Painting EASY armour QUICKLY. Using REAL life sources.

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hello and welcome to this video I'm in armor and I'm going to be talking about painting armor well men in armor men at Arms actually anything in armor and I'm going to show you how to paint them fast but look cool I'm peachy and this is Peachy tips so you're probably asking yourself peachy why are you dressed like a knight well uh fun cuz I can I've got the armor plenty of people ask me you you need to do a video dressed as as a as a night uh it's not technically a night it's a I would say manat arms but it's like a really poor version of manats cuz I don't have all the armor disclaimer try getting it all on it's a nightmare this is why they have Squires to get them dressed I everyone's at work or at school so no one could help me and it was really awkward so I'm going to do a couple of models in this video all of them are fantasy or medieval related but you could use them for 40K as well for feudal worlds or like noble bodyguards or even a cool Regiment of Imperial Guard so it doesn't really matter but what I'm going to do is use this scheme that I've got and basically translate that on to a w the Roses figure which is straightforward I'm going to use a frost grave figure because I don't really know much about Frost grave and the models look cool and they had like some Knights or soldiers so I thought yeah I'll use one of those and I'm going to do on a Sit as of Sigma guy as well cuz why not that they're Mega um so yes that's the plan now one of the key things about painting things in armor with lots of cloth and other sorts of textures and materials going off is I think it's key picking the correct undercoat so the first guide which is going to be a w the Roses figure I've got two models the first one is just going to be one that looks like me dressed as a commoner stroke manat arms and that's going to be starting from a beige under coat so I'm using xandre dust here so I'm going to start off with a light undercoat and then build up those colors and then for the actual foot night I'm going to just spray him silver because it makes a lot more sense because he's actually got less non-metallic elements on him so like about maybe a bit of leather work or something like that so not a lot really so yeah two little guys to start off with for the war the Roses and then I'll move on to a frost grave miniature in the same kind of color scheme maybe not exactly the same style but you know you get the idea and then of course I'll do a S of Sigma they're all using the same colors um it's more just like seeing how they work from different textures I am going to have a crack wearing this I'm going to stop building the figure I've got them there I'll stop building them and I imagine I'll be 3 seconds in and I'll be taking the gauntlets off and and the gloves because it's a terrible idea but I'll keep it on for when we're talking I might take that off though yeah right let's paint some War the Roses not even that let's just paint some Knights and some soldiers medieval warriors with swords and shields let's do that so yeah just going to try and open this box of foot Knights as you can see it's really easy um yeah and then it's a matter of just like grabbing a sprew really easy straightforward act and then picking up any tools that you need to build a model um yeah that didn't work out so well you know what I'm not going to bother so I've used a Sandy spray as my under coat and the first I'm going to do is get some pale sand and I use this as a dry brush all over there's a couple of reasons for this I can be heavy where I want the sleeves to be a bit lighter but also acts as like a pre-light so if I do thin down any colors or I change a mind along the process I've got some natural highlights in so if I thin down the blue a lot some of those highlights will pop through next is get some Satchel Brown this is going to act as my leather color so it's a nice it's a very nice leathery tone it's called Satchel Brown I'm just going to thin that down a little bit just a paint brush of satchel Brown and a paint brush of water and I'm just going to apply that over all the bits I want leather again if I want to I can always do a second coat if I want it to be a bit darker but initially I'm just going to do the one coat all over first and then see how I feel and there's some little bits that as you paint you might tweak or change or get rid of so next up is to pick out all the silver details so basically all the armor bits and weapons and for this I'm using gun metal and just what way around in places I might need to do a second coat even with that light under coat sometimes you just need to do a second coat just cuz it looks a bit better don't have to worry about being super neat at this point because you can always tidy up in a bit if you do get any splodges get those quases picked out depends on the model you might have different areas with different bits of armor then is to pick out any white detail so on the Livery or tabard I'm just going to pick out that using some Brigade gray so it's an offwhite so I've now got somewhere to go if I want to highlight again it's a bit messy as you can see uh I'll tidy up any bits of sploded later on just not stressed about it and I get some Imperial Navy that's going to be for all the blue tones really nice color this as you see I'm leaving the sleeves a beige color as well because well it just