Our Simpsons Lists Ultimate Compilation

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[Music] are you ready to embark on a sidesplitting journey through the iconic TV World Springfield well you better get ready cuz we're diving into the cultural phenomenon that is The Simpsons and what better place to start than with the many and I mean many times the show has predicted the future hey watch us virtual DS I'm trying to play Virtual pool welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 times The Simpsons predicted the future oh what a bleak horrible future we live in for this list we're looking at times when jokes or scenes from The Long running sitcom played out in real life which joke did you think would become reality one day number 20 Disney buys Fox this episode from season 10 aired on November 8th 1998 long before Disney and fox considered an acquisition at the end of the episode A Sign appears that reads 20th Century Fox a division of Walt Disney Co according to the episode's writer Richard Appel the joke was written out of quote a general sense that soon Disney would own us all you've got to keep our secret Homer he definitely wasn't wrong when it came to Fox nearly 20 years later on December 14th 2017 Disney announced that it was buying 21st Century Fox for just over $52 billion and with that The Simpsons officially became Disney characters the 2021 plus adversary short showed just how strange and funny it is to see Springfield residents hang out with Mouse House characters no I wish I was your Sidekick he's mine goofy number 19 smart watches in the episode Lisa's wedding we see the titular character prepare for a union in the year 2010 to prove that they're in the future her fiance Hugh Parkfield speaks into a wrist device that seemingly functions as both a watch and telephone oh BL fast go to plan B modern audiences would probably think nothing of it today however the episode aired in 1995 SmartWatches were still in their infancy then while similar devices did pop up in mediums like spy movies the idea that an average citizen would have access to a phone watch was relatively original it turned out that the Simpsons wasn't far off because the first Smartwatch that functioned as a telephone was introduced in 1999 don't worry honey I guarantee your father will be cave Mom it's a picture phone this this oh no I I just got a touch of the rooma is number 18 really old fan mail during season 2's brush with greatness Beatles drummer Ringo star appeared as himself and responded to some very old fan mail they took the time to write me and I don't care if it takes me another 20 years I'm going to answer every one of them this includes finally answering Marge who had sent him some correspondents all the way back in high school it turns out that this plot wasn't that unrealistic while the real life occurrence didn't involve Ringo Star it did bring in Paul McCartney the legendary musician learned about a tape that was recorded by two fans back in 1963 sometime after he got it the BBC helps the older fans get McCartney's written response although it took 50 years they seemed to appreciate him writing back dear Marge thanks for the Fab painting of yours truly I hung it on me wall you're quite an artist number 17 legalized marijuana in Canada The Simpsons managed to predict the future and take shots at the American Healthcare System in one delightful plot and that's why I personally thank God we pay too much for drugs I mean uh the right amount when Mr Burns cancels the prescription drug plan many other companies follow suit After People realize they can't afford medication they hope it over to Canada to get what they need the journey paves the way for Ned to meet his Canadian doppelganger during the encounter the Springfield native was was offered some legal refero hey would you like to Puff on a refero it's legal here they warned me Satan would be attractive let's go while the green stuff wasn't legal in Canada at the time it didn't take too long refero was officially given the okay across Canada in October 2018 that was nearly 14 years after the episode aired in January 2005 number 16 The Shard wow you can see into the present now we'll see what the future hes the writers must have really been looking into a crystal ball when they came up with Lisa's wedding in the 9s when they weren't dreaming up futuristic phone watches the animators were plopping in buildings that hadn't existed yet while Lisa is in London viewers are given a glimpse of various famous landmarks it was pretty normal to see Big Ben in the tower bridge however there's also a pointy skyscraper in March 2009 work started on what would eventually become The Shard it would ultimately become the tallest building in the entire country not only does The Shard bear a startling resemblance to the tower scene in The Simpsons but it's even in the right location now that's just eer oh it's good to hear a boisterous American laugh number 15 auto correct when Dolph wrote beat up Martin into his Apple Newton in 1994 the phrase hilariously turned into eat up Martha hey Dolph take a membo on your Newton beat up Martin B this was a joke aimed at the Apple Newton which was notoriously bad at recognizing handwriting but it also predicted the issues that autocorrect would bring to handheld devices technically autocorrect was around by 1994 in programs like Microsoft Word however it wouldn't be until 2007 that autocorrect became a common and notorious problem for handheld devices the joke actually did affect real life development as well apparently Apple developers made sure that Auto auto correct worked as well as it could after being lightly mocked in the episode me fail English that's impossible number 14 the mass of the higs Bon the writers of The Simpsons are extremely smart excuse me are you a student at this school I think it's pretty obvious that I am go school so much so that they pretty much figured out the mass of the higs Bon particle 14 years early in the episode The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace Homer becomes an inv enter and writes a complicated math equation on a chalkboard this complicated series of numbers and symbols was penned by episode writer David X Cohen and his astronomer friend David shimanovich physicist Simon Singh later claimed that Homer's equation closely correlates to the real mass of the higs Bon particle while the episode aired in 1997 the mass wasn't officially discovered until 2012 we guess Homer is much smarter than we thought sometimes they're unhinges that's really ingenious dad number 13 the Roy horn tiger attack when Springfield legalizes gambling Mr Burns opens a casino and hires Gunter and Ern to Stage an animal show a round of applause please for Anastasia she loves show business so much nicer than the savy of SLE in a horrifying turn of events they are attacked by their white tiger Anastasia even more horrifying is what came after these two are modeled after Sig freed and Roy this real life Duo formerly ran a highly popular Vegas show at the Mirage Resort and Casino around 10 years after the episode aired Roy horn was attacked by a tiger named mantor while performing a show he unfortunately suffered many serious injuries while horn survived the gruesome incident the performer had to leave Show Business after the attack what are you going to do start your own Casino in your tree house and get all your little friends to come I'd like to see that number 12 Lady Gaga's halftime show as the title suggests the 2012 Lisa goes Gaga episode sees pop star Lady Gaga visiting Springfield and winning the young Simpsons heart I just can't ignore a billboard in pain we're stopping in Springfield no butts during her musical performance the musician wears a bluish silver outfit and flies over the crowd in a harness the scene initially came off as a satirical Love Letter to Gaga's outrageous and bombastic style however it eventually became a reflection of real life when Lady Gaga performed the halftime show at Super Bowl 51 in 2007 the similarities to the Springfield concert Were Striking Lady Gaga wore an outfit very similar to the one seen on the animated show additionally she just so happened to hover over the crowd in a harness what's wrong honey please I've had enough attention for one day number 11 Airplane Restaurant poor Homer and Marge couldn't even enjoy a nice night out look honey I clipped on my tie all by myself and you look as handsome as the day we were married oh happy anniversary mark their plans to visit the Gilded truffle for their wedding anniversary were ruined when Grandpa failed to show up to babysit eventually they're forced to skip out on the fancy restaurant and are taken to visit up up and Buffet this airplane themed restaurant simulates turbulence and serves leftovers in ARF bags since the episode aired in 1998 various airplanes have been converted into restaurants these are located across the globe and serve food ranging from McDonald's to steak hopefully most of these real restaurants stay stationary number 10 Nobel Prize winner Bank Holstrom a 2010 Simpson story saw Martin Milhouse database and Lisa bet on the winners of the various Nobel prizes we're watching the Nobel Prize announcements live from Stockholm the no be when viewers are given a brief glimpse of the betting pool they see that Milhouse has bet on banked Holstrom to win economics but Martin won the bet by picking Jagdish buatti however Milhouse was close he was just 6 years off in 2016 both Holstrom and Oliver Hart won Nobel prizes in economic Sciences quote for their contributions to contract theory while we will not try to explain what that is we're sure Milhouse already knows he's clearly smart enough to predict the future it's time for the noblest Nobel Prize of all to Peace Prize I would kill for that number nine Daenerys Burns King's Landing Game of Thrones had a real stinker of an ending so bad that it was an actual joke on The Simpsons the serfsons is the 29th season premiere and takes place in an alternate medieval Kingdom called Spring fielda a water soup again now it's kroo the end of the episode sees Homer Reviving a dragon which proceeds to rain fire on a nearby Village look familiar nearly 2 years later Game of Thrones would feature a very similar scene when Daenerys used drogon to raise King's Landing this story development was heavily criticized by fans and critics alike and it didn't take social media long to scream Simpsons did it look the dragon is burning our village I love our life number eight yard work simulator when the Simpson family visits Colonel Texas traveling Carnival Bart is drawn to a virtual reality game called yard work simulator Marge hilariously informs him that he can do real work like this at home I want to go on the yard work simulator but when I ask you to do yard work naturally real effort doesn't seem that appealing to B but things have definitely changed since this episode aired in 1998 modern gaming is full of simulator experiences through consoles PCS and smartphones players can do seemingly boring chores digitally there's even options to perform these tasks in virtual reality while the games aren't for everyone '90s Bart would be in heaven in the 21st century you chop my hands halfway off and then I'll still have enough strength to chop get to work number seven snake clubbing in the