My Complete Model of Game (SIMPLE BREAKDOWN)

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[Music] we'll run through the general model that I that I simply teach for a game it's a five-step model I called the open closed model open just get her attention premise make sure she knows in some way it's man to woman evaluation site is her up as a potential candidate the key idea here is it's not does she like me it's do I like her okay narrative which I usually don't talk very much about what we can talk about here the reason I don't talk a lot about narrative is because you really need like a decent amount of time to have like a good narrative between you and the girl but the idea of narrative is what is the story of you and her after the interaction if she was gonna tell her friends about this amazing guy she met what is the story she'd tell them that's what narrative is but there are two parts of it so the part how you're interacting with her takes time to develop the part of narrative that is who are you like the facts you're conveying about yourself the frames you're putting around yourself that actually exists from the first moment and you can control that even in a short set so that is a useful thing to take into account okay and the last one is clothes and that's whatever the appropriate clothes is whether it's getting a number going an instant date pulling the girl whatever okay so those are the states the phases open get her attention premise making man to woman evaluate screen for whether she's the right girl for the type of relationship you're looking for narrative build that that history with her and then close so it's hard it's hard to evaluate before premise because otherwise what are they being evaluated for so if you go straight in like hey what's up are you a cool person are they they don't know if they are you a cool person to work for my business are you a cool person to be friends with are you a cool person to date so they can't properly evaluate without knowing that thing in fact if you evaluate on the wrong thing is there still some value in it but you're gonna have to go back and evaluate on the right thing later right so you have to like kind of undo it you could have a friendly conversation and if you're charismatic enough and cool enough evaluate them as a friend and then later on show the premise of Amanda woman and reevaluate after as manda woman that absolutely could happen right and in social circle situations all the times that maybe would happen especially athletic people that have known each other for years and then they kind of develop an attraction later on like you know you're in high school you've known someone since middle school stuff like that right but in general until you've established that it's Amanda woman you can't really qualify someone for a role that is a sexual role because you just haven't established that that's a thing there is a natural progression like you can't establish man to woman until you have someone's attention all right so that's why open comes first all right it's hard to evaluate someone in a mandible in a way until you establish man to woman exist so that's why you know you do premise before valuation as far as narrative evaluation the fact that they are chasing you to an extent or trying to prove themselves to you or that you are high value enough for them to want to is a big part probably of the narrative it's a big part of what you are to each other and so if you're trying to connect with a girl before you've established the right frame you're likely to look needy you're trying to be like so what's cool about you what do we have in common what what kind of activities could we do together before they are chasing you in some regard or before they like kind of put you in the position of high value guy you're gonna look needy and try hard the best way to start building a connection is once the girl has decided she wants to connect with you and then you're allowing her to connect with you instead of trying to connect with her all right so that's why narrative comes after evaluation and then close obviously comes at the end because it's the last stage and typically like you shouldn't be rushing for an easy like a low tier close if you don't have to so for example don't go into an interaction thinking I hope I number going to interaction thinking I wanted you know going to instant date and take this go home and build a relationship right the number is the fallback if for some logistical reason that can't happen so she has you know urgent appointment at work or she's meeting a friend in two minutes or whatever then that's when you get the phone number let's see you go with a direct opener okay hey I thought your Kido want to meet you not those the best open but it's a good example for this all right and she was all thank you you're cute also you've established premise she agreed you can go to evaluation but yeah okay so as to cute people I'm curious about you tell me about yourself so I can like you from more than your looks great you're in evaluation that's great because you did premise and she accepted it alright on the other hand if you go hey you're cute I wanted to meet you and she goes was that your pickup line premise not established you need to pass the test get on a good footing and then establish some premise that's somewhat accepted once that's the case then you can move to evaluation because you definitely should not start trying to evaluate that girl you go hey you're cute I wonder meet you she goes is that your pickup line so tell me something about yourself besides your looks this is definitely not gonna work she'll be like you why you see I'm saying so there's so this is the next step I wanted to talk to you about is how do you know each phase has been accomplished right so you you're on to the next phase once you've achieved the kind of goals or the the necessary components of that phase so there's two parts to narrative okay there's the narrative of you and the narrative of us or you and her right or we call narrative a we maybe whatever whatever proper pronoun for that is but the narrative of you is the the stories you're telling the facts you give about your life things like when she asked you a biographical question how do you answer it things like when you express an opinion did what what opinions you expressing those kind of things so that's that's kind of like you're kind of I guess profile or dossier or whatever like your your facts and so that you're establishing from moment one right but the narrative that really matters is what you and she are together so and to be fair the narrative you only matters as it relates to what she at you and she are together so for example let's say you take a girl on a date and you go to three or four different place it's like you take her to a few places and types of places she's never been and you're her first experience of that thing right right and you get to introduce her to new things and it feels really adventurous and whatnot now her narrative might be that you're adventurous and fun and worldly and like sophisticated and know a lot of things