Unleash The Intercessors 4 levels of prayer | Josh Herring

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want him to come and preach to us the word of the Lord but the Harry we appreciate you sister Harry thank you for being here we love you and we want you to Minister the Word of God [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord everybody good to be in the house the Lord with you tonight and excited about what God is going to do with you this weekend and and great things are gonna happen all over the world and I strongly have felt for several days that tonight would would be the beginning of great great things moving across the planet by the time we are done tonight there will be things happening all over the world through the prayers going up tonight and then continuing further in tomorrow and into Saturday and Friday and Saturday give honor to your pastor if you love pastor Kinsey would you get loud [Music] a man very blessed who you have as your pastor and all the great things he's done for the kingdom of God and a mighty general among us and we we give Him honor and and I did not know I thought I was an old evangelist cuz I've been here this is my 16th year evangelizing and he told me he evangelized 20 so I felt like a kid again instantly and but I give him honor tonight and what a man of God you have in great author and so many wonderful things he's done for the kingdom of the Lord I definitely have direction from the Lord tonight and I want to go to Isaiah 59 verse 16 Romans 8 26 and 27 and then second Timothy 2:1 through three so glad my wife is here with me and my two boys who are both in nursery I believe and the baby girl it's on the way I have no idea about girls if anyone wants to pray for me tonight and make that your gift to us I would appreciate that thank you so much I think my mom was a girl about all I know Isaiah 59 verse 16 in Romans 8:26 and 27 second Timothy 2:1 through three the Bible says they saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor someone say intercessor therefore his arm brought salvation unto him and his righteousness it sustained him Romans chapter 8 verse 26 and 27 says likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered and he that searches the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verses one through three second Timothy to one through three says I exhort therefore that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior I felt all week long and praying and fasting to to release this tonight and I want to give this message to you and let's go into the spirit tonight and the title will be unleashed the intercessors unleash the intercessors turn to your neighbor turn to your neighbor and tell them a prayer meeting will take off tonight in this room and then ask them a question will you be involved in it if you're going to be involved would you help me worship the Lord one more time and would you magnify is navy tunnel concept I own I worship You Lord Jesus I bless your Holy Name someone lift up your voice right now so loud that hell can hear you as you glorify the king of kings and the Lord of lords we have a higher I love you Jesus blessed should be that matchless holy name have your way tonight we pray in the name of Jesus use us for your glory and your kingdom in Jesus name and you may be seated in the presence of the Lord we just read in 2nd Timothy the four types of Prayer four channels of prayer that God understands there four levels of praying every child of God can tap into obviously the first level is called prayer itself praying praying is usually unemotional just calm conversing with the Lord talking to him like you would a friend maybe in the car maybe at the job or maybe at home as you begin to talk to the Lord that's a channel that you can find divine access to the throne of God in known as prayer there's a another level of prayer above that called supplication which is just like praying except it's more emotional it's more intense supplication is very similar to intercession except supplication it's basically interceding for yourself you're very intense about a need that's in your house or in your family or in your life at your job in your finances and so you bring your supplication or your petition before the Lord and you're usually desperate when you're in supplication it's a channel that the God hears with a child of God it's so desperate and so in tune with him that they begin to bring a supplication of their need before the Lord then there's the channel of Thanksgiving that's a very unused among us it's the channel of giving God glory for what he's done I dare say a lot of us would have more miracles today if we'd be thankful through what he did yesterday we've got a lot of people that not to get desperate when they bring their supplication but they're not desperate when God does the miracle they thank him for five minutes and move on to the next problem but I promise you if we remember what he did yesterday we'd have no problem having faith for today and tomorrow because Thanksgiving is a channel that God does answer these are channels and like verbal being said in this book that if you were one of these channels praying and you're not getting through switch to channel go to a different go to a different vein where you're trying to get God's attention but the fourth type of praying is called intercession intercession is the deepest level of prayer someone can get involved with it's the hardest level of prayer to tap into because it is the completely the Spirit of God praying through someone when they tap into intercession when you get involved in interceding for situation that's the presence of God is literally praying through you meaning that this is the one of the four channels that this is the only one that you cannot