Rocky and Bullwinkle Vincent Van Moose

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[Music] [Music] here on the tree shaded Banks of Lake Dinka lies one of American great storehouses of knowledge the double Dome Institute for advanced thinking you sir what is your Scholastic background well I have a ba from Columbia ma from Harvard and a PhD from cwn and I take it you're a professor here no I'm the janitor no I see well are you gentlemen members of The Faculty faculty we The Freshman Class a² B X+ y contemplate Cate Cate double Dome double we love you felicitations felicitations felicitations double Dome is a shining jewel in the crown of American Scientific wisdom so you can imagine the consternation and dismay that prevailed when one day I say armster what's the formula for the isop pyodine derivative of benzene don't ask me I'm busy playing with my piece of string arer are you making sport of me oh no I'm making a cat's cradle I think arm broster has flipped his Scholastic wig he certainly has this is how you make a cat's cadal yes two of the smartest Geniuses at Double Dome were now utterly stupid that wasn't the end either for next day at a super secret missile base not far away I think you'll find the inertial guidance cam requires a burum alloy gentlemen a burum burum b e what is it doctor I can't spell burum oh that's b e r y l l i u m yes but how do you make the be soon Panic rained in the highest Circles of the scientific community and at a top level meeting in Washington DC an ace investigator was put on the job inspector somebody somewhere is draining off America's brain power do you think you can solve the case it's Charles play Professor well what did you find out I found out that you can use a magnifying glass to give people a hot fo oh yes the detective was now as dumb as the scientists it seemed that the smarter the inves the Dumber he became that's it gentlemen we must start from the opposite direction we have to find a sleuth with no brain to effect we need the services of the greatest num star in America and that no you're getting ahead of the story o well the great hunt was on government files were ransacked for the names and records of every cloud pole dim bulb and schnook in the country finally the choice was made the gentleman upon this one nitwit rests the fate of our entire nation and his name Winkle moose Frostbite Falls Minnesota no no you call yeah here's a letter for you boy Winkle woe why so happy you don't even know what's in the letter yet I know but look at that stamp a genuine picture of Lincoln with a beard you must be crazy about Lincoln no I'm crazy about beards what does the letter say it's from Washington Washington you suppose he heard I was a Lincoln fan I'd be a Washington fan too if he had a beard and Washington needs all the fans he can get this year B Winkle says we have to go to Washington Washington DC oh then let's but it wasn't that easy for at that moment a mysterious figure lobbed a live hand grenade at Bullwinkle oh hey cut it out you want to hurt somebody apparently so and we'll find out who next time in the brain drainers are malice in Wonderland and here he is with an open mind and a hole in his head to prove it Mr know all to they lecture is how to be a archaeologist and dig ancient history the archaeologist must have a thorough knowledge of his subject which is uh archaeology I have even gone so far as to read a book on it to practice archaeology we must travel to places which are famous for old relics such as Pasadena or even Egypt excuse me are you Abdul Ben Boris I ain't rudol Valentino kid I want to go to the pyramid how much will it cost ah the pyramid Club well there's 20 box cover charge and 30 bucks minimum of course if you want dinner is more not the pyramid Club I want to go to the actual pyramid what for there's no action there is a drag I don't care how much well regular 40 bucks for you 50 bucks that sounds reasonble the walls inside these pyramids are covered with ancient hieroglyphics with a little elbow grease we can clean them off here's the interesting specimen let's see how my hieroglyphic English dictionary translates it h Pharaoh loves Zelda that's sweet here we are in the main burial chamber you will note the interesting form okay boys bring stuff in put popcorn machine there hot dog stand there hey what is this this is no attraction pyramid land come on boys the tourists are waiting well thank you Mr Know It All you're [Music] welcome now it's time to get back to our story well last time you remember some of the top scientific Minds in the country reverted to being morons who couldn't add two and two the smartest investigators in the world were called on to solve the problem but they too wound up as complete Stoops in desperation the government called on Bullwinkle moose they figured I had nothing to lose but it looked as if Bullwinkle might not even get started for in our last episode somebody had just tossed a live hand grenade at him well I'll be doggy it's a pineapple throw it away Bo wle might as well it isn't even rip hard as a rock whoa maybe it was riper than I thought oh boy come on we better get started before something else happens meanwhile on the side