fantasy high but its only about Gilear

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um cool you knock on the door and your father your father open the door Oh Dorothy um you see that he's in sort of a white undershirt boxers and like a terrycloth back were a bathrobe you see he looks out you see that there is like just a lot of open like yogurt containers and some like my sweet daughter you have come to the strong tower luxury apartments early in the morning yeah I'm just stopping by it's not a big deal I just want to let you know if you're looking for you know something to do with your days a reason to get out of the terry cloth bathrobe there's two positions open at school and you know I know you and I have had our differences but it will be cool with me if you work there because the see each other a little more and whatnot or whatever he looks back into the apartment full of yogurt cups and says I have a couple of irons in the fire calls the crystal to come back missing people friends of mine down in Bastion city knows a guy who's starting up a crystal company and can I detect for sure exact what he role in that one the thing that flashed across his head is is him saying last night I couldn't go to sleep so I tried to jerk off but was too sad so I stayed up all night eating yogurt oh that will get you fig why are you acting that way you don't want to dive deeper into his brain no I I rescind that I try to stop detect that we're gonna have anything I don't want to hear anything else dismiss the spell I will if you want to come in I kind of have it in principle are you asking me because because I cuz I can call my friend up and say hey hey no nope no thank you yeah I think make that call in fact maybe I could help you get into something clean yourself up a little bit and you can come to school with me I can introduce you to the vice principal and you just be thinking right now whether you'd rather be a guidance counselor or lunch lady along to lad pardon me I don't like lunch lad he says I will get myself cleaned up although as an elf my hygiene is impeccable and these terry cloths were woven by elves and repelled all the most powerful stains there's some powerful yogurt at them oh [ __ ] I think just so much just do a big change and just a big change everything you're wearing change it for something else and then just dunk your head in the sink alright I was thinking about buying a my hair is kind of thinning up top I was thinking about maybe getting a not that it's necessarily go bald but I might have been like they can I guess minor illusion so he has a little fedora on his head yes you can I do that how about that I know not what has inspired this sudden act of mercy and kindness but I shall repay you as a father again and if you want yogurt I have some no no I want nothing to do with yogurt and your yogurt and anything that you have to do with yogurt anyways I'm going to go bad and probably another day or two I bought too much okay I'm just you know what I'm gonna go ahead and close this door and stand here and then when you're all ready I'll be here and you can open the door and we can go walk to school go cold my child actually while he does that can I go in and just throw out all his yogurt while he's changing it it doesn't expire tomorrow it expired yesterday oh you throw it all out he comes out like a crisp white shirt and some slacks it's sort of like he put on a little bit of weight after the divorce and so it kind of doesn't fit super great but he's got a little illusory hat on he says very well to the west or west north mostly north north we do under just clear faith I'm the father young more or less we used the word father liberally cuz obviously right this has nothing to do with me go ahead what can I do for him I was thinking clear uh aka my dad would be a great guidance counselor or lunch lad sorry what lunch man that's you see that he looks up and you see that glare says it has come to my attention that my daughter would benefit from paternal presence as such I would like to avail myself of the positions open here at the school I served as a counselor to the Elven people for many long years and I am gifted at understanding the ways of the Harshman ocean I have healed the madness and sickness see that vie supposed to go to her kind of crosses his fingers and goes I'm going to have to stop you right there we've actually just feared the guidance counselor's position and you see points in a corner of the room you ever looked in it and you see jawbone the werewolf over there gives you a Surf's Up hey what's going on father is an expert in yogurt from the blob hanging off they see what says it's a quick cup to bolster my spirits after I've changed I'm ever so sorry hell of a guy man nice guy nice dude he's great it's a flirt watch out oh really did she hand around here you dog around see clear goes this is my I've no it's it's but there I raised this young woman and I hate this gear is there as well you see that you sort of like have some eggs short conversation North lack sort of those so are you're working it paid for now that's wild that's great yes I'm the lunch lad of the egg fort adventuring Academy I went to apply through the guidance counselor position but I was surprised my understanding is he actually has gotten a bunch of kids recommendations for college and some kids are now talking about trying sort of therapy in meds for the first time and people really positively I mean he's an incredible what don't me to say chop down some great a really good job everyone's really impressed it's weird because like the staff likes him but also the students like him anyway to go get the tater tots warmed up for later gore slacks it's very nice to meet you you made a cuckold of me Kristen is staying with fig ex strong tower along with Reeves down the hallway here's our I'll stay and they say if I get a string cheese and you guys get crackers we can make cheese and crackers and also Blair has a ton of us say we just won to hang out yeah can I bring clear I worry that he doesn't eat if I'm not there you're probably a hundred percent right this corn bread is particularly scrumptious it reminds me of phlegm bass do you have lembas where are you from where are you from the mountains of chaos so except it says I'm from Bastion City I didn't make any of this as takeout I sort of worked a long shift he says you know I'm gonna go ahead and actually roll a charisma check [Music] in fact it's a network I see he says it's klonda I have rudely interjected myself ignorant Lee into this conversation i I won't lie just klonda I found out recently that one of my shoes is so filled with mildew because a pipe in my bedroom is leaking that I have a fungal infection in my foot which I didn't think was possible for elves to get this is a 20 Korean given Bartok inspiration he says I should see myself out I it's been a long time since I spoke with anyone and I've made a fool of myself she did squander says kill it's okay you your friend you can take a seat could I get you something to drink no anything to drink you see says I actually brought this it's a bottle of elven wine and you see that there's a big like Costco brand Elvan why and like huge bottle Roger that yeah yeah hey I appreciate the being straightforward it is what it is I know it really good very charismatic elf that could that's like a diplomat mmm this yogurt tastes just like potatoes yes all right so what's left of my dad's hair look that's my bald spot I was wondering why there wasn't fruit at the bottom [Music] I gotta be honest I wanted to hear more I just hilarious says at the funeral I don't think I'll ever see another man like Bill again looks over you seagull ear says some song mother knows I am vice principal of a precise mother sighs okay come on I will kill this man I would happily kill this man I'll kill you first not at all
Channel: abbing
Views: 238,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jiR8ZGgpXmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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