she doesn't that's gonna be really good narrative and that's a narrative that involves the two of you together however you could have you could have to a lesser degree conveyed some of those qualities earlier on so for example if she asked you some kind of story of your life to ask you what you do for a living and in telling that story you talked about how the way you found your job was like taking this impromptu trip to like you know Southeast Asia where you discovered this and this and this you're giving her a glimpse of that experience without her having been there it's not as good as if you did it with her but it's a glimpse of it and if you can kind of figure out we call the girls blueprints like what are the things that grow values you can kind of give a life story or give the aspects of your life story that are most valuable and most congruent with that blueprints okay so what's your job for example management consulting okay great so there's a lot of different ways that that job could be looked at all right on one hands I'm gonna stand to make some assumptions about may or may not be true but it'll work for the point of the story management consultant it sounds like potentially something you do freelance about something we're like you have to gain clients then maybe true maybe not you could work under something but let's assume that right so on one hand you could consider a very entrepreneurial and certain girls really like an entrepreneurial guy who like is the boss makes his own rules does that kind of thing so for that girl you'd highlight those entrepreneurial traits in the fact that like you have to like you know you eat what you kill kind of thing you know time in so that that would be a great way to express it and the fact that like it's unlimited upside the better you do like it's it's completely scalable right on the other hands there are some girls that really like following the rules and really like stability and safety and want a guy with like good solid job right with their hurt you would not emphasize that part you don't precise the part of the part that you're like very well adept in the corporate world and like you know the ins and outs of corporate you actually help people in in you know in business to be better with business so you're like very integral to like the organization the establishment and making it work better right so completely different slants on the same job depending on who you're talking to and what you perceive she might value exactly both are absolutely true view issues to choose which aspect of the real you you're presenting or you're emphasizing it's just a little bit of marketing all right yeah so you choose the features that are congruent the blueprint and that's part of conveying the narrative of you right and if you happen to convey to the right blueprint then even if you haven't gotten super deeper spent a long time with her you can have her kind of thinking of you and it congruent way or a way that's pretty high value also you take that blueprint to you guys having a deep experience together and a lot of time together you can get a really deep connection the idea of having this framework I guess the idea of having it is that at any given moment you should be able to look at the interaction and ask yourself two questions question one where am I at what stage in my in and then based on that answer it tells you what you need to do so that's the usefulness of just having this like little pretty model like who cares right but usefulness is at any moments have I opened yes have establish premise no okay establish premise have I opened yes I've establish premise yes is there evaluation no okay that's the next step so make sense so the point of it is to be able to assess at any given moment at a glance where am i what do I need to do next and in fact anytime the conversation goes dead any time the conversation goes kind of quiet the thing you should do is put in the thing that is missing put in this phase you're in so let's say you open right hey what's up how you doing really cute I want it oh you already did premise there let's say you did some kind of like opener that's a comment like oh my those are some crazy shoes where do you get them psycho I know I got them at yada yada yada and a conversation goes silent have you opened yeah you got her attention she responded great so at least in that moment if you don't wait too long do you have her attention until until you lose it but in that moment you have her attention have you established premise no so the thing you do should establish premise so in that moment we're like it's silent what do I do establish premise and even a very basic bad establishment of premise would actually be decent you know what you're actually quite cute that would be fine it's not the greatest thing in the world that it's actually decent it'd be better if you did a push-pull but you know what you're cute but I can't decide if I trust you yet that would be much better but even just hey you're cute would be okay because it's the right sort of part of the of the set it's the right part of speech make sense yeah cool and let's say that you've been you know you've been teasing the girl back and forth you've been teasing and teasing and teasing but it's just been a lot of light superficial tease you have teased her on being a dork you've teased her on like her body language you tease her on like you know where she went to school but there's not been any real talk of you and her in any way it's just been tease tease tease how you've opened yes good have you established premise probably if some of the teasers are at least sort of like have a little bit of a Amanda nature probably established premise okay have you evaluated no so then that's when you need to like that I go get cool now we need to I need to actually get to know this girl hopefully from a positive frame hopefully like by challenging her and having like you know contribute but that's what's missing and a lot of guys they get good at um they get good at teasing and you just keep teasing and teasing and teasing and they don't have that like moment of realness where they decide to like make a deeper connection right and that's kind of an advanced level sticking point but it or intermediate to advanced but it happens a lot and that's the idea of because it feels good to get a girl giggling because it feels good to get a good reaction you just get addicted to like let me push that button over and over and over again you don't realize that there's a there's diminishing returns to that just getting the girl laughing more giggling more teasing or more only goes so far you'd actually develop that connection and make it real [Music] you
Channel: AskToddV
Views: 73,393
Rating: 4.9584079 out of 5
Keywords: model, plan, game, system, verbal, talking, open, premise, evaluate, narrative, close, qualify, roadmap, method, how to, dating, girls, women, woman, social, skill, skillset, date, attract, attraction, value, comfort, high value, frame
Id: reZVUV7InJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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