of the explosion the smoke was just clearing Boris Boris B off where are you I'm up a Boris did you get blown up by your own grenade again no I'm up here robbing Birds Nest but why it keeps me off the streets that's why about 10 ft off oh we're not starting out this story very well darling ho ho one little set back nothing moose will never reach Washington n I'm going to use strategy on him you mean strategy darling no stragedy I'm going to Str the Rope across the door and fast the end to trigger of the shotgun and when moose comes out the door what is it it's tragedy you said it but bis was wrong again for when B wikle came out he didn't just trip over the Rope he fell over it boy a good thing you fell bowinkle that thing off right over your head let's look on the bright side rock it missed not quite and so in a little while Rocky and bowinkle were on a train headed for Washington gee I'm worried for winkle the reading of the show down again no that does there have already been two attempts on your life yeah but don't worry we'll be renewed I'm not talking about the bowinkle show you better we can use the publicity I'm talking about somebody back there trying to get rid of you oh that well they already missed me twice yeah but you know the old say you mean everything comes to him who Waits no I mean the third time's the charm there's another one too if at first you don't succeed try try again for just ahead of the train Boris was approaching the tracks with a long crowbar Boris to get moose and squirrel you would wreck a whole train you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs poopsie and Boris started to pry up one of the Rails yes as fate would have it though this particular railroad was powered by electricity and when boris's crowbar touched the third rail hey Rocky a fell just went by who was all lit up we must be next to the club car ooh and so our heroes traveled across the country unscathed as corus continued to light up the landscape well daring you failed three times in one episode I know it's a new Coast record you look pretty stupid darling on the contrary NATA I never looked brighter some of the nation's smartest Geniuses were turning into complete idiots Professor the public would like to know what is your theory of ion imbalance in solid state particles don't bother me now I'm watching the reruns of Pete and Gladis but Professor that's the commercial that's on now yes I know that's the part I like best within a period of weeks America's intelligence level sank 14 points the lowest level since 380 fishes in Washington there was near Panic Dr flegel we must have a meeting of the nation's remaining Eggheads will you attend an act as chairman I can't why not mama won't let me cross the street and that's insiration the government sent for Bullwinkle J moose and his pale Rocky oh yes of course meanwhile a few miles behind them Vish darling they got away I think maybe I've been working too hard natesha I need a vacation what was that what was what what was that I heard you better enough borish that voice where is it coming from my two-way R television a two-way R television I'll show that Dick Tracy amazing not amazing everybody has one a two-way television a is so you want the vacation eh bad enough bis that that is the voice of fearless leader you were expecting maybe Ellen font I may be able to arrange a permanent vacation for you better off just kidding fearless leader old body boy baby D you know me unfortunately yes that's funny funny it wasn't supposed to be oh now that you have failed on your own you will put into effect plan X plan x h no no no no no no it's an order the exit is signing off a video then you s it you know Natasha fearless leader is a lying cheating double crossing vious no good killer but someday he'll go too far meanwhile as our heroes paused briefly at mck Port PA a mysterious airplane flew above their train then suddenly punched out directly at our railroad car but wle let plane it's going to hit us just because we took the train but at that point the plane dropped a large cylindrical object and zoomed upward Flame the leak no wood that must be a bomb this is the end bowinkle according to my watch we still got a minute and 5 Seconds and so it seemed for a parachute suddenly popped up from the object and as it floated down our heroes heard a familiar voice a vast and Bay piped the quar master and left the dingy bowinkle that's Captain Peach bu you sure looks different no he's inside that escape pod and it was true out step backwards of course Captain Peter wrong way Peach fuz Rocky Bole where are you right behind you captain Oh don't ever sneak up on me like that how come this sudden visit Captain yeah and why the Pod too many starches I guess oh the Pod well I just had to see you about what well it's all in this memo what memo oh wouldn't you know it I must have left the memo with the pilot H boy no that can't be I was the pilot you were yes I wonder what happened to the plane after I bailed out hey I think I know what it travels in a big loop yeah and right now it's coming down on our heads yes sir there it comes no and oh good Heavens well well don't miss our next episode free to go or crash on [Music] delivery [Music] it all started out with a plant a variety of European Bell Flower used in the making of salads the plant is called rampion this plant grew in a beautiful garden belonging to a mean witch whom everybody feared unfortunately the rampion could be seen from a little Hut belonging to a peasant and his wife every day the wife who was to have a baby she'd sit by the window and gaze at the rampion darling I know this sounds fantastic and utterly absurd but I have this uncontrollable desire to have a salad made from that European Bell Flower you know rampion you mean those weeds there rampion dear and I fear I must have some or I shall surely die all right dear if it's rampion you want rampion you shall have and so the husband sneaked to the Garden Wall peered over the top and leaped into the garden of the Witch rampy inch Mion it still looks like weeds to me whoops you cannot move you know you're right you have come into my garden like a thief alas be merciful I'm only here because my wife sees your rampion I think I'll turn you into a toad and I has such a longing for it that she would die if she could get no rampion if that's true you can take away as much rampion as you like but on one condition you must give me the child with your wife is about to bring into the world in his fear the husband consented to everything and when the baby was born the witch appeared gave it the name Rapunzel which is short for rampion and took the little infant away with her Rapunzel grew into a beautiful child she played in the woods and was very careful of her long hair which she would comb day after day when she was 12 years old the witch shut her up in a tower it had neither staircase or door only a small window matter of fact there was only one way to climb up the tower Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair that I may climb the golden stair and that was the way well a couple of years later the King's son was walking in the forest and he chanced to hear a song so lovely that he stopped to [Music] listen the lovely voice came from Rapunzel's tower Rapunzel Rapunzel will let down your hair that I may climb the golden stair wow Rapunzel I have searched far and wide but never has my heart been so touched by song or beauty such as yours I like you too will you be my wife and live with me in my kingdom yes I will gladly go with you because actually there doesn't seem to be any future here I mean Rapunzel let down your hair let up your hair give gives me a headache I'll tell you then it's settled we'll be married right away just let down your hair and we'll be off aren't you forgetting something no what me if I let down my hair how am I to get down that's right well I think you better go now the witch will soon return well don't worry Rapunzel I I'll think of something whoops oh you've come to fetch your lady love where you goofed you'll never see her again and so the poor Prince wandered unable to see a thing eating roots and berries meanwhile back at the tower oh you Wicked Child I thought I'd separated you from the world yet you deceived me just for that well now you've done it we're both stuck here now aren't you forgetting and so poor Rapunzel was left to live in the tower are all alone and in great poverty the poor Prince wandered about in the forest for 2 years then one day it's it's hair yes hair it was for in the two years Rapunzel's Tresses had grown to their full length again Rapunzel I told you i' think of something and I have only I can't see why don't you take off your hat I can see now I'll climb down your hair and when I get to the bottom I'll explain my plan what's your plan jump jump that's your plan yes some plan after 3 days in the barber shop Rapunzel and the prince were married and lived happily ever afterward that is until one day darling I know this sounds fantastic and utterly absurd but I have this uncontrollable desire to have a salad made from that variety of European Bell Flower a rampan yes dear rampan well here we go [Applause] [Music] again now back to our adventure while on their way to Washington Our Heroes were stopped by Captain R Beach buuz who had just misplaced his jet plane misplaced nothing barity is coming right at us hey that's right bu winko yeah but sure is yeah but you got a pretty sharp eye there fella yeah but he's right Winkle will you for the cry I stop agree with me and move over boy you Fells almost agreeable yourselves under a tombstone but you were rightful win you sure were yes sir yep Cy slowed the old show up didn't we and Captain you're just about to tell us why you want to see us well let me see if I can find the memo ah here it is why are you tearing it up Captain it's secret Rocky but you tore it up before you read it I know it's top secret I'll say it is now we'll never even know who it was from sure we will who it was from me then why write a memo well what's the use of knowing a secret if you can't tell somebody but you sent the memo to yourself I know it's a secret if we come by this station again I'd like to get off anyway the memo said you're supposed to come with me to mport PA for a special job great so let's go I got a map right here but Captain we'll pick up native bearers outside