fourth season episode whacking day the citizens of Springfield get together for an annual event in which they Round Up snakes and eliminate them in the Town Square in a tradition that dates back to Founding Father jebadiah Springfield every May 10th local residents gather to drive snakes into the center of town and whack them to snake Heaven this was reportedly influenced by real events called rattlesnake rodeos those events involve in releasing and occasionally slaying the reptiles but this episode predicted an even more violent occurrence in 2013 the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission started the Python Challenge and the Lord said whack ye all the serpents which crawl on their bellies and thy Town shall be a beacon unto others this event calls for Floridians to capture or eliminate as many Burmese pythons as possible for a $10,000 prize in 2022 a competitor named Matthew concepion won by capturing 28 snakes oh wacking day oh wacking Day snake skulling day number six the bloody billboard Itchy and Scratchy make their way onto the big screen in this episode from season 4 you'll find it in the Itchy and Scratchy movie coming soon to a theater near you 53% new footage wow in order to promote their movie The Studio puts out a disgusting interactive billboard it mainly dumps a red blood-like substance onto passers by and into their cars a slight variation on this theme actually played out in 2008 in New Zealand back then the state-owned tvnz 2 was promoting the television debut of Quenton Tarantino's Kill Bill volume 1 it was the greatest movie I've ever seen in my life and you wouldn't believe the celebrities who did cameos Dustin Hoffman Michael Jackson a giant billboard was erected in Auckland that saw a giant stream of of blood spraying onto nearby prop cars luckily no one in the vicinity reported that they were slathered in the liquid the same cannot be said for the poor citizens of Springfield number five the censoring of David few marble sculptures are as popular as Michelangelo's David get dressed Marge you've got to lead our protest against this Abomination but that's Michelangelo's D it's a masterpiece it's filth in the second season episode episode Itchy and Scratchy and Marge David goes on a tour throughout the Eastern United States and stops in Springfield some people take umbrage with the statue's nudity and attempt to censor it there are people who even went so far as to cover it with a pair of jeans with this gag The Simpsons was both satirizing the past and predicting the future various campaigns have attempted to cover up David since the episode aired incidents have Arisen in 2001 2014 and 2016 it's unknown where weather more campaigns to conceal the statue's natural form will pop up in the future I told you she was soft on full frontal nudity number four gy mat food after Principal Skinner makes some massive budget cuts at the school the kids get really shoddy lunches you cut back on everything salaries supplies the food I don't care what you say I can taste the newspaper the educator and the cafeteria staff even colluded to use shredded newspapers and gym mats as cheap food filler in 2014 the public learned that many major fast food chains were using azodicarbonamide in their bread this compound is used as an oxidizing agent with flow it's also used to make vinyl foam ironically that is what gym and yoga mats are made of so in an indirect way real restaurants were taking a page out of Skinner's Playbook fortunately bad publicity caused many of these restaurants to drop azodicarbonamide as an ingredient there's very little meat in these gym mats number three grease them thefts is there anything that people won't steal in lard of the dance Homer and Bart conspire to sell grease for a profit upon realizing that everyday bacon grease won't do the trick the duo starts stealing grease from the school and crusty burger okay boy this is where all the hard work sacrifice and painful scalding pay off the latter attempt even gets them in trouble with the mafia likee acne grease and shovel company America saw a Spate of Grease thefts throughout 2012 when the price of used cooking oil sky rocketed in one instance two thieves stole grease from a McDonald's honestly we do have to wonder if the real thieves got the idea from watching The Simpsons this better work boy I don't want to wind up working on your mother's Emu Farm Number Two Blinky the three-eyed fish The Simpsons finds a source of humor in many things including nuclear runoff at the start of this second season episode Bart catches a three-eyed fish that is named Blinky by the media wait a minute 1 2 three the deformed fish was caught near a nuclear power plant that is found to have 342 safety violations worth over $50 million I suppose that's normal background radiation the kind you'd find in any well-maintained nuclear facility this remained a silly joke until 2011 during that year fishermen in Corda Argentina caught a three-eyed wolfish sure enough the lake was used as a Dumping Ground for a nuclear power plant facility's hot water we wouldn't recommend making a filet out of that catch number one president Trump like Lisa's wedding BART to the Future depicts well the future while Bart lives as an aspiring rock star Lisa is president of the United States she inherits a massive financial problem that was caused by the last president Real Estate Mogul Donald Trump as you know we've inherited quite a budget crunch from president Trump how bad is it secretary van hton this episode was produced during his presidential campaign of 20 when his victory seemed extremely unlikely however it stopped being a joke when Trump was declared the 45th president of the United States the first episode following the announcement contained a chalkboard gag that read quote being right sucks this drawing showed that the writers are not always happy about what they predict if I'm going to bail the country out I'll have to raise taxes but in my speech I'd like to avoid calling it a painful emergency tax everybody loves the Simpsons right okay not quite turns out TV's favorite family has angered their fair share of people hiy Mr Prime Minister Andy welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 times The Simpsons angered people wait wait wait wait wait wait who is before the cat now are there any questions keeping in mind that I already explained about my hair oh yeah and you must be the man who didn't know if he had a pimple or a boil it was a gummy bear for this list we'll be looking at Celebrities organizations and even governments that had a bone to pick with America's favorite non- prehistoric cartoon family do you think any of these reactions were Justified number 10 Seth McFarland what's going on here get off my way Family Guy creator Seth McFarland has the deepest respect for The Simpsons and Matt grainy at after all the Griffins probably wouldn't exist without them however McFarland expressed frustration when Fox cut a gag in a season 6 Family Guy episode where Quagmire and Marge Simpson um yiggity I got a call from the network saying you can't do this you cannot do this gag and with with The Simpsons and I said why not they've they've made fun of Family Guy like five times quack Myer subsequently shoots Marge and the rest of the Simpsons the scene eventually surfaced and reruns and DVD in a commentary McFarland criticized the network for removing the joke when The Simpsons had taken numerous shots at Family [Music] Guy Fox apparently wanted to end the quote unquote feud between the two cartoons which McFarland says isn't even real McFarland suspects that fox was afraid of James L Brook's reaction leaving this episode's First Act without a joke to conclude on the reason I still maintain is that and I said this to them you're you're afraid of James El Brooks who runs the Simpsons you're afraid of James El Brooks and you're not afraid of us and that's why we can't do it number nine the National Hockey League hitting a new low in season 9 crusty the clown finds himself at the bottom of a bottle a glass slipper and the Stanley [Music] Cup crusty seemingly reaches his limit after taking a huge swing spewing into hockey's most treasured prize according to Mike Scully the crew received some quote kind of a cease and assist letter from the NHL in response taking the advice of a quote cool Fox lawyer scolly and the company decided to ignore the letter sort of the Stanley Cup would resurface in the background The Following season after Homer and Ned going a crazy Bender in Vegas oh my goodness Homer wake up whether or not this is an intentional call back to Crusty's Bender the Stanley Cup has seen its fair share of vomit here comes that vomit again number eight Hari kondabolu for decades Apu nahas M petalon was among Springfield's most popular residents in recent years though the character has divided audience with some believing that he's had a negative impact on Indians and South Asians what do I do now I've been drummed up of my profession and my disgrace even this Babbling Brook sounds almost like mocking laughter this debate arguably started to gain traction with comedian Hari kabu and his 2017 documentary the problem with the Pooh speaking with people of Indian and South Asian descent kabu found that he wasn't the only one who views AO as a problematic stereotype a hate upo hate upo and because of that I dislike The Simpsons the whole series I love The Simpsons big because you hate yourself The Simpsons addressed the controversy in season 29 albeit briefly sparking more heated discussions something that started decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now Politically Incorrect what can you do well the conversation continues Hank aeria officially stepped away from voicing AO in 2020 and made an apology the following year the future remains unclear for the Quicky Mark proprietor but kolu's criticisms were definitely heard number seven Frank SEO Frank SEO isn't a household name but you might remember this Italian-American character actor from such films as The Godfather Part Two New York New York and The Wedding Singer you might even notice a certain resemblance between seo's goodfellow's character Frank Carbone and Springfield mob enforcer Louie six Queens freedom and weak at least SEO did leading to a $250 million lawsuit in 2014 ver accused The Simpsons of copying his character as some of the writers apparently lived next door to him while Goodfellas was being developed the judge threw the case out the following year finding that Louis sazed Mob characters in general ironically Dan cinetta claims that he drew inspiration for Louis's voice from seo's Goodfellas co-star Joe peshi isn't that funny funny how I mean what's funny about number six morisy in many cases SBS take it in stride when they're mocked or par on The Simpsons this wasn't at all the case with English singer morisy in a season 32 episode Benedict Cumberbatch voiced Willoughby who's modeled after morisy keep in mind I'm merely a product of your fractured psyche oh shut up don't ruin it Lisa builds up a version of quabbe in her mind but she finds that the actual singer is nothing like she imagined quabbe turns out to be prejudiced overweight and strapped for cash because he suit so many people for criticizing him I'm only here because I lost my fortune suing people for saying things