Reviewing the new Flourescent Glow Effects Paints from the Army Painter Fanatic range

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hello and welcome to dys and demons I'm Emma and today I'm going to do a review of the new fluorescent effect paint from the Army painter so it probably comes as no surprise to uh most of you that the Army painter has just released a new range of paints and they're calling calling them the Fanatics paints and five of those paints are effect paints that are also fluorescent and so I went into a hobby story yesterday and asked them what kind of fluorescent paints do you have because um I mean I do love my fluorescent paints and I'm always on the lookout for something new I usually use the ones from huge Miniatures here on this channel but huge Miniatures paints are really difficult to get a hold of here in Europe so if I could find someone a little bit closer to home that would be amazing so they directed me to these uh paints from the Army painter and I thought you know what why not give it a go so uh yeah I kind of I bought all five of them um because I mean they're fluorescent paints right so uh what I was hoping was that H they were going to work more or less like the ones I have from huge Miniatures because uh as I said they do work really well H it's just really difficult to get them here where I live so um right off the bat that is not what these pains are made for so um if I sound just a little bit um negative just please bear in mind that um yes I was slightly disappointed with these paints and that might not be entirely Fair because because I'm not sure that what I was hoping they were going to do is at all close to what the Army painter actually wants these paints to do so just bear that in mind while we take a look at how these paints work and what you can actually do with them and here you can see the five different paints these are a fluorescent yellow pink orange blue and green and they all have a written on the side fluorescent um and then the color except for the blue which has nothing written on the side but I think it must be printing error because it is fluorescent just like the rest of them so I give all of the new uh paints a good shake and then I put some of it on my wet palette and right away I can tell that these paints are nothing like the other um fluorescent paints I already have because they're much much thinner um they come out in a very watery consistency and H they don't they don't really have what you might call a body and uh the reason why I'm doing more than just one squeeze is to make make sure that it's not just because I have too much painting medium at the top of the bottle so that's why you'll see me like do three small dots of paint and to make sure that I'm actually getting the pigment uh out with the paint and not just not just painting medium but it is the same uh consistency h no matter what I do so it's it is just quite watery and um it much much closer to a wash than to an ordinary um an ordinary acrylic paint I haven't tried the rest of the fanatic range and I guess they are probably quite different I think uh they have much more body and much more uh dense pigmentation would be my guess but as I said I haven't tried them so I'm only in this video going to speak about these five effect paints so quite a long time ago I did a review of the fluorescent paints from huge Miniatures and I started out by using them on a completely black surface and I thought uh it's a little bit unfair to fluorescent paints because usually they are well they don't cover that well H but I thought to be fair I should probably give the um give give the florescent paints from uh from the Army painter the exact same test so that's what I did and uh it's a quite a thick layer I'm using here um just again to be as Fair as I possibly can and while it looks kind of okay now uh when there is still wet and a thick layer as soon as they dried um they were I mean you could tell that there was some kind of color pigment on top of the black base but it faded rapidly and it was just yeah there wasn't anything glowing or um fluorescent looking about it at all and next to them here I'm painting the with the paints from huge Miniatures just to give you H something to compare them to and as you can probably already tell the ones from huge Miniatures they are much more opaque and so they will cover much better again fluorescent paints usually work better on lighter surfaces and so painting a with a fluorescent paint directly on top of black is not doing the fluorescent paints H in his Services H but it is just to test them out and see um you know how well they will actually cover and be just try not to be too kind for right from the from the get-go then to give them a better chance I also painted with the uh Fanatics effect paints on top of white just a I use them more or less just like I would use a um a speed paint or a contrast paint so a pretty thick layer to give them a chance to uh show how well they would cover on the best possible surface which is a white surface and um I mean they they go on nice and smoothly there's nothing nothing wrong with painting with them um but I it feels like they are to me it feels like they don't have a lot of pigment in them um you can especially tell here with the orange it's very very watery and I haven't thinned it down at all um I'm using them straight from the pot and I use a pretty thick layer again to make sure that I try to be as Fair as I can also to give it a chance to show what it it will look like if it gets the chance to pull a little bit and so gets a thicker layer and you can also tell with both the