#TMNT #NES Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - TMNT - NES - EASY Walkthrough / Beginners Guide

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Absolutely fantastic find right here. I love this game.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/jbull487 📅︎︎ May 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
teenage mutant ninja turtles is often regarded as one of the most difficult nes games ever made turtle fever was at its peak when the game debuted in 1989 so it's no surprise that it was massively popular every kid i knew with an nes had this cartridge and none of us could beat it well today on you can beat video games i'm here to dispel the myths surrounding this game's difficulty despite the thematic similarities this is not battletoads seriously if you want to beat battle toads i hope you have game changing teenage mutant ninja turtles is a game that you can finish with a little bit of practice and the skills i'll review on this video let's get started [Music] so you start in the overworld as leonardo there's a manhole cover right in front of you you can go in that but don't it's not the way to go instead you need to go into the third manhole definitely avoid the steamroller it will kill you in one hit and attack those foot soldier guys when you see him down here in the sewer leonardo is actually pretty good at this point in the game so just keep him on attack any guys that are in front of you and don't go backwards enemies respawn if you walk backwards now pretty soon we're going to reach the first boss bebop and we want to press start and switch to donatello donatello is by far the best turtle he does twice as much damage as leonardo or michelangelo does and about 50 more than raphael you could just kind of stand there and smash bebop without really even worrying about taking damage and you'll just beat him so donatello is that good come up here in the overworld to this passage and this is our first pizza stop you can grab that pizza exit the level come back the pizza is back it's really important in this game to manage the health of your turtles you never want to have one of your turtles die unless you get killed by some kind of instant death hazard which there really aren't very many of the only way the game will end is if all of your turtles are down to a tiny bit of health and then they'll get knocked off one by one so you really need to keep dawn healthy and that's why i usually switch giraffe right after that little boss this part is a spot where it's very easy to take a lot of damage and raph does the second most amount of damage in the game so he's actually pretty handy here he's the only one other than dawn that can kill these red dragonflies in a single hit so that makes him very effective in this part now if you fall below the treadmill you can just jump out it's not a problem we want to head up here kill those red dragonflies most of the time you want to avoid the enemies in this game they're not going to follow you we just need to get to where the boss is now when you go in front of the second yellow door rock city will appear hurry up and get on top of those boxes where you came from crouch down and wait for him to get close as soon as rock city comes close start mashing the button whenever he jumps he could get hit by your staff now it might not happen every time and there's a little bit of a rhythm to it but if you just mash the button eventually you will kill rocksteady and you won't take any damage there isn't a pizza refill spot right at the beginning of area two so it's very important that you keep your guys healthy at this point in the game if you were to die sometime in area one or two i would just restart the game just reset all right well we saved april and we are moving on to area two i like that area two is very straightforward there's not a lot of overworld stuff here you just go right in leonardo is very good here he can kill these enemies in one hit and he has a very fast attack now if you haven't figured it out michelangelo is hot garbage in this game the only time you really want to use michelangelo is to put him in in situations where you know you're going to take damage and you're not worried about combat he has the same bad attacks as leonardo so he doesn't do a lot of damage but he has worse range and he can't attack downwards through platforms either yeah michelangelo's best ability is for the swimming stage which we're going to get to soon and driving the party van all right here's a half pizza up here power up your weakest turtle now we're gonna get to the swimming area very soon where we have to defuse the bombs and it's very important that we have several turtles with a lot of health when we get to that area so make sure to conserve the health of your teammates you're almost guaranteed to take some damage in the water level so this part's pretty important that you can serve health here this chainsaw guy is not actually the boss as soon as you clear all the enemies on the screen the boss will appear and you can actually even destroy that guy's projectiles as dawn so now right up here that door above us is the way out but you can't just jump up here you have to go to the right through this fun house of monsters i usually keep dawn on here especially because there is a full pizza to the far right and you probably want to use that to heal up your weakest person now if everybody has full health don't even go to the right just climb the ladder because if you were to miss this jump that's coming up well you might take some damage then and you'd be happy that the pizza is available all right so we're coming up to probably the most difficult jump in the entire game it's the jump right before we get to the door where we leave here now the trick to it is to walk all the way to the edge of the platform and to jump hard you have to like hold the button down and definitely hold left you want to kind of bounce off the ceiling if you don't bounce off the ceiling if you do like a shallow