FAST and SIMPLE ways to paint Slaanesh

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leather bare flesh and craike Claws you could be forgiven to think that that's just a regular weekend for peach but you be wrong that is what slanesh is all about however not so fast or ease to paint or are they I'm peachy and this is Peachy tips now sles is my favorite chaos deity of choice but what is sles well sles is the god of excess pleasure and just weird stuff he's not the smelly one he's not the fighty one he's not the magicky weird conspiracy one SES is the newer God that likes to wear leather likes likes Rich clothing and velvets and you know all about excess and the deadly sins and all that so I mean in a nutshell it's just just a bit of a weirdo be like me great so yeah that's sles but why why sles why is sles my favorite well actually interestingly I like the color palette now you can go mad with the color palette you can go like really vibrant right colors you can have every color under the sun on one model like the noise Marine um or you could just have like a pette that's very subtle and keeps to certain theme but one of the things that tends to be a common underrunning texture is things like leather Rich Fabrics lots of bare flesh obviously um and then other things like purples purple tends to be quite a common color with sles not sure why uh but I like it purples and Golds look beautiful together emperess children very very nice and I think that that's why I've been a big fan of Slash because of the colors and some of the choices of models that they make as well because they're pretty cool but you know it's my Kink it's what I like I know what I like and I like sles now quick disclaimer there may be a slight I'm going to put a slight nudity warning out here because there's going to be some butt cheek and there's going to be the odd nipple uh whether that's stuff I'm painting or the odd picture I put up so uh yeah it's it's not a lot it's not like really inappropriate it's just just a little bit of side side book little bit of nipple just the models I can't help it they made them so so yes be wary if those kind of things do freak you out don't know why they would cuz we all have them it's just normal everyone's got them so first up is going to be the meres painbringer there is a two foot in the kit so the other build is a simes saite if I said that right I'll put it up if I'm not um so you get the two two variants in there the other variant which is the saberites they have more like exposed heads weird looking faces and different weapon options but pretty much it's the same bodybuild um now the one of the things I do like about these is the coated in armor which makes it a lot easier to paint figures when they're coated in armor because you can just spray them the armor color and then pick out other details so for this I'm going to be starting off with a gold under coat and then just picking out some details and I think they're quite a quick scheme so if you want to get lots of these guys in your army and you want to get them painted really quickly I think this is going to be a perfect sort of starting point for you so let's crack on with the madesh painbringer so from a gold undercoat we're just going to start base coating some of the cloth and for this we're going to start off using diabolic Plum it's a nice magenta tone and well slash look great with purples pinks and magentas so we just going to work our way around all those cloth details with plumes as well I know they're slightly different textures but actually just using the same color helps balance it across the model next up is just to black out all the black details I mean only black will do whatever you got at hand is just black so thin it down a little bit if you need to I always like to thin it down cuz runs into the cracks a bit more and gives you a nice line ready so when you're doing straps and stuff when you add a second coat doing less work basically so it's work your way around all these straps thing with slashes they'll probably have a lot here and there just just be mindful and sometimes you might have to just double check make sure you not missed anything so from my gold undercoat we're just going to start base coating some of the cloth metal again just going around picking out any areas you want to be silver I mean slash looks really good when it's got silver sections and gold sections so at first that round on the breast plate I was just going to leave that little Circle bit gold actually in hindsight I think I'll just do it on silver paint that like a gem later work your way around and again like finding little details that feel like should break up the shape a bit more but look like this should be silver also don't forget the shield yeah I'm just picking up the main sort of field of The Shield leaving all the filigree and details like a gold and using the gold under coat actually makes it a lot easier to to get these metallics out and you get like a bit of a yellowish Shimmer to it which looks quite nice again if you need to i' apply a second coat I did forget to do the vrace here as well so I'm just going