Dad's (mostly cycads) plants tour

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia in today's video i'm going to be taking you on a tour to see all my dad's plans he's actually a pretty big plant collector uh although he usually does it because he likes the value of the plants he likes expensive plants and he's repeatedly told me to throw away all my cheap plants but every i guess there's different kinds of planned parenthood people collect plants for different reasons but i just want to throw it out there that uh i guess it's basic human behavior or sociology that anything that your dad finds cool and amazing you're probably never going to agree with so yeah i actually grew up around these plants they have been around the house for a long time even before my houseplant obsession and i never really paid much attention to i thought they just looked okay because they're just around the house but i will show you later in the tour that we actually have massive calatheas and massive staghorn ferns around the house that they i don't really feel attracted to them or draw to them only because they are not mine so without further ado i'm going to start the tour right here in this area and i'm going to move from area to area to show you different plants so right here we have an encephalardes we have a lot of them around the house this one's actually really beautiful i'm not sure if i can get all of the plant ids for you but i can give you a general information on these uh prehistoric plants and there's some little ones over here yeah again i know next to nothing about these so this is a cool little uh room here that up that is surrounded by windows and it's getting um bright in direct light all day because the direct sunlight is never above this area and as far as i know these guys actually they really need full sun but somehow they are surviving here so encephalardus uh or in local terms they like to short uh short name it ante and say they call it anche here basically uh and these are basically cycads and they're native to uh africa from dry and arid and sunny conditions and they are actually [Music] very very endangered so it is actually quite illegal to have them in some places uh they're heavily poached in the wild in nature and uh yeah it's not a lot of people have them and i guess i don't have to brag to you guys but these are actually very very very expensive they are very very slow growing um and yeah and they again as i mentioned before they do like full sun they like a little bit of water but not too much frequent but deep watering i guess if you care for the same way as your zzz plans if i'm not wrong they are actually in the same family zamiya ca family this one's putting out a new leaf which is quite amazing a lot of them are actually putting up new leaves right now so it must be their growing season it's raining right now so i don't know if these are the same species or not but these can get big we have some bigger specimens around the house very cute spiky top and over there we have some dracina or sansevierias i believe these are the cylindricas they can get huge this is uh quite beautiful it's got this like feather like uh appearance like very moulin rouge uh and then yeah it's got really beautiful leaves and the leaves are actually uh cardboard like if you actually feel it uh just like with a lot of the similar cycad families they are like that and yeah it grows out of a main tube in the middle apparently the tube is edible but don't quote me on that yeah so this is actually pretty trippy i love putting my camera to this it's really really beautiful i've actually never seen it from up top before even though i've lived with this plant for i don't know uh five to six how long have i lived here i i think i moved back here five years ago from from china from shanghai so yeah and then there's a little one over here and they grew extremely slowly i want to take you your eyes to the details look at how sinister looking the leaves are really beautiful very very sharp i've gotten poked in the arms so many times by these plants there's a spider here oh it's running away from me bye yeah i'm gonna take you to uh other areas of the house so yeah that's my that's where we gym and there's a song of jamaica there which is in the drastina family i'm going to take you inside actually hang on so this is that room that we were in before it's actually quite nice it's a good view from here uh and maybe i should mention that there's these shrubs that run along the edges here and they are not doing well i have a feeling because they need uh direct sunlight a lot of these plants that are living in more direct sunlight or full sun they're doing a lot better but i digress here's a song of jamaica this is a dracaena plant and it's looking huge it's reaching the ceiling yeah but it's growing we've got this about a year ago and uh there's syngonium living in here it's so big so syngoniums that their leaves will change into this shape as they reach adulthood and this is attaching itself to that tree so that's amazing and one way that i know to water this plant is when the single name is droopy that's when we know that the potting mix is dry and okay let me take you across my gym not that i work out a lot i haven't been working out you guys i've been busy okay so yeah i've seen this around this is the same species that we saw earlier really beautiful but really sharp imagine running into this bush or falling into it it'll catch you for sure and this is actually a new leaf it just unfurled like a week ago very beautiful look at his fuzzy texture oh my god it's still very soft and fuzzy super soft and it's a little bit like you can see it's a lot of fine hair but the the older leaves didn't seem to have those hair but it is definitely cardboard like so yeah um pretty thing a week ago when it was unfurling it was actually super tiny uh feather like things