about me that were completely true things kind of came full circle as morrisy responded quote the hatred shown towards me from the creators of The Simpsons is obviously a taunting law suit but one that requires more funding than I could possibly muster in order to make a challenge is this what I turned into I'm greedy I'm hateful and my face looks like a syphilitic Moon number five Brazil still from New Orleans to Australia The Simpsons has ignited controversy around the world I'm going to report this to me Member of Parliament hey Gus I got something to report to you that's a bloody outrage itties I'm want to take this all the way to the prime minister in one of the most infamous cases Fox nearly faced legal action for the show's send up of Brazil in a season 13 episode the South American country is portrayed to be overrun with crime stereotypes and and colorful rats mom these are slums the government just painted them bright colors so the tourists wouldn't be offended works for me yeah check out the rats ooo they look like Skittles the Rio de Janeiro tour board wasn't at all pleased although their supposed plans to Su Fox likely would have held up in court nevertheless James L Brooks issued an apology to Rio and its people calling them quote lovely well I'd like to return to Brazil but I I hear the monkey problem is even worse now being part of The Simpsons crew though Brooks jokingly added quote if that doesn't settle the issue Homer Simpson offers to take on the president of Brazil on Fox's celebrity boxing number four Tracy Olman before they were the biggest names in prime time animation The Simpsons got their start in short form on the Tracy Olman show in season 2 Ol Man lenter voiced to dog trainer Emily Winthrop and the family's neighbor Sylvia Winfield there's only one family on this block no on Earth inconsiderate enough to let a monster like that roam free the following year however Ol Man took out a lawsuit against Fox while man did receive $58,000 in royalties for the cartoon the comedian believed that she deserved a bigger cut of the revenue $2.5 million to be precise as Olman put it I breastfed the yellow people Olman might have given the Simpsons their start but the court ultimately sided with the network nevertheless man has spoken finally of The Simpsons since then even appearing on the 20th anniversary special but I think it's been the most successful spin-off ever number three Fox News The Simpsons has never shied away from making fun of the Fox network but that's nothing compared to the times they've thrown shade at Fox News a season 14 episode took several shots at the right leaning Network through a news crawl tonight we'll be interviewing the top two candidates for Springfield's 24 congressional district for the Republicans beloved children's entertainer crusty the clown and for the Democrats this guy I have a name among the headlines are pointless news crawls up 37% and JFK poly joins Republican party although Fox claims otherwise graining says the network threatened legal action figuring that fox wouldn't Sue itself The Simpsons got away with the joke this is Fox News with the latest liberal outrage it seems liberals want to give NASA the right to abort space missions whenever they feel like it however Fox told the show not to use any more fake news tickers fearing that they may be confused for real ones that didn't stop The Simpsons from cracking more Fox News jokes attracting outrage from Bill O'Reilly in 2010 no we're unbalanced it's not fair number two George HW Bush The Simpsons got off to a rocky start with the first lady Barbara Bush who called the show it was the dumbest thing I had ever seen Mrs Bush had a change of tune after receiving a thoughtful letter from March Simpsons well technically The Simpsons writers I thought perhaps it would be a good start to just speak my mind with great respect Marge Simpson President Bush apparently wasn't so easily one over vowing to to make American families a lot more like the Walton and a lot less like The Simpsons the show promptly responded with a jab at Bush's role in the early 1990s recession but it didn't end there when the bushes moved across the street from The Simpsons a brawl between George and Homer was inevitable I'll take your head and gbop what are you doing here it also paved the way for multiple jokes about his one-term presidency since I'd achieved all my goals as president in one term there was no need for a second number one Matt graining quite a Twist huh bet you didn't see that one coming despite being the show's Creator graining hasn't been satisfied with every creative decision along with Harry Shear graining criticize the notorious principal and the popper episode that man is the real Seymour Skinner graining was especially critical about a crossover with another James L Brooks produced animated series created by simps son's writers Al jeene and Mike ree the critic had a short run it's perhaps best remembered for a Simpsons episode where Jay Sherman came to Springfield hey man I really love your show I think all kids should watch it I suddenly feel so dirty gring thought the episode was a blatant advertisement for the critic when he failed to get the crossover pulled grining had his name removed from the credits graining has seemingly mellowed out about crossovers since then as The Simpsons have now clashed with Family Guy Futurama the X Files 24 Lego Star Wars and the Marvel Universe oh the bo says your magic can you turn one pork chop into two I worship you great Loki there has been a slew of memorable characters who have joined our Mainstay yellow family over the years but tragically many of those major characters have died this isn't a saxophone it's an umbrella so I've been playing an umbrella for 30 years why didn't anybody tell me we all thought it was funny that's not funny welcome to watch Mojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10 major Simpson characters who tragically died hello Willie you'd know her hey Sherry Bobbins and I were engaged to be wood back in the old country then she got her eyesight back suddenly the ugliest man in glasow wasn't good enough for her when Mr Pinchy he's part of the family now I'm not your buddy Simpson I don't like you in fact I hate you stay the hell away from me because from now on we're enemies for this list we'll be going over the most significant and sad deaths of characters on The Simpsons to qualify they have to have been asked off for real so no temporary deaths or dream sequences given the Grim nature of this list a spoiler alert is in order number 10 Rabbi Hyman kristofski the father of crusty the clown Rabbi Hyman kristofski has almost always had a difficult relationship with his son the comedian you have brought shame on our family oh if you were a musician or a daninger this I could forgive but but but this I never want to see you again sadly the pair's final moment together is no different when crusty goes to his father for Solace after being roasted on TV Rabbi kristofski unfortunately passes away before he can confirm to his son whether he thinks crusty is funny or not as for you son if you want to know my honest opinion of you you've always been go on I've always been entertaining not only is his death sad but it also pushes K crusty into a tail spin and leads to his retirement however thanks to seeing a rabbi his father respected tell jokes similar to his own crusty is able to feel closer to his dad even after he's Departed so if Dad loved his jokes then Dad loved my jokes oh yeah I guess he just hated your delivery he loved my jokes number nine Sherry Bobbins The Simpsons family is highly dysfunctional so when Marge has enough she decides to hire a nanny Sherry Bobbins a thinly veiled parody of Mary Poppins gets the job hello I'm Sher bobbins did you say Mary pup no I definitely did not I'm an original creation like Ricky Rouse and monal mck while she manages to have a positive impact on them at first The Simpsons gradually wear down to the point where she's miserable searching for my lost Shaker of salt oh here it is a that poor woman however after singing a musical number about how they're happy just the way they are bobbins declares that she's had enough of their ap-like behavior and flies away with her umbrella don't think it's ourour Graves but you're all a bunch of and so I [Music] must although Homer is sure they'll see her again she gets sucked into a jet engine and dies soon after it's more of a comedic death than some of these others but it's tragic we didn't get more of her character number eight Pinchy Homer buys a lobster to fatten up before eating I tell you I'm a financial genius I buy an $8 Lobster fatten it into an $80 Lobster and eat the profit but the Big O becomes attached to the crustation and treats it as a pet even naming him Pinchy against marg's objections of course we can all see where this is going it's your big day water's boiling quick Chuck them in uh come on Chuck them in okay let's go in the pot in the pot [Music] Mo but Mar look at this guy in a typical Homer move he accidentally boils Pinchy by giving him a hot bath although quite amusing Homer seems pretty broken up about it I put him in a nice hot bath hey what smells so good not enough to prevent him from eating Pinchy mind you but enough to where we're sad that he sat after we're done laughing at [Music] least are you going to eat that all by yourself number seven Frank Grimes despite dying in his debut episode Frank Grimes is one of the most memorable minor characters in the show's history in the meantime here's Frank Grimes the the self-made man what oh yes that F just put him somewhere out of the way and find that dog yes sir hardworking and irritable Grimes takes an immediate dislike to Homer's oblivious attitude that seems to earn him nothing but success what do you have to show for for your lifetime of sloth and ignorance what everything a dreamhouse two cars a beautiful wife a son who owns a factory fancy clothes and lobsters for dinner his Spike grows until he has a psychotic break pretending to be Homer and doing increasingly stupid and Reckless things until he finally causes his own death by touching high voltage wires what's this extremely high voltage well I don't don't need safety gloves because I'm Homer it's a Darkly comedic but also quite tragic moment old grimy didn't deserve such a Grizzly end even if it did make for great satire change the channel Mar that's our Homer number six snowball 2 snowball 2 despite its misleading name is Lisa's black cat while rarely a large presence on the show she is nevertheless an iconic part of The Simpsons family I just realized we never had a wedding for the cat and the dog they've been living in sin that's why it's so heartbreaking when the kitty is struck by a car one day snowball too I can't believe you're gone the death of a pet is always rough and Lisa takes snowball's death especially hard particularly since her attempts at replacing the cat also meet untimely ends shortly after she gets them that's why it's all up snowball [Music] 3 eventually she settles on a replacement that bears an uncanny resemblance to snowball 2 the status quo is maintained but Lisa's grief is all too real you're snowball five but to save money on a new dish we'll just call you snowball 2 and pretend this whole thing never happened that's really