to pick that out now and just do a couple of coats again and just help break up the shape and then it's a matter of cating over with wash now I like to use purple washes even on gold thees it gives him that nice mesy Vibe and here I'm just using purple tone from army painter any purple wash would do but I really like this one it doesn't dry too shiny either like a lot of cadel washes do so it's got a nice matte finish to it not too matte that it ruins the metallics just work your way around so then start to be mindful of obviously pulling so you can always just get your brush soak off any excess especially in those deeper recesses as it's flowed down of course don't forget the shield sometimes it's easy to forget the shield as you can see here I'm just soaking off any of those Poley bits now that that model's all dry I'm just going to do a nice dry brush of silver over those armor sections I could have done this before picking out any of the uh the purple bits so you could spray it gold wash it and then dry brush and then start picking out all your purples but actually I just wanted to do all the purples and wash them at the same time you can see it has got a bit of a Sheen the uh the cloth has on the plume but it's not like super shiny we'll sort that out a bit then I'm going to do now is just tidy up some colors so I'm getting some silver just Tien it with those and here I'm using a little bit of mithil just to add a little bit of like glimmer to the armor and then just go around like picking it of a little bit of a brush as well so if you need to like do a little highlight here and there uh this is like an optional thing you don't have to do this this especially if you're doing a speed point of view but things like rivets and stuff I like to pick out always looks quite nice but yeah you can just keep with the dry brush if you need to then just a little bit more punch to the things that might become gems as well then any vials or jars glasses bottles what you want to call them I'm just going to put those out with white quite decided what the liquid's going to be so probably blue maybe helps contrast against that purple and gold I'm just going to drop in a little bit more shade as well around some areas that feel like they could do especially around rivets and stuff sometimes when you do soak off any of that wash it can remove a bit too much so just go around if you need to a little bit more in those recesses not much just using a small brush here to do that then I'm get some Carmine dragon and then start PL gems now I did make a bit of a bber here because I did pull it a bit too much so I'm just going to wipe off my finger and then just add a little bit I mean you could dry your brush off and soak off that way but start just use my finger and wipe it and again just work around those other gems too in the end I opted for a nice light blue tone for the glass files um just apply that all over and then just where you got some of those nice panels on the actual glass work just drop a little bit more in there gives it a bit of depth decid to do on both not sure what the mysterious liquid is maybe some healing potion maybe something a bit more odd I thought i' try something here this was more of a I'll give it a go see what works and just whilst it's wet mixing another color mixing a bit of red with a bit of blue gives a bit of a purpley sort of magenta tone I thought be an interesting idea quite like the effect gives a bit of a wishy-washy look again you don't have to do that that was just me playing around with color yeah so at this point I'm just going to get a little bit white pick out those edges there quite a chunky highlight there but I can easily work that out a little bit just by moving it to the side a bit looks a little bit like a a glass file then just some streaks to one angle don't get to do some highlights on the one as well then these pain Bringers probably have different accoutrements on their belt so they might not all have vials come them off the top of my head but it looks cool so what I'm going to do now is use that diabolic Plum and just layer or tie up those raised areas I just do like little jaggedy highlights here and there just to give it a sense of like cloth and maybe a little bit Tatty here and there more way around just Tiding up any raised areas will knock away a little bit of that shine from the wash as well as you can see just on those raised areas I'm not going all the way into the cracks just picking out just the peak of the cloth and same for the plume as well and as always you can do little streaks if you want to I'm just blocking out the color here now the next thing I'm going to do is get a lighter color which is warlock magenta the great thing with the fanatic range of paints is it have a nice little gradient sort of guide on the actual label so you know roughly what's like the next lighter color or slightly lighter in the range so I'm just using this cuz it's a little bit lighter again just picking out some of those raised areas doing some little flicks here and there to give a sense of sweeping cloth and I know there's a little bit of a shiny sort of