of Scranton Captain there's a Friendly Farmer near Gettysburg who let us saay the night he should we paid his rent for eat you but Captain then onward Todd W bury Captain this is mport PA it is look at the sign in the station h i could have sworn I was Landing in skatos but why should the government want us to go to mport PA probably because it's situated at the Confluence of the Manila and Yong Yogi Rivers yeah but what's that got to do with anything nothing I just like the names Manila but as they walked toward the center of town the good Captain did start to tell why they were there as you remember the country was facing intellectual ruin because its brainest Eggheads and double does were reverting to being stupid clad poles and adle Pates for instance at a Florida missile base ready for launching 5 4 3 2 come on Professor I forgot what comes after two you forgot well it's hard counting backward but Professor what about the launch my mama packed it in the brown Pap B and in the kindergarten class now Johnny what is this doggy good Suzie what is this Kitty good now a doctor small house what is this wait don't tell me could it be maybe a goldfish as a result of this strange mid us brain power was lagging badly Hartford University had to cancel its commencement when it found that the chancellor had signed all the diplomas with an X at sir why with an X it's prettier than a z but what's all this got to do with us being in mport PA well I'll tell you Rocky it's it's yes time for dingdong school it's no reason for being in mck for y Bo Winkle you don't understand Captain Peach fuzzer suddenly turned stupid that wasn't a turn more of a slight view nevertheless the captain plunked himself down in front of a TV set and couldn't be bud but we still don't know why we're here why are any of us here rock well I think there's plenty Dirty Work of foot around here yeah must be the cold bust yeah come look at these Footprints sure enough a mysterious set of footprints leted away from the point where the good Captain had succumbed to a case of the Galloping dumb let's follow him bowinkle why cuz the good guys always follow footprint to find the bad guy if I was a bad guy I'd walk on my hands oh come on and the Plucky squirrel whipped out a large magnifying glass and began to trace the mysterious Prince Little did he know that they had been made by his old Nemesis Boris bov who at that moment lay in wait with a Strang looking object beside him I resent that darlink not you n he means the gas gun so that's what that object was a gas gun see Boris you told him who cares we got it made now what's this all about I thought you'd never ask come with me now we go through the magic of the for second cross dissolve to the little country of pania little but mean gentlemen we must find a way to make the name of pania feared and hated throughout the world you said it Fearless leer but why why look at it this way does psylvia have any raw materials no do we make things no do we have any art or culture no what is the only thing we got plenty of nothing no mean we have more mean per square inch than other countries have in a square mile so so we got to export mean to every other country but to do that yes Pennsyvania will declare war on everybody but anybody could beat us yes besides being mean they're all cowards T gentlemen here is the genius of my plan not yet geart I tell you when we'll declare war on everybody but we won't tell anybody now geart hooray now everybody in so set to work to theel secret weapon to end all secret weapon how about this death ray machine fill us leer let's see you idiot it doesn't even fin them thank goodness what I I mean thank Badness eventually though the Ultimate Weapon was discovered yes gentlemen I call it goof gas goof gas yes one weff you're completely stupid H Let's test it get take a sniff smells good now Gart do you think I'm the handsomest kindest man in pania of course not you're a mean ugly schnook put that man under arrest and poor Gart was hold off to solitary confinement my boy your goof gas is a success Gart turned into a complete idiot but his answer was right FIS leader you are a mean ugly schnook of course but nobody but an idiot would tell me so true well then what country do we turn into nitwits first let's pick an easy one the US of hey all that all that we can't go on with this why not better know is too cruel and mean no it's inhuman no it's expensive not even that then what it's the end of the episode and so it is but we'll reveal the rest of the fish plan next time in hair brain Boris or the dumb Bunny and now hey Rocky watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat again must S Crystal no doubt about it I got to get another hat now here's something we hope you'll really [Music] like gold some Canadians had it in their watches others had it in their teeth one Canadian had it on his mind the pride of the Mounted Police Dudley dght now our hero is digging for two reasons one he received a new shovel on his birthday and two only gold and the wealth it brings will win him the fickle but beautiful heart of the fair Nell Fenwick Nell is the daughter of the post commander and it is for her that Dudley tries to do right