A Perfect Chord (2015) | Full Movie | Malia Flack | Avery Noel | Elina Odnoralov

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[Music] [Music] Wow alright ladies and gentlemen up next we have a girl with a beautiful young voice no miss Johnson's first grade class singing god bless america here's Katie [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are strong I can't speak you're my son but I am state I am flawed you my reign you're my god your grace is sufficient your grace is sufficient [Music] that was awesome no I could have really you are really good I know I tell you this all the time but you are ridiculous you would like for me Dow for what like years don't you think it's time for you to play your awesomeness for others no I don't want to do that I know but maybe God gave you this gift to play outside of this room hey I'm not saying you should go on American Idol II think you would do great by the way but maybe it's time for you to start playing for your parents glad we had this chat it was nice really [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah actually can i slide it up oh hang cadence we're downstairs yeah figured we're also a baby [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] you call it [Music] what's this well it's a great start to your music career oh so I would show up and play some songs then yes and will there be a sage yes will they have a good sound system how else will you be heard dear and they'll have coffee and snacks and then other musicians yes you understand what it opened by cots artists I do know the one thing they won't have their what me its rations work hello ladies thank you mm-hmm have a good one [Music] [Music] oh hey no it's cool you know kids the Studios open I didn't know if you wanted to lay down a track or two no pressure we just hear you playing upstairs and we thought you might want to give it a whirl yeah it sounds really good really good do you want to play it for us Wow okay I'll do it you guys are weird weird but you're gonna say wonderful kind loving awesome amazing doot seriously what astute it means like observant all right all right all right come on no more fun let's go let's get in there and make some music come on [Music] whenever you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cadance honey I told you I don't want to do that I know we just don't want to see you be afraid I can't breathe what you can't breathe right now no when it happens okay it's like I can't move and I can't think and I can't breathe maybe it's okay you know we love you right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it'd help if you told me we were playing hide-and-seek oh my gosh he totally freaked me out I can see that so are you gonna tell me why we're playing a one-sided game of Marco Polo it's kind of a long story well I was sitting here waiting for you when someone came in and started playing the piano this time along street all actually can you give me a bit more details like why you were sitting in the corner cowering like a frightened little kitty well I didn't want to be seen so I kid okay well then who was it I don't know was it a boy or a girl were they any good very so you don't know if it was no well then I will imagine there's hundreds coming to serenade me and sweep me off my feet they take me back to the family ranch to meet his parents Oh or Liam Hemsworth coming to pronounce his undying love for me oh what's that Liam you want how to play the piano for me Oh John Johnson hmm Nash Bridges come on so hot hey how's school fine dad and I just wanted to apologize for pushing you so hard and forcing you to play I know how hard this is for you we just hoped you were ready yeah sorry we push you so hard they love you sweetie we just want what's best for you [Music] him no not brooding enough you have to brood a little to play the piano you know yeah [Music] Wow - Rudy little Oh what about him you've got the mama's boy [Music] Oh nope I didn't even consider nerd I mean playing the piano is totally something a helicopter parent make their introverted nerd do true but the music is way too cool in original a nerve will play Bach or something good point what about her oh no one can we do that in public could play what I heard all right what if we have a cart Kent situation going on here I don't follow you know like they're hiding in plain sight like Superman it could be a guess but but we'll never know and let's be hide out again um hiding out waiting for someone to show up and spy on them seems a bit stalkerish don't you think no stalkers should be if we hid out wait for someone to show up spied on them took pictures and then made a collage on a wall in our dark and creepy basement well just say hi you know it's the only way we can find out well what if they don't want to be found out I wouldn't or maybe they're trying to find someone to connect with fine but isn't than not knowing killing you I can't believe this is happening right now oh it's happening I don't think it we're gonna black so I need one of those black ninja suits you're scaring me right now serious trouble start what why don't you say hi to someone please [Music] Wow can you tickle those ivories oh hi how long have you been there oh it's not just me hi sorry no wait you spied on me no we oh yeah but it's not what you think really you didn't come in here waiting for me to show and then spy on me well we'd take any pictures so Liz I was in here yesterday and I heard you playing you were in here yesterday - again no pictures or creepy wall at her basement I wasn't spying I come in here everyday to play and yesterday I was waiting for Lizzie and then you showed up sorry hit why did you run yesterday it's really none of your business is it no not really but could you just wait a second why just wait one second see you Oh things all that I am well I is your save it for your worry I see you [Music] [Music] that was awesome dude again [Music] [Music] hey how school hello hey how was school fine it was fine um same old stuff same old stuff yeah you know class after class lunch class [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] just goes to show you when you combine a truly amazing god-given gift with practice and determination dear sons going to Julian [Music] so you guys were awesome yesterday right really you don't see it I think in encores in order oh that's not a good idea yeah it seems a bit extreme yeah what if it