Farewell to the Gong

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he cocked 45 here and yes just as the title says we're retiring the gong after 10 years we've had the same Gong up there you know pre-video days we been shooting at that gong going to shoot it one last time with the model 29 which you know I've owned since 1974 by the new 1974 and some of the earliest videos some of the yellow shirt videos you know where I shot the gong with this firearm so going back almost 10 years so we thought it'd be appropriate if we finish it off with this firearm we're going to put some hits on it and leave those hits on it never fear if we're going to replace it with some ar500 steel same gong size and everything but we thought after all this time we would just retire that one it's got some dents and different things in it it's regular steel so without further ado I'm going to take some shots at it okay but with this shoots and all hand loads to federal for change they'll make me splash more land on although we appreciate federal helping us we want to get some lead on it alright appreciate the NRA and buds gun shop Tom as we retire the gong today now what's going to be embarrassing is if I can't hit it I guess right all right let's try I have been shooting this thing lately we'll get a couple on it I have no doubt one all right the old Gong been Gong in it for a long time all right wherever those hits are they're going to stay we're going to put a couple more on I think like we ought to make John put a couple on till you all right I set the bar pretty high doesn't matter you know whether we get another one or three or four more hits on it that'll kind of be it the old 29 so it's pretty appropriate to be imprinting 44 slugs on it with this particular revolver I think don't you so anyway John your turn all right dad 6 out of 6 I don't know if I can beat that especially since this thing only hold 6 I'll see if I can match it the needle gun I remember when I came home from college one time before we started doing the videos that had had bought a new target that I saw going out there and I thought it was really cool but I was the first time I ever saw it came over from college and that was like hey you got a new target that's neat it's really big it's always been fun to shoot because it's it's far away but yeah it's big enough to where it's not like an extreme challenge or anything and hearing the sound delay you know in the ring it's always been a fun target and it will continue to be we're going to replace it with another one just like it did that said but it's kind of neat that this is like you know the original Gong so they need to kind of save it ok all right [Music] like that was six yep all right look at that 12 shots on the gong that will be there forever let's go over there and check it out hey Dad were over here oh we are yeah there it is yep very hit all 12 of them yeah pretty amazing I'm glad that we both hit every shot that's kind of cool I think it was just destined to happen yeah I think it was I mean the model 29 fetch whatever yeah and the gong we've had seems like forever yeah yeah a couple of those I mean I wasn't even aiming at it and the bullets are somehow mounted it was just yeah just like a magnet pulling the universe just wanted it to happen well I was actually aiming to I didn't want to miss yeah and I was trying for the other yeah wait one minute we got all 12 years and by the way the gong is not going anywhere we're going to just preserve it and lock it up and just keep it for us you know we has so much history you know with us we just we thought about we have auctioned off targets for charity different things like that but this one just kind of want to keep such a part of his in it's so special we need to always have it around everything and don't know how long we end up doing this it's still going to be neat that that was like during the the first big chunk of doing this you know that one that was V going one of the iconic targets in everything so that's right yeah never know how long we'll be doing this the Internet may not be here in five years or something yeah I cut the internet kind of scene I feel like this thing called print media is going to kind of take over the internet it's really cool it's like you have like a physical copy with words on it yeah I actually turn it's a lot more interactive and has a lot more feel to it than the Internet I think we might need that right yeah yeah well you know it is pretty cool it's a again it's a good size Gong it was never I never did buy it because I wanted to demonstrate marksmanship Wow I get a little gone over there at 80 yards I want something that a helped its icon you probably are going to hit it and that's what's the beauty of it's what makes it fun yeah and this is and this is the one that's always been here too right yeah yeah we got to Lourdes the other one of our Hill other Hill which it has a lot of history to but this is the one that we shot the most and the longest and yeah and it's in like I said it's not hardened steel that's the main reasons I just thought you know probably other upgrade these things they're not cheap feeling imagine ar500 gong that large but let's go ahead and do that and retire these historical gone alright so maybe we'll be able to shoot up I don't know what we'll shoot I want to worry about it that's right you know egos video you got something I do see here maybe on some of the close-ups in some of the videos and I've zoomed in it you know it's full of pits and it looks like the surface of the Moon Condor yeah beautiful craters yeah and while it that's probably better than making this a safe to shoot or anything no not deep enough to make it out here but it will be nice that we can pop it with basically about anything and their example like a hot 4570 yeah you know even a even a hard cast bullet it puts a dimple on yeah and regular steel no doubt a little bit so let's do a little bit and kind of thanks up any nice to have it and it won't reserve it the history right there won't be that issue of like we've talked about with certain rounds uh skin when she physically Gong it's kind of borderline you know yeah I don't have to worry about that as much yeah yeah exactly so anyway we we've enjoyed shooting at that one and we won't be able to tell a difference between you two and you won't either really yeah but so we know what the important thing it was not be kind of neat anything to do and they will bring it to like a meet and greet or something through a good check it Erica there we go yeah we'll do you get to carry it okay okay how good a dolly no question yeah you get to carry it put in the car get it out of the car yeah we might do that sometime though yeah but people see airsoft guns either that's true we let people sign the back of it or something like yeah maybe we'll see