Family Guy: The 20 Worst Things Lois Griffin Has Ever Done

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we were gonna get still vaccinated but now after our research we're definitely not welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 worst things Lois Griffin has ever done damn it there's got to be one more pill in here somewhere I mean maybe there's one that got stuck in a draw or something for this list we'll be looking at the most terrible and Bonkers Deeds that the Family Guy matriarch has committed over the years on the animated show spoilers ahead who's the evilest character in Family Guy history let us know below number 20. spanked Stewie nowadays hitting your child to discipline them is largely frowned upon yet in the episode Peter's Two Dads in season five Lois lets her temper get the better of her with Stewie going through a mine phase he wrecks his parents bedroom and destroys a pearl necklace in his tiny Rampage in response his mother spanks him on the derriere shocking the infant at least for a time anyway that is enough you struck me after having a nightmare about a muscled Lois beating him Stewie goes through a kind of inappropriate Awakening which is disturbing it was awful Rupert I felt terrified and brutalized and humiliated and and and Alive the spanking moment does eat away at Lois as she feels tremendous guilt so that's good she isn't a complete monster yet you really gotta stop misbehaving you're getting on mommy's nerves number 19. sold out Chris hazing freshman students is an outdated and barbaric concept everyone is one at some point beating them for reaching a certain age is silly but when Chris is becoming one in season Four's Jungle Love he begins to panic upon hearing about the ritual as a mother Lois steps up to assure her son that there's nothing to worry about Chris Relax The Freshman hunt doesn't really exist it's just a myth to scare freshmen feeling calm he exits the car to start his new year then Lois honks the horn and outs her son as a freshman before driving off leaving Chris in a mess [Applause] cue the paddling even mayor Adam West gets involved and then some with slo-mo West really goes to town as he paddles Chris it's a little unsettling [Applause] number 18 ignorance towards sexual harassment it's your boss I don't want to talk to her she's going to harass me don't be such a baby no matter the gender of a person harassment is never okay if they turn down one's advances then that should be it but Angela can't drop it against Peter in season 8's Peter asment his boss at Pawtucket Brewery really really wants to smush booties with Peter after having a vivid daydream about him Angela grabs Peter's rump once he bends over stress from The Experience Peter confides in Lois about the situation instead of supporting him she tells him a woman can't harass a man as it doesn't make any sense as they apparently like being touched by women under any circumstances woman can't sexually harass a man why not I don't know it just doesn't make any sense I mean guys like being touched by women yikes then Meg admits her own harrowing case only for Lois to disregard that double yikes see Peter that's harassment an older man a weak younger woman he could have taken advantage of her forced her to do things to him he did awful things number 17 locking up Peter and his friends what are you doing up here I need you to take the trash out it must be tough being married to Peter he's constantly doing all sorts of shenanigans mostly ones that disrupt his family's lives for the worse but perhaps locking him in a room isn't the best solution in season 14's a lot going on upstairs Peter turns the addict into the peat pad causing him to neglect his family and play Reckless games with his Chums eventually Lois snaps you like the Dan addict though much then enjoy the Attic using a drill she seals the four in the Attic leaving them in their unventilated prison for many hours it isn't until Peter blackmails her by threatening to defile her wedding dress that Lois finally frees them at least she admits that she and Peter went too far so that's something number 16. gambled away the Family's car turns out that just like another animated sitcom mom Lois has something of a gambling problem while at a Native American Casino Lois quickly becomes addicted although addiction is a serious disorder and doesn't make her a bad person she first manages to lose the family car then doesn't really deal with the Fallout geez I could swear I parked here yeah you did but but he is the really silly thing Peter I sort of better car instead of helping to figure something out she watches her husband lie to the native elders and then wander off into the woods alone with her teenage son in tow I'm an Indian too excuse me you heard me I'm a member you tried she might be addicted to Pokemon machines but when it comes to responsibility she's certainly not working with a full deck oh man that's classic compulsive Behavior wow free beer number 15 attempted to seduce Justin Bieber at some point we all go through a quarter life or midlife crisis and do things we aren't proud of isn't this happen Peter that DJ has got some mad skills uh do you think they sell anishin at the bar but not so many of us have thrown ourselves at a Young musician while married with kids then again not everyone is Lois Griffin in season 11's Lois comes out of her shell The Matriarch loses herself during a birthday celebration when Peter describes her as an old plow horse so she starts acting far younger hi slots OMG stop staring at me please okay thanks this leads her to sneak into the dressing room of Justin Bieber to try and seduce him yeah I'm your mom's friend Mrs Robinson I don't I don't get that is that a reference to something if Peter hadn't burst in before anything happened who knows how far it would have gone with the then 18 year old number 14 substance abuse several times in Lois's life she's dabbled in using substances then becoming addicted go ahead try them out [Music] hey not bad for example in season 