a cheat isn't it I guess you're right principal tamarion well just be moving along Lisa snowball too number five Fat Tony Anthony Deo better known by his moniker Fat Tony is Springfield's local mafia boss you mean the mob only did me a favor to get something in return oh Fat Tony I will say good day to you sir okay I will go apparity of every mob boss in media rolled into one Fat Tony meets his end in a much less violent way than most fictional crime leaders after Homer assists the FBI by going undercover in Tony's organization he and Tony Bond Nikki welcome to the family from now on you don't know where you end and we begin your problems are our problems however upon Tony discovering Homer's deception he has a heart attack from the shock and dies but much like our previous entry a suspiciously similar substitute is discovered in fat Tony's cousin fit Tony who soon becomes indistinguishable from the deceased mobster pressure's got to him so he started to eat soon he was known as fitfat Tony then just Fat Tony for short number four mod Flanders the Beloved wife of Ned Flanders and just as uptight as him mod Flanders rarely stood Out Among the crowd of Simpsons supporting players I like the fresh air and looking at the poor people in the infield but thanks to some behind the-scenes disputes she certainly met a memorable end while attending a race at the new town Speedway Homer Demands a t-shirt from cheerleaders shooting them into the audience I guess no one else wants a t-shirt that's a damn lie and you know it give me a shirt you hurt him girl however when he Ducks down to pick up a bobby pin the barrage of shirts hits ma knocking her off the stands to her death wo a bobby [Music] pin mod oh my Lord she's [Music] dead well not exactly the most memorable of characters Mod's death still hits hard because of how devastated Ned and his sons are number three Edna kopel poor Ned Flanders Edna kopel is the second of his wives to die and hers hits especially hard Bart's longtime sarcastic teacher Edna kopel was a staple of the show from the beginning Bart oh Mrs K hey it's Saturday your powers are useless against me relax I'm just here to have fun like everybody else don't think of me as a teacher okay however her actress Marsha Wallace passed away in 2013 although Mrs Kel's death is never shown on screen she has mentioned several times as having passed away Bart pays tribute to tour her in his opening chalkboard gag during one [Music] episode in another her husband Ned reminisces about her with Nelson one of her students Mrs kopel was like a surrogate teacher to many who watch the show Growing Up sure do miss that laugh I miss her too Bart said it best we really miss you Mrs K number two bleeding gums Murphy a local jazz musician bleeding gums Murphy is a hero and mentor to Lisa in learning the saxophone Lisa reunites with him when he's in the hospital and he lends her a saxophone for her school recital baby you are going to knock them dead here take this for luck your saxs thank you so much however sadly Murphy passes away when she returns to thank him even even more tragically Lisa is the only one to attend his funeral to pay tribute to her dead Idol Lisa is able with the help from Bart to play his album on a local radio station ensuring all of Springfield hears his music I did the best I could bleeding [Music] gums Murphy's Spirit then speaks to her through the clouds and the two of them play a duet it's an iconic Simpsons moment made possible by a jazz man being taken too soon oh what the heck once more from the top yay number one Mona Simpson Homer's mother Mona Simpson has been absent from his life for decades this led him to develop his weight problem among other issues mom I can't believe you're here you keep disappearing and reapp appearing and it's not funny you're just like that show Scrubs when Mona apparently returns for good Homer refuses to accept her refusing to let himself be heard again if she should leave she tries to be a good mother to him again even tucking him in but he still refuses to forgive her no I can't forgive you and I don't accept your tuck in I understand these things take time after a sleepless night Homer decides to apologize even Mak her a card however when he goes downstairs he finds that she has died in front of the fire are you asleep asleep with your eyes open mom Homer's fear of Abandonment and his final words to her make Mona's fate even more heartbreaking the massive worldwide success of The Simpsons means it also has a massive worldwide fan base and leave it to those fans that come up with some interesting theories about the show but as we're about to find out many of those theories are actually pretty convincing oh well I make some crank F clothes Ah that's great welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 most mind-blowing Simpsons fan theories would anyone care if we predicted that I don't know but they will number 20 Barney and mo are the same person this is definitely one of the more out there ideas that some fans have for the show of course we all know mo the bartender and Barney Gumble two prominent figures at Mo's Tavern and a part of Homer's life you'll be back and so will you and you and you of course I'll be back if you didn't close I'd never leave however some have proposed the idea that both Mo and Barney are the same person how can that be well apparently Mo pressured Professor Frank into using his time machine to alter his childhood to improve his life don't worry baronnie time heals all wounds well what do you know you're right he took on the name Barney Gumble but then walked into Mo's and forgot everything Mama M number 19 the show is told from Ned Flanders perspective The Simpsons can be rather crass in their behavior especially compared to their nextdoor neighbor Ned Flanders and his family why aren't we ascending into heaven all right the sins perhaps we've been looking at things all wrong as this Theory suggests the reason Homer is borish and inconsiderate is because that's how Ned views him what's the matter Ned I I think I hate Homer Simpson the same can be said for Bart whose bratty Behavior would look worse compared to the respectable rod and Todd in fact you can argue that the reason the Flanders flock looks so idilic compared to the Simpsons is because of Ned's bias towards his family while having contempt for Homer and his family you are the worst human being I have ever met hey I got all pretty easy number 18 Bart was a stone cutter before Homer before Homer ever joined the Stone Cutters Reddit user Tai Piper 93 posits that Bart was already a member Lenny and Carl are never around on Wednesdays and they don't tell me where they go it's like a conspiracy a conspiracy eh you think they might be involved in the Kennedy assassination in some way I do know there are only two ways to join the secret society one being saving the life of a member or being the son of one back in season 2 Bart saved Mr Burns's life which would Grant him membership by the way what was the lad's name um Bart Simpson sir who is the son of Homer Simpson one of your stepson sector 7g well The Simpsons will be getting a very nice surprise in the mail very nice indeed he's also Abe's grandson but we don't know how strict they are with Family Ties later when Homer is revealed to be The Chosen One He commands Lisa to be removed from the room and Bart happily follows the order don't you see getting what you want all the time will ultimately leave you unfulfilled and joyless remove the girl dad you're not with your stone cutters now there are no Lackey around to carry out your there's also the fact Bart frequently evades trouble at school because Principal Skinner is also a member of the order number 17 every episode is a new universe being on the air for more than 30 years certainly mess with the show's continuity not only does the layout of the Town change but so does that of the Simpson house depending on the episode Homer it's really coming down could you check on the boys they're fine in earlier seasons of the show Marge and Homer meet in the' 70s but in more recent Seasons they're both gen xers the middle of a wild decade known as the 1990s the '90s never heard of it oh it was a wonderful time the Iraq War was over once and for all a struggling mat graining created Futurama and young people believed in their dreams both Grandpa and Mr Burns are shown as having fought in World War II but they'd be close to 100 years old one way to explain the shifting physical and temporal properties of the show is that each episode is its own universe meaning there's no overarching continuity it seems like every week something odd happens to the Simpsons my advice is to ride it out make it occasional smart out equip and by next week we'll be back to where we started from ready for another wacky adventure I can Rumble that's the spirit number 16 Mo knows Bart is pranking him there's nothing more classic than watching one of Bart's prank phone calls to Mo is Seymour there last name butts just a sec hey is there a butts here see more butts hey everybody I want to see more butts wait a minute after being pranked for so many years you'd think that Mo would event eventually figure out who's behind it all redditor seor schnarf proposes that he does in fact know its Bart but he admires the boy and wants to keep him happy is Mike there last name r hold on I'll check my crot my crotch hey has anybody seen my crotch lately listen to me you little puke one of these days I'm going to catch you there is some evidence to back this up after Homer is fired from the power plant he's out drinking at Mo Marge sends BART to bring Homer home right after a prank call it's you isn't it listen you when I get a hold of you I'm going to use your head for a bucket and paint my house with your brains Bart I want you to go down to Mo's Tavern I need you to bring your father home when Bart enters the bar and starts speaking Mo immediately recognizes his voice and is thrilled to see the younger Simpson excuse me I'm looking for wait a minute I know that voice if it isn't little bot Simpson I haven't seen you in years that's right that's my pop number 15 mod never loved Ned the Flanders seem to have the perfect life especially compared to their neighbors The Simpsons however fans have noted several instances that would indicate that maybe mod isn't the loving devoted wife we all assume she is I told you to unplug the phone but it could be my mother how shoot that is it Ned If You Don't Unplug that phone right now you're sleeping on the lawn will you you shut up people are trying to sleep when Ned snaps and is sent to a mental health hospital after his home is destroyed by a hurricane mod is nowhere to be found when a comet is about to hit Springfield Ned is forced out of his bomb shelter and she doesn't raise much opposition sounds fair d Everybody I'll I'll scream when the comet gets here oh I'm coming with you Netty no sweetheart you you stay here because okay later after she's passed on Ned has has preserved her indentation in their bed and she's positioned such that she slept facing away from her husband could you sleep on my side I'm trying to preserve Mod's indentation sorry oh no problem a little starch will fix her right up number 14 Chief wigam isn't Ralph's dad ever notice how Milhouse and his parents have similar features