looks like my outfit a little bit we're roll in the base coat stage so any tighten up can be easily fixed and then it's just picking out the skin and for that I'm using paratrooper tan then go around into tidying up just little bits here where I may have sploded some blue on silver or got a bit of blue on brown or whatever so then it's just a matter of just work your way around just tighten up those little areas that you may have sploded on and then I almost forgot I need to paint my trousers or hose black just like my own kit so got some black Legion thinning that down do a couple of Coates if I need to we'll be doing a wash in a minute that's the great thing as we do the wash it hides a multitude of sins speaking of the wash we've got Black Knight and I'm cutting this all over it dries quite matte which which is fine because I can punch out those metallics later on anyway when we do some touching up but it's such a good color and settles in and gives a nice blend it's just such a cheat and if you need to just go around and soak up any excess if it begins to pull then we're into the Tidy Up stage so what we're going to do now is just work way around all those colors with base coated and then just add a little bit more punch to them if they look a bit wishy-washy from the shade that will happen so going around doing the white bits the blue bits anything that you feel just needs a little bit more punch here and there really helps like key areas is like the tabard the sleeves really stand out on its own as well for the sleeves themselves I end up using some tomb King tan mostly just to layer over because actually that xandre dust was a little bit too dark so I wanted to line up a little bit so I just lay it all over that just leaving some bits in the cracks again I could have done that before I washed it but don't matter now I'm just going to get some leather brown and just add a little bit of extra lightness to those leather straps not going mad just picking out areas there the light will catch or it just needs a little bit of love don't tend to go too mad with the shoes just pick out like the toes probably some bits here and there and just add a bit more glitter and shine to my metallics I'm just going to go back over with gun metal and just stab it on some of the raised areas just where the light will catch really quick and easy way of doing it and then tie up the face and then you can leave it that and it's tabletop and you can just play games with it however I'm going to move on to doing some highlights so here just to give it actually a little bit of love I'm going to get some matte white and just paint that over the white bits get some royal blue Highlight up or the blue bits again just where the lights touching not going mad picking at every Edge cuz you probably want to do like 30 or 40 of these guys maybe more and then I get some shining silver and then just do the same now when I highlight the silvers I don't always do like Edge highlights on silvers I tend to just like splodge where the the light's going to go same with the tie up stage and it's the same here as well so things like on the bowl of the helmet I'll just like layer that but other bits like rivets and stuff I might just pick out of a little Edge highlight here and there for the most part the light catch es it really nicely and if you need to highlight the face not that this guy's got much showing next up is to make my bow foot marking and for this I'm going to use some Inner Light so I'm just going to give myself a little grid I've thin down the paint a little bit as well you could do this in the base coat stage but you know you might not want to because you might not want to do it at all Theo transfers is small so I just making myself a little Port colus grid and I just need to do some chains at the side this is quite rudimentary as well so I'll probably do this on everything I I paint That's supposed to be chains just little dots and there we are our foot soldier or manats is now done now I wanted this model to look like my actual kit from real life I'm going to show you some images just so you get a bit of an idea of what I was trying to achieve with this figure so the first I'm going to need is some trousers or hose a shirt nice Lear shirt a waste coat if you want to obviously some shoes some Footwear some Smalls key then there's the Livery look at that beautiful symbol and of course I need things like my purse a feasting knife for well feasting then some gloves because it gets cold and also you know protect your hands then there's the gamersin which is the initial bit of armor that I'm going to use um and you can see all those leather straps there for strapping on other bits of armor if you need to then there's a Helmet Key keep your brain intact then of course a breast plate to make sure your rib cage and your heart's safe then of course I need some Greaves and quases to protect my legs one for the left one for the right and of course gauntlets pretect those hands cuz the gloves ain't going to do it bever from your neck got a spear in your neck once No Lie then there's the sword and of course my Booker although my buddies in the bit company often refer to it as a shield uh I disagree to speed things up for our foot night we're starting from a silver spray fairly similar to what we've done with the manat arms we're going to start picking out those base coats I'm going to use some Brigade gray for my Livery so I'm going to pick out the Livery