recess wash in there don't worry we're going to fix that Mater on a nice glaze just do some fine little streaks here on those little tassels as well again this is all optional you don't have to do this I just think it looks nice and then although this is like in the pink Spectrum I'm going to use a color called Diva light just to pick out those edges it's quite bright it's almost there is a danger of it being quite Tron esque but don't worry because I'm not that back with a glaze but I did want a nice Punchy sort of highlight here and there for my magentas I often find like a bright pink almost like a a very light pastel tone is really good for that and again just make it slightly thinner than the previous highlight as well so you can see a bit of a gradient of color so what I'm going to do now is make a glaze I'm going to get some of that diabolic Plum I'm just going to thin it down to the consistency of as they say thick milk I often use like contrasts the the thickness of contrast as a nice guide and then what I'm aiming to do here is just neatly layer that over the cloth so that's in the recesses that's on the raised areas I'm not pulling it like a shade I'm just neatly layering it all across those areas that's going to knock back some of that shine as well um it's going to knock back those highlights and then just slightly lighten those darker areas too going to get some gloss add that to me gems real simple I mean you could spend ages doing like little gem effects Louise has got a great video for that I'm not doing that now I'm just going to pick out the back of the shield I'm not going mad here because you won't see most of this I'm just going to flat base coat that with a little bit of gold this Gold's close to the spray but not quite the same and I'm just going to use that to layer up some of the armor panels because it's got a lot of cuz it's got a lot of pearlescent Flex in it actually looks quite nice and it's a little bit thinner so I can just tidy up any areas that may be a bit blotchy or may have pulled a little bit but it looks fine then after that I'm just going to get some matte varnish and apply that to the actual cloth and if there is any like shiny left that's going to get rid of it so the glaz got rid of a fair bit but there still some of those deeper recesses again this is not something you have to stress out about and worry about but it just looks good and just a little bit superp on the shield let's s that shield on and there we are that Shield's on nice and solid so our madesh painbringer is done uh pretty chuffed with the end result of this as well I mean there's a few things you can add to it you can do more with the cloth you could do more with the arm you can put some scratches on it you can add some extra Leathers in there I choose not to really go mad highlighting the the Leathers when I'm doing like massive units or or armors and stuff like that um certainly when you've got so many other details going on there it's it's just it's just an extra detail that is just going to slow you down when you're painting so I always opt to not bother highlighting the leather like you saw in the boots and the belt so our next model is going to be a demonet demonet of sles I love demonet have slash there's been many variants of demonet over the years the current Plastics are cool I like them I did prefer the previous versions by Juan Diaz Juan Diaz a great sculptor uh probably little bit too grown up for our younger audience but they were great um however painting demonet is fun you can pick any kind of colors you really want for these I've seen many tones from like purples all the way to pale tones and in this video I'm going to go with pale tones I did a big army years ago for GW for the studio and it was using white under coat which was quite quick it was using like real ply like tones like Sky Blues and really like Vivid pinks really thin down over white so then they kind of highlight for you I was kind of before contrast came out but you know it it worked it did the job so the contrast with these is going to be real pale almost Alabaster skin Punchy sort of like hair colors like pinks and stuff like that and then I'm going to I'm going to be doing real big shortcut here for my leather work is I'm going to paint it black I'm going to use contrast black for this but I'm going to gloss it um and weirdly because you've got all the other textures going off like the crab light Claws and the alabaster skin and the punk rocker hair it's actually going look quite nice with just a shiny texture you don't have to do that option you could highlight it all up but I just think it's quick and easy and cool and you get loads of demonex paint so let's crack on with demonet from an undercoat of white um because I want a nice bright Alabaster skin tone just going to get a flesh tone this color I'm using so from a gold undercoat we're just going to start base coating some of the cloth R skin it's going to send that down pretty much like a wash really heavily thin it down so I'm looking at like one paint brush of paint and like two three paint brushes of water so it's quite thin and apply that