#LegendofZelda #Zelda #NES The Legend of Zelda - Ultimate Guide - ALL ITEMS, ALL SECRETS REVEALED

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[Music] is the legend of zelda the best game on the nes with its gleaming gold cartridge massive non-linear world and incredible chiptune soundtrack it certainly makes a strong case for why it deserves the top slot so how did nintendo create this groundbreaking first entry in the series beloved by so many developed from 1984 until 1986 zelda pushed the boundaries of what was possible in video games the project was led by two of nintendo's greatest minds takashi tezuka the visionary who has been involved in almost every mario and zelda game nintendo has ever created and shigeru miyamoto the legendary designer that had already experienced great success with games like donkey kong punch out and excite bike together tezuka and miyamoto developed the legend of zelda and super mario brothers simultaneously they had tons of great ideas and felt that some of them belonged in the fast-paced action-oriented world of super mario brothers while others were more suited to the strategic puzzle-solving land of zelda a decade later when miyamoto and tezuka were developing games for the nintendo 64 they decided to do the same thing again mario 64 and zelda the ocarina of time were also developed simultaneously with the team moving some elements from one game to the other nintendo had a lot riding on the success of the legend of zelda in japan they had created a new peripheral called the famicom disk system and zelda was one of its launch titles the disc system connected to the japanese version of the nes through the cartridge slot and allowed players to play games released on floppy disks which not only cost half the price of cartridges but while a cartridge could only hold 32 kilobytes of data a disk could hold a whopping 128. by modern standards 128 kilobytes is nothing i've sent bigger emails without attachments than that but in 1984 this was four times as much memory as they had previously players could also save their games on the disks instead of needing to write down lengthy passwords like many other console add-ons the famicom disk system quickly became obsolete and it was never released in north america or europe the system was easy to break and not only were the disks fragile they were super easy to copy so pirated games were everywhere even worse nintendo developed a new chip the mmc one which allowed cartridges to hold more memory despite all of that the famicom disk system was still fairly successful selling 4.4 million units nintendo even continued servicing disk systems all the way up until 2007. the disk still did have one advantage the ability to save your game brilliantly nintendo solved this issue by putting a button battery inside the cartridge to power the small amount of memory required to save your progress when the north american version of zelda was released in july of 1987 it was the first console game to include this technology with the larger format that the disk system offered miyamoto wanted to create a larger game he was inspired by adventure for the atari but also by his personal experiences as a boy growing up in kyoto japan he was often allowed to explore the countryside near his home he was quoted as saying i went hiking and found a lake it was quite a surprise for me to stumble upon it when i traveled around the country without a map trying to find my way stumbling on amazing things as i went i realized how it felt to go on an adventure like this it's that feeling that makes zelda a truly amazing experience the game is large but it's dense with things to find the overworld is made up of 128 unique screens and almost all of them house a secret to discover i think we all know that link is the hero's name and zelda is the princess he needs to save the name link was meant as a play on words as he links the player to the game zelda on the other hand is named after novelist f scott fitzgerald's wife true story to win link must search the overworld for eight dungeons which hold the eight shards of the triforce of wisdom a powerful triangular artifact that when combined with the triforce of power and the triforce of courage the controller of all three would be granted a single wish did i mention that all this backstory was written by kg tarui who also worked on dragon ball the villain ganon possesses the triforce of power as for the triforce of courage it isn't really in this game you'll have to play zelda 2 to get that one once link has assembled the entire triforce he can unlock the weight again inside out death mountain which certainly sounds epic do you know what doesn't sound epic it's the legend of zelda and it's really rad those creatures from ghana are pretty bad octorox tech takes levers too but with your help our hero pulls through yeah go link yeah get something awesome intense even with that commercial the game was a massive success selling over 6.5 million copies making it the number five best-selling nes game of all time but does the game hold up today honestly the graphics are not as good as the very best on the system and the dungeons all do look very similar the sound however is composed by koji kondo and is some of the best chiptune music ever created condo wrote the classic overworld tune in a single day when he found out the classical piece of music they were going to use was still under copyright the gameplay is surprisingly deep for a game made in the early 80s and the controls feel great on ign's top 100 nes games of all time they rated legend of zelda number two on the crowdsourced rating site ranker.com zelda is also listed as the number two best nes game on both lists super mario brothers 3 is the only game rated higher modern gamers can find the legend of zelda on the nes classic mini and the switch's online service you can also get it for the gamecube gameboy advance wii 3ds and the wii u and those are only the official versions i think i even know someone with a calculator that could play zelda if you're playing the game today you'll have to deal with all of the challenges the nes is notorious for key items are hidden in impossible to find locations the dungeons are confusing mazes and the clues provided by the in-game characters are cryptic to say the least but what if i told you how to find every secret item so you'll always be prepared for the next challenge what if i told you how to find every hidden rupee location so you'll have more than enough money to buy the items you need and what if i told you how to manipulate the game's item drops so you'll always have bombs when you need them on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we're doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer make sure to subscribe and click the bell for notifications so you don't miss any new videos let's get started all right the legend of zelda we're going to start with a new account and it's dangerous to go alone so we're going to go in this cave and get the wooden sword now the most important thing here in the beginning of the game is that we can find some bombs and bombs are dropped by enemies it seems random but if you do what i do here don't kill any of these enemies we can only get bombs to drop from certain enemy types and it also depends on what order you kill the enemies in so the first enemy we want to kill is a blue octorok so here in this room we find one take him out and look to drop the bombs already so we're already in business we're just hoping to find at least one bomb drop but once you get those come to the screen on the right and take out the four red octa rocks here because the first sixth and eighth enemy that you kill will give you a chance to drop a bomb and so this will give us an 80 percent chance to start the game with bombs now once you have bombs let me talk about forced item drops really quick if you can kill 10 enemies without getting hit so just follow along with me here you will get a blue rupee that's your reward for doing it correctly the game rewards you for hitting 10 enemies without taking a hit yourself by giving you a blue rupee and we're going to see it right here on this screen the next enemy i kill is number 10. so here we go bam blue rupees see now i'm gonna get hit just to illustrate the point if we were to kill 10 enemies but instead of hitting the 10th one with our sword if we hit it with a bomb instead that enemy will drop a bomb no matter what enemy type it is as well so we're going to kill our enemies here we want to take out nine of them without getting hit and then we're gonna