My first plants and lessons learnt

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia so i finally reached 20 000 subscribers in this channel in a very short amount of time so i really really want to thank you guys for subscribing for liking and commenting and supporting this channel because it is something that i'm very very passionate about and i feel very very lucky and in today's episode i'm going to discuss about 10 plants here that are my very very first plants they've taught me a lot of plant lessons in terms of care and propagation as well as how to become a better person so in this video i will share with you the species hopefully you'll discover something cool over here that i care and also some of my philosophies about plant care so yeah let's get started so this first plant that is in my hand this is one of the propagates of celia my monstera um i know i repeat this a lot but she was actually my first ever plant that that's i kept alive and there is whole reason why i'm in this plant gain i got this monstera for my photo studio and for selfish purposes i wanted to use it for my photo shoot so it thrived there for about a year it kept growing and i finally looked up propagation and i did it wrong i cut it on the patio instead of having a note and i waited you know five to six weeks and nothing happened so then i looked it up and i tried again with the note this time and it worked and that opened up the whole game for me because i realized that you know actually with proper research you can keep any plants alive and you can multiply them so propagation for me is a very important part of plant care because we want a bushier plant we want more plants and we want plants that we can share with other people so i've actually shown you celia in one of my previous videos in my balcony tour i've cut so many of her up and this is actually one of the propagates and over here actually i've cut one more uh growth point here the i believe it was three leaves that i cut off that i gave to someone else and this has pushed out even more leaves here it's amazing and it's got splits fenestrations so uh this point is actually really really fast growing and easy to care for uh celia is actually still living upstairs in my balcony but i did cut her up a lot more so she's actually putting a lot of new vines still today and i'm going to keep sharing her with other people and having her around the home with monsters you want to get them bright in direct light they can take a medium light and you want to water them only when their soil is bone dry they cannot appreciate over watering of course more light means uh more faster growth and you want to fertilize them lightly and they do burn in direct sunlight so you want to be mindful of that and i know that the variegated version of this plant is so popular but i highly recommend picking up one of the green forms first a practice before you get your variegated plans so yeah and next i'm going to talk about this christmas of thanksgiving cactus i don't really know that the the exact species id but i know that there are different species it's in the schomburg uh family i don't know if i butchered that it sounds german it didn't sound latin to me but i got this from a tiny little plant i'm gonna put on the screen what it looked like before and oh my god it was so fascinating because the growth points are just so cute they look like they look uh crab claws like trying to stick out of the brush and they actually do branch out which is really really fascinating and they're very resilient very easy to care for very forgiving do give them bright indirect light this is the variegated version they do come in all green but if you want the variegation to come through you need to give them some direct sunlight so i had this in a west facing window for a very long time and i actually figured i grew it from a tiny little plant until it's about i don't know five or six more leaves and i decided to just pluck it off uh wait for it to call us over and stick it back into the soil that's also one of my first propagation experience with jungle cacti because this is what it is this is a jungle cactus and it just grew there's actually three uh plants living in this part now from the one that i had before and i can keep propagating this actually in fact i will do that i haven't found the time to do it but it's so beautiful and they do bloom around christmas or thanksgiving although i'm not sure in in my tropical region if they will bloom or not they haven't bloomed for me yet but again i've only had this for about a year so yeah let's see how this does but it's very easy to care for very forgiving you know again you want to water it when it's dry the soil is dry or when the uh i don't know if this is the leaves when they feel a bit limp and yeah this is a very easy plan to have i highly recommend it and next up here we have the disciplia oinanta orianza very god i do not pronounce the name so this is the variegated form and actually this was a rescue i had to rescue some actually most of these had to be rascal here's the thing i actually bought most of my plants cheap and from questionable online sellers and i you know the fact that i didn't get healthy plants to begin with it means that i have to really look into their care and sometimes to propagate them and start over or sometimes to repot them and figure out the watering and this is definitely one of the more difficult ones that i need to do that for so i'm very very thankful for uh all this plant uh rescue and i i got all of these actually at a very affordable price most of them were from toku media and this was before the plant crave so the prices were actually okay and with this one actually um they do want bright uh indirect light if you give them some direct sunlight they can take it and i do notice these all white vines that show up here uh this is actually really bad i used to cut them off but i haven't found time to do that uh