#StarTropics #NES #RetroGamingHistory StarTropics NES - Retrospective + Ultimate Walkthrough!

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This is not just another walkthrough of StarTropics. It has secrets such as being able to skip bosses, the HP system of the enemies, and how much damage each weapon is capable of. I was surprised when he suggested you don't really to obtain the big hearts in the game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/enchantedsky 📅︎︎ Jul 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
as a kid i was always fascinated by the nintendo games that came out in japan and never made it to north america there was the japanese version of star wars gradius 2 and konami's y y world series which allows you to play as simon belmont from castlevania go iman from legend of the mystical ninja and bill riser from contra all in the same game but there is one great nintendo series that came out in the us and europe and never saw an official release in japan that franchise is star tropics star tropics was the brainchild of genyo takata who had been working with nintendo since 1972 he had even worked on their very first arcade game since then he had risen through the ranks and become the general manager of nintendo's integrated research and development division nintendo has several divisions that develop games and the ird was most notable for creating the punch out series takata recognized the importance of the north american market the sega genesis had been released in the summer of 1989 and they were sucking up market share with their genesis does what nintendo's slogan nintendo needed a game that would resonate with american gamers and that meant designing a new franchise from the ground up that new franchise would be star tropics at its core it's a lot like the legend of zelda the action takes place from an overhead perspective and your character can attack in the four cardinal directions the game features some exploration and puzzle solving elements but the focus is mostly on action unlike zelda star tropics has a much stronger emphasis on story the plot revolves around an average american teen named mike jones no not that mike jones mike has been sent to sea island in the southern hemisphere after receiving a cryptic message from his uncle dr jones no not that dr jones although the game's designers certainly want you to think of indiana jones as mike explores caves and ruins evades massive boulders and even encounters aliens or maybe they're actually interdimensional beings nintendo put a lot of marketing dollars behind star tropics when it released in 1990 and even devoted 35 pages to it across two issues of nintendo power magazine the game wasn't a massive hit but it sold well enough to spawn a sequel zoda's revenge zoda's revenge was actually an awesome game but it was released on the nes in march of 1994 at this point the super nes had been available in north america for over three years and little attention was paid to such a late nes release with such poor sales we never saw another game in the series it's a shame that the star tropics series never really took off and we never got to see a 16-bit sequel on the super nintendo maybe if they had considered selling the game in japan it would have helped boost the franchise's popularity japanese gamers love the earthbound series which is called mother in japan and it stars another baseball playing american kid ness with the right marketing i don't see why star tropics wouldn't have sold well across the pacific in modern times nintendo has shown some love for the franchise by including it on their nintendo switch online service and on their very successful nes classic mini but players new to the game should be ready for the kind of challenge the nintendo is notorious for killer enemies massive bosses and instant death traps are all par for the course here but what if i told you there were tons of hidden heart containers and secret health potions that will make this quest much easier what if i told you there was a secret way to max out your health early and what if i told you there were secret strategies for fighting the difficult bosses that will give you a massive advantage on today's episode of you can beat video games we'll learn all of that and more if you're new to the channel we are doing deep dives on retro video games and giving you the professional strategies that can be used by the casual gamer please subscribe for more videos and click on the bell for notifications so you don't miss anything let's get started [Music] we'll grab a brand new account and jump right into chapter one the first thing that we'll need to do in chapter one is visit the game's first town which is called coral cola all of the towns in this game are called something cola so that's going to be a recurring theme here the first thing we'll need to do is to talk to most of the characters in the town i don't like this game design decision i think it's nice that there are characters here that we can talk to but i don't think making it mandatory is good you don't actually have to talk to the woman in blue on the right or the old lady in the lower left but once you've talked to most of the characters head on in and talk to the chief the chief is going to tell us a bit of disturbing news our uncle dr jones has been abducted and the only way that we're going to be able to save him is to take a yo-yo and go beat up some bad guys in a bunch of caves yeah that makes a lot of sense now if you're playing this game on the switch or maybe one of the other later versions they don't actually call it the yo-yo because duncan had a trademark on the term yo-yo so if you're playing one of the later versions it's called the star but for the purposes of this video we will refer to the weapon as the yoyo once you head over into this hut we will be visiting with the island shaman growing up i always thought she was holding a carrot but that's actually just her thumb and pinky fingers sticking out to the side and we're into the first action scene the first enemies that you'll encounter are called jellies they are very slow moving you can be defeated in one hit and you notice the green square tiles on the ground those are essential to the gameplay here in star tropics you can't simply walk onto those tiles you have to jump onto them and you'll have to jump off of them as well that's not the only thing that they do oftentimes jumping on the tiles will trigger a switch and that switch could be depressed to either open a door or maybe destroy a wall in any case this is going to be key for moving from room to room and start driving so you're going to want to jump on most of the tiles that you see and find out if there's any hidden switches or sometimes even hidden items take out these rattus enemies they only take two hits and are fairly easy to defeat be careful when you're jumping from tile to tile here you can only jump over one space of water and the water is an instant death hazard i'm glad mike came to the islands without knowing how to swim doesn't seem like a good idea but assume that that water is just straight up death you'll need to defeat all the enemies in this room before we can move on so two hits on the radius and one on the slow moving jellies and we are moving on now this room is a little bit tricky and you're going to understand how some of the puzzles work here in star tropics it looks like we should be able to go to the left or the right and that would be the way to move on but no we have to actually go to the top left and make another switch appear so that we can blow through the ceiling the roots on the left and the right are actually dead ends in here we will be able to open a chest and get the fire weapon the fire weapon is superior to our yoyo it does twice as much damage but we do have a limited amount of uses i like to switch it on in this room you do get plenty of usage out of the fires there will be more of them these looper enemies which are the snakes take two hits from the yoyo but only one from the fire so it makes them a lot easier to defeat if you step on a switch you can blow up a wall over here to the right and grab a potion potions are going to be very useful in this game you can pause and use the potion to refill your health it won't refill all of your health when you have more hearts but for now it's definitely going to do all of them you'll notice that there is another room above us here don't go up there that's a trap if you go through that you'll end up right into some water and instantly die so just head back the way that we came don't be shy about using those potions if you're down to your last heart immediately pause the game and use the potion if you were to lose a life you lose any potions that you have so there's no reason to save them coming up here take out these bat enemies which are actually called noctos and the loopers as well and it will open up the door and here's our first boss we're going to want to use the fires and shoot into the open mount sometimes it shoots fire out so you'll want to jump over to the left or the right when it's shooting the fire get your shots in whenever you can and you'll be able to take this guy out quickly there is another way to beat this guy so i'm going to show you an alternate strategy here you can just jump right up onto his face and you need to have at least two hearts left to make this strategy work but once you get hit by his fire you can jump over his head and then just walk straight up and you'll be able to exit the room without even fighting the boss pretty cool do not stop on top of his body make sure to continue to walk straight up out of the room if you run out of invincibility from the hit that you took from his fire you will immediately die if you're standing on the body of the snake and that is essentially the end of chapter one good work before we leave chapter one we will get to talk to dr jones's assistant baboo baboo is going to tell