but seldom does look what I have found sweet Nell that's not gold Dudley that is a tin can yes but All That Glitters Is Not Gold what does that that mean I'm not sure I shall give it some thought whilst working in the mine farewell Nell and with that thought in mind Dudley dug as he had never dug before toiling day and night until 3 weeks later he emerged from the bowels of the Earth holding two large sacks filled with gold why R that's Ure but Dudley knew what he meant and off he dashed to his beloved I have done it I can now it fair ah but Dudley's horse had been through this before he knew that the path to success was paved with low grade asphalt speaking of low grade here is the villain of our melodrama snidle Whiplash he that Dullard has struck it rich now I must strike while the Dullard is hot his servant like mine quickly Hit Upon an evil plan no Dudley have you given any thought to what would happen to me if anything should happen to you I no I haven't I thought not here sign this and the unsuspecting Dudley signed a will that left his mind to Whiplash in the event that he should meet with an untimely accident which is PR precisely what snidle had in mind up to now no one had thought it odd that Dudley had discovered gold that had already been poured into sacks the reason for this was Dudley had not dug his way into a mine but into the post Commander's office where the payroll was usually kept one potato two potato three potato four what's this two potatoes are missing yes inspector Fenwick was Nobody's Fool he knew that somebody was robbing the post payroll send D right in here you sent for me sir here are your orders dght bring in the thief who's robbing the payroll 5 minutes later Constable Dudley dght was on the trail to Quebec in search of Clues little did he know he was playing right into Snidely whiplash's evil hands one wellplayed shot and I'm rich but Whiplash was not only a poor Marksman but a poor judge of firearms for this rifle had a collidoscope instead of a telescope looks more like a test pattern than a Target take this do right a mile down the trail he tried again this time with an Insidious weapon called a blow gun but again his knowledge was Laing for the gun didn't blow darts it blew bubbles oh look horse Lawrence wel must be on a road tour it wasn't until Dudley stopped for water that Whiplash finally succeeded in getting the upper hand from out of nowhere a stout rope in circle Dudley ah I have you in my clutches oh Whiplash you devil what are you up to no good you can bet on that I shall throw you over the cliff then your mine will be mine mine but I can swim with a stick of dynamite in your mouth Whiplash jammed a burning stick of TNT into Our Hero's big mouth and pushed him over down down down he plummeted into the Raging torrent below it was true Dudley couldn't swim with a stick of dynamite in his mouth but his horse could moments later he and his master stood safely on Shore or almost safely for the stick of dynamite was still clutch between his teeth and it was still burning Dudley realized that only water would extinguish the fuse but but having his fill of the river he decided to head back to the post and to the inspector's office where a bucket of water was Kept For just such emergencies by now Whiplash was in the process of exploring his mind groping his way through the inky Blackness of the tunnel he came up in the inspector's office and clutched to his bosom the remaining sacks of gold why I am rich just then the door burst open Dudley dashed in DED the TNT in the bucket of water then turned to his arch enemy so you are the payroll Thief Whiplash was caught in the web of his own evil scheme he got 30 days Dudley got seven a week's vacation as a reward for getting his M but where are you off to Dear Dudley I am off to find another mine so I can make the mine mine mine yes Dudley dght went back to digging for gold and although we cannot be certain we feel he will soon find Wealth Beyond his wildest dreams now back to Adventures of Rocky and buwi Bs well last time we found out why there has been such an epidemic of stupidity in the United States it seems that Pennsylvania that mean wiow country has attacked us with a secret weapon called goof gas right one poop you're a goof yes for the past several episodes Boris banov has been shooting goof gas at America's leading SM Alex and whisky and so gentlemen I have devised a totally new compulsive Force to launch our missiles yes yes what is it it's a rubber [Music] band ladies and gentlemen if for my first B it on a solo this evening I would like to sing one of my favorite Aras from [Music] De want to die want to die what is that terrible it's the horrors of War but now at this very moment our heroes are hot on boris's trail this way bowinkle isn't it dude little realizing that Boris is really lying in wait for them so as our heroes rounded the corner take that mus and Squirtle hey that smells good say rock that fell squirted us with perfume perfume nothing I know what that stuff is uh the answer to the plot and what's more I know who's doing it pre tell all I know where I've heard that voice before wowe I'll take notes the villain of this whole show is named yes yes