Fat Chance (2016) | Full Movie | Victoria Jackson | Sarah LeJeune | Judah Duncan | Amaris Kirby

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[Music] I'd rather be alone [Music] watch where you're going I thought that I'm in it very clear that you're not going out walking my state it's not my rating my house you've got me to look forward to every game come on go [Music] [Music] Allisyn the patient in exam 3 is waiting on you hey buddy I know you're scared okay you know what it's okay to be afraid sometimes even I get scared but you want to know what I do when I get scared I take a big deep breath and that putting my cool shades on do you want to put some cool shades on now what you're afraid of can't see that you're afraid all right it's your turn to be brave now dr. Reece is gonna come in really soon and he's gonna look at your teeth okay all right high five all right I'm gonna be just around the corner if you need me okay hey Landon are you ready excuse me dr. Akers sorry I am so sorry Allison just bring me another tray just finished sterilizing the instruments he threw on the floor what is your problem Ryan's birthday is today he is so cute we should take him to that new restaurant around the corner Allison you should come too yeah okay thanks really why did you invite her she is such a fat slob I didn't want to be rude Aaron Ryan doesn't even like her I can't wait until her internship is up hey guys hey Allison hey Allison why don't you sit with me no actually I can't say I just wanted to bring this by and say happy birthday thanks ollie well that's too bad see you tomorrow yeah see you guys [Music] [Music] okay how does they marry to not kill anybody step number one you've got to avoid bitterness and resentment now bitterness and resentment can build when one person feels they are unfairly bearing the burden of the relationship you think come home last night spend the night at Donny's um I thought you're going out tonight just didn't feel like it preparing the most about wait now what I'm about to share with you what's wrong people ask me about you didn't they invite you just didn't fit in I guess that is not true you make all these beautiful skinny people and they're happy they're living their lives and I'm eating watching a marriage seminar Allison right all right this is not healthy you gotta get up and live your life what life it's pointless look at me Kate who is going to want me Ashley you are beautiful [Music] my grandmother always says it's not what others see in us but what we see in ourselves that makes us beautiful what was your grandmother a greeting card writer no but she had a life outside of takeout and TV well I see a very lonely life ahead of me full of takeout and TV but I wouldn't feel so lonely if you came with me tomorrow night to young adults I can't you always say that yeah but this time I mean it I have a date justified she's here she who the new hottie the one I was telling you about so what you go talk to her Steph would kill me by the books behind the fat she is Chad what I was just saying hi she's for Justin are we still going to bedford's I'm sure I'll be right there Island by Aaron see you there stop hey a bunch of us are going to bedford's y'all coming yeah sure cool I saw that dude she even coming I've seen her yet hey oh here she comes Aaron have you met Justin it's nice to meet you you too Oh better front the old ball-and-chain is lonely see ya so I end right oh how long have you been coming to young adults I've only been a few times but I'm really starting to like it yeah it's it's pretty cool so you in school yeah I'm at state right now studying business you planning to run some big corporation no actually I I am so sorry what is wrong with you Aaron I'm I'm really sorry if you would just lose some weight maybe you wouldn't have such a hard time being normal you were a little hardener don't you think she has no idea how expensive this is look it was nice to meet you I'll see you around hey euchre I'm talk to you in a while could we talked like I'm sorry about her and she's just beautiful what can we just change the subject please okay sorry internship is almost over how did you know that found out on Instagram so you're stalking me what else is social media for though right it's amazing how much we can know about each other without actually knowing each other Wow it's too bad you can't pose real stuff though you want to kill your best friend you worried about choosing the wrong path or afraid to be alone or at least you shouldn't it's scary though I think people see the real you yeah you can ask you an embarrassing question I think it is your turn to be embarrassed what do you think about those online dating sites don't tell me that you can't find a date I'm just specific are you on one of those dating sites kind of I've made the profile but I haven't really looked at it maybe you'll find someone maybe King me [Music] so what are you doing this summer usually volunteer the kids camp dude lets you we're late Steph wanted us to go see this new place downtown and we're gonna be late what come on okay apparently but