first here we your way around both the White and the blue so again useing Imperial Navy for the blue Brigade gray for the white you can always tidy up as well if you get those lines a little bit skew WID I often do that except there look at that that that was fast and smooth nice one peach and you might want to do a couple of coats as well then it's picking out all the lever details for this I'm using the apply named leather brown again there's going to be some sploding here not so bothered because I can titer those back up before I start washing like here just a little bit and I almost forgot it's got a little tilting plate there as well so I'm going to put that out and then it's getting that black knight and applying it all over again like I said with the previous one it's going to mat things down a little bit but that's fine I'm okay with that it's going to go all over and then all I need to do is just drve a brush and then just remove any excess especially around the tabard or Livery just in case it looks a little bit too blotchy then it's a matter of tighten up those colors like we did with the manot arms so just work your way around reapplying some of those base coats again you don't have to go in all the cracks on some of the levers I decided to thin down some black Legion just to add a little bit dark this to it cuz it just did seem a little bit too light that leather did and again if I need to just emphasize some edges and then you can leave the model at that and play games of it but I'm just going to have some highlights like I like to if you want to go that one step further uh here I'm using some white for the white parts of the tabard some royal blue for any blue areas again just picking out the rais bits where the light's going to catch mostly as well where you'll probably see it on the tabletop then get some shining silver and then just pick out some of those raised areas I'm not going too mad I said earlier I don't pick out all the edges here kind of feels like it needs it cuz there's lots of armor segments so I've picked out a couple little edges here and there not many just a few course add a little bit of love to The Sword and the Scabbard and then it's a matter of picking out that sigil again like we did with the manat arms just give ourselves like a horizontal line then do like a little grid again you want some Thin lines here and some thin down paint for this there we are look at that guy look how magnificent he looks look at them together that's what Dave Andrews did to me once when I was in a line he just pushed me went go and fight that big guy cool cheers Dave thanks right so we have done our two War the Roses figures again a lot easier using the right undercoat to get you started finding that xandre dust sped it along for the commoner metal sped it along for the foot Knight so I'm going to move on to a frost grave miniature now I'm all new to these they're a little bit chunkier um I don't mind that um I've never built one before this is actually like this this this model is the first time we ever painted a frost gra figure so I'll see how I get on with that cuz I just don't know what they're like so let's crack on with this Frost grave Soldier to start off with our Frost grave model also has a beige Sandy undercoat and like I did with the manats I'm just going to dry brush pale sand all over again as a preh highlight to any colors I may want to thin down or any speed paints I want to use and as you can see I'm just applying that now going over all the lever areas just put your way around at this point I wasn't entirely sure what was leather and what wasn't cuz well that's a new figure I assumed I I had ideas but I thought I'd just work my way around apply loads of leather on and then decide later then it was picking up the silver areas so breast plate helmet chain mail sword obviously got to make sure you get that sword picked out and again you might want to do a couple of coats of this as well then any white areas again keep them with a theme of my Livery for the W the Roses I'm doing one half white one half blue in the same sort of way um again it's Bas coat stage so don't worry if you make any splodges you can always TI it back up before we start applying some washes going get that blue one we way around it's a really nice blue this big fan of the new fanatic paints work your way around all the tabard again if you need to do a second coat and I thought I'd do a nice little split down the middle as well just just thought it looked cool it's a bit different slightly different design of outfits so just playing it by ear of course pick out any skin details and then I did apply a second coat here and there of satchel Brown just because some of it just needed a little bit more punch and also kind of tied up where I may have got a little bit of white on those straps as well and I also pick some around his helmet where the straps are as well and then I just coat it all in Black Knight classic Peach just get a wash and apply it all over it's a really really nice way of getting a nice blend and highlights and shades on your models with a minimal effort it's my favorite way and well yeah it's just it's just quick and easy and just soak off any access if you need to then it's a matter of just going around tight up those raised areas so the tie up stage my favorite stage sometimes I just leave it at that I don't even bother highlighting which is great for Rank and file so once you've done all the tiny