lately and basically when you cut them back it will start putting out uh you know hopefully green leaves from where you cut it and the way that you work here for it is to again give them bright indirect light some direct is fine i figured that if actually i stick them back into like a medium light it may stop giving me these very variegated white leaves and you don't want to over water it it will not forgive you if you over water it and you can actually feel the leaves are very succulent they're like peperomias and if it's full and it feels thick do not water it it cannot forgive you if you over water it so this is very beautiful plant to have it's actually a very slow growing plant and this is actually all the growth that i had in one year i did have some propagates i took a few of the longer vise and i cut it and i propagated very successfully with 100 success rate so this is a very very cool plan to have and i can't wait for it to get really big all right so next up we have this uh chaffera and this is also known as wally wangso in indonesia i don't really like the the local name of it it sounds a little bit weird but this is the variegated form which means that it actually appreciates very bright light i give this actually partial sun or dapple direct sunlight um this has scale before at some point and because i think when you give it low light it's a little bit stressed out and used to grow so slowly i got this as a tiny plant it was actually probably only about this tall and now it grew within one year into this size and um it's given me multiple branches now too i see one here i actually just see the one branch yeah and they actually put out this tiny leaves from the the growth point like little palm like reaching out and they would expand inside the baby tiny infant high fives which i really like um these are a delight to have relatively uh easy to care for like i said i had battle scale with this before but i treated it and scale hasn't come back so it's actually very happy i do water this uh almost every day it's because it's in terra cotta pot and a porous soil and it's also living outside in direct sunlight so it's very thirsty plant in that in that condition and the variegation i've noticed that if you stick them in a medium light where it's not bright enough it will give you green leaves so just be mindful that to get this variegation you definitely stick them somewhere bright other than that they're very easy to care for houseplants i haven't propagated this yet but i know that they can be propagated by stem cuttings okay and over here we have the aglunima pictum tri color um i got this actually when it was a bit expensive i i think i paid like 750 000 for this and i know the prices has gone down quite a lot for this here in indonesia uh i know that it's quite high demand elsewhere and this is actually endemic here to indonesia so within the short period of time i think people were growing them very quickly and that's why the prices dropped here locally but unfortunately in overseas the prices did go up uh recently i give this one a terracotta pot and a very fast draining soil and in the past i had this indoors where i had to moisture probe them every two to three days and i only water it when it's bone dry all aglonemas cannot take over water they would give you yellow leaves and it would just fall off and die if you uh give them too much water and it does it can take some direct sunlight surprisingly for an aggloma and she seems to appreciate it and actually what you're seeing right here is actually the baby um there's i don't know if you can see here there's a main stem here that i cut off actually it was a one leggy um aglonema plant before and it just kept getting longer and longer i got it as a leggy plant which means that it's actually an older plant which i'm very thankful for because what happened within one year period is that well first the first six months it just i kept growing leaves slowly and then started putting out these buds from down below i have four i counted four i think there may be even five yeah there's four right now um babies that grew from underneath the soil which is amazing and after the babies have become a little bit more stabilized i figured i'm going to propagate it so i cut the top off and it's actually my houseplant rescue video where i cut the top off and stuck it into soil and that cutting is living it's been in the pot for about a month and a half-ish and these babies are also still continuously growing and look one of them is actually flowering this is so cute i normally pluck the flowers off because they will drain energy from the plant but in this case i just kind of let it be yeah this is a very cool house plant and very easy to care for in my condition and it does well both indoors and outdoors and i'm so thankful for what it's taught me which is to let your soil dry out between watering uh so this is one of my very first plants that i actually do moisture pro very religiously almost every day and nowadays this actually live outdoors and i don't really have to do moisture meter anymore because again back to my plant lessons about soil and watering i have kept this plant in the same pot for a year and look at how many plant material there is and i'm sure it's got a lot a lot of roots in there which means that it's going to be a very thirsty plant coupled by the fact that it's in terracotta pot this means that i can safely water this every day when it's outside so this plant is living outside now i don't know if i mentioned that 30 seconds ago so yeah i do water this every day and i give it a very brightly direct light outdoors and it's thriving as you can see here when you keep your plants indoors you definitely want to be more mindful as they dry slower and it's more prone to over watering and raw and over here we have the wax iv this is actually one of my faster growing plants and i can't remember the latin name but i'll put it on the screen it's