jump you won't make it and you have to go to the right and go back through again it's not good so that's the trick to beating that part walk to the edge and press the button hard once you're in the swimming stage this is where michelangelo really shines now don't worry too much about the timer if you follow this path that i'm about to do the timer will not be a problem so try to avoid taking some damage at the beginning definitely swim up at that area and avoid that seaweed in the bottom it's an instant death hazard we're gonna come over here to the right try to avoid this spinning wheel if you take a little bit of damage that's okay here's another bomb defuse it now after this lightning we're going to go down it's very important if you miss this bomb the entire thing is messed up so head over to the left stay far away from that seaweed that's the kind that can instantly kill you and then head back to the right after you defuse it all right the wheel is a little bit tricky but go back up and head to the right now there's a very strong current here in the water so it might help you get through the lightning before you defuse the bomb but you might as well just get hit on your way out now quickly switch to whatever turtle you have that has the most health that's not donatello all right this part you can easily take a ton of damage here so make sure to be able to pause and switch turtles if you're gonna die you do not want to lose a turtle here you'll have to start the whole thing over although the bombs that you're diffused will already be diffused but that's not super helpful all right the fourth lightning here is pretty hard to avoid so you might just want to go through it and head over to the right to defuse another bomb this lightning is also very difficult to avoid on the way back so you might just want to go right through it and there will be another bomb here to the right once again you'll go back the way you came and don't worry about the lightning just go through go down to the bottom and stay away from that instant death seaweed the other stuff only deals damage but that kind will kill you and this is the last bomb so if you're low on time just go through the lightning if you have to and that's area two unfortunately area three represents a serious difficulty spike in the game a lot of people get hung up on area 3 the first time they play it but we're gonna handle it pretty well we're about to take control of the turtle party van just walk right into it now it comes equipped with a weak weapon that you can use but we need to get missiles so we need to go into this building right nearby if we don't have missiles there's not too many other places we could actually go so this is the spot that we need to start in use donatello or leonardo here donatello is probably the best against those fire breathing guys that detach their head after you hit them once but leonardo is maybe more effective against all the other enemies in this set now the enemies could change at any time and turn into the fire fiends instead of this enemy set so be prepared for that if it happens we're gonna collect a pizza slice over here and then head back to the left on the top shelf there's gonna be a full pizza here soon so keep in mind who needs a full pizza but the most important thing that we need to get out of here are the missiles we need at least eight missiles to get through this area and we're gonna get a pack of ten right now so clear all the enemies here and we're going to want to jump up through that small gap it looks like we can't make this jump but if you jump and hold left right at the peak of your jump you'll kind of clip through the side of that platform and you'll be able to go up to the left now the way the game wants you to do this is to head to the right and make this really difficult jump so this is a lot easier you'll be able to attempt it a lot more times with less consequences although if you do head to the left too much you may respawn an enemy just kill that enemy in that case and continue on but after you've tried it a couple times there it is you want to just walk over this single space gap do not hit the jump button you'll fall through your turtles can actually step over a small gap like that just by pressing to the right over it and here is that full pizza that i had promised we're gonna probably need to repeat this another time so that we could re-energize a lot of our turtles with the full pizza and it wouldn't be bad to have another set of missiles so that we could use them against the steamroller enemies on the overworld like i said you need to have eight missiles to destroy barriers so if you only have 10 and you accidentally shoot off two of them well then you can't use another missile at all feel free to repeat this one as many times as you need to if you feel confident there's a much easier pizza station a little bit later in area three but it's probably worth trying to make sure that at least three or four turtles are powered up at this point uh especially dawn and leonardo we're actually going to really use leonardo in one of these areas up ahead is probably the most effective trouble for that spot all right once you have 20 missiles or more go in the party van and we're going to head to the left and down there's the first purple barrier that we need to shoot and we're going to head all the way over to the right and then down again another barrier now these buildings here this is a spot where you can pick up the scroll weapon this is the earliest area where you can get the scrolls and they're the most powerful weapon in the game but i don't think it's very important to get them now like what if you died later or what if you accidentally pick up another sub weapon and it overwrites the scroll you don't really need the scrolls at this point in the game so i think it'll just save a lot of time to kind of skip over them for now and we will worry about squirrels later in the game when it's particularly important to have them that was a pretty