that just expanded in size so they have kind of the same growth pattern as your zz plants and as i mentioned earlier i think they're in the same family uh of zamiya's siege family so they may have the similar growth pattern that one is actually putting out a lot of new leaves too and yeah this one is beautiful too the leaves are a little bit different and yeah it's huge this thing is as tall as me i would say this is about 180 centimeters tall i'm not 180 i'm 174. you need to know uh but it's huge and it's it's wide so yeah uh there are just a lot of spider webs here i guess that's good we don't really have to treat the the plant for paths when there's spiders around so i don't know what this is maybe it is a similar species i don't know if this is ant and fallardus yeah but it's pretty nonetheless and here are some really funky ones it's like very curly uh yeah it just curls all over the place it's pretty weird there you go so this is where we lost the audio sorry about that the microphone lost its battery i should have known better but now i can say whatever i want because this is me recording a few days in the future i love these leaves they look like dragon scale it's really really beautiful again these plants are very very historic looking and they don't do so well in their natural habitat because they're heavily poached and i'm assuming that they also don't really propagate that well they're not um they're not really big oh look at this growth point it's so beautiful it's like feather-like it looks like silk cocoon it's very very shiny i the camera's not picking it up but anyways yeah these plants they actually grow very very very slowly and they don't really propagate that well so we're losing a lot of the species in their natural habitat so we're growing them you know in botanical gardens and some of them are with private collectors hopefully we can multiply them very soon and and share them with the world because yeah i don't think it's possible for them to live in a natural habitat anymore because of their price tag i think they're heavily heavily heavily poached that's just so sad to hear but it's just something that happens just human behavior and these ones are very very delicate looking the leaves look like pine needles however they're actually very sturdy when you touch them it's quite intricate actually this is really well designed plant it's got this beautiful pineapple-like tuber here and if you look up close there's actually this gel like substance coming out of it i'm not sure if this is something that the plant is secreting out of defense or if something that we put on a plant i'm not sure i don't really talk to the gardener so yeah if you know what it is maybe let us know and this plant is actually trying to put out new growth and it's a complicated process as you can see the leaves are really really tangled up in there but somehow they managed to push out the new growth so i guess life finds a way these trees are just really beautiful to look at look at the shapes it's just so unique i believe these are palms and they give my plants underneath some bright indirect light they they're very good shelters and the leaves do fall off once in a while and they're huge and then they become very beautiful decorations if you dry them out usually people use them for wedding decorations they become this brown and yellow leaves and there's my gardener over there hello he's just mining his own business and here are my plants that are getting more in direct sunlight i just have them hanging out here and here we have a lot more cycads we have a lot of them around the house i don't even count them there's just i don't know they're just they're just not my plans so i'm just not go i'm not i don't mind them that much and here's some of my cactus just getting morning products direct sunlight and yeah there's some uh i believe this is a yuca plant i'm not sure and these are some baby cycads hello that's not a leaf uh yeah hopefully they'll do well they'll take off hello how are you this is also a baby it's a tiny little plant compared to the parents hello how are you nice to meet you and this one's putting out a new growth here very cute and let me bring you closer to these uh plants and yeah there's some more baby ones hanging out on the side of the home i don't actually know that they even live here so my dad actually gave me the species id but it was wrong i guess the seller did not know what it was but i'm guessing this is in the yucca family the species that he gave me actually came out as an agave so this is not an agave it's very very similar growth pattern to the dracaena where the leaf will grow upwards and then it will leave behind a bare trunk where the old leaves used to be it's very very beautiful it's almost tropical like but desert like at the same time i'm conflicted here are some more baby plants baby and several artists hanging out here and i'm going to take you to the back of the house where i rarely go seriously i come here less than twice a year probably and i remember coming down here to chase my nephew around because he likes to run around the grass or my dogs but i never actually paid attention to the plans here's some more baby baby enzo flores i guess they're all over the house uh i didn't even know they existed honestly so there's a patch of plants here and here we have this a huge clump of stir corn fern and i actually just noticed them a few months ago after i got my tiny little stackhorn fern i did not know that we had so many here i believe they started with maybe just one plant but they will well if they're happy they'll propagate itself but just keep growing babies off the side and there's more uh there's a hypertsia there here's a one of the piper leaves and actually the whole tree is covered in piper this is how they grow in nature i guess they're epiphytic so they will grow up you know on trees and stuff