's heart in the instruction manual it says watch out the heart attacks and it actually says some stupid little jokes for all of dracula's body parts i think it would have been a lot better if maybe they gave us a clue as to what it actually does i will include those on the graphics on the side so you can see what the instruction manual says about dracula's body parts now that we have dracula's heart you will exit rover mansion the same way you came in and then just make your way up out through the left and you have to take the lower path across these moving platforms this time they're a little bit dangerous so be careful that you don't end up in the water make your way across to the left we will be heading back the same way that we came across previously so we're just making our way back across the game to the original town of joba and once we get there we're just gonna head across the marsh and get back to the dead river so that we can show the fairy man our dracula heart and he'll be able to take us to the next mansion and that mansion is called brams one thing that i would like to highlight as we go back across the game here is how nice the graphics look on this game versus the other two castlevanias on the nes if you look at castlevania 1 or castlevania 3 the top 20 of the screen is covered in a black bar and it has a lot of player information up there so your health bar how many hearts you have your sub weapon it even has a boss health bar which is always present even when you're not fighting against a boss that actually really constrains the screen and while those games are great i love the way the castlevania 2 looks everything is huge it's a full bleed to the end of the screen the health bar is over on the left in that more mega man style and it's just kind of neatly overlaid over the graphics now until we get to castlevania 4 on the super nintendo they don't do a lot of overlap i think it would have been nice if maybe they had reworked the interface for castlevania 3 to be something between this and the original game instead of going just right back to the look of the much older original kind of a weird choice this game has a more advanced look to it in that way be careful as you cross these platforms that you don't fall in or get hit by the fishman enemies we have the flame whip now so these enemies are going to be easily destroyed now we're back into some much simpler areas of the game and these enemies are not going to be giving us experience points anymore if we're interested in raising our experience level these guys here are not going to do it anymore it's just too easy and we're back at the town of jova we're going to come up to the church and refill our health as we make our push towards the end of the game we only need to do two more mansions the next one is going to be bram's mansion and that's the one that the fairy man will be able to take us to the final mansion is bobby mansion and that's the one that we got dropped off in front of whenever we took the tornado earlier basically what we're going to do is go hit up bran's mansion and once we do that get back to deborah's cliff and take the tornado on to the end of the game this will be the last time that we crossed the belasco marsh it used to be a very difficult area for us to traverse but now we have the flame whip and we even have laurels so we won't have to take any damage as we cross the poison swamp area over here to the left so i'm going to switch those on now laurels and here we go whip through these mud men but they can't damage you while the laurels are being used and we had just enough to get through the poison swamp unscathed now we're going to equip that heart it's that little red circle to the right of the rib and now instead of taking us to the town of alba he's going to take us over here which is bram's mansion now before i go into bram's mansion i'm going to head over here where we can get an optional item this item is very optional and this part is very tough you want to get to the edge of each of these blocks and jump when it's at its highest point and make sure you do a whip jump so that you get that extra air so jump and whip jump and whip jump whip and don't forget to do a whip jump on the last one you do not want to end up in the water and we'll go over here whip your way through these pirate ghosts and these endangered bald eagles and when you get to the end of this area there will be some medusaheads because hey it wouldn't be a castlevania game without medusa heads although they don't do their typical sine wave pattern in this game this man will give us a diamond the diamond is an interesting sub weapon it deals seven damage and it costs one heart to use it does this ricochet attack whenever it hits walls it will bounce off i haven't found the diamond to be particularly useful it can be good in some tight and narrow spaces the difficulty of getting across these platforms to get it makes me think that there's a good chance that it might not be worth it head back across these platforms one more time if you went to get the diamond if you didn't go get it i don't think you'll really miss it too much but i want to show you where all the items in the game are and the diamond is one of them now we're going to enter bram's mansion brahms is actually one of the larger mansions in the game what we'll need to do here is make your way to the right and then go up three flights of stairs when we get to the top of the stairs we'll want to head back to the left so basically what we're trying to do in this mansion is make our way to the top left corner and then double back across the top of the mansion to the right and make our way down to the lower right hand corner where we will find dracula's eyeball dracula's eyeball is about as useful as dracula's ring i mean at least it's a legitimate body part what it can do for us is there are hidden tip books there are these like red leather-bound tomes hidden in the walls in the game's mansion if you have the eyeball equipped you can see where those tip books are located the tips are super cryptic and you need to have the heart just to get to this mansion by the time you have dracula's eyeball you're gonna be most of the way through the game anyways and you're not gonna really need those tips it's better than the do nothing that the ring is i suppose when i was a kid if i found any of those tip books i would definitely write those tips down i mean they were so well hidden that i knew that they had to be something important i think it would be really cool if you got some kind of bonus for finding all of those you don't in any case make sure to buy a steak on your way down to the bottom it's the typical 50 hearts as it always is and we're going to need that steak when we get to the treasure room before we get there we're going to fight the game's second boss the grim reaper or as he's often known