I forget you forget forget what you said you forgot something golly no I even forgot what I forgot well we'll need the old notebook anymore and who are you stranger stranger oh my stars and GS Bor it's one more second than squirrel would have said your name yes it seems a shame NATA what I could use the publicity I didn't goof gas affect moose because goof gas affects the brain and no brain no effect it was true Bullwinkle's built-in stupidity made him the only living creature immune to goof gas a lot of good that does me I don't have anybody to feed me a straight line anymore tell me about the rabits George you see what I mean well n we stopped those two Busy Bodies cold now on to the hardest part of indish plan and that is we going to take Washington darling that's not hard no look at headline Boston takes Washington 7 to2 anybody can take Washington wait till next year come on Natasha and the two villains headed off for our nation's capital a few days later they were in the Congressional visitors Gallery listening to the speeches Mr chairman I'm against all foreign aid especially to places like Hawaii and Alaska I demand we increase taxes for everybody under 67 how old are you 68 we've got to get the government out of government Boris what he said you think he's already had some goof gas M what he said that is Goof gas and so the two no good headed P toward one of the country's most strategic areas welcome to Cape carnivoras all spies must register with security officer come on we're not going to register who's going to spy we're just going to sabotage hold who goes there watch hey Sonny it's sure nice to see you on the job there here's my but I don't think now stand aside young man yes sir Mr President and the goofy guard allowed Boris and Natasha to enter the top secret missile base be with us next time just a minute this isn't the end no but it won't be long now oh good Heavens meanwhile back in mck's Port PA rocky rocky baby speak to me sure who are you who Am I who am I so you're wondering too I'm your pal you're good ever so best friend my best friend yeah now speak to me hello Mom Mom a squirrel's best friend is his mother boy I never thought I'd wind up with the smartman on this show well everybody ready to start to work yes it was Captain Peter Peach first Captain you're back to normal yes I haven't been there in years either all those Ivy covered Halls wa at normal of course wax the Hatchy normal my old alma mater I mean you don't have the gallop Dums anymore oh those no I recovered in about two days Bullwinkle two days then that means in a little while Rocky will be back to normal I didn't know he was an alumnus he's not he's a squirrel and sure enough at that moment our little hero shook his head and said hey I'm back to normal oh work hat fair and proud thy sons and daughters sing out loud hey what's with Captain peach fuzz he's back to normal too a praise for you will never cease all hail magenta and thies but what happened we know what happened so let's see what Boris and Natasha are up to we're up to about 75 ft from home plate good Heavens those two miserable opers are sneaking up on one of our missile launch control centers what else you expect us to sneak down while we'll find out just what devilment they have in my next time in 543 21 are the quick launch C and now hey Rocky watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat but that trick never worked this time for sure Resto well I'm getting close and now it's time for another special [Music] feature [Music] uh junior I want you to pay close attention to this story for it has a very important moral the name of it is the dog and his shadow I know this story Dad it's a one about the dog who finds a bone and then sees his reflection in the junior the water and thinking it's another dog drops his bone because Junior because he's so greedy see and the more moral is Junior there's one moral that you haven't learned what's that pop to listen huh so you think that's the story huh yeah pop well it just so happens that isn't the story at all what is the story pop well all right all right um Once Upon a Time that's a safe start there was this dog you see uh there was this dog and a bone now this dog was very happy with his bone until he noticed his shadow say that dog has a bigger bone than I do hey buddy come here yes don't you noce something peculiar no what's the matter well I wouldn't want this to get around but uh you ain't got no Shadow no shadow of course I got a shadow all dogs have shadows in fact all things have shadows in a manner of speaking it is a simple law of physics you ain't that's funny I had one this morning you ain't got one now I don't want to stick my nose in your business Jack but I think you ought to get one oh my goodness what will I do all right now take it easy buddy I'll tell you what I'm going to do I know a guy who thals in hot Shadows he'll send you one pretty cheap you meet him here at 12 midnight you the dog who ain't got no Shadow yeah that's him all right you got the money creep yeah I got it right here okay Charlie here's your Shadow only don't open it until after we're gone you got that Charlie why not just say that's the way the shadow bounces