all over what I'm aiming to do here is for that to sink in the recesses and when it dries I get some lighter tones on the raised areas and some of this sort of slightly creamier in the recesses as you can see there so next up is to get some areas blacked out so this is going to be like the leather details like The Basque I like to thin my black down a lot here because what it does is it nicely just goes around the edges because it just flows to those hard edges that are sculpted so there's a little bit of cheating going on so you don't have to be so super neat about it I mean there is a bit of neatness involved but not too much so I just let that do that because it's quite light if making a mistakes I can easily tighty that up and then all I'm going to do after that is just do a second coat or a third coat just in more the central areas and what you get in there is you getting a bit of a buildup of highlight but also those deeper recesses you can quite happily just coat over a couple of times without a danger of it going on the skin and if you need to pick out the eyes I like the idea of black orbs on their eyes sorry about that that was a little bit blurry I'm going to get some bright pink here uh Wicked pink going to get some Wicked kid pink here thin that down a bit like a wash I mean there are washes and contrast and speed paints out there but I like the tone of this so with it being thin down I'm going to apply that over the hair it's going to sink in the recesses slightly tone the raised areas so it gives it a bit of a highlight but obviously that creaminess is going to pop through pick out the lips as well just to start off with might go red later not decided also going to go around the eyes it's kind of a slany kind of thing I like the idea of having like deeper pinkier recesses it could be makeup could be wall paint I'm just going to run in the cracks of the eyes I'm also going to run some around the side of the head the Scout there just for this one cuz it looks like I like to think the hair has been shaved it's still going to make its way through it's that kind of like five o00 Shadow effect but pink then I get this color called Carmine Dragon again which I've used for the gems on the saber Rite and this is going to be for my crab cloths again I'm always starting off with thin colors here the reason for this is I've got a nice light under Co a lot of that brightness is going to punch through and I can just build up a couple coats it seems quite light at the moment that's fine that's more intentional because I want to start a bit of a blend on like the wrists maybe up to the elbows so I can just dab that don't forget to pick out other claws as well little spikes and horns on the back of the feet again with it being light you can then just work it into the Cals a bit it's not quite a Perfect Blend but from a speed pain point of view if you're doing hundreds on them it's quite quick and efficient then a second coat just add a bit more depth I can see some of that pinkness starting to to show through so you got some those highlights almost coming in from the white decid to do the lips as well red then I got that Dorado skin and I basically just going to chip that to get like a bit of a crab claw texture um you don't have to do this I just thought it be quite fun just to give it like a bit of a mled effect on the crab claws again it would be more subtle when I do another coat over then I'm going to get red tone again it's an army painter wash and apply that over the claws themselves and also those areas I've just model with that skin tone as well just to knock it back so it's a bit more SU again you don't have to do that much thing has a nice effect you can work into the Cs a bit as well around the ankles she's got such a weird club for I don't know what's going off with that there any like metallic details I'm mostly going gold here just a couple of coats of gold on things like the little slashy necklaces little rivets sorry again camera seemed to look fine at a distance and now on screen it's a little bit blurry but there are it's better bit clearer so picking up some rivets and gold on the chain mail yeah so I did forget about that little strap on the foot so I'm just going to pick that out of a couple of coats of black just to bring it in line with the rest of the leather now what I'm going to do is get some of that thin black again I'm just going to run that over the bask again just in places it needed a little bit more black but also I did splodge a little bit of gold here and there around the rivets so it kind of hides some of that too being thin it's just going to line around those rivets and do all the hard work for me did forget about those little ringlets in there but don't worry I've got plann for that later on so just going to put those in gold now now I'm going to move on to just tin skin I'm using a color called brain matter here because after using that Dorado skin as a wash over white it's a very similar color match so I'm just going to use that to highlight any things like the feed and stuff but also tight up the skin itself because it looks the same it's the same