such as blue hair and big round noses what is all this stuff we've heard you've become a star we decided we better start living in the fast lane what if I'm not a success how will you pay for all this I'm sorry I can't hear you son I'm wearing a Jacuzzi suit it's a good indication that they're related but some fans have noticed that the same cannot be said about Ralph wigam and his parents for one they don't resemble each other all that much leading some to speculate that Chief wigam might not be Ralph's father you poor little boy oh no he'll be fine he's always getting himself stuffed into this or that who would be the boy dad look no further than the chief's underling Eddie given that both he and Ralph have thin stringy hair while we can't say for sure the resemblance is oddly suspicious I know Eddie is Ralph's father look at the hair look at the hair no clany I swear to you it's not true my son's breath smells like cat food number 13 why Patty and Selma hate Homer it's no secret that marg's sisters are not particularly fond of Homer having so much just got promoted at the DMV yeah Homer let your wife have a glimpse of success for once all right that's the last draw time to take out the trash redditor BT test Highlander 1 argues that the twin sister's poor treatment of Marge is what pushed her to marry Homer there are several instances where Patty and Selma are mean to a young Marge and this had a profound effect on her when she grew up this thing called a fire drill they use it to drill a flaming hole hole in your head and there's only one big toilet and they make you all go at the same time Homer can be a handful at times but he has a pretty strong Devotion to his wife which is a stark contrast to Patty and Selma's Behavior towards Marge since they want to continue to dominate their younger sister's life they want Marge to be with a partner they approve of thus treating Homer poorly in an attempt to convince her to move on from him get out of here you ghouls number 12 Miss Burns is aware of Homer's incompetence way back in season 1 Homer becomes the safety inspector of the nuclear power plant I want you to be in charge of safety here at the plant safety at the time it made sense since he had just been on a public safety crusade in the Years following he's been shown to be rather incompetent at his job as we've seen him responsible for several near catastrophes Frank Grimes even points out that accidents have doubled every year since Homer's been safety inspector accidents have doubled doubled every year since he became safety inspector and meltdowns have tripled has he been fired no has he been disciplined no no Mr Burns is aware of Homer's ineptitude since someone who did the job well would force the plant to fix the problems when German investors buy the plant they immediately fire Homer and find out how expensive it would be to bring the plant up to code when Burns buys it back he rehires Homer and rehire that chap who sessed me in the bar Homer Simpson but why Smithers I keep my friends close and my enemy is even closer number 11 Homer is a criminal mastermind Homer is frequently portrayed as oish on the show but when there's a crime involved he becomes suspiciously competent when Springfield instituted prohibition he came up with a genius plan to supply the town with alcohol how have you been getting away with this well and I can explain remember I fill the balls with beer that I found at the dump and then I bowl them and some underground pipes take them into Mo Homer that's very very clever Not only was Marge impressed with his scheme but no one was able to catch him until he came out and admitted it in another episode once Bart shows him how to illegally download movies he starts his own backyard theater screening the ill-gotten films to the towns folk welcome to cinema pirate dieso tonight's movie is life is funny directed by Jud appow it's based on his life starring his family and AD lived by his friends so for the next 3 and 1/2 hours enjoy he even breaks into the Springs sonian museum with Lisa to view the orb of Isis commenting how his fingerprints are on file with the Springfield police [Music] run number 10 Bart created The Simpsons oh this is perfect conjured up by Reddit user just embarrassing this theory prophesies that Bart will grow up to be Matt graining considering the show's Creator based The Simpsons on his own family going as far as to use their names it makes sense that Bart would be partially based on himself and the globe goes to Angry [Music] Dad the redditor points out that the prankster has already proven to be a capable writer and comedian ghost winning an award for an itchy and scratchy episode and crafting an academy award-winning Angry Dad short like graining Bart's family tends to serve as inspiration for his creative work and the winner is Itchy and Scratchy Abraham Simpson r all right grandpa number nine Homer is still collecting royalties from the BPS each trips a trip to Paradise with my [Music] baby maybe not the sexiest Theory but it still makes a whole lot of sense redditor somewhere cheap speculates that despite working as an underpaid nuclear safety inspector Homer still lives in relative luxury and can afford to travel the world with his family as part of the Grammy winning Barber Shop quartet Homer has probably earned a decent chunk of change via royalties however when it comes to the rest of the BPS Barney would have drunk any money away apo's eight children forced him into a life of modesty and Skinner seems to be better off than his Schoolboard income should allow is that reputation Justified yes yes it is number eight Marge shot Mr Burns where is everybody season six ends with Mr Burns getting shot by a mysterious attacker who in the season 7 opener was revealed to be none other than Maggie [Music] Simpson since then many have speculated on whether the baby was the true culprit with one Reddit user pinning the crime on Marge as a devoted mother who loves Springfield Marge definitely had the motive to hate Mr Burns during the episode Marge Gets a Job the villainous Burns falls in love with Marge explaining why he would not single her out and yes we know Homer unceremoniously claimed to have been the culprit in season 18 but Marge as the shooter is still an interesting Theory to entertain I'm going to get my revenge and if I get caught I'm pinning it on the baby like the time I shot Mr Burns number seven time traveling Abe for this this Theory drafted by redditor data Forge we need to take the Treehouse of Horror episodes as Canon but otherwise stuff checks out in the segment time and Punishment Homer creates a quick time machine and messes with the time continuum resulting in a few crazy alterations with things continuously getting worse Homer remembers some advice from his father and settles for a timeline that's close enough to the original if you ever travel back in time don't step on anything because even the tiniest change can alter the future in ways you can't imagine this might suggest that Abe is an experienced time traveler partially explaining why his recollection of history is all over the place mind you it is more plausible that Abe is actually just scile and one day I seen JD Rockefeller flying by so I run out of the house with a big Wash Tub and ni where you going number six Homer knows he's a cartoon hey stop that you'll never silence me I'm the last angry man Patterson a handful of theorists Focus their energy on justifying the later seasons of The Simpsons especially when it comes to Homer's increasingly destructive personality rays of Davy's Theory hearkens back to the classic season 4 episode Homer the heretic which concludes with Homer dreaming of God and learning the meaning of life the redditor believes that God told Homer he's a cartoon explaining why the once lovable doofus turned into a mean-spirited jackass who acts only in his best interest if nothing is real then consequences are a thing of the past they're both losers losers number five Nelson ms's biological father B you are a bad friend there is more than one horse in this race the identity of Nelson's biological father has always inspired many a discussion with some speculating that Barney's his real daddy putting aside that Bart once found Mr munts at a circus a theory by brownie James suggests that Nelson's real father is snake jailbird pointing towards their similar physical appearance oh goodbye student loan payments focusing on their personalities snake and Nelson are both sensitive with a complete disregard for authorities for those who prefer their theories with a dose of sci-fi fire Robin 88 suggests that Nelson and Barney are actually the same person due to his forcing Professor Frank to interfere with the past with a time machine great game son come on H I'm taking you to Hooters I don't want to bother mom at work Number Four The Simpsons are actually Geniuses I just underwent a procedure to increase my IQ 50 points really after decades on the air nobody involved with the Simpsons can be called stupid Lisa is the only member of the family praised for her intelligence a distinction that might not be accurate with regards to the dumbest of the bunch Kirby clock's Theory points towards season 12's Revelation that Homer is only stupid due to a crayon lodged in his head meanwhile Marge has excelled in nearly every profession she's tried while Bart is creative and capable of picking up a foreign language at the drop of a hat with the exception of Lisa the rest of the family seems to have chosen ignorance over brains I am to smart I am to smart mrrt I mean a rrt number three there are multiple mem men not again Springfield is generally not the safest place but that goes double for Hans meman whenever the Unlucky Ralph melish shows up fans know that Homer is about to unintentionally deliver a world of hurt most of Homer's Antics should be fatal but the molean always comes back for more is this just Tom and Jerry logic or is there something else going on Aaron 3 theorizes that there are multiple mole men running around and Homer is constantly killing a different one this is borderline confirmed in the season 11 episode hello gutter hello F There Is No Escape From The Fortress of the moles no except that number two Springfield exists out of time and space The Simpsons the Springfield effect is among the more popular and detailed Reddit theories out there Springfield seems to be stuck in a Time Loop since none of the residents have aged despite the years clearly passing by in the rest of the world the size of the Town fluctuates depending on the situation with building moving around to better fit the narrative the theory suggests that Springfield exists outside of time and space with the characters being unable to notice any anomalies in their lives well it makes sense as any other explanation I can't fit in a boot number one Homer is in a coma this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you this one almost makes too much sense the redditor called hard to pick a name believes that Homer never woke up from his coma during season 4's clip show 6 months earlier God revealed to Homer that his time was nearly up coinciding neatly with the later coma don't feel bad Homer nine out of 10 religions fail in their first year to be fair the episode does end with Homer suddenly snapping back to