was a fluke or what if we get caught I can't be expelled me either I mean what would I tell my parents mom dad I got expelled Oh for what yeah playing music I just don't think it was a good idea neither so cute you can play off each other's excuse as well whatever those are the lamest excuses ever adverb by the way you don't have any desire to see where this could go [Music] [Music] so you wanna put your index finger here and yes on the G that's right and then right below it your other finger okay strum that it's strumming strumming all of the history well okay let's back up that's good that's good [Music] was it in the vocal tract I don't think so he was in the ISO booth well as a bleed from the headphones tried solo it [Music] I can't figure out which track it's coming from it's like it's coming from all of them played through the monitors [Music] [Music] hey hon how was school um what's going on nothing nothing you just seem a little different different how am i different I don't know you seem a little my vivacious my nice curvy sometimes was there something you want to tell us yeah like something that would make me want to commit a felony is it a boy mom no good dad you can't even step on the spider if I know spiders are ugly hairy small and the fangs and the legs why are we talking about spiders that's not the point why are you so happy you know I just been having some fun at school fun fun like with the boy no no okay okay so I was in the music room when someone came in and spooked me so I hid and then Lizzie came in and so we need to find out who what and we couldn't find out if you're looking in the lunchroom with all these nerds and all the football players whatever she came up with the idea of hiding out again and I was like that's kind of soccer is don't you think and she's talking about this ninja hat and stuff I don't even know and oh when she came in it was so amazing she started playing and it was like well we have no idea what you're talking about so there's there's there's no boy oh no boy I've been playing with someone playing as in music that is awesome give us more details you can tell us anything so who is it what do they play it's the new girl Mika she's so good boy [Music] you guys were really good today cuz yesterday was really bad no no no yeah we were really good yesterday yeah you guys were good yesterday and today I just hope we don't go back to stinking like we did yesterday yeah you think it's like a certain day of the week you know like Monday Wednesday Fridays we stink and then Tuesday and Thursday were good no that's not what I was getting at all I was just funny real funny you musicians think it's funny to pick on us tone-deaf it's not hurt what's this oh nothing yeah that's her song ready book Journal thing every song she's ever written is in there I think you've inspired her a little it keeps getting bigger and bigger it's really cool to see how you guys have gelled together to make such great music it's not the stuffy stuff you mean like classical no like the stuff from the 90s [Music] Wow what a performance truly amazing and you lovely as usual you my friend not as lovely so Mika tell me what it's like to have a brother who's going to be the next Mozart well it's just so wonderful to have a family with such a fine musical tradition truly fantastic a violinist concert pianist and you my son you don't fall very far from the tree do you to find Juilliard tradition you've got some mighty big shoes to fill a little Missy truly fantastic wonderful truly thankful so how long do we wait until we realize we've been blown off did you see her class tonight I think I've kind of seen her in the halls I think I saw her shoes at the bathroom I think I might have seen her outside for lunch I think I saw her outside too with Bigfoot in the aliens I think they were sharing cookies so back to my original question how long do we wait [Music] that's it I'm calling it she's not gonna show [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey hello [Music] hey hey where were you just lost I guess maybe okay you don't quite seem like you well you know if you need to talk to someone I'm here right thanks [Music] [Music] do you think she was sick maybe yeah maybe she was sick maybe she had an appointment or something maybe ooh what if she secretly recorded the songs and took it up to a high love a music executive who's flying in to meet us you're right she probably doesn't own a small recording device or happened to no high level music exec Oh what is she would our lifetime never con us you know she shows up a friend's us she's all mysterious and talented and every so often she goes back to her other home and friends at a different school and then she has to decide which one of us to kill off you know like those guys with two different families maybe yeah maybe we should just go ask her have you decided to kill us whoa just kidding you know okay are you are you okay it's okay you can tell us anything right yeah yeah I can't play with you guys anymore what do you mean you can't I mean I can't waste my time waste your time no I mean I can't be distracted distracted yeah well I'm sorry that for however long we've been playing together you've been wasting your time and that we've robbed you of your considerable attention span I hope you find a soft place to land when you fall off your high horse we were your friends [Music] what changed you don't understand don't understand what my family where we come from music is everything it's what we do and I can't spend my time on something that isn't worthy well my family lives your music too and the hearts what makes the music worthy not the notes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you wow that was that was really good thanks yeah those great I'm sorry shouldn't I just want you to know that in a waste [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no the dare days in your life if you feel like you're blending here with the dark Danah be different you don't know where your place is but I have seen the fire in your heart it's more than enough to let the time [Music] Northern Lights [Music] yeah especially the birds I know the first like there's why don't you show up I'm not bad anymore I just never really got an answer well it's kind of a long story okay so tell you well like I was some cadence my family is just massively into music but not just music like full-on concert piano create my father