finish which is great so if it's a bit blotchy or you got a bit of black on the legs or whatever you just think it needs a bit more punch you can just do that I'm just picking at me musculature here you don't have to be too mental about it because I suspect you probably want like 20 40 50 maybe more of these so you don't have to go super mad to around the lips a little bit and of course the scalp as well just make sure it looks not so pink just knock it back I'm just going to use the same color to pick out like the whites of the eyes a little bit I mean you could use a white if you wanted to but bra matter beige is quite light anyway very very very light and then I'm going to do is just get some that pink wash I use for the hair just in places where the highlights are a bit too Stark just to knock them back a bit I'm not bothered about this going over the gold as well also going to use it to just do a little bit of makeup and of course I want to get some slash symbology on there now normally I do say do your markings in the base coat stage but actually because I got that brain matter color if I do make a mistake here I can easily correct with that but most often when you do markings it is it's wise to do in the base coat stage before washing this is just going to be like more war paint or markings it's kind of like a stylized slash symbol there you go using a bit of brain Magee sploded there on the basket a little bit that's fine can fix that in a minute too and then I just decided it needed a little bit more so I'm just going to do a little design on the back as well sometimes I like so from a gold undercoat we're just going to start base coating some of the cloth demonet that you can play around with and this is me just having a bit of a flex because I like to break up the shape a bit more helps balance out that pink from the hair as well the slash marking again if you're Mak any mistakes you can tidy back up with a brain matter beige do a slightly larger Circle in the middle all optional and you can vary this across the unit as well so some places in one place on the next bit somewhere else and I decided actually I quite like the idea of doing a broader sort of piece of makeup almost like a circle going around and then I'm going to get some gloss varnish now this is the easiest way of doing leather like latex and stuff like that paint it black and then just gloss varnish it and that is what I'm doing here from a speed point of view You' got some nice tones from the skin and the hair and the crab claws and you get this different texture from the glossy armor I mean if you want to highlight it that's fine and then I'm just going to wash over a little bit of purple tone over the hair and the claws as well and then to finish off I'm just going to use a little bit of purple tone just to pick over the claws and the hair and our demonet is pretty much ready to play games with so there we are our demonet is done I'm pretty chuff with the end result I like the addition of doing the gloss varnish on the actual latex bodysuit because it does add a different texture and is visually pleas season it's not going to be for everyone but I like it and it stands out on the battlefield so our last paint guide is going to be a bliss Barb Archer now I love the look of the Bliss bar arches I love all the details and the textures on them they're fun to paint well are they fun to paint PG well they are but there's just so much on them so I'm going to try and have some efficiencies for this particular model to try and speed it long because they are your rank canile in your battle line at the end of the day and you probably want more than 10 um after you've painted 10 you probably won't want to paint number 10 in your life but if we can find some ways to speed that up that's what I'm here for so let's get this Bliss bar Archer and let's try and get it painted in a quick efficient manner so you can get loads done and have loads of bliss bar archers shooting loads of arrows like stormcast kill those stormcast get some arrows stuck in their faces they deserve it ultr means deserve it too but you know Bliss Bob Arch is at age of Sigma it's a shame really right Bliss Bob arer let's do it I've said that twice let's do it again I said that three times Bliss Bob arer now again for a white undercoat I'm just going to get some uh flesh wash you can use whatever you want any kind of flesh tone I I I like a particular flesh tone uh which is gulem and flesh so I will use that all over thin down apply that around again be mindful of it pulling in places and of course I'm going to apply my thin down black all over as well and with that flesh tone underneath it will give it a bit of a fleshy sort of brownie filter in some places like obviously the bow or whatever or the quiver you might want to do a couple of coats same with the bask and again I do this on all the armor panels as well because it just makes it easy when you're applying gold and silver later on to be honest blacking out is probably the most arest part of painting these models um because well they've got lots of details on them I'll do more coats over things like