good shot with the missile there it's not important that you be that good and the little foot soldiers you can just run them over i definitely recommend driving the car with raphael or michelangelo since they're a little bit more expendable than leonardo and donatello here and you don't take a lot of damage from the steamrollers when you're in the van so it's not that important that you avoid them i said that that jump at the end of area 2 was the most difficult jump in the game well this is going to be the most difficult platforming sequence in the game none of these individual jumps i think is as difficult as that one at the end of area two but combined this is kind of a tricky part here you're going to want to keep dawn on for a moment so you can kill any enemies below you here and once we get to the platform below us you should switch to leonardo i may have switched a little bit early there it was a little bit dangerous now you're gonna do small tap jumps here just tap the button and let it go and be ready to attack when you land on the other side step over the small gaps and do a tap jump small tap jump step over the gaps anybody need the pizza you should grab that half pizza now and we're gonna wait for this guy to just walk over the edge and fall into the water there he goes small tap jump small tap jump again be ready to attack step over the gaps and then we're going to wait for this guy to fall into the water and that's pretty much the end of the sequence now if you fall under the water you're going to have to repeat this section again and that can be very frustrating but stay with it uh just walk off the edge there be ready to attack and wait for this guy to fall off into the water and then you're safe to jump over and get the full pizza now this is one of my favorite pizza stations in the game because you can just walk back in there go down the ladder get the pizza and come right back out super effective make sure everybody is at full health because we're actually about to encounter the second most difficult boss in the entire game and he's going to be in this section here all right i like to use dawn here so that you can attack through the platforms and use his range to maybe take out a couple enemies before you go down there it looks clear jump down just take out anything in front of you move forward it would be nice you got a sub weapon for michelangelo because his regular attack is so terrible so if mike has a sub weapon and then i usually try to get one for raph and then leonardo but if you see a sub weapon and pick it up by accident like i did with these boomerangs well you know that's something that happens now head on through we're almost to the boss jump up here take out this fire guy could be a different enemy and climb the ladder all right now this jump looks kind of tricky but it's really not just wait for that guy to walk away and jump it's actually pretty easy and here's the boss now if you have a full powered michelangelo or raphael you may want to use them here because this boss has two forms so you might think that you got him when you run his energy meter out but then he switches to a second form and the second form you really need donatello for because this guy flies and you can just attack him upwards with the bow staff switched it on had the boomerangs on this one is staff and we've saved splinter and that is area three now if you thought area three was large area four is enormous the map can be fairly intimidating but there are a number of different routes that all lead to the same end i'm going to show you the path that i think is the safest way to go that will give us a lot of extra pizzas to eat and it all starts here with sub level number one you can see they're all numbered right next to the door which is convenient so you'll always know you're in the right place get this pizza exit back out the door that you came in and make sure to come back and fill up all your turtles health before you get going here in area 4. the combat really intensifies in this area you'll notice that leonardo is not going to be as effective anymore because you're going to have to fight a lot of these red dragonfly enemies and so you'll definitely want to equip him with a sub weapon if you can find one we're probably going to get a bunch of the scroll sub weapons when we reach area 5 so if you have sub weapons feel free to use them whenever you want here in area 4. the boss at the end is super easy so there's no reason to save anything and even if some of your turtles die in this level i would press on because you could always just lose a couple guys in area five and do a continued you need to get that rope item it's the blue square with the white stick figure i'm not sure why the game designers included this item but it is mandatory to progress through this stage all right you'll come up here and you may want to switch to raph raph can take out these red dragonflies in one hit and you're going to want to use him a lot more in this area he also can kill these jumping boomerang guys in three hits now here's where you need the rope as soon as you walk up to this post you'll automatically use it just press right hold right and walk across second rope one two three hold right and the third rope right here i'm not sure why they decided to include that but it's something that you need to do there's going to be a half pizza coming up so if any of your turtles were damaged here now is a good time to re-energize one of them i'm going to give it to leo it's up here on the top take this guy out get the half pizza pack these enemies from above you might as well switch to dawn we're going to come down here you're going to want to be dawn here so that you can attack this jumping boomerang guy before you move down to the next level try to just avoid these robots the lasers that they shoot deal a good bit of damage but they're not too difficult to avoid go down the ladder attack the sky from above one two head to the right and that's the end of the first