us about the sub c which is a submarine that we will be using to travel for the rest of the game it also does seem like there's something that baboo isn't telling us but i guess we'll have to find that out later head on down into the laboratory where we will meet up with navcom navcom looks suspiciously like nintendo's rob the robot and i'm sure that's on purpose luckily he knows how to drive the sub i don't think mike has any nautical knowledge he doesn't even know how to swim so it's probably for the best that we let the computer drive and that's it that's chapter one now when we get into chapter two we will quickly encounter a female dolphin that navcon can actually talk to it seems that dr jones has designed a computer that can speak to dolphins and i think that may actually be a bigger deal than almost anything else that he would have discovered the dolphin convinces us to save her son it's not like we had anything more important to do and we don't need to go into that lighthouse we just kind of want to go through the wall in a couple key places here there's a little fizz in the water near where you can go through the wall and we'll head down into this little hut here we'll encounter a woman that says she saw a bottle on the beach and until we talk to her that bottle won't actually be there once we've spoken with her head on out of the hut and down to the beach we will need to go through the wall into his secret passage here to get to the bottle and once we get to it we'll find out it's not about the missing dolphin at all no it's a message from dr jones and it says he was abducted by aliens so that seems like maybe a big deal maybe we should have a little bit more of a reaction to that but whatever he also gives us the code to make the sub c dive and that's the more important thing for us right now once we get back into the sub we will load up that code with navcon and we will be able to press the b button to dive now normally it doesn't do much for us to dive but if you do it on top of these blue squiggles that look kind of like navy blue bacon strips that will allow us to transfer our sub from one blue squiggle to another one before we head to the cave go through these mountains and we'll be able to grab the game's first heart container the hard containers are not mandatory in this game and actually if we complete this chapter we'll actually get any of the hard containers that we missed it will make the game a lot easier for now so i do recommend that we grab it these enemies are called motto fish they take two hits to kill and i find the best way to attack them is to do a jump attack in midair and then attack again as you land it's a little bit faster that way and i think it's your best chance of beating them without getting hit yourself watch out for these sinking tiles you want to jump on them right as they reappear from sinking into the water so now that's going to be your best way to not end up in the water yourself which of course is an instant death hazard head over here and fight some more motto fish we're gonna use that jump attack attack strategy which i think is maybe about one frame faster than attacking on our feet coming over here take out these noctos to open the door in the next room we'll go past a spin star enemy which we can avoid and we will encounter some octots now these guys look very similar to the octa rocks and zelda 2 but we're not obligated to fight any of them in this particular room we just need to hit that switch tile and head on over to the door in the next room we're going to have an opportunity to get some hearts back but first we have to be very careful of these looper enemies this one comes at you quick definitely got me i should have probably used the jump attack there and if you see that dark portion near the wall that means you can walk through make sure to grab the baseball bat if you don't already have it we are going to be using that in the next room hit the switch tile do trigger the door and we will be moving on now that we're in here you want to switch to that bat go right in between these spin stars and take a swing if you do it correctly you can take them all out in one hit head quickly to the left to avoid the shots from this puffer fish named puff you don't have to actually kill him to open the door but you do need to take out the off tops in here we can grab some more health and in the next room we're just going to have to fight the nocto in the lower left corner of the screen if we kill him we'll trigger the door and we don't have to fight any of the other enemies at all in here we can use our bat again where you see the shadow on the wall you know that we can walk through head on over and trigger the treasure chest by stepping on the switch that's going to get us the snowman doll item and the snowman doll is something that we can only access from the pause screen kind of like a potion this is way better than a potion it will freeze all the enemies on the screen and allow us to attack them while they can't move up ahead we see the boy dolphin that's missing and this is the boss octo the huge avoid octo's ink shots by bouncing left and right across the tiles make sure not to jump too far to the left or the right and end up in the water wait for him to close in we can't actually hurt him always in the back of the room as soon as he's here freeze him with the snowman doll and then unload on him with your yo-yo keep on attacking even after the water turns blue and he starts to pull away it is possible to defeat octo with just one snowman doll activation but it's likely that you'll need two before you can defeat him that's it it's that easy we've defeated octo the huge and saved the boy dolphins we can just hang out here as the dolphin comes and swims on into the room and once we get back out into our submarine we'll be able to reconvene with the dolphins mother who will be so overjoyed and thankful that as a thank you gift she'll show us the way to swim through the shoals and we can finally exit chapter 2. i'm not sure that there wasn't a way to sail around those shoals but i think we'll be fairly happy that we rescued the dolphin much later in the game chapters 1 and two aren't particularly difficult and that's usually the mark of a good nintendo game there's only one action scene in each of those chapters and there's only one easy boss to fight well unfortunately chapter three is not going to be like that at all so hang on to your butts and get ready for storm and calm well it looks like we encountered some terrible weather out at sea and we're even flung from our submarine considering mike's lacking swimming abilities i think we're lucky to be alive i also like the way that the submarine is just kind of upside down and bobbing between the rocks i don't know that it would actually float that way but in any case we're going to need to get this thing fixed so we need to head on to the nearest town over here is just a small grass hut where we can refill our health and we're really going to need it as we head through the tunnel to miracola in here we'll fight some of these dodo bird enemies they take two hits to kill and they move fairly quickly they remind me a lot of the raddus enemies from chapter one you're actually safe from the dodos while you're standing on these tiles so if you want to preserve health you could just stand on the tile and wait for the dodos to come to you get the bolas from the treasure chest we are certainly going to need them when we face the ninja monkeys in the next room these ninja monkeys always reminded me of the wicked witch of the west's henchmen in the wizard of oz you'll want to make sure to keep your distance between them and throw the bolas each ninja monkey takes two hits to defeat and the bolas actually deal as much damage as your yo-yo so you want to keep a lot of space between you and the monkeys and just try to get two bolas on each one of them don't worry about using them all up there's going to be another treasure chest with more bolas as soon as we get to the next room in the next room we'll see that treasure chest open it up and we're going to need to jump right between these snakes so that we don't get hit you do need to defeat them to open the door and head up to the next room here we'll face a series of sink tiles wait until the one right in front of you appears to jump on it and if you hit those ones on the side we can get some more help which we might need the bone heads will deal massive damage to you so keep some space between you when you fight them this room is dark but you want to head straight to the left then up and then make a jump to the right that will turn on the light and you need to exit through the door on the top here if you go out to the left you'll actually be taken back to the beginning of the tunnel and that would be a total disaster in the next town called miracola we will be forced to speak with all the characters again before we can enter the chief's hut i don't find it quite as offensive here as i did in the first chapter here it's more like a change of pace between action scenes whereas in the first chapter people may load up star tropics for the first time find that first town boring and then never play the rest of the game get some coconut milk from that kid to make sure that you have full health for the next cave it's going to be a tough one speak to the chief of miracola of course he has a request from us some kind of dreadful lightning flashed and made his daughter whose name is bananette fall into a deep sleep it sounds kind of like a coma and maybe she should be treated at an actual hospital but nope we're going to come up walk through the secret hole on the top of the chiefs hut and visit with her before we leave because the best way to take care of a girl in a coma is to find a mountain hermit and get a magic spell head on back over to the right corner and go through this small maze of palm trees this will take us to the exit of the town and