Top 20 Family Guy Moments That Made Fans Rage Quit

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we now go to peter griffin for you know what really grinds my gears thanks tom welcome to watch mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 20 family guy moments that made fans rage quit well hopefully they would have enjoyed the ride i don't know man i think you piss a lot of people off that way for this list we're looking at the scenes and episodes so downright frustrating that viewers decided to switch channels or quit the show entirely which family guy scene grinds your gears rage in the comments below number 20 the long conway twitty cutaway normally the conway twitty cutaway gags are funny distractions from awkward moments while also paying tribute to the late country singer yikes looks like i need a distraction however when peter tries to distract lois in the juices loose they show a full three-minute segment of mr twitty performing i see the want to in your eyes not only does the diversion not work it also takes a sizable chunk out of the episode and feels more like cheap filler unfortunately no matter how iconic the running gag is this is a prime example of too much of a good thing we're not even sure mr twitty himself would have approved conway twitty says cut it out just write a joke number 19 brian switch's political ideologies for a long time in the show's history brian acted as the conscience of the griffin family he was a cynical liberalist leaning left with his antics including weed legalization and jabs at george w bush oh my god they just elected him out of pity because they think he's mentally challenged kind of like we did with george w bush huh right i guess i guess brian in excellence in broadcasting ryan does a complete 180 and aligns himself with rush limbaugh a premier american conservative oh my god rush limbaugh was right all along conservative republicanism is the answer good good for brian through this moment brian's ideology became less about what he believed in and more about how he could pretentiously laud his intelligence over everyone else what did you think of the movie titanic horrible one of the worst movies ever made how about slumdog millionaire overrated just a terrible movie cocktail actually not a bad film you know as classically structured cinema cocktail was one of the best films of its era of course this made you lose any kind of respect for the character but it's not the last controversial moment featuring the anthropomorphic canine number 18 diaper eating family guy has a consistently outlandish and hilarious tone throughout but it isn't afraid to get serious when it needs to the season 8 episode brian and stewie is such an episode featuring the iconic duo getting stuck in a bank vault and going to some dark places dogs are supposed to be able to instinctively live with purpose not even to have to think about it just born like that but i wasn't you know i've tried to find meaning in my life and i just i just can't a lot of fans love this episode for showing development in the pair's relationship so it's a shame the writers ruined it with this disgusting and unnecessary moment if the pooh were to be removed what is it what are you driving at eat it what eat my poo brian it goes on for a long time and makes viewers genuinely uncomfortable maybe that was what they were going for but if you hate gross out humor this quite possibly made you switch channels and miss out on what else the episode had to offer oh my god what it's all on tape what's all on tape oh oh my god oh that is gonna be on youtube number 17 time filling gags and morbid premise for many fans the golden age of family guy had long passed by the time season 17 rolled around just like how the conway twitty gag felt like the show was just padding for time khan heiress suffered the same problem throughout the premise of brian stewie and quagmire trying to inherit elderly women's fortunes is morbid enough but what might have made you lose interest was something much more straightforward the episode felt dragged out like there wasn't much there especially during the long name joke who is she that's margaret woolworth carrington von schumacher chanelle astor livingston comptasant exuberee mountbatten windsor armani roosevelt von trapp wickenham hearst montgomery rothschild johnson and johnson twillsworth dolce gabbana von zweiger second montgomery there are plenty of elongated jokes like this throughout the series but the punchline wasn't funny enough to justify the setup barrington chadsworth big league chew chesterfield kensington booth bishop longbottom nottingham meisterberger burgermeister tudor habsburg rockefeller onassis number 16 dvd commentary when a show becomes a staple of american television you can experiment and get creative with episodes while some of these break the formula concepts have done reasonably well you can't handle the booth from season 17 did not an episode plays out as expected in front of us but the difference is the fictional cast of griffins gets frustrated while recording dvd commentary they're not even going to explain how we all got stuck season 16 ladies and gentlemen suddenly the family is stuck in the banister slats baluster brian seriously while there are plenty of funny fourth wall breaking moments it proved a little too hard to follow for some as a result the episode became one of the lowest ever rated on imdb there wasn't a single final straw as many user reviews claimed it was too dull to finish pointing to a decline in the show's overall quality number 15 peter saving the whale when peter gets promoted to forklift operator at work he naturally starts having too much fun with his new vehicle he tries to use it to rescue a beached sperm whale only to accidentally impale the poor mammal step aside i'll handle this give me some room afterward we're subjected to a whole minute of peter trying to dislodge the creature only for it to fall completely apart in a grotesque display as blood and organs topple out of the carcass well we should maybe give props to the art directors and animators for not missing any gruesome details fans were too busy gagging at the scene and feeling disheartened over the poor whale's suffering you're a whale come number 14 vern and johnny every now and then in the first few seasons the action would be interrupted by two vaudevillian performers named vern and johnny