and he'll take over but they don't steal nutrients from the trees just just in case you were worried and these guys actually have medicinal properties which i'm not familiar with and here's some really funky looking flowers i'm not sure what they are uh they could be in a ginger family judging from the flower shape and the leaves i'm not sure i'm not an expert when it comes to landscape plants and here's some calatheas i i just saw them for the first time now actually we have huge calatheas back here i may have a small pot of this somewhere in the house because the pattern look really familiar but i i think mine was super tiny compared to these they've been living here for a while and these were just really really interesting looking flowers i don't know what they are this is just astounding me they look like little fairies gathering around the plant very very cute if you guys know what this is definitely do comment down below it's just a beautiful shade of white and purples and i i don't know something about something but it just mystifies me and i think the flower actually this probably span blooms that you see here and the plants probably kind of bloom from the bottom of the stalk it kind of ride up like an elevator maybe so as the flower reaches to the top maybe it will just die off i'm not sure i actually don't pay much attention to these even though they're in my home sometimes we actually pay attention to plants more when we're outside because we take things for granted at home so i guess this defeats the purpose of like say a home gym or a home theater because i don't know it's just so much better to go outside uh and this is a fern it's growing beautifully here oh my god look at this this fronds are beautiful i'm almost tempted to dig this up and put it in the pot and i may do that someday because i know that the gardeners sometimes take out weed and destroy them and these are actually quite beautiful so [Music] and ladies and gentlemen if you look up close there's a bee here it's devouring nectars on the flower very cute i don't see any more bees nearby although there should be more because there's just so many of these flowers hanging out it's just so alien-like i love this flowers and the leaf is actually quite impressive too if you look at the shapes very symmetrical and it's got pointy edges and this is that fern again it's very beautiful so here's that golf course that we see all the time in the background of my videos i again i never come down here and apparently there's some plants down here they belong to the golf course of course i'm not sure or maybe we it's our plans probably i don't know these are coasters uh flowering it's possible that our gardeners toss some plants down below because we have uh copies of these plants i don't i don't see them growing outside of other homes so maybe it is our plans and here are some weird grassy looking plants nothing to oh look at this one that's the flower hello yeah is that i'm not sure if there's a flower but yeah that's really cute and these are some chili plants that we have growing in the home we started as seeds i believe my parents brought it back from when they were traveling and apparently these are very very spicy and we do harvest them and we do cook with them so and but these guys are infested with mealy bugs sometimes because i tried to propagate a stem and it was just covered in mealy bugs um yeah this that's the ginger planet i think and that's what their flower looked like i think and a lot of more of these flowers are here they're growing like weed i believe they probably spread underground or somehow they propagate themselves because i don't think we get that many plants in the beginning and here's some ferns uh really beautiful and they're epiphytic ferns or maybe offers are epiphytic i'm not sure i have a feeling that most ferns they are pathetic let me take you to the other patch we actually have another section over here uh and actually the plants are mostly duplicates so i'm gonna go really quickly past them um yeah i'm not gonna i don't know what to say about these uh i mean if i had time i would probably uh landscape these areas at some time in the future but these plants are just doing so well here they're just so happy and that's some pandem plant pendant leaves where we actually cook with them and they're actually really fat uh juicy leaves i have a small pot of these uh just because i wanted to learn how to care for them in a pot nester califi or i actually gave this to the gardener one time because i killed it in my room it's not fully dead yet but i told my gardeners like hey you know i if you guys can rescue this go ahead and do it put it anywhere you want because i am killing this plant in my room and apparently that's where they put it here's some more of that piper just hanging out in the breeze if you were me i would have put different pipers here because there's so many variants of them and they're so beautiful they're the pink ones silver ones the bright eyes are really beautiful and also they're what is it called the this is this color it's also really pretty would look really beautiful on this tree so not to say that these guys are beautiful i'm sorry you guys are pretty too and down below we have more calatheas uh and this is actually the song of india it's a variegated drastina and more collective i don't know why i even bother buying that many kaleidos when we have so many in the house and here's another song of jamaica we actually bought a huge one and put it in the music room i did not know that we have a huge patch growing out here and yeah whoa and this is a bed of calipis you could just dive in here and it'll catch you you won't hurt yourself if you just dove into this bush yeah i guess they're doing quite well i see some yellowing probably a bit overwatered but yeah they're happy otherwise and here's some more palms and encephalardis