beautiful it's like very variegated it's very succulent like and i don't have any issues with this i have no pest pressures or whatsoever and it just kept growing and growing they do appreciate a brighter light but they can take medium to bright in direct light and they can take all the way to uh double direct sunlight and again you want you can actually feel the old leaf and kind of fold it uh this one's actually a little bit thirsty because i had it here overnight and this is a thirsty plant because it's got a lot of actually this was a bigger plant and i cut a lot of cuttings and propagated it so it's actually got a lot of roots in there i know you can't see it uh and it's in terracotta pots i do water these every day as well and it gets double direct sunlight and i've actually i've grown a huge part of this and i've given it to my aunt so this is actually all from one cutting i regrow this basically it's amazing all right so next up oh this is a very very valuable lesson for me this is a caladium and i know it doesn't look so good right now but hear me out i'm gonna give you a little bit of history so i got this plant and uh i basically it was dying basically right so i had to repot it uh i put in a separate pot and that pot actually died off like the whole i lost all the leaves however the soil that i dumped away i i was too lazy to throw it out so i just left it out on my balcony and within like three weeks time i saw a tiny tiny little growth and there was a little leaf that came out of it and this plant came from that little tiny little leaf so that really taught me about the resilience of plants and how like oh we should not throw away a pot or soil if we think that the plant is dying so it's worth to hang on to it because again plants have such strong will to live and i really respect them for that so that little tiny plant actually grew really fast really big in indoors in my bedroom so apparently they can live indoors as well and with this plant you want to give them a very strong indirect light or even dapple direct sunlight and some people go as far as say that they can live in full sun um do not let them dry out completely or if you do uh don't let them dry for too long but more sun equals to more watering that's that's my rule so if you put it in a slightly lower light situation you want to water it less because otherwise you'll rot it's got a bulb underneath um and when you put it in lower light it's going to give you these uh green leaves and if you give them brighter light they're going to give you more whites and bigger leaves and this actually went into dormancy which is which explains why it looks so sad right now so it came back to the the one tiny leaf it grew into something big and then it completely died off and then it grew back up into this giant white leaf and i actually show it in my balcony tour i think about four to five months ago it even flowered for me unfortunately right now i think it's going back to decline because i did move it around a little bit and also i think it's time to sleep again i think it wants to rest so i'm going to let these leaves die off naturally and i think they will and then this will be an empty pot for a few months and then wait for new growth to emerge a lot of you guys are asking you know what to do with your caladiums that are in dormancy you basically just kept them hopefully indoors would be better or somewhere that shaded where it doesn't get rained on because you don't want it to get too wet in here it might rot the the bulb since it's got no leads to photosynthesize all that water and you know when it's time like i don't know i give it like three to six months time i don't really measure my my plants timing i have too many plants i just kick it out into the rain and just start watering and it will just start growing miraculously back and usually the new leaves are bigger and stronger than before so that's how you would care for the caladiums yeah all right so next up we have the fiddle leaf fig this is actually the mini version when i got it i didn't know that they had a tiny version of this plant and it was actually quite small i think it was probably about like uh this height uh in my experience fiddly fakes are very difficult and they're overrated this one was actually attacked by scale at some point and i'm really thankful for that because i learned a lot about pest management from this guy i bought my first neem oil for for this plant and the scale hasn't come back yet fortunately and it's so healthy now and fiddly figs actually they do love direct sunlight and some would even say full sun but you do have to train them over a long period of time for to take full sun because they can burn up if you move it from a medium light to like full sun directly immediately and they don't like to be moved at the same time and fiddly fix they want to be a drive between watering they cannot be over watered and what else did they fertilize them they do i feel i find that fertilizing does help them push out new growth better and they do put out these fruits from the stem which is really interesting it's like this round things i don't know what the fruits do if you guys do know let me comment down below but there it's a beautiful plant and i'm always going to be thankful for um the feed of live fig and how difficult it is to care for uh you do need to be to get all your water incorrect you cannot over water it so you need a moisture meter in the beginning so i'm really thankful for this guy and i put it outside now it's getting direct sunlight uh and i just kind of water it every one to two days again this is in i put most of my plants in terracotta pod because i'm an over waterer so yeah and it's a particularly thirsty plant too and outside and in this condition all right oh my god this is so big okay i hope you don't mind that you can't see my face for the next minute or so this is a dracaena marginata and it's so beautiful it gotten really big this is