#Megaman2 #MegaManII #RockMan2 #NES Mega Man 2 - NES - Ultimate Guide! (Normal, Zipless)

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[Music] mega man 2 the best-selling game in the extensive mega man franchise was almost never made the first game sold a fair amount of copies but not enough to make the executives at capcom interested in developing a sequel the original mega man plays great for an nes title released all the way back in 1987 but it was notoriously difficult and it had box art that looked like this director akira kitamura the designer that created the original pixel art sprite of mega man and artist kg inafune who had drawn many of the original enemy designs both wanted to make the sequel they had many ideas left over from the first game that they just couldn't fit on a small 32 kilobyte nintendo cartridge with increased memory on newer cartridges they knew they could make something much better capcom's top executives heard kitamura and inafune's idea and they ultimately agreed that they could make the game but with one condition the team members had to still complete their other games on schedule they'd have to work on mega man 2 after hours on their own time in an interview for play magazine in 2004 kg inafune recounted his experience with the game he said we worked really really hard you know just 20 hour days to complete this because we were making something we wanted to make you can really feel that passion the developers had when playing the final game to build up excitement for the game's release in japan the team had a crazy idea they'd hold a contest promoted in family computer magazine and let the fans design the new robot master bosses the contest received a staggering 8 370 entries out of which they had to choose a final eight bosses in addition to having to work on other games at the same time capcom put mega man 2 on a strict deadline the entire game had to be completed in only 4 months with such little time to complete the project the designers couldn't just wait for the contest to finish before getting started instead they got to work on 8 themed levels and they picked bosses from the contest that best suited the stages they had already created the story for the game is a simple tale of revenge in the original siri's antagonist dr wily had stolen six robots designed by a mega man's creator dr light in mega man 2 dr wily has made eight of his own robot masters each one designed to kill mega man the game was extremely popular in japan and when capcom released it in north america and europe they added a new feature a second easier difficulty mode while many players felt the first game was just too hard the addition of scalable difficulty both makes mega man 2 more accessible and increases the replay value the difficult mode is the original japanese release normal difficulty makes mega man's weapons more powerful and it seems like the enemies drop items more frequently unfortunately the other mega man games on the nes didn't include this feature mega man 2 introduces a lot of ideas that would become series staples eight bosses would become the standard while the first game only had six there are three platforming related items this time which would become the rush upgrades in later games this would also be the first appearance of health refilling energy tanks and the teleporter room at the end of the game all of these improvements certainly led to a better game and it didn't hurt that it was featured on the cover of the seventh issue of nintendo power and got 10 pages of coverage inside capcom still didn't nail the box art though artist mark erickson admits that he was unfamiliar with mega man and thought that he used a pistol even with that box art mega man 2 went on to sell over 1.5 million copies making it the 41st best-selling nes game of all time critics praised its detailed graphics intense gameplay and pulse thumping soundtrack when ign released their list of the top 100 nes games they rated mega man 2 as number 4. on crowdsourced rating site rancor.com mega man 2 is listed as the number 5 best nes game i tend to agree it definitely belongs in the top 10. mega man 2 can be found on many modern platforms it's included on the nes classic mini and can be found on the mega man legacy collection available for the switch ps4 xbox one steam and the 3ds even with the normal difficulty option modern gamers will still have to deal with all the challenges the nes is notorious for enemies knock you back when you get hit there's disappearing blocks over instant death lava fake floor traps over instant death spikes small auto scrolling platforms over an instant death pit underwater zones with wonky jump physics lined with instant death mines and of course the infamous instant death laser beams but what if i told you how to get tons of hidden energy tanks and extra lives so you'll never get a game over what if i told you ways we can use mega man's new arsenal of weapons and items to easily overcome the game's most difficult challenges and what if i told you easy ways to defeat every boss even the guardians of dr wily's skull castle on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we're doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer make sure to subscribe and click the bell for notifications so you don't miss any new videos let's get started [Music] all right mega man 2 we're going to choose the normal difficulty mode and we are going to select flash man as our first boss flash man is one of the easier robot masters to fight so it'll be easy for us to defeat him with our standard arm cannon weapon and he also has one of the better attacks that you can gain in the game the time stopper you'll also get platform number three which is another useful item for completing this level make your way to the right here these enemies are called crazy cannons and notice that the floor here is a little bit slippery you'll want to