Fastest Way to Get From Beginner to Advanced

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right because people ask this question of like how long does it take to get good those kind of things right and there definitely are answers to that right if you wanted to get to a certain level of good there's a certain for you particularly from where you're at there's a certain number of sets and certain amount of introspection around the sets that would get you there but here's the more important question if you go out tonight and do something intelligent and effective and work on your game will you be better than you were the previous night yes and will that mean that you're gonna have slightly more hot girls in your life and slightly better relationships with them and slightly you know more on your own terms and etc yes so you should do it and then the next night if you do the same thing will that mean the same thing yes so you should do it right and so who cares how long it takes when every single step of the way is massively rewarding that makes sense if it was like um if you had a job and this job is like you love your job and you're getting promotions and like your money's increasing every single year are you like you're like I have to get to a billionaire billionaire status at this amount of time or you're just like look I'm getting rich and I'm loving my life and I'm not like like constantly doing the math and being like oh god it's gonna take me ten years to be a billionaires to the five do you know what I'm saying yeah all right so the point is that every step of the way is so rewarding that yeah you can try and do the math of how long it's going to take but what's the option the options stay on this path or get off the path and if you're not getting off the path anyway who the cares yeah I'm saying good also the problem with that mentality a little bit is that it assumes an end point right you think when you get to that level you want to get to your that you're gonna stop you're wrong when you get that level you get to probably game is gonna be so much more rewarding you're gonna want to do it even more right it's gonna be even more addictive at that point and even even even better right and here's another funny thing as you get more advanced your progressions in terms of skill are smaller because there's just less huge errors in your game right they're fewer huge gaps for you to kind of fill in however as you get better in game the sets that you don't get you're very close to getting very very often so even though the incremental progress in your skill is very all that incremental progress is very often the difference between not getting a set and getting a set so the difference in your results proportionately actually increases as you get better with every little bit you learn yeah right and that's the crazy thing so it actually gets almost more rewarding at an advanced level than it was at a very beginner level it's master rewarding cuz your gaps are so big right and the intermediate level it's like frustrating and slow by comparison when you get to advance a little bit almost like speeds up again a little bit from the intermediate level because again you're not improving faster but you're so close with your misses that even just a little nudge over the top makes a big difference so that's that's an interesting thing as well what I often say to people is this if you wanted to get as good at game as I am then you're insane and psychotic because you don't need to and it takes way too long but what you should aspire to is to be 80% as good as me and to do that instead of taking decades it would take like 20 percent the time and effort that I put in right and that's rational and reasonable like no human being should be as good at game as I am it's like shouldn't happen right I've spent way too much time on this all right seriously it's almost there's almost disgusting how much time I've spent on this and to be fair even I even I as obsessed as I am in as much as I love it I would not have spent as much time on this if it wasn't also like my means of living okay so you don't want to be as good as me and in fact once you get to a level of about 80% as good as me you will get more improvements from getting better in others in your life getting a better lifestyle more money more resources better friends those kind of things then you would from getting that last 20% anyway right so that last 20% is really hard to get and it's really like thin on the margins okay so don't don't worry about being like the best pickup artist in the world that's a stupid a yes like actually a stupid aim worried about being 80% of the way there which is not that hard to do all right and then enjoying your life having a great experience to bring the girls into that's gonna be way more important than 20% anyway in general what you want to do is this you want to go out often enough throughout the week that you're making it something like a daily routine I think JP mentioned the other day like forcing yourself to go out like at least do one set every day that's a good plan I I do it a little but I the idea of doing it regularly throughout the week is very important because if you do just stack a bunch of sets all one day then you have six days to get rusty again and six days to forget that that's normal for you also if you stack all your sets in one day you're not getting a lot of introspection in between sets so you're going out and doing a bunch of like the same thing and not thinking about it and there's six days later gonna do a bunch more of the same thing so having that that I guess periodicity a little bit having having it that like you're doing something today a little something tomorrow is really really good it doesn't have to be every day I don't think typically if you're doing it at least like three days a week there you're probably doing it often enough that it feels like part of your life rather than a huge departure right something like this something like that so so here's the other factor so one factor is doing it every day and it would make it would seem to make sense then doing like one set a day is a great plan and it is a pretty good plan the problem with that plan though is it requires a lot of self discipline because every single day your first set is the hardest so if you do one set a day every set you do is the hardest set all right that's a tough way to get good if you have the willpower to do it by all means there's nothing wrong with it from a functional perspective but it's hard right it's a lot easier the second or third approach of the day all right or or upwards from there so what I typically suggest is do it at least three days a week and then when you go out make yourself do at least three sets so it's not all your first worst set every single time you're doing it and it makes it a little more fun it's a lot easier to stick with also if you haven't have a busy day and you can't do it one day you didn't break your routine you can still just make it up another day and make sure you hit it for the week so that that's a pretty typical amount right I want you want to do something every day or close to it like something regularly throughout the week and you want to do enough sets when you go out that it's actually an experience as opposed to just a one set thing so their problem with doing one set a day is it's very emotionally straining not just for the approach of the set but from the results of the set so if you do one set a day and it goes badly well you suck for the next 24 hours alright if you do one side and goes well you're like the king of pickup and the next day you're like well I don't want to blow it by messing this set up right and so it's very easy to be very swingy in your results in your feelings about the more if you do three sets it gives you a little bit more of a rational realistic thing right and as you get decent like to an intermediate level if you're doing three sets a day probably at least one of those sets will be a number and so you can feel like you've made progress or gained something every single time you went out so that that's a very reassuring and like kind of positive feeling towards your progress so that's why I like that in the the video that I made I basically recommended that your minimum for getting good should be to go out three days a week and do three sets now that's not the optimal for getting good but that's the minimum for like what I would suggest for getting good now obviously more days helps more cents per day helps etc but if you're really crunched on time that's including its included yeah so if you went out to a club twice and went out for digging once did three sets each time fine now that said if you go out to a club and do three sets and you're already out there you're certainly allowed to go do six or seven more and encouraged as well I'm just talking about absolute bare minimum does that make sense I mean that's what will happen though there'll be some days we'll be like tired and just want to be done and you can leave after three maybe some days where you're doing great your momentum and you're having fun and you'll go do ten and that's the idea right whereas if you do one every day you'll probably end up doing one one one one one if you do three sometimes you're gonna do seven or ten or whatever because it just gets fun and that's the idea [Music]
Channel: AskToddV
Views: 54,617
Rating: 4.9686975 out of 5
Keywords: advanced, instructor level, beginner, intermediate, get better, get 10s, 9s and 10s, game plan, process, success, game, dating, women, girls, attraction, pick up, sex
Id: nrAemuW6AN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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