and first chair violin my mother top of the classes at Julliard then on top of that where we come from it's like the Music Center it's like like Nashville for country music stars whoa yeah it's kind of heavy you haven't really answered my question though well my brother Alexander this is it's just piano phenom prodigy who loves other masters and composers honestly honest he's a freak but it was really good the kicker is that even as great as my parents were are he's so good that he but he got a full scholarship to Julliard which only enrolls 24 new freshmen a year they're professionals we've played their whole entire lives so to answer your question I didn't show that day because my parents left my brother so much for the piano and Juilliard I didn't want to let them down you think we're a letdown no not at all and just have to practice a lot it's an even consider college college yeah not even Juilliard are your parents making you practice well not strict like but you should hear the way they talk about my brother it's obvious what they want do you like the kind of music you practice it's alright do you like the kind of music we play yeah I love it have you told your parents any of this it's not really an easy thing to bring up okay you should tell your parents you just had to huh what really hot you just yelled you should tell your parents to a teenage girl's father I just want to bring that family closer together or get her killed cuz I think she's failing math they're on drugs or something oh if she's not here tomorrow I'm blaming you she'll be fine right [Music] [Music] mm-hmm Mika you're not hungry tonight no I am it's really good Miki you've been pushing that pee doing laps around your plate for the last 10 minutes um I'm sorry Nick is there something you want to tell us honey you know you can talk to us about anything what was it that your friend thought you should talk to us about well I know how much you value practice and dedication and I know how much you treasure your time at Julliard and I know that you expect a lot from my family and I don't want to be a disappointment a disappointment why do you think that you're a disappointment well not that I am a disappointment but that I will be Mika what's what's going on what if [Music] well if I didn't want to play the same thing as I know how proud of him you guys are for the kind of music that he plays and I I don't want to be a Mika yes we're proud of Alexander I mean he's going to Juilliard he's dedicated your practices a lot it's what he's chosen to do but we're not proud of him just because that's what he does we're proud of Alexander because he's our son and we're proud of you because you're our daughter great music doesn't come on a sheet of paper it's not found in a bottle it happens here in your heart and music is something that is from our heart to God's heart that's why we play music it's an act of love from us to him don't hold back the song you've been given don't hide it away Mieke we're very proud of you now why don't you go ahead and finish that pea before it loses all of its nutrients yes finally you see it don't you Shh hey how's it going well thanks to you I had to have a very unpleasant talk with my parents I'm sorry I just I'm really the kind of music I want to play the songs I want to sing and totally supportive and even excited they want us to play a show or something I can't tell you how free I feel right now [Music] down the street can't say can barely breathe visit y'all feel easy maybe it's a break that we gotta today slow down a little before the beauty fades [Music] [Music] business I feel sure with us [Music] losing Jacques [Music] [Applause] [Music] sit down bill apiece for it [Music] just don't know about this purse why I like it how's the too much not this again what is it come on you guys would be great what it's an open mic night at the church coffee house that would be awesome right you know I'm not gonna sign up for that you wouldn't but you did it oh yeah it's time no I can't and you know it yes you can you both can't you're great how could you why doesn't she want to do it she's afraid of performing like she gets dizzy and she can't breathe I remember younger she's tried to do a talent contest but she passed out it was really scary and now she's terrified of it why isn't she scared to play for you [Music] she's always played for me that I've always listened and then you showed up and that's the first time in a long time that she's played to hurt anybody else and that's the first time she's ever played with somebody else I just thought she started not be afraid [Music] okay Lizzy thanks for calling coming by runnin she's upstairs I'm sorry that I upset her oh it's okay honey we've all tried so hard to help her get through this I'm just glad she has a friend like you that's there to encourage her thanks I guess okay mom I don't want to talk what do you want to set up another gig without telling me you of all people I know I'm sorry I should have talked to you first but no not but it wasn't okay you of all people should know I can't get up there you're my best friend you're supposed to understand I know but but you were my best friend too I don't want to see you afraid of this anymore you're like a sister to me and I can't help but wonder if I'm encouraging you or enabling you enabling just enabling friendship isn't about agreeing all the time it's about being honest and helping each other with your fears yeah and what fears are you facing losing my best friend [Music] look I know signing you up for the open mic night was selfish rude betrayal I was going to say rash but smothered in love you have this tremendous gift something that others like me won't ever have I think you should share but you know I can't I know you're scared I know you're afraid of what might happen but you can't hide anymore I can't hide from everyone you need to let it out what for why do you care so much I care about being famous no as an example an example for what how to freeze on stage and look like a tell me Who am I supposed to be an example for you the marvellous Mika my parents no for him you're given this this amazing gift to sing and make music you get to worship him in a way that inspires others to worship every time you play see how much you love it see it in your eyes hear it in your voice feel it in your words it just breaks my heart there's a whole world out there hasn't been touched by this