4's model misbehavior after becoming a model she gets hooked on diet pills in season 5's prick up your ears Peter questions a tattoo she got only for Lois to not remember how she got it before adding a troubling explanation then in season 20 Brian gets injured and is prescribed painkillers for his recovery Lois then takes them and gets addicted wow it's 350. that's basically four I mean in some cultures it's polite to do things 10 minutes early after dropping one tablet in the toilet she holds Stewie under the water to grab it nearly drowning him until Brian Saves the Day number 13 ran a drug lab After experiencing a crime wave in Quahog the Griffins decide that the best choice for their family is to go live on a farm in season 11's farmer guy here we are everyone the Griffin family farm and it doesn't go well they immediately begin to lose a lot of money as Brian heads University to help the family the Griffin's luck is ever terrible as a tornado approaches oh my God it's a tornado and it's coming this way we gotta run seeking shelter in the storm cellar they discover a drug lab after some reservations Lois goes all in on running it even when Brian returns and discovers their illegal activity she immediately exclaims he can't have any of the money look at all that cash Brian you don't get none of that he wasn't here for it only when Lois sees the destruction their product has done to Quahog does she snap out of it and give it all up number 12. cheated with Bill Clinton Peter and Bill Clinton start to hang out after the former president's car breaks down in front of their house they become good friends but also get up to trouble and Lois does not approve who's there oh crap she goes to confront Clinton and within minutes she slept with him what the hell was I thinking unlike some of her other actions Lois actually feels guilty about this one and is worried that she's ruined her marriage by cheating well it's I think maybe it's better if I stay at Quagmire's for a while I understand she tells Peter that he can sleep with someone else if he wants to fix things although he ultimately decides that he doesn't need to sleep with anyone else he ends up doing so with Clinton too turns out bill is just that persuasive number 11 made out with Meg's boyfriend poor Meg has it rough she's constantly mocked about her weight is the butt of many a joke and serves in general as the family punching bag so it does her confidence some good to bring home a cute new boyfriend but when Lois is jealous of the attention her daughter is getting she sends Meg off on an errand and moves quickly to take what she wants the other day you said I was attractive now what are we gonna do about it Meg comes back to see her mother and Anthony making out on the couch I never meant to steal him from you is that what you think not only is this incredibly sleazy but Lois then goes on to blame her underage makeout session on Peter's inattention how the hell could you do that to me because Peter you've been making me feel old and fat and unattractive and worthless keep it classy Mrs Griffin number 10. cheated on Brian with the family crushed after Peter goes missing in season Four's perfect Castaway Brian steps up by getting a job and becomes the patriarch by marrying Lois even though it's platonic but this marital sort of bliss collapses when Peter returns months later I got remarried what well it was a very difficult time and he was there for us what the hell who was there for you honey I'm home instead of divorcing Brian or refusing to be with Peter Lois decides to have her cake and eat it after he comes on to her she begins having an affair with Peter behind Brian's back even scarring Stewie in the process so as I spent whipped cream are you making strawberry shortcake continuing the deception Lois and Peter's fling is eventually discovered by the dog after listening to their heartfelt conversation Brian does what Lois can't and divorces her restoring the family Dynamic again there's no passable way I can ever thank you enough for this you're a good friend number nine became addicted to shoplifting and went to jail Lois is never short on bad behavior so when she's a little short on cash at the supermarket she decides to just steal what she can't pay for in no time she's hooked oh my God that was such a rush I'm alive trying to recapture that high she continues to steal until she's finally caught at court she sentenced to three years in prison but instead of paying the price she lets her family break her out although honestly her Escape is so obvious that maybe that one is on the prison guard this forces them to assume new identities and start new lives although she eventually sees the light the price she makes her family pay for her actions is criminally High can't believe we have to live here no this sucks number eight became a corrupt mayor like many a politician Lois sets out to become mayor of Quahog with her heart in the right place but it doesn't take long for her selfish impulses to kick in once elected she vows to clean up up the local Lake and be a better mayor than the unstable Adam West but before long she's skimming off the top of the leftover taxpayer money from the lake cleanup project to buy herself expensive gifts I may have dipped into the tax Surplus wait a minute you use taxpayer money to buy yourself a handbag it's no big deal Brian soon she's being bought out by oil companies so that they can return to dumping waste in the lake when you're this easily corruptable maybe public office isn't for you number seven child neglect Chris and Meg knocking Stewie down the stairs and causing him a massive head wound in season 8's Brian Griffin's house of pain is bad enough what do we do is he breathing it looks like it it's a good sign right but then the duo does their best to hide the injury from everyone which obviously doesn't work when it progressively gets worse once Peter is on board and realizes it's serious he tries to frame Lois by throwing Stewie under her car as she reverses after freaking out she