control you can pray in prayer for a while and then when you're done you can turn it off you can bring your supplication to God for a while and then when you're done you can turn it off you can enter Thanksgiving and thank God for so many things as you can think of and then when you're done you can turn it off but when you tap into intercession you are no longer in control of the prayer meeting what you pray for your intercession the Spirit of God is literally praying through you the will of God for someone else that's why most people don't want to get involved in it too much because it doesn't involve their own need but intercession is the Spirit of God praying through you it's the only one of the four channels that guarantees an answer every time you want answered prayers get involved in intercession because that is God's Spirit praying through you intercessors are the most powerful people on the planet one writer said that if the hill had a top 10 most wanted list of the people that he'll wanted to destroy all 10 would be intercessors because an intercessor as Vesta Megan said is the only time intercessory prayer is the only time when you're in three places at one time you're in heaven you know with the Angels you're in earth with people and you're in hell fighting the demons of Hell at the same time you're involved with the Spirit of God praying through you intercession is powerful it's praying the will of God and let me tell you this intercessors usually do their best work alone they do not need music in the background to keep them praying the average altar call in North America lasts seven minutes long because we don't have to see but we do not know how to brave arey much and when as soon as the music stops we don't know what to say but God help us get to a place whether they're playing or not playing I enter a place with God that I don't have to leave in five minutes but I've engaged it's something that changes lives shave is the world Billy Cole saw over a million people get the Holy Ghost and and he was a great hero of the Apostolic Faith and his wife Shirley Cole was known for being a powerful intercessor and I was privileged to go to her home and talk with her obviously she died a couple of years ago but a few years ago went to her home me and my wife and and the boys and we were there and talking to her and as we were talking with her she was she would talk then also she would just break out into intercession and just weep and wail and cry and and she told us about the time when he was in Ethiopia that she prayed on the floor for six days straight did not get up except to use the restroom at the house there and West Virginia prayed for the revival to break out that way in that weekend 65,000 people received the Holy Ghost and she was on the floor in America praying for it the entire time and she told us something that I've never forgotten and she said the number one signal that God is near you and wants to intercede through you the number one signal the intercession is coming upon you is depression because when you feel a heaviness come upon your spirit that is the quickest way to tap into intercession when you begin to get heavy about something a situation in the world something going on in our planet and it begins to burden your spirit and burden your soul it's the quickest way into intercession but this is the problem we don't like to feel discouraged or depressed and so because we are usually in the flesh more than we are in the spirit when heaviness comes upon our spirits we try to medicate it somehow I gotta change what I'm wearing I gotta go to the mall I've got to eat something I'm gonna do something to get this heaviness off my spirit why because I don't like the way it's making me feel in the flesh and so what happens is the Spirit of God knows there's a need that sir there's someone facing an attack in China right now and so he looks for an intercessor and it comes down to somebody's home and he puts a heavy burden on their spirit and they feel it but they don't like the way that feels they don't even know yet that God's trying to pray for the person in China through them but because they don't like the heaviness thank you sir I've got to get on my phone for three hours till I feel better and then God walks away from the home looking somewhere else to find someone to pray and then the same people come to God with the audacity to say Lord can you answer our prayer I wonder why sometimes some of my prayers are not answered could it be that because I'm praying in a selfish dimension most of the time where most of my prayers involve me or the people I know getting answers rather than God whatever your realistic can I pray for would you would you use me tonight would you trust me to pray for something or someone and God sometimes will answer that when I'm not when I'm being incey when I've been selfish and I'm just praying for myself but but usually if I want prayers answered for me I know there's a direct way to get it I've got to start praying for other people I'm gonna start getting that channel of praying God take me tonight you realize you're Pensacola but before this night is over you could be praying for someone in Africa maybe pray for someone in Australia so in Chicago facing a game something going on crazy that God could pray through you and while he's praying through in this building a miracle could happen a thousand miles away I know you can't imagine that but that's exactly how it works when their century prayer breaks loose to a child of God all you need to do is be available do what God wants to pray through you but some people they just as almost like God can't trust them to be intercessors if you're racist how is God gonna trust you to intercede if you hate your coworker how is dog gonna come