up you can just play games getting based sorted and just in Places work your way around picking out any of the other colors like the blues if you need to as well kind of acts as your first highlight sometimes to get mad though on the jerking I did feel like this need a little bit of highlight so I've just got some of that leather brown and I'm just like blocking out some of those rais sections of that padded armor it's quite nice looking armor little bit shallow in places but I'm not so first just going to pick out the rose bits and then of course tidy up the armor itself just to add a little bit more shine and bling to it just so the light catches it when you're playing on the tabletop and of course hide any mistakes you may have made cuz that does happen when you're painting fast and then if you're happy enough you can play games of it but we're going to move on to some highlighting like we've done the other ones get some white pick out that Livery do the same with the blue as well and just picking out the edges and also layer some of those larger flat surfaces sometimes with cloaks and cloth it can be quite hard to highlight because it's like you're not quite sure which areas to pick and which areas not to pick so I just obviously let my brush sometimes do the talking see how it feels I'm going to get some of that shining silver and pick out the armor as well and like I've done the other ones going too mad picking out Edge highlights on it just just so the light catches it for the blade I started quite neat at the top and I just peered it out a little bit as I get further down the actual Fuller of the blade and just did a little scratches just so it looked a bit battered and used I did feel the leather jerking was a bit too bright with that leather brown not too much I still wanted the highlights there but I got some satle brown really thinned it down and then just applied it over as a wash now for a final highlight on the blue I could have just got a lighter blue but I decided I've got some colors on there already so I just got some lighter blue and some pale sand mix them together the pale sand adds a little bit of warmth to the color and then just use that as my highlight and of course doing those little Jagged highlights that I love and adore cuz it makes a little bit Tatty and B now I'm just going to highlight any Leathers using leather brown again because I've already done a little bit of tight with leather brown and then washed over with some Satchel Brown this is going to give it a little bit more depth as well so a little bit more transition again don't have to go mad just pick out the odd edge here and there if you need to do scratches if you want to but whatever works for you really and then it's on to the marking again pretty much like I did with the other two I'm just going to do that horizontal line and then do myself a little Port colus grid I'm going to use the rivets either side as well as like the starting point for the for those chains that come down as well so once I've got my grid sorted and add a little bit more punch to it I will definitely use those rivets there we are just couple little dollops on the rivets themselves and then a couple little dollops underneath as opposed to trying to sit there doing chain links I just thought I just do little dots it makes more sense and I thought I'm going to add a key line of yellow to the actual blue tabard as well I thought that looked quite nice I know the bits have that on a lot of their Livery so I thought I'd copy it and there we are that is our Frost grave model painted in the colors of the bot company and you know what I like it it works definitely has a bonium Vibe but I like it so I've done the frost grave dude I actually really enjoy painting him uh it's a little bit different to what I'm used to like some panels feel a little bit flatter it's very fantasy for sure uh the style of armor um kind of reminded me a bit of a brettonian manat arms weirdly I don't know why when I was painting him and I was doing the color scheme I was like reminds me of Bain manats but I enjoyed painting him it's very different and I've got a whole War band of him so you know might might do some more but I'm going to move on to a cities of Sigma War now now I've have converted this one because I just like doing that I don't tend to follow the box and I use one of the Cavalier the knigh heads on this guy um and I think I use the shield from the night as well but most of it is just a citiz a sigma free Guild Warrior um so yeah and I painted in the exact same killer scheme that I've done already again starting from a beige undercoat I'm do exactly what I did with the menots and the frost grave miniature and then just drive brush over with that pale sand just pick out those edges for highlighting later on and as you can see as I'm applying this Satchel Brown you can see some of those highlights already punching out so it just saves a lot of time so what I'm going to do now I just move my way around on all the areas I want leather again I've thin this down so it's like one part paint one part water and I can always add a second coat if I need a little bit more Punch or it needs a bit more depth later on and then any silver bits like the armor chain mail sword Etc is just going to be picked out with gun metal Deja Vu is what we're doing here a bit of deja vu but it's nice to see it on a different shaped model and again you will need to do a couple of coats as well cuz