reality but this could be waved away as a dream the theory explains why nobody ever ages and why subsequent episodes can be rather insane really any theory that discredits the principal and the popper deserves the benefit of the doubt I'm an impostor that man is the real Seymour Skinner what's your favorite Simpsons fan Theory let us know in the comments no it can't be true it is true Carl one of the most fun things about watching The Simpsons is trying to catch all those little details and Easter eggs you know that are in the background of each and every episode well lucky for us watch Mojo compiled the most amazing details that well we may have missed Captain I have proofed that he's head of an international drug cartel I don't want to hear it mcbaine you're out of here welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 amazing small details in The Simpsons explain the similarities are subtle but many for this list we're looking at Easter eggs callbacks and other fun items hiding in plain sight throughout this classic animated series what subtle Simpsons details have you noticed number 20 Skittle brow given how much love Homer Simpson has for both beer and sweets it shouldn't be too much of a surprise that he's fond of a concoction that combines the two feeling low after Bart quits the football team he's coaching he goes to the Quicky Mart for a pickme up I'm feeling kind of low up poo got any of that beard that has candy floating in it you know Skittle brow however a poo informs him that this product is not on the market Homer deals with this setback by purchasing the ingredients individually in The Following Season the cash strapped family goes to a 33 Cent Store among the questionable merchandise for sale is Skittle brow hey for only 33 cents we'd try it number 19 special inmate number The Simpsons doesn't have a whole lot in common with Le Miser but if you're a fan of either Victor Hugo's novel Andor its musical adaptation you may have caught these references the number 24601 pops up on the show multiple times it's assigned to the Diabolical Sideshow Bob when he's incarcerated deer number 247 601 I need a man in another episode Principal Skinner encounters his helmet from his experience as a prisoner of war bearing the same number still fits so what's the connection this is the same inmate number as that of tragic protagonist je valan if there's anyone who would appreciate this kind of highbrow reference it's Sido Bob a Westminster Abby Edward the Confessor himself could not have done better number 18 out of the closet the episode Homer's phobia guest starring John Waters won multiple Awards and it's easy to see why it's a great sendup of anti-gay attitudes and fear-mongering combined with classic simpsons's goodness zap Homer paranoid about bart and how he expresses himself starts to scrutinize his every action including his wearing a Hawaiian shirt when he asks Bart about where he got it his response isn't exactly reassuring where'd you get that shirt I don't know came out of the closet uh huh why because while Bart meant it in the sense of finding it in his bedroom closet Homer's over suspicious brain interprets the phrase in a much different context and by the end of the episode Bart has some questions he thinks you're gay he thinks I'm [Music] gay number 17 rashan reference you don't have to be familiar with Cinema from around the world to appreciate the Simpsons but it sure does help in this episode The Family makes their way to Japan where chaos predictably ensues your shows reward knowledge we punish ignorance ignor what Homer is initially pouting about the trip so March attempts to lift his spirits with a movie reference come on H Japan will be fun you like Russia manom that's not how I remember it if you've seen or even have a passing familiarity with this classic from Akira kurasawa you know it's about the same story being told from four conflicting Recollections and Homer and Marge it seems have their own conflicting Recollections about his enjoyment of that particular movie maybe he prefers Seven Samurai number 16 Mo's unseen bride bartender MO sizzlac is to put it mildly unlucky in love but that doesn't mean he doesn't try in one episode Homer references a woman that Mo apparently wed and was subsequently left why whatever happened to your mail ordered bride ah she got homesick for her old life diving for tourist pennies in a micronesian swamp so her career gotten away initially this might just seem like a throwaway line included to highlight just how lonely MO is but there's actually a bit of foreshadowing a few episodes earlier MO is shown reading a catalog looking for a potential spouse do people cannot fall in love sight unseen hey hold on there I'm counting on that then some two decades later the show Revisited this topic in more depth for the episode from Russia without love is this the residence of successful American businessman uh Mo siac uh who wants to know number 15 The Mystery of the missing chocolate if we had to guess we'd say that most people's favorite part of Neapolitan ice cream is the chocolate M Chocolate no it's definitely Homer's favorite in the third season Homer goes to the freezer craving one particular third unfortunately his hopes are dashed not once but twice two seasons later Bart is in the kitchen eating Neapolitan ice cream straight from the carton and sure enough he's leaving everything but the chocolate untouched so why were they bothering with buying the Neapolitan variety if no one was eating the other two flavors we may never know precisely why chocolate number 14 hidden lentil soup recipe getting music legends Paul and Linda McCartney to play themselves was a huge achievement for the show but the Beatles involvement goes further than you might realize in this episode Lisa meets the pair bonding over their shared vegetarian ways Paul dropped some knowledge about one of his most famous compositions if you play Maybe I'm Amazed backwards you'll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup and sure enough the song plays over the credits with some distorted vocals in the mix maybe I'm way without play it back backwards and you'll hear a lentil soup recipe from the legend himself one medium onion chopped 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil one clove of garlic crushed this might not have been part of the original studio version but who says a perfect work can't be improved upon number 13 Homer and crusty if you pay attention you might notice that TV Entertainer crusty the clown looks remarkably like Homer just dressed up like a clown I'm seeing double here four crusties what was this just a matter of the show not being creative in terms of character design it's actually originally something deeper the reason why Homer and crusty look so alike is that initially they were intended to be the same person the idea was that K crusty would be Homer's secret Alter Ego further complicating Bart's adoration for the TV clown he's a one and only I mean he invented the pie fight the Pratt fall and the salzer bottle as far as I know the show soon made it clear that Homer and crusty were distinct characters however it still touched upon the remarkable visual similarity they have to each other I am confused good one crusty oh crap number 12 five fingers like many animated figures the characters on The Simpsons have four fingers on their hands well most of them do according to this magazine in another million years man will have an extra finger five fingers ooh freak show this holy figure when depicted is shown with five fingers on each hand as well as the iconic skin of countless other characters maybe Divinity in The Simpsons affords you an extra digit there are exceptions to this however for instance in a Halloween special Mayan Gods are shown with forefingers truly these kinds of complex questions are just too much for our mere mortal Minds to handle what's the meaning of life Homer I can't tell you that come on you'll find out when you die I can't wait that long you can't wait 6 months no tell me now number 11 hidden boast by and large the characters on The Simpsons are not the smartest one exception is eccentric scientist Professor Frank and even he has his share of blunders you should all do what I say my IQ is 199 For Crying Out FL look 198 197 in a cuttingedge Halloween segment Homer finds himself transported to the mysterious Third Dimension which Frank explains here is an ordinary Square whoa whoa slow down Egghead in one fleeting moment a grouping of numbers and letters known as heximal letters appear behind Homer to the lay person this might appear to just be something sciency to fill a frame but if you know anything about the encoding standard known as ASI it may have caught your eye translated to ASI it reads Frank rules and we wholeheartedly agree this forms a three-dimensional object known as a cube or a frah hedron in honor of its Discoverer number 10 Matt graining initials the main Simpson family is so icon that even people who've never seen a whole episode can Name the characters on site most fans know that the Simpson family designs were no accident the bright yellow was chosen on purpose so that it would catch viewers eyes while they flip through channels and their weird hairstyles were implemented so the characters would be recognizable as Silhouettes however many may not have realized that Creator Matt graining has forever left his artist's Mark directly on Homer's face that's because his initials are formed by the m in Homer's hair and the g on on his ear number nine extended retractions The Simpsons loves to make use of scrolling jokes lists that come and go in the blink of an eye perhaps the cleverest instance of this is in the episode when Homer finds himself the victim of an exploitative news cycle over a misunderstanding after admitting their mistake hard-hitting news show rockbottom publishes a number of retractions Rock Bottom would like to make the following Corrections it is insane the amount of jokes they can fit in 3 seconds including everyone on TV is better than you and if you are reading this you have no life we hope that didn't cause too many hurt feelings wow VHS isn't one e gasoline and Ted couple is a robot number eight not so secret cameos the shows writers also love injecting their own little in jokes that only pay off for observant long time or repeat viewers in the Itchy and Scratchy the movie episode for instance Lisa is waxing rap sodic over how amazing the Duo's animated movie is anyone believe the celebrities who did cameos Dustin Hoffman Michael Jackson she says she's surprised by its anonymously credited cameos from stars like Michael Jackson and Dustin Hoffman funnily enough the two previous seasons of The Simpsons actually did include episodes with guest starring roles by both these Superstars you seem to be of the Jewish faith are you sure I'm Jewish or Italian I'm Jewish and both were uncredited at the time of course they didn't use their real names but you could tell it was them Lisa number seven Hans mman 's age speaking of being rewarded for repeat viewing it seems like nobody caught this joke at first which took three episodes to set up drinking has ruined my life I'm 31 years old in the episode duffless Oldtimer Hans molan the butt of a ridiculous number of jokes speaks up about how alcohol has ruined his