green and the blue um it's very very thin um so then I thought why not try it through an airbrush um and just a quick caveat here I am really bad at airbrushing um so it's not just the fault of these paints if you think that doesn't look great it's probably me so if you're thinking something is go is you know not right with the airbrushing thing it's me so I tried I put on a um a darker under coat of um blue green yellow H orange and pink and then I tried spraying with the fluorescent paint on top of that to see if you could get a sort of nice um highlighting effect from from the paint and it gave it a kind I mean you could see that something was happening but not that much then I tried on the other side of whatever spare model I was testing this out on and I would say if you use these paints directly on top of White H through an airbrush they look really really nice and they flow through the airbrush really easily and again I suck at airbrushing and I can even with the best paints I usually clock up the airbrush you know 10 times in two minutes or something I'm really bad at it and I don't much like airbrushing probably for the same reason but these paints went through the airbrush like a dream um there is no faulting them for for that um so if you really enjoy doing stuff like this with an airbrush I think you might actually really really love these paints because there is no need to thin them down or anything you can just straighten the airbrush and they'll work but as you can tell if you try to use them as a highlight on a darker um paint uh paint color it's they don't really do much you can tell it has a slight tint of something different but they don't really do much compared to um if you spray them directly on top of white as I tried showing here with you know turning the models around um a little bit is happening but um I don't it it's definitely not giving up G giving off anything I would describe as a glowing effect then I tried just putting a bit of white through the airbrush and then um uh so that I could see how it would look if you had like the darker color and then a bit of white and then used the fluorescent paints on top of that how that would look because I think a lot of people might uh be looking to to use this um like this instead of just on top directly of like uh with the orange on top of for instance a um a red color and I think this also worked really really well so um if these are the kinds of effects you're going for through an airbrush where you first like let's say paint a darker color then use a uh a white or lighter color and then the effect paint I think you could get some results that you're going to be really really happy with and I tried that with the all the paints and uh it worked really well um again super super easy uh paints to use through an airbrush even though um that is uh definitely something I'm not very skilled at the only color where I don't think it works that well is the blue color the plasma coil glow and I don't think that has much to do with this specific paint from the Army painter it's just it it doesn't look very well fluorescent or like it doesn't really pop like the other neon colors do but I think that's the nature of blue because that is the same also for instance with the blue colors I have from huge Miniatures and also others I've tried fluorescent blue just tends to look a little bit more like a pale pastel blue than a fluorescent color that is just you know bam H really bright so it has nothing to do with this particular color that's just the nature I think of fluorescent blue then I tried just for a good measure to see if these colors would at all work for the highlighting cross-hatching technique I usually do with the other fluorescent paints I use from huge Miniatures and um I mean there is paint actually on the pink right now and um yeah you can't really tell H then I tried with the orange and um yes well it'll show up as long as it's um it's still damp from the paint it'll show up under under the light but the colors don't show at all then I thought I was being too unfair so I should probably test it out you know what as an effect paint and so I painted a sort silver and uh then just painted the tip white and used a bit of the uh of the pink paint to see if it would give the like magic sword effect um that it says on the website that these paints are meant for and um yeah I it's quite decent I think it works well H and then tried it on just on top of the darker silver here to see if that would work and as expected it um honestly it looks a little bit more like it's a I don't know blood effect or something it's it gets quite dark H and it it doesn't give a it doesn't look glowing at all I honestly wasn't very uh surprised by this so I had another plan in mind and I grabbed my My Brightest silver color and I repainted the tip using that um because I thought with these paints being so transparent uh they would probably work well for giving a bright metal a bit of a tint and uh yeah I think it works really well for that as well so um using that as very much as an effect paint on a small piece of a miniature like the tip of a sword I mean I I think that is exactly what it was made for and it works really well um for that so yeah um yeah nice glowing tips uh but you do need to be prepared to use lighter colors where you want the glow effects because they will not show up on anything else than the brightest colors I think and last but certainly not least I wanted to see what these colors look like under a UV light and uh the ones on the left the broader strips of color are from the armor painter and the narrower strips uh to