while vern tried and usually failed to entertain viewers johnny was just there to play him off on a piano do not ask where the piano comes from now that's rich play me off johnny [Music] while their antics were mostly harmless fans got tired of them disrupting the episode and even then producer david goodman admitted that they'd used the duo way too much the gag was finally laid to rest when stewie shot them to death in season 5 and aside from a few brief cameos they haven't bothered us since number 13 making fun of president trump family guy and its various animated sitcom competitors have never shied away from taking shots at high profile figures political satire is an essential part of our media but unfortunately trump guy wasn't an excellent example of it in this episode peter assists then u.s president donald trump getting into all sorts of shenanigans as his press secretary this country needs stronger border security our border security's the strongest in the world what we need is to take care of our children i can't get an erection you think giving them amnesty is fair to the people who are already here they're contributing to the economy i've tried all the herbs the episode is obviously taking shots at the man in his various controversies but many fans found his depiction lazy it was a pretty gross depiction at that but the last straw for some was when he makes advances towards meg oh please every president since washington has done this some might have quit this episode for making fun of a president they admired while others just got agitated by the cheap humor number 12 jesus is a virgin the episode i dream of jesus in which the son of god is made a fully formed character is one of the most beloved episodes of seth macfarlane's show but a follow-up appearance in the 2000 year old virgin became one of the most hated all right jesus nowadays everything is done on the internet all right so we got to get you on facebook oh let me just close a couple of these windows there we go sorry i was up late last night i had the house to myself in season 13 peter tries to get the lord and savior laid eventually trying it with lois but overall the episode was criticized for being edgy to garner more viewers while lacking the substance to keep people laughing and if there was a rock bottom moment for the episode it's the unfunny instance when jesus's real middle name is revealed i don't know man jesus hitler christ sounds weird so just go with age yeah number 11. stewie's therapist stewie has a lot of issues so it's no surprise that a visit to a child psychologist sees him sharing a lot of secrets and insecurities towards the end of the session however the doctor starts having a heart attack and asks stewie to hand him his medicine but stewie refuses i don't understand why aren't you getting my medication it's true that stewie is a sadistic little toddler and is killed plenty of times but this was especially shocking because he didn't even get his hands dirty i'm not going to get it is this because i made you wait it's because i can't have anyone know the real me instead he elected to ignore the pleas of someone who only wanted to help him and let the poor therapist suffer a slow agonizing death taking all of stewie's secrets with him to the grave number 10 male sexual assault is disregarded humor can be a great way to bring awareness to serious topics in the real world but the family guy team handled this one poorly oh no i dropped my pencil oh i'll get it for you in peter asment peter gets blackmailed and inappropriately harassed by his boss angela the episode plays out very cynically with one particular moment between peter and lois hitting a sore point for male victims peter a woman can't sexually harass a man why not i don't know it just doesn't make any sense i mean guys like being touched by women it's not harassment if you like it but i didn't like it while this highlights a real problem with these cases the episode ends trying to create sympathy for the perpetrator i just wish one person was able to find me attractive but that's not too much to ask is it no it was a bizarre episode and even weirder for the late carrie fisher to be playing the role of an aggressor when she was a silent champion to victims of such crimes number 9. stewie gets herpes this moment removed any shadow of likeability for brian griffin after seeing a blood brothers ritual on television stewie asks brian if they can share blood in the same way brian accepts knowing full well he has a transmittable disease and ends up getting stewie infected the show pulls no punches showing disgusting hard to watch imagery relating to the condition stewie that's crazy there's no way i gave you herpes then how do you explain this while stewie has been horrendously hurt before in episodes like brian griffin's house of pain the difference here is the perpetrator shows no remorse for his actions it transforms brian's character into an insensitive jerk which we saw hints at just episodes before with brian's a bad father and you know what's weird you're on a show i'm a writer it's almost like the universe is trying to i don't know make us work together or something i don't know number eight lois cheats on peter lois and peter have never had the best marriage in the world but they've always stuck together no matter what however this episode destroyed any respect you had for the matriarch of the griffin household peter has been neglecting and insulting lois recently so she attempts to get with meg's boyfriend anthony the action of cheating on peter is terrible enough but what's worse is her interaction with her daughter afterward it was an awful thing that i did i never meant to steal him from you is that what you think you stole him from me are you kidding you couldn't steal him from me well i do know a few things meg and clearly if i wanted him i could have him lois doesn't face any consequences for her actions and instead lays all the blame on peter how the hell could you do that to me because peter you've been making me feel old and fat and unattractive and worthless how do you expect me to respond while it is a complex situation it doesn't shine a very nice light on lois's character number 7. peter in the boston marathon while the rest of the episode turban cowboy was nothing to boast about the worst moment came when peter recalled how he won the boston marathon turns out he drove his car to