to your house tonight if your co-workers suicidal and expecting that person to pray with all their heart completely what happens when your intercession you're completely you've lost control the spirit of God's people here's the vessel he just flowing through he's praying through your groaning his words don't make sense you to pray in the spirit and how can God trust me if I've got a problem with someone can God trust you to pray for a suicide bomber intercessors have to be available for whatever and whoever the Lord wants to pray it through them about you know why some people don't like to intercede because sometimes God will wake you but 3:17 in the morning can I can I feel like I'm very I've never been here before but I feel like I'm right at home some people don't like to pray at 3:17 the morning you know why there's no crowd in the living room watching at 3:17 in the morning I love it I'm coming right among you intercessors have to tap into deep levels of Prayer no matter where they are they could be in the car driving and there something will come upon them and burn it for something that they have no idea why hit them but all of a sudden something is burning in their spirit and God is spreading through them because he trusts them I know that child of God enter but there break at work I know they'll find somewhere alone and they'll hit their knees if I find them and pray through them I can trust them intercessors know how to get ahold of God let me talk to you about changing the world on a Wednesday night in Pensacola we just give you some stories that you could just do them what you want okay first time I encountered this intercessory prayer thing I was praying in my closet at home several years ago and out of nowhere Bishop I was praying for somebody in Poland never been to Poland but I could I knew I was praying all this I knew I was praying for a missionary in Poland and I began to wail didn't understand what I was doing to school I just just knew there was a missionary in trouble and began to wail and weep and cry and pray and pray and pray and then all of a sudden it was it was over he was just done this is the Thursday got up that was crazy it was weird what was was in all the bouton and friday nothing Saturday and Sunday I was preaching a different city and Sunday night I was talking about prayer and how and I was I thought well just tell what happened Thursday sometimes in your prank God will take you places you don't even know why you just know you're trusting the Lord he's using you somehow and I'm telling the story and I began to tell how I was praying for a missionary and pull and I had no idea and a crowd of 800 people the missionary from Poland's daughter was in the audience and as I began to tell the story she calls her father on the phone and he's listening as I began to tell what time and where I was at and what I prayed for and when I felt pray through me and he's weeping on the phone and after church he tells her on the phone I calculated in the exact hour that kid was on the floor in Florida your mother I remember in a service in Stockton California about four years ago or so we were in a great revival there and that midst of that great revival we were praying for Israel every service they were such attack from the Palestinians so every service during the song service there as a staff they were praying for Israel and I had been there several weeks and so we've done this every service and and almost and I'd prayed hard but all of a sudden this this is a Sunday night and they started praying out of nowhere you're gonna think I'm crazy just listen to the whole story I was praying and I was it was like I was there and I saw these people on the border of Israel launching rockets from Palestine in Israel and as those Rockets were in the air this being up in the air looked back and swatted the Rockets back into Palestine and so you know you have to know me I'm crazy so I got up and told everyone they stared at me I said I believe Michael the Archangel disregards Israel just swatted those Rockets back in they all looked at me the next morning on the news in case you missed it last night some soldiers in Palestine and they came to the edge of the border of Israel they launched rockets into Israel but halfway in the air the rockets somehow and went back into Palestine all that's coincidence let me go further when I was young when I was seeing that the reason why I thought it was Michael I saw this thing made out of fire it's pushing stuff back I thought man it's gotta be an angel it's gotta be Michael the Archangel and so I was I was telling everybody I was rejoicing about some people attacked me you know how it goes and so that's fine and so like four years later this last summer I'm on the phone with for the Stone King and he calls me to tell me a story he's never told me and he said I want to tell you something TW Barnes one time met Michael er angel and I said I'm listening he said that would get anyone's attention I would hope he said he prayed for Israel every day and he said one time he went to Israel got to his hotel in Jerusalem sat on the bed and Michael the Archangel is in his room and said welcome to Israel Tom Barnes we've been waiting for you and I said to put the stone King what does Michael look like he said you wouldn't believe it but the barn cities are being made out of fire and as soon as he said that he went out the window up into the air into the sky where he dwells because he guards the borders of Israel you could think I'm crazy I don't care I know what happened that night big church tonight I met for someone understand a world changer was in Jonesville Louisiana's even know where Jones V Louisiana is there's like nine people I'm shocked that's the most I've ever seen and so I'm I'm just teaching