kill the tenth enemy with a bomb so that's nine now watch what happens when i kill this next enemy with the bomb boom bombs that will allow you to take any one bomb that you have and turn it into four we're back to the game and if you need to refill right over here is a fairy fountain that you can use before we get into like level one level two and all that stuff we have some business to attend to here in the overworld if you weren't able to get bombs from those first three blue octa rocks just reset your game and start over and try it again you need to get at least one bomb drop to be able to do the next things that we need to do here you have an 80 chance of getting them so if you didn't get them the first time you probably will the second [Music] we're going to use a bomb in this room to find our first hidden cache of rupees this one is for 30 and we're going to be able to hit up several of these so that we have a lot of money to buy the items we need here in the early game make your way over to the right and if you don't understand exactly what happened with the bombs there as you kill enemies each enemy type has 10 possible item drops so it'll either drop the item or it'll drop nothing the game just cycles through this 10 item table so i'll include the item drop table on the enemy data for you to see make sure you have a bomb when you get to this room because this is where we'll find our first heart container now the guy allows you to choose between the hard container and the water of life never choose the water of life we're going to be able to buy that for just 68 rupees and we can never buy heart containers what's even more important is we need to have five heart containers before the game will let us upgrade our sword and that's why we're going to head over here and bomb the right side of this large rock formation once again don't take the water of life and we'll get our fifth heart container head out here in the next room on the right there is yet another secret hidden we need to use bombs again i'm going to try to take out these blue octa rocks just in case they might drop some bombs for us but they didn't here we go blow this up and there's some more hidden rupees in here for us all right and once we get those rupees we're going to head up here and take this ladder over in the next screen on the right so up here on this ladder go into this cave and we will find a letter that we can show to the old woman and this letter is going to allow us to buy that water of life that we talked about before head down the ladder and there is yet another secret all the way over here on the right and this is the top right corner of the map so we can go through the wall here right there and we find a secret room with 100 rupees it's a secret to everybody now it's not a secret at all we know there's 100 rupees in there guy all right just head back down and now we have a whole bunch of money and it's time to get that sword upgrade so make your way over to the left and we're going to take this ladder up here continue to make your way through these tech tights these are very easy to kill and they often drop money so if you want to try to grab some extra money now let's stop up here in this store where we will be able to buy the blue candle so we'll spend some of that money the blue candle very important item we can use it to burn trees which will allow us to find even more money and whenever we're in certain rooms of the dungeons that are dark we can use the candle to light it up this room is called the lost hills but we're just gonna pass through to the left here and take this ladder up to the top this enemy here is a lionel and he's actually very dangerous if you get hit by them just use your invincibility frames to pass through and here it is the white sword with the white sword we will do double damage this is a huge upgrade we will be very happy to have it once we get into the actual dungeons with the white sword in our possession the next thing that we need to do is we're going to use that blue candle that we bought to burn some trees and uncover some more secrets so we're going to head back to the more forested part of hyrule we're going to go around to the right and here's the first screen where we'll use that candle the blue candle has a strange limitation you can only use it once until you exit the screen that you're in so if you missed the tree that you were trying to hit you'll need to walk off the screen and come back and try it again once we get the red candle that won't be a problem anymore you can use the red candle as much as you want now that bridge to our left here would take us to level one but before we go there we have a few more things that we want to pick up so burn this tree up here with our candle and we will get yet another cache of rupees grab those rupees and head out we're going to go to the left here on the next screen you want to count five trees in from the right and that's the one you want to burn inside we will find our sixth part container as usual don't take the water of life we're gonna head over to the left now on this screen there's actually a hidden store but we don't need to go in there right now so we're going to make our way over to the more dead looking forest area to the far left of the map so we're going to come down here across this bridge [Music] in the next room we will find this is where those blue octa rocks were at the very beginning that we got the bombs from and you'll remember that there is a fairy fountain nearby here if you need it so try to kill some of these blue octa rocks got some more bombs the blue maublin is another enemy type that can also drop bombs now in this room we can burn a tree and find a whopping 100 rupees you can only hold 255 rupees at any one time if you're worried about going way over you don't have to grab that cash of rupees right now you could save it for later but we're going to go and spend 250 rupees right now so you want to make sure that you have that much money [Music] make your way over to the right [Music] head all the way up here and in the next room there's going to be some armos statues and we want to touch the middle one on the top row which will cause it to move and there's a hidden stairway underneath and there it is this is the blue ring now the blue ring is super awesome not only does it make us look this nice pastel blue color but it reduces all the damage that we take by 50 so we take half damage now which is awesome now i've actually been able to beat the game before with just the wooden sword and without any rings but it's gonna be great having these upgrades when we get started here if you show this old woman the letter that we got she allows us to buy medicine which is the water of life we don't have money for it right now so we're just gonna move on and head to our next objective head over here to the right and then make your way up we're just going to kind of follow the path of this lake [Music] and that's going to get us all the way back to level one if you remember where that was it's right up here and across the bridge on this next screen you don't have to do the levels in order but level one is the easiest level so yeah we might as well do that one first grab that money and head into level one now the first thing you want to do when you get in here is to head right back out there's a lock door at the top of the screen that becomes unlocked whenever you exit and re-enter level one in this first room on the left we'll encounter three bats which are called keys and they drop a key whenever you kill them all in the room on the right there is a skeleton monster called a stoppos that has a key inside of it and we just want to kill him grab the key and head back out try to grab this ferry for no good reason now we're gonna go up through the door that would have been locked but we saved a key by not doing that we don't have to kill any of these tofos there's nothing that we can gain by defeating them but by killing all of these ones we'll get a key that's our third key now we're going to go right or left here actually we want to use a bomb and go up so use a bomb on the wall in this room we can pick up the map it's not important pretty easy to figure out where to go in level one and head on up through the top door we can kill another stop host to get an extra key here and we'll need to use one to go through the door up here so we only have three keys remaining we'll take out these goria enemies to get another key and what's nice about the keys in this game is they can be used in any dungeon that you want now hurry through