that xandre dust will pop out a little bit it's an interesting build as well cuz he's got breast plate and tabard uh and the Tabo kind of goes over the breast plate but then there's cloth underneath the breast plate um but I quite like it pick out those boot rivets as well then it's picking out any white details again with Brigade gray following the exact same way I've done the Livery on the others again you might want to do a couple of coats or give myself a rudimentary line on one side as well on the tabar just especially around those Riv it's a bit tricky but I can do a rough line and then TI up later and then we move on to the blue I expect I'm going to splodge here a lot and that central line where I'm trying to do a neat line will require a little bit Tiding up before I start washing because you got lots of like folds in the cloth and it can just be a little bit tricky and if you feel the need to add a second coat but with a blue it's quite Punchy blue anyway you shouldn't need to then tied up any straps if you need to if it's like spludge or if you just need a little bit more depth to any silver bits then I'm going to move on to picking up some gold this is the only model so far that's had any gold on it so I'm using tainted gold it's a nice sort of like I don't know tarnished gold I quite like it so I'm picking out any areas I want gold decides to actually redo those boot rivets and pick some edges around on his helmet as well just take your time and then once that's all dry apply Black Knight all over again such a good shade I like dark tone as well but there something about the uh the blending effect I find with Black Knight has a nice viscosity to it that gives it a nice natural blend it's also worth pointing out I did paint and spray the shield separately so I sprayed it all Andrew dust and painted one side uh with some metallics very similar to how we basic the rest of the model and I'm just in all over like I've done with the rest once that's done you're pretty much ready to move on to the Tidy Up stage which is what I'm doing here and you can treat this as like your first highlight or just neing up some colors especially if there's like some weird blotchy marks very similar to how we did with the manat arms in the first paint guide I'm just going to get some of that tomb King tan and just make his trousers hoses pants what you want to call them a little bit lighter again not necessary I just wanted to do that now after that it's just T of that metal working our way around add a little bit more punch to the breastplate shoulder pads helmet Etc sword of course you can also dry a little bit off and just flick over the edge of the chain mail pick out the leather as well and this Canon just acts as a highlight you don't have to go mad I don't tend to do much highlighting with leather straps and belts but this guy felt like it needed it just a little bit because it was quite nice maybe I was just getting a bit overboard normally for Rank and F I don't leave as is but if you're happy leave it at that or you can do some highlighting here I've got some White picking out those edges your way around still not quite sure if I want yellow trim on this or not so I'm just going to highlight the edges to start off with and if I Chang my mind I can always turn to Yellow later on get some raw blue and just pick out some highlights on the cloth and work your way around again don't worry if you do splodge like accidentally get some of the metal we can tidy that back up it's paint it's it's fine and any of those rivets on the front I could just TI it back up with some gold especially if I've got some BW on it by accident and then add some more bling to the armor using some shining silver then for the shield I mean I like the blue there but I felt like it needed to be a little bit lighter I also realized I wash my brush probably got some yellow so I just quickly dry that off and reapplied it that does happen if you're rushing like I was so of course we're going to move on to the sigil on the actual Shield itself so start with that top horizontal line then make a little T and then what I'm then going to do is try and do it into like a more of a an m shape I suppose if you like or like like an upside down Trident and then just fill some lines either side it's just a really great way of trying to get a bit more accuracy if you start in the middle work either side then work further in it just helps to space equally that's all that's any reason I really do it just it's not an accurate spacing but it it does help and then I'm just going to pick out the uh little chain details of course if I could find those transfers I would have used it but um I quite like the idea of just freehanding this it's a oneof it's not the best freehand in the world don't really care then I'm going to mix some pale sand with some Inner Light I could find a lighter color but again I've already got those colors ready I'm just going a little bit more punch that logo and I did decide in the end I was going to go with some yellow on the edges even though I highlighted it it was a last minute decision so I'm just going to work my way around now and then just pick out all the bits I want yellow and highlight them if I need to do be mindful if you do get any splodges I was mindful there was a little bit of cream by bum so I tied that up and I got some thin down black Legion and then sometimes when you are doing like highlighting or you base coat model it just