life by declaring he is only 31 years old this is of course played for Laughs because it obviously cannot be true however keen-eyed fans noticed a closeup of of his driver's license in a previous episode which lists his birth year as 1961 now maybe that was a DMV mistake but considering these episodes first aired in 1993 the math adds up did I do wrong number six fma's Last Theorem and speaking of math fma's Last Theorem is a 17th century problem that befuddled mathematicians who struggled for centuries to solve it you may ask yourself why am I getting a math lesson I'm here for The Simpsons well that's because grade A buffoon Homer Simpson almost solved the hallowed Enigma which actually finally was figured out by a mathematician in the 9s in the classic episode The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace Homer struggles to invent something in order to leave his mark on the world I have here the four greatest inventions in the history of mankind and it's hilarious to see that Homer's random scribbles on his chalkboard are actually almost but not quite the solution to a mysterious mathematical riddle number five Tom Landry's hat we all love a good recurring joke and The Simpsons has the most subtle ones of all nobody expected the late great NFL coach Tom Landry to be immortalized on the hit show by way of his iconic Fedora first Tom Landry himself has a short cameo in season 7 a season later Homer finds and purchases Tom Landry's hat which is somehow for sale all right team it's the fourth quarter the lord gave us the atoms and it's up to us to make them dance since then the famous memorabilia has shown up on the heads of The Simpsons clan in various sports themed episodes even Marge puts it on when she was coaching a fantasy football league number four iconic photography The Simpsons is an iconic show having become pop culture as much as it parodies and pays homage to it with innumerable film TV and music references in the show this way Mr President but for most people some of the program's subtle imitations or Recreations of famous pictures and moments in history can be quite elusive to catch for example The Simpsons Clan fleeing Australia is lifted from the famous Vietnam War fall of Saigon photos while Lisa being sworn in as Miss Springfield is inspired by the swearing in of Lynden Johnson after the JFK assassination and let's not forget about Grandpa's Simpson being grumpy at Woodstock number three a13 animation fans will probably already recognize this little Easter egg as it appears in countless movies including many Disney Pixar properties this is a favorite of many animators to hide in their work as it's a reference to a classroom at the California Institute of Arts some Simpsons artists got their start there and they choose to sprinkle these references in the show's backgrounds therefore you can see a13 show up in an assortment of odd places including license plates mug shots and prison IDs we are almost certain that some of these have not even been noticed yet get looking number two $847 63 in the most notable blinking you'll miss at moment from the show Maggie famously passes through the scanner at lightning speed in the opening credits making it almost impossible to see what she rang up as in the season 7 behind the scenes episode they even poked fun at those fans who were trying to decipher the code claiming the hidden message says NRA forever just one of the hundreds of radical right-wing messages inserted into every show by Creator Matt gring the truth is however that Maggie Rings up at $847 63 cents apparently the reason for the number is that it was the expected monthly cost of raising a baby around the time the show premiered needless to say that number has gone up considerably since number one the mcbaine movie Austrian super hunk reineer wolf Castle would later become a regular character on The Simpsons but when he first showed up in season 2 he was just action Superstar mcbaine showing up on movie and TV screens get out of [Music] here that makes two of us similar to Itchy and Scratchy the writers use these clips to poke fun at pop culture and testosterone field action movies showing us random over-the-top and violent clips from mcbaine but how random were they what fans realized many years later is that if you string all these clips together spread out through the Show's first few seasons you actually get a complete coherent and pretty violent action film nice to see you MC having been on the air for over three decades it's safe to say The Simpsons haven't always played it safe yes they've pushed the envelope on more than one occasion and some people say they've gone too far do you agree good Lord oh how could you I think I'm going to be sick welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 times The Simpsons went too far will done monkey that other Panda gave some unexpected zaz to the festivities eh for this list we'll be looking at moments in the long running adult animation that have been considered to be in extreme bad taste undermine a developed character or is questionable all around what Simpsons moments are too far for you number 20 Troy McClure's abnormality oh sure you might remember him from some obscure movie back in the day but but what you might not remember is that McLure is a bit odd yeah who have thought he turned out to be such a weirdo what are you talking about you know his bizarre personal life those weird things they say he does down at the aquarium why I heard oh Homer that's just an urban legend people don't do that type of thing with fish rumors have been swirling around about his personal life and seem to have killed his career things began to take a turn when he starts dating Selma and he starts to be seen as marketable again managed to shake the rumors that have dogged his career and with news of his upcoming wedding rumor has it he's up for some very Choice roles looks like you were wrong when you called him a washed up deviant hey Lori it's never made explicitly clear what the rumors are but they have something to do with fish several characters comment on it and Troy himself says it's something that has to remain hidden at all costs no what I have is a romantic abnormality one so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all costs that's enough for us to not need any more details number 19 Homer finds whan Smither senior after being hypnotized Homer begins screaming uncontrollably do something Miss Marino uh yes yes um that's better the screaming itself is too far for us but it's actually what Homer finds that's Troublesome when he was 12 he along with Lenny Carl and mo went to D dive into a quarry to swim however the Quarry was empty and Homer discovered there was a blockage in a nearby drain pipe what the heck is that thing there he discovers the corpse of whan Smither senior it's definitely an unsettling image for a young Homer to have to face especially since the corpse lands right in Homer's lap and has maggots coming out of it you found a corpse when you were 12 no wonder you've been so traumatized it's responsible for everything wrong in my life number 18 The Simpsons go to Brazil The Simpsons traveling to Brazil should have been a fun little adventure to the South American continent Lisa reveals she's been sponsoring a young boy named Ronaldo and after he goes missing the family travels to Rio De Janeiro to find him it's awfully expensive to fly to Brazil not if we buy our tickets on the Internet it's really cheap if we change planes in Phoenix Honolulu Sun City and East St Louis spend the night in a haunted house and leave right now while typical Simpsons hij Janks occur during the episode critics and government officials weren't happy with the country's portrayal they were upset with how Rio was made to look like it was rampant with Street crimes slums kidnappings and rat infestations mom these are slums the government just painted them bright colors so the tourists wouldn't be offended works for me yeah check out the rats oo they look like Skittles further they also didn't appreciate how the show used stereotypes from surrounding Nations such as characters having Spanish accents you can't protect her forever you stupid lady number 17 the real Seymour Skinner perhaps one of the most controversial episodes of the series everything we know about Seymour Skinner has been a lie while Principal Skinner is being honored by the towns folk a man claiming to be the real Seymour Skinner shows up I'm an impostor that man is the real Seymour Skinner the man we all thought was Skinner quickly reveals that he's actually Armen tamzarian and he took on the identity of Skinner when he couldn't tell Agnes that her son had seemingly died I don't know why I did what I did I guess I couldn't bear to tell her about her son what I did was wrong but I'd do it again yes mother it's me you look different somehow of course this twist undermines the audience's understanding of Skinner's character it's not only fans and critics who took issues with the episode but so did Harry sheerar Skinner's voice actor as well as Matt graining saying it's one of his least favorite episodes number 16 Homer jumps the Springfield Gorge Bart develops an obsession with professional Daredevil Lance Murdock after some initial missteps Bart begins to develop his skills at jumping over things with his skateboard I did it as he improves he becomes popular and he seeks out more challenging jumps he decides he'll jump Springfield Gorge even though it's highly likely he won't make it understandably Homer tries to stop his son from doing something so reckless to no avail in the nick of time Homer stops Bart but winds up attempting to jump himself predictably he falls well short of making it and painfully falls to the bottom of the Gorge this is the greatest thrill of my life I'm king of the world woohoo woohoo I not only is the fall brutal but it was a painful road to recovery what the audience didn't see was the unfunny [Applause] aftermath number 15 Bart hates himself during a little league baseball game Bart misses a catch that would have won Springfield a [Music] championship huh it's understandable that some towns people would be upset with Bart's performance but their reaction is too much not only does the crowd Pelt Bart with objects but he becomes a pariah in the town it gets to the point where he spray paints the phrase I hate Bart Simpson all over the place see I hate me too now we can be friends again even after he falls from the water tower and is recovering in the hospital a crowd gathers to chant that he sucks B sucks sockss or is just a kid and in no way does he deserve this kind of treatment number 14 hiring the Yakuza Marge doesn't seem like the type to invest money into businesses given that it can be a risky Venture in fact it's her risk averse nature that gets her kicked out of her investment Club The investorettes Well Marge you're about as popular as rugburn all in favor of expelling Marge from the investorettes I all right Helen if I'm not wanted I'll leave to show them up she invests $500 in pretzel wagon while the pretzels are good Marge can't gain Traction in terms of sales to help her business Homer hires the mob to wipe out the competition I've never reached out here before but my wife is in her hour of need your help could make all the difference in the world