Fat Girl Eating in Public

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- Hey everybody. My name's Anna, AKA glitter and lazers, and welcome back to my channel. Today, I'm again, joined by a special guest. This is Katie Mullenar. Just say your own name. - Molinaro. - And what's your handles? Where can they find you Katie? - EATITKATIE. - As many of you know, I've been on a health journey this last year. And a lot of times that gets confused with a weight loss journey. It's not. One of the things I realized that I have a lot of discomfort around or doing --and that is part of the reason Katie is here for this video -- is that I feel uncomfortable eating food in public. It's weird because I'm very comfortable sharing it on my stories, but I am not comfortable eating in public. And I don't know if this is from the quarantine or something that's like been residual, but it's something that I've noticed about myself. And so I invited Katie, who has also struggled with some different eating challenges in the past. Katie why don't you tell them a little bit about that. - I had something called Exercise Bulimia. I thought I was being healthy by exercising and eating healthy, but it got to a point where it was like, I would be like, "okay, I just ate 500 calories. Now I have to burn off 500 calories at the gym." - Oh my goodness. - See, one of the things that's been like super challenging for me is um, I'm working to improve my health, right? That is something that I'm working on. And because that conversation, because the majority of people think health as this numbers game, right? This calories in versus calories out, I gotta do this. I gotta do that. When I say even the word that I'm like approaching trying to live healthier and, eat better, and be more active, and things like that, the immediate assumption is that I am going to that. And for me, what that's done to me, is I find it really really challenging to sit down and eat food. And it doesn't matter if the food is healthy or not because it's just the concept of like whatever I put in my body --because I am plus-size-- people will make an assumption about it. So like, if I'm eating a salad, they'll be like, "Oh, good for her". "She's changing her life". Or if I have a plate of French fries, it's like "look at her. She's just getting fatter". There is like no neutral food. What I thought would be a really fun exercise today is to shamelessly eat in public together. - As someone who used to have so many rules about food, I now allow myself to have zero rules about food. - So your only rule is no rules. - My only rule is no rules, but I also listen to my body. And if my body says you're full, I stop eating. Our bodies are different every single day, and we're not going to be consuming the same amount of food every single day. - Eating is fun. - Super fun. - If you want to grab like a nice bag of chips. - Or a giant head of lettuce. - Katie makes lettuce content. I'm just going to link one down in the description box, you can check that out later. These are the three "f's" you need to remember for today guys. Food is fuel, food is fun, and food is free from regrets. From anything that makes you feel negative when you consume a delicious thing. I was hoping for a vocal rest in the background, like (speaker hums). Let's go eat some food. So you might remember that I asked in my Instagram stories, what were some cool places to eat in Austin? And today we're going to visit some of the places you recommended. Okay, so what did you get us from Four Brothers? - I got the Four Brother Arepa with shredded pork, and I got Tequenos ? - [Camera guy] Tequenos. - Tequenos. - Tequenos! Camera guy saves us. - Op, oh that's me. - Oh, our food is ready. - We are ready to indulge. Were going to start with this cause I got aggressive and I just went for one. - Oh, that's good. No cheese pull, but delicious taste. The sauce is like a cilantro ranch, which was very yummy. Very nice um, mouth feel. Okay. So we're about to eat this Arepa, which is going to be a mess. And I was thinking about this. We talked about like how uncomfortable sometimes it is eating public. Is this something you would feel comfortable eating in public normally? - Yes. - See, I would never eat this in public. Do you know why? - Why? - Because it's messy, and I'm always like, I spill stuff on myself all the time, and I have a fear of eating something and then getting food on me and then having people think that I'm like dirty. - All right, so this is what's up. I mean, look, Oh, and it was already falling out. Look at that. - Oh its falling out. - Pro tip. - Dip the head out, away from the food. - She's teaching me so many life skills right now. That's really good. Its on me. I told you it was only a matter of time. It's not that bad. And if anybody asks me about it, I'm just going to say, well, sorry, people. I'm living my best life. (upbeat music) - So here's what I did, you ready? - Yeah. - So I didn't actually order anything. I had them pick two things and just, whatever they think is the best we're going to eat. - Yay. I love that. - And the reason I did this, and I think we should do this for every restaurant is because I don't know if you've had this experience, but like I used to have so much anxiety about what I ordered off of a menu, because there were so much context in that order. You know, when I was younger I was dieting a lot, and I was always trying to eat like a certain weird category of food that the internet told me would like make me magically thin. It never worked. - I'm gonna have some people coming at me, which is fine, but I don't think calorie counting is good for anyone. At all. I think people should focus on whole foods, like real foods, like obviously eating a piece of chicken is better for you than eating the cotton candy. So like - Yet I choose cotton candy every time. - So what I think about is like, what foods are going to fuel my body. Obviously an Apple is going to fuel my body better than a donut covered in ice cream. - As were about to eat mystery cheese sandwiches. My thoughts on it all, and I think it's good that we don't exactly a hundred percent agree. I think that what you're saying really works for people that are connected enough with their body to like understand when they're hungry and when they're not hungry. Right? So like I realized I had a lot of problems in doing that. So one of the things I'm working on, and I'm not necessarily using calorie counting as a tool for it, but just being cognizant of when I consume and what I consume. So for me, I use it as more of a tool. So