the leather um not going to go too out with the golds and stuff and metallics but yeah sit like bask and quiver the Lea on the quiver I'll do a couple of Coates of that but as you notice I'm not going all the way to the edge cuz I'll get a highlight then then I'm going to get that magenta color for the robes very similar to what we did with the painbringer and then just pick out all the areas I want cloth and plume just to tie in nicely with the uh the first model we painted and it's thin down do a couple of coats you don't want it too thick I'm use the same color I Ed for the demonet hair again thin down like a with the demonet as well so you get some of those highlights popping through this is like minimal effort maximum effect especially from a speed painting point of view certainly with bliss Bob archers you doing lots and then just work around picking out any gold details you need to pick out again like most things I I prefer to do a couple of coats of it and then just build it up so it might seem quite wishy-washy at first but actually after a second third coat You' be fine and because I blacked out I don't have to go all the way to the edges which is great again don't forget things like the weapons the quiver picking out those well the bits that kind of like frame it and I love doing this just get a little dollop of gold or whatever metallic and just dab on those rivets so satisfying to be honest there's a lot of gold flesh and black on this model so once you got those pretty much picked out that's pretty much most of the model done really far a few little small details and keeping to the metallics just going to get the sword picked out it's capes sorry not sword and of course like my mermaid Das painbringer do the same kind of vein of silver bits and the gold panels on the shoulder pads as well and then if I need to I'm just going to go back over with some black because it just needs a bit darken down I've got some gold on there by accident so just a couple of coats of black here and there and again it's just add a bit more punch but when you're sitting down doing a unit of like 10 of these at night it will go a lot quicker pick out the eyes I'm not going to go mad picking out the whes the eyes I'm just literally just going to drop some black in there black BD eyes looks great on sles as well I'm just going to get a nice Jade color for those fletchings of the arrows like peacock feathers they're weird and then I'm get that purple tone and go all over the model again I know it might have some shininess to it in places not fussed about that um I did give it a better shape this time so might be a bit matter and like all the previous models I'll just be mindful for not to wash too much now once I've done my wash I've noticed this a couple of times that it's moved some of the color away still on the edges there a little bit of the purple's gone away I don't know if that's cuz it's not cured properly this is mutually exclusive Ive 21 range of paints um I just notic that sometimes if I don't leave it long enough to cure and you put a wash all over seems to rub it a bit off so just go around tidy back up if you need to that's what I'm doing here just going around with all the colors I need like Golds magentas just Tiding them back up that's mostly to add a bit of punch to the color but also that weird sort of effect where the wash got rubbed off kind of acts as a highlight as well so if you're not bothered about that you got yourself a nice cheeky highlight for free you can see it very prominent on the black there I me after doing the Tiding up you could literally leave your model at that and you've got especially if You' got 4 and you doing Rank and file you don't have to sit there forever painting all the details and after you tied up all the colors like the gold the cloth the hair you can just leave it that get on the tabletop what I'm going to do now is add some highlights here and there so I'm using that slightly lighter magenta just to pick out some of the raised areas on the Weir Veil I just did a little bit more I mean it's so annoying that these are rankon F they are so detailed and I am cutting lots of corners on these cuz you know you want 50 40 30 of these on the tabletop painting tens of chore so that's why I'm cutting loads of Corners again just going for some slightly lighter highlights on the cloth and I guess the key here is just picking out a few elements just to get mad on so like the cloth here I probably TI up the skin as well cloth comes first and also use that same color for the hair as well I've used that final sort of passle highlight I use on the cloth use that for the hair and if you need to I forgot to do this earlier just go back over a little bit of black over that bask I forgot to do it and then I'm just going to glaze the cloth and then tidy up the skin so this is the other element so the skin and the cloth really for me are the the standout so that's where most my effort is going to go so tight up the skin a little bit again I'm not going to go mad I've tied up the cloth I've highlighted the cloth I'm doing it now on the skin using that brain matter beige