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wherever you are when you clap your hands to the lord jesus in your house would you magnify the lord with me right now would you lift up the name of the lord would you worship him with everything that's inside of you somebody make a joyful noise with the lord in your house right now somebody invite the angels in your room somebody invite the press to the lord of your house somebody linger in the moment right now and worship him he's worthy to be praised he's worthy to be magnified linger in the moment and magnify him right now everything else can wait but jesus is here if jesus is here everything else needs to wait everything else needs the pain i worship you i love you would you stay a while jesus would you linger in our houses would you linger in our office in our car right now we worship you and praise you hallelujah somebody worship him right now he's so good you're at home but he's still good praise the name of the lord jesus i give you honor today thank you for having us and we are so thankful to be back with you wherever you may be we worship the lord with you as you're watching this broadcast give honor to pastor gurley pastor whaley thank you for their great vision for revival give on to my beautiful wife and children what i have to speak today is not something i had planned on preaching in fact i wrote some notes down late in the night last night it feels to me like a word uh for the hour i feel like it might go all over america what the people of god need to do in this crazy time the book of joel chapter 2 verses 15 through 21 joel chapter 2 verses 15 through 21 and we will read the word of the lord below the trumpet in zion sanctify a fast call a solemn assembly gather the people sanctify the congregation assemble the elders gather the children those that suck the breast let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber the bride out of her closet let the priests the ministers of the lord weep between the porch and the altar let them say spare thy people o lord and give not thine heritage to reproach that the heathen should rule over them wherefore should they say among the people where is their god then will the lord be jealous for his land and pity his people yea the lord will answer and say unto his people behold i will send you corn and wine and oil and ye shall be satisfied there with and i will no more make you a reproach among the heathen i will remove far off from you the northern army and will drive him into a land barren and desolate and will face toward the east sea and his hindu park toward the utmost sea and his stink shall come up and his ill savior shall come up because he hath done great things fear not o land be glad and rejoice for the lord will do great things what a powerful word from the lord that hits this day and hour like never before and i want to preach to you for a few moments from this subject fast for it fast for it lord jesus have your way release the anointing of the holy ghost in this atmosphere and every person watching this broadcast today i pray in the name of the lord jesus christ that you would have your way in every situation i give you the glory and the praise in jesus name there are keys to getting answers from the lord keys to getting prayers answered i know that that if you really are a child of god you like it when you enter a season where prayers are answered and you get direction and you get favor and you get blessings and you get miracles everybody likes those kind of things and so if you really do live for god you you search for the channels or the the processes that get those ways of favor and those seasons of blessings and so you know things to do there are certain things that we know to do to get answers from god obviously praying fervently about situations not just mentioning things but but going deep into prayer for god to move obviously works we know that giving works when it comes to favor being faithful to god and everything possible being humble before the lord these are things that we try to do attributes of our lives that we try to hold on to and walk in so god can continually bless us but there is something that i believe is the ultimate key to getting answers from god and i know that i will not be popular when i say this or when i preach this but the ultimate way to get the favor of god is through fasting fasting is the way to get answers that nothing else will get and and let me just say it boldly like i wrote it down if you really want the answer you will fast for it if you really want god to show up you'll do something beyond your normal devotional routine you will do something to get god's attention a lot of times children of god let themselves off the hook when it comes to getting answers from god by using the statement well i'm just waiting on the lord we're just waiting on god to heal our land we're waiting on god to come through and usually and i don't mean to be blunt but i do mean to be blood that's our carnality being exposed saying i really don't want to go beyond where i am to press into the deep places of god to find out if there's something more that i need to do to get a reversal in the situation that i am dealing with if there's someone that i'm preaching to right now that feels a witness of the holy ghost in your house it's because god wants to give you an answer but your flesh is in the way instead of fighting the devil why don't you fight yourself and say i need to get my flesh on the altar so god can answer my prayer fasting is the most powerful way to get something from god your heroes in your bible fasted jesus fasted first of all if jesus had to fast you probably should too elijah fasted moses fasted job fasted esther fasted ezra fasted isaiah fasted jeremiah fasted nehemiah fasted you can go throughout several people in the old testament david fasted groups of people fasted paul was in fastings often the apostles fasted there's something about understanding