Family Guy: Top 10 Worst Things Quagmire Has Ever Done

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who else but Quagmire [Applause] welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 worst things Glenn Quagmire has ever done I'm sorry everybody I just wanted to meet her so bad I can't do anything right for this list to be looking at the most terrible crimes and other misdeeds committed by this Family Guy character to be clear we all know what Quagmire's thing is and it's not exactly brand safe so we'll be looking at the broader spectrum of his misconduct as well if there's a quagmire crime we forgot Stick it to us in the comments number 10. sleeping with his friends families Quagmire's libido knows few bouts even when it comes to his friends families don't worry Lois I do everything to you huh I'd do anything for you he has Long Pine for Peter's wife Lois and even their daughter Meg he wants tricks Joe into giving him his Blessing to sleep with Bonnie and Cleveland nearly ends their friendship after Quagmire sleeps with his first wife Loretta he hasn't been shy about wanting to sleep with Cleveland's second wife either I don't know Cleveland can I do your wife the bro code isn't something Quagmire adheres to consistently and any other group of friends he'd probably be kicked to the curb faster than he can say Quagmire cook holding his buddies maybe a misdemeanor in Rhode Island but it's still more than we can say for some of his other transgressions hey look at me I'm Quagmire I had sex with your wife [Music] those are so his mannerisms number nine forcing Ida to choose between him and Brian Quagmire's relationship with his parents is naturally unhealthy but it's especially noticeable with his transgender mother Ida Ida and I have uh begun dating yeah you're joking right it's true son Brian and I are in love what when were you gonna tell me this when Ida gets back together with Brian Quagmire reacts with disdain given his unfettered hatred for the Griffin family dog his enmity for Brian leads him to demand that Ida choose between her relationship with Brian and him you're also a papa's pretentious hypocritical blowhard who attended Brown for one semester you went to Brown for two months see see that's what I mean his whole life is a lie I can't take this anymore it's either him or me well Ida does choose her son Quagmire is still terrible for forcing his mother to forego her own happiness and for breaking up their relationship but this isn't the first or worst thing Quagmire has done to Brian where Ida is concerned more on that later bye bye Brian your history and this time history is not coming back to life Night at the Museum number eight faking his own death to get out of marriage foreign [Music] after Quagmire gets married to a maid named Joan he seemingly changes his entire personality however after the old hymn resurfaces he quickly comes to regret married life oh God I gotta get out of this marriage Cleveland how did you get out of yours you slept with my wife when he floats the idea of a divorce to Joan she reacts with threats of violence rather than pursue things the legal way Peter suggests an alternative faking his own death so anyway his Quagmire walking through the park minding his own business I just happen to be there with my video camera when a ninja granted Joan isn't exactly stable in Quagmire's first video attempt at fooling her is admittedly hilarious faking her death to get away from someone isn't the best way to deal with an admittedly crazed partner and Jones exit from the show is pretty Grim too sorry Mr Quagmire but I still need a body to take back with me so no you [Music] can number seven shooting Peter in the head hey Peter you got your safety on right yeah of course okay because your gun is pointing right at me wait you want me to pull a trigger and prove it to you no I just want to make sure your safety's on here see Quagmire safety's on now this is a gun without a safety during a hunting trip Peter accidentally shoots Quagmire in the arm fed up with Peter's stupidity Quagmire suffers ties and forces Joe to choose sides in their friendship Hey Joe Hey Joe I'm over here Joe Joe come sit with me come on you guys Joe I got a box of salt water taffies and you can have two Joe I got a deck of cards you can put in your wheels to look cool eventually Peter decides that the only way for them to mend their relationship is for Quagmire to shoot him in the arm which Quagmire is all too eager to do I need Joe to shoot me in the arm so we can be friends again okay no no no I was supposed to offer and then you were supposed to say no Peter I'm not going to shoot you although I do appreciate the gesture hand me the gun Peter when Peter box Joe does it instead and while Peter argues he should shoot Joe now Quagmire shoots Peter in the head just shooting Peter would be bad enough but it also drops his cognitive abilities far below where they were Peter I'm so glad you patched things up with your friends am I told you that we're all friends again yes Peter we were just talking about it you're gonna take me to the zoo and roll me around number six neglecting his children given his promiscuity Quagmire has dozens if not hundreds of illegitimate children throughout the world he's occasionally gotten involved in a few of their lives briefly caring for a baby named Anna Lee and even taking in his daughter Courtney after meeting her through a typically Quagmire way but these are brief one episode relationships what the heck was the theme of that dance what do you mean I mean like there was palm trees like it was Hawaii but then there was a suit of armor in the corner there was a big banner it would fish on it can we get back to the fact that you're my dad yeah you're right I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry the rest of his kids he refuses to