we'll talk again I'm so sorry about this what what are you so busy working on nothing was about you night fat chance I was just messing around maybe you'll find someone yeah but he'll totally have a neck beard what's a neck beard it's where their beard tries to cover their fat neck never mind seriously who is going to want you Aaron no offense I was just saying then again you may find a chubby chaser [Music] but uh Steph's gone to some girls night thing so you're free to prowl no you need help and I have exams only looking no touchy that would be wrong I don't even understand why she puts up with you we're not even that serious dude you've been dating for over a year your lowest relationship before that was with Emily Walker that was in the third grade for two weeks don't forget about Sara Sara Whitley for months seventh grade that doesn't count she was overseas the whole time what's your point don't you want a real relationship like a wife no standards or two I yeah I've seen your unite profile what oh yeah Steph's friend Megan she found it I was just fooling around yeah whatever here let me show you how to make a profile BAM there that is a profile really yeah gotta put your best foot forward it's not even your foot how do you know likes long walks on the beach watching romantic comedies unless you'd be judged my friend okay Fabio let's take a look at yours looking for serious relationship must be athletic confident intelligent unmaterialistic spontaneous laid-back honest independent supportive dude yeah so looking for hot and cool it doesn't exist I didn't say anything about hot I saw it in your eyes do you think about what you say before you say it do you even think about what you're gonna say before you say it sometimes attractive is important but that's not the only thing I'm looking for yeah well you can't have both it's just not possible here's one she's hot passion for pediatric services likes movies and music fun and laid-back I really like this one and she's hot yes she is send her a message just say hi you're hot let's hang out done it could be a 60 year old man and Iowa we're gonna do after all you put that you like reading shut up I like reading I just don't have time you know that just send her a message fine besides I have to go hello beautiful come to Chad you gotta be kidding me alright hey there lovely lady I like music too you gotta show some time hit me up Kyle all right Kyle let's see who you are what you doing just looking for that perfect someone delete what Hey good for you let's see what you got hey so how old is he prehistoric yeah no definitely not okay oh he's cute we have nothing in common no no it's never gonna work no there's somebody out there yeah I don't know I didn't have a date tonight cancelled he got called into work but he's gonna text me if he gets off early that's a bummer yeah oh maybe it's still on huh it's grandma the greeting card writer she says she's praying for me I love her this is such a bad idea dear Allison hi my name is Justin I hope this isn't forward but it seems like we have a lot in common I'm not sure how this whole thing works but maybe we could get to know each other I saw that you like movies so let's start there what's your favorite movie and why and I hope to hear from you soon take care Justin did you say something no nothing [Music] hey Ellison so they just sign up to help out a kid's camp over the summer camp me yeah I don't think so I signed up girls need good mentors and I think you would be great yeah I really don't [Music] you know actually I've been looking for something to do this over [Music] if I sit here hey you made it hey Alison what are you doing here my internships up so I thought I'd give back that's awesome I mean you're really gonna enjoy it hey I'm Nikki I'm Alison it's your first time at Timberlake yeah yeah this place is pretty amazing thank you so much for coming I'm Nancy and I'm the director of camp tempers we're gonna have an exciting summer and I am so thankful that we can come together and share God's love with these children and uh why don't we start with a get-to-know-you game does anybody know and he get to know your games how about the name game okay great idea why don't you start it all right all right hi everybody I'm here X Rick Ethan what's up guys I'm jumping Justin Justin hi I'm alligator Alison [Music] what's up alligator allison mmm that's gonna stick with me isn't it absolutely okay well jumpin Justin don't expect me to jump every time I see you it's kind of a requirement doesn't in any good music uh the best country yeah I'm pretty sure I said good music I might have to educate you on what that means [Music] come on I had half the emergency contact cards I'll filled out thank you just put it down thank you so much for helping us oh you're welcome I'm really happy to be here um how do you know Justin Justin from church hmm we're just friends I'm not exactly his type what's his type someone who doesn't look like me Wow I think he's twitterpated and I know him well he's been here three summers he's a great guy hey lollipop uh no thanks it's my diet program the