this stuff on intercessory prayer trying to teach I'm not a good teacher and it was trying to to release this stuff middle of nowhere and and the pastors got this 20 year old kiddies short little guy it's fine I'm calling somebody a short little guy and he's a short little guy and he's over here in the corner and I'm talking about her sensory prayer and people start interceding and praying and he starts praying like I've never heard anybody pray and this kid is speaking for over an hour in this Arabic tongue and he is he keeps doing something with his eyes closed he keeps he keeps pointing at something and pointing at the feet and the hands like taking shackles off pointing and for one hour straight he's literally speaking so hard finally he was shaking and commanding the change to follow and he was shaking more and so I walk God whatever is going on you've got to get this thing through this kid now Jesus name and so I pray he fell down speaking in tongues when he fell down I told the people you're going to hear about some kind of hostage situation in the Middle East where an American is being held hostage but it's released by that kid's prayer and of course they did this and a week later driving through Texas kids are asleep janessa Slater and turned the raid and the news on the radio and the newscaster said in case you missed it him last week Iran and the u.s. exchanged hostages the u.s. released seven Iranians Iran had three US hostages two of them they willingly released but one was a pastor from Idaho they would not release and they would not give miss medicine for his diabetes and for 12 hours they tried to hold him but an unknown ambassador came in through the room and commanded them to take off his shackles and take off his chains [Applause] we're a New York conference miss less than a year ago and in that in the middle of a deep service on Thursday night I felt the Lord tell me to tell the people intercede against Isis right now and the people 800 people begin to war and the next morning 100 Isis leaders were destroyed they were trying to kill Christians you can call it coincidence I called it a prayer meeting where people said God about when was in San Jose this guy walks up to me and says hey I want you to pray about something I said okay you sit here my wife and I those are her kids right there was two kids and he said well she had two other kids from a previous marriage and when they got divorced her ex-husband got the kids finances and he had more money and and he and uh when he got the kids he said to them first thing the first night they got home was don't ever mention God again don't mention church again not allowed to have a Bible don't talk to anybody about the church don't ask to go to church nothing I said okay he said well we've had a few court dates and they keep the judge keeps saying that's not enough to give the kids back and they're crying to come home they want to live for God and I said okay he said we've got a court date in Portland Oregon in about three months from now I said okay he says once you depress okay I said hey if it's okay with your pastor call me or text me before before the court day and we'll pray okay so three months go by I'm I'm an Indiana somewhere preaching and and I'm focused on my revival there and I get this text hey brother Josh this is Nathan and he starts telling me so he said tomorrow's the court date 8:30 my time which is 11:30 on the East Coast I said ok so caliber train so I go to church that night we preach we have all kind of great stuff happen and the next morning I forgot to pray for Nathan have you ever told someone you're gonna pray for them and forgot to pray for him one I also want to say it's fixed to the lying spirit so so as he uh as he began to tell me this and I told my prayer I forgot to pray for the next day it's like 2:30 in the afternoon I'm at the church and I'm praying for my service of course I forgot to pray for the need and I'm praying for and I'm walking around the and it hits me you forgot to pray for Nathan so I said Oh God forgive me and I get a repentant to the Lord and her and the Lord said this intercede now it's always said I said it's too late gods there's hours ago the court day and her seed now so I just began to pray and war and pray and cry and pray and cry got done that text Nathan I said the Lord I'm sorry and then you know just just praying now and he texts me said perfect timing the judge just went into his chambers to decide who gets the kids I said oh I said what's the judges name see God likes it when you get specific you may not answer you the way you think but he likes it when you get specific it's called getting faith out and so I he told me it's name I said okay thanks I said Lord there's this judge in Portland Oregon this is his name would you do something for me would you send angels to his chambers right now and would you talk to that judge and would you convince him with those kids future that they need to live for God and began to worship the Lord one hour later Nathan called me said you're not gonna believe this I said you might want to try me on that he said he said well our own lawyer this morning and we first walked in and said you need a miracle there's evidence to overturn anything and the judges last words before he walked into his chamber was there's really not enough evidence me to overturn anything I'll be right back but when he came out of his chamber he said this is what he said I don't know why I'm doing this but when I was in my chambers I changed my mind and decided I'd give the kids back to the mother it's almost here it's starting to move let me give you this then we'll go into it I remember an eight-hour Drive and this is this is where it gets real we're driving bishop through through Kentucky and janae