the finish line killing everyone in his path i'm bob costas here with boston marathon winner peter griffin it was an uninspired joke at the time but then tragedy struck one month later with the boston marathon bombings fox pulled the episode from the airwaves and streaming services and professional conspiracy theorist and tragedy troll alex jones went so far as to blame family guy for inspiring the incident while that was quite a stretch anyway you look at it the gag was in poor taste especially in retrospect number 6. meg the martyr she's constantly tormented at school and her own family treats her like garbage in season 10's seahorse seashell party she's finally had enough and tears chris lois and peter a new one you're my mother and you took a child's trust and smashed it into bits in a 17-year long mission to destroy something that you killed a long time ago the scene is unbelievably cathartic until meg sees the way the family turns on each other and decides to allow herself to be their lightning rod maybe if i feel bad they don't have to this could be seen as a noble act on paper but it really shows how toxic and dysfunctional the griffin family is if they have to rely on meg's misery to stay somewhat stable a similar moment that made us ragequit was when meg faked her death to get away from her family but eventually came back so close to freedom i owe my sister an apology i shouldn't have treated her the way i did and i think if meg were here today she'd be the first one to agree i am here i'm right here number five quagmire's trial quagmire is very controversial in this day and age since the character's humor revolves around questionable intimate situations during a party quagmire's hookup with a girl gets him promptly arrested at his trial he explains he ended up the way he is because his mother was very promiscuous so you see your honor thanks to my mom i never had a chance to be like everyone else my misguided carnal instincts are the result of being raised by a sexual deviant all i'm asking is that you give me the break that my childhood never did while this does give context to his character this shouldn't absolve him from his antics in fact it almost doesn't but his mother is able to curry favor with the judge mom did you yep twice instead of holding quagmire somewhat accountable all the blame is laid on a throwaway character we could have seen a slightly mature response to his hijacks but it gets disregarded using a lackluster excuse ah quagmire got away with it and learned nothing that's great number four peter marrying chris after chris bonds with his grandpa carter carter makes him the sole heir of the pewterschmidt family fortune a jealous peter tries unsuccessfully to get on chris's good side to earn a chance at the money but things turn creepy real fast there comes a time when every man looks at his son and thinks i want to take this to the next level peter asks chris to marry him and chris agrees what makes this really tragic is that the only reason chris went along with the escapade was so that he could spend time with his father which by itself could have made for a decent enough theme without the proposal thrown into the mix peter's uncomfortable jokes do nothing to help yeah and i bet you're especially happy we're getting married on a thursday school yuck right number three stewie gets pregnant we really really wish we were joking but no wanting to spend more time with brian stewie uses brian's dna to impregnate himself we could even use my old crib you use your old crib it might have been funny watching stewie discover the joys of being an expectant mother if he weren't a toddler himself when the childbirth finally comes it's horrifically gruesome even without seeing the actual birth worst of all their children turn out to be human puppy hybrids oh i caught two of them trying to eat each other so that's something we need to watch out for thanks to birth defects some end up dying while stewie and brian abandoned the rest at a shelter they might be an iconic duo but this was a huge disturbing no-no number 2. jeff feckelmann we first met quagmire's sister brenda in season 8 where we learned that she's constantly beaten by her boyfriend jeff in season 10's screams of silence the story of brenda q we got another look at their toxic relationship and it is a nightmare to watch jeff pushes brenda around for the pettiest of reasons and a lot of the blame is shifted onto brenda for staying with him sadly the fact that you are with jeff proves to me that you have made a choice to make your life worse domestic violence is normally played for laughs on family guy and in this episode they tried to take it seriously and failed which was somehow even more uncomfortable even the happy ending was more bittersweet than it should have been before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications [Music] number one the life of brian ratings trap in the infamous episode life of brian brian's unexpected death forced fans to bid a tearful goodbye to one of the show's most beloved characters needless to say fans were horrified or just enraged and even launched a petition to bring the dog back brian [Music] what the hell you're alive my friend what of course i'm alive what the hell's going on here however brian was miraculously saved via time travel two episodes later and seth macfarlane tweeted that it was supposed to teach viewers a lesson about taking loved ones for granted unfortunately this came off as emotionally manipulative and felt like a major raiding strap resulting in probably the biggest backlash in family guy history do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from watchmojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music] [Music]
Views: 347,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated, Cartoon, Fox, Streaming, TV, alex borstein, brian griffin, chris griffin, cleveland brown, conway twitty, family guy, family guy moments, family guy moments that made fans rage quit, joe swanson, list, lois griffin, meg griffin, mojo, peter griffin, quagmire, rage quit, seth green, seth macfarlane, stewie griffin, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, worst family guy moments, watchmojo family guy, cartoon Moments that made fans rage quit, moments That made fans rage quit
Id: ZUHx3dwmYQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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