Charlie my name ain't Charlie oh well no matter at last I I have my shadow back again whoops hey that's not my shadow buddy don't yell I told you I'd get your Shadow I didn't say it' Be Your Shadow this happens to be Charlie Shadow but whom is Charlie poor Charlie listen Charlie if I got to have you as my shadow you got to straighten up on and act right you got to follow my every movement you got that all right then let's give it a run through forward h 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 no no no no no you are not following how many times I got to tell you Charlie I suppose you think it's easy and that's another thing Shadows are not supposed to talk even if spoke to day in and day out following every movement people make and let me tell you there are some pretty stupid movements we have to follow too we Shadows want a little dignity we want to be treated with respect then maybe we could do you a good turn someday How could a shadow help anybody where's your license well I I got it here someplace I think I left it on the top buo drawer [Music] get out there's only room for one now I got you no now I've got you who said that I did F so right according to the laws of physics if there was a terrifying shadow of a lion cast upon on the wall it naturally follows that a lion is in the near vicinity bye George I'm going to have to admit it Shadows are a great help well I may as well give this back yeah what's that it's your bone oh then you're that's right I Was Your Shadow all along well I will be but tell me who is this guy Charlie which of course brings us to our moral treat your Shadow with respect and you will not be sorry for how can you be really sure it is not owned by [Music] Charlie now back to Moose squ well last time Boris and Natasha had managed to smuggle their goof gas gun onto one of our secret missile bases oh is there no way they can be stopped only if this show is cancelled buddy in that case go ahead this way NAA where to bodes to the main control center H who's there what is it you wanted young man conductor could you let me off at Mya Parkway Boris he's as dumb as they go and they're going any minute and oh dear inside the control center a gaggle of America's jet a whiz kids had prepared the greatest series of blast offs of American missiles and suddenly the door swung open Boris emptied the entire remainder of his goof gas in the close quarters of the control room the result of course was chaos some sign SST began playing ball 2 5 others gathered stupidly in front of the control panel they look at the pretty light maybe we can make them spell something how about General leun is a dope oh ver you're such a clown and the scientist began to flip the switches to try to spell words on the Light Panel as a result the United States made one of the strangest multiple launchers ever recorded Unfortunately they all had one thing in common they were headed for parts of the United States itself Bo w we have to change the course of these missiles a good idea some Tucky Fell's got to shift them off of course true true but we could Will You For Heaven's Sake ask me how we're going to do it of course of course but g-rock how are we going to do it boy try to be a modest hero in this program okay okay how I fly up to those missiles and direct him somewhere else it'll never work what makes you say so Captain oh I'm just helping to build up suspense ready Bo ready Rock then hurry and the Plucky squirrel hurdled up up and up faster and faster he went until he began to Trail a thin black plume behind him Hy smoke smoke yes he was going so fast that the friction of air was beginning to sing his fur but that didn't stop our boy squirrel squirrel approaching the first missile he shoved its nose violently to one side then he did the same with another and still another until he had redirected every missile out over the ocean then down he plunged getting hotter and hter Heavens to Eliza he's a little fuzzy com fortunately when the now almost hairless Rocky returned to Earth bulll was waiting with a tub of water meanwhile Boris was already in touch with the dictator of Pennsylvania you should have seen those crazy missiles Chief all directions at once and where are they all aimed now bov where are they all aimed now who knows who knows I'll tell you who knows I know Boris all those missiles landed right on Pennsylvania well time for a little vacation Nesha where how about the South Pole you know Boris this makes us look pretty stupid but there's one way you could look smarter Natasa how's that darling sh have your mou and back in Frostbite Falls G sex Rock you've been appointed a official astronaut that's astronaut funnyer my way oh it was nothing that any patriotic flying squirrel wouldn't have done Rocky there's only one word to dri a hero like you and there is bold be with us next time for the Further Adventures of Rocky the B flying squirrel and his powerful wikle hooray that's me I
Channel: Larry Asher
Views: 20,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 93HWojvF6sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 7sec (2647 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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