okay see boss I told you that add in the church bulletin would pay off the investor at are none too happy and hire the Yakuza to administer payback to March Helen Lovejoy and mod Flanders are part of the investor group and it's wild that they would resort to Gangland violence to take out March perhaps you've heard of the Yakuza the poison Fist of the Pacific Rim the Japanese Mafia number 13 Mr Burns villainy Mr Burns tends to be shrewd and cold-hearted so it's not surprising when he does something terrible in this instance however he goes way overboard I must say Mr Burns is being awfully inconsiderate selfish even when oil is found beneath Springfield Elementary he Taps the well before the school can denying the wealth and prosperity the school could have provided its students his oil drilling company also causes Mo's Tavern to close injures Santa's Little Helper and destroys the retirement home certainly vanquished all your enemies the elementary school The Local Tavern the old age home he must be very proud the most egregious thing he does is block out the sun in order to force everyone to have their lights on 24/7 it's incredibly fish take one last look at the sun Springfield number 12 Homer abandons his dad on a long drive back home from a ghost town grandpa really has to pee but Homer refuses to pull over please go back you can make it my birthday present home dad only a couple more times over the horizon but I might explode Grandpa's kidneys explode and Homer volunteers to donate one of his own to his dad however on the day the operation is supposed to happen Homer cowardly runs away leaving his dad to die I can't imagine Dad running away like this leaving his father to die even I wouldn't do that and I'm America's bad boy it's a heartbreaking situation it's a complete and utterly terrible thing for him to do in shame he decides to live at Sea on a ship he meets a group of outcasts and even they are so disgusted by his AC that they kick him off the ship I stole this accordion from a blind monkey but you you disgust even me well yeah I know we've seen Homer be careless and inconsiderate before but this is downright terrible number 11 Panda love over the course of the series Homer has gone through a lot this episode adds the indignities he's faced in a pretty bad way needing some extra cash Homer becomes Mr Burns prank monkey let's keep the laughs coming eh Simpson what say I make you my executive in charge of recreation no no better yet my prank monkey will you keep giving me money I can't have my little monkey running around in rags this typically involves Burns giving Homer money in exchange for doing something humiliating such as laying on the men's room floor in a diaper baby made a boom boom oh good Heavens here you go monkey however things go a little too far when Burns has Homer posed as a panda at an exhibit at the Springfield zoo there another Panda mistakes Homer as a mate and drags him away unwillingly of course it's portrayed in a light manner but it is in fact deeply [Applause] disturbing number 10 Homer straps Dynamite to himself the town of Springfield is divided when they discover that the poor folks in town have been given new telephone area codes while the wealthy get to keep the old one the citizens Gather in the town hall for a meeting wait a minute we haven't heard from me yet in this side gag that runs throughout the scene culminating in an angry mob we see that Homer has arrived at the meeting strapped with dynamite while the episode aired pre 911 given that so many public places have been the target of terrorist attacks in the early 21st century the joke is not aged well number nine jockeys are murderous elf-like creatures the episode begins like classic Simpsons Fair the family comes into possession of a pet they cannot afford and tries to come up with a creative means of supporting it this time it's a horse and Bart becomes a jockey things take a turn when the horse starts winning it's not the mafia or corrupt bookies that insist Homer throw a race however it's singing murderous Elvin jockeys your horse must lose my horse must lose no win no jo no place just lose the stinking gra it's one thing to canonize that there are brain eating elves living by a chocolate stream under Springfield Downs Racetrack but to literally dehumanize people of small stature a cruel stereotype against which Little People grapple daily is much worse number eight Lisa enjoys secondhand cigarette smoke when a Ballet Academy sets up in Springfield March decides to fulfill a lifelong dream to become a ballerina while she has skill she's too old however the instructor notices Lisa's naturally perfect posture and wants her to join I rarely say this but how would you like to become a paying student a My Dance Academy to Lisa's frustration she discovers she's bad at it until she hangs out with the other girls on their smoke break after inhaling the secondhand smoke she feels like she does better leading her to want to smoke cigarettes time for a smoke while the episode is good overall and reminiscent of a classic era Simpsons morality play having levelhead Lisa pick up cigarettes and contemplate something so harmful is decidedly uncomfortable give me that number seven Bart and Lisa cover up the murder of Martin Prince the sleuthing of Bart and Lisa is a beloved plot Arch standby and throughout the show they foiled nefarious schemes together and brought corrupt men to Justice the tables are turned when a prank goes wrong and they think they've killed classmate in goody 2 shoes Martin Prince Bart you can't just run away from this you're right I can bike away much faster and ring the bell to drown out bad thoughts rather than do what you'd expect and tell an adult that Martin fell off a cliff and attempt his recovery they cover the whole thing up this naturally causes them a lot of mental anguish and while it turns out okay you spend the episode thinking the kids might not be all right after all well it's good to have you live dork burger and as for you two I hope you learn your lesson number six Frank grimes's death death Frank Grimes has had it rough and just wants to get his life going when he moves to Springfield however he immediately notices how insanely messed up Homer is a somewhat meta episode many people regard Homer's enemy as the end of the golden era of The Simpsons when Homer's buffoonery itself becomes the joke yes that would have been Stupid Frank eventually goes over the edge as any sane person might when he meets his end in a Grizzly fashion I don't need safety gloves because I'm Homer and life for everyone else carries on is normal number five Marge's breast implants while out with manula Marge the sweet beloved matriarch of the family is talked into getting liposuction when she wakes up from surgery she discovers that there's been a mixup and her tummy tuck turned into breast implants what on Earth have you done my muppies became bizar angers Not only was it a terrible departure for her character but also it's just cringey as hell to see her so overtly sexualized what felt like very obvious fan service at the end of the episode putting a cherry on this cringe cheesecake she flashes a crowd of people to save Homer Bart and Milhouse from being eaten by an elephants wa look at those mumbos number four the death of ma Flanders when Homer antagonizes the racetrack T-shirt cannon cheerleaders mod Flanders is struck with the clothing barrage knocked off the bleachers and into the parking lot dying on impact in many ways mod Flanders was a supporting player in our lives she didn't grab our attention with memorable catchphrases or comical accents the shocking scene was highly anticipated although viewers were unsure which Springfield citizen would kick the bucket it was the first time a regular character was actively killed off and it changed the dynamic of not just the show but also the character of Ned Flanders in a show that like so many others resets at the end of each episode this seemed like an awfully drastic step to spice things up Lord I never question you but I've been wondering if your decision to take mod was wrong unless this is part of your divine plan could you just give me some kind of sign anything and after all that church chocolate I bought which by the way was gritty and had that white stuff on it well I've had it number three Homer dreams of killing his father a and Homer's Rocky Dynamic has produced some of the series best moments in the opening of this season 19 episode we see them arguing during a drive home and it seems like there's nothing out of the ordinary however when the car goes off the road Abe is too injured to get out rather than dial 911 Homer kills him the dream sequence of Homer smothering his father as he struggles to breathe has no bearing on the rest of the episode but somehow it makes the unnecessarily shocking scene worse it might be a Soprano's reference but it is still odd and disturbing wake up oh I was having the most wonderful dream I always wake up just before the a good part number two Mo nearly ends his life Mo sizzlac despair has been an off-color gag throughout the show's run with ill-fated attempts and accidentally saving Maggie while preparing to jump from a bridge but things got especially dark in this episode as Mo slowly walks up to a prepared noose in his bar while Homer Lenny and Carl are in the other room none the wiser cuz this time there's no one that's going to save me I mean it's not like I'm begging you please please show me some love slipping The Noose around his neck he calls a helpline accidentally kicking the chair out the booze hounds rush to the noise and find him on the floor which is all played out for Laughs number one Marge won't take no for an answer what the hell Simpsons the setup here is that Marge has been lifting weights and juicing up as a way to feel back in control of herself after she was mugged and developed agoraphobia as a result she becomes more aggressive in one scene she wants a little action in bed and when Homer says he's not up to it she tells him she wasn't [Music] asking morning kids I made your lunches they're on the table huh why didn't mom make our lunch your mom has a lot of stuff to shave the next morning Homer is limping around the kitchen having Marge be so aggressive to the point where she forces herself on her husband goes against her character and is just plain horrible all right well that's going to do it for this yellow infused special look at The Simpsons and all its sharp satire hope you enjoyed it as much as I did I've been Matt from watch Mojo and I'll see you next time did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: WatchMojo.com
Views: 292,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Streaming, TV, animated comedies, best tv shows, deep dive, deep dive the simpsons, homer simpson bart simpson, list, longest running tv shows, marge simpsons, mojo, simpsons, the simpsons, the simpsons easter eggs, the simpsons facts, the simpsons full episode, the simpsons full episode 2023, the simpsons full episodes, the simpsons list, top 10, top 10 simpsons lists, tv comedies, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: VL4d37oEygs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 26sec (6026 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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