sub-level here in area four once we go through the door we'll emerge in the overworld sub-level 2 will be right above us here it is this is a good place to switch to rap or use leo or michelangelo with a sub-weapon equipped if you don't have weapons i would stick with raph try to avoid the boomerang guys for the most part but you can easily take out the dragonflies and the laser enemies head down here and we're going to want to switch to dawn to take out this sub boss by jumping above him and attacking straight down through the platform all right excellent more of the sub weapon that leonardo is using so that's helpful about one in every 25 enemies will drop the sub weapon you all know what it is it doesn't happen every time but that's about the frequency that you still see them so you are likely to see some kind of sub weapons fairly frequently if you are killing the enemies like i said feel free to let them rip in here and that is sub level two now here's the first fork i like to go up at the fork and go into number three it's a single room that's very easy to clear with donatello you can actually just walk across those gaps at the bottom or just jump over them if you're feeling uncomfortable i like to use mic there just in case i end up in the spikes spikes are not instant death so they will damage you but they won't immediately kill you head over and down into number six have dawn attack down to take out the boomerang guy and start heading to the right with raph or one of your other guys that has a sub weapon take out the lasers continue to the right you can take damage from the spikes it's not that big of a deal but you do mostly want to avoid them the lasers are extremely weak any of the turtles can deal enough damage to take out the lasers in one hit and that's number six now we're gonna head up there's only one way we can go here and that's gonna be path eight which is another single room you can either kill these guys or just kind of avoid them and move forward it doesn't feel necessary to go down there and get that just gonna head forward and you do need to jump back onto the treadmill to get up to the ladder perfect all right we're gonna want to go to the manhole above us here and that's room nine which has a mini boss a very easy one just attack them from above with dawn as we always do and this takes us to the big airstrip now if you lost any of your turtles you're going to want to head over to the end of the big airstrip all the way to the right and you'll be able to find your dead friend and they will be strung up in the middle you can walk down there and pick them up but then you should head back this way uh if you have somebody that does a lot of damage on them you might just want to have them die so that you can go over there and get them back with full health but they would lose any sub weapons that they had equipped at the time all right number 12 said use sub weapons very good voice for them it's very important that you're killing enemies in one hit it's difficult to hit enemies twice they have a slight invincibility after you hit them and right here is an invisible pizza so right above that bouncing guy take your lowest health turtle jump and the pizza will appear collect it definitely don't want to miss that pizza now with all these lasers on the ladder it's kind of difficult to use that one to just keep coming back and getting it so i wouldn't consider it a peat decision but it's important to get it at least that one time head straight down through number 15. we're gonna go on the upper treadmill here the bottom is a dead end well it's possible to get out of but you have to walk through spikes all right stay on top there is a full pizza right below us and this is why i like this route there are a lot of full pizzas if you go this way you want to get out to the left and back up onto the treadmill take out that laser guy and we're gonna come to another instant death hazard here the lava make sure to kill all the enemies before attempting to jump over the lava because if anything hits you and you fall in there you die so yeah make sure that you're going to clear the lava and make sure to hold right when you land the jump and attack those lasers before they fire on you all right now at the very top of the screen and to the right we'll enter number 17 and this is the final sub level of area 4. it also has the nastiest instant death trap in the entire game so this one can get a little bit dicey get ready for it it's not that important that you manage the health as much in this part as it is in the rest of the game because the boss at the end of this is just so easy but we got to get past this trap now in this room we can practice so you're going to want to walk over to the left and make sure to let go of the left or right arrow when you walk through that small gap to fall down if you hold it you're gonna walk straight over and in the next room you'll see why it's important if you touch any of these things you die it's very easy to lose all of your turtles here if you're not careful you die you die you die and you may need to use a continue at this point which would take you back to the beginning of area four and that would be really unfortunate i recommend practicing in this room until you're sure that you can make it in one attempt so you're gonna head down to the left to the right down that was actually very dangerous head to the left the right drop off drop off that's it and if you make it here this is the boss this boss is the big mouser if you have dawn select him but it's not actually that important i'm going to show you a strategy you'll never get hit just run straight underneath the big mouser and wait for him to open his mouth and you should see an orange orb when he opens it wide enough as soon as you see it pause the game now when you unpause his mouth is closed but you can still damage him now if he opens his mouth again pause the game attack attack attack attack pause the game attack attack attack and you'll notice the big