that even though it does not feel good to my physical body there are some ways to get access to god that are they're very powerful i have to suffer through the process but if i can get through through fasting i will get an answer much more speedily than i would by waiting and waiting and waiting esther was obviously waiting for an answer from the king because her people were cursed to die and she's sitting there and the decree is signed and nothing's changing in the land while the people wait on god nothing was changing the death sentence was still there nothing was breaking forth there were no new cases where there was positive reports saying this might not happen there's something going on in the courtroom the king might change his mind nothing like that they were sentenced to die and the more they waited nothing changed so esther tapped into a dimension of the spirit that she knew was the only thing that would possibly work in a dire situation she said i am going to fast and i am going to call for everybody to fast for three days with no food and no water why is esther so serious because she's realized i've waited so long and nothing has changed there's only one thing i know to do to get the king's attention and if i perish i perish but i am going to go after a miracle like i've never gone after it before and she fast three days no food no water that's a brutal fast only two people in the bible did that and that was esther and paul but that's a brutal fast where it's three days no food no water some people think well i can do three days with milkshakes and three days with protein shakes that's that's not the same thing esther did three days no food and no water so by the time she entered into the the courtroom of the palace of the king she was weak in her knees if you've ever done one day with no food and no water you know what i'm talking about and she's very very weak and i'm sure her knees were shaking david talked about fasting so long till his knees were shaking while people wagged their heads at him and esther comes in and the king sees her and the king points out the scepter and here's her request her request is to save the people but yet when she enters into the presence of the king something comes over her and she realizes i am positioned in the presence of the king i have a great petition but i can't seem to release it so she said would you come to my house and would you come i'll prepare a banquet for you i just want to be in your presence again listen to me it's powerful when you're in his house and you're worshiping god with your brothers and sisters but it's just as powerful when he comes to your house and you feel his presence in your bedroom or in your living room and esther said i'll make you a banquet and she's still fasting and she makes him food and he eats the food and haman the evil man who sentenced her to die is sitting there and he's eating and she said i've i've just got to have one more encounter with the king and so she invites him back again and makes dinner all over again while she is suffering and fasting but she's after an answer and she realizes some revelation that most people do not realize that if i position myself in the presence of the king enough sooner or later my petition will be manifested from his mouth and not mine and she sits there and finally he asks her what do you want she never even had to ask he asked her what she wanted because her fasting pressed her deeper and deeper and deeper to where she was on the outer core inner core in his house now he's in her house and he's talking to her and he's asking her what's you fasting will take you deeper and deeper into the presence of the king to where finally he's asking you what are you desiring what do you want what about the woman that had the child the daughter who was possessed with the demon and she came to jesus and it's not her time she's a gentile and she walks up and says lord would you just deliver my possessed daughter the devil's driving her crazy and he said it's not i i can't give the children's meat to the dogs that's pretty powerful when god calls you an animal i don't think that's probably a good day if god's calling you a dog you're probably a dog i'd say he knows this better than anybody else and he's letting her know it's not only not your season this is not your moment but you're not even worthy to be speaking right now because of the lifestyle and what's going on in your life and you and so he said it's not your time and she looks back and says yes but if a dog gets under the master's table if a dog gets in the right position in other words do you realize what she's saying to him i cannot change who i am but you cannot change where i am and i am in your presence and so she releases the prayer and i know that if a dog gets under the master's table he'll get the crumbs do you realize the dog was fasting when the dog's not eating but the dog positions itself under the table it knows a reward is coming when you're fasting and pray and i know it's not popular and i can feel the spirit world pushing against me and i can feel carnality pushing against me because the church does not want to hear this they want to hear more programs better songs better atmospheres put more smoke in the room that's not gonna stop a pandemic what's gonna stop a pandemic is if somebody starts praying and fasting for god to do something that he's never done before let me tell you even the world knows the power of fasting when nineveh was sentenced to die by god through the mouth of jonah the wicked king of nina but nineveh said i'm calling a fast everybody's gonna fast every male every female every dog every cat every cow every animal is gonna fast and god stop the curse because the world went on a fast even darius when daniel was throwing the lions then darius doesn't even serve god but darius passed the night through with fasting and god stopped it why god sees fasting yesterday or day before yesterday the governor of louisiana