after speaking to the chief and his daughter we'll finally be allowed to exit where we will emerge and enter magma's molten tunnel magma's molten tunnel opens with a bit of gymnastics as you jump between each of these pair of loopers to avoid getting hit by them in the next room we'll have to face off with some bonehead enemies but we don't have the bolas this time so we will want to use the water to our advantage the boneheads can jump across but it does slow them down so try to get two strikes jump across the water and then get three more strikes to finish it off in the next room we're going to use these loopers as a guide as to where we can actually jump in the dark head over to the platform with the second snake from the bottom we're going to want to proceed to the left onto the platforms that that octahod is jumping around on the one at the top will turn the lights back on and if we head down to the bottom we can actually get a secret potion that's hidden down here in a treasure chest [Music] grab the potion and then head back out the same way that you came and enter the room to the left you will encounter our first gadfly enemies if these guys get within a diagonal line of sight of you they will start to charge you don't have to defeat them here just open the door with the switch and move on in the next room there's going to be a series of sink tiles make sure to jump on the one in front of you as soon as it appears and you can grab some help before you enter the next section of the tunnel this is a tunnel checkpoint so if you die you're going to come back right after these stairs then here we will encounter the molten part of the tunnel if you grab this sign it could give you extra lives but it could also take lives away so only grab it if you're feeling lucky most of the time it does add lives to your total but it can be a little bit dangerous if we grab this stopwatch item here we can freeze the gadflies and destroy them sometimes you'll have a random chance that it will only slow them down while the freeze is permanent the slowdown certainly is not so you'll need to work quickly if you just get the slowdown watch out for these mad muddies and hit the switch on the right to open the door up here we'll have an opportunity to get some more health if we head up the path to the left now continuing all the way up to the left we'll reach a dead end so we just want to grab the hearts and turn back head down here across the bottom and over to the right one of these tiles will trigger a bola item we don't really need that bola for anything there are very few enemies between here and the boss and the boss is not actually something you can damage with ebolas be careful with these sync tiles they are tough because you have to change direction in midair and this is the boss magma the fierce immediately jump up to this grass platform and avoid that one random shot that comes out at the end and head over to the left we need to hit a switch all the way in the upper left corner now you can actually go straight in front of magma here it's safe and head over to the right trigger that switch which is right next to mr fierce and that's it if you hit those two switches all the tiles below magma will disappear you'll fall into the water and be destroyed that's it that's the end of magma's molten tunnel as we emerge onto the world map we will head north skip past this castle for now we can't go in there just yet and enter this little room to get another big heart the next level is the ghost village and this is one that a lot of players get stuck on so we will definitely be happy to have that heart container before we go in there [Music] keep heading north and then head over to the left at the end of this long windy path we'll see a lone hut and inside we will enter this creepy cemetery head north around this lake and then go to the left you'll see a tombstone that has a strange color step on there and will be transported in to the ghost tunnel watch out for these bone dog enemies if we jump onto this tile in the middle of the water they can't actually hurt us here so just wait for them to come to you and attack with the yoyo take the bottom root in this room you can jump on the tiles at the top but it'll actually take you to a dead end instead we need to go this way bounce on this tile and take the door at the bottom the door on the top will transport you out of this level and you'll have to start over jump right down and hit this tile to trigger a switch hit that switch to trigger the door and move on down below in the next room we're going to encounter some mummy enemies these mummies take eight hits to kill and have some of the most hp of anything we've bought so far keep them at a distance and use the water to your advantage but definitely don't let them get you into a corner after defeating them you'll want to trigger that tile to open the chest in that chest we will find the rod of sight the rod of sight will allow us to see invisible ghost enemies called minis without the rod of sight they will remain invisible and they won't be able to be damaged so while it's not mandatory that you use the rod of sight in this room it's going to be very difficult to get through here without taking a bunch of damage so use the robocite take out the minis trigger the switch at the top and then head out the door in the bottom down here we're going to fight some skull enemies these skulls are almost exactly the same as the octagon enemies don't want to go out the door to the bottom that will actually take you outside and you'll have to start over in this room we can use our rod of sight to trigger some minis and once we kill all the minis it will open up a bonus room on the right where we can get some more help if we need it when you head back through the door on the left make sure to use your rod of sight again because the minis will have respawned and if you don't use it those two hearts that you just got back may get taken away from you right away in this room the game plays a dirty trick hit this jelly enemy and then walk through the wall right before the stairs if you walk onto the stairs you'll actually be transported back out of the ghost tunnel and you'll have to start over if you need some help you can go through the wall on the bottom in the left there this is our first checkpoint avoid the fires from this mini volcano and head over to the right this is the darkness zone we need to go to the right to proceed here but it's going to be very tricky without the lantern item which we will find down in the room below here we don't need it to get through the dark area but unless you have completely memorized that room you won't be able to get through it easily without the lantern and we will also find an extra potion down here so i think this detour is probably worth it take out the enemies and head down to this room if we use our rod of sight here we will reveal some hidden mini enemies down in the lower left we can trigger that lantern item that we need once you grab the lantern then take out the minis when the minis have been defeated it's going to open up the wall on the right and like i said over here we'll be able to get a potion and also two more hearts certainly worth the detour to get this stuff then we're gonna head back out the way that we came we got the potion and the lantern that we were looking for so head on back out through the top remember that the enemies have all respawned i would like to try to avoid these mummies as much as possible but it's tricky to get out without killing at least one of them and up here we can pause and use that lantern with the lantern now we can easily see where we need to jump and the shadow on the wall where we can walk through and grab another rod of sight here and make sure to just keep using the lantern whenever the darkness comes back you don't want to be caught with the lights out especially with these sinking tiles over here on the right if we don't have the lantern we would have to use an audio clue to guess when the tile is available for us but that's pretty tricky so i certainly recommend using the lantern in here in the next room we'll face off with some mr armstrong enemies jump to avoid their projectiles and attack them when you have an opening this room is designed to look like a dead end as though you kind of messed up but you need to jump to this narrow strip of land up on the top of the screen that's the way you need to go if you go out the door to the right that's a dead end and you'll have to turn back clear the bone dogs in this room and proceed up through the door in this room we can safely attack the mummos when we use our stopwatch now it looks like i just got the slow down you'll see that it will wear off in a few seconds and then we'll be right back to normal if you're in the water the mamas won't be able to walk through the water to get you so that's another strategy you can use head on up here now in this room you'll need to use your rod of sight if you don't have the rod of sight to reveal these minis there is a rod of sight over in the room to the left destroy the wall on the right by taking out those ghosts and use the rod of sight here again take out these two minis and blow through another wall on the right now in this room there's just going to be some bone dogs there are no hidden minis in here but you do need to get this mirror so go over here grab the mirror and switch to it immediately for this room you will need it to fight these nim hacks you get 80 usages of the mirror so feel free to use them liberally just reflect the shots back and move on into this mummy room i've never been able to truly figure out this mama room you need to kill several of them but you don't need to kill all of them i'm not sure which enemies actually have to be removed once they start clumping together it's very hard to track which one is which just keep them at a distance and keep taking them out until the door opens in this room we can grab some