picking out some muscles Knuckles extremities course the face it's enti up to you how magic go again if you think it's gone a bit too light it's a bit too pale you can always get that skin wash just apply another thing Co over just to knock it back a tad which is what I'm doing here that was more optional than actually necessary and now I'm just going to do it over the boots a little bit just to add a little bit more brownness to the veneer of those socks I dropped a little bit on the gold as well but you don't have to do that if you don't want to just pick out the gems using that nice vibrant Carmine color and again as always after I've done another wash sometimes I just pick out some bits on the face just to add a bit more punch to it like Knuckles and this is usually extremities helps build up a a sense of depth as well so you don't have to go Bonkers with it but this guy looks like a leader deserves it I know he's not a leader he's just a bliss bar arer but looks like he deserves it a little bit more punch the silver as well so that's just going to get a little highlight Mythril not too much any pick out the shafts of the arrows as well and then just you know bit of spot color just use a bit of pink just to pick out whatever pattern is going off on those fletchings and I kept forget about his face so I have picked out the hair I did this skin just coating it in just a dark wash it looks like it's rotten and then sometimes sash look great when they got like scars on them and scratches and stuff maybe it's self flagellation maybe it's like you know from fighting some deeper Cuts some more subtle Cuts drop some of that around the eyes as well just a nice ready wash looks really good makes him look quite evil just dropping a little bit red around the eyes and gloss the gems as well always get some gloss on those gems uh us a little bit silver to Tyler perier as I wanted a little bit more brighter felt that that bow needed a bit more metallic on it so the arch is done I'm pretty chuffed again with the end result of that again it is a tricky model so there are a lot of details to pick out but using that contrast to blackout lots of those sections did speed it up it's honestly it's it's not the best paint job as a single model when you look at it but you got to remember the aim for this is like 20 30 40 figures in a couple of evenings so it's perfect for that it's the right sort of level when you're trying to batch paint huge collections it's not going to win me any awards uh which is fine because I'm not going to put it in any painting competition and I put it in a unit of like 50 Bliss Bob archers actually I'm probably going to use it for war cry but I've waffled on and off let's talk about some basing let's get these guys based up because you've seen them on the 36ers so far and I love Basin models and I quite like the light deserty tones on slashed Stu so let's go over and do some basing so I'm going to get some sandy desert just apply a couple of dollops on the base to start off with got a bit of a large batter brush there but might move it to a slightly smaller one but I always like to add a little bit of water when I'm applying this because then that runs into the cracks and then I'm just going to get a nice wash this is like a rusty color I really like it actually um that's kind of like Savannah deserty kind of vibe I'm just going to apply that all over and I'm just going to dry brush up we using the skin color here that I used on the demonet I I felt like a slightly lighter bone would just be a bit too bright and that skin color seemed perfect so get that Rusty wash again and just be a bit more control dropping little bits here and there just add a little bit more depth to the base and then I'm just going to rim couple of coats of your favorite Rim color on the actual rib and then next up is some grass tffs I really love these gamer grass tffs especially the really small ones the tiny ones and this beige tone works really well with that kind of Sandy sort of Savannah look I'm going for uh so yeah I fall in love with these grass TOS perfect so there we are I've painted three slash figures all with different sort of like levels of efficiencies the painbringer being probably the easiest because I'm using metallic spray to do all the leg work the demon being a little bit more convoluted because I'm using a white undercoat thinning down some like flesh tones to basically be my skin wash but then you got to be neat and pick out all the Leathers but you have fun with the crab light claws you can have fun with the hair so that was good so Bliss bar arches they are fun models I do like the look of them but I just think that's too much for a rank and file figure um it's all those straps uh there's just a lot going off and they they're perfect for elite and if you're having a handful of them but for Rank and far when you need like anything from 10 plus to 20 40 50 whatever they're not easy to paint but finding those efficiences like I've done with like treating it as a sock or like a like a ankle calf tight with like straps over the top of it that works I learned this from doing my Cipher Lords um