later on that John Doe he wants to give her protected name is me yeah yeah well I just think it would be a you know I could be a little bit sentimental sometimes I need to have like what we talked about this before like people make fun of you for being sentimental because it's corny but you know time is such a weird thing you know it goes fast the time slow at times and it's just weird and hard to understand but sometimes when you can have like a physical piece of matter in your hands you can hold in your hands that you know is associated with something that you remember it's a big deal whether it's you know something historical if you weren't a lot for something they were alive for it's kind of neat it's kind of like there's a little bridge between the Netherlands kind of you know it's like you can hold it in your hands like that civil war rifle right the last day we was shot at it are still dirty from that right it's hard to like understand you know the civil war so long ago it's hard to imagine what that was like to live there but holding that rifle in your hand really you know something that especially kind of a bridge across the ages you know that accurate rifle was used there and riscos represent almost 10 years of what we've been doing here your almost entire adult life yeah you've been shooting at that gong or I have yeah your adult life that's pretty wild yeah exactly one thing is you know there's lots of talk there's several targets here that are you know older than me even yeah one thing that's neat about that gong is it has such so much it has more to do with the Hickok without videos and maybe any of the other targets yeah as far as specifically because it's like we've got it like what about a year before I started doing the video yeah you got it and you know some of the other targets are older or the newer or whatever that's right the other place although a lot of the plates have been replaced you know right here here and there so basically it's all we're doing this we're just doing it intentionally rather than waiting for it to break or something right because it's kind of special yes it's special so this might be the we're making history actual when have ever two grown men sat around and got all misty-eyed and sentimental about steal cars around Pizza feelin special actually I haven't been misty I about it but now it is kind of evil we'll save it whatever later will cry off-camera anything about I've ever had back problems you know you can put it under the mattress to give you support and they'll say idea you know use for armor plate in your car that's true yeah if there's like a zombie apocalypse or something I'll just put it right on the front of the car that's right yeah Mary goes if it's not a or 500 though that's on the problem yeah Lana the only way I kind of symbolizes the 10 years it's kind of neat to have been banging away at it and a lot of you been with us from the very beginning and you saw maybe you saw it at the beginning when that video was posted or maybe just saw yesterday the first hit on the gong you know in a video it's kind of weird how this YouTube thing works right yeah it is it's like you do something that's just there forever yeah it's magical I know it's funny I look at a video I haven't seen in like six years you know yeah and someone leave a comment on it or something I looked at it and it looked a bit of Wow yeah I sort of remember doing that one yeah and it's weird because like sometimes when I look back I think like wow you know time flies it's like you know it's already been 10 years but at other times I look back at some of the early videos like and that feels like an eternity ago yeah you know I got and I've done so many different things in sin and come so far with so many things it's just like yeah it feels so long ago you know yeah like I say he basically is grown out for your adult life and every this kind of stuff yeah and represented them yeah very neat and we appreciate you guys for coming and watching us use this thing and it's as much as a part of you guys it is us yeah again it's not going anywhere it's just gonna be done steel yeah well this will show up yeah we shouldn't we shouldn't have told you you would never know yeah really likely it's like when your kids goldfish dies we didn't tell them to the sex I only wanted to let you know to share it with you everything a-plus it explains why maybe I'm not so reluctant to shoot something powerful at the gong all of a sudden right yeah and you can tell like there'll be some videos that they've posted long time as you see this one that still has the old gong oh yeah well tell about the craters that will always tell you if it's the original one or not as there's all the craters in it that's true so that's true and thought of that so well we enjoyed it and it's kind of fun to shoot it with old model 29 and we'll take care of business and again we appreciate you guys appreciate you supporting us and people who support us and can't say that enough so we still enjoy what we're doing it is fun shooting I noticed you guys have like all collectively given us the greatest gift that anyone could ever give someone I mean I would have I would never imagine I'm sure you're the same way they like my you know you go through life school and stuff and like what am I going to do because you got other jobs of stuff different makes I'm younger but go through like what am I going to do with my life and it's a big stressful Han period never in a million years well I guess it I would you know get to shoot guns or be involved with something like this for a living this is really weird bizarre like I've said many times if it ends tomorrow it's been great yeah it really has whatever happens so because of you all we've been able to shoot a lot of different firearms and I've been shooting here on this hill for thirty years but it was kind of nice when y'all finally showed up yeah with it yeah because I was there I mean I yeah yeah so baby you know it enabled us to to do it kind of for a living so it's kind of interesting how that all word I been nice showing up about 30 years ago yeah when I first set up the rank I know but anyway better late than never yeah so I guess we got to let go and just remind him again the life is good only one thing left to do yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay must be in the neighborhood yeah my bad just works if they saw recreation yard baby you got trouble double slug this morning there I think it's heavy okay you
Channel: hickok45
Views: 996,917
Rating: 4.9461145 out of 5
Keywords: S&W, Model 29, .44 Magnum, Smith & Wesson, Smith, 44, .44 Special, Steel Targets, Shooting Range, Gong, 240 grain, semi wadcutter, double action, revolver, Vlog
Id: HTmGprjq2i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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