just starts crying it's just weeping she was looking there phone well since she starts weeping this wailing I thought man what's wrong I pull off the road who died what's going on and she tells me she starts reading this story to me how this lady in Pennsylvania worked at Walmart had two little guys five year old a three year old Ryan and Scotty and Scotty was three and she starts telling me how she met a co-worker the news that you've met a co-worker big guy and he when he came in he moved into her house with his kids and they they're all in this one little trailer together and and one morning Scotty gets up to for breakfast and he didn't want to eat what they were giving him for breakfast and so the man is six foot five guy ties him to the highchair and starts punching him over and over throws him into the room and beats him and I'll leave out the craziness and just beats him throws him in the room and leaves him locked in the room all day and then the next morning when they get up for breakfast obviously Scotty can he's all bruised and beat up and he comes in and he can't even open his mouth to eat him because he can't open his mouth the guy does it again over and over and over and over throws him in the room and they all leave the house and little Scotty dies alone in that room and I left out half of the details or more and when she read that to me I remember getting angry at God and saying why didn't you do something and this is what I heard there was no intercessor my people only care about praying about their stuff their needs their family their finances their church I was that was five years ago I mean Mississippi a few couple weeks ago a few weeks ago it and Woodlawn preaching and I'm telling that story and I had no idea there's a lady nor daughter in the back then apparently this mother with those Scotty who died started going to a Pentecostal church in Pennsylvania the month before and the girl was teaching little boy in nursery God was reaching for them but no one was interceding for them and then we pray stuff like God send us revival who's gonna pray for the lady being slapped around tonight I'm gonna get real right now who's gonna pray for the man that's turning to alcohol right now again take any more pressure on the job and he's been sober for years but he can't do with anyone who's gonna pray for the gang member tonight that's gonna all kind of stuff come at it who's gonna pray for the child don't tell me you're called the war if we can't pray this who's gonna pray for someone that's hurting who's gonna pray for a baby what mother is gonna pray for a baby like she would pray for her own child a baby in the NICU I was in Houston this last Sunday preaching and going back here in this Sunday hey Bradley the service was over always people baptized we rushed to the NICU because one of the the leaders in the church their baby and this isn't the NICU been there for several weeks and we're praying for the baby in the NICU me and the pastor and as I look around there's babies all around and the NICU and no one's praying for them and no one's holding them and no one cares about them and the mother said these babies that you see are all far off worse than my child Wednesday night what would happen all over the world right now if everybody tapped into praying and started praying so hard the whole sudden God was stopped and stuff in the Middle East protecting somebody in New York going over here in Los Angeles going to an apartment complex in Miami intervening over here in India stopping an attack in Africa bringing a child water who's in a drought what would happen right now in Pensacola I've come to ask this church are you ready to be called to war because if you are you've gotta learn that's the key the party in the spirit pray - God is praying through you can the mothers of Zion go into it right now with elders that nobody else in this entire sanctuary Lord Jesus release the spirit of intercessory prayer right now in this church would you begin to go after it right now if you can't feel it in your you need to get after somewhere find a place but don't wait till tomorrow God can use you right now welcome to the spirit world welcome to spiritual warfare welcome to seeing things you've never seen before tonight - never Sakai who's got Scotty's brother right now who's gonna who's got someone at your school right now you know shut up I like I suck huh stir it up Holy Ghost stirred up Holy Ghost break the cardinal get connected let those that are comfortable get uncomfortable let those that are content be Stern in their spirit someone needs to understand what the Lord wants to answer our prayers but we need to pray the will of God for others first somebody pray for Israel called a sub by somebody pray for the president somebody pray for someone at the White House somebody pray for the policeman somebody pray for the man that's in trouble right now somebody pray [Music] you might be in a few but you can shake heaven right now you can rattle the gates of Hell right now you can protect someone right now the spirit that's what intercession is the Spirit of God pray for who you for someone else's need son someone else's behalf someone else's crisis someone else's trial there's a mother that don't know how to pray tonight with someone else father a father in here pray for him in the gap [Music] I dare you to find your prayer spot and go after I dare you to get after it I challenge you you want to see angels you want to have God do great things you want to have God encounters you want dreams from the spirit you want answers from God I dare you to say God let's go you can trust me whatever it is God whoever it is Lord after all some of us in here right now only in here because somebody interceded for us years ago what grandmother interceded