bolas which will be useful on the boss and when we use the rod of sight there's a hidden mini down in the lower right corner which will open a secret room to the left where we can get some more help [Music] grab these hearts we are very close to the boss now and so we certainly will need full health if possible [Music] step on this tile to trigger the switch and open the door at the bottom switch over to your mirror i like to take out the four nymhags in this room before i mess around with those skulls but you do need to take out all seven enemies here so take out the four nymhags kill the skulls there's gonna be another rod of sight that you can trigger here you do need at least one in the next room to reveal the boss and the boss is a giant ghost called maxie rod of sight will reveal her and what you want to do is switch to your volas and wait for maxie to stop and then just start attacking her with the bullas it doesn't take too many hits to kill her but you want to be very cautious of the fires being shot from the volcanoes at some point when she's closed to death she'll start moving very quickly back and forth across the room that's when you'll just have to get a few more bola shots she will be destroyed and that's it you've beaten one of the most difficult levels in star tropics head on over to the left jump on this tile to trigger the switch up in the next room we will find another switch to trigger so jump on it the water will start pouring out of the skull and that's going to empty the lake above and we will be able to find the missing crystal ball which is a key item that will need to enter that castle grab the crystal ball and head back the way you came to the castle of shikola now you can't go directly into the castle of shikola because they only allow women so you need to come around the back and meet up with this fortune teller the fortune teller needs that crystal ball that we found at the ghost village and once she gets it back she can use her magic to transform you into a girl now i don't know if we went through that whole ghost village and got the crystal ball back just so we can borrow the fortune teller's clothes or if maybe her magic is a little bit more significant than that you see i always wondered what if the reason they didn't let men into the castle of chicola because it was more of like a nudist colony do we think the fortune teller's magic would have been powerful enough in that case well we'll never know once you get in here you'll need to visit the queen and she will give us an upgrade to our yoyo called the shooting star the shooting star can only be used whenever you have six hearts but it does twice as much damage as our yo-yo it also has a lot more range so we are going to be very happy to have it when you come out of shikola we can head over to the left and cross the western passage if you talked to one of the warriors in chicola she'll tell you that we need to jump 10 times on this switch so do that 10 jumps and we will be able to proceed through the door up at the top in this room grab some hearts so that we'll have our shooting star available you can see that now we can take out these ock pots in one shot in this room there's more octops but we can just avoid them head over to the left and there's some motto fish here which now we can take out in one hit and head on over to the left one more room there are a couple of octops and several motto fish here make sure to trigger those motto fish you need to defeat them all to open the door head on up through and that's it we're on the other side of the island now now that we're on the west side of the island we'll cut through these rocks and we'll be able to see the hermits mountain if you go in that little house you'll meet with a poet who will give us a clue but there's no real reason to visit with him so just come on up into the hermits mountain and start taking out these loopers to open up a wall on the right side this is going to be the last tunnel in chapter 3 and there's no boss in here so this is probably one of the easier ones take out these skulls and you can actually jump from this point right into the water and you will trigger a tile that will appear and you can grab a bat weapon there now i don't really use that bat weapon for anything but it is kind of cool to know that it's there take out these boneheads which are much easier now that we have the shooting star head over to the right these white tiles will sink out from under you as soon as you jump on them so make sure to be ready to jump to the next tile as soon as you land trigger the switch and head over to the right in this room we can take another suicidal jump from the edge of this tile and we will reach another invisible tile in the water which will allow us to get some bola weapons the vola weapons could be useful but they're certainly not necessary they're not as powerful as our shooting star so as long as we have the shooting star we should probably use it but if you ever lose enough health that you drop back to the yoyo i would switch over to the bullas immediately they are just as effective as the yoyo but they have a lot more range these enemies are called tropas you don't have to kill them just grab this switch and head up to the door in this room we do need to take out the mad money as well as this gadfly remember that the gadflies will attack whenever they are in a diagonal line of sight from you just be cautious of them and take out that mad muddy [Music] now you've seen this kind of room before with the sinking tiles this time there is a stop watch which can freeze them to help you get that health there are more sinking tiles in this room you'll need to just kind of jump on this one over to the left so that you can open up this room over here where we can get a potion and some more help grab that health in the secret potion and head back out to the right and we actually need to get out of this room on the right side it is okay to go to the door up on the top there's some more hearts hidden up there but it's kind of a mean trap it'll put you right on top of some of those sinking tiles and you'll probably die so i don't recommend going up in there in this room we'll need to fight some more frappas they should start emerging from the lava you'll need to take them all out before we can go to the next room head on over to the right [Music] now these enemies are called goblins whenever you hit a goblin it'll start moving very quickly we only need to take out that one gogling to open the door so that's all i would do just hit it and move on to the stairway in the second part of the hermit's mountain we will encounter a little bit more of a maze up here hit this switch and watch out for the mad money grab the heart that's nice head on up north now this guy is called a big bully the big bully moves fairly slowly but he has 12 hit points so it takes either 12 yoyos or six shots of the shooting star to kill him he'll do a full two and a half hearts of damage if he hits you so make sure to keep a lot of distance between you and the big bullies take out the goblin and head up north through this room knock off this big bully like i said keep some distance between you and him he does a ton of damage if he hits you but they are slow moving in this room there are two switches to hit the one on the right will open the door that you need if you go down below that's a dead end and you'll have to come back knock off the big bully in this room and head down this is the room that we're looking for you could go down but yeah we actually want to go left jump on to this water spout and we have found the mountain hermit and completed chapter three up here on top of the mountain we simply have to talk to the hermit and he will give us the magic scroll we don't have to worry about using the magic scroll it will simply trigger a cut scene and we'll head back to miracola where we can finally finish chapter 3. chapter 3 is by far the largest chapter in the entire game and moving forward it feels like we're at about the halfway point here none of the other chapters will be quite this lengthy with this many action scenes in between the second longest chapter is going to be chapter six well now that we're back to miracola we can wake up bananet and finally rid her of that terrible coma see random hermits that live on mountains are just as good as doctors they're like the doctors of the islands well they finally repaired our sub and we are off to chapter four it's good to know that navcom is safe i wasn't sure if the hall of the sub had filled with water maybe the people from the island fixed navcom i know they don't subscribe to things like modern medicine or doctors but they sure seem good at fixing advanced technology like submarines and robots chapter four is called confession and i have a confession to make chapter four is the easiest chapter in the entire game on to this fish-shaped island and into the town of tuna cola we only need to talk to one person here his name is bait he tells us that he saw somebody looking from us sailing from sea island and so we are going to get back into our sub and head off to the right just start sailing onto the open sea and sooner or later the game will kind of freeze up and we will be eaten by a whale inside the whale we are going to find the person who had been looking for us what a coincidence it's baboo dr jones assistant he didn't tell us at the beginning that he saw the aliens well dr j had already told us about the aliens in his notes so it's not as much of a surprise anymore but i can understand why he was scared this guy has definitely seen the movie pinocchio so he's going to try to do the pinocchio plan and start a fire inside the whale i'd like to point out that it looks like he's sailed here on a raft made out of sticks and logs and i don't know why anybody would do that especially since we encountered such bad weather that we almost died the maze isn't too difficult to navigate just take the