declared a three-day session of prayer and fasting the governor of a state declared we need three days of prayer and fasting and it's pretty pathetic that the preacher is alone when he stands up to the people of god and says where are the fasters at because even the world is recognizing now that we're not stopping this through our plans and through our ideas and through masks and through everything we're trying it's not working we need somebody to get like daniel and so i'm gonna get between heaven and earth for my nation and i'm going to and joel said sanctify a fast call the elders get the young people get everybody fasting why because something is loose in the atmosphere and cute church is not going to stop it let me say it like i feel it bouncing around our little bubble does not stop the spirit world from going crazy in this nation somebody has got to break out and say god i'm going to lay before you i'm going to fast and i'm going to pray i'm going to kill my flesh sooner or later something's going to happen well preacher i i would fast but i get these headaches it's called detoxing homie it's good for you well i would fast but i've got so much going on do you realize every person that goes to hell will go on a fast immediately the first day they're there scary thought fast now or fast later why are you preaching so straight because we have got to tap into the spirit and god is saying through his word it's time to call a fast it's time for people to push the plate away and stop oh boy i feel the holy ghost and i'm going to say you scrolling through every news channel watching every bad report it's not going to help your spirit scrolling through every news channel watching every negative thing a player appear whether it's true or false it's not going to help you stop what's really going on six hours on your social media is not going to change anything it does not change anything if you really want an answer we've got to be the church and if they put us in a corner and if they push us into our houses we'll pray and we'll fast until god does something what would happen in houston if just this church alone went on a fast and said god not in this city it might happen all over america but let there be a reversal in this city i promise you you could not get a few days into it and god would enter into the houston area i know it's not popular i know it's not something that we want to hear we want to hear hey if you'll just praise a little higher and shout a little more and sing a little louder something's going to happen you can raise all the hallelujahs you want to if you want something to break loose you've got to tap into sacrifice let me just say it like i feel it sacrifice is the only thing that will work right now fluff church is not going to do it sooner or later someone has got to say god we've got to have an answer he said joel said it's time for the ministers to weep between the porch and the altar it's time for some preachers to start praying and fasting it's time anyone can be carnal and disconnected but right now is not the time to be disconnected and carnal it is time to say god we have got to have an answer we've got to have something happen from heaven if daniel fasted and instantly demons and angels went into warfare in daniel chapter 10. don't you think hell and heaven know the power of fasting don't you think if heaven and angels and demons are warring over daniel's prayers while he's in a 21-day fast don't you think heaven and hell know there's something that changes the atmosphere of the land when somebody prays and fasts for it to change it's amazing how moses climbs a mountain enters a season of fasting even though no one had ever fasted in the bible i mean joe probably had before this point because he said he esteemed the words of god more than his necessary food but moses is the first person we we read about actually going on a fast and he's on the first fast he ever does it's 40 days and he goes up a mountain and six days into his 40-day fast after six days the bible said god spoke to him out of the cloud in other words god was just staring at moses for six days to see how serious he was about an answer no one's ever even gone to this level no one's even tapped into this you think six days would be huge to god but yet god is saying i want to see how serious you are and moses fast 40 days comes off the mountain the same mountain where the glory of god is on the top of the mountain talking to him the mountain is on fire a cloud covering the mountain at the bottom of the mountain the church is naked worshiping idols same atmosphere wrong level same god same availability same answers are there for anyone but yet people are satisfied living below where the spirit is let's just sing and dance and play and have cute church and let's have fun and nothing's going to change while one person climbs the mountain and says i've got to find what god wants for the people and everyone else says you go do that we're chill here we're fine you go be weird you go pray you go fast while we sit here and act like we're really pursuing god we're satisfied down here and it's not very long when you start staying satisfied at lower levels you start having idolatry enter into your atmosphere because you start worshiping things that aren't really your deliverer and you start worshiping things that never brought you out of your of your past magnifying worlds that never delivered you once but in fact now people are praising this statue and they're worshiping it and now moses comes down and breaks the ten commandments in front of everyone and instantly he's back in the atmosphere of evil and he snaps and says i can't believe it i sacrifice i pray i fast i go after it and i'm surrounded by people who do not want it who do not care who do not want to go beyond where they are you know the problem in america is it's more comfortable at home than it is at church and and i know that's not very popular but it's true overseas it's