for someone else in this room right now 30 years ago 40 years ago and those prayers went ahead 40 years and here you are tonight somebody pray for the drug addict about that quotation Sheila Bodden somebody pray for the prisoner somebody pray for the guy in the psych ward right now somebody pray for that preacher double cut they echelon behind somebody prove that lady in trouble someone proved that family about to lose their home about to be on the street right now with little children Oh God let's somebody pray for a homeless person under a bridge right now let it loose all over the building it's moving in here there's nothing here's more for you because he has to leave whatever the Lord is praying through you about that situation has to change when the Lord's praying for you that's it pray in the spirit let the Lord pray through you in the spirit and let's let your mind go let God take over let your tongue go let God we've got that let go - ah [Music] I like it it feels good it feels like we're making progress we're stirring it right now we're stirring it right now lose the gift of faith on people right now to pray with authority they pray with fervency Dupree with fire Dupree with intensity to break down every stronghold God break the Prince of the cities back buckle they've got that look up there I got that shut up world the princess where we give this orders from in this city I pray against him right now in the name of Jesus I pray against his power I pray against his authority I pray it bring him down god I pray and raise this church up to a level of global attention like never before I pray you use this church like never before he got shot oh I pray for victory after victory to be unleashed in 2018 I pray for answered prayer after answered prayer we unleashed in 2018 I pray for a miracle to be at least right now Jesus name [Music] somebody throwing a curveball in hell right now that was planning for war tomorrow night heat up on the road car shot tire and I was planning on you praying hard tomorrow night I was waiting on you to come at them tomorrow night shake them up right now breaking up a wreck on this shut speak a miracle over someone right now release faith right now this is how miracles get started these are our battles our one right here but the war began but the people play with fire but nothing hell has be able to stop them right now I speak a divine channel divine access to your throne right now God for your people you call them a shot tyre and unhindered Channel God where they can hear your voice bring through them and then hit their channel God whatever is bound in heaven must be bound on earth whatever is loosed in heaven must be loosed in earth right now God shut Lord Jesus buying some things in heaven loose some things in heaven and loose them and by him through us right now on the earth in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper there's nothing hell can do to stop this type of prayer meeting there's nothing hell can do to stop you you go as far as you want right now let God take you let God consume you let god help you this is how it begins welcome to being intercessor he might wake you up tomorrow morning he might call you tomorrow afternoon but getting ready it's how it does things shake foundations in this city gone like friggin strongholds I British drugs and alcohol I pray against corruption I pray us anything hell's doing god lead up honey I taste ha ha shake this city gob of revival shake the city with that for solid revival I speak back liars are coming back this year back sliders for coming back praying through top and they will stay people driving by this church right now let them feel your presence car people driving by right now [Music] release intercession upon every leader upon every Minister every musician ekodama ricotta ricotta unexpected Bible studies are coming unexpected Bible studies are coming let this year be a year of reaping he told about I thought the other was shota let long battles and in sudden victories [Music] this church is fighting a greater battle than we even know right now we're doing more than we even can comprehend right now with our human minds there's more going on the heavenlies than we realize right now right above us warfare has broken out so la loboteca angels have been dispatched demons are scattering kilala bozos satai [Music] God let me see with your eyes let me pray your prayers that your will could suit my will intercession doesn't happen every day does it happen every week but when God calls this because things are happening all over the world he's calling on you tonight it's not true but it's not about your prayer ability it's just about your availability God knows when you're genuinely sincere that's all he needs right now sincerity hunger there's a piece in here right now there's a piece in here right now that tells me prayers have been answered all over the world right now situations are taking place all over the world right now foundation all right the only solid ground as nations rise and fall one strong now shake [Music] [Music] [Music]
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Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Keywords: prayers, prayer, two types of prayer, verbal bean, josh herring, evangelist josh herring, Unleash The Intercessors 4 levels of prayer | Josh Herring, Unleash The Intercessors 4 levels of prayer, Unleash The Intercessors, 4 levels of prayer, prophetic intercession, prophetic prayer, brother Josh Herring, four levels of prayer, intercessory prayer, intercessor, supplication, the fourth dimension of prayer, intercession
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 16sec (3256 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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