attack that cannon from the left side of the wall you can shoot through walls in this game generally and here you need to make sure you jump and start shooting you'll remember this guy he's sniper joe from the first game but now he has a mech suit here we want to go down this hole when we go down the next shaft we want to hold to the right so that we can land inside here if you need some weapon refills there are some up there but we don't have any special weapons just yet hold to the left as you drop down here there's some extra energy for you down there but you'll have to fight that mech suit sniper joe this is a very tricky series of platforms if you can make it to the end you just want to kind of maintain your momentum and jump off the edge of each platform you can get an energy tank but it's not mandatory in any way and we'll find plenty of energy tanks on our run here take out this sniper joe you can just jump over him once he's been defeated the sniper joes in this game don't jump and we are on to our first boss the king of indecent exposure flash man flash man always starts out by running across the room over to the left corner use that information to your advantage and try to shoot him as much as you can as he runs across if he freezes time with his time stopper you'll probably take a little bit of damage but on normal mode he is very very easy to defeat now on difficult you may need to use that energy tank that we picked up it's a lot harder in any case whenever you beat flash man you will get the time stopper and when i used to play this game as a kid i didn't think the time stopper was very useful it has a couple mainstream uses like in quick man stage to get around the laser beams and you can use it as a weapon against quick man himself which is where we're going next but there are a lot more uses of the time stopper that i never knew and we are certainly going to get our money's worth from that item on this run we're gonna hit stage select and the next boss that we're going to choose is the sultan of swift himself quick man we can use our newly acquired item number three to climb up the wall on the left here and get ourselves an extra life so just hit it jump on there if you jump when you're using item number three it'll cause it to change directions so don't jump off of it until you're ready to make the jump to the next platform these enemies can't be killed so just head down and in the next room we're going to experience the laser beams so hold hard to the left and get through this room as quickly as possible hold to the right here don't worry about hitting this guy he'll give you some invincibility frames so that if you were to get hit by one of those beams you wouldn't die those beans are instant death down here we'll encounter some hot head enemies these guys will try to throw fireballs at you and whenever they're destroyed the room will go dark so if it seems like you're just walking into nowhere you may need to jump while holding right to move forward up here we're going to come to the more difficult laser beam section so i'm going to equip my time stopper try not to use it on the first screen here though jump over that little platform and come down on the right but do use it here so time is frozen the beams can't get us but we still need to move fast we can pick up some extra energy for our time stopper right there and hold to the right as you move into this room and then back to the left try to avoid this energy and the extra life you don't need them that badly and they will slow you down get through this room and looks like my time stopper is about to run out so don't get caught by that last laser beam as you enter the final room of quick man stage here's another sniper joe now he dropped a refill for our weapon so i'm going to refill my time stopper we can actually use that as a weapon against quick man there's going to be another mechanized sniper joe here so take him out wait for him to shoot and i want to try to get that energy so i'm going to just try to get in there looks like it was a bit of a wash and over here is the gate that will lead us on to the boss i'm going to equip the time stopper so i can use the small amount of energy that i still have on it to deal some damage to quick man and the first thing that he does when he starts his attack pattern is to either jump up into the air or run straight across the room either way he usually ends up on the left side somewhere so that's where you're going to want to start fighting him he can be kind of tough if you don't have the time stopper at all so don't be afraid to use one of your energy tanks to refill your health part way through the battle also whenever you fight quick man later in the game in dr wily's stage the time stopper actually will only do about 50 of his health damage even if we had full power on it so we will need to finish off the other half of his health with something else we can use our air shooter or our crash bombs when we fight them the second time and with that we're off to airman stage now i said there were some other uses for the time stopper wait do you see this one so as soon as this air tiki appears hit your time stopper and normally some horns would come out of the side of it well it's going to stop the horns from coming out but the air t keys still appear for you so you can easily get past those first platforms there will be some more air tikis later in the stage so if you find those ones to be more difficult you may want to save the time stopper for them here we'll fight some lightning lords and we're going to use our quick boomerangs on them so that's the new weapon that we just acquired from quick man here comes the third one just start lighting them up here and quickly jump over to the platform this one's sneaky he goes behind the cloud so shoot him to the left and then just walk off your platform to the left you'll land on his shoot this one to the