this door so you don't get it by those traps and then you're gonna kind of taunt those traps a little bit so that they move and you'll be able to go down by pushing that block and we'll find our first dungeon item the bow unfortunately the bow doesn't do anything right now because we don't have any arrows but the bow is very important it's a mandatory item that we'll need to defeat a certain boss and we'll also have to use it on ganon himself make your way back the way that we came we're going to go down one more room and we're going to use a key to go through the door on the right so head on into here in this room if we kill all the gorillas we'll get a new weapon the boomerang so we definitely want to do that and there it is we got the boomerang the boomerang is pretty awesome it can actually kill some of the weakest enemies in the game like the keys or the gels but usually we use it to stun enemies like these wall masters you want to grab that key but if you get caught by a wall master you'll end up back at the beginning of the level this boss is very easy just strike it right in the face a couple times and we will be able to go through and grab our first piece of the triforce level one pretty easy now before we go running off to level two we were able to get the bow when we were in level one so we're gonna make a couple quick pit stops on the way over to level two so that we can get the arrows that we need to use it make your way down from level one through this room now these enemies are called p hats those guys are pretty annoying because you can only damage them when they're not moving pretty obnoxious enemy type all right we're going to use the candle in this room to pick up a big cache of rupees 100 of them make your way down we're going to work our way all the way over to the right these enemies are called leaders the red ones often drop money and are very easy to kill with our white sword just make your way over to the right taking out any enemies that get in your way there are several stores in the game that can sell us the arrows that we need but the one that we're going to come up on here is just conveniently located right near level 2. so here it is the arrows always cost 80 rupees no matter which store you buy them from but you notice the magical shield there 130 is too much to pay for that i can actually show you a store and i will later in the video where we can buy it for 90 rupees make your way over to the left before we hit level 2 i am going to stop one more time and grab some rupees go all the way up through this screen and over to the right and we're going to touch the right arma statue here to open it up and inside we'll find 10 rupees so if you don't feel like going to this one i don't blame you it's not a lot of money make your way back over to the left we're going to cross one more screen to the left here and this will take us on the path to level two so head on in here take out these octa rocks assuming they're in your way and head up that ladder and this is level two level two is quite possibly easier than level 1. there are some aggressive enemies in here though i like to use the boomerang on these guys they are called ropes although it's pretty obvious that these guys are snakes whether you want to call them snakes or ropes doesn't matter to me but if you take them all out you'll get a key head through the top room in here we don't need to kill all the ropes we don't get anything for that just take out the ones that are in your way and make your way over to the left we do need to kill all the ropes here if we want to open the door on the left and in there we'll be able to get a key we do have a lot of keys at this point so at some point you don't have to get all of the keys that i pick up but you know these early keys are very easy so we might as well grab them when we can head back into this room and go back the way that we came in this next room on the right we want to go through the top now you see a lock door on the right we want to stay out of those lock doors on the right side here there isn't anything that we need in them and sometimes you kill an enemy that's like the master enemy and they all die which is what happened with the gory is there you'll notice this room on the right is open and if we kill all the ropes we'll get a key but head through this open door and this may be the most difficult room in level two we need to take out all three of these blue gorias while trying to avoid the statues that are shooting at us if we do we'll get an upgrade for our boomerang the magical boomerang the magical boomerang is fairly similar to the original boomerang except that we can throw it clear across the screen which is awesome this guy's called a moldorm just attack it and take out all the sections and we'll be able to get another key and just keep making your way up we can stay out of the right side for now take out all these ropes i got the stopwatch so that's very handy and you'll get a blue ruby for taking those guys out [Music] and we have some gloria's in this room which are very easy to take out if you get yet another stopwatch item so that's very lucky and in this room do you always get a bomb and you're going to need it because we have to use it to fight this boss dodongo now there's two ways you can fight this guy you can drop a bomb in its path and it'll eat it or you could try to catch it with the explosion which will freeze it in place and then you can hit it with your sword the feeding bombs way takes two bombs to kill dodongo and the dodongo will not drop a bomb for you after you kill it if you defeat it the other way it only takes one bomb and you get a set of four bombs when you do it now the second way is a little bit harder but if you can do it it will allow you to conserve bombs a little bit better but of course we know exactly how to get bombs by using forced item drops so it's not that critical i kind of recommend just feeding the dodongo's two bombs whenever you see them up here we can grab 30 rupees by moving that armos statue [Music] and then we're going to make our way down and kind of head back the way that we came we have a couple things that we want to do before we hit level three [Music] we're going to get some more hidden rupees and then we're going to spend those rupees to buy a shield upgrade grab your blue candle and you may think we already burned a tree in this room but nope this one just looks exactly the same as another room that we burned a tree in there are 10 hidden rupees here so we're going to take those and make our way to the left and we're just gonna head to the left for the next few screens so watch out for these octa rocks keep going to the left avoid the p hats i pretty much never fight those they're much easier to just avoid keep heading to the left [Music] and in the next room there is a tree that we want to burn so we're going to burn the lower left tree in the sixth formation here and inside we'll find 10 more rupees we're going to take those rupees and head to the screen above us where we will be able to burn the tree on the corner and there is a hidden storefront inside this store will sell us the magical shield for only 90 rupees instead of 130 which it sold for in other locations now that we have the magical shield we'll have a wider area to block projectiles and we'll also be able to block things that we were unable to block before like there's these enemies in level six called wiz robes which you just can't block with the standard shield there is one problem though there's an enemy type called like likes and if those guys catch you they will eat your shield and you'll lose it so i'll point those out whenever i see them but it's going to give us a nice advantage here in level three this is the infamous swastika shaped level and in this room we can grab a key while avoiding these zoll enemies the zoles if you only had the wooden sword would split into two smaller enemies one hit but with the white sword they simply take one hit to defeat very easy avoid the enemies in this room and head to the left in here we're going to need to kind of taunt the traps on the left side so that we can get through the key door without getting hit first i'm going to take out the keys with my boomerang and then push through here now in this room we have to defeat a lot of enemies called dark nuts the dark nuts are very difficult because you can't damage them from the front so you need to hit them from the side or on top now there is a good trick to defeating them and that's to hang out in the middle of the room which will lure them to you and then