path in the upper right hand corner from baboo follow over and dive at that point come over here to the left we're going to follow this path along and we're going to skip over this dive arrow as we head down and to the left but we do want to dive here this will take us deeper into the whale there's only one way we can go here so follow the path along take the path to the left at this t head around this corner and the trickiest thing that we're going to do in here is we need to go through the wall at this point very sneaky head on down to the bottom here where we will abandon the sub and out here on foot we will find the lighter the lighter is a key item that we will be able to use to escape from the whale once you get the lighter we want to head back to the sub there's a dive zone right near here that will take you back to the beginning we can give that lighter to baboo and get ourselves out of this whale now the next part here is actually pretty messed up nintendo didn't like the practice of video game rentals and they even tried to take blockbuster video to court over it so there's some speculation that that's why they included a little piece of paper in with the packaging of star tropics that when dipped in water would reveal a secret code and you need that secret code to move forward in the game here in later versions of the game like on the switch online there's no way of knowing about this so you may just be stuck and i think that's fairly lazy we know that they can change a little bit of text like early on in the game when they changed the yoyo to the star all they would have to do is have baboo say dr jones told me to tell you that his frequency is 747 megahertz that's all they have to change and then anybody that played future versions of the game wouldn't have any problem with this part unfortunately i don't work for nintendo so there's nothing i can do about it so that's the end of my rant about that chapter five is called captain bell and i think this is my favorite chapter in the game we're going to start out by going south and there will be a dive zone here that will take us to the right side of the island over here on the right side of the island we will have to go through a little wall as usual that's a common theme about the exploration in this game so head on up and it's right three rocks down from the top exit the sub and go over to this small fishing hut the fisherman here will give us a key item the worm and while we could go right over to the bell memorial which is to the left of here we won't be able to actually enter the tunnel there until we've done some other stuff so head back to the beginning and go to the town of bel cola this is another one of those towns where you have to talk to all the people before they'll let you in to see the island chief the chief in this town is surprisingly skinny compared to the other island chiefs he tells an interesting story about captain bell he was a guy who had sacrificed his ship by marooning it between the two islands to stop some british invaders he also says that this old parrot peter can help us figure out what to do about getting into the memorial so that's why we need that worm from earlier if we head over here to the left after speaking to the chief we'll be able to speak to peter and give him a gift exchange for the worm he will sing us a song where he says do me so far do me um no peter and that's how we're doing now head back to the right side of the island and cut through these mountains and up to the bell memorial in here there is a piano we need to press the first key then the third key followed by the fifth key walk over to the fourth key back to the first and then the third again if you follow this exact sequence the fires will go away and we'll be able to enter the stairs in the upper left corner head on down those stairs and we will have the opportunity to get another heart container this heart container is down that first set of stairs that you see it looks like this room is empty but there's actually a false wall in the lower left go through that false wall and grab the big heart wait for your health to completely refill and then we are going to go back out the same way that we came and head down to the bottom of the tunnel which will take us to captain belle's cave captain belle's cave is full of traps so here in the first room you will have the opportunity to pick up some extra hearts we have full health right now but if you were to die and come back to this point you wouldn't so it's nice to know that those are there in the first actual room you need to take out the red noctos but don't worry about the purple ones in the next room we can add even more red hearts to our health by touching these two trigger points but once we go through about the middle of the room it's going to trigger an earthquake and the tiles are going to start breaking we need to hit this switch and try to get out of this room as quickly as possible in the next room hold left and move quickly and avoid these arrow traps there is going to be an arrow right before these two purple barriers so make sure to jump and avoid it in this next room we will encounter our first pinball enemy it stays stationary until you strike it but it can never actually be removed so you'll just have to keep jumping over it once it's moving in the next room if you need some health you can get it by taking the room to the left but this room is very dangerous and full of arrow traps so if you don't really need the health i would stay out of here head up to the top the bottom there's nothing really good going on down there so we want to fall through a hole in that upper corner and take the stairway in the bottom right and carefully follow this path we need to go through defeat any radiuses that are in your way and cut over to the left if you don't follow that path precisely you'll keep falling back into that same hole with the pencil traps and that's not a good time move through this room and over here now this is another one of those earthquake rooms if you want to kind of head across it as quickly as possible the trigger for the switch is in the lower left in this room we are going to encounter the megaton the megaton is a giant bowling ball and if it touches you you will die instantly so don't touch the megaton you can actually slow it down and freeze it for a second or two if you hit it with your yoyo or shooting star make sure to get these mirrors to fight pyrocoats hit the switch and do your best to avoid the megaton you do not want to touch that thing the looper is the only enemy we have to actually kill in this room and we can just avoid those pirate ghosts although if you want to fight them you can take them out with the mirror just like the nymhags before in this room of the pinballs be very cautious of them and try to blow up this wall to the left over here we can find a secret potion by using our rod of sight and taking out this mini enemy go down through the door and you will find that potion once you grab the potion we want to head back over to the pinball room this time we are going to go down hit one hit the other one grab the switch and take the door downwards in this room we need to fight the enemies so take out the loopers they are very easy with the shooting star if you don't have the shooting star you might want to try the bat the bat'll take them out in one hit down here we'll face the dodo birds again didn't think you'd see them again did you defeat them and head over to the left where we will face another megaton this one is faster we probably will either need to use our shooting star to slow it down or be very careful to get up in between it there's nothing in that door above that was the room with the potion and it just is kind of a taunt so you can see that that room exists this room is full of noctos that you don't have to fight up here there's the big bullies again but we want to use our rod of sight and take out this mini which will open up the room to the left over in this room there's two pinballs in a row so we have no choice but to strike both of them do your best to avoid getting hit by them but it can be pretty tough just hit the switch and move on this room is a checkpoint if you hit some switches here you can get a little bit of extra health but these pencil traps are extremely vicious head straight to the left here and watch out for some arrow traps you'll need to jump at the end of that platform but don't jump right onto the sink tile first just do a quick jump to avoid the arrow and then jump to that sink tile whenever it's safe this is the fastest megaton here you will need to use your shooting star to slow it down you just can't move quickly enough to get around it once again you can get some switches and get that reflecting mirror if you don't have any in the next room there will be some more pirate ghosts we're almost to the end of captain belle's cave here that's almost like the boss of the cave over here i like to switch to the mirror and take out the pirate ghosts before messing around with those loopers now you can actually fight them from across the gap so you don't have to get damaged head up here and cut through the wall to the right go up to the top and cut through the wall to the left then all we have to do is jump on this tile three times to finally sink captain bell's ship and that's it that's the end of chapter five as the wheel turns and the water fills up the screen fades to black and we are treated to a cut scene of the boat sinking [Music] we salute you captain bell thank you for your service [Music] lit freedom ring wow you've done it well next up is going to be chapter six and chapter six is the second biggest chapter after chapter three it's massive and full of small islands so get ready to do a little bit of exploration in the sub sea chapter six is overworld is probably bigger than all the other chapters combined it's like a giant maze so just follow the path that i take and you won't get