acknowledge or spend any time with despite the obvious evidence in one specific case we admittedly can kind of understand it who wants to admit to creating a human giraffe hybrid giraffity yeah see that's not mine number five all the I Nevers boy I really appreciate you guys helping me out on this fader we're your friends we're always there for you in your time of need especially when you provide the free beer when Peter's friends all agree to help him out on his fishing boat their usual pastime of drinking beers is spiced up when they decide to play I never for those unfamiliar you have to drink if you've done the thing the other person says they've never done however Quagmire has done quite a lot I never slept with a woman with the lights on I'll go next uh I never had sex with Cleveland's wife although we don't see the full extent of his bizarre and disgusting behaviors just the fact that he's done outlandish things with a spider monkey and a Home Depot employee makes the skin crawl I never did the same thing but with someone from Joanne Fabrics oh God this is ridiculous we're not sure which implication is worse that Quagmire bragged about these things to his friends or that they may have witnessed some of them the scene's still hilarious though number four arson an insurance fraud after Quagmire and Peter decide to help Mort drum up business for his Pharmacy things quickly go wrong hey check it out we got a giggity over there on the 32nd Floor I'm gonna go in for a closer look Quagmire's horniness distracts him losing the pharmacy's Banner which causes a bus accident killing everyone on board as if masked manslaughter weren't enough the duo decides to help Mort recoup his losses by burning the pharmacy down so he can collect on the insurance Peter we're talking about a major crime here this is not smuggling oriental women into the country in steel cans this is a serious felony if not for Joe's intervention all three of them likely would have gone down for the arson and fraud charges still not sure how they got away with the bus though where were you the night of the fire I was at the movies what did you say no strings attached how was it sucked okay that checks out boy that Ashton Kutcher sure was a cat in that movie wasn't he yeah totally wrong he had a heart of gold you're going down unfortunately this isn't the first or last time Quagmire's libido leads to many deaths number three killing his sister's boyfriend after recovering from an asphyxiation injury it's exactly what you think Quagmire gets closer with his sister Brenda and her boyfriend Jeff who am I what happened oh Glenn oh thank God you're all right hey you touching my girl relax Jeff that's your brother yeah that's how it starts come on Brenda we gotta get out of here I need cigarettes and jeans it quickly becomes clear that Jeff is abusive to that end Quagmire and the guys invite Jeff on a nighttime hunting trip and plan to kill him hi look when he comes back I'm just gonna do it okay I'm just gonna point my gun straight at his head before he even knows what's going on kind of like this although Jeff manages to briefly outmaneuver them and attempts to choke Quagmire to death Quagmire's tolerance for choking allows him to slip away and run Jeff down with a car later Brenda is distraught when told that Jeff left her dear Brenda I have decided to leave you I realize that you are too good for me and you and our unborn child would be better off without me in the picture love Jeff P.S if the cops ask tell them that Joe Peter and Quagmire were with you last night now we're not saying that Jeff wasn't a garbage excuse of a human being but Quagmire still commits murder number two beating up Brian get out of there you dirty little bastard you're dead Quagmire and Brian's Feud has occasionally turned physical and arguably the worst of these occurs shortly after Ida's transitioning after coming back into town Brian unknowingly sleeps with Ida although Brian's own reaction to finding out who he was with is pretty bad Quagmire's is worse when he finds out Quagmire barges into the Griffin home and ruthlessly beats Brian throughout the house if I ever see you anywhere near my house I'll blow your head off it's easily assault and animal abuse and while Quagmire may not face any justice for his actions at least Brian's parting words seem to cut deep before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one murdering The Simpsons Quagmire has done some terrible things but killing off The Simpsons that's real low see that wasn't so bad was it oh I gotta say that was fantastic what do you say we go back to your place for round two sounds good to me in a gag promo for the fellow Fox Show Quagmire assaults and then enters into an affair with Marge Simpson back at the Simpson residence we watch an exterior shot of the house as Homer catches the two in bed together hey what's going on here get off my wife oh my God oh my God this prompts Quagmire to shoot him and then Marge when she threatens to call the police and then all the kids I can remember Mom and Dad are dead it's one of the darker Family Guy jokes and arguably the worst thing Quagmire has ever done we can see why this bit has only made it into the uncensored versions
Views: 241,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Streaming, TV, bad things quagmire has done, brenda quagmire, brian griffin, chris griffin, cleveland, cleveland brown, family guy, glenn quagmire, ida quagmire, joe swanson, list, lois griffin, marge simpson, meg griffin, mojo, mort goldman, peter griffin, quagmire, stewie griffin, the simpsons, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, worst things quagmire has done, Worst things Quagmire has done, Quagmire crimes list
Id: 6czUPE8FxvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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