needs a little bit more extra punch in The Recess sost sometimes I like to get like a black contrast or shade and just add that in the cracks to help bridge the gap and there we are our citiz Sigma Warrior is now ready to play games with I do like the look at this guy he looks badass well I've done the sit as a sigma dude really chuff of him I mean I'll probably use him as like a cool Warrior for my War bands for war cry weirdly and this is what I really like about this is even though I've used the same color palette for all three well technically four models if include the footnight um it's really interesting how they look slightly different obviously the the sculpting is going to help that because they're they're different sculpted minates with different sort of Aesthetics but they would tie in quite nicely as a little collection of their own even though the scales are a bit off some obviously a bit chunkier than others but that's what I like trying is like different models with the same scheme that's quite good fun sometimes just to see what the end results look like do do the tie in quite nicely or you know is it very sort of like yeah these are very different they do not look the same but you know if I BAS them all the same which I probably will do I reckon they would look quite quite interesting as a as a weird Fantasy war band don't know probably a terrible idea but it's worth a try I probably stick in a 360 up right now see what that looks like you can decide if it's a terrible idea peach or no go for it it's a bit of fun I i' I'd probably say i' chck it out there that the war the Roses guys are much slighter because they're 28 mil in comparison to the sort of 32 scale of I guess Frost grave and CI of Sigma Warhammer stuff but you know what some people are different shapes and sizes and that's fine what I did do uh after I painted the guy um was I decided to paint some more up and just do a small W band I mean I've only done eight and it was I kind of got bitten by the bug of doing them so I guess the key thing to take away from this video really is using the majority color of a model to influence your undercoat base coat airbrush whatever you're going to use and just coat it in that color to start off with so you know like we've done if it's a night and Shining silver armor it makes sense to get all that that silver on first and then build up those other textures if there's a lot of like light tones like light cloth Le you know like like jerkens like like my Jack here um or gamerson as it's officially known uh then start off with like a beige con of color and if you can't decide gray is a good undercoat I I use mechanica standard gray or any kind of gray that's out there as as my go-to if I can't quite pick and usually I do this during the test model stage as well and then after I've done the test model and this is the key after you've done the test model and you gone I spread gray I did all these colors actually it might go H it makes sense of spraying brown or it makes sense of spraying black because doing the test model is key I think and as always a massive thank you to my patrons you folks are amazing and because you're amazing you've been promoted well at least people on this tier have been promoted you're all you're all Knights now you're all Knights of the peach Knights of the order of peach maybe that's a terrible idea maybe like all this power has gone to my head and now I think I'm a Lord I'm not I'm a commoner look at me look at me like a Lord's gonna wear this where's M Crown don't even have one could fix that though bit kit bashing bit of sprew I could make a crown I could do that yeah next video I like that regardless do consider like and subscribeing this video or five of you that are watching uh all five you like oh yeah War the Roses that's my bag I'm in Click but regardless I love you all uh and farewell and normally I would shout oh Lancaster OH Lancaster because you know I'm a both it and they supported Lancaster just like Yorkshire team more so go Yorkshire I know I've got I've got the lancast arean flag and I'm shouting go Yorkshire wo go Yorkshire screw you Lancaster oh no I'm gonna get so much hate for that this was a terrible idea this really was I mean I am sweating buckets right now I can't even get my gloves off and I've got to somehow build some figures using all this stuff this was not well thought out why did I do this this is a terrible terrible idea oh well I'm dressed now so I might as well crack on with it I can't even I can't even press record and on record having to take everything off well not everything just Che the glove off Peach you're overthinking it this is hurting I've got a headache now uh and yeah those those hoses hose trousers the black trousers they're tight very tight real tight I've got three apples right now that's how tight they are
Channel: Peachy Tips
Views: 16,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Painting Warhammer, Speed Painting, Army Painter, games workshop, painting miniatures, painting warhammer miniatures, miniature painting for beginners, miniature painting techniques, speed painting warhammer, Peachy, miniature painting, warhammer, warhammer community, painting warhammer 40k, how to guide, war of the roses, cities of sigmar, frostgrave, perry miniatures, Knights, Armour, How to paint Armour, how to paint knights
Id: 8VdwbhPuUv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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