the variegated form which means that it actually likes a brighter light it can take direct sunlight to full sun and it seems to thrive in that and um i got it as a tiny plan i'm going to show you this kind of like struggling with this i don't know if you can see me uh i got this as a three plan and then i cut one off uh because i wanted to i got it in my mouth i wanted to see what it looks like and because it does brunch out when where you cut it it's going to branch out to three growth points which it did however i underwatered it and that that growth point that three of them just died off and i stuffed the crown back into soil and it's still alive now and it's still growing so this little one will catch up and these can get really big and tall the way that the growth pattern work is that it will keep shedding lower leaves the allures will always die and then it will keep pushing out near these new growth points up here and you can see here that there's actually a really long portion with um leaves which means that it's healthy and it loves that bright light however if you give it a lower light or less ideal living conditions it's going to have only a few leaves on this plant i just know i noticed that and it would continue growing upwards so the way that you know that this plant is healthy is to look at its growth point as long as it's still pushing out new leaves and growing upwards it doesn't matter oh my god i stepped i'm so sorry i snapped on my elbow blame my elbows uh yeah the lower legs are going to keep dying off and they cannot be over watered by the way they do shed leaves and yellow them when you're underwatering them uh over watering i mean and in terms of underwatering uh i haven't really had that issue but they they may give you this crispy tips if you underwater them uh i actually water this every day again uh first of all these plants are actually older uh they're a little bit rude bound most likely and in terracotta pot and living outdoors if this was indoors i would not water it that often i would actually have to moisture probe them every day um but yeah other than that it's happy outside uh it's it's actually it does well inside too if you have some good light but again you just want to be mindful of the watering if you are indoors and i do fertilize this lightly and i've never had any pest issues with this plant and it's actually very beautiful with uh furniture so if you wanted to am i off screen like when i do this i don't know i feel like i'm off screen sorry um yeah i'm still trying to figure out how to figure out this um filming situation yeah actually i highly recommend this plant if you have lower light get the green form don't get the variegated and this will grow into a tree so yeah all right so i'm down to my last plant here and here is actually the sansevieria i was going to say drastina and i actually this is a propagate so i got one i was a little bit bigger and i did separate it i put one in the studio i gave them one to a friend and this is very easy to care for and this one i particularly love the growth pattern look it's like exploding it's like fireworks coming at you and it's grown a branch sideways with and this is actually over the pot this this bit right here which is really wild i really love this plant and this new vine here has given me mostly uh most almost a more green than a yellow variegation because i have been sticking this into lower light by the koi fish pond and also this one this new leaf is getting less variegated which means that i should consider having him uh in a brighter spot they can take full sun by the way but you do have to train them to take full sun other than that i think i don't need to go through some severe care with you guys because it's so easy the only way that you can kill them is actually by over watering them so just be mindful of that and this is in a terracotta pot with again keep repeating that terracotta pot fast draining soil and very very root bound because this is an older plant when it was younger i would water it less but now that it's older i just whenever i walk by and i look at the top soil and it's dry i don't even test it i just pour water at it and it seems to like that but again if it's a younger plant if it's a bigger pot if it's a plastic pot you want to be mindful before you water you want to make sure that it's bone dry between watering so i want to take this time to share with you some of my philosophies and thoughts about you know plans and what if they have taught me over the the course of the year that i've had them which is a very short amount of time first of all do your research whether it's cooking or any kinds of skills that you may acquire like botany sewing you can actually create a lot of beautiful things as long as you do your research right and you know you take the time to just actually do it take the dive anything is possible in this world if you you know if you give it time and i guess that's my next point is that time heals everything so give it time so that's my quote for you guys a lot of the times like we have broken relationships so we have fallout with people or we get sick sometimes just keep in mind that actually uh if you you know p you're patient things usually get better so be patient with yourself with other people and again give it time things do get better and we become better people and our plants are always growing if you give it time and the proper care and plants actually make our living space a lot more livable they beautify our space they do clean the air to some degree although not as much as we would like to think um but you know we become more in tune with our living conditions our geographical locations our sun movements our winds our rains so these are the things that as human beings i think it's important for us to understand because it makes us more attuned with the environment again it also gives us something to talk about with people we just become smarter right