death in the original castlevania the grim reaper is one of the most difficult bosses in the game although there is an easy trick to beating him by just spamming him with holy waters in this game we're gonna do something similar just spam him with a sacred flame he'll get stuck in the flame and won't be able to move and once he's defeated we'll be able to obtain the golden knife i find it interesting that it says you now possess the golden knife spelled properly and right in the next room we see that same you now process dracula's eyeball misspelling you can get it right here but you can't get it right over there now before we leave this mansion this is critical we need to buy another steak now you can see what the golden knife does it actually requires two hearts to use but it deals 15 damage just like our flame whip does and it can stun enemies like the sacred flame the golden knife is like one of the ultimate weapons in the game it is very very powerful but make sure you save your last 50 hearts to be able to buy this second stake up here in the final mansion it's going to be so easy to get through if we bring a steak with us but if you need to find the steak vendor in there you have to go through all kind of hoops to get a steak in that place we're gonna make sure that we bring a steak with us when we get to bob lee mansion once you have that second steak just make your way out the same exact way you came in and that's it only one more mansion to go we're gonna head back to the right and meet up with the fairy man make sure you don't have the heart equipped as long as you don't have the heart equipped he's going to take us back to the right and then we're going to let him bounce us back to the left again that will take us to the town of alba we're just gonna ride along make sure you don't get hit by any of the fish man enemies that bounce out and get knocked into the water take out these two headed creatures and make your way over to the left we're gonna cut through the town it looks like the morning has arrived we can actually now use the church here to refill our health so this is a good opportunity to do that i am very low on health so it probably would have been worth it to just kind of stand in front of the church and wait for it to open up at this point in the game i would much rather have full health as i move forward here we're gonna go all the way up to the top tier head over and there's the church we will talk to the priest and get ourselves healed then we're going to move on we're going to have to go back across the sodom woods we're going to make our way all the way over to the left to deborah's cliff where we'll be able to use our red crystal again and we'll be able to take the tornado back to bodley mansion which is exactly where we need to go bodley mansion is conveniently located just a hop skip and a jump away from castle castlevania which is our ultimate destination you can see that we're not missing very many items at this point watch out for these dragon bones as you move forward here we don't want to go down here we just want to stay on the top level take out the skeletons and the freddies as you move forward the slimes as we know are dangerous so i think i'm just going to use one of my laurels here i just don't see why not we'll have another opportunity to purchase laurels before we go and fight the final boss so there's no reason to not use the laurels at that point i do like to turn them off when i'm not using them to make sure that i don't accidentally use laurels when i don't want to i'm just gonna make our way across the town here we'll be back to the wasteland and at the end we'll see deborah's cliff we'll need to make sure that we have our red crystal equipped we'll be able to take the tornado exactly where we need to go and this is it we're heading on to our final mansion so just kneel down and honestly i don't know how you would have figured this out without nintendo power there is a clue that tells you to bang your head against the cliff but like really that's a tough one this is bobbly mansion now bobby mansion is super easy if you know the trick you can go through the wall right here and once you get to the other side we're going to need to use our holy water to break through these false bricks make sure you break the ones ahead of you before you jump to the next platform you don't want to end up in the water here just make your way across and we'll be on our way to get our next body part if you didn't bring a steak with you getting to the steak dealer in this place you've got to go up to the top of the mansion and down around make sure to bring a steak from another mansion if you have to go to another mansion and buy a steak go get one and here it is use the steak and we'll be able to get dracula's nail we finally have all of dracula's body parts and his ring also which i guess is important for some reason we're now able to head over to castlevania where we will be able to burn those items and summon the count for one last battle first we need to just head back out the same way we came and we can also see what dracula's nail does here see how our whip doesn't destroy that block well if we equip dracula's nail now our whip is infused with the power of holy water and can break false bricks at least it does something now i'm going to equip the rib and just make my way across the false wall and back out of the mansion once we get out of the mansion we're just going gonna start making our way to the right and heading on to the end of the game whip your way through the mummies in this area you'll notice that these enemies are a little bit more powerful as we move forward into this area watch out for these birdman guys they can land on the ground and start walking around and you also face off with some of those medusa heads again but they're not a real problem and this town the town of duina is our last stop on our way to castlevania here we'll be able to stay at a church to refill our health one last time there also is a vendor in the last door at the end of the town so we're gonna stop there as well this is where we can buy laurels if you head in here and just go down to the bottom you will find the laurel vendor and you will be able to buy two laurels for 50 hearts you can actually buy more than just two so you may want to max yourself out on laurels the only thing you really need to use your hearts for after this is to maybe fuel some of your sub weapons you won't need very many laurels to fight the final boss if that's how you'd like to beat them now you'll notice here that i was able to kill the fishman enemy that appeared during the day with one swing of my whip but now they actually take two so these ones at night are a little bit more powerful so i used the laurels to go across that spot just to be extra safe i'm down to my last life and i'd like to try to get through this