their right are the ones from huge Miniatures and I think you'll agree that both of them look really nice under UV light the ones from the uh huge miniature trins are a little bit brighter uh but not by much I I think if you want to bring your models to a ra party both of these uh color lines will definitely do the trick for you so as I said in the beginning I was slightly biased towards these paints because I had hoped they would do something other than what they did and to make sure that I'm being entirely fair I just just want to show you what it says about these paints on the Army painter web page so it says here the wall paints fanatic effects radiation glow it's just a name of one of the paints but the description is the same is a one code for resin paint that makes it easy to create glowing lenses power weapons and magical spells and under product information it goes on to say the wall paints fanatic effect paints make adding effects to a Miniatures easy and fun taking your project to the next level special specialist tools for a theme and narrative War paints fanatic effects range from high gloss to ult mat texture to radiating wall paint fanatic effects also work great when weathering or basing your Miniatures use the war paints fanatic effect range to add gory elements realistic rust or a simple glow to a lens power weapon or magical Conjuring and under the how to use section it says War paints fanatic is a high quality acrylic paint for models and Miniatures the paint features an insanely dense pigment formulation set in a premium resin base with proprietary stabilizers to ensure smooth effortless applic a the war paints fanatic paints can be thinned to extreme levels while retaining pigment dispersion so from that description I think it's just a little bit unclear what you're actually supposed to be expecting as a customer uh on the one hand it does say that these are effect paints uh but on the other hand under um both the the overall description where it says it's a one code paint and also on uses where it's just described like any other fanatic paint and to me at least it looks a little bit more like you are uh supposed to use them like any other type of opaque paint and not a wash um but who knows again as I said I might be a little bit biased because I had hoped that they were something different so um yeah I think uh overall these paints are excellent if you want want to use them on top of a light surface so if you want to create uh a magical sword effect just on the tip of a sword or if you want to use them uh through an airbrush they're excellent for that if you were hoping that you could find a uh a a a fluorescent paint that you could actually use for um H either for making uh Edge highlights such as the ones I often use uh in my videos or if you wanted something that you would be able to glaze up from a darker color and then you could glaze it up to a lighter color and these paints are not for you but if you are in the market for fluorescent wash es that are really really easy to use through an airbrush or you just want something that is easy and pretty pretty transparent so that H it'll just cover up the exact white dot you have on a lens or something and not really mess up the rest of the paint job if it gets uh if you have a little bit of spill over paint then these are uh just you know they're going to be excellent for that so I think um if you want to buy these paints you need to uh really know what H what you expect of them and what you want them to do because the paints H the colors in and enough themselves there's nothing wrong with them they are nice bright fluorescent paints H exactly what you would expect the pink uh the pink the uh yellow the orange and the green are all really nice colors and as I said with the blue it's just the nature of fluorescent blue paints I think so um I really hope you like this video and if you have any thoughts about these paints I would love to hear them as well so if you have if you have tried out or if you are going to try them out and if you have any ideas for um different ways of using them that I didn't cover in this video I would also like to know because I would like to make more reviews and I would of course uh always want them to be as uh relevant and interesting as I can possibly make them also if you have a paint range of particularly fluorescent paints H that you would like me to try out H let me know and I'll see what I can do and of course as always before you leave I would like to take the opportunity to thank the wonderful people who support D and demons over on patreon so thank you so much to Thomas Masson Gwen L Jordan Holland Queens wolf Double J terrain MOA MOA Steve e Nasim MAA Andrew Korea Anthony P Castro bossworth the Rogue Mando project staron 85 es bear econogas Elliot filby cyber fossil cinnamon coffee 87 terer Joshua and Ana pavelic Charlie Robertson and VT knight7 if you would like to join them in supporting dys demons I will leave a link link to my patreon in the show notes if you want to stay up to date on my painting projects you can do so over on X formally known as Twitter and on Instagram where you'll find me as Tyson demons so as always I hope you like this video guys and if you have any questions please leave them in the comment section and also if you have suggestions for future videos thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: Dice'n demons
Views: 4,209
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Id: BYBBiMhLrn4
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Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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