I did some Cipher Lords which had a slash look because most of my walk cry warbands I was getting for a sles Vibe and just using those contrast speed paints to do the skin to do the leather work what just made it so much easier and so speedier granted this Bliss bar Archer you know in hindsight is probably not the best paint job as a single miniature it's not intended to be a single miniature if there was you know I've had more time in my schedule I would probably had more shots of like the unit being painted up but I this is I'm kind of treating this as almost like a test model for my Bliss bar archers as I do more down the line and never for war cry so I know it's going to work if I'm doing like 10 or 15 of them or more so that's something to bear in mind when you are doing these things as individuals on their own and you're doing like the Army painting kind of side of stuff they don't look especially awesome when you're based up adds an extra level of Awesomeness to them but you are doing it for a unit not as a single Minature and that's something to always get your head around and I you know I had a few crisises during this video I'm like oh it's a bit rubbish oh this could be a bit better then it's like no peachy you're doing this as if you're painting it of a unit of 40 remember that you're not doing this as an individual figure you're not entering this into golden demon or a painting competition you're doing this to help people get these things on the tabletop so even then I still get hit by that morale side things I'm like oh it could be better because you're putting yourself out to the world you guys you're watching it and you think that's a bit awful that's that looks like it's painted by a dog and maybe it was maybe it was painted by a dog maybe I didn't do it at all besides I'm waffling on there well as always thank you for watching this video I hope you've enjoyed it hope you found something useful again this is a guide to getting stuff done fast on the tabletop so do bear that in mind if you got some thoughts about what you'd like to see drop that in the comments as well if you got your own Speedways of Doom sles and Bliss Barb archers please throw that into the comments because I'm sure there's many people watching this now that like quite like what you done there peach but I want to know about how to do it for this color or this color or this color so do throw some suggestions into the comments a big thank you as always to these beautiful people as well as the rest of the patrons you're all awesome I mean obviously these on a different tier so they get their names is there but every single Patron that supports me I'm indebted to you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart because you guys allow me to paint my Kinks and do cool stuff on on TV it's great um but yes I love you you could to be a patreon as well I have my patreon link in the description so do consider it it's anywhere from three quid where you just get the videos a little bit earlier sometimes longer um depend on how efficient I am with my editing and you just get to you know join on an amazing Discord Community as well and there's lots of Tears lots of different levels all the way up to me giving you one toone tuition for two hours where you can ask me anything and I'll teach you anything the only thing I can't really do is non metallic metals particularly well because there far better people out there that can do it and a brishan that's the only thing I'm a bit I'm a bit weak cat but yes thank you as always love you very much and in the words of Slash we love nepples bye now the god of slach is my favorite deity of the chaos Gods to pick but what is slen if you don't know and you to this oh I'm getting bright light coming in Oh my days that's Sigma getting angry right now he's like stop talking about slanesh he's perf sorry Sigma just go away for a bit oh why did you have to be so bright right now you were you were like like literally for like the last hour you weren't even there and then I have to just go with it on maybe I have to redo my intro maybe I have to redo that as well I'll redo my intro oh no it's getting darker is it getting darker so the first model I'm going to begin with is the madesh painbringer are you getting darker now oh this bluming curtain just stay light or stay dark just just pick one just pick one I don't care which one you pick Sigma either stay and watch or go away sit over my shoulder like jumping in and out like a I don't know overactive child right mermad Das painbringer
Channel: Peachy Tips
Views: 16,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Painting Warhammer, Speed Painting, Army Painter, games workshop, painting miniatures, painting warhammer miniatures, miniature painting for beginners, miniature painting techniques, speed painting warhammer, Peachy, miniature painting, warhammer, warhammer community, painting warhammer 40k, how to guide, blissbarb archers, daemonettes, daemonettes of slaanesh painting guide, myrmidesh painbringers
Id: o4upWAzQ7Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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