without getting a game over although i mean it's not like a game over would be a terrible disaster here and i'm going to make my way through some more of these two-headed creatures these are the most powerful gold variety i'm going to use another laurels here to go across this poison swamp and as we come across the next screen this area forks and you'll want to take the stairs down here the other way leads to a dead end and that's not the way we want to go so take the lower route here we will find the town of yomi the town of yomi is kind of a creepy ghost town there's not really a lot going on here so you just want to pass through at night it appears that we'll be assaulted by some ravens so i'm just going to take them out as i move along through the town here on the other side we are going to be so close that we can taste it this area is called the vlad graveyard and this is one of the final areas in the game where there are even enemies to face us these are some of the most powerful that we'll have to fight and a lot of them take several hits from the flame with which is saying a lot since the flame whip does a ton of damage make your way across here we can use dracula's nail to break the wall and this is the bridge to castlevania if we don't have the cross we won't be able to get into castlevania and that's why we had to fight that vampira bus earlier make your way in and this is it once we get inside castlevania the timer will stop so as long as we're not into the eighth day already we will be able to get the best ending here if you'd like to try some of the other endings you can just kind of hang out in that west bridge area and wait for the time to go by there's no enemies there you need to get through it fast to see the best ending but if you want to see the other two that's a good way to do it [Music] make your way down to the bottom here and then head across the left you want to take the stairs up and make a big whip jump across this gap jump there you go this area reminds me a lot of the fifth area near the end of the original game which i think is a nice homage to the original and down here we will come to the final room where we'll finally go toe to toe with dracula i'm going to equip the laurels and we're going to explore all three endings here so i'm also going to show you three different strategies for defeating dracula once you get into the room you will burn the five body parts and drak will appear make sure to back to the left before dracula appears so he doesn't hit you right when he appears on the screen and then you can just use your laurels stand in this spot and just start whipping and he will go down super fast now all we have to do is just sit back relax and enjoy the cheesy ending this ending with the red sky in the background is the one that you get for finishing the game the fastest however it's not necessarily the best ending as far as the story goes some may speculate that this is actually more like the second best ending and maybe it's possible that the programmers put them in in the wrong order i do really like this particular ending i think it's the most fun but only because of the very last scene that we'll see it also seems to be the longest of the three endings maybe they thought that was a good reason to have it be the one that you get for finishing the game most quickly in any case it certainly doesn't seem like dracula is gone forever when this one ends well see what you think about it yeah i like this part where dracula's hand comes out of the grave it's pretty cool all right here is our second dracula strategy this one is using the sacred flame so just make sure that there's always a sacred flame burning right in the middle and whenever dracula appears he'll get stuck in the sacred flame and won't be able to move you'll also be able to get in a couple whip hits too which will deal more damage than the flames but you just want to make sure that you keep him stunned i think it's a little bit more difficult than beating him using the laurels but the laurels are a consumable weapon that you only have a few uses of so if you don't have any laurels available i do think that the sacred flame is a good option this is the game's second ending and this is the ending that you get if you finish between 8 and 16 days i think this one is the ending that most people will get on their first playthrough if they're not trying to finish the game fast enough to get that best ending i kind of think that this is the worst of the three endings because it ends with simon dying he succumbs to the wounds yeah this is definitely the ending that i got the first time that i finished the game and i thought that i must have done pretty bad to get this ending but this is not the actual slowest ending that you can get there is one more after this [Music] this is ending number two you get it for finishing between eight and sixteen days and the final ending you'll be able to get for finishing anytime after day 16 has begun my third dracula strategy is to try that golden knife the golden knife can also stun dracula and it does a ton of damage this might even be better than the sacred flame the idea is the same just keep hitting him with the golden knife and he will go down very fast this gray background ending is the final of the three this is arguably the best of the three endings although it is probably the easiest one to get you can just take as much time as you want to get this ending but at the end of this one simon belmont doesn't die peace has been restored to transylvania and dracula doesn't come back from the grave so maybe this should have been the ending that you get for finishing the fastest instead of the slowest [Music] well i hope this video has helped you to defeat dracula and rid yourself from his curse forever if it did make sure to give it a like and be sure to subscribe for more videos because there will always be another confrontation with dracula and that's why we'll be back next week with another game you can beat thanks for watching i
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 195,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NES, Beginner, Nintendo, retro, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, gaming history, 1980s, guide, playthrough, lets play, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, nintendo hard, difficult, walk through, ucanbeatvideogames, beatgames, completion, strategy, gaming101, nerd, facts, glitch, speedrun, neshard, arcade, 90skids, classicgaming, retrospective, review, top100, 8bit, golden retriever, golden, dog, metroidvania, Metroid, Castlevania2, Castlevania, Castlevania II, SimonsQuest, Simons Quest, Castlevania2SimonsQuest, SimonBelmont
Id: hvAhdyqMxw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 15sec (4635 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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