lollipop diet well I realized that I was eating out of nervousness so I switched to sunflower seeds and lollipops because whenever I crave sugar I just lick a lollipop and it's only 40 calories and it lasts a long time and then I realized that people when they look at me they don't see my body they see me I'm sorry I don't follow well like maybe not strangers you know they might look at your outside but like people who know me they look at my soul and like my husband he has like kind of big ears and he's not six feet tall but when I see him I see Superman because he's brave and protective and kind and smart and he reads the Bible and no one's looking and you know so I like his ears and his you know height because that's him most people don't feel that way though when you you realize how beautiful you are to the Lord then you'll see what Justin sees oh the kids are here Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey where are your girls Nikki took them on a nature walk how about a last very long awesome yeah we're headed to archery so we'll see you later alligator Alison yeah more like elephant Alison hey won't do that again kay [Applause] [Music] he's a friend a boyfriend no just a boy I can't find any green ones do you want him to be a boyfriend well I don't think that he wants to be my boyfriend he's never seen me before how did you find that green one so fast why has he seen you um it's kind of complicated we just text does he not want to see you um yeah he does well he thinks he does groan they mess up everything sometimes we do do you like him yeah I think you should meet me too yeah we'll see you little matchmakers [Applause] hi Kate hey how's it going Kate what's wrong it's my grandma they had to take her to the hospital what happened not sure yet but I'm getting ready to head there I'm sorry what can I do please um please pray of course my mom's calling me so I got to go but uh thanks for always being there yeah [Music] [Applause] hey how's your day pretty good yours good just shooting some hoops with some friends too funny I'm watching a basketball game two great minds got a question she can we video chat [Music] I'd love to see a face with all this text now it's not a good time oh okay maybe soon then I don't know maybe [Music] and lord thank you so much for keeping us safe this week and for the new friends we've made and Laura thank you so much that we've been able to grow closer to you and Jesus name I pray amen all right girls ten minutes till bedtime Ali - you a question sure what do you want to be when you grow up well I'm studying to be a dental assistant so I guess that's what I'll be it's all you've always want to do no not really why do you ask I want to be an astronaut well that's cool yeah the girls laughed at me why did they laugh at you they said I'm not strong enough to be an astronaut and do you think that they're right I don't know you know in Proverbs it says as a man thinks in his heart so is he what does that mean it means that if you think you're a scaredy-cat then you're gonna be a scaredy-cat but if you think that you're a strong girl then you could very well grow up to be a strong and brave astronaut do you know what it means to be brave to not be scared nope being brave is when you have to do something even though you're scared Ali yep I wish thank you [Music] so that's the story of how I tried to high-five a blind guy I don't get it anybody else want to go next ally can sing embarrass no no guys the [Music] most great patience Lord know tender voice like fine can peace for I need the every hour stay the nearby temptation to lose their power when though all right now I need the oh I need thee every hour I need Thee Oh bless me now my city or I come to thee [Music] the people are clamoring close close to the ground way I love his life life for you this is the perfect day this is the perfect day I forget how to breathe when your mouth dispose my name tell me your wish tell me your mind never the same a light of the sky the sky this is the perfect day [Music] this is the perfect [Music] Oh [Music] this is the face this is yeah hey no boys allowed in the girls cabins we could get sent home for that what are you doing around here well I just wanna bring this back what's this I mean I went through and I found a few country songs that one horrible but it was painful wow thanks hey you remember the other night when and when you sang I started out as a band geek and then got promoted to course dork actually I mean dork or not that was still really amazing Thanks so tell me something I don't know about you I can't whistle really weird man and not good enough jeez okay um I stuttered till I was 12 really yeah it took years of speech therapy then it's been really difficult yeah kids can be cruel tell me about it I mean I think that's why I love working here so much cuz some of them it's the only time someone believes in them you know that's a pretty amazing place can I get your advice on something sure okay what would you do if you lied to someone but you really cared about but to tell them the truth might mean losing their friendship