lost the first thing that we're going to do is go through this wall that's probably just a reminder that going through walls is something you can do in this game and we will sail right past the town of how do you do cola most of the other towns in the game have been mandatory but that one is not it's kind of like the island senior center and the only thing that you really get out of that town is they tell you that there's a hidden big heart nearby and when you see where that hidden big heart is well you would have probably found it on your own anyway keep taking these dive zones and head over to the right [Music] down here on this island with the very conspicuous looking stairway is where that hidden big heart is with this we will finally gain that second row of hearts and have 12 containers to work with by the end of this chapter we could potentially have the full 22 hearts if we do a trick that i will reveal later get back into your sub and follow this channel along to the right when we emerge out here into the open sea we're going to look for a crescent shaped island that will be able to go through the wall at the bottom of right there follow the ocean down south to this cross shape and take the second dive zone from the left there's all kind of dive zones right there in that cross and they are certainly designed to trip you up and get you lost take this other dive zone here and just continue to follow along with me there are some other little diversions that you can find here in chapter six there's a small hut that when you go inside there's a skeleton and the skeleton has the initials rc which we're supposed to assume is maybe robinson caruso or as mike describes it rob caruso cola head through this wall and navcom will start to get very excited because we're super close and you'll notice a large crater up above now when the signal stops you just have to do a dive that'll take us under the water and through a small passage when you emerge on the other side of the passage you'll walk by these silver garbage cans i'm glad that the bad guys put out the garbage this week it looks like they had a lot of it and head on up here into the turbos tunnel we can mostly avoid the loopers in this first room and head on up to the second where we will have our first opportunity to use the anklet item the anklet allows us to jump two spaces instead of one but it will wear off as soon as we leave the room so don't try to jump two spaces here in this room we need to take out the purple mummas we can mostly avoid the blue ones now be very careful of the purple ones they do twice as much damage as the blue mummus and they have fifty percent more health once all three have been taken out we can go through the wall to the left and in this room we need to solve a tile jumping puzzle we need to take out all of the octants in this room so stay along the bottom and get the anklet then jump up here to the right and take out that far octave we can take out this octagon while we're mid-air jumping pretty useful and head over to the left taking out that guy in midair and finally the last one and through the door this room is very interesting you need to get between the mummos and then walk all the way over with them until you can hit the switch once the switch is flipped you'll be able to get into the center where you can attack them freely without worrying about being damaged once you take out all the mumus the door will open but this room holds another secret you see that white sinking tile in the top near the door if you make a jump to the water to the right of that tile you will actually land on an invisible tile and then you'll make another jump to the right and we can find a hidden potion there it is this will be very useful moving ahead a single armored enemy guards the door here and beyond it is the giant turbos stay on the three tiles to the right as you dodge the turbos attacks he's essentially the same as octo the huge but you don't have the snowmans all this time do not get the anklet item while the turbos is on the screen getting the anklet will trigger an animation that will freeze your character for a few seconds and during that time the turbos will not also be frozen so he will continue to attack you and you will definitely sustain some damage once you defeat him grab the anklet and head out the door to the left but i have some bad news for you that is not the end of this cave nope the giant turbos is only the mid boss in the next room we'll take out three of these armored enemies to open the door and in the next room there's going to be sort of an invisible wall puzzle going on we need to go through the wall in the bottom now it's obvious that you can go through in the middle but we actually have to go through at the bottom and flip that switch to open the wall to the top first then we can come back go through the wall at the top collect the anklet item jump down and then turn the lights back on and here we can grab some extra health if we need it and make sure to open this treasure chest to get these horse-hide baseball items they are very important for the boss in here we can pick up some spiked boots and just use them immediately to take out these squidos in one attack in the next room we will have plenty of opportunities to get more hearts if we take damage but be very careful everything in this room will deal you a ton of damage if you get hit go and hit the switch at the top first come down here and collect the anklet now you see that that fireball froze whenever we collected the anklet that's probably what should happen when you collect it fighting the turbos but it doesn't that's why we needed to be careful about that there there's some more hearts here if you need them we need to take out the armits here to open the door come on up to the top take this guy out and that's it we're through in this room there are a ton of mummus and we can just use our spiked boots over and over again until they're all gone very easy i have jumped on every tile in this room and there is nothing hidden in here so you don't have to worry about that just head on straight through the top [Music] in this room there's two more loopers just take them out with your spiked boots and we will be through to the boss the boss is a giant easter island head called broken joe stay back as joe emerges from the wall you do not want to come in contact with him it's instant death jump over the projectiles that he throws and switch to your horse hide item you'll need to hit him with 14 or sides whenever his mouth is open and sometimes he'll just open the mouth and leave it open for you to throw the balls in so in that case unload on this guy he's not very difficult to defeat and once he is dead you'll be able to move on to the next part of chapter six when we emerge from the turbos tunnel we will be in yet another maze the first thing that we need to do is head over to the right where we will be able to pick up the 13th heart container we will want to make note as to where that 13th heart container is because this is the point in the game where we can actually max ourselves out to the full 22 hearts and i'm going to show you how to do that so you're going to head up here take the path to the left and go around the water and go into that stairway where we will find that 13th heart container now once you've collected this heart container we're going to head back out and follow the path around until we come to this large meteor that is landed on the ground and right beyond that meteor is what's called the big rock tunnel so we're going to enter the big rock tunnel but instead of just moving on with our lives and continuing to play through it we're going to turn around and come back out and then go all the way back down to where the heart container was when we do that we'll find out that it has respawned and we can collect it again so here we go we're going to come up here and this is the big rock tunnel so just go in here turn around and come back out and if we keep doing this cycle so collect the heart container go into the big rock tunnel come back collect the heart container we can get that full 22 hearts now the bad news is this is fairly time consuming and we'll only be able to use the 22 hearts for this next tunnel the big rock tunnel because once we get to chapter 7 the game will correct the number of heart containers we have to the number it thinks we should have here in the big rock tunnel we need to go through the wall at the very beginning the way up is actually a dead end so that's very sneaky in here we just have to take out this bottom radius to open the door there's some hearts in here if you need them but you probably won't if you maxed out your heart containers at the big rock ruins and here there's some knife traps take out the two noctos and the door will open and in the next room we will have our first opportunity to use the asterisk weapon when you switch to it you shoot it out and when you press the button again it's split so it's very good for taking out sets of two enemies which we can use here bam hit those guys and that urchin in the middle is just like the pinball in captain belle's cave so it stays stationary until you strike it and then it starts moving it can't be killed in this room if we take out these two gad flies there's actually a hidden room to the left so take them out and head over here and we can get a couple more hearts which is going to max me back out to full health i want to try to keep your health up in this stage the enemies do a lot of damage in here now if we've already opened up the upward path in this room it'll already be there so we can just skip over the gadflies this time in here we don't have to take out all of the noctos just the top one [Music] and in this room we will encounter some munchers and fuzz the fuzz cannot actually be killed and if it touches you you won't be able to use your weapon for a few seconds so you'll be temporarily helpless pretty annoying in this room we need to head up first then back down and your instinct would be to jump back up again but no don't do that you'll die you got to go through the wall that's the trick use this switch and in the next room we'll fight a mini boss the hoodoo doll the hoodoo doll fires shots in the four cardinal directions and if you come in contact with its body you'll take a whopping 11 hearts worth of damage so make sure to keep some space between you and the doll as you fight it grab the try your luck sign if you're feeling lucky and head on up to the first checkpoint in this room we'll have the opportunity to grab some more hearts to refill our health and we'll also be able to replenish our asterisk weapon which we are going to be using in the next room this next room is very similar to one that we faced earlier except that the urchin is in a slightly different position so we need to attack the looper enemies to the side this time trigger the urchin once the snakes have been destroyed and head up into this room where we'll fight some rockies these enemies can only be destroyed as they touch the wall and become vulnerable so jump over their projectiles and attack as they hit the wall in here there are just so many gadflies do your best to take them out and also make sure to hop on the tile to the right and to the left to trigger some asterisks as well as a couple hearts in this next room we'll have to fight four rockies remember that as soon as they touch the wall you'll be able to damage them but make sure to jump over their projectiles whenever you kill the fourth one the door will open up here in this room we need to avoid the knife traps as we try to grab some hearts we don't have to fight any enemies here just move along and this is a different type of rocky he doesn't do the invincibility thing and while he takes more hits to kill he's actually very easy this room looks very dangerous but you just have to go through the wall to the left hop over the water and then hop down here we'll be able to grab a potion and also get some more of those asterisk weapons which we're going to use this time as we face not one but two hoodoo dolls this is the most difficult room in chapter six with two hoodoo dolls i like to use the asterisk weapon even though it has less power than the shooting star with the asterisk we never have to stand directly in front of the hoodoo doll to attack it and we also have a lot more range so keep the hoodoo dolls at far range try not to stand in front of them so you don't have to avoid their shots and make sure you do not come in contact with the body because 11 hearts worth of damage is something that we can probably only afford to take once and if you didn't fill yourself up to the full 22 hearts before you got here a single touch from one of these guys could likely be lethal in any case just keep them far away and keep fighting and you'll be able to beat them head over into this next room where we'll open the door and head to the real boss the statues of twin sumocho in this darkened room we can go through the wall to the left over here we'll get some more hearts and also refill our asterisk weapon we will want to use the asterisk to defeat the boss they're not required to beat the bosses here but it's going to make it a whole lot easier as soon as you get into the boss's chamber jump to the left and then move to the tile at the top of the screen from here fire your asterisk weapon and try to split it so that it hits the statues right in their large mouth it only takes 10 asterisks to finish these guys off and that about wraps up chapter 6. you can pat yourself on the back chapter 6 was one of the most difficult chapters in the entire game once you emerge from the big rock tunnel we will finally be reunited with our uncle dr jones i certainly hope that he doesn't have any questions about what happened to his assistant babou considering that we left that guy for dead on a one tree island out in the middle of the ocean one plot hole that i do see here in star tropics is when we found dr j's letter on the beach in chapter 2 he said that he had been abducted by aliens well when we find him here he certainly doesn't look very abducted another thing that i find interesting about this scene is mike makes a comment about how much dr jones looks like his father have we been searching for this guy for six chapters and we didn't even know what he looked like what kind of relationship do these two have does this doctor just invent robots that talk to dolphins one day he finds a meteorite with alien stuff written on the side and he thinks ah you know i shouldn't evolve my nephew in this that i've never seen before it doesn't make a lot of sense and honestly it doesn't look like dr jones needed a whole lot of rescuing considering we just leave them here in any case the alien spaceship that we need to find is conveniently located right up this small set of stairs so we're just going to head over there and we're off to chapter 7 the alien spaceship chapter 7 does not mess around you'll notice right away that we've been reduced from the full 22 heart containers down to a more reasonable 16 and we'll only have three active red hearts as we start this first action sequence come up this way and grab the four heart cluster while avoiding the shots from those pods head over to the right in this room there's some space bikers that appear they can be taken out with just one hit from your shooting star head up and take the transporter on your left now the way we need to go is all the way to the right on that plus shape but we're going to take the top path first so that we can have some more help head over here to the left and grab a potion that potion should come in handy when we fight the boss here then we want to head back over to the right in this room we can actually break through the wall so just attack right here and head up and grab the item called vitamin x vitamin x will give us a full health refill and i do mean full it'll give us the full 22 heart containers although the last six on the bottom are only temporary they'll start to degrade as we move on head on over to the right path here and jump to the right this space trooper is difficult to avoid but he only took away the fake health that i had from the vitamin x so it wasn't that big of a deal watch out for the shots of these troopers and head on over to the left you need to jump down here onto that small path at the bottom as you continue on to the left watch out for the space bikers and cross the tiles to the left the space bikers will continue to spawn as you move forward make sure to pick up this laser gun before you enter the transporter it deals the same amount of damage as the shooting star but it has a lot more range so it's going to be very useful against this boss the silver jetpack jumpers get the anklet so that you can jump across the large spaces use your laser gun you want to try to focus on one of the jet pack jumpers so that it will be gone and then you'll have more of a one-on-one fight with the other one if you need to use your potion make sure to use it these guys deal a ton of damage just keep shooting don't forget that you can change your direction in mid air to shoot as you're jumping and once they're cleared the door will open and we will proceed deeper into the alien spacecraft this room looks like it could be the beginning of a confusing maze but it's really not all we need to do is take this stairwell in the lower right corner if you take one of the other two stairwells they actually connect to each other and will have you looping around in circles once we get down into the lower right stairwell we will find our first of the three magic cubes this magic cube will upgrade our weapon so our shooting star will become the supernova mace the supernova mace does 50 percent more damage than the shooting star and three times as much as the yoyo and it also has range that clears the entire screen we will need 11 heart containers or one full row to be able to use it here in the second part of chapter 7 we can grab enough heart containers to be able to use our supernova right away so we can use it to take out these space troopers these yellow troopers don't have a lot of range so with the supernova we should be able to keep them at bay fairly easily head on over to the right in this room we want to clear another space trooper try to avoid the pod there is a laser gun here but remember that the laser gun only has the same power as our shooting star so as long as we have the supernova that's going to be our better choice of weapons open up this wall and inside we're going to find a potion this could be very handy as we have to fight two bosses in this level remember that the enemies respawn whenever you return to the room and head over to the right in this room we can just avoid these pods watch out for the space trooper and take the path to the top then head across to the right in this room there is going to be some space stars that continuously spawn and attack you try to attack them as you move forward and go up into this room where we'll hit a transporter and this is a checkpoint here you need to take out all of these pods watch out for the way that they shoot at you and once you take out the fourth one another tile will appear which will allow us to jump to the door over in this room we can open up the wall and grab the most powerful weapon in the game the super laser this super laser deals four times as much damage as our yoyo and the second most powerful weapon in the game the supernova only deals three times as much damage as our yoyo so while i put on the super laser here just to kind of show you what it does you will want to mostly save that for the bosses head on over to the right watching out for these space stars you don't really need the laser gun here but you might as well pick it up fight off these satellites with your supernova as long as you have it if you go down to the shooting star i