mouser pretty much never attacks you so you can easily beat him with any turtle by doing that you may have to jump and attack him but very easy and we're on to area 5. area 5 is all about preparation we're about to fight the most difficult boss in the game and then we're going to go into area 6 which makes area 4 look easy so the first thing we need to do is replenish all of our energy this building down here in the bottom of the map is the easiest way to do that there's a half pizza over to the right and as long as you have three of the four turtles remaining you're in good shape here now if you're down to your last guy you might want to just sacrifice him but you can kill these blocks in the bottom of the screen here and go down the ladder and you'll be able to save one of your other turtles so hurry up keep repeating this section until everybody has 100 full help and then we're gonna go and get scrolls scrolls are the most powerful weapon in the entire game so they're gonna upgrade your bad characters and make them awesome you're gonna have four donatello's on your team if you have a whole bunch of scrolls and this building is an easy place to pick some up so we're gonna head over here to the right dawn or raph are very effective at taking out these enemies and when you get to the far right you're going to want to clear all the enemies in the room and then climb the ladder now you can't jump onto ladders in this game and you can't attack while you're on a ladder so this is actually a pretty interesting trick if you just climb all the way to the top you can stand on the top of this ladder and then you can attack now you can get the scroll easily do not jump straight down the middle here or you'll see what will happen watch this it'll take a bunch of damage you actually want to jump to the right because that's where all the enemies cluster be careful not to pick up sub weapons if you're already holding scrolls and depending on your level of confidence you may want to get 40 or 60 scrolls for the three turtles that are not named donatello and don't be afraid to go back and eat that half pizza to refill your energy if you take damage in here i'm only going to get 20 scrolls per turtle because i would like to show you just what happens if we mess up in act six and we lose all of our scrolls because we have to continue so i'm going to show you a backup plan but the easiest way to get through the game is to get a bunch of scrolls and then start using them so now we're gonna go back make sure we fill all of our health and there are three places where the boss could potentially be in area five and it's determined by a random generation that happens when you press start at the beginning of the game now there's a very lucky position where the technodrome could be hiding and that's in the upper right so we're going to come up here and we're going to cross our fingers and hope that the technodrome is at the bottom of this cave now when you're in these caves you just want to keep headings down whenever possible let's head down to the bottom just break through these blocks don't worry about too many of the enemies continue down the ladder and at the bottom there's going to be a door on the right now inside the door could either be an empty cave that's what we got or it could be the techno drum so if you see a blue floor with a black background you did it you found the technodrome and we're gonna get to the strategy about that first we need to climb back out of the cave and it's a little bit more difficult than going down to the bottom so you may need to refill your health immediately after each one of these attempts now here's another position that the technodrome could be and that's manhole cover right below me but i'm gonna guess that it's in the third position and the reason for that is usually i just hit the start button right away when i begin the game and so typically that's what the random generation is going to be set at and so i would probably bet good money that the techno drum is going to be over here in this manhole but usually it's worth checking that easy one just in case because you're going to probably take damage on the way to the bottom here use your scrolls liberally especially if you have like 40 or 60 of them you only need eight to kill shredder although you'll probably be happy to have a whole bunch of them when you get to act six so maybe you don't use all of your scrolls but you should be able to do pretty well if you use maybe 20 or so from each character and whenever you have an opportunity to move downward take that ladder down don't keep going to the right all right hopefully this time we're gonna find the technodrome we're gonna go through the door and we're gonna see a black background with a blue floor and it took a lot of damage right there it's unfortunate but we want to show you that backup strategy in area 6 anyway so it's not that big of a deal head over to the right you do want to conserve health as much as possible here if you can that's why we try that easier path first it's really nice we can get to the technodrome without taking hardly any damage at all right here it is cross your fingers okay we did it now choose dawn and you're going to want to duck the electricity won't hit you if you're crouching as soon as it ends though we're gonna want to jump up onto the treadmill and attack that gun get rid of the left gun first then we need to attack that hatch that the foot soldiers are coming out of or the gun on the right now the gun on the right will kind of shift off screen sometimes but that hatch is always going to be there feel free to use your scrolls and take out both of those targets and also be sure to get rid of any foot soldiers that are still on the screen stay on the treadmill you don't want to get attacked by the electricity and keep going for that foot soldier hatch it can be destroyed you can actually destroy the turrets that make the electricity as well but once you get rid of the two guns and the hatch you can easily