wow that's deep um well without knowing specifics I'd say honesty is best even if it would mean losing them don't underestimate people I mean if they're really your friend and they'll see your heart and understand but if not is their loss um well I better go before Nancy catches me in here sealant hey hey [Music] what's wrong with you nothing I just enjoy cramming me into closets no I can't explain but you cannot be here right now Wow thanks for that no I just hold on look just go to your car I would explain everything in a minute I promise you just have to leave [Music] [Music] [Music] what the heck Alison I know I'm sorry I can explain but first how's your grandmother she's still in the ICU I spent the night last night and I'm planning on going back again tonight thanks for asking but what is going on okay so you know how I signed up for that online dating site yeah well I kind of used your picture for my profile you did what I know it was stupid I'm so sorry Erin she said I didn't have a chance and so I just thought that maybe if somebody could get to know me before they saw me then maybe I could find someone it was stupid I'm I'm sorry so why does that mean I get shoved into a closet it worked huh I met someone it's Justin Justin that guy from your church Justin the one you've been crushing on for months the one who's working at this campus exactly and thus my banishment to the closet I'm sorry I panicked I didn't know what to do so I take it he doesn't know it's you yet oh gosh now what are you gonna tell him never how's that gonna work I don't know I hadn't thought that far through yet yep perfectly executed plan he wants to video chat and obviously can't do that you know what you should do if you say town the truth I'm leaving telling the truth I can't not yet I'm not ready to lose him when he finds out that his Alison is really this Alison what do you think he'll do so what are you gonna do I'll tell him just after camp server I'll see you at home there you are I just wanted to bring you something sweet I figured camp food was awful Thanks hey Alison why don't you go get us some drinks homemade brownies cookies and some candy Chad told me your favorites cool thanks personally I don't eat a lot of sugar I love sweets but carbs are not my friend so how's it going up here anyhow there are thousands of kids I don't think I could put up with them all actually we're having a really nice time it's been fun well I can't really stay I just wanted to bring you little care package from home thanks anytime you want a cookie no thanks I'm gonna go uh-oh yeah I uh I just remembered I had to go to so are you and Aaron dating Aaron no she seems to think so she certainly is pretty I guess so did you meet anyone from online yeah who was she funny enough her name is Alison really yeah but we haven't met is she pretty yeah she is she's funny too mm-hmm well why haven't you met yet she said she's not ready why I don't know does she like you I think so so then what's the rush to meet her just to put a face with her name a pretty face it's not just that isn't it though what I mean if she were hideous would you even be interested yes but attraction is important too I have to go let me have your attention we finished the first week and you did a great job let's hear for yourself I just want to thank you for giving your hearts to these children and I want you to rest up this next week because we have a whole new set of kids coming next Monday so remember to get all your stuff because we are having a cleaning crew come in and do deep cleaning especially and ironically nd diligence cabin yeah diligence and so our rest up and I will see you all bright and early next Monday and I am [Music] hey Justin I don't want things to be weird between us I know I freaked out the other day and I'm sorry she comes to ghosts as she pleases I didn't even know she was coming so we're okay no words sir I'll see you Sunday Church maybe if you're lucky bye guys I'll miss you - I miss all of you guys have a good summer bye see you later honey what's wrong well of course I do kiddo it's just when I go home I don't know how I'm gonna be as brave without you Maddy why do you think you need to be brave at home they can be kind of me sometimes you have a kids at my school can be kind of mean sometimes - really yep hey why don't you say you and I make a deal what kind of deal well when you're having a really bad day and you don't think you can be brave anymore you pray for me and whenever I'm having a really bad day and I don't think I can be brave anymore I'll pray for you that way we know God is helping both of us deal Kate she's gonna be fine your grandma is one of the strongest people I know they're running tests but they don't know why she went into a coma Kate I am so sorry yeah um so how was camp with Romeo that's not why I'm there whatever you say just glad to have you back for a few days me too I love working with those kids but it's nice to be with adults for a week you know so did you tell him yeah you said after camp was over but camp isn't over I still have a whole nother week well anyway