would switch over to the laser gun in this next room you don't want to go past the line where the floor starts on the right side just stay over here on the left and you won't be able to be attacked by the shock traps in this room once you've cleared out the space troopers head on over through the door to the right in this room we'll be able to grab 20 more super lasers and also some parts if you need it fight off the satellites to open the door and we will fight our mini boss the yellow jetpack jumper jump up here in the middle and start firing the super laser at it as soon as he flies towards you jump to the right platform and continue to keep up the heat a platform will open up now you may notice there's a crack in the wall in that room there's nothing hidden behind the yellow jetpack jumper but there is something very important hidden in this room so break the wall here and we'll be able to get 20 more super lasers this is going to be very valuable when we fight the boss here save those super lasers and head over to the right there will be several red satellites in this room and the red satellites shoot these little red balls at you so watch out for that these opening and closing tiles are a lot like the sink tiles from earlier in the game just wait to jump on them right after they close over here there's some heat traps these will deal seven and a half damage to you if you hit them so make sure to avoid and when we go into the room on the right we're going to fight the boss the asteroid equip the super laser and just put 20 super lasers on the asteroid and he will be destroyed in seconds now usually you'd have to hit this switch and try to knock him off the back of the platform and many guides will tell you that the asteroid actually cannot be destroyed at all but that is clearly untrue if you have 20 super lasers just get right up next to him mash the super laser and he will be destroyed very very easily well now the only thing left between us and the final chapter is this maze follow the path and take the second right up here curve around into this stairway there will be some stairs underneath but it will connect you up to this stairway stay on the top path here follow it around and it'll wrap down around the bottom and to the left and this will take you to another short stairway segment which will eventually connect you over here to the second magic cube this magic cube is going to give us back our 22 hearts of life so that we can have our maximum health once again and that's it that's the end of chapter seven the last chapter certainly isn't going to be easy but it's actually pretty short so let's get ready for that as this spaceship takes off three two one we have ignition once we get into chapter eight we're going to have a short cut scene where we meet up with the final boss whose name is zoda you may remember from the intro that the sequel to this game is called zoda's revenge i'm not sure that was a great move by nintendo what if you had played star tropics but never made it to the final stage you would have no idea who zoda even is if i were titling star tropics 2 i would probably have focused something on the time traveling aspect of the game instead of the final boss from star tropics one in any case this is kind of a cool cut scene with the fire burning in the bottom you jam bananas into your ears and we will be facing off with our first boss right here at the beginning [Music] it looks like this could be the end of the entire game but it's not grab the laser gun and whenever you see the face shoot it once with the laser and then be prepared to dodge the eyes whenever it fades into the background get to the middle of the screen to make sure that you have enough space to avoid the hands remember once you've shot it one time it will be invincible until it reappears and you only need to hit the face five times with the laser gun to finish this guy off however you only have three hearts to start here so if you get hit by the hands that's instant death if you touch the face instant death and the eyeballs do quite a bit of damage so you need to do this fight almost perfectly if you hang out in that room for a while you actually will get to see a cool little cutscene where zoda transforms into the form of the final boss and then walks off into the background and when you head deeper into the ship here you can grab a vitamin x which will nicely finally give us back our full health and allow us to use the supernova take out this soldier and head down to the left and in the next room here there's going to be one of those opening and closing tiles which seems like certain death to jump into but it's actually a secret passage down here take out all of the troopers if you take out the troopers this time when we open up the wall to the top they won't respawn pretty nice there's also a vitamin x tablet here so if you can defeat the troopers without using it you'll be able to come out of this room with full health use your laser gun if you're reduced to the yoyo or the shooting star grab the vitamin x to refill your health and up above here we're going to be able to grab a potion but it's not just one potion it's three and also 20 super lasers very useful head on over to the right and jump in this transporter and this is going to take us back to the beginning right past where we fought the giant zoda head head back to the left and this time don't fall into the hole although you'll notice that it stays open for a very long time so be careful of that take out these troopers and head on over to the left where we will fight the ship's main engine when we get into the engine room we want to equip our laser gun it deals less damage than the supernova but the increased firing speed actually seems to help here you'll want to attack that purple core whenever the rods are open whenever the rods close it will heal itself to its previous form most importantly don't walk into the pits that open in front of you that will take you back to that potion room and also make sure to take out the space stars that attack from the left or the right they will deal you massive damage in here in this final corridor you'll fight some zoda spawns you can fight these as much as you want to refill your health they often drop hearts and stars and this is it this is zota himself the final boss now my best recommendation for you is to keep zoda as far away as possible and attack him with your supernova because if you come into contact with the boss you will instantly die but if you take some hits and you want to try something a little bit faster but a little bit riskier you can keep him at one tile diagonal from you and since he can only shoot in the four cardinal directions he can't actually hurt you from that position so he'll need to make a move and jump towards you whenever he does he'll have a brief moment where you can attack him before you need to jump away and position yourself again doing this though will allow you to get in a lot of hits with the super laser and as soon as you see soda start throwing up all over himself that means that he's dead feel free to go up and give him a couple extra hits for good measure and that's it you've done it you've beaten star tropics the only thing left to do is collect that last magic cube and well it may turn out that destroying a spaceship's main engine while it was flying over the earth may not have been the best plan for somebody that was inside of it in any case just head over and grab that last cube then sit back and relax and enjoy the best ending on the nes do [Music] now if you watch carefully during this explosion scene you'll see mike's escape pod drop out of the bottom of the ship and luckily for him it lands in the ocean but unfortunately we know mike's swimming ability isn't great although what he does here is actually really surprising and admirable maybe he learned a little bit of something while he was out here at sea nope nope there he is he's dead or is he yep it was a good thing that we saved that dolphin earlier in the game and here we are back at sea island where it all began we'll just need to walk over here into the town of coral cola and in coral cola you can actually speak with the villagers if you want to and they all have little messages for you to congratulate you for a job well done the one villager that i was very excited to see was our good friend baboo i don't know how babou got off of that island maybe he cut down that one tree and turned it into a raft but he has some cola for us to share and we drink it and feel much better once you walk into the chief's hut that will trigger the ending and you can just relax and see how it all plays out [Music] do [Music] my [Music] well i hope this video enabled you to fight like a hero under the southern cross and may have even saved an alien race from the brink of extinction if it did make sure to give it a like and be sure to subscribe for more videos because the universe is vast and filled with more alien civilizations to save or fight against and that's why we'll be back next week with another video game you can beat thanks for watching [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: U Can Beat Video Games
Views: 90,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: startropics, startropics2, starwars, gradius2, kiddracula, waiwaiworld, nes, nintendo, nintendoswitch, beginner, retro, videogame, videogames, genesis, walkthrough, 8bit, gaminghistory, 80s, 90s, 1990s, guide, playthrough, letsplay, gamehelp, nintendohard, difficult, ucanbeatvideogames, beatgames, completionnerd, strategy, gaming101, nerd, nerdculture, facts, mario, speedrun, tricks, tips, glitch, zelda, legendofzelda, zeldanes, startropicsnes, strategyguide, nintendopower, retrogaming, nintendoswitchonline, switch, nintendoswitchlite
Id: u1CnOvUpc_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 14sec (5774 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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