some more of them that's actually the old man's palm with the hairy leaves and non-chilies i mean the hairy main stem and if you guys want to know i actually do grow edibles and this is it i'm so embarrassed to show you so that's supposed to be a cherry tomato i believe i'm really bad with uh vegetable gardening i don't know why and here are some of um i believe cat not cast iron there's some pailias i can't remember the names of them and i love these palms they actually have really beautiful fan shaped leaves and if you look at the stem again it's very very hairy and i believe people use the hair for something else um probably for for crafts and such the middle of the leaves look so beautiful i can't stop staring at them so nice so my dad actually hounded me for days on end to film this plant because it's starting to flower i was very excited about them it's the rusellia and i don't know much about them except that they grow in full sun they have fern-like leaves and they sway in the wind they're very very wispy this is the right way to pronounce it and this is the close-up look of the plant and the flower that's very very trumpet-shaped i don't know what there's more to say about this plant again my dad is super excited about them and yeah so here's some close-up for you i guess some of them are red in color uh although when a google image search this plant most of them show up in red color so the white is also quite interesting these are actually quite difficult to pick up after because after they bloom everything just falls on the floor on the ground and people have to sweep them up so i just realized that i may have been filming this whole thing without my microphone because i had just replaced the battery printed microphones flat or i'm not sure maybe i lost the power at some point in the tour but now we probably have better audio and this is a sensibilia i believe this is a hybrid i'm not even sure but it's quite beautiful it's got very thick trunks and this beautiful lines running along them and it's got a pink rim around it very very pretty and here we have more uh sansevierias and these are very they look like airplanes actually very cute very sharp edges to imagine look at how sharp this is imagine running into this thing you don't want to mess with it no one's trying to put out a new leaf very cute so this is the front of the house and we have some really sad looking pepperoni uh what is this pepperoni scandan's ferrigata it used to trail down beautifully but now it's just pretty sad with a lot of balding spots so i'm not sure i feel like i want to put something else in this area because this place has potential for really pretty plants not to say that these are pretty these are very cute but i don't know they look much better in tight hanging basket hanging pots so yeah and they're actually very easy to grow these guys this area and i'm not sure i think that's a bodhi tree i'm not really familiar and it's quite pretty when you look up it's very serene and actually the tree has so much potential for a lot of epiphytes to climb on if i was at amplified i would choose this tree or that tree that tree is quite nice as well so this is north east facing it doesn't get super crazy bright light but yeah as you can see i imagine like orchids and stuff just growing on this tree that would be so beautiful it would be so nice and in front of the house dude that's the hairy uh i think these are palms or maybe they're i don't know they're cycads or i don't don't quote me on it i don't know these species very well they're my dad's plans they're not my plans but yeah i just wanted to show you and also actually my dad requested this video he's like feel my plans they're so cool they're very expensive people will love them so here here i am yeah and there's uh some more sansevier he wanted to say drastinas yeah over there you know what i'm actually going to get closer to them they're so pretty they deserve our attention yeah that's that's the same one as the one that we saw above and these ones are just doing so well look at that and these are the babies by the way we put out these uh really cute uh baby plants it's plantlets poked me and it will uh root itself to the ground it looks like somebody walking it's like crawling away from its mama that one's doing the same thing too let me go around it yeah very cute look at that it's just put out a runner and then the runner just put out an aerial route down below and it's ready to become its own planet this one is uh in process of doing that this is a very very cute sense of area i have a smaller one of these i believe this is called the dwarf sensitive area or the samurai i don't know they're so hybridized that i don't know anymore this is quite a beauty too this plant very pretty look at these lines super nice there's more cycads here they're so all over the place yeah i believe these are probably the babies because i don't think my dad would buy so many of these for no reason so we've had them for a long time i guess i always wonder how they're propagated this one is very cute like i think the popular houseplant version of this would be your dion dual didn't see that right it's very similar to this because they stay relatively small and they don't need this big like ground or pots to live in all right so i guess that concludes the tour thank you so much for coming along with me i hope that you've discovered some cool species today i know that i have i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me there regarding your plant care and propagation questions i'll try my best to get back to you meanwhile do stay safe and take care i will see you in the next episode bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 37,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qh2_XwZGVPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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