he's um I was thinking maybe I could come to church with you sometime yeah okay that would be awesome this morning okay okay Justin's gonna be there oh yeah Justin but as soon as I tell him of course are unbelievable you're always telling me about how much God loves me and now when I need him most your lie is in the way Kate that's not no I'll just see it'll Kate [Music] [Music] hey I gotta go can I talk to y'all another time yeah sure hey how's your weekend not great actually oh I'm sorry um I was thinking do you maybe want to go out to lunch no I need to say something and if I don't say it now I'm never gonna say it so just then I have something I need to tell you we're kind of in the middle of something nope I'm not anymore need to plate right now give me a sec what is going on dude what Alison isn't Alison she's Alison what online Alison isn't who you think she is what are you talking about Alison the one standing right up there is online Alison no you're crazy no I'm serious I don't forget Alison talking to the online Alison as she was doing not making any sense okay real Alison has a friend who is hot by the way and she's the one whose pictures on you night that Alison put up a fake picture of hi Alice so she's been lying to you all this time no no that can't be right I'm telling you man yes why would she do something like that how's what I know but you've been getting played my friend yes Allison visit it's just what are you just outside don't let him in what are you doing good great I hope he doesn't I'm not Allison that's Kate my roommate I'm Alison both Alison's I don't understand I used her picture instead of my own why do you really think you would have given me a second look if I'd use my picture corners don't kid yourself Justin people like you don't go out with people like me how could you just tell me the truth I wanted to I I'm sorry I never thought I would meet someone and I never dreamed it would be you I'm so sorry I have to go Justin Hey I'm so sorry about your grandmother thanks Peter rules Thursday I'm gonna miss her a lot she was an amazing woman but if she were here she would say pick up your head Katie today is a new day she's right you want face it nope how long are you going to mope until it stops hurting but camp starts today good for it are you not going right but no one at camp knows about what happened except him so you're telling me that you're just going to skip out on those kids because of some guy it's not just some guy ally you've been going on and on about how amazing it is to work with those girls about how blessed you felt to be able to share Jesus with them and now you're just going to throw that all away when I finally decided I needed to go to church you wouldn't let me because of Justin and now you're going to give up on those girls because of Justin you know I'm right it's time to be brave father I pray for Mattie Lord please give her strength and courage Lord please help her to be brave in Jesus name [Music] tonight is hot fudge sundae night after dinner which is that 6:00 and that's all I've got so I'll go to your cabins and your children I'll be there any minute now hey Allison what's wrong nothing I'm fine have you heard from Justin no why well I thought you might know why he quit he quit it's my fault okay I used my roommates picture for my online dating profile he responded and I've been pretending to be her online while being me here at camp and he found out I see I thought he'd be here I almost didn't come myself I'm so ashamed why didn't you lie about your profile isn't it obvious I don't think so I think you're a beautiful young woman and you love God and you love people and I am shocked too bad the rest of the world doesn't see it that way well who cares what the world sees er doesn't see I mean at the end of the day you decide what you want to see and who cares if the whole world likes you or things you're beautiful if you don't but I hate what I see in the mirror then we have to change mirrors you look in the mirror and you see what you think other people seem your shortcomings and your inadequacies and your mistakes but if you look in God's mirror you see a masterpiece when I look at the mirror all I see is that I'm fat is that how God intended for me to be no he wants us to be healthy but when you know what he says about you you treat yourself differently it changes everything you're a princess you're a daughter of the king so jesus loves me and everything's okay yes he said that you were made in His image that you are highly favored and blessed that you have a hope and a future that you are fearfully and wonderfully made that is the truth [Music] hey it's me Allison Justin please call me back please [Music] Hey I just wanted to stick my head in and see how you're doing here what returned my calls or my texts hmm his loss I've been thinking about what you said but the mirrors good well I'm a board meeting but can we talk later okay hey it's me again I promise this is the last time I'm gonna call I know that what happened wasn't fair to either of us and I know that I heard us both but I just wanted to say