when we are aware of what's going on around us and plans are one way that we can learn about our environment and speaking about environments a lot of the natural habitat for these plants are actually in decline and we are to blame for that and a lot of the species are becoming endangered or even extinct in their natural habitats and the fact that we can grow them in the pots in our homes and the fact that we can propagate and multiply them and share them with people it's a way of species conservation that i believe is important and all of us should take part in that to some degree of course not all of us has that kind of the level of commitment but any any little bit helps and just create that awareness is it's quite important i think it's again it's it teaches us responsibility to our environment to our natural world which we sometimes forget because we spend so much time on social media on our work on our businesses so do take some time and effort to learn about plant care and propagation and do share them with people around you that you love and spread that plant love and another important lesson that plants have taught me is to be a more compassionate human being to put others needs above my own to know that everything everything have their own needs and if you can fulfill that they will thrive in your home you sometimes have to get out of your way to help them and this applies to everything like you can read uh a lot of the signs like what are droopy leaves you know what are yellowing leaves and you know what is sun stress and and things like that for example one of my the things that i taught a lot in my light video is that when we look at a plant only thing that is getting enough light it's getting bright light however if you put your eyes where the leaves are you'll realize that sometimes that plant is actually suffering it's not getting light because you're not seeing what the plant is seeing you're only seeing what you're seeing or what you want to see there's a lot of people who think oh you know i have my plants in in this spot and it looks bright when in actuality they're not they're suffering so it teaches us to be compassionate to see other people suffering or other people's success from their view because everybody has a different view that's outside of your own and this hobby actually taught me a lot about diversity that there are so many plants and so many environments around the world and it's a beautiful thing and there are so many different types of people and basically we want to try to replicate that in our home where possible and this diversity is important because they all have symbiotic relationship with you know the animals and also the environment that they're from such as this disciplia which is known as the implant because it has a symbiotic relationship with ants so everything is important everything is related that we are all connected as living things and plants teach us to slow down to appreciate the finer things in life there are a lot of things going on in our world whether you know it's a new leaf or a new variegation that we sometimes are too busy to notice but they're happening all around us there's beauty all around us so it's taught me to slow down and appreciate the little things and look at the details and it'll tell you a lot about history but evolution because a lot of the plants actually develop evolve these physical over features long period of time and it's just a beautiful thing to witness and plants actually teach us a lot about forgiveness sometimes we make mistakes with you know plant care and we kill the plant we have to forgive ourselves when that happens because we have to learn from our mistakes and if we try again i guarantee you that you will be able to keep that plant alive and in some cases the plants that have died off will come back even if it's dead to a stump and all you have is an empty pot with soil if you give it some time such as in this collidium they will come back they will forgive you so forgiveness is an important uh quality to have in human beings and i started to notice that you know there are a lot of people who are very spiteful you know who can't move past their own mistakes or other people's mistakes and they don't grow these people they they can't uh become better people and learn and and i wouldn't i don't want to insult people but um i think one of the key to success is to be able to forgive to learn from mistakes and to keep trying over and over again and it's actually a wonderful feeling to be able to care for something that cannot care for itself it gives us a sense of responsibility and discipline like no others um you know in this world you know there are actually a lot of bullies a lot of um i don't want to say weaker people or things but there are a lot of cases where a lot of living things cannot fend for themselves and they do need our help and they do deserve a place in this world a place that you know is full of kindness and patience and understanding so yeah these plans actually got me started on my journey and i'm eternally grateful for them i can't wait to see them grow even more in my space i know that i have a lot of weird plants now like rare aerobics orchids that have very different care and i do love them that's i love all my plants basically but these will always have a special place in my heart and i'm really thankful for this episode that i can put out so i can immortalize them forever on youtube so what are the plans that started your journey please comment down below i think it'll be interesting for us to see some maybe they're sort of easier to care for plans or maybe there are plant mistakes do share with me your experience meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next episode bye
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 16,554
Rating: 4.9740982 out of 5
Id: XG8byU4nGMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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