we can use bombs if you're in the center of the room the dark nuts are very aggressive so they want to come find you there and once they're all defeated we'll be able to go into this room where i would just try to avoid these dark nuts and go down the stairs where you'll find the raft the raft is a mandatory item that we'll need to be able to unlock level four and once you get it you're gonna head back up and out the way that we came make your way back up and then head to the right hopefully you didn't use up all of your bombs fighting those dark nuts we are going to need one pretty soon watch out for these traps and make your way to the next room on the right now in this room if you are short on bombs you can kill the dark nuts here and they will drop some for you but we need to go through the wall on the right so i'm going to fight these guys but you only need to do it if you want to pick up some bombs [Music] take out the last two and it did drop bombs i was just standing right on top of them when they dropped head over here on the right we do need to fight all the dark nuts in this room so that the door on the right will open take out this guy make your way to the right and we'll have a much easier set of enemies in here but we do need to fight them in order to open up the door again so i got my boomerang out to take out the keys and these bubble enemies will make you unable to use your sword for a few seconds so that's a good reason to also have the boomerang out in case you need to stun something while you wait for your sword to come back online and in this next room make sure your bombs are equipped because this is the boss you ideally want to plant a bomb that explodes right in the center of this thing but if you don't get it completely with the first bomb just try to hit it with another one or two and you should be able to easily finish off manhandla and grab the third piece of the triforce now before we head on to level four there are some optional items that i want to grab the key one being the power bracelet which will allow us to teleport around to different locations in hyrule of course before we do that there are still some hidden rupees for us to find so we'll want to use a bomb in this room to open up a cave where we can find some loot grab those 30 rupees and head on back out and we're going to go up here this room is the lost woods if you head to the right in that room you can leave but if you go through any other direction that screen will continue to repeat so we'll talk about how to deal with the lost woods here in a second but first we're going to use our candle in this room open up this tree and we can grab a few more rupees right here putting us up to 110 right now not doing too bad now in this room the lost woods we got to go up then left then down and then left again so up left down left and if you do that you'll hear a tone and you'll find yourself on the other side these enemies are dangerous these guys are called lionels i'm not going to try to mess with them too much especially the blue variety and we'll head our way up here into the graveyard make your way over to the right try to avoid touching any of these tombstones that will summon some ghosts although that is a good place for you to get money if you need money we will probably have to come back here later in the game depending on how well we do picking up money in the dungeons i'm gonna bomb this wall here inside there is a hidden potion shop and i'm gonna grab the red water of life the blue one's not a very good deal you can use the red one twice if you need it and it will refill all of your hearts the first time you use it it turns into the blue potion but the second time it's gone now if you touch this armos we'll be able to grab a power bracelet and that's the item i was talking about before that's going to open some secret passageways for us over here on the right we can bomb into another cave and find some more rupees [Music] one interesting thing about the potions in this game if you have the blue potion and you go to the potion shop and you buy another blue potion it will turn into the red potion so that is a good time to buy the blue potion if you've already used one use of your red and you just want to recharge it once you have the rupees and the power bracelet we're gonna head back the way that we came we'll dip down this ladder and up the ladder on the other side and this is where we'll find our first secret passage which will be able to push this block and we couldn't do that before without the power bracelet this connects to three other locations so we want to take the ladder on the right come down here and take out any of these enemies that are in your way we're clear on the right side of hyrule now before we were all the way on the left so we'll be able to use these passages to kind of conveniently move through here's a little dock and we can use our raft here and inside this is not level four nope we can grab another heart container here certainly don't take the water of life come on man all right head back down and we're gonna go back the way that we came head back up here over to the left we're going to climb this ladder [Music] we're going to go back into the secret passage and we're going to take a different stairway this time if you take the wrong stairway just go back in and take another one we want to come out on this side which conveniently is located right next to another fairy fountain so if you ever need a fairy fountain and can get to one of the power bracelet locations you can easily access this fairy fountain so that's a good place to know about head over to the left here and this is going to take us back near to where the game first started on the next screen there's going to be a dock which we can cross with our raft and this is level four level four is a good bit larger than the previous ones that we've encountered over here on the left we can take out some keys and if we do we will earn another key right now we have seven keys which seems like a lot but we can hold more than nine keys for the record you can get into ten eleven i've never held too many keys before come on up here this enemy is called a fire and whenever you hit it with your sword it splits into two keys which is pretty annoying you're gonna want to have your boomerang equipped for level four a lot of keys to kill in here all right more of those fires and this is our first encounter with a darkness room we want to use our blue candles so that we can see the floor plan and that'll make it a little bit easier to maneuver through here head up and use the candle again you don't want to hit the zoll enemies with the candle fire because that may cause them to split and if we just hit them with the sword that'll be a lot easier another dark room lighted up we can't cross this water yet so we need to use one of our 10 keys to go through the door here on the right and we're gonna just take these guys out which will open that shutter door on the right side and i'm going to use my boomerang so i can take out the keys that they split into much more easily why do they call bats keys in this what a silly name for a bat there's bats in every game just call them bats now this annoying layer cake looking monster is called a like-like and this guy is very dangerous if he hits you will lose our magical shield permanently so i'm going to use my boomerang to stun him and i'm going to intermittently just throw that boomerang on him i'm not messing around with like lakes we'll push a brick here and in the bottom of the stairs we will find the step ladder the stepladder is a mandatory item that will allow link to step over water that is one space wide we'll see how it works in this room right here just walk right across the water now we don't need to go in the room above us here just head over to the left we can light this room up if we want to but this is the one that had the water in it before but we can cross it now [Music] we'll go up here take out some of these enemies in your way now we don't actually have to defeat this boss this is a mini boss and you don't earn a heart container for killing it you just get a bomb but we want to bomb through the right wall if you feel like killing that guy go for it but you want to bomb through the right wall and we'll find some money in here and if we bomb through the top there's a very easy to grab key up here so we might as well take this opportunity to get it it's just kind of sitting right out there in the open just a couple keys surrounding it come down here we're going to use a bomb again on the right wall make sure you have enough bombs for this if you have to kill some enemies outside and try to get 10 without getting hit so you can get that bomb drop by killing the 10th enemy with the bomb that could be worth doing we need to take out all the enemies in this room so that we can open the door on the right we'll push this block once the enemies are defeated and in here we'll reach the boss this is gliac this gliac only has two heads so we just want to stay on the side and try to attack him standing in front of gliac you'll end up taking a lot more damage so just kind of aggressively attack the heads from the side and you should be able to defeat him no problem and there it is that's our fourth piece of the triforce we are halfway there so i have some good news and some bad news the bad news is the first four levels were pretty easy compared to the next ones that are coming up the good news is that right now we have 11 heart containers and to get the best sword in the game we need 12 hard containers so we only need one more the even better news is that with the stepladder we found in level four we're going to be able to use that to get the 12th heart container and we're going to be able to go and get the magical sword before we have to do any of the next dungeons so we will have the best weapon in the game ready on our side to fight through those more difficult dungeons head down here this is the room where level 8 is and remember that you will have to come back here later and just make your way all the way to the coast this is where we're going to find that heart container come up here and there it is just waiting for us to pick up across the water with the stepladder and there you have it 12 heart containers we need to go and find that magical sword we're going to head up here and we're going to use one of our power bracelet secret passages make your way over here and we're going to go up this ladder right up here you'll see the stairs so just jump on in there take any road you want this time we want the far left this takes us right over near the graveyard and the graveyard is where we're going to find the magical sword go ahead over here to the left be careful with these lionel guys they have shooting sword attacks just like you do you might want to use your boomerang to stun them [Music] we want to push this gravestone right here and that's it the magical sword is ours now that we are fully powered up if you want to use these ghost enemies which are called genies to get a whole bunch of extra money this could be a good time to do it you want to hit them three times to kill the ghost if you hit it twice and then start making ghosts from a tombstone you'll want to try to freeze the original ghost in place with your boomerang as you make the extra ghosts because only that original one can actually be killed you'll try to get as many ghosts on the screen as you can and then kill the master ghost and they'll all die simultaneously leaving behind a whole bunch of loot and whenever you're ready we can head on up to level six now wait you said what about level five well i actually think that level six is easier than level five and there's no rule that says we have to do them in order watch this just stand in the doorway for a second and let those whiz robes appear then step out of the doorway and you'll hit them all in a row the way that those guys work they want to line up on an axis that faces link so if you're hanging out in the doorway there's only one axis they can line up on [Music] you'll need to take out the keys in this room to be able to open the door i like to use the boomerang for this and you'll also get a key which we have nine of now watch out there's some traps in the middle of the room this time make your way up through the top and we're gonna have to face wiz robes and like likes in this room it's important that we prioritize taking out the like likes because we definitely don't want to lose our magical shield that shield will actually allow us to shield the attacks that the wiz robes use against us the way i like to prioritize the enemies in this room are the like-likes are the highest priority to kill then the red whiz robes which disappear and the blue whiz robes which don't disappear are the easiest enemies to avoid [Music] in this room all we actually need to do is bomb the wall here on the right we do not need to take out all of the enemies now we have another one of those darkness rooms in here i'm going to turn on my blue candle and light it up now there's a key just waiting for me in the middle of the room i'm going to grab that we don't need to take out all the enemies here this room has like legs again i want to cross the water the like legs can't cross the water so i'm safe on the right side of it we need to take out all the enemies in this room so i like to try to take out the red whiz ropes when i have a good opportunity to they're easy to take out with just one hit of the magical sword you'll notice i got a fairy every 16 enemies you kill you should get a fairy that can even overwrite the forced item drops so if you ever get a fairy when it seems like you should get something else that's why [Music] down here we found the wand the wand is definitely an optional item you don't need it at all but it is useful against certain enemies so of course we're going to get it one of the enemies it's very good against are the like likes it's very nice to be able to attack them from range in this room we can hang out in a doorway again if you want to attack those whiz robes in a line but i just wanted to get that key we're going to head down here grab our candle so that we can see and we want to go down through the bottom here we're going to need to light this room again i already have the candle on we need to take out all the enemies here to open the doors luckily we got the stopwatch and head to the right [Music] once again we're faced with wiz robes and like likes we do have the wand now though you can use the boomerang i like stunning the like likes but the wand is also a possible option that you could use here now that we have it so either way you want to make sure that you have something that you can do if you get hit by that bubble which makes you unable to use the sword but it won't stop you from using the wand [Music] see the wand very handy against the like likes you can use it or the boomerang whichever you feel more comfortable with [Music] there's a secret passage so cut on through here don't take any unnecessary damage from these keys this puts us out in a room with some dangerous like likes in it do not be caught off guard by them and head down we want to light this room up [Music] blue candle all right oh good we got some bombs that's going to help take out this guy we are very close to the boss here in this room we're going to head up be careful with trying to get through that key door and here's the boss we're going to use an arrow when the eye is open that guy's called goma and he's kind of a joke very very easy although to be fair we had to do a lot of work to be able to have the bow and the arrows so we had to find the bow in level one we had to find 80 rupees we had to get a store that's old arrows if we didn't have the bow we can't actually kill goma so that was just the challenge it was do you or do you not have the bow now i didn't forget about level five we still have to do it so we're gonna come up here and enter this secret passage with our power bracelet and take the road to the right this will take us right out near level five this area that we're coming up on is called the lost hills you can leave this room to the left but if you go in any other direction it'll just keep repeating itself the trick here is to just keep going up just go up up up up and eventually we will reveal level five now you'll want to make sure you have as many bombs as you can bring to level five come up here in this room and we can use a candle to light it up these enemies that look like mummies are called gibdos gibdos are one of the enemy types that can drop bombs so if you need to farm bombs from enemies these gibdos could be a good way to get some head over here through the wall to the left by using a bomb and there's a gibdo here we can kill to get a bomb drop without even you know having a random item drop in this room we must defeat five blue dark nuts blue dark nuts are even harder than the red ones that we had faced previously in level three you still can't hit them from the front this room is very constricting so you use bombs if you need to but you want to try to conserve them as much as you can once they're all clear push this block on the left and take this secret passageway [Music] on the other side of the secret passageway if you thought we could get off easily you were way wrong six blue dark nuts in this room oh man this room is intense it's laid out a little bit better than the previous one and if you move to the center of the room the dark nuts will follow there so you can try to get them to move to the middle and then hit them with a bomb or catch them with your sword but they will predictably move to the middle and that's an important thing to know about them once they're all defeated press the block and we will be able to get the recorder the recorder is a very important item first of all we're going to need to use it to defeat the boss of level 5 and we're also going to need to use it to open up a level seven but that's not all it actually does you can use the recorder to actually transport you around the overworld that's something that we'll want to do after we get out of here head through this wall and if you have a hundred rupees you can buy the ability to have more bombs i highly recommend it it will also fill you up to that 12 maximum very very nice it's very good to have especially after using a lot of bombs to fight those blue dark nuts head back down the secret passage back the way we came up here we just want to try to avoid the dark nuts now and get back through the hole that we created make our way back through the hole on the right side again here's another one of those dark rooms [Music] so we'll use our blue candle we need to take out both gibdos here to open the door at the top [Music] in this room there's three dodongos just avoid those guys we don't want to waste all our bombs fighting dodongos in here we can just take out these zools [Music] you don't have to but i got the stopwatch so i might as well try to get some extra rupees and you do get a blue rupee for defeating the ball all right make your way up here you don't have to fight those gibdos light this room up with your candle it's like red dark nuts we just fought a whole bunch of blue ones these guys are nothing and there's a key in this room which we can use to open the door over on the left side [Music] these rabbit head enemies are called poles voice and they take a lot of hits from our sword to kill but they have a weakness which is the arrows so watch this there's going to be a whole bunch of them in the next room we'll use the bow to take them out easily here we go [Music] just one shots these poles voice [Music] you want to take them out that's how you do it use arrows now i have a special way of beating this boss we want to put a bomb on top of him and then we're going to use the recorder immediately [Music] and as soon as we're done it'll catch him with the bomb and you need to hit him one time with your sword as well so that is the pro speed run strategy for defeating dig dogger it's not that hard to pull off so i recommend trying it you just plant a bomb on them and then immediately use the recorder [Music] now we're actually going to use the recorder to warp to another place in the overworld and depending on which direction you're facing and how many times you blow it you can see i wanted to go to level four so i dialed that in you can actually deterministically decide which completed level that you get warped to so the recorder will warp you to any level that you have already finished i wanted to come to level four so if you play it and you don't end up at level four just play it again until you do so take a couple tornadoes we need to get back to this store because we need to buy enemy bait the enemy bait costs 60 and you can use it to lure monsters to a certain point on the screen but that's not what's important about it we won't be able to finish level 7 unless we bring the enemy bait with us once we have that enemy bait just make our way down here and then go to the left on this screen remember if you need it there's a fairy fountain right above us here hit that if you need to refill your health but we're going to go left here and we're going to go up one screen and we'll find an abandoned fairy fountain very weird looking but if we play the recorder here it opens a secret path within lies level seven [Music] level seven has a lot of rooms so if you don't want to get lost the key is to just keep heading straight up including in this room here put a bomb on the upper wall and head on up through you don't have to kill any of those enemies head up again just passing by and in this room you'll need to take out these enemies i like to use the wand here because of the bubbles which can make you unable to use your sword you can easily defeat these gorias with the wand if your sword is deactivated [Music] we head up again now in this room we actually have to go to the left we don't have to kill this boss here but we're gonna use that pro speed run strategy again just because it's easy so we did the bomb and then we hit him with the recorder there was two this time so the bomb actually had both of them and you do need to strike each one one time with the sword if you get the bomb off but any time you see a dig dogger that's how you beat him it's slow moving at first so it's very easy to plant the bomb on them in this room we're going to go up through the key door it's in this next room that we need to use that monster bait i definitely wanted to collect the money here i'm going to need a hundred rupees to be able to get another bomb upgrade in this level and i don't know if i'm going to have it by the time i get to the end here so we may need to go far money in the graveyard [Music] we found the map you can see how many rooms there are now once you get up here you can keep going up again into this empty space but there's just some money hidden up here so nice little trick head over to the right we want to make our way to like the eye in the map so there's that one black space in the middle that's where we need to head to there's a hidden item there the red candle we need to kill all the gorias in this room which will give us some more money maybe i will have 100 we'll see head down and take these guys out [Music] we'll just want to go through the wall on the right and that is that eye room that i was talking about and here we do need to finish off all the enemies these ones when i got the stopwatch again awesome so take out these enemies and then we're gonna push the block over on the left side down in here is where the red candle is here is the sneaky thing about level seven so you figure all this stuff out and you think all right so the boss has got to be one of the other ways that i didn't go in this level but no you actually need to bomb through the wall on the right here very sneaky there are a lot of blue gorias in here we just need to go through the door to the right and use a key down to five keys now but that should be plenty and this time we do have to fight the dig dogger so put the bomb on them got the recorder out and we'll use that bomb recorder strategy this time he split into three parts but i only need to hit each one once because they were already hit by the bomb make your way up here three dodongos you do not need to fight these guys just blow up the wall on the right and conserve your bombs in this room here's another very sneaky one i like to use the wand because of the bubbles here you need to take out these wall masters which you might not even know were there if you didn't kind of move towards the wall you definitely don't want to get grabbed by a wall master it'll take you back to the beginning of level 7. once you've killed them all you can push that block on the side and go down into this secret passageway head up very very tricky level level seven we've made it to this room we are very close to the boss now and what do you think we need to do here that's right we need to bomb our way out over here to the right there we are and the boss is aquamantis so he's actually weak to arrows but it's so easy to just take him out with the magical sword that's just like why even bother we'll grab that triforce and that's it kind of an anticlimactic end to level 7 which is one of the harder levels in the game now i didn't get that bomb upgrade so i'm gonna just speed this up a little bit and we're going to head over to the graveyard so that i can get the 100 rupees that i need to be able to grab that upgrade i said i was getting everything in the game and we're getting everything in the game so here's what we're going to do we're going to use our boomerang and the magical sword so i want to hit this ginny the ghost two times with the sword and then just keep freezing it with the boomerang so we don't lose track of which one is the master ghost you can't damage any of the other ones whenever you can't make any more ghosts come out of the tombstone we hit them one more time and then we just clean up the loot we'll go to another space i'm going to speed it up again and just do the same thing each time that we do it we at least are going to get one blue rupee but we always get a little bit more than that so see how lucky we are all right got two blue rupees at a time very good value and it's just a very fast way to make money in this game a lot of money that time and we're just gonna i'm just gonna do it one time i figure that if i take out all the enemies on the way back to level seven i should be very close to the hundred that i need by the time i get there and i can just grab the last couple rupees in the level so yeah 86 that's pretty good i didn't have very many when i started and you can also just if you want to hop into level 6 that's another good way to reset the monsters and just keep racking up as much money as you need so if you need to buy like water of life or something like that that's a good way of doing it and so we're back here in level seven we're going to take a slightly different path this time i'm just killing enemies here because i have 93 rupees and i do need 100. that's good 94. we want to bomb our way through this wall here on the left and head into this room now there are some rope snakes down here which these guys have a very good item chart for money drops and there's also a free key here so i might as well grab it while we're down in this room and there we go we have 100 so that's an optional room for sure but if you want to grab an extra key it's there head up here now skip these dodongos although if you want to fight them we are about to get this bomb upgrade you're going to get your bombs refilled anyway and that's it 100 rupees and now we can hold 16 bombs pretty sweet that should be plenty of bombs to help us get through the final two levels and just make your way out of level seven and we just have one more piece of the dry force to collect so i want to use the recorder to warp to level two but we can't play it on this screen because there's no tornadoes here it just opens up level seven so i'm going to face downward and play it twice because the last level that the recorder took us to was level four so if i face down and play two times four minus two is two and it will take us here to level two now if you play the recorder you don't end up at level two just keep tornadoing until you get there make your way to the right then head down and you may remember where level 8 is located we've walked by it several times now there it is we can use our red candle which the only difference between the red candle and the blue one is you can use the red candle as many times as you want on the same screen so it's not a big upgrade but here we are we're in level eight and level eight is not that difficult of a labyrinth to figure out but it is a combat challenge so this one is more like a gauntlet if you head all the way to the left whenever you enter level 8 you will encounter this room where you'll need to defeat some dark nuts and gibbedos while dealing with those bubble enemies that annoyingly will turn off your sword equip the wand here so that if you do get hit by the bubbles at least you'll still be able to fight back against the gibdos and definitely prioritize taking out the dark nuts first once they're all defeated push the block on the left and we will be able to get an optional upgrade for our wand the magic book or the book of magic whatever you want to call it whenever the wand hits after you have the magic book it will emit some flames the flames actually do less damage than the wand beam themselves they do light up a room so that's kind of nice is it a good upgrade for the wand i don't know it certainly feels unnecessary but i said i was getting all the items so we are getting all the items in this room there's a man handler but we don't want to deal with him right now just go to the ceiling and bomb the top wall moving forward into this room we will have to deal with these enemies there are five blue dark nuts here and these statues are viciously attacking you the entire time remember that if you move towards the middle of the room the dark nuts will be attracted to you there and you can get them with a bomb or your sword whenever that's happening once they're all defeated make your way up through this room and in here it looks like we have to fight six dark nuts but no we're just going to bomb our way through in this room another man handle which we can skip by just going through the door at the top now we have to fight a blue goma in here and if you remember how easy goma was before not the blue goma we need to hit this one three times and there's a whole bunch of these statues that are shooting at us i like to call this goma's revenge he is not a joke like he was the first time once you hit him three times get into this room where we'll need to defeat some dark nuts and poles voice this time remember that you can use your bow to defeat the poles voice easily but they do cost rupees to use and i am getting very low on rupees right now so i need to be careful with how many shots of my bow i can actually use luckily the stop watch appeared again so we're able to easily take out these enemies i may have to hit that one darken up with a bomb which will be easy enough to do just do that and once again as usual we're pushing the block on the left side and down here we find the magic key the magic key means that we don't have to worry about picking up keys anymore we now have a number of keys which essentially means infinite the magical key is not a mandatory item to get but it will make the game a whole lot simpler in this room we will bomb through the left wall this time and in here we'll be able to grab some extra money just some extra rupees for you to find nothing really more to see here once we've grabbed those we're gonna head back down this time we need to defeat these dark nuts so that we can open the door did i say we weren't gonna have to fight them yeah i guess i lied about that we have to fight them now they want to move towards you if you go to the center of the room take them all out and make your way to the right try to avoid the enemies here we just want to get into the stairway once we get in there we're going to take the sacred passage down through the bottom to the left [Music] in this room a whole bunch of poles voice attack us we definitely don't need that key anymore and we don't actually have to kill all the poles voice it looks like we need to go through that door to the left but actually we want to bomb up through the top wall and here is the boss the four-headed gliock the four-headed gliac is much crazier than the two-headed one we fought earlier so this time whenever one of the heads is removed i'm going to try to hit it with a bomb you can't hit the main gliac with a bomb but you can hit the disembodied heads so that's a good way to get extra hits in on this guy and finish him off very very quickly and that's it we have assembled the entire triforce of wisdom it's time to go on to death mountain and finally face our destiny to defeat ganon i'm going to use the recorder once again this time i'm going to have to blow it a bunch of times we're going to be whisked off to level six and level six happens to be very close to death mountain make your way to the right over here there is a potion shop remember if you need to grab potions this is going to be your last chance to buy the water of life before we have to go to the final level make your way up this ladder and head over to the right we remember this room from before where the power bracelet was continue over to the right avoid these p hat enemies come up here we need to go over to the right a few more screens and then we'll be able to go up and back to the left so that's what we're going to do here so go up the ladder and then we're going to start making our way over to the left and we're looking for a rock formation called the spectacle rock that is where death mountain is and here it is so we need to use a bomb and we're going to bomb the left side a lot of enemies outside of here you can tell that this is where ganon's hideout truly is once we get inside of level nine in this room if we didn't have the triforce of wisdom we would not be able to move forward but we do have it so head up to the next room above watch out for the like legs here and we're going to bomb through the wall on the left [Music] there are a lot of mini bosses here in level nine and this is the first one we'll face the red land molas they are weak to the wand so we're going to use that and light them up once they're defeated we can push the block on the left and enter our first secret passageway it most certainly will not be the last one don't get lost here in level 9 just follow along and you'll be perfectly safe shoot these like likes with your wand you don't need to take out all the enemies in this room but the like likes are very dangerous i don't want them to take away my magical shield so i'm going to fight them through the blocks where they can't hurt me come down here what we need to actually do is go through the door on the right so that's the plan take out that like like and hit the door on the right since we have the magic book we can light up the room with our wand very convenient [Music] in this room this enemy is called a patra and if we kill it it'll drop bombs but right now i have just enough bombs for what i want to do so i'm not going to worry about it just yet i'm going to blow up this wall on the right and i need to wait for this patra to stop throwing its mini patras around so they can bomb the top wall [Music] then we need to bomb yet again in this room watch out for those like likes though all right very dangerous [Music] head up into this room we need to take out all the whiz robes here be careful of the bubbles though they can certainly make life a lot more challenging in this room once you defeat all the wiz robes we'll be able to open the secret passage and get the red ring [Music] the red ring is optional but it makes you take 75 percent less damage so we only take one fourth the damage we would take without it that is crazy having the red ring makes everything so much easier now that we have it i'm going to go and fight that petra enemy that has the bombs because having zero bombs is certainly a problem right now it's nice that i got the stopwatch though so that i don't have to worry about these like likes i really need to just kill some more enemies so that i can hopefully get a very soon remember the game will drop a fairy every 16 enemies killed although those gels never drop items so i don't really want to worry about killing them right now so here's that patra just wait for it to stop moving too much and take out small ones you need to take out the small ones first before you can take out the one in the center and we're gonna use my infinite key to go up into this room we need to bomb again over to the left so head on over to the left now if i get much lower on health i'm going to have to use my water of life luckily i have two uses of that hopefully it won't come to it maybe i'll find some hearts or a fairy [Music] there we go there's the fairy and push that block and head down the stairs that appear take the secret passage to the left there is one more important item that we need to get and that is the silver arrows we will not be able to finish off ganon without them so we need to take this door down and we're going to take the door to the right you can see why we wanted the infinite keys we'd had to bring a lot of keys with us this is the blue land molas these ones are faster but they are just as weak to the wand head on down the stairs take the secret passage to the left [Music] when you head up out of the passage we're just going to go through the door and the top here in this room we need to fight apatra again this one has a little bit different pattern it's easier to deal with it doesn't get as wide as the other patra was kind of spreading its smaller kids i guess out wider this one you can just kind of get relatively close to and just keep hitting it with the sword and that's it push this block and head down into another secret passage when you emerge from this one make sure you get your bombs out we need to bomb through the top wall here so bomb our way out if you want to kill any of the wiz robes right now we will need to take them out later so you might as well kill a couple while you can in this room we need to defeat all of the wiz robes and if you're not as lucky as i am to get the stopwatch you're going to need to be extra cautious of those bubbles as long as you have the magical shield the wiz robes are not that difficult to deal with push that block and head down into the secret passage where we will find those silver arrows [Music] now you have the silver arrows for such a short amount of time in the game that it's easy to forget that they actually do deal more damage to standard enemies than the wooden arrows do once you get back into this room you'll need to take out any whiz robes that remains so that we can push the block on the left side of the formation and head down into the secret passage that we came from we are very close to ganon now [Music] to take them out the fire is actually kind of nice here because it gives you a little bit of a buffer between you and the like likes when they get very close like that if they get too close though definitely attack with the sword because it does deal more damage once they're all defeated we can head through the door on the left this next room is dark so conveniently my wand will light the room up and we don't actually have to kill the zolls here although i'm kind of hoping to maybe get some extra hearts [Music] and we just want to go through the door in the top so head up and this room we don't have to take out these wiz robes just go straight up but we do need to fight the wiz robes here be careful of those traps as you enter the room once all the whiz robes are defeated we can push the block on the left and that will open up a secret passage [Music] take that passage down and to the right anointing to get hit by some keys when we're getting this close to the end in this room we want to bomb our way to the left so make your way to the left and hit a bomb on that side bam and get out of that room that's a dangerous one but we do need to fight all the enemies in this room and very annoyingly they put like likes in this room right before ganon we're like very very close to the end and they're making it possible that we could lose our magical shield now of all times so i'm prioritizing taking out the like likes from a distance where they can't hurt me don't want to mess this up now we're too deep into the game push that block and head on down in the next room we're gonna have to fight one more patra so get ready for that it is the angled variety so nice easy one for us just to keep it at a distance and hit it until all the small ones are defeated and then we can get in there and take out the patra and this is it the final battle with gannon know your nintendo is not broken the final boss is invisible watch for where he's shooting you from and try to stab wildly in that direction whenever you hit him he'll disappear and reappear in either the lower left or the lower right corner so use that information to your advantage and once he turns red like that that means you got him it's time to shoot him with the silver arrows he'll explode we'll grab his tri-force of power which will open the door to princess zelda attack the flames and stand beside her to finally complete your quest [Music] all we can do now is sit back relax and enjoy the cheesy ending well i hope this video enabled you to finally defeat ganon and become the hero of hyrule if it did make sure to give it a like and be sure to subscribe for more videos because there will always be more princesses to rescue and that's why we'll be back again next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching [Music] do [Music] i
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 203,061
Rating: 4.9093976 out of 5
Keywords: NES, Beginner, Nintendo, retro, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, 1980s, guide, playthrough, lets play, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, difficult, walk through, ucanbeatvideogames, beatgames, strategy, gaming101, facts, glitch, speedrun, neshard, classicgaming, retrospective, top100, 8bit, golden, dog, secrets, nintendoswitch, switchonline, switch, nesclassic, goldenretriever, LegendofZelda, Zelda, Zelda1, Link, ZeldaBreathoftheWild, Zelda2, ZeldaTwilightPrincess, LegendofZeldaBOW, AdventureofLink, TheLegendofZelda, zeldaspeedrun
Id: hDs3EYvyXNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 59sec (5459 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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