attack the eye and you don't have to worry too much about taking damage so at this point it's a formality we're gonna get through it and once the technodrome goes down we're gonna go inside and this is the final level are you ready now area six hopefully we're gonna see foot soldiers will meander here and not flying rocket pack guys let's see what happens unfortunately the enemies are a little bit random as they have been for the entire game and it looks like we took a lot of damage so i'm going to show you what happens if you die here and you have to use a continue hopefully you have some continues because this part can be pretty difficult now if you're doing good on health and you have a lot of scrolls just take it to them with the scrolls but i'm going to show you what the backup strategy is so either way this is the way that you're going to go but if you have the scrolls uh turn them on and start using them so look this time we have foot soldiers it's going to be a lot easier i'm going to start out with dawn because there is going to be a full pizza that we can access coming up very soon just kill the enemies in front of you do not turn back and avoid any enemies that might take more than one or two hits to kill especially those rocket pack guys those guys are extremely dangerous all right we're going to come to a ladder here on the left and we're going to take it down we could take the ladder up that's kind of a longer route and i think this way is just going to get us there a lot faster so it's easier keep heading to the right and we're going to hit that full pizza now dawn or scrolls are the only ones that can kill the whirly gig enemies which we're probably going to see here in a minute still the red dragonflies down the ladder oh there's the war of the gigs now i would switch to mike or raph here because we're definitely going to take some damage in this room you need to go down that small gap and there's a spike pit right underneath head to the left do not go down the ladder and we're just trying to avoid most of the enemies here especially the rocket pack guys all right so this is the second part of area six head over to the left unfortunately you will not be able to get that full pizza that's available if you take a different route we just want to go down here and we can head to the right raft can take out those red dragonflies if those are the enemies that you're facing here mostly avoid the other enemies though and we're gonna see we need to go down here but we want to go across to the right first and pick up this invincibility icon this way will be invincible until we get to the last and most difficult part of the entire game this is the corridor of death the highway to hell if you have scrolls use them now you want to avoid those rocket pack guys you can kind of crouch down when they fly over you and then hurry to the right but the corridor starts to get more and more narrow and at a certain point gonna get narrow another time and that's we're gonna have to turn and face any enemies that are on the screen and kill them so here it is right here so any rock attack guys that are on the screen now you have to kill them because they are going to follow you into that corridor and mess you up so try to group them together and just attack and now kill that whirly gig and as soon as you see that rocket pack guy stop and crouch then kill the whirly gig stop and crouch move forward kill the whirly gig stop and crouch as long as you do that and you wait for the rocket pack guy to fly off the screen onto the right you won't have to fight them at all so they alternate whirl the gig kill it stop and crouch whirly gig kill it stop and crouch just go slow through this part kill stop crouch kill the whirly gig stop and crouch and that's the end of that corridor there will be another whirly gig here and you'll climb a ladder and we're gonna have to face one more rocket pack guy before our final confrontation with shredder if you have scrolls turn them on you definitely need to have donatello alive to fight shredder if you don't have scrolls so whatever you do do not lose dawn if he has half of health you should be able to be treader without getting hit all right head over and here he is so jump over to the right platform and wait for shredder to fully materialize as soon as he does you want to hit him with the bow staff you need to knock him off that left platform and then he'll just keep jumping at you from the bottom each time he jumps hit him and it'll fall back down you can also do this with scrolls now if you don't have scrolls or donatello you're probably in trouble he has a gun that can devolve you back down to regular turtle form which essentially just one hit kills you but if you're donatello shredder is super easy and that's the game you did it i'm not sure how i feel about this ending it's pretty cheesy i assume that they must have used shredders devolving gun to change splinter back that's the only explanation that makes sense to me hopefully this video was able to help you conquer the foot clan and give splinter his rightful human form back if it did make sure to give it a like and make sure to subscribe for more videos because the adventure of the teenage mutant ninja turtles is concluded but we'll be back next week to tackle another game that you can beat thanks for watching
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 1,340,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NES, Beginner, Nintendo, retro, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, Genesis, gaming history, 80s, 1980s, guide, playthrough, lets play, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, nintendo hard, difficult, walk through, ucanbeatvideogames, beatgames, completion, strategy, gaming101, TMNT, TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Konami, Ultra, Turtles, Ninja Turtles, Shredder, Technodrome, retro game
Id: mQKvyNUaQeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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