more comfortable at church than it is at home but here in america it's an entertainment spirit that has captured the people in fact people can be watching while i'm preaching and cooking lunch cooking breakfast talking not even paying attention changing things we have multiple things going on in the house not convicted at all in fact you could probably mute it right now and not have any conviction come upon you because you're used to entertainment that was birthed at the base of a mountain when the people said we'd rather have entertainment than the glory that's hovering right above us and moses comes down throws the rocks down and the people crazy and he said god show me your glory watch it i want you to catch this he says god show me your glory he wasn't in the mountaintop when he said that he's down in the camp and god said if you want to see the glory you've got to climb back the mountain climb back up to the top of the mountain i'll meet you at the top of the mountain check this out when he's down in the camp he tells god i want to see the glory and he hears god say the glory's up here so in other words when he gets down to the carnality level he can still hear god but if he's going to see what he only hears he's got to leave the dimension of carnality and say i am hungry to see something that i'm not seeing right here and here's the problem most people are satisfied hearing through a preacher something from god once every few weeks little once every week get a little nugget little encouragement a little strength and they stay in that low level but if you want to see what god can do for you if you who i feel the holy ghost and i feel old-fashioned holy ghost conviction in this room right now if you want to see what god can do in your life then you've got to leave that dimension and say i'm going to climb the mountain and i'm going to find where the lord is and i'm going to see things i've never seen before and god said this time you're going to cut rocks before you before you climb the mountain you're not just going to climb up empty-handed this time it's going to be a harder climb for you you're going to reference this encounter like you didn't last time and he said you're going to climb this mountain with a load it's going to be heavy on you when you really want to go after god it's easy to go after god but everything's fine but when you've got a load on you when you've got stress on you when you've got issues and when you've got distractions and when you've got family and when you've got a crisis in a country it's easy to say well the load is too heavy i tried but he said if you want to get there you got to carry what you cut cut some stuff out cut some stuff out and in fact in fact he told mo i'm going to say that he said he said when you climb this mountain don't let anybody on the mountain with you don't let any human on the mountain don't let the animal on the mountain in other words don't try to come to me for an encounter distracted with other voices don't try to pursue me distracted with other voices you know why people when they fast increase unfortunately increase their social media time increase time on their phone you know why they do that because they're not used to the silence and they don't think god will speak to by for the holy ghost they don't think god will speak to them so they can't handle the silence of the climb so they bring other voices along because they really don't think god will talk and it it just kind of helps the time go by and god said you want an encounter but you're distracted how do you expect me to talk to you when other voices can if you really want to hear from god turn some stuff down turn some stuff off turn some stuff away and you'll hear the voice of god like you've never heard it before and so moses climbs the mountain and he gets to the top and god creates a covenant with him and of course the glory comes upon him so strongly that his face shines comes off the mountain and his face is bright like the sun and they had to cover his face with a veil what a dimension to tap into he was so connected the people said we can't even look at you you're so close to god and thousands of years later after moses is dead jesus climbs a mountain of transfiguration with three disciples and at the top of the mountain moses and elijah reappear with jesus and as they appear jesus shines like the sun his face is bright and like lightning and they're looking at him and the same glory that was on moses is on jesus interesting those three people jesus moses and elijah only three people in the bible to fast 40 days and they're at the mount of transfiguration if you really want to see stuff happen if you really want family healed if you really want answers in this city answers in this state answers in this country you're going to have to get consecrated someone's going to have to say god if no one else does it but me and i'm completely alone then i'm completely alone but i am going to reach out for you with everything inside of me because i cannot wait for something else to happen well i can't change anything you cannot change anything by eating and by being carnal and by watching the news and by being distracted you're right but don't tell me you can't change something by getting a hold of god and saying nothing is in the way here's what our nation is facing what's going on this country is this it's more than just a virus we've got everything happening right now we've got everything happening across the world there's crazy stuff satan is setting the platform he's building it for the antichrist right now he's building the platform for him while the church sleeps preacher this is not popular i don't care anymore i'm tired of trying to keep popular messages for people to feel good it doesn't work someone has got to climb the mountain somebody has got to pray somebody has got to fast somebody has to say god we have to have an answer we have to have an answer if america is going to come out of