then states that she and Peter need to cover up the accident just like Chris and Meg did for anyone else this would be pretty concerning and CPS would be called immediately you know we have to cover this up yeah but what let's put a hat on him to cover the wound and and then let's get some makeup and draw eyeballs on his eyelids and find a way to pin this on someone else but for Peter it reinforces why he loves her they really do deserve each other number six orchestrated a hazing ritual on a classmate as it turns out Lois's bad behavior is nothing new back in high school Lois was one of the pretty and popular girls for no reason other than to torment her she told a young Joyce Kinney that she'd made the cheer squad and then humiliated her in front of the entire school I was standing in front of the entire school with my pants around my ankles and a hot dog in my mouth this is no joke and a prank of this scale would seriously mess someone up poor Joyce probably isn't the only one who might need professional help Lois also apparently has some issues that could do with some tending too number five inciting an outbreak if we've learned anything these past few years anti-vaxxers are bad news I don't remember having to read any of this when Chris and Meg had their vaccinations well that was before internet chat rooms made everybody an expert in season 15 shots Lois joins their ranks and causes Havoc across Quahog when she refuses to vaccinate Stewie against measles after holding anti-vaccine rallies many parents follow her lead and don't protect their children haven't you heard there's been an outbreak of measles it's all because everyone stopped vaccinating their kids this leads to the disease spreading through the town as it goes into lockdown and around 150 people perish in this viral outbreak Stewie frightened to be exposed flees he's eventually saved by Sean Penn whom Lois reacts to coldly because he played the title role in the 2008 film milk Wow when he shows he has a load of vaccines to help the town she again reacts poorly right just what I needed Alexa from Liberal Hollywood this whole thing has been a lecture from Liberal Hollywood number four treated Peter very poorly for the most part Peter is a pretty lousy father and husband so when he goes out of his way to run a quick errand for Lois he thinks he's doing a good thing but when he and Chris come home with the groceries she freaks out and physically attacks first Peter then Chris run you were right she didn't appreciate it oh crap this isn't the first time she's lost her cool in a big way you're a stupid man a stupid stupid man oh you're hurting me stop it it's clear that she bottles up her frustrations with Peter and then resorts to violence to solve her problems and vent it's an unhealthy way to live and an unforgivable thing to do to your spouse I'd be happy to take you Meg number three treated Meg very poorly this one is an ongoing problem as mentioned earlier Meg is the black sheep of the family always the one to take the brunt of criticism and tormenting from making out with her boyfriend to reading her private diary for Laughs to implying that Meg should take herself out of the picture Lois is the worst mother imaginable hey look Meg I've been at this for 45 minutes I don't know what else I can say he has a Sylvia Plath book and a bottle of Ambien I'm gonna look the other way and whatever happens happens and it seems to have had a lasting effect as over the years Meg has gotten harder and more unhinged you're my mother and you took a child's trust and smashed it into bits in a 17-year long Mission Meg stands up for herself once but Lewis is so emotionally fragile that Meg has to take it back to keep the family together mother of the year Lois is not yeah and I'm so sorry Meg yeah you're a number two dispatched a jaywalker after traumatizing their son by killing off the fictional Arthur Valentine made up to make him feel better on Valentine's Day Chris becomes catatonic while Lois is minding him she confides a dark secret to him she once killed a pedestrian she looked old but she was only 51 I mean back then that was old to me she Whispers that at the time the jaywalker seemed old to her implying that her death somehow mattered less maybe that's why Lois was the one behind the wheel when she and Peter dispatched Arthur she'd already done something like this before Lois has done a lot of things but now we can add killing someone to the list before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one forced Peter to comply after taking the advice preached by the radical new sex ed teacher at the high school Peter swears himself to abstinence the move is drastic and extra unnecessary as he and Lois are already married with three kids and it frustrates Lois to no end fed up with his Chastity Lois takes things way too far and forces herself on Peter that is it I am gonna have regular sex with you whether you like it or not no I wasn't asking you permission and it's not even the first time she's been possessive of him or sexually aggressive what you're looking at the Underpants lose them actually I I kind of I should have a headache kind of see you know maybe tomorrow or take them off yeah okay honey it's a shocking scene even in a show filled with shocking moments run along Stewie Daddy had a rough night did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from WatchMojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos thank you
Views: 144,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Streaming, TV, alex borstein, best animated shows, best cartoons, best family guy episodes, best family guy moments, best lois griffin moments, best lois moments on family guy, best sitcoms, comedy, family guy, funniest family guy episodes, funniest family guy moments, funniest sitcoms, list, lois griffin, mojo, series, seth macfarlane, sitcom, television, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: jkIaSrp6V38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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