thank you for being so amazing and for helping me believe in myself I'm gonna be just fine I just wanted to say goodbye goodbye Justin I don't think I could do that whole summer camping I mean my summers off you know I mean I deserve to have two full months to relax and have fun so remember the last time we were here yep it was the first time we met isn't that so sweet and here we are on our first date you totally have to remember this place so if he ever proposed you can totally do it here yep we were right here you were sitting down talking to tad is they he'd the best the best I mean he was so sweet to leave us alone to talk well until that cow Alyson ran it to me and almost poured coffee all over my designer shirt she is so horrible you don't even know her oh I know her I used to work with her she's so big she calls yourself a Christian love others as you love yourself so anyone who would let themselves get that fat must hate themselves and if you hate yourself you must be horrible Wow what there's the most ignorant condescending stuck-up thing I have ever heard did you just call me ignorant yes and stuck-up I've had two conversations with you and all you've done is criticize people you are the most shallow person I have ever met hi what do you want can I come in and talk to you for a minute fine Allison told me you weren't it came out nope okay well guess I'll get right to it then please do [Music] Allyson's always seen the best in me even when there wasn't much good to see she seen me make some really stupid decisions do some really bad things but she's always pushed me to be better without judging me okay but the one thing she can't see is how wonderful she is she has such a kind heart she wants the best for people but I think she's afraid to hope for the best for herself if I didn't do it as much hate as she has I'd wonder if there was someone out there who could love me too but I do know one thing she's always the first to forgive she's faithful loyal honest she's such a great friend honest really you know she was making that profile on her lunch break and Aaron came in and told her that no one would want her they saw the real her look I know she should have told you but she was afraid of losing you when you were reading all those messages did you feel a connection yeah and a camp yeah the only thing she ever lied about was one picture every word she sent was her so it seems to me that the only question is which do you want more the picture or the girl well excuse me all right son now that's what I'm talking about it's not what you think whatever you say man I knew once you left that little Camp bubble you'd wake up what and I knew that chubby chaser thing was just a face during idiot okay guys so today I want to talk to you about faith now the Bible says that faith is proof of what we can't see now who here thinks I know what that means it means that with faith you can see things that others can't Cheston what are you doing here I've been an idiot this whole time I've been looking for something someone and you're right in front of me I'm sorry I didn't see [Music] I'm scarred for life [Music] I'm really really proud of you and I know you grandma is - I'm not gonna lie though I thought the water was gonna be warmer Ali yeah I just wanted to apologize for not having the courage to be a real friend well you're here now and that's all that matters to me come on good evening for five actually is it okay you know there's actually no way I'll fit into a booth so a table would be great [Music] her God sees not advances the man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart sight is sometimes deceptive and how we view ourselves is usually tricky so I have to ask you what mirror are you looking in [Music] let me knock hey so did you sign up to help out over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sorry knock on the door he's not suppose not good don't live in the door okay go back keep rattling this is good oh sorry go I'm gonna get a verse out please I was gonna say my run yeah you [Music] see the word it takes everything we had to face it without how to survive they take a step inside our hearts we're on at all times [Music] that's not no you know what yeah the whole thing all right come on we gotta hurry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] action what uh what you think about what you say before [Music] no matter what laughs green sweep it you and me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we can be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,882,801
Rating: 4.8267326 out of 5
Keywords: true story, EncourageTV, overweight, love, Jesus, online dating, Movie, movies, God, comedy, christian, trailers, family, faith, bridgestone multimedia BMG, romantic, Victoria Jackson, Sarah LeJeune, Judah Duncan, Amaris Kirby, Jennifer Tobler, Micah Caronna, Fat Chance Full Movie, Fat Chance Movie, overweight women, dental assistant
Id: 7ShXSRJzoTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 46sec (4546 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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