gift [Music] they don't even know what they're missing out on [Music] don't let fear rob you or Mika or the rest of us of the wonders of God's gift [Music] cadance come downstairs your breakfast is going to get soggy cadance can you hear me what's the matter not hungry I made it myself there she is you want to talk about it not really okay this wouldn't have anything to do with Lizzy would it I'm just saying you guys have been friends for forever this is the first time you've ever had a fight like this makes me think something's going on you know she called me last night before she came over great now you guys are gonna start on me too well she just said you guys had a disagreement she wanted to make it right so she didn't tell you that no she didn't tell us what it was about no what didn't she tell us she signed me up for an open mic I mean can you believe that how could she do she think she is she thinks she's her friend and honestly she's great at it your mom's right Lizzy has always been there for you she's always had your back sometimes being a friend is encouraging each other to step out in faith I'm sure all she wanted is what's best for you then why would she do that because she believes in you I mean that's what friends do right they believe in each other [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey hey I'm gonna say something I'm not really sure how to say it so probably gonna mess this up here goes I don't like the idea of playing in front of people I'm terrified of it actually just I don't even know how to overcome it just the thought of standing on the stage in front of people makes me dizzy it's okay I just want you to is let me finish all that said I don't want to be afraid anymore [Music] what's this this is really good yeah I like it a lot so far that's just it it's not finished and I don't think you'd be good to play an incomplete song at the open mic night wait what what well it's gonna be hard enough to play the last thing we need is to only play half a song but you aren't kidding right now right that would be really mean no I woulda kid about something as serious as music you were right I can't hide thank you you know it just needs what piano the lyrics are great and the core structure is good I just think he needs a little life [Music] creepy guitar we got a song today [Music] seriously what could be taking so long are you growing the cotton first ha ha funny it'll be worth the wait the latest fashion is all about a band a band called tada Liz so cool this is awesome I'm glad you guys like it do we get one yeah hold on yes this is so cool rise and shine oh babe your eyes tonight you shine brighter light [Music] [Music] hey Donna Fat Joe yeah Oh a little nervous about tomorrow night little Wow okay it's your mama yourself proud of you no matter what happens tomorrow night we are so stinking proud you're so excited for people to finally hear your voice well I can't be up this late without ice cream you want some sure can I just have a sec yeah don't wait too long though you know how to get with rocky road [Music] to God could you please give me the strength to sing your song tomorrow night he's just like be there with me on the stage as I can't do this without you and could you also make us not stink because that would not be human [Music] God is [Applause] [Music] is my strength [Music] sorry to [Music] [Music] through everyday [Music] thank you thank you so much well I guess I have time for one more song thank you so much for coming out and for your support this last song is called a reason to live [Music] he is a wretched soul nowhere to go and he watched his only life slowly slip away he wrote this song yearning to be long tired to hear of singing solo and he hung by a thread kind of worship song was called as I lost the sheet music to my master so stop being lost leave the stage no that might start right [Music] I pretty quite oh yeah thanks [Music] it's okay it's gonna be fine just play your song no one is here yeah just imagine everyone out here don't tell me to imagine everyone here Thunder where now don't ever do that I was gonna say we just pretend everyone out here is deaf why would they be you through [Music] oh you found my reason to I have something good that I will give I'll sing this song for all my life and if I have you by my side I won't have to sing Oh [Music] [Applause] thank you so much other that's fantastic for our final rags we have a group of girls who play together at school they call themselves a perfect chord [Applause] wait don't go you don't have to be afraid anymore I can't yes you can I believe in you [Music] how does she look I know you're afraid but don't be we're in this together and we're not gonna let her ruin us all [Music] make perfect chord harmony you make me wanna sing LS the what's inside you [Music] Oh Stepford [Music] my hands [Music] walking through this life we all need shoulders to cry on friends to rely on you're the one to be the one I meant to be damn [Music] [Applause] sample it's my boy [Music] back down I will stand firm my smile boys [Music] we make that choice to lift our forties to wanna brings us life you put some bar in us it changes us and opens up [Music] sample [Music] back down that will stand Oh my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to the Lord all the earth let us sing or he is good and it's done great things lift it up camera like yeah I can't eat it I mean what would I tell my parents mom dad I got expelled Oh for what yeah playing music [Music] it's okay you know we've all tried really hard to help her get over this thing she just what's that ravishing sanctuary it makes vapor rub whoa No the lyrics are great and the questioner is good I just again no pictures are creepy wall in our basement I wasn't I'm hilarious [Music] you make me it's inside me you know [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] inside [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 1,127,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EncourageTV, trailers, God, Jesus, movies, bridgestone multimedia BMG, Movie, christian, Malia Flack, Avery Noel, Elina Odnoralov, Nathan Blair, A Perfect Chord Full Movie, A Perfect Chord Movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Id: l5MC6gAACjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 54sec (5754 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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