it's not necessarily counting calories as it is recording calories, cause I just think it helps me learn about my body. - There we go. - Yay. - This one has Mac and cheese in. And does that one have like a jam? - Some kind of jam on this one. - Okay. - Some kind of jammy jam, maybe some persudo. - Look at that. Look at that, yum. Flop. - Ready? One, two, Three. I get what you mean about this jam. It's a little weird. It tastes like pumpkin butter. Do you know what pumpkin butter is? - Yes. - Its like the pumpkin butter - there's some kind of cinnamon in it. - Yeah, its Pumpkin butter cheese sandwich, which I just, I don't think I'm here for. I took another bike cause I was like, maybe I'm being hard on the jam. No. It's just not my thing. - Yeah. I feel like once you get out of just the plain grilled cheese category it's just a sandwich. - Oh, controversial opinion. - You add Turkey to a grilled cheese, it's a Turkey sandwich. - Controversial opinion. Maybe I thought I liked grilled cheese, but really Maybe I just like sandwiches. - I think you just like sandwiches, with cheese. - I just like sandwiches. ♪ It won't go away ♪ ♪ I got that feeling rushing through my body ♪ ♪ I know that, it is here to stay ♪ ♪ It's like your my personal illuminate ♪ ♪ I know that some might say that I am just a bad girl ♪ ♪ But if you treat me right ♪ ♪ I will be the be the best girl in this whole world ♪ ♪ No, I'm not gonna bite ♪ ♪ I got my hands ♪ - I'm a doughnut purist, I don't know if you know. - Hot doughnuts. - Hot doughnuts. - Hot doughnut action. - Hot. - Some in sugar? Okay. - Some in sugar. - Lets dink and then sink. Dink. We have a (speaker mumbles) The next one. I'm just going to go for it. Well, she's like snowing, she got so much sugar. I'll be real, they're boring. but I do this wind. What. Who is she? ♪ Can't nobody love you like I, ♪ ♪ Like I do ♪ ♪ Like I do ♪ ♪ Like I do ♪ ♪ Like I do ♪ ♪ Like I do ♪ ♪ Like I do ♪ - Like I feel like you could eat this, you know, walking the streets, visiting family, driving your car. - Good car food. - Good car food. Solid portability score. Okay. You ready? Let me get a dabble of ice cream and some crepe. You can just take a bite. - Okay. Ready? One, two, three. So here's what I'll say. It tastes like an authentic crepe, which is a major score. But for me, I'm not that excited about crepes. I will say the balance of banana to chocolate is really good in this one. - The ice cream is great, cause I'm pretty sure it is Blue Bell ice cream. - It is Blue Bell. - Definitely like grown a lot, and like how much I feel comfortable, but I still am aware. That's why I don't like eating in public is because - You have chocolate on your mouth. - I always have chocolate on my mouth. Its because I'm living my best life. What I was gonna say is, I am always aware of the fact that someone is likely to say something to me. That is like a reality for me. So eating in public and doing this, when there are clearly other people who can come and say something is uncomfortable. That guy is just circling the Bach, playing WAP. And with that, we'll talk no more about this. The WAP has ended it. The WAP has ended this discussion. (upbeat music) - We're at our last stop right now, Which is Latch Key. And the smoking Rose's taco joint, which is infamous for this Mexican corn dog, which is a tortilla wrapped corn dog. And these smoking roses, which are bacon in hot sauce. We've had a lot of eating today, but ironically some of the things we did not like. - Yeah. - And that's one thing I've learned is as an adult if you don't like it, you don't have to eat it. I want to start with the bacon things, cause those look most interesting. So I'm gonna take this fork that was with the taco, if you want to grab the other one. - I'm gonna use my fricking fingers. - Okay. We're going in this dirty style. - Deep fried bacon with hot sauce, cheers. - Hot saucy stuff, Ready? - I don't know how to feel about that. - Wait really? - mhm. - I loved it. I love bacon. - I do too, but I wish it tasted more like bacon. It does not taste like bacon to me. - I'm going in. Dink, dink, dink, dink. Ooh. Mm, that is so good, and its queso. We got queso. She's a thick women. - She thick. - She thick. - Its good. That was exponentially better. - Did you have fun eating today? - I did, Absolutely. I mean, what I love eating. Was it the best food I ever had? No. - Oh, that's sad. - should we go back? - Okay, let's talk about what we liked. So, I think we can both agree the via three-one-three Gorgonzola fig pizza thing. - That was great. - Top tier. - Yes. - Top tier. - That was an amazing pie. - Oh, so good. What else did we eat? - Gordo's was great. - Gordo's was good. - I even like that strawberry one. - Bangers. - I don't really like strawberries. Yes. - Bangers was good. - Bangers was amazing. - The arepa place, was it Four Brothers? - Four Brothers? - Really good. - If its not Four Brothers, we're going to say it is. - We're going to just say it is. You've changed your name, we've just advertised you as Four Brothers. But um, I think we just weren't as down on the desserts. - Not down on the desserts. - Which is weird, cause I'm a sweet tooth. I love sugar. So anyway, thank you so much for eating with us today. I hope you guys enjoyed some food while you watched, or if not, just enjoyed us trying things and giving our honest opinions on them. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or want to see more videos like this in the future, leave comments down below. Also in the description box is all of Katie's social information, if you want to check her out, Cause she's fabulous. And one of my favorite people and yeah, subscribe because that's what I'm supposed to do in these videos is beg you to subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Subscribe. - Smash the like button for the algorithm. Bam, bam, bam. Actually make it rain like on that (upbeat music)
Channel: Glitterandlazers
Views: 49,141
Rating: 4.6452398 out of 5
Keywords: confidence, how to love yourself, eating, mukbang, eating show, food challenge, personal growth, self improvement, motivational, inspiration, plus size, day in my life, diet culture, intuitive eating, body positivity, diet, what i eat in a day, healthy lifestyle, tiktok, full day of eating, eating disorders, mental health, healthy living, healthy eating, self love, cheat day, health, social experiment, fat, how to be confident, self confidence, how to build self confidence, fear
Id: mWXqy1OwwIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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