this it's because some people are going to get a hold of god two guys in a prison cell one gets executed church was just doing nothing the next one's about to be executed they go on an all-night prayer binge and god sends an angel and gets him out god takes one saves the other only difference in the situations was the activity of the church before they're just waiting now they're praying their guts out and god sends angels what do you want god to do in houston what do you want god to do in america what do you want god to do in this nation this world someone has to pray and has to fast for it every head bowed if you're at home close your eyes with me and i'm going to pray with you right now and i'm going to pray for a release of a fast thing to come upon you and when i pray this i'm going to ask god to send a date to your spirit there's going to be a date from the calendar it's going to come to your spirit in fact some of you are getting the date right now and that date here the next week two weeks three weeks is gonna manifest to you four weeks whatever it is and that's the date god wants you to start climbing the mountain god told moses tomorrow i want you to climb it tomorrow morning meet me the top of the mountain in other words he gave him a date when the encounter would take place and it might be different for you and different for me but if you will pray god will speak a date to you and if you take that date and you pray over it and you say god prepare me and you start walking toward the mountain start disconnecting from the world disconnecting from the media disconnect from the television disconnect from the junk that doesn't need to be in your spirit and say god i want to hear your voice i want to see what you can do in my family do you really want your bachelon family saved do you really want an answer i feel like a john the baptist anointing is on me right now do you really want god to do something i hear a voice crying out and it's lonely in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the lord make his path straight i know what the world does to john the baptist i know what the world thinks of a john the baptist anointing kill it executed silence it remove it but i feel an anointing on me right now and i'm not preaching to the world i'm preaching to the church it's time to prepare the way of the lord he's about to come back are you ready are you ready set your house in order get the flesh out of the way go on a fast he said sanctify it fast which means consecrative fast set a date on the calendar [Music] and god's gonna pity our land drive back the northern army bring the bring the provision all the stuff i'd even get to all this stuff god's gonna do and god will do great things somebody has got to unify and say we're going after it is there just one church in houston that will fast is there one church in houston that will pray and fast while you're preaching that here you stood up at the forefront when the hurricane came recently a couple years ago you stood up in front of everyone the president of the united states was in this was in this building this is a different attack [Music] it's time to stand up in the spirit it's time to shed off the things that are not of god and say lord i've got to go after i'm going to pray impartation of fasting that's going to come upon you trust me and when it does the lord will call you to fasting and you will probably fast longer than you ever fasted before where the spirit of fasting will come upon you and a holy focus from god will saturate your spirit and you will be able to do things you've never done and you'll be able to go farther than you've ever gone before and after i'm done you guys go go ahead and sing whatever you feel to sing but i feel it coming in every house right now in your house i want you to raise your hands i want you to lift your eyes to heaven right now and by the authority of the word of god and by the power that's in the name of jesus i release a spirit of fasting upon every man and every lady every teenager let there be a desire in the people of god to go after it fast for it fast for it in jesus name someone begin to worship the lord and begin to magnify him or something in the room or something in the house and you can see answers you can have answers [Music] i give you i i need a mirror jesus [Applause] oh [Applause] jesus town is [Music] jesus thank you again so much for joining us online we're so thankful that you decided to join us here this morning and as brother erin said this is an opportunity to take what we're hearing and to see it come to physical form every promise god has spoken everything that he wants to do every every promise of healing that he's promised in his word this is an opportunity to experience that so we invite you on that journey with us and here at first church we celebrate people taking next steps and especially we celebrate people taking their first step and so if perhaps you have not had a relationship with god or maybe you have had one but you've been far for some time we want you to know that the door is always open and we always are welcoming you back home and so what we want you to do if you're ready to take a step and get in a relationship with christ or you're ready to take a step back into a relationship with christ please write a comment below or direct message us and say next step i know it's a private thing so maybe you don't want to put it on there for public viewing but you want to email us at info we'd love to connect with you and help you to take that step towards christ and experience the abundant life that he has in store for you thank you again we're so blessed to hear the word that we heard today have an amazing week god bless you see y'all next week let it go oh let it go oh god
Channel: GCUPC Media Department
Views: 6,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2uSPJGbkyyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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