right and then up here there's going to be a bird that attacks us we want to try to hit the egg before it hits the ground or it will explode into a bunch of chicks interestingly the instruction manual for the north american release refers to that bird enemy as a flying fish yeah i can't imagine that is correct this enemy we used to not be able to damage but with our quick boomerangs now we can take them out make your way down on the left side where you'll fall through the floor and this is the second half of airman stage this is where those other air tikis are we don't have any more of the time stopper but if you did this would be another good place where you could use it to easily get past these first two air tikis but you want to make sure you jump from the first one to the second one right after the horns retract over here there's going to be some enemies called fan fiends we can actually despawn them sometimes so i'll show you what i mean when the next one appears on the screen we can just take a little step backwards here he is here a little step backwards and then move forward and he's gone we didn't have to deal with them at all so use your quick man to easily beat these birds and we can despawn this fan fiend as well jump down to the platform watch out for the bird and carefully make your way across and here he is the big blue blowhard himself air man airman's actual weakness is wood man's leaf shield but we don't have it and it's actually kind of hard to hit him with it because it often gets reflected off by these tornadoes that he shoots while our arm cannon shots might actually go under the tornadoes in any case after he does three of those tornado patterns he'll start jumping across the room towards you which will give you plenty of opportunities to light them up with your arm cannon and with that we will get the air shooter which is kind of a medium usefulness weapon it has an upward trajectory we won't be using it very often but it is important to defeat a couple of the bosses we also though get item number two item number two is the jet sled and it's sort of like the rush jet for this game it is a very useful item that we will be using in several mandatory locations but also in several optional ones too so with that we're going to do a stage select and choose metal man at the very beginning of metal man stage we will have the opportunity to get an energy tank and a very easy to get energy tank at that just kind of do some hops down here which will make you able to get over those conveyor belts now we're going to have a good use of our time stopper again the time stopper actually freezes the conveyor belts on the ground and also freezes those crushers up on the top so that you can easily get through that area these enemies which look like little chainsaws are actually very annoying on difficult mode but they don't take a lot of damage to kill here on normal if you're running low on health or weapons you can very easily farm these enemies to get a lot of items and once you get to about this point you can do some jumps to get over and we're going to use that item number two for the first time right here at the top so use it here and then jump over and we'll be able to get ourselves an extra life make your way down to the bottom and jump down the shaft on the right slide over this conveyor belt and down here in the bottom we're going to encounter some new enemies that are referred to as gear monkeys the gear monkeys can be taken out by destroying the gear underneath them which will cause them to fall off the screen you can kill the gear monkey himself too but the gear will still remain and be able to hurt you here take out the gear and make your way across this stack of barrels enemy in difficult mode will actually explode and kind of throw the pieces of itself forward but it doesn't do that in normal so you don't have to worry about it kind of hold left as you drop down here and you should be able to grab this energy tank but make sure to use platform 2 to get out of there it's very difficult to make that jump without it and you could easily lose a life there and you wouldn't want to do that because right up here is the end of the stage where we will meet the boss make your way into the gate it's nice of metal man to wear a mask so that we don't get coronavirus from him but it doesn't really matter we're going to eliminate him quickly with the quick boomerangs try to stay on the left side of the screen so think about if you divided the screen in half if you stay on the left metal man will not jump over to your side and will just kind of keep bouncing up and down on the right he will be very very easy to defeat so just try to stay on the left be careful because the conveyor belt at the bottom will change directions we will be able to grab his weapon and move on to bubble man stage at the beginning of bubble man stage we will encounter some frog enemies called croakers i've noticed that the quick boomerangs are very effective against them because the baby frogs that they spit out are too small to be hit directly with your arm cannon but the quick boomerang has a trajectory that has like an oval shape so you'll be able to hit them with that these platforms will fall out from under you if you jump on them so we're just going to use our jet sled number two to float over that area now we're going to equip our new metal blade weapon and the metal blades are awesome they can attack in eight different directions so you can attack these crab bots from above head down here and now we're into the water being in the water changes our jump physics so now we can jump very high be careful with that because the ceiling is going to be lined with instant death mines there they are there's those black asterisk looking things use a light tap jump when you jump here and try to get the feel for it in the area over to the left you can easily take out this lantern fish with your metal blades so just kind of elevate a little bit and shoot them downward at an [Music] be angle of these jellyfish you want to just lightly drop off the sides of these platforms make very subtle and small moves and light tap jumps you do not want to touch any of those mines and you'll notice that you move a lot differently in the water that part's tricky too we need to jump between those mines so make sure you get a little bit of elevation there so that you can control the jump take out another lantern fish with your blades and make your way over to the right be careful not to jump too hard there so that you hit the mines as you move through and we'll have some more of these croaker enemies which we can easily take out with our metal blades using the upward angle just keep heading over to the right these guys are called snappers and i'm using the air shooter here because they come out of the sky so the upward trajectory of the air shooter is actually very convenient here of course you don't need to use the air shooter there but it's kind of a good use for it and here we are bubble man bubble man is actually very easy his room has those mines on the ceiling so we're actually better off just not jumping at all just shoot him with your metal blades he likes to swim towards you at an upward angle so i shoot the blades forward and then up and to the right and then whenever he is right above me i can just shoot them straight up and finish him off very very easy if you start jumping around in bubble man's room you'll have a chance of jumping too hard and hitting those mines so we want to avoid that just stay on the ground stay put in the left corner and just light them up with your metal blades now that we have bubble man's bubble lead it's time to take on heat man enemies are going to be attacking us from every angle here in heat man stage so we're going to need to equip our metal blades make your way across watching out for these prop tops and these trash can looking monsters that spawn at the holes in the wall so pay attention to where they can spawn from take them out with the metal blades and quickly move forward before another one spawns be careful there take that one out and at the end the lava is gone but that pit below you is still instant death you'll want to switch over to the quick boomerangs or the bubble that would also work when you're fighting these spring enemies they cannot be defeated with your standard arm cannon make your way to the bottom of this ladder there's another spring guy down there so shoot him and we don't have to deal with these yoku blocks here we can just use our item number three to climb up the wall on the left so climb up that wall drop down the ladder and this is the second part of heat man stage this part is similar to the first but it's a little bit more intense with these yoku blocks jump on this one and then quickly jump again to hit the second one if you mess it up and you don't catch it you'll have an opportunity to jump on it again wait for that block and jump on it and then over here we're going to do the same thing that we did before just kind of hop a couple times and hopefully catch that second block wait for this one to appear and quickly jump on it and then jump over over here there's going to be just a whole lot of those disappearing yoku blocks so we're going to avoid them entirely by using our platform number two so go ahead use platform number two don't even worry about the extra life that you see here you essentially get like infinite lives in this game you can continue as much as you need to make your way down this ladder we can use our quick boomerangs to very quickly take out this mechanical sniper joe they go through them like a knife goes through butter and that's all we have to do we're going to fight the living zippo lighter himself heat man equip your bubble lead and as soon as the fight starts here we want to jump forward and to the right to avoid the fire attack that he does right at the beginning hit him with a bubble lead he'll do a little flaming shield and then charge towards you you'll want to jump over him turn around and hit him with a second bubble then get ready to jump again and hit him with a third bubble it only takes three bubble leads to take him out once he's defeated we will get equipped with the atomic fire the atomic fire is kind of a fun weapon to use you can charge it up like the mega buster in the later games the problem with it though is it uses a lot of energy so we won't be using it very much outside of boss battles we also get item one here which is a very useful item it makes little platforms that float upwards sort of like our item three but it doesn't have to be attached to a wall and with that there's only two bosses left so we're going to select wood man as we get started here in wood man stage i want to show you a trick that we can do with our metal blades if you shoot out three or fewer metal blades and then pause the game bringing up the menu you won't deplete any of the weapon energy so as long as you pause before you shoot off the fourth metal blade you can use those blades forever without draining the energy at all you can actually do this with the quick boomerangs as well you can actually have more of those on the screen without depleting the energy seven of them and you can also do it with the bubble lead but you can only put one bubble lead on the screen before you have to pause so you'd have to pause after every shot to use it infinitely stay on this upper platform and shoot these bubble oh bats with your metal blades and then we're gonna switch over to our atomic fire weapon charge it up before we go down to the bottom there's going to be a large enemy down here which this guy's called a friender in the japanese version but in the american version they're called a hot dog and here's a good trick if we use our time stopper there's supposed to be a second and a third hot dog that we have to fight down here but as long as you make it to the end of this room you don't have to worry about them at all as long as the time stopper is going switch back to your metal blades and climb up the ladder this is the second half of woodman's stage all right extra life jump on this ladder and head on up at the top here we're going to fight some mecca monkeys use your metal blades they appear below us on the bamboo platforms and just shoot them down and at an angle there's also the birds with the eggs again if you turn to the left before the bird appears on the screen it'll get summoned from the left side instead of the right then the bird will kind of fly along with us as we move to the right and it won't keep spawning down here there's going to be some robo rabbits you'll want to switch over to your bubble lead and take them out with two shots in the next room we can use the bubble let again be careful to jump over the carrot that it shoots but you'll see that the bubble lead is actually very effective when the enemies are located on platforms below you don't just jump down this ladder we're gonna kind of walk down to the bottom of it shoot off item two climb up a little bit and jump on top of it that'll allow us to avoid all of these atomic chickens and here we are dr wily's alternative to viagra woodman once the fight actually starts start charging up your atomic fire it doesn't work to charge it before you enter the room and as soon as you hit maximum power let him have it it only take one shot to kill him now there is a second strategy that you might want to try the air shooter is also a very good weapon against wood man and it doesn't require any charging so jump over his leaf shield and just hit him a couple times and it will take him right out this air shooter strategy is particularly useful if you decide to play on difficult mode i like to charge up the atomic fire hit them one time with that for maximum damage and then quickly switch to the air shooter to deal the rest of the damage on woodman whenever i face him in the difficult mode and the final boss here is crash man if you hold down the a and b buttons whenever you choose a robot master you'll get these little chickens in the background instead of stars it's not a very useful trick but it is a fun one we can use our leaf shield now to deal with these annoying respawning trash can enemies whenever you're on the ladder you can just activate the leaf shield to take out the enemies as soon as you try to move though you will shoot the leaf shield off in whatever direction you press so be mindful of that watch out for these hard hat enemies they are kind of the evolution of the met enemies from the original game we can use our leaf shield here just jump onto the platform stand on it and activate the leaf shield without moving and when you get close to the ladder just hold up to climb up it [Music] over here we can do the same thing don't worry about the trash can guys just leave on the leaf shield until you get close enough to the ladder to grab it there we go [Music] this one can kind of take a long time so i'm going to try to use my metal blades to clear out a couple of these guys and then just use item one to float up to the top and grab the ladder so we can just kind of bypass the platform there we're going to switch back to the arm cannon and i'm just going to shoot this stack of barrels right in the eyeballs and move forward up the ladder that's actually the checkpoint for the stage so if you were to die that's where you'd come back to head on up here there's going to be a hard hat out of me here this guy is a little bit dangerous the knockback can make you fall downwards but you won't die you'll just go down a couple of screens and you'll have to climb the ladder again what you want to do is let them shoot at you jump the shot and then take him out same thing with this guy shoot him whenever he lifts up his hat and i'm going to switch to the blades there's going to be some more of those annoying bird enemies that drop the eggs up here and they can be climbing the ladder difficult because you fall off for a second whenever you get hit you can also use your leaf shield here we need to switch over to the right ladder and remember that you need to stop moving for a moment whenever the small baby birds are attacking so that you can activate your leaf shield and just let them all get killed by it climb on up the ladder and keep going all the way to the top don't have to worry about that crazy cannon over there because we're not on that side there is an energy tank so if we just drop down there and grab it we can use our platform number one to float up to the far ladder where we'll also be able to get an extra life [Music] be careful of this prop top though i'm going to hit him with the metal blades before we get to the top of the ladder just make your way across metal blade any of these guys that get in your way and we've made it to the lair of the robot master that always wears his safety belt crash man crash man is probably one of the most difficult bosses in the game if you don't have the air shooter with it though it just makes short work of this guy there's not even much strategy to it he kind of jumps at you and just let him have it with this thing a couple blasts from the air shooter will take him right out and we will get the crash bombs interestingly in the japanese version of the game the boss is called clash man and in later games like the game boy version they also called him clash man so i'm not sure why they changed it they didn't change any of the other boss names for the north american or european versions well we did it we cleared all eight bosses and now it's time to infiltrate dr wily's hideout skull castle mega man's true test begins here now that we have all the weapons it's time to put them to use we can use our leaf shield as we begin the stage to take out these bird enemies sort of like what we did over in crash man stage except now we're not climbing up ladders we're just kind of standing one spot letting all the birds dissipate and then moving forward and don't worry too much if you get hit or if you use a lot of weapon energy the baby birds almost always will drop a ton of items for you to recharge now as we make our way here to the right we're going to come to a wall i like to use platform three to climb this wall but you can actually use any of the platforms to get over that even item number two can work if you use it in just the right spot [Music] you can use your quick boomerangs or also the metal blades to take out these enemies sometimes the metal blades are better here because of the places where they are positioned keep going to the right and you'll come to another wall i'm going to use platform 3 again but remember you can use any of the platforms i think we should conserve our platform number one though because we're going to need it in a section coming up very soon there is an invisible hole in the floor that makes that extra life hard to get over there so i'm not going to mess around with it right now if you feel like you need an extra life just remember that you may have to climb back up that wall and use your item free again i'm going to refill my item 3 here but you may not want to do that and just leave that there in case you mess up and need to recharge your item number 1 which is going to be critical to clear a big gap coming up staying down at the bottom and shooting at an angle is a good way to deal with that sniper joe and up here we can use our bubble lead or quick boomerangs to take out this spring enemy the bubble lead doesn't have a lot of use outside of this so i'm gonna use it where i can climb up this ladder this part here is very tricky try to get to the very edge of the ladder shoot one of these out and then shoot the next one from the far edge of the second platform you want to try to spread these platforms out as wide as you can to make sure you can get over that gap but you can't hesitate very long either or they will float up too high and you won't be able to get the third one off i'm going to switch to the quick boomerangs here we're about to fight the boss and the boomerangs are the weapon we're going to need to use this part is pretty tricky it starts auto scrolling suddenly here and you need to jump forward just as the block appears on the screen or else the dragon will catch you from behind now once you get to the actual boss climb up to the top and start shooting it with the quick boomerangs up there if it hits you you'll fall off to one of the lower platforms and you won't die make sure you jump right back up to the top platform again though and that's it we've completed the first level of skull castle i think that skull castle stage two is a bit easier than the first part there's no little platform auto scrolling thing with a dragon chasing you in here if you don't have your item 2 completely filled you may want to use some of the weapon recharges located here but if it is full you might want to bypass them for now because if you were to die and start at the beginning here again you're going to need to fill up your platform too to get over this spike pit if you jump to the smaller far ladder make sure you're holding up when you jump you'll be able to get an energy tank and a whole bunch of extra goodies down here you'll also get to conserve your crash bombs which you'll need to use to get over on the top ladder [Music] the crash bombs need to be full for the boss of the fourth part of dr wily's stage although at any time you could lose all of your lives and continue which will recharge all of your weapons so that is an option if you need it down here we can use our crash bombs to get an extra life in an energy tank make sure to think about when you're going to refill those crash bombs so if you see any item recharges make sure to prioritize having full crash bombs before you fill up some of the other items down in the next room here you need to make sure you hold right a little bit so you don't end up in that spike pit and then jump down here there's the chainsaw enemies from metal man stage we can use our leaf shield here to destroy them in mass [Music] a lot of times they're going to drop a bunch of items for us which we can use to recharge anything we have that's low right now so let's see what we have here i'm going to fill up my platform number two might need that at some point and might as well polish off these metal blades switch back to it i'd like to get some more help okay well there you go and whenever you're ready to exit this hallway just make your way to the right we're going to need to use platform number three to climb up the wall over here platform number one can also be used if you shoot out two of them but it seems like it's just a lot easier to use number three wait for this crusher to go and head under it as it goes up so shoot that out go up there and jump under the crusher now we can use our time stopper here so that we can avoid this crusher and the ones coming up ahead there's two right next to each other which can be very difficult to avoid make your way down the ladder jump from this platform to the one between the spikes be careful you don't touch any spikes and then we can use some of our platforms here to climb up and get that extra help because the next room is going to be the boss so we need to be ready for that [Music] this is the living room use your metal blades and try to get underneath the creatures and shoot upwards with the exception of the third and the tenth one which appear too low on the screen to shoot up at you'll need to jump over those ones and shoot at them from the side otherwise you'll want to pay attention to which bricks have been removed so you know where the monsters can't come from when a new one forms each one gets a little bit faster and once you have cleared 14 of them the screen will flash and we will be off to skull castle part three the third part of dr wily's skull castle is a throwback to the original game if you remember the original mega man the third dr wily stage is an aquatic zone and that's what we have again here at the beginning we'll have a chance to get an energy tank and some weapon energy but we'll have to use our crash bombs to get them right now i have full energy tanks so i would rather not use my crash bombs but there's going to be some weapon energy right down here so if you'd like to get an energy tank then by all means get it with those bombs and then fill them up right here i'm going to use my metal blades to take care of this crab bot and get some extra energy for it very nice down here we're going to hit the water remember that you have some different jump physics and make some big jumps across these mines you don't want to touch them now wait for the fish to come out and then jump over and there's going to be another fish over here so do the same thing and get to the edge wait for it to pop out then make the jump be careful the mine's lining the ceiling here you just want to kind of walk off the platform there and hold to the right of it and just make some slight moves here you don't have to move very much to get around those mines [Music] drop down here and hold to the right so you don't hit the mines down at the bottom jump up out of the water take out this guy and we've made it to the end this is a very short dr wily stage i am equipping my quick boomerangs because we're about to fight a terrible frankenstein creation the guts dozer the tank treads won't damage you so jump up onto this red platform and then just keep jumping and shooting boomerangs into the gem on guts man's face i can't believe dr wily would do that to guts man what happened to the bottom of him well in any case we're moving on to the fourth part of skull castle the previous skull castle stage was actually pretty easy but this one is brutal at the very beginning there's some extra weapon energy so if you're trying to finish the game without continuing make sure that you have full crash bombs and then prioritize your other weapons and items you may need items one two and three in this stage so make sure you have a decent amount of all those up here is a hard hat enemy i've equipped my metal blades so that i can attack in all the directions as i climb the ladders up here we're going to encounter our first illusion floor we can use our bubble lead to kind of reveal where the spaces in the floor are but you can see there it looks like you can walk on that spot but you can't i'm going to use item 3 to climb the wall here on the left and then drop down on the side here to grab an extra life climb back up the ladder the hard hat enemy will have respawn so that's why i equipped my metal blades just in case i need them and when we get up to the top of the ladder it looks like you can just move over to the right but once again there's an illusion floor so be cautious of that there's illusion floors all over the place in here you may not be surprised to find out there are some up here too so there you go use a bubble lead to reveal where they are it's kind of like using the holy water in castlevania 2 to find similar spaces in the floors up here is the particularly deadly one use your bubble lead you can see exactly which space not to step on and jump to the ladder up here we can use our item number one to jump through the illusion floor and get that energy tank so this is how you get it use your item one right there and just grab it and then head up to the top of the ladder and we're about halfway through the stage now over here i have equipped my leaf shield because there's some more of those moving platforms on like a track like the ones that we saw in crash man stage just like in crash man stage the annoying trash can enemies are present so i've just equipped my leaf shield turned it on and i'm just going to let it carry me around the room until i can leap off and jump to the ladder over here we want to jump off the ladder as soon as the platform is right below us and then jump back over to the left and we can actually use our platform number one here instead of having to catch on to that platform this just makes it a little bit easier grab the leaf shield again make sure not to just jump down any of these ladders you will die i'm going to use the leaf shield here to take out these annoying trash can enemies all right and drop down to the platform turn on the shield again we are going to need to make a jump over here or we'll get knocked off the platform and end up in some spikes so jump up onto this purple platform and head back over re-engage the leaf shield and then we can just ride this one over the platform will actually just slide out from under us there and we can move on to the next spot over here we want to wait for the platform and we'll jump onto it and then we're going to jump to that little purple block in the middle jump there and i'm going to use platform number two to get across you can actually do a tricky jump from that little platform to the moving one on the track to get across that but it's completely unnecessary remember the quick boomerangs work very well against the mecca sniper joes and make your way through here we are very close to the boss here the boss of this stage is called the boo bean traps they are more of a puzzle than a boss it's kind of something that you have to figure out it actually says in the manual for game genie that if you have infinite life you can get stuck in this room if you mess it up all right here we go we equipped platform number one and i'm gonna make two of them so that i can climb all the way up to the top now here's a good trick switch to your crash bombs and then we're gonna walk off and plant a bomb in the wall and if we put it in the right spot we can take out that boo beam and the wall in front of the one below it if you mess it up that's okay as long as you take out either the wall or the boo beam trap as long as you get one or the other it's all right take out the one closest to the middle of the room and then the far one over on the left you can try to jump after these things shoot especially once there aren't very many of them left we'll need to use our platform one there to get up and around to the bottom and then we can switch over to our bombs and shoot this guy if you do that trick at the beginning you'll still have one left over at the end which means that you can make one mistake somewhere if you didn't get the two for one though that's okay you just need to make sure that you're very careful about using all of your bombs precisely and we did it we made it to the skull the classic teleporter room you can do these bosses in any order i'm starting with airman here we didn't get to use the leaf shield on him the first time we fought against him so i want to show you what that looks like although it still may be easier to beat him with the arm cannon you just need to get pretty close so i usually wait until he does the jumps to switch over to the leaf shield after you defeat each boss you'll get some health refilled so that's why i'm saying you might want to take out the harder ones first but this is an easy one here's flash man he just runs towards you just like you did last time take him out with the metal blades and the metal blades are very effective against metal man it only takes one to finish him off grab that health i think i'll do quick man now you can see what the full time stopper does we can also use our air shooter to finish him off after the time stopper is worn off the crash bombs are also good but we had to use up so many of those on the previous boss that we don't have very many available so yeah the air shooter is a good option your arm cannon works just fine now i'm going to take out crash man make sure you don't waste all of your air shooters fighting quick man you do need them for crash man i think i'll go over here and hit woodman next we'll use the atomic fire plan if you mess up with the atomic fire and shoot it off too early or it hits the leaf shield don't be afraid to pivot to the air shooter plan if you still have a little bit left after fighting quick man and crash man up here in the top is heat man he seems to always get me here with that first attack it's a little bit harder to avoid than it is in the room where you fight him initially but same plan hit him with the bubble leads only one is left it's bubble man so i'm gonna put on my metal blades he doesn't have the mines lining the ceiling this time but it doesn't matter i'm still going to use a similar pattern to defeat him i just want to make sure i'm not standing right on top of the teleporter when he dies so that i can still get that health refill and here it is the fight with dr wily just use your metal blades and shoot upwards at an angle at the cockpit and you will waste this guy's life super fast he does have two life bars just like the dr wily at the end of the first game so if you get low on health don't be afraid to use one of your energy tanks but that's not the true final boss of the game oh no there's a second skull hold to the right as you fall down this shaft you want to be able to make your way quickly to the right side of the screen when you get to the bottom if you hold right and move fast you'll get underneath all of these lava pods as they appear on the screen and none of them will drip on you at all so just quickly head over to the right jump when you need to jump and equip your bubble lead because it's time to fight the final boss who knew all this time that dr wily was really an alien the only weapon that can damage this guy is the bubble lead so you'll have to get pretty close to him to hit him with it fortunately he flies in a very predictable figure 8 pattern so whenever he dips down low that's when you want to jump up and try to hit him with two bubble lids he's going to come around again and we'll hit him down at the bottom and that's it we've defeated dr wily and beaten mega man 2. so it turns out that dr wily wasn't really an alien after all the whole thing was just an illusion well we broke his little toy and now dr wily will be begging us for forgiveness all we can do now is sit back relax and enjoy the cheesy ending [Music] so i'm not exactly sure what this ending means mega man walks through all these different seasons i guess it's trying to say that he's walking for a very very long time but whatever it means it does look cool [Music] we have the rain and then with the rain comes springtime and then he's left the helmet behind the fight is over we've won well i hope this video was able to help you defeat dr wily and put an end to his crazy schemes if it did make sure to give it a like and be sure to subscribe for more videos because there will always be more evil geniuses for us to defeat and that's why we'll be back again next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] you
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 73,413
Rating: 4.9240508 out of 5
Keywords: NES, Beginner, Nintendo, retro, videogame, videogames, Walkthrough, 1980s, guide, playthrough, lets play, letsplay, retrogame, gamehelp, difficult, ucanbeatvideogames, beatgames, strategy, gaming101, facts, glitch, speedrun, neshard, classicgaming, retrospective, top100, 8bit, golden, dog, secrets, nintendoswitch, switchonline, switch, nesclassic, goldenretriever, MegaMan2, MegaMan, RockMan2, RockMan, MegaManX, Capcom, MegaMan2SpeedRun